next to normal playbill

the 2010 pulitzer prize-winning musical next to normal september 7-25, 2011 music by tom kitt book & lyrics by brian yorkey Premiere Sponsor: The Mitchell S. & Jacqueline P. Meyers Foundation THE 2011-2012 OTTO M. BUDIG FAMILY FOUNDATION SEASON

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Show information, including cast and crew bios, for Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati's regional production of NEXT TO NORMAL.


Page 1: Next to Normal Playbill

the 2010 pulitzer prize-winning musical

next to normal

september 7-25, 2011

music by tom kitt

book & lyrics by brian yorkey

Premiere Sponsor: The Mitchell S. & Jacqueline P. Meyers Foundation


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The 2011-2012 Otto M. Budig Family Foundation SeasonD. Lynn Meyers, Producing Artistic Director

Original Broadway Production Produced by David Stone,James L. Nederlander, Barbara Whittman, Patrick Catullo and Second Stage Theatre

New York Premiere Produced by Second Stage Theatre, New York, February 2008Carole Rothman, Artistic Director Ellen Richard, Executive Director

NEXT TO NORMAL was subsequently produced by Arena Stage in November 2008.

Developed at Village Theatre, Issaquah, WA (Robb Hunt, Executive Producer, Steve Tomkins, Artistic Director).An earlier version was presented in the 2005 New York Musical Theatre Festival.

Support for the development of NEXT TO NORMAL was provided by the Jonathan Larson Foundation.

The photographing, video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited.

EnsEmblE TheaTre of CinCinnaTi

Directed by D. Lynn Meyers†

September 7-25, 2011Set & Lighting Designer

Sound DesignerCostume Designer

Production Coordinator & Master ElectricianProperties Master & Design Assistant

Production Stage ManagerTechnical Operations Director

Musical DirectorChoreographer

Assistant to the Musical Director

Brian c. MehringChuck Hatcher‡

Reba SenskeMatthew HollsteggeShannon Rae LutzConstance Dubinski*Aaron ClementsScot WoolleyPatti JamesWilliam Selnick

*Cast/production member belongs to Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers. This theatre operates under an agreement between Actors’ Equity Association, Professional Actors, and Stage Managers in the United States. Understudies never substitute for listed players unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the performance.

‡ Production member belongs to United Scenic Artists, Local 829, a labor union representing designers and artists in the entertainment industry. It is a nationwide autonomous Local of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE).

This Theatre operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

Premiere Sponsor:The Mitchell S. & Jacqueline P. Meyers Foundation

next to noRMALMusic byTom Kitt

Book & Lyrics byBrian Yorkey

NEXT TO NORMAL is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI, 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019.

Phone: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-397-4684

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2011-2012 season presenting sponsor:

Fairy godmother program sponsor:Bill & Susan Friedlander

Educational outrEach SuPPortErSAnonymous (2)

Eleanora C.U. Alms Trust, Fifth Third Bank, TrusteeWilliam P. Anderson Foundation

ArtLinksThe Charles H. Dater Foundation

The Fisher FoundationThe Andrew Jergens Foundation

The William O. Purdy, Jr. FoundationThe John A. Schroth Family Charitable Trust,

PNC Bank, TrusteeThe Ladislas & Vilma Segoe Family Foundation

Jack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust, PNC Bank, N.A. and James S. Wachs, Co-Trustees

Toyota Motor Manufacturing of North America, Inc.The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation

SEaSon accomodationS SPonSorGarfield Suites Hotel

in-kind contributorSChet Cavaliere

Cincinnati CityBeatCollege Hill Coffee

The Merten CompanySuder’s Art Store

Sunshine CleanersWGUC 90.9 FMWVXU 91.7 FM

thE nExt StagE SuPPortErSAnonymous (2)

City of CincinnatiThe Mitchell S. & Jacqueline P.

Meyers FoundationOhio Cultural Facilities Commission

Procter & GambleRuth & John Sawyer

season sponsors:John & Ruth Sawyer

additional support provided by:

season media sponsors:

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Fairy godmother program sponsor:Bill & Susan Friedlander

season sponsors:John & Ruth Sawyer


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tonight’s production of Next to Normal.

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Cast, Crew & band • 5

CAST (in order of appearance)Diana ........................................................................................................ Jessica Hendy*. *Gabe ....................................................................................................Michael Schwitter*. *Dan ............................................................................................................... Mar*.k Har*.dy*. *Natalie ...........................................................................................................Mia Gentile *Henr*.y*. ...........................................................................................................Nick Cear*.ley*. *Doctor*. Madden/Doctor*. Fine .......................................................................... Char*.lie Clar*.k *

RUNNING CREW1st Assistant Stage Manager*. .......................................................................Rachel Bur*.son2nd Assistant Stage Manager*. ....................................................................Andr*.ew Maloney*.House Manager*. ......................................................................................Rachel E. Ber*.ger*.Assistant Dir*.ector*. ............................................................................................Jenny*. EstillLight Boar*.d Oper*.ator*. ....................................................................... Mar*.cus L. Simmons IISound Engineer*. ............................................................................................Doug WilkenWar*.dr*.obe/Run Cr*.ew ................................................................... Michael Car*.r*., Sar*.a Kenny*.Run Cr*.ew ........................................................................................... Chr*.istopher*. Ziegler*.

UNDERSTUDIESDiana ............................................................................................................ Sar*.a Kenny*.Gabe ......................................................................................................Andr*.ew Maloney*.Dan ............................................................................................................. Michael Car*.r*.Natalie ...................................................................................................Rachel E. Ber*.ger*.Henr*.y*. ................................................................................................. Chr*.istopher*. Ziegler*.Doctor*. Madden/Doctor*. Fine ............................................................. Mar*.cus L. Simmons II

BAND1st Key*.boar*.d ................................................................................................ Scot Woolley*.2nd Key*.boar*.d ............................................................................................ Doug SchmutteGuitar*. ...................................................................................................... Steve LangemoDr*.ums .......................................................................................................Adam Wheeler*.

SPECIAL ACkNOWLEDGMENTSEmily*. England National Alliance on Mental Illness Theatr*.e Xavier*.–St. Xavier*. High School

Next to Normal is per*.for*.med with one inter*.mission. Appr*.oximate total r*.unning time is 2 hour*.s, 20 minutes.

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song list • 7

Act 1Pr*.elude ........................................................................................... BandJust Another*. Day*. ............................................... Diana, Natalie, Gabe, DanEver*.y*.thing Else ..............................................................................Natalie Who's Cr*.azy*./My*. Psy*.chophar*.macologist & I ..............................Dan, Diana, Doctor*. Fine, VoicesPer*.fect for*. You .................................................................... Henr*.y*., NatalieI Miss the Mountains ....................................................................... DianaIt's Gonna Be Good ............................................ Dan, Gabe, Henr*.y*., NatalieHe's Not Her*.e ....................................................................................DanYou Don't Know .............................................................................. DianaI Am the One ........................................................................... Dan, GabeSuper*.boy*. and the Invisible Gir*.l ....................................Natalie, Diana, GabeDoctor*. Rock ...........................................................................Dr*.. MaddenI'm Alive ..........................................................................................GabeMake Up Your*. Mind/Catch Me I'm Falling .........Doctor*. Madden, Dan, Gabe, Diana, NatalieI Dr*.eamed a Dance ................................................................Diana, GabeTher*.e's a Wor*.ld ...............................................................................GabeI've Been ................................................................................. Dan, GabeDidn't I See This Movie? .................................................................. DianaA Light in the Dar*.k ...................................................................Dan, Diana

Act 2Wish I Wer*.e Her*.e ................................................................ Diana, NatalieSong of For*.getting .......................................................Dan, Diana, NatalieHey*. #1 ............................................................................... Henr*.y*., NatalieSeconds and Year*.s ......................................... Doctor*. Madden, Dan, DianaBetter*. Than Befor*.e .............................. Doctor*. Madden, Dan, Diana, NatalieAfter*.shocks ...........................................................................Gabe, DianaHey*. #2 ............................................................................... Henr*.y*., NatalieYou Don't Know (Repr*.ise) ........................................Diana, Doctor*. MaddenHow Could I Ever*. For*.get? .........................................................Diana, DanIt's Gonna Be Good (Repr*.ise) ....................................................Dan, DianaWhy*. Stay*.? .......................................................................... Diana, NatalieA Pr*.omise .............................................................................. Dan, Henr*.y*.I'm Alive (Repr*.ise) ............................................................................GabeThe Br*.eak ...................................................................................... DianaMake Up Your*. Mind/Catch Me I'm Falling (Repr*.ise) .............Doctor*. Madden Diana, GabeMay*.be (Next to Nor*.mal) ....................................................... Diana, NatalieHey*. #3/Per*.fect for*. You ........................................................ Henr*.y*., NatalieSo Any*.way*. ..................................................................................... DianaI Am the One (Repr*.ise) ............................................................. Dan, GabeLight ...................................................................................Full Company*.


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8 • direCtor's notes

DIRECTOR’S NOTESWhen I fir*.st hear*.d the title Next to Normal, I was intr*.igued. What an amazing descr*.iption, how appr*.opr*.iate I thought to descr*.ibe so many*. people and so many*. situations. Then, I hear*.d the music and was mesmer*.ized. The honesty*. of the ly*.r*.ics was shatter*.ing. Nothing cliché, nothing cute or*. destined to be play*.ed by*. the Top 40’s stations acr*.oss the countr*.y*.. I found this music to be r*.aw and r*.elevant. What I said to the cast on the fir*.st day*. of r*.ehear*.sal was that while I loved the music, this is one of those r*.ar*.e musicals which could wor*.k as a play*.. Its stor*.y*. could stand alone without the music. The ly*.r*.ics ar*.e dialogue, the music is the power*. under*.neath the wor*.ds. While the play*. deals with mental illness, it also deals with so much mor*.e that contr*.ibutes to the life of the Goodman family*. and those close to them. We see two love stor*.ies her*.e, we feel the passion of a medical pr*.ofession deter*.mined to heal, and we deal with gr*.ief and for*.giveness, holding on and letting go. It is deliber*.ately*. set nowher*.e so it could happen any*.wher*.e; we chose a location just so the cast would all ar*.r*.ive metaphor*.ically*. in the same city*. for*. r*.ehear*.sals. We chose to make this stor*.y*. completely*. per*.sonal. This stor*.y*. is about these people, now. While it has far*. r*.eaching impact, our*. desir*.e as a company*. has been to keep us in the moment, keep it all pr*.esent and happening for*. the fir*.st time.

Next to Normal does not compr*.omise. As is so often the case with play*.s I r*.espect, that uncompr*.omising cor*.e to the wr*.iting is what makes it succeed. I am r*.eminded of the last line of Glimmer, Glimmer, and Shine by*. War*.r*.en Leight: “Never*. settle.” That has become a mantr*.a at Ensemble Theatr*.e and that is what dr*.ew me to Next to Normal. These play*.wr*.ights did not settle, they*. did not make the stor*.y*. tidy*. or*. flavor*.ed to r*.each the masses. What they*. did was commit, what they*. did won them the Pulitzer*. Pr*.ize, what they*. did changed lives. As we r*.ehear*.sed the show, we each br*.ought to the table stor*.ies of families we knew, events that touched us, and r*.elated incidents fr*.om which we could dr*.aw inspir*.ation. However*., my*. inspir*.ation as a dir*.ector*. comes dir*.ectly*. fr*.om these char*.acter*.s. Diana is str*.ong and r*.elentless, Dan is loy*.al and has the faith of a thousand men in the possibly*. of joy*., Natalie is looking to define her*. place in an invisible wor*.ld, Gabe wants to live and connect to those he loves and Henr*.y*. has so much hope that he makes us believe that sometimes knights in shining ar*.mor*. come wear*.ing a hoodie. I did not need to look ver*.y*. far*. to cast this show with a r*.emar*.kable company*., they*. will br*.ing these people to y*.ou, they*. will not r*.epr*.esent them, they*. will become them and for*. their*. dedication I am gr*.ateful. Thanks for*. joining us for*. Next to Nor*.mal and I hope to see y*.ou for*. the r*.est of our*. 26th season!

D. Ly*.nn Mey*.er*.s, Pr*.oducing Ar*.tistic Dir*.ector*.

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CORAM BOY Written by Helen Edmundson October 27–30, 2011

OKLAHOMA! Music by Richard Rodgers Book and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II November 17–20, 2011

DON GIOVANNI Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte February 9–12, 2012

INTO THE WOODS Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by James Lapine Feb. 23–26 & March 1–4, 2012

ARCADIA Written by Tom Stoppard April 19–22, 2012

THE RAKE’S PROGRESS Composed by Igor Stravinsky Libretto by W.H. Auden & Chester Kallman May 10, 12–13, 2012

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Cast • 13

THE CAST (in order of appearance)

JESSICA HENDy (Diana) Ms. Hendy*.’s Br*.oadway*. cr*.edits include Cats (Gr*.izabella), Aida (Amner*.is), and Amour. She has tour*.ed nationally*. and in Canada in Cats (Gr*.izabella), and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Nar*.r*.ator*.). In New Yor*.k, she r*.eceived r*.ave r*.eviews for*. her*. one woman cabar*.et, A Life To Call Your Own, and a Bistr*.o Awar*.d for*. the r*.evue Get Your Tickets Now. NYC Pr*.e-Br*.oadway*. wor*.kshops include Dance of the Vampires, Aida, and The Molly Maguires. She can be hear*.d on many*. demo r*.ecor*.dings of

new musicals and compilation cd's. She has had the pleasur*.e to wor*.k at sever*.al differ*.ent Theatr*.es ar*.ound the countr*.y*., including Pittsbur*.g CLO, Nor*.th Shor*.e Music Theatr*.e in Miss Saigon (Ellen), and Helen Hay*.es Per*.for*.ming Ar*.ts Center*. in Songs For A New World, with Jason Rober*.t Br*.own. A Cincinnati native, Ms. Hendy*. attended Univer*.sity*. of Cincinnati's College-Conser*.vator*.y*. of Music for*. musical theatr*.e. In Cincinnati, she play*.ed Jeanne in The Great American Trailer Park Musical at Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati, for*. which she ear*.ned an Acclaim Awar*.d and Don’t Make Me Pull This Show Over, Dispatches From the Frontlines of Parenting at the Cincinnati Fr*.inge festival, which ear*.ned another*. Acclaim Awar*.d. Don’t Me Pull This Show Over…then continued on to its wor*.ld pr*.emier*.e at Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati. Her*. concer*.t wor*.k, as the guest star*., includes Cincinnati Pops, Modesto Sy*.mphony*., Long Beach Sy*.mphony*., For*.t Wor*.th Sy*.mphony*., Gr*.and Rapids Sy*.mphony*., and most r*.ecently*. the Kentucky*. Sy*.mphony*. Or*.chestr*.a, as well as the concer*.t Broadway Today in San Fr*.ancisco and Vancouver*.. Love and thanks to her*. family*. for*. all of their*. suppor*.t. She dedicates this per*.for*.mance to her*. Gr*.andmother*., Mar*.gar*.et Hendy*..

MIkE SCHWITTER (Gabe) is so gr*.ateful to be making his Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati debut with Next to Normal. Ear*.lier*. this summer*. he was seen in Commonwealth Theatr*.e Company*.'s Make Someone Happy and Pittsbur*.gh CLO’s Love Changes Everything and Jesus Christ Superstar. Mr*.. Schwitter*. is a r*.ising senior*. at Cincinnati’s College-Conser*.vator*.y*. of Music and has been seen in Evita, Hair, and Anything Goes. Some of his favor*.ite r*.oles include Bobby*. Str*.ong in Urinetown and Dickon in The Secret Garden, for*.

which he ear*.ned a Paper*. Mill Rising Star*. Awar*.d for*. Best Suppor*.ting Actor*. in a Musical. Other*. vocal per*.for*.mance venues include Tolentino, Italy*.; Atlantic City*.; and the Weill Hall at Car*.negie Hall. Many*. thanks to Ly*.nn, Scot, Patti, the entir*.e ETC team, and his fr*.iends and family*. for*. their*. love and suppor*.t.

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Cast Cont. • 15

MARk HARDy (Dan) made his Br*.oadway*. debut in Les Misérables. He also appear*.ed on Br*.oadway*. as Guggenheim in Titanic and in the Sondheim 75th bir*.thday*. tr*.ibute, Children and Art. At Lincoln Center*., he play*.ed Roger*. in the William Finn musical A New Brain. He has tour*.ed with the fir*.st national companies of Sunset Boulevard and Les Misérables. At Radio City*. Music Hall and on a tour*. of the U.S. and Canada, he appear*.ed in The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber (as the alter*.nate to Michael Cr*.awfor*.d). His off-Br*.oadway*. cr*.edits include the

acclaimed r*.evival of The Rothschilds, Juba at the Viney*.ar*.d, The Leonard Bernstein Revue at Rainbow and Star*.s, and appear*.ances with the Lyrics and Lyricists ser*.ies. Cincinnati audiences may*. r*.emember*. him as Lawr*.ence Jameson in The Car*.negie’s Dirty Rotten Scoundrels or*. as Cer*.vantes/Quixote in the Commonwealth Theatr*.e Company*.’s Man of La Mancha. Other*. r*.egional per*.for*.mances include the Phantom in Yeston's Phantom, Har*.old Hill in The Music Man, Fr*.ed/Petr*.uchio in Kiss Me, Kate!, Neville in The Secret Garden, and A Little Night Music at Williamstown Theatr*.e Festival. He also play*.ed leading r*.oles in the pr*.emier*.es of They Shoot Horses, Don't They? at Denver*. Center*. Theatr*.e and Houston Gr*.and Oper*.a's Maria de Buenos Aires. Mr*.. Har*.dy*. teaches per*.for*.mance at Nor*.ther*.n Kentucky*. Univer*.sity*., wher*.e he has dir*.ected sever*.al successful pr*.oductions including Loot, The Women (Acclaim Awar*.d), Titanic, The Taming of the Shrew, A Chorus Line, On The Town, and Sweet Charity. He also dir*.ected last season’s Carousel at The Car*.negie. He is delighted to be making his Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati debut in this challenging and impor*.tant wor*.k.

MIA GENTILE (Natalie) feels blessed to r*.eunite with her*. Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati family*. once again for*. Next to Normal, having just appear*.ed in Winter Wonderettes this summer*. as well as in last season's Cinderella and as Missy*. in The Marvelous Wonderettes, for*. which she r*.eceived an Acclaim Awar*.d. Ms. Gentile, a Westpor*.t, CT native, is a r*.ecent gr*.aduate of Univer*.sity*. of Cincinnati’s College-Conser*.vator*.y*. of Music and r*.ecipient of the Rising Star*. Awar*.d. Her*. r*.oles at CCM include Maur*.een in Rent, Tr*.ina in Falsettos (Acclaim

Awar*.d), The Whor*.e in Hello Again, Penny*.wise in Urinetown, and Joanne “Bless the Lor*.d” in Godspell. She also loved play*.ing Millie in Thoroughly Modern Millie (New London Bar*.n Play*.house), Mimi in Rent, and Cosette in Les Misérables (For*.estbur*.gh Play*.house). She would like to thank Ly*.nn and all of the incr*.edible people at ETC for*. making her*. a par*.t of this monumental piece. She sends love and appr*.eciation to her*. teacher*.s, fr*.iends, Kelvin and family*. for*. their*. endur*.ing suppor*.t.

THE CAST cont.

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NICk CEARLEy (Henr*.y*.) is thr*.illed to be back on the Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati stage in his hometown having appear*.ed as Duke, the mar*.ker*.-huffing villain in The Great American Trailer Park Musical and 25 The Musical. Most r*.ecently*., Mr*.. Cear*.ley*. won the 2011 Star*.-Ledger*.'s Cr*.itics' Choice Awar*.d for*. Best Lead Actor*. in a Musical for*. a r*.ole he or*.iginated in …And Then I Wrote a Song About It, which had its wor*.ld pr*.emier*.e at Luna Stage and r*.eceived a subsequent r*.un at Diver*.sionar*.y*. Theatr*.e in San Diego. His other*.

cr*.edits include the fir*.st National Br*.oadway*. Tour*. of All Shook Up (dir*.. by*. Chr*.istopher*. Ashley*.) and the r*.egional pr*.emier*.es of Pageant (dir*.. by*. Tony*. Nominee Bill Russell), Altar Boyz, Last Smoker in America (opposite Tony*. Awar*.d® Winner*. Alice Ripley*.). Mr*.. Cear*.ley*.'s other*. r*.egional cr*.edits include: Forever Plaid, Just So Stories, A Little Night Music, and Nunsense Amen. He has also wor*.ked on many*. new play*.s and musical pr*.emier*.es of Bernice Bobs Her Mullet (NYMF, Julia Miles Theatr*.e), Cupid & Psyche (29th Str*.eet Rep, NY) La Gioconda (The Clur*.man Theatr*.e, NY), Awakening (Mar*.go Lion Awar*.d Winner*.), Jubilee (Jonathan Lar*.son Awar*.d Winner*.), and a br*.ief stint with Twy*.la Thar*.p and Bob Dy*.lan's pr*.oject The Times They Are a Changin'. He has also been a par*.t of a gazillion demos, wor*.kshops, r*.eadings, and concer*.ts at venues including Yor*.k Theatr*.e, Rubicon Theatr*.e, Snapple Theatr*.e Center*., Bar*.r*.ow Gr*.oup, New Yor*.k Stage & Film, BMI, The Dr*.amatists Guild, NYU Tisch, NYTB, Duplex, The Laur*.ie Beechman, The Canal Room, Joes Pub, Manhattan Gr*.and Ballr*.oom, and AMAS to name a few ar*.ound the NYC ar*.ea. As a musician, He also has play*.ed numer*.ous sold-out gigs with his band and other*. people's bands ar*.ound Br*.ookly*.n and NYC. He would like to thank Ly*.nn for*. letting cr*.eativity*. be the leading r*.ole. All love and thanks alway*.s to Mom, Dad, Rikki, Mar*.k, Cor*.inna, Daulton, Sar*.ah, Dan, Er*.ic, Calvin, and Alfr*.ed Hitchcockatiel.

CHARLIE CLARk (Dr*.. Madden/Dr*.. Fine) is thr*.illed to be a par*.t of the r*.egional pr*.emier*.e of Next to Normal. Pr*.evious Ensemble Theatr*.e pr*.oductions include Br*.andon in Next Fall, Joe/Jer*.r*.y*. in Grey Gardens, Man #2 in Don’t Make Me Pull This Show Over…, Pr*.ince Ivan in The Frog Princess and Tweedledum in Alice in Wonderland. Mr*.. Clar*.k was last seen at The Car*.negie as Enoch Snow (Acclaim Awar*.d) in Carousel. Other*. local cr*.edits include Jer*.r*.y*. in The Full Monty, Geor*.ge in Sunday in the Park with George and Mason in

Take Me Out, New Stage Collective; The Husband in See What I Wanna See, Know Theatr*.e; The Husband in Hello Again, The Sator*.i Gr*.oup; and Fr*.eddy*. (Acclaim Awar*.d) in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Car*.negie. Chicago cr*.edits include Sher*.r*.y*./Lar*.r*.y*. in the new musical Church Girls, Commonwealth Theatr*.e; Gabr*.iel in Kiss of the Spider Woman, Apple Tr*.ee Theatr*.e; Har*.vey*. in The Hawkshaws, The Baum House; Fr*.ank (After*. Dar*.k Awar*.d) in Merrily We Roll Along, Jack (After*. Dar*.k Awar*.d) in Into the Woods and Rober*.t (Jeff Awar*.d) in Company, Por*.chlight Music Theatr*.e Chicago. He would like to thank his wife, Gr*.eta, and sons Ben, Jack and Owen for*. letting him play*.. You can see what he is doing next at*.lie.clar**..

THE CAST cont.

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about the direCtor • 17

ABOUT THE DIRECTORD. LyNN MEyERS is cur*.r*.ently*. in her*. 15th season as Pr*.oducing Ar*.tistic Dir*.ector*.. She r*.ecently*. dir*.ected The Pavilion at Play*.house in the Par*.k and Pride and Prejudice for*. Cincinnati Shakespear*.e Company*.. She dir*.ected Steel Magnolias at Gar*.r*.y*. Mar*.shall’s Falcon Theatr*.e in LA. Her*. Off-Br*.oadway*. cr*.edits include Traveler in the Dark and Max and Maxie. Select r*.egional cr*.edits include: Stage West in Calgar*.y*. and Tor*.onto, and May*.field Theatr*.e in Edmonton wher*.e she dir*.ected her*. or*.iginal musical, Starstruck. Canadian tour*.s include: I Hate Hamlet,

Same Time, Next Year, and Mass Appeal with the late Gale Gor*.don. Select ETC cr*.edits include: the r*.egional pr*.emier*.es of Next Fall, Thurgood, The Marvelous Wonderettes, 33 Variations, Mary’s Wedding, String of Pearls, I Am My Own Wife, The Exonerated, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and the wor*.ld pr*.emier*.e of James and Annie. Pr*.eviously*. affiliated with Play*.house in the Par*.k as Associate Dir*.ector*. and Casting Dir*.ector*., she dir*.ected The Real Thing and Steel Magnolias. Her*. Casting Dir*.ector*. cr*.edits include wor*.k for*. MTM, CBS, PBS, BBC, HBO, Par*.amount, and her*. favor*.ite, ser*.ving as Location Casting Dir*.ector*. for*. Castle Rock’s The Shawshank Redemption. She is a gr*.aduate and Boar*.d Member*. of Thomas Mor*.e College and was inducted into the Cincinnati Enter*.tainment Awar*.d’s Hall of Fame. She is an alumna of Leader*.ship Cincinnati's Class 33, r*.ecipient of the 2002 YWCA Car*.eer*. Women of Achievement Awar*.d and a Women of Over*.-the-Rhine Awar*.d. She ser*.ved as the key*.note speaker*. for*. the United States Institute for*. Theatr*.e Technology*.’s 2009 Annual Confer*.ence.


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18 • about the Creators & produCtion team

ABOUT THE CREATORS & PRODUCTION TEAMTOM kITT (Composer*.) r*.eceived the 2010 Pulitzer*. Pr*.ize for*. Dr*.ama, as well as two Tony*. Awar*.ds® for*. Best Scor*.e and Best Or*.chestr*.ations (with Michael Star*.obin), for*. Next to Normal. His music for*. Next to Normal also r*.eceived the 2009 Fr*.eder*.ick Loewe Awar*.d for*. dr*.amatic composition and an Outer*. Cr*.itics Cir*.cle Awar*.d for*. Outstanding Scor*.e. Mr*.. Kitt is r*.esponsible for*. the music super*.vision, ar*.r*.angements and or*.chestr*.ations for*. Gr*.een Day*.’s American Idiot on Br*.oadway*. and was also the str*.ing ar*.r*.anger*. on their*. most r*.ecent album 21st Century Breakdown. Mr*.. Kitt is also the composer*. of High Fidelity (Br*.oadway*.), The Winter’s Tale (The Public’s NYSF), From Up Here (Manhattan Theatr*.e Club) and The Retributionists (Play*.wr*.ights Hor*.izons). As a musical dir*.ector*., conductor*., ar*.r*.anger*. and or*.chestr*.ation for*. Br*.oadway*., Off-Br*.oadway*. and bey*.ond, his cr*.edits include 13, Debbie Does Dallas, Everyday Rapture, Hair, Laugh Whore and Urban Cowboy. He is the pr*.oud leader*. of the Tom Kitt Band (, whose songs have been featur*.ed in film and TV.

BRIAN yORkEy (Libr*.ettist/Ly*.r*.icist) r*.eceived the 2010 Pulitzer*. Pr*.ize for*. Dr*.ama, as well as the Tony*. Awar*.d® for*. Best Scor*.e, for*. Next to Normal. Mr*.. Yor*.key*. was also nominated for*. the Tony*. Awar*.d® for*. Best Book of a Musical for*. Next to Normal, and his wor*.k on the show ear*.ned him the Outer*. Cr*.itics Cir*.cle Awar*.d for*. Outstanding Scor*.e. Theater*. cr*.edits include Making Tracks, which has play*.ed Off-Br*.oadway*. and r*.egionally*., the musical adaptation of Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet, and the countr*.y*. musical Play It By Heart. Film and TV pr*.ojects in development include the featur*.es Love Undercover (Pandemonium Films and Over*.tur*.e Films), Fashion Show (Par*.ks/MacDonald and Par*.amount) and Chase (Anony*.mous Content and Rosenzweig Films). He has dir*.ected Off-Br*.oadway*. and r*.egionally*., and for*. seven y*.ear*.s was Associate Ar*.tistic Dir*.ector*. at Village Theatr*.e in Washington state, one of the nation’s leading pr*.oducer*.s of new musicals. He is a gr*.aduate of Columbia Univer*.sity*., wher*.e he was ar*.tistic dir*.ector*. of the Var*.sity*. Show; an alum of the BMI-Lehman Engel Musical Theatr*.e Wor*.kshop; and a pr*.oud member*. of The Dr*.amatists Guild and the Wr*.iter*.s Guild of Amer*.ica.

THE PRODUCTION TEAMCONSTANCE DUBINSkI (Pr*.oduction Stage Manager*.) is excited to be r*.etur*.ning for*. her*. thir*.d second season at Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati. She has wor*.ked for*. many*. major*. oper*.a houses including Washington National Oper*.a in Washington, DC, Flor*.ida Gr*.and Oper*.a in Miami, FL, Cincinnati Oper*.a, and The Ly*.r*.ic Oper*.a of Chicago. She ear*.ned her*. M.F.A. at the College-Conser*.vator*.y*. of Music at The Univer*.sity*. of Cincinnati and her*. B.M. at Mason Gr*.oss School of the Ar*.ts at Rutger*.s Univer*.sity*.. She would like to thank her*. family*. and Zack for*. their*. love and suppor*.t.

AARON CLEMENTS (Technical Oper*.ations Dir*.ector*.) is now in his thir*.d y*.ear*. at ETC. He is a native of Char*.lotte, NC and r*.eceived his B.F.A. in Theater*. with a design/technical emphasis at Gr*.eensbor*.o College. Mr*.. Clements wor*.ked four*. seasons at Seaside Music Theater*. as a car*.penter*., master*. car*.penter*., metal shop for*.eman, and as the assistant technical dir*.ector*. for*. a winter*. season. He r*.eceived his M.F.A. in Technical Dir*.ection fr*.om UC’s College-Conser*.vator*.y*. of Music. He has also wor*.ked as a car*.penter*. for*. ETC’s pr*.oductions of Grey Gardens and Alice in Wonderland.

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20 • produCtion team Cont.


BRIAN c. MEHRING (Set & Lighting Designer*.) has designed over*. seventy*. pr*.oductions at ETC. His favor*.ite pr*.oductions include: Thom Pain (based on nothing), The Women of Lockerbie, James and Annie, Copenhagen, The Exonerated, Blue/Orange, and I Am My Own Wife. Mr*.. Mehr*.ing’s r*.egional favor*.ites for*. set design include: The Last 5 Years, The Laramie Project (Play*.house in the Par*.k), Henry IV, Part 1 (The Geor*.gia Shakespear*.e Festival), and I Am My Own Wife (Actor*.s Theatr*.e of Louisville, Peter*.bor*.ough Play*.er*.s, and Flor*.ida Studio Theatr*.e); and for*. video design, Hiding Behind Comets (Play*.house in the Par*.k). Mr*.. Mehr*.ing has also ser*.ved as Char*.ge Scenic Painter*. for*. the Cincinnati Oper*.a and as the Pr*.oduction Designer*. for*. Speaking of Women’s Health (1999). Mr*.. Mehr*.ing spent a season assisting mentor*. Paul Shor*.tt at Teatr*.o de Lucca and thr*.ee seasons assisting Br*.oadway*. Designer*. Rober*.t T. Williams at Ar*.tpar*.k in New Yor*.k.

CHUCk HATCHER (Sound Designer*.) is an Associate Pr*.ofessor*. of Theater*. Design and Pr*.oduction at Univer*.sity*. of Cincinnati’s College-Conser*.vator*.y*. of Music, wher*.e he heads the BFA/MFA tr*.aining pr*.ogr*.am in sound. His ETC cr*.edits include: Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Grey Gardens and The Frog Princess. Recent pr*.oductions at Play*.house in Par*.k include: The Understudy, Victoria Musica and The Garden of Rikki, Tikki Tavi for*. Play*.house Off The Hill. CCM cr*.edits include: Evita, Hair, and Two Gentlemen of Verona among other*.s. He is a member*. of USA 829 as a sound designer*. and is happy*. to be back on the ETC team!

REBA SENSkE (Costume Designer*.) is cur*.r*.ently*. CCM’s Associate Costume Designer*.. She’s designed costumes for*. ETC’s Becky’s New Car, My Name is Asher Lev, Dead Man’s Cell Phone, 33 Variations, Mauritius, Grey Gardens, The Seafarer, The Great American Trailer Park Musical, Mary’s Wedding, Rabbit Hole, Souvenir, String of Pearls, I Am My Own Wife, Nite Club Confidential, and Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001), among countless other*.s. Her*. other*. cr*.edits include ETC’s wor*.ld pr*.emier*.e holiday*. pr*.oductions of Ugly Duck, Cinderella, The Frog Princess, Alice in Wonderland, and Sleeping Beauty, as well as Side Man, A Question of Mercy, Edwar*.d Albee’s Seascape, and Traveler in the Dark. Recent CCM cr*.edits include: Hot Summer*. Nights’ Violet, We Tell the Story, and Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill. Other*. CCM cr*.edits include: Wonderful Town, The Boys from Syracuse, Oklahoma!, and Big River. She designed Noah’s Flood for*. the May*. Festival and is Cincinnati Oper*.a’s costume coor*.dinator*.. She designed Ainadamar, Cosi Fan Tutti and We Rise to Freedom for*. the Cincinnati Oper*.a.

MATTHEW HOLLSTEGGE (Pr*.oduction Coor*.dinator*./Master*. Electr*.ician) is a pr*.oud gr*.aduate of Thomas Mor*.e College and is now in his ninth y*.ear*. as Master*. Electr*.ician at ETC. His lighting design cr*.edits include: Gravesongs, Souvenir, Ugly Duck, The Ensemble Project: Rebels With a Cause, Raw: Revealed, and Breath, Boom!; Rapunzel for*. the Cincinnati Oper*.a; and Oleanna with Dir*.ector*. Michael Bur*.nham. Additionally*., his lighting design for*. Souvenir was r*.emounted at Vienna’s English Theatr*.e in Vienna, Austr*.ia. Mr*.. Hollstegge assisted Betsy*. Adams and Nancy*. Scher*.tler*. at Play*.house in the Par*.k, and cur*.r*.ently*. assists the amazing Br*.ian c. Mehr*.ing.

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produCtion team Cont. • 21

SHANNON RAE LUTZ (Pr*.oper*.ties Master*./Design Assistant) ear*.ned her*. Master*.’s degr*.ee in 1996 and became Pr*.op Master*. at ETC and since then she has “master*.ed” dozens of pr*.oductions. Ms. Lutz would like to thank the Cincinnati theatr*.e community*. and patr*.ons for*. their*. gener*.ous, suppor*.tive and tenacious spir*.it. Tr*.ained as a per*.for*.mer*., she fir*.st appear*.ed on ETC’s stage dur*.ing the 1989 New Wor*.ks Festival. In 1991, she was gr*.anted an ETC Inter*.nship. Now, the Dir*.ector*. of Inter*.n Pr*.ogr*.amming, she is honor*.ed to guide ETC’s essential ensemble: the Inter*.n Company*.. ETC per*.for*.mance cr*.edits include: Fiction, Alice in Wonderland (1998, 2003, & 2008), Poor Super Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Chronicles of Plague, A School for Scandal, Cinderella, Zorro, The Frog Princess, and Sleeping Beauty (2009, 2000). She would like to thank her*. family*. for*. their*. per*.sistent love and suppor*.t, Ruth for*. lessons in ar*.t, life, and integr*.ity*., and Ly*.nn for*. her*. dedication to our*. dr*.eams.

SCOT WOOLLEy (Musical Dir*.ector*.) appear*.ed at ETC in 33 Variations, Grey Gardens, and Souvenir (also at Vienna’s English Theatr*.e). He cr*.eated Br*.oadway*. ar*.r*.angements for*. State Fair, and Off-Br*.oadway*. vocal ar*.r*.angements for*. Tapestry, the Music of Carole King. Other*. ETC cr*.edits include 25 The Musical, Cinderella, The Great American Trailer Park Musical, Mack and Mabel, and Nite Club Confidential, for*. which he conducted and play*.ed the piano. He also composed the theme for*. Roy*.al Car*.ibbean Cr*.uise Lines Macy*.’s Thanksgiving Day*. Par*.ade float in 2004. Play*.house cr*.edits include conducting for*. Rocky Horror, Candide, Carnival, as well as per*.for*.ming in the wor*.ld pr*.emier*.e of Ace. He conducted national tour*.s of Crazy For You and Tommy and conducted and ar*.r*.anged music for*. pr*.oductions at Alliance Theatr*.e, Sy*.r*.acuse Stage, and Reper*.tor*.y*. Theatr*.e of St. Louis. His other*. cr*.edits include ser*.ving as music dir*.ector*./pianist for*. Five Course Love at Day*.ton’s Human Race Theatr*.e and as conductor*. with Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at the Ly*.r*.ic Theater*.. His ar*.r*.angements wer*.e r*.ecently*. hear*.d with the KSO in per*.for*.mance with the band Over*. The Rhine. Mr*.. Woolley*. has been or*.chestr*.ating mater*.ial for*. Cincinnati Chamber*. Or*.chestr*.a, Indianapolis Sy*.mphony*., Hong Kong Philhar*.monic and KSO.

PATTI JAMES (Chor*.eogr*.apher*.) is alway*.s happy*. to be back at ETC with Ly*.nn and her*. staff. Her*. pr*.evious wor*.k at ETC includes: Winter Wonderettes, 25 The Musical, Marvelous Wonderettes, Grey Gardens, The Great American Trailer Park Musical and Mack and Mabel. She has per*.for*.med and chor*.eogr*.aphed shows in the U.S., Canada and Austr*.alia. She has wor*.ked in musicals, theme par*.ks, film, television, and industr*.ial shows. U.S. tour*.s include Chicago and Ballroom. She is an Adjunct Assistant Pr*.ofessor*. of Musical Theatr*.e at UC's College-Conser*.vatoy*. of Music, teaching tap and jazz, as well as chor*.eogr*.aphing Candide, Dancing at Lughnasa, The Full Monty, Little Women, Good News (2009 Acclaim Awar*.d and CEA nomination), Anything Goes (2010 CEA), and Evita. In 2010, she r*.eceived the 2010 Acclaim MVP Awar*.d. For*. eight y*.ear*.s, she has dir*.ected and chor*.eogr*.aphed Home for the Holidays, featur*.ing the Cincinnati Sy*.mphony*. Or*.chestr*.a. For*. the Cincinnati Pops, she chor*.eogr*.aphed the 2004 Today’s Tonys and the 2007 Red, White, and Boom at River*.bend. Ms. James has wor*.ked with the Nor*.ther*.n Kentucky*. Sy*.mphony*. on Jesus Christ Supestar, Evita, and Oliver. She chor*.eogr*.aphed the pr*.oduction of Mariel for*. Play*.house and has wor*.ked on sever*.al pr*.oductions with The Car*.negie in Covington. She lives with her*. husband Keith and they*. have two gr*.own daughter*.s, Alexis (her*. husband Emmett) and Chloe.


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the premiere soCiety • 23

tHe PReMieRe SoCiety ETC cr*.eated the Pr*.emier*.e Society*. to r*.ecognize individuals who have made gifts totaling $1,000 or*. mor*.e within the past y*.ear*.. The exceptional gener*.osity*. of these donor*.s enables ETC to pr*.esent wor*.ld class new wor*.ks and wor*.ks new to the r*.egion by*. having the r*.esour*.ces to achieve the highest level of ar*.tistic quality*. possible. To join the Pr*.emier*.e Society*. or*. for*. mor*.e infor*.mation, please contact Jocely*.n Mey*.er*. at jocely*.n.mey*.er*.@cincy* or*. at (513) 421-3555 x15. The following list was updated August 25, 2011 and includes the names of donor*.s whose gifts total $1,000+ since July*. 1, 2010.

Diane & Dave MocciaPamela Rhodes & Lennell My*.r*.icks Jr*..Pat O'Connor*.Pepper*. Family*. Fund*Joseph A. & Susan E. Pichler*. Fund*Chr*.istine Schoonover*. & Geor*.ge Ver*.kampJane Bogar*.t Seller*.sBar*.bar*.a & Ethan Stanley*.Paul & Jill StaubitzThe Cor*.ky*. & Rick Steiner*. Family*. FoundationGlenda SuttmanEd Tr*.achMr*.. and Mr*.s. Anthony*.. Woodwar*.d

world circlE ($10,000+):The Otto M. Budig Family*. FoundationDr*.. & Mr*.s. Char*.les O. Car*.other*.sSue & Bill Fr*.iedlander*.John & Glor*.ia Goer*.ingDr*.. Stanley*. & Mickey*. Kaplan FoundationMitchell S. Mey*.er*.s & Jacqueline P. Mey*.er*.s FoundationRichar*.d Postler*. and Manuel Her*.nandezRuth & John Sawy*.er*.Mar*.ily*.n & Mar*.tin Wade

national circlE ($5,000-$9,999):Shannon & Lee A. Car*.ter*.Har*.r*.y*. & Linda Fath Skip & Susan Hickenlooper*.Edwar*.d & Anita Mar*.ksSathe Family*. Foundation*Pete & Ginger*. Str*.ange Fund*The Dudley*. Taft Char*.itable Foundation

rEgional circlE ($2,500-$4,999):Anony*.mousMar*.y*. & William Bonansinga Char*.itable Family*. Fund*Kar*.en & Chr*.istopher*. BowmanKenneth & Joan CampbellMr*.. & Mr*.s. A.B. ClossonDavid and Judith Mor*.gan Fund*Har*.r*.iette R. Williams Downey*. Fund*Jack & Moe Rouse Fund*

cincinnati circlE ($1,000-$2,499):Anony*.mous (3)Clay*. and Emily*. BondKevin CanafaxCathy*. & Tom Cr*.ainMar*.k & Gigi Daly*.Dee & David Dillon Donor*. Advised Fund* Eva G. & Oakley*. Far*.r*.isThomas Filar*.doMar*.y*. & Bob Fitzpatr*.ickLinda Gr*.eenber*.g Fund*Bob and Mar*.y*. HamiltonMichael Haney*. & Amy*. War*.ner*.Suzanne & Dr*..Bob HaslRober*.t & Judy*. HeatonEilliot & Car*.ol Hilsinger*.Lor*.r*.ence T. & Bar*.bar*.a W. Kellar*. Fund* Stephen M. King & Ly*.nne M. Miller*.James & Nancy*. LutzJudith B. Gr*.een & Thomas M. McDonoughMr*.. Ihor*. & Dr*.. Lisa Jo Melny*.kShar*.on & Gr*.aham Mitchell

* Denotes a Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

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24 • our donors & supporters

Mar*.k Dauner*.Gr*.ace A. EpsteinKenneth J. Fur*.r*.ier*.GE Foundation Matching Gifts Pr*.ogr*.amMar*.ily*.n & Joseph Hir*.schhor*.nMar*.cene and Jim Kinney*.War*.r*.en LeightMer*.cy*. Health Par*.tner*.sDebor*.ah MoffattMr*..and Mr*.s. William J. Mulvihill, Jr*..James & Mar*.y*. Nor*.dlundMar*.ily*.n Z. OttKit & Jack Over*.beckDor*.een QuinnTim & Mar*.y*. Rior*.danEleanor*. ShottLinda & Andy*. SmithJ. Michael & Patr*.icia Thier*.aufU.S. Bancor*.p Foundation- Employ*.ee Matching Gift Pr*.ogr*.amJo Ann Wieghausn

StagE managErS column (all donorS $250-$499):Anony*.mous (5)Actor*.s' Equity*. Foundation, Inc.Helen & Keith Ar*.mstr*.ong Fund*Neil E. BillmanShake ItBr*.ook BobbittMar*.k & Linda BowenBr*.istol-My*.er*.s Squibb Foundation Matching Gift Pr*.ogr*.amDaniel Br*.own & Mar*.k Haggar*.dGar*.y*. & Jackie Br*.y*.sonChester*. & Joy*. Cavalier*.eCincinnati Play*.house in the Par*.kMichael L. CioffiLar*.r*.y*. & Janet ClementsChar*.lene DavisKelly*. M. Dehan & Stephen H. GallensteinRober*.t & Elizabeth W. Ehr*.samTer*.r*.ell & Susan Finney*.Helen & John Habber*.tBetty*. HuckKeith & Patti JamesMichael JamesMr*.. and Mr*.s. Polk Laffoon, IVMichael & Bar*.bar*.a Lancor*.Ron Longstr*.ethAlfonso & Mar*.y*. LopezLen & Sher*.ie Mar*.ekDr*.. Ralph Mey*.er*.William & Siby*.l Miller*.Michael Nor*.dlund & Lisa LeePat & Mor*.r*.y*. Passer*.Bar*.r*.y*. L. Pr*.inceAlis Rule RobinsonJ. R. RulonJoshua & Kathleen SandsMar*.k Silber*.sack & Ruth Schwallie

* Denotes a Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

ExEcutivE ProducErS column(inStitutional donorS $10,000+):Anony*.mousEleanor*.a C.U. Alms Tr*.ust, Fifth Thir*.d Bank, Tr*.usteeAr*.tsWaveEva Jane Romaine Coombe Fund*The Char*.les H. Dater*. Foundation, Inc.The Gr*.eater*. Cincinnati FoundationThe Car*.ol Ann & Ralph V. Haile, Jr*../U.S. Bank FoundationThe Andr*.ew Jer*.gens FoundationLPKMacy*.’sThe Mer*.ten Company*.National Endowment for*. the Ar*.tsOhio Ar*.ts CouncilPNC FoundationLadislas & Vilma Segoe Family*. FoundationThe Shuber*.t Foundation, Inc.Relish Restaur*.ant Gr*.oupThompson Hine LLPWester*.n & Souther*.n Financial Fund

ProducErS column(inStitutional donorS $5,000-$9,999):William P. Ander*.son FoundationCincinnati BengalsCitiGr*.oupGar*.field Suites HotelMesser*. Constr*.uction Co.The William . Pur*.dy*., Jr*.. FoundationWohlgemuth Her*.schede Foundation

dirEctorS column (inStitutional donorS $2,500-$4,999):Cr*.osset Family*. Fund*Johnson & Johnson Family*. of Companies Matching Gifts Pr*.ogr*.am

PlaywrightS column (inStitutional donorS $1,000-$2,499):Anony*.mousAmer*.icana Ar*.ts FoundationThe Dr*.amatists Guild Fund, Inc.

dESignErS column (all donorS $750-$999):John & Jen DuBoisWilliam and Mar*.y*. Jane JamesPaula M. Steiner*.Lar*.r*.y*. Weber*.

actorS column (all donorS $500-$749):Anony*.mousJoan & Oliver*. Baily*.Michael Ber*.r*.y*. & Melanie Gar*.ner*.Mike & Juliette BezoldDavid & Elaine Billmir*.eDor*.othy*. BlattIn Memor*.y*. of Eleanor*.e Lindsay*.Mer*.edy*.the G. & Clay*.ton C. Daley*., Jr*.. Family*. Fund*

OUR DONORS & SUPPORTERS ETC gr*.atefully*. acknowledges the extr*.aor*.dinar*.y*. individuals, families, and or*.ganizations whose gener*.ous suppor*.t makes it possible for*. us to pr*.esent exceptional theatr*.e and unique educational outr*.each pr*.ogr*.ams for*. our*. community*.. Ever*.y*. effor*.t has been made to ensur*.e accur*.acy*.. For*. questions or*. cor*.r*.ections, please contact Jocely*.n Mey*.er*. at (513) 421-3555, ext. 15. The following list was updated August 25, 2011 and includes the names of donor*.s whose gifts total $100+ since July*. 1, 2010. Individual donors over $1,000, please see previous page for recognition.

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our donors & supporters Cont. • 25

Bar*.bar*.a FeldmannRichar*.d FenclMr*.. & Mr*.s. Fr*.eder*.ick A. FinkBob Amott & Janice FlanaganCar*.ol G. Fr*.ielDennis & Rita Geiger*.Joanne Glaser*. Eugenie & Edwar*.d GogginMady*. Gor*.donTana Kir*.kbr*.ide & Amit GuptaFr*.ances A. HaasSteve & Becky*. HainesIr*.ving Har*.r*.isGwen Heilbr*.unJoy*.ce HenselAnn HicksDale HodgesDavid & Kar*.en HoguetCindy*. & Bill HoppingEr*.in Houlihan & John BostickMr*.. & Mr*.s. Thomas E. HunenefeldMar*.ily*.n Hur*.r*.ellJohn J. HuttonSheila JamiesonM.J. JohnsonElza & Mar*.k JonasNancy*. Jones & Richar*.d SippelDouglas W. Katchen & Mar*.guer*.ite M. Bly*.the Katchen, MDDr*.. James & Har*.r*.iette KatzIr*.is KelsenDr*.. Richar*.d & Mona Ker*.stineThomas & Jan Kiefhaber*.Char*.les D. KingMar*.gar*.et W. KitePat & Ed KnappPinky*. & Sam KocoshisCar*.men & Rich Kovar*.sky*.Jer*.ome Kr*.amer*.Dar*.in Ladd, In Honor*. of Richar*.d Ober*.acker*.Patr*.ick C. Lar*.kin & Mar*.y*. C. HenkelDor*.othy*. K. Lar*.ssonSusan Lehman & John DalzellJohn LinDavid LoganLucy*. LoganJohn & Kathy*. Lor*.enzMar*.k Lutwak & Y. Yor*.kJacqueline M. Mack & Dr*.. Edwar*.d B. Silber*.steinDick & Bar*.bar*.a MalesTom McElfr*.eshJohn McFer*.r*.anChr*.istian & Amy*. Meininger*.John F. MetzDr*.. and Mr*.s. Richar*.d A. Mey*.er*.Ar*.iel Miller*. In Honor*. of John & Ruth Sawy*.er*.Jer*.r*.y*. & Tommie Miller*.Anu & Shekhar*. Mitr*.aJohn & Sally*. Moor*.eMar*.y*. Sue Mor*.r*.owEunice H. Mur*.phy*.Fr*.ed & Leila Oliver*.Maur*.ice Oshr*.y*.Ter*.r*.y*. & Jill Par*.sonsKar*.in & Fr*.ank PendleAlice & Bur*.t Per*.lmanNancy*. & Keith Peter*.sen

John and Mar*.tha SpiessMar*.y*. R. StagamanEdwar*.d & Anne Ster*.nElizabeth Stites & Kevin RandallRick & Cy*.ndi Str*.y*.znskiAd Club CincinnatiCar*.ol S. ThamanToy*.ota Motor*. Engineer*.ing & Manufactur*.ing Nor*.th Amer*.ica, Inc.Dixie & Bill Utter*.Buzz War*.dSteve F. War*.kany*. Fund*Ir*.win and Bar*.bar*.a Weinber*.gLenor*.e Hor*.ner*. & Stuar*.t D. WheatonBar*.bar*.a E. WiedemannGene Wilson

crEw column (all donorS $100-$249):Anony*.mous (9)In Memor*.y*. of Diane Johnson (16)In Honor*. of Jean Spr*.inger*. (2)Lar*.r*.y*. & Debby*. AdamsMr*.. & Mr*.s. Richar*.d AdamsScott & Anne AikenRichar*.d & Bar*.bar*.a AllenAlber*.t & Lillian Andr*.ewsNor*.ita Aplin & Stanley*. RagleDon Baker*. & Roy*. Har*.disonGail & Don Bar*.ker*.Henr*.ietta Bar*.lagNancy*. & Nor*.m BatesLeva BathMichael & Tr*.icia BathSandr*.a Ber*.ger*.Shir*.ley*. Ber*.nsteinWalter*. Blair*.Jean F. BlochPhoebe BowmanChar*.lin & Peter*. Br*.iggsRober*.t M. Br*.ockmanPatr*.icia and Fr*.eder*.ick Br*.y*.an IIIWar*.r*.en & Gail CatoDenise Chamber*.sKevin & Linda Chaney*.Anne E. Char*.lesJames CissellSusan Cohen and Rober*.t SchmuellingMar*.gar*.et & Joseph Conway*.Dr*.. & Mr*.s. Alan Cor*.dellRoger*. Cr*.anosRev. Dr*.. Rober*.t W. Cr*.osker*.y*. & Bever*.ly*. Cr*.osker*.y*., Ph.D.Michael & Rebecca Cur*.tissDouglas L. Custis & Kather*.ine A. Keller*.Judith de LuceChar*.les & Lois DeitschelMar*.y*. & Cly*.de DialDr*.. & Mr*.s. Richar*.d DietzJune DineenDale Doer*.manDar*.in DuganPeggy*. Eber*.har*.dChar*.les K. Ecker*.tChar*.les & Har*.r*.iet Edwar*.dsRay*. & Kay*. Edwar*.dsJer*.ome & Jean Eicher*.tAlice Fegelman & Dr*.. Leo Munick


* Denotes a Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

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26 • our donors & supporters

John & Linda SilvatiMr*.s. Bar*.bar*.a B. SimonElizabeth C.B. & Paul G. SittenfeldRichar*.d & Jackie Sny*.der*.Kate Spencer*. and Douglas Mor*.r*.issCathy*. Spr*.ingfield, In Memor*.y*. of Betty*. & Bill JacksonHowar*.d & Nancy*. Star*.nbachDr*.. & Mr*.s. Joe & Nancy*. Str*.atmanAnne & Fr*.ed Str*.ausKenneth & Linda Sumner*.Ginger*. TafelTom Tepe Autocenter*.Br*.uce and Allison Tepper*.Ly*.nn & Dan Ticotsky*.Jeffr*.ey*. Uetr*.echt, In Honor*. of Joy*.ce & Dale Uetr*.echtMr*.. & Mr*.s. John UllmanThe Rev. Thomas & Dr*.. Nancy*.e Van Br*.untRosalie P. van NuisPr*.iscilla S. Walfor*.dJane A. Walker*.Lee M. WalshJackie WeistJoseph WesslingMar*.gr*.et E. WestDebbie & Dick Westheimer*.Kate & Jay*. Wilfor*.dChalotte WilliamsJoseph D. WilliamsDr*.. & Mr*.s. James WillisDennis & Patr*.icia Wor*.thenBar*.bar*.a Wr*.iston-Ruddy*.

crEw column cont.Ian Petko-Bunney*.Nancy*. L. PhelanJ.M. PollockBar*.bar*.a & Michael Por*.teSar*.a H. Pr*.itchar*.dRegina PughJer*.r*.y*. RapeSteven & Car*.ol ReubelRebecca Richar*.dsJames & Sue Riley*.H. Gar*.y*. Rober*.tsMr*.. David B. Rober*.tsonGeor*.ge & Car*.oll RodenSondr*.a & Fr*.ed RossMar*.y*. Lee RossbachMar*.ianne R. RoweCathar*.ine Saelinger*.James & Joy*.ce Salinger*.Andr*.ew & Reba Saunder*.sCar*.ol Schaber*.Jeanie SchmidtNancy*. & Melvin SchneckMel Fir*.estoneMr*.s. Zell SchulmanVivian SchwabDonna Har*.tman & Jim ScottJudith Shar*.pAr*.nie Shay*.neLeslie ShielsPaul & Mar*.cia Shor*.tt


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board oF trustees & staFF • 27

SuPPort your PrEmiErE thEatrE! Even with sold-out houses, ticket sales would still only*. make up ~34% of ETC’s annual budget. So, we r*.ely*. on donor*. suppor*.t to help br*.idge the gap between our*. affor*.dable ticket pr*.ices and the cost it takes to pr*.oduce exceptional theatr*.e with high pr*.ofessional and ar*.tistic quality*.. Your*. contr*.ibutions help suppor*.t all of our*. pr*.ogr*.ams and pr*.ofessional ar*.tists, while also making a significant impact on Over*.-the-Rhine by*. allowing us to r*.emain a viable, economic engine for*. the neighbor*.hood.

wayS to donatE:1. Donate online 24/7 @ www.cincy*

2. Mail a check to: EnsEMblE ThEaTrE of CInCInnaTI 1127 Vine Str*.eet Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

ETC is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and your contribution is tax-deductible.


EXECUTIVE BOARDJohn Sawy*.er*., Chair*.Stephen M. King, Pr*.esidentMar*.cene C. Kinney*., Vice Pr*.esidentMitchell Mey*.er*.s, Tr*.easur*.er*.Jane Seller*.s, Secr*.etar*.y*.

Kenneth Mahler*.Edwar*.d G. Mar*.ksSkip Mer*.tenRichar*.d L. Postler*.Ruth Sawy*.er*.Megan Wolfer*.

TRUSTEESMar*.y*. BonansingaOtto M. BudigDr*.. Char*.les O. Car*.other*.sTom DietzDennis Geiger*.Skip Hickenlooper*.Dan Hur*.ley*.ADVISORy MEMBERS

Chet Cavalier*.e

Rachel E. Ber*.ger*.Rachel Bur*.sonMichael Car*.r*.Jenny*. EstillSar*.a Kenny*.

2011 –2012 INTERN COMPANy

STAFFD. Lynn Meyers, Pr*.oducing Ar*.tistic Dir*.ector*.Richard J. Diehl, Managing Dir*.ector*.Jocelyn Meyer, Communications & Development Manager*.Chet Cavaliere, Financial Advisor*.Amy King Ruggaber, Dir*.ector*. of EducationStacey Buescher, Box Office AssociateJohn Diehl, Box Office AssociateMark Fast, Box Office AssociateJenna McBride, Box Office AssociateChief Nick Ligon, Head of Secur*.ity*.

Sarah Nix, Box Office AssociateBrian c. Mehring, Resident Set & Lighting Designer*.Matthew Hollstegge, Pr*.oduction Coor*.dinator*. & Master*. Electr*.icianShannon Rae Lutz, Pr*.oper*.ties Master*., Design Assistant, & Dir*.ector*. of Inter*.n Pr*.ogr*.ammingAaron Clements, Technical Oper*.ations Dir*.ector*.Katie Hamilton, Assistant Technical Dir*.ector*.Constance Dubinski, Pr*.oduction Stage Manager*.Christian Mikkelsen, Technical Appr*.entice

Andr*.ew Maloney*.Lar*.a Ry*.hner*.Mar*.cus L. Simmons IIChr*.istopher*. Ziegler*.

3. Char*.ge by phone, (513) 421-3555

4. Give in the for*.m of appr*.eciated stock. Contact our*. Development Dept. for*. instr*.uctions.

5. Name ETC in y*.our*. will or*. estate bequest.

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28 • box oFFiCe poliCies & general inFormation


ETC BOX OFFICE HOURS & ACCEPTED PAyMENTMonday*. thr*.ough Fr*.iday*. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 2 hour*.s pr*.ior*. to cur*.tain. Weekend hour*.s var*.y*.. VISA, MC, Discover*., and AmEx ar*.e accepted, as well as Downtown Gift Car*.ds and Over*.-the-Rhine Mer*.chant Gift Car*.ds.

TICkET RESERVATIONS & SALE POLICyReser*.vations can be made by*. calling (513) 421-3555, in per*.son at 1127 Vine Str*.eet, or*. online at Ticket r*.eser*.vations ar*.e not accepted via email. Single-ticket pur*.chases ar*.e a final sale with no r*.efund. Single tickets may*., however*., be exchanged for*. another*. per*.for*.mance dur*.ing the r*.un of a show for*. a fee, but may*. not be exchanged fr*.om one pr*.oduction to another*.. If a patr*.on is a no-show for*. their*. r*.eser*.ved per*.for*.mance, ETC is under*. no obligation to r*.eschedule his or*. her*. tickets.

TAX CREDITSIf for*. any*. r*.eason y*.ou cannot attend y*.our*. per*.for*.mance and cannot r*.eschedule for*. another*. date, tickets r*.eleased prior to per*.for*.mances by*. calling the ETC box office ar*.e fully*. deductible as a char*.itable contr*.ibution. No-shows or*. tickets r*.eleased after*. cur*.tain time do not qualify*. as tax cr*.edits.

PARkINGPatr*.ons may*. par*.k at the Gateway*. Gar*.age (accessible via 12th Str*.eet) or*. at the sur*.face lot conveniently*. located at the cor*.ner*. of Vine and 12th Str*.eets. Char*.ges var*.y*.. Ensemble Theatr*.e of Cincinnati does not maintain or*. contr*.ol these par*.king lots and assumes no r*.esponsibility*. for*. any*.one r*.eceiving a ticket for*. illegal par*.king.

LATECOMERS & ADMITTANCELatecomer*.s will be seated at the House Manager*.’s discr*.etion. Latecomer*.s may*. be denied admission depending upon the demands or*. str*.uctur*.e of a par*.ticular*. pr*.oduction. Please allow y*.our*.self adequate time to ar*.r*.ive, par*.k, pick up y*.our*. tickets, and be seated. Should y*.ou need to leave the theatr*.e dur*.ing a per*.for*.mance, r*.eadmittance is not guar*.anteed and will be at the discr*.etion of the House Manager*.. ETC r*.eser*.ves the r*.ight to deny*. admission and/or*. r*.emove any*. disr*.uptive patr*.ons fr*.om the theatr*.e at any*. time.

RESTROOMSRestr*.ooms ar*.e located at the fr*.ont of the lobby*.. Should y*.ou need to use the r*.estr*.oom dur*.ing a per*.for*.mance, please exit the theatr*.e the same way*. y*.ou came in. You will be r*.eseated at the discr*.etion of the House Manager*..

ACCESSIBILITy Please notify*. the box office in advance if y*.ou r*.equir*.e wheelchair*.-accessible seating or*. have special seating needs and our*. staff will be happy*. to accommodate y*.ou. Audio-enhancement and lar*.ge-pr*.int play*.bills ar*.e offer*.ed for*. all pr*.oductions and may*. be picked up at the box office counter*. pr*.ior*. to cur*.tain. Gener*.ally*., sign-inter*.pr*.eted per*.for*.mances for*. the hear*.ing-impair*.ed ar*.e offer*.ed on the thir*.d Wednesday*. of ever*.y*. pr*.oduction.

CAMERAS, CELL PHONES & STAGEActor*.s’ Equity*. Association str*.ictly*. pr*.ohibits the use of camer*.as or*. r*.ecor*.ding devices (including camer*.a phones) in the theatr*.e. Kindly*. tur*.n off any*. cell phones or*. pager*.s pr*.ior*. to the show star*.ting. Text messaging dur*.ing the show distur*.bs other*. audience member*.s and actor*.s and will not be toler*.ated. Audience member*.s ar*.e str*.icly*. pr*.ohibited fr*.om standing, sitting or*. other*.wise being or*. putting any*.thing onstage at any*. time.

GROUPS & DISCOUNTS Gr*.oups of 10 or*. mor*.e can save over*. single-ticket pr*.ices. Please call our*. Box Office & Gr*.oup Sales Manager*. at (513) 421-3555 for*. mor*.e infor*.mation and pr*.icing. Public Radio Per*.ks Car*.d, AAA, Ar*.tsWave Fun Car*.d, Enjoy*. the Ar*.ts, and educator*. and militar*.y*. member*. discounts available (please consult y*.our*. appr*.opr*.iate member*.ship(s) for*. details).


ENSEMBLE THEATRE OF CINCINNATI1127 Vine Str*.eet | Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |


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