ni-daqmx c reference help · if you do not call daqmxstarttask and daqmxstoptask when you call...

DAQmxAddGlobalChansToTask int32 DAQmxAddGlobalChansToTask (TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channelNames[]);

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Page 1: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 2: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 3: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle ThetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsfromMAX.

channelNames constchar[] Thechannelstoaddtothetask.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofchannels.ThesechannelsmustbevalidchannelsavailablefromMAX.Ifyoupassaninvalidchannel,NI-DAQmxreturnsanerror.Thisvalueisignoredifitisempty.

Page 4: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 5: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 6: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 7: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoclear.

Page 8: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 9: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 10: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 11: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskName constchar[] Nameassignedtothetask.



Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle* Areferencetothetaskcreatedinthisfunction.

Page 12: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 13: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 14: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 15: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.


Name Type Description

isTaskDone bool32* Indicateswhetherthemeasurementorgenerationcompleted.

Page 16: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 17: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 18: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 19: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskName constchar[] AnamedtaskinMAX.


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle* Areferencetothetaskreturnedbythisfunction.

Page 20: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 21: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 22: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 23: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktostart.

Page 24: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 25: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 26: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 27: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktostop.

Page 28: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 29: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 30: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 31: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

options uInt32 Usethisparametertosetcertainoptions.Youcancombineflagswiththebitwise-ORoperator('|')tosetmultipleoptions.Passavalueofzeroifnooptionsneedtobeset.




callbackFunction DAQmxDoneEventCallbackPtr ThefunctionthatyouwantDAQmxtocallwhentheeventoccurs.Thefunctionpassinthisparametermusthavethefollowingprototype:int32CVICALLBACKCallback(TaskHandletaskHandle,int32

Page 32: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


callbackData void* AvaluethatyouwantDAQmxtopasstothecallbackfunctionasthefunctiondataparameter.Donotpasstheaddressofalocalvariableoranyothervariablethatmightnotbevalidwhenthefunctionisexecuted.

Page 33: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 34: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 35: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 36: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

everyNsamplesEventType int32 Thetypeofeventyouwanttoreceive.



Page 37: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

nSamples uInt32 Thenumberofsamplesafterwhicheacheventshouldoccur.

options uInt32 Usethisparametertosetcertainoptions.Youcancombineflagswiththebitwise-ORoperator('|')tosetmultipleoptions.Passavalueofzeroifnooptionsneedtobeset.




callbackFunction DAQmxEveryNSamplesEventCallbackPtr ThefunctionthatyouwantDAQmxtocallwhentheeventoccurs.Thefunctionpassinthisparametermusthavethefollowingprototype:int32CVICALLBACKCallback(TaskHandletaskHandle,int32everyNsamplesEventType,uInt32nSamples,void*callbackData);Uponentrytothecallback,thetaskHandleonwhichtheeventoccurred.TheeveryNSamplesEventTypevalueyoupassedintheeveryNSamplesEventTypenSamplesparametercontainsthevalueyoupassedinthethisfunction.ThecallbackDataparametercontainsthevalueyoupassedinthecallbackDataparameterofthisfunction.

Page 38: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

callbackData void* AvaluethatyouwantDAQmxtopasstothecallbackfunctionasthefunctiondataparameter.Donotpasstheaddressofalocalvariableoranyothervariablethatmightnotbevalidwhenthefunctionisexecuted.

Page 39: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 40: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 41: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 42: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

signalID int32 Thesignalforwhichyouwanttoreceiveresults.




options uInt32 Usethisparametertosetcertainoptions.Youcancombineflagswiththebitwise-ORoperator('|')tosetmultipleoptions.Passavalueofzeroifnooptionsneedtobeset.



Page 43: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


callbackFunction DAQmxSignalEventCallbackPtr ThefunctionthatyouwantDAQmxtocallwhentheeventoccurs.Thefunctionpassinthisparametermusthavethefollowingprototype:int32CVICALLBACKCallback(TaskHandletaskHandle,int32*callbackData);Uponentrytothecallback,thetaskHandleparametercontainsonwhichtheeventoccurred.ThesignalIDparametercontainsthevalueyoupassedinthesignalIDparameterofthisfunction.ThecallbackDatavalueyoupassedinthecallbackDataparameterofthisfunction.

callbackData void* AvaluethatyouwantDAQmxtopasstothecallbackfunctionasthefunctiondataparameter.Donotpasstheaddressofalocalvariableoranyothervariablethatmightnotbevalidwhenthefunctionisexecuted.

Page 44: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 45: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 46: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 47: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

index uInt32 TheNthchannelyouwanttoreturn.Theindexstartsat1.

bufferSize int32 Thesize,inbytes,ofbuffer.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.


buffer char[] TheNthchannelintheindex.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

Page 48: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.Forthisfunction,ifyoupassNULLforthebufferor0forthebuffersize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

Page 49: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 50: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 51: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

index uInt32 TheNthdeviceyouwanttoreturn.Theindexstartsat1.

bufferSize int32 Thesize,inbytes,ofbuffer.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.


buffer char[] TheNthdeviceintheindex.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

Page 52: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.Forthisfunction,ifyoupassNULLforthebufferor0forthebuffersize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

Page 53: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 54: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 55: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

action int32 Specifieshowtoalterthetaskstate.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Task_Start Startsexecutionofthe

task.DAQmx_Val_Task_Stop Stopsexecutionofthe

task.DAQmx_Val_Task_Verify Verifiesthatalltask


DAQmx_Val_Task_Commit Programsthehardwareasmuchaspossibleaccordingtothetaskconfiguration.

DAQmx_Val_Task_Reserve Reservesthehardwareresourcesneededforthetask.Noothertaskscanreservethesesameresources.

DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve Releasesallpreviouslyreservedresources.

DAQmx_Val_Task_Abort Abortisusedtostopanoperation,suchasReadorWrite,thatiscurrentlyactive.Abortputsthetaskintoanunstablebutrecoverablestate.Torecoverthetask,callStarttorestartthetask

Page 56: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 57: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 58: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 59: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 60: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnaccelerationmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_AccelUnit_g G.1gis


DAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedbyacustomscale.UsecustomScaleNametospecifyacustom

Page 61: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


sensitivity float64 Thesensitivityofthesensor.ThisvalueisintheunitsyouspecifywithsensitivityUnits.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

sensitivityUnits int32 Theunitsofsensitivity.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_mVoltsPerG mVolts/g.DAQmx_Val_VoltsPerG Volts/g.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 62: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 65: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)



DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom



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shuntResistorLoc int32 Thelocationoftheshuntresistor.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Default Atruntime,NI-


DAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inshuntresistorofthedevice.

DAQmx_Val_External Useashuntresistorexternaltothedevice.YoumustspecifythevalueoftheshuntresistorinextShuntResistorVal.

extShuntResistorVal float64 Thevalue,inohms,ofanexternalshuntresistor.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 67: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)



DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom



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shuntResistorLoc int32 Thelocationoftheshuntresistor.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Default Atruntime,NI-


DAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inshuntresistorofthedevice.

DAQmx_Val_External Useashuntresistorexternaltothedevice.YoumustspecifythevalueoftheshuntresistorinextShuntResistorVal.

extShuntResistorVal float64 Thevalue,inohms,ofanexternalshuntresistor.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 72: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Hz hertzDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


thresholdLevel float64 Thevoltagelevelatwhichtorecognizewaveformrepetitions.

hysteresis float64 SpecifiesinvoltsawindowbelowthresholdLevel.TheinputvoltagemustpassbelowthresholdLevelminushysteresisbeforeNI-DAQmxrecognizesawaveformrepetition.Hysteresiscanimprovemeasurementaccuracywhenthesignalcontainsnoiseorjitter.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 76: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnsoundpressuremeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Pascals pascalsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


micSensitivity float64 Thesensitivityofthemicrophone.Specifythisvalueinmillivoltsperpascal.

maxSndPressLevel float64 Themaximuminstantaneoussoundpressurelevelyouexpecttomeasure.Thisvalueisindecibels,referencedto20micropascals.

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currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 81: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Ohms ohmsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


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excitation.DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsource


DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 86: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

rtdType int32 ThetypeofRTDconnectedtothechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Pt3750 Pt3750DAQmx_Val_Pt3851 Pt3851DAQmx_Val_Pt3911 Pt3911DAQmx_Val_Pt3916 Pt3916DAQmx_Val_Pt3920 Pt3920DAQmx_Val_Pt3928 Pt3928DAQmx_Val_Custom Youmustspecifythe


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resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-in


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

r0 float64 Thesensorresistanceinohmsat0degCfortheCallendar-VanDusenequationRefertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

Page 91: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Strain StrainDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


strainConfig int32 Thestraingagebridgeconfiguration.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FullBridgeI Fouractivegages


DAQmx_Val_FullBridgeII FouractivegageswithtwoalignedwithmaximumprincipalstrainandtwoPoissongages

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inadjacentarms.DAQmx_Val_FullBridgeIII Fouractivegages


DAQmx_Val_HalfBridgeI TwoactivegageswithonealignedwithmaximumprincipalstrainandonePoissongage.

DAQmx_Val_HalfBridgeII Twoactivegageswithequalandoppositestrains.

DAQmx_Val_QuarterBridgeI Singleactivegage.DAQmx_Val_QuarterBridgeII Singleactivegage


voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensor

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voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

gageFactor float64 Thesensitivityofthestraingagesandrelatesthechangeinelectricalresistancetothechangeinstrain.Eachgageinthebridgemusthavethesamegagefactor.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

initialBridgeVoltage float64 Thebridgeoutputvoltageintheunloadedcondition.NI-DAQmxsubtractsthisvaluefromanymeasurementsbeforeapplyingscalingequations.Performavoltagemeasurementonthebridgewithnostrainappliedtodeterminethisvalue.

nominalGageResistance float64 Theresistance,inohms,ofthegagesinanunstrainedposition.Eachgageinthebridgemusthavethesamenominalgageresistance.Theresistanceacrossarmsofthebridgethatdonothavestraingagesmustalsobethesameasthenominalgageresistance.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

poissonRatio float64 Theratiooflateralstraintoaxialstraininthematerialinwhichyoumeasurestrain.

leadWireResistance float64 Theamount,inohms,ofresistanceintheleadwires.Ideally,thisvalueisthesameforallleads.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

Page 101: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

thermocoupleType int32 Thetypeofthermocoupleconnectedtothechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_J_Type_TC J-type

thermocouple.DAQmx_Val_K_Type_TC K-type

thermocouple.DAQmx_Val_N_Type_TC N-type

thermocouple.DAQmx_Val_R_Type_TC R-type

thermocouple.DAQmx_Val_S_Type_TC S-type


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DAQmx_Val_T_Type_TC T-typethermocouple.

DAQmx_Val_B_Type_TC B-typethermocouple.

DAQmx_Val_E_Type_TC E-typethermocouple.

cjcSource int32 Thesourceofcoldjunctioncompensation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_BuiltIn Useacold-


DAQmx_Val_ConstVal Youmustspecifythecold-junctiontemperature.

DAQmx_Val_Chan Useachannelforcold-junctioncompensation.

cjcVal float64 ThetemperatureofthecoldjunctionofthethermocoupleifyousetcjcSourcetoDAQmx_Val_ConstVal.

cjcChannel constchar[] Thechannelthatacquiresthetemperatureofthethermocouplecold-junctionifyousetcjcSourcetoDAQmx_Val_Chan.Youcanuseaglobalchanneloranothervirtualchannelalreadyinthetask.Ifthechannelisatemperaturechannel,NI-DAQmxacquiresthetemperatureinthecorrectunits.Otherchanneltypes,suchasaresistancechannelwithacustomsensor,mustuseacustomscaletoscalevaluestodegreesCelsius.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-in


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DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

a float64 TheAconstantfromtheSteinhart-Hartthermistorequation.

b float64 TheBconstantfromtheSteinhart-Hartthermistorequation.

c float64 TheCconstantfromtheSteinhart-Hartthermistorequation.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-in


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DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

a float64 TheAconstantfromtheSteinhart-Hartthermistorequation.

b float64 TheBconstantfromtheSteinhart-Hartthermistorequation.

c float64 TheCconstantfromtheSteinhart-Hartthermistorequation.

r1 float64 Thevalue,inohms,ofthereferenceresistor.

Page 116: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthevoltagemeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.Ifyoudonotsetunits

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Page 121: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthevoltagemeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.Ifyoudonotsetunits

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Page 126: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthevoltagemeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


bridgeConfig int32 ThetypeofWheatstonebridgethesensoris.

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Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FullBridge Sensorisafull


DAQmx_Val_HalfBridge Sensorisahalfbridge.IfyousetuseExcitForScalingtoTRUE,NI-DAQmxdividesthemeasurementbytheexcitationvalue.Manysensorsscaledatatonativeunitsusingscalingofvoltsperexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_QuarterBridge Sensorisaquarterbridge.IfyousetuseExcitForScalingtoTRUE,NI-DAQmxdividesthemeasurementbytheexcitationvalue.Manysensorsscaledatatonativeunitsusingscalingofvoltsperexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_NoBridge SensorisnotaWheatstonebridge.

voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

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Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

useExcitForScaling bool32 SpecifieswhetherNI-DAQmxdividesthemeasurementbytheexcitation.YoushouldtypicallysetuseExcitForScalingtoTRUEforratiometrictransducers.IfyousetuseExcitForScalingtoTRUE,setmaxValandminValtoreflectthescaling.Forexample,ifyouexpecttoacquireavoltagebetween-5and5,andyouuseanexcitationof.10voltstoscalethemeasurement,setminValto-50andsetmaxValto50.IfyousetbridgeConfigtoDAQmx_Val_NoBridge,useExcitForScalinghasnoeffectonthemeasurement.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 132: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyarangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnlinearpositionmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Meters MetersDAQmx_Val_Inches InchesDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustomscale


sensitivity float64 Thesensitivityofthesensor.ThisvalueisintheunitsyouspecifywithsensitivityUnitstothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

sensitivityUnits int32 Theunitsofsensitivity.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_mVoltsPerVoltPerMillimeter mvolts/volt/mmeterDAQmx_Val_mVoltsPerVoltPerMilliInch mvolts/volt/0.001


voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitationsourceof


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DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

voltageExcitFreq float64 Theexcitationfrequency,inhertz,thatthesensorrequires.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

ACExcitWireMode int32 Thenumberofleadsonthesensor.Somesensorsmayrequireyoutotieleadstogethertocreatea4-wireor5-wiresensor.Refertothedocumentationforyoursensorformoreinformation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wire.DAQmx_Val_5Wire 5-wire.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScaleyoumustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnangularpositionmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Degrees DegreesDAQmx_Val_Radians RadiansDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedbya


sensitivity float64 Thesensitivityofthesensor.ThisvalueisintheunitsyouspecifywithsensitivityUnitsRefertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

sensitivityUnits int32 Theunitsofsensitivity.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_mVoltsPerVoltPerDegree mvolts/volt/degreeDAQmx_Val_mVoltsPerVoltPerRadian mvolts/volt/radian

voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


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DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

voltageExcitFreq float64 Theexcitationfrequency,inhertz,thatthesensorrequires.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

ACExcitWireMode int32 Thenumberofleadsonthesensor.Somesensorsmayrequireyoutotieleadstogethertocreatea4-wireor5-wiresensor.Refertothedocumentationforyoursensorformoreinformation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wire.DAQmx_Val_5Wire 5-wire.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

Page 147: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnaccelerationmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_AccelUnit_g G.1gis


DAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedbyacustomscale.UsecustomScaleNametospecifyacustom

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currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnmeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS UnitsdefinedbyTEDSinformationassociatedwiththe

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shuntResistorLoc int32 Thelocationoftheshuntresistor.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inshunt

resistorofthedevice.DAQmx_Val_External Useashuntresistor


extShuntResistorVal float64 Thevalue,inohms,ofanexternalshuntresistor.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 157: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 158: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 160: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnsoundpressuremeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Pascals pascalsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


maxSndPressLevel float64 Themaximuminstantaneoussoundpressurelevelyouexpecttomeasure.Thisvalueisindecibels,referencedto20micropascals.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Page 161: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 162: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 163: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 164: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 165: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnmeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS UnitsdefinedbyTEDSinformationassociatedwiththechannel.

resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


Page 166: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 167: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 170: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-in


Page 171: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

Page 172: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 173: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 174: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 175: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Strain StrainDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecify

Page 176: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

theamountofexcitation.DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothe


voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

initialBridgeVoltage float64 Thebridgeoutputvoltageintheunloadedcondition.NI-DAQmxsubtractsthisvaluefromanymeasurementsbeforeapplyingscalingequations.Performavoltagemeasurementonthebridgewithnostrainappliedtodeterminethisvalue.

leadWireResistance float64 Theamount,inohms,ofresistanceintheleadwires.Ideally,thisvalueisthesameforallleads.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 177: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 178: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 179: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 180: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

cjcSource int32 Thesourceofcoldjunctioncompensation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_BuiltIn Useacold-


DAQmx_Val_ConstVal Youmustspecifythecold-junctiontemperature.

DAQmx_Val_Chan Useachannelforcold-junction

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cjcVal float64 ThetemperatureofthecoldjunctionofthethermocoupleifyousetcjcSourcetoDAQmx_Val_ConstVal.

cjcChannel constchar[] Thechannelthatacquiresthetemperatureofthethermocouplecold-junctionifyousetcjcSourcetoDAQmx_Val_Chan.Youcanuseaglobalchanneloranothervirtualchannelalreadyinthetask.Ifthechannelisatemperaturechannel,NI-DAQmxacquiresthetemperatureinthecorrectunits.Otherchanneltypes,suchasaresistancechannelwithacustomsensor,mustuseacustomscaletoscalevaluestodegreesCelsius.

Page 182: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 183: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 185: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

currentExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-in


Page 186: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusecurrentExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

currentExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,inamperes,thatthesensorrequires.

Page 187: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 188: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 190: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankine

resistanceConfig int32 Theconfigurationforresistancemeasurements.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wiremode.DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wiremode.

voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-in


Page 191: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

r1 float64 Thevalue,inohms,ofthereferenceresistor.

Page 192: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 194: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 195: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnmeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS UnitsdefinedbyTEDSinformationassociatedwiththe

Page 196: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 197: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 198: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 200: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

terminalConfig int32 Theinputterminalconfigurationforthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default(-1)


DAQmx_Val_RSE Referencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_NRSE Nonreferencedsingle-endedmode

DAQmx_Val_Diff Differentialmode

DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff Pseudodifferentialmode

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnmeasurements.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS UnitsdefinedbyTEDSinformationassociatedwiththe

Page 201: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecifytheamountofexcitation.

DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 202: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnlinearpositionmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Meters MetersDAQmx_Val_Inches InchesDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.YoumustusevoltageExcitValtospecify

Page 206: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

theamountofexcitation.DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothe


voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

voltageExcitFreq float64 Theexcitationfrequency,inhertz,thatthesensorrequires.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

ACExcitWireMode int32 Thenumberofleadsonthesensor.Somesensorsmayrequireyoutotieleadstogethertocreatea4-wireor5-wiresensor.Refertothedocumentationforyoursensorformoreinformation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wire.DAQmx_Val_5Wire 5-wire.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 207: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 210: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnangularpositionmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Degrees DegreesDAQmx_Val_Radians RadiansDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsspecifiedby


voltageExcitSource int32 Thesourceofexcitation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Internal Usethebuilt-inexcitation


DAQmx_Val_External Useanexcitationsourceotherthanthebuilt-inexcitationsourceofthedevice.Youmustuse

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DAQmx_Val_None Supplynoexcitationtothechannel.Youcannotusethisvalueifthesensorrequiresexcitation.

voltageExcitVal float64 Theamountofexcitation,involts,thatthesensorrequires.

voltageExcitFreq float64 Theexcitationfrequency,inhertz,thatthesensorrequires.Refertothesensordocumentationtodeterminethisvalue.

ACExcitWireMode int32 Thenumberofleadsonthesensor.Somesensorsmayrequireyoutotieleadstogethertocreatea4-wireor5-wiresensor.Refertothedocumentationforyoursensorformoreinformation.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wire.DAQmx_Val_5Wire 5-wire.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 212: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttogenerate.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttogenerate.

units int32 Theunitsinwhichtogeneratecurrent.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 216: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

type int32 Specifiesthekindofwaveformtogenerate.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Sine SinewaveDAQmx_Val_Triangle TrianglewaveDAQmx_Val_Square SawtoothwaveDAQmx_Val_Sawtooth Squarewave

frequency float64 Thefrequencyofthewaveformtogenerateinhertz.

amplitude float64 Thezero-to-peakamplitudeofthewaveformtogenerateinvolts.Zeroandnegativevaluesarevalid.

offset float64 Thevoltageoffsetofthewaveformtogenerate.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenamesofthephysicalchannelstousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttogenerate.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttogenerate.

units int32 Theunitsinwhichtogeneratevoltage.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 224: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

lines constchar[] Thenamesofthedigitallinesusedtocreateavirtualchannel.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeoflines.

nameToAssignToLines constchar[] Thenameofthecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToLines,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.

lineGrouping int32 Specifieswhethertogroupdigitallinesintooneormorevirtualchannels.Ifyouspecifyoneormoreentireportsinlines,youmustsetlineGroupingtoDAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_ChanPerLine Onechannel

foreachlineDAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines Onechannel


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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

lines constchar[] Thenamesofthedigitallinesusedtocreateavirtualchannel.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeoflines.

nameToAssignToLines constchar[] Thenameofthecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToLines,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.

lineGrouping int32 Specifieswhethertogroupdigitallinesintooneormorevirtualchannels.Ifyouspecifyoneormoreentireportsinlines,youmustsetlineGroupingtoDAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_ChanPerLine Onechannel

foreachlineDAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines Onechannel


Page 232: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

edge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgesoftheinputsignaltoincrementordecrementthecount.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

initialCount uInt32 Thevaluefromwhichtostartcounting.

countDirection int32 Specifieswhethertoincrementordecrementthecounteroneachedge.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_CountUp Increment


DAQmx_Val_CountDown Decrementthecountregisteroneachedge.

DAQmx_Val_ExtControlled Thestateofadigitallinecontrolsthecountdirection.Eachcounterhasadefaultcount

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Page 237: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Hz hertzDAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseticksDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsbyacustom


edge int32 Specifiesbetweenwhichedgestomeasurethefrequencyorperiodofthesignal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

measMethod int32 Themethodusedtocalculatetheperiodorfrequencyofthesignal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_LowFreq1Ctr Useonecounterthat


DAQmx_Val_HighFreq2Ctr Usetwocounters,

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DAQmx_Val_LargeRng2Ctr Useonecountertodividethefrequencyoftheinputsignaltocreatealower-frequencysignalthatthesecondcountercanmoreeasilymeasure.

measTime float64 Thelengthoftimetomeasurethefrequencyorperiodofadigitalsignal,whenmeasMethodisDAQmx_Val_HighFreq2Ctr.Measurementaccuracyincreaseswithincreasedmeasurementtimeandwithincreasedsignalfrequency.


divisor uInt32 Thevaluebywhichtodividetheinputsignal,whenmeasMethodisDAQmx_Val_LargeRng2Ctr.Thelargerthisvalue,themoreaccuratethemeasurement,buttoolargeavaluecancausethecountregistertorollover,resultinginanincorrectmeasurement.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 242: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseticksDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


edge int32 Specifiesbetweenwhichedgestomeasurethefrequencyorperiodofthesignal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

measMethod int32 Specifiesthemethodusedtocalculatethefrequencyorperiodofthesignal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_LowFreq1Ctr Useonecounterthat


DAQmx_Val_HighFreq2Ctr Usetwocounters,

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DAQmx_Val_LargeRng2Ctr Useonecountertodividethefrequencyoftheinputsignaltocreatealower-frequencysignalthatthesecondcountercanmoreeasilymeasure.

measTime float64 Thelengthoftimetomeasurethefrequencyorperiodofadigitalsignal,whenmeasMethodisDAQmx_Val_HighFreq2Ctr.Measurementaccuracyincreaseswithincreasedmeasurementtimeandwithincreasedsignalfrequency.


divisor uInt32 Thevaluebywhichtodividetheinputsignal,whenmeasMethodisDAQmx_Val_LargeRng2Ctr.Thelargerthisvalue,themoreaccuratethemeasurement,buttoolargeavaluecancausethecountregistertorollover,resultinginanincorrectmeasurement.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 247: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseticksDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


startingEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgetobeginmeasuringpulsewidth.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 251: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 254: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseticksDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 255: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 258: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thenametoassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

minVal float64 Theminimumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

maxVal float64 Themaximumvalue,inunits,thatyouexpecttomeasure.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthemeasurement.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseticksDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


firstEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeofthefirstsignaltostarteachmeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Starteachmeasurementon


DAQmx_Val_Falling Starteachmeasurementonthefallingedgeofthefirstsignal.

secondEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeofthefirstsignaltostopeachmeasurement.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Stopeachmeasurementon


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secondsignal.DAQmx_Val_Falling Stopeachmeasurementon


customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 260: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 263: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thenametoassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

decodingType int32 SpecifieshowtocountandinterpretthepulsesthattheencodergeneratesonsignalAandsignalB.DAQmx_Val_X1,DAQmx_Val_X2,andDAQmx_Val_X4arevalidforquadratureencodersonly.DAQmx_Val_TwoPulseCountingisvalidonlyfortwo-pulseencoders.DAQmx_Val_X2andDAQmx_Val_X4decodingaremoresensitivetosmallerchangesinpositionthanDAQmx_Val_X1encoding,withDAQmx_Val_X4beingthemostsensitive.However,moresensitivedecodingismorelikelytoproduceerroneousmeasurementsifthereisvibrationintheencoderorothernoiseinthesignals.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_X1 IfsignalAleads


DAQmx_Val_X2 CounttherisingandfallingedgesofsignalA.

DAQmx_Val_X4 CounttherisingandfallingedgesofbothsignalAandsignalB.

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DAQmx_Val_TwoPulseCounting IncrementthecountonrisingedgesofsignalA.DecrementthecountonrisingpulsesofsignalB.

ZidxEnable bool32 Specifieswhethertoenablezindexingforthemeasurement.

ZidxVal float64 Thevalue,inunits,towhichtoresetthemeasurementwhensignalZishighandsignalAandsignalBareatthestatesyouspecifywithZidxPhase.

ZidxPhase int32 ThestatesatwhichsignalAandsignalBmustbewhilesignalZishighforNI-DAQmxtoresetthemeasurement.IfsignalZisneverhighwhilethesignalAandsignalBarehigh,forexample,youmustchooseaphaseotherthanDAQmx_Val_AHighBHigh.WhensignalZgoeshighandhowlongitstayshighvariesfromencodertoencoder.RefertothedocumentationfortheencodertodeterminethetimingofsignalZwithrespecttosignalAandsignalB.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_AHighBHigh Resetthe


DAQmx_Val_AHighBLow ResetthemeasurementwhensignalAisathighlogicandsignalBisatlowlogic.

DAQmx_Val_ALowBHigh ResetthemeasurementwhensignalAisatlowlogicandsignalBisathighlogic.

DAQmx_Val_ALowBLow ResetthemeasurementwhenbothsignalAandsignalBareatlowlogic.

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units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnlinearpositionmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Meters Meters.DAQmx_Val_Inches Inches.DAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseTicks.DAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


distPerPulse float64 Thedistancemeasuredforeachpulsetheencodergenerates.Specifythisvalueinunits.

initialPos float64 Thepositionoftheencoderwhenthemeasurementbegins.Thisvalueisinunits.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 266: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thenametoassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamesthevirtualchannels.

decodingType int32 SpecifieshowtocountandinterpretthepulsesthattheencodergeneratesonsignalAandsignalB.DAQmx_Val_X1,DAQmx_Val_X2,andDAQmx_Val_X4arevalidforquadratureencodersonly.DAQmx_Val_TwoPulseCountingisvalidonlyfortwo-pulseencoders.DAQmx_Val_X2andDAQmx_Val_X4decodingaremoresensitivetosmallerchangesinpositionthanDAQmx_Val_X1encoding,withDAQmx_Val_X4beingthemostsensitive.However,moresensitivedecodingismorelikelytoproduceerroneousmeasurementsifthereisvibrationintheencoderorothernoiseinthesignals.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_X1 IfsignalAleads


DAQmx_Val_X2 CounttherisingandfallingedgesofsignalA.

DAQmx_Val_X4 CounttherisingandfallingedgesofbothsignalAandsignalB.

Page 270: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

DAQmx_Val_TwoPulseCounting IncrementthecountonrisingedgesofsignalA.DecrementthecountonrisingpulsesofsignalB.

ZidxEnable bool32 Specifieswhethertoenablezindexingforthemeasurement.

ZidxVal float64 Thevalue,inunits,towhichtoresetthemeasurementwhensignalZishighandsignalAandsignalBareatthestatesyouspecifywithZidxPhase.

ZidxPhase int32 ThestatesatwhichsignalAandsignalBmustbewhilesignalZishighforNI-DAQmxtoresetthemeasurement.IfsignalZisneverhighwhilethesignalAandsignalBarehigh,forexample,youmustchooseaphaseotherthanDAQmx_Val_AHighBHigh.WhensignalZgoeshighandhowlongitstayshighvariesfromencodertoencoder.RefertothedocumentationfortheencodertodeterminethetimingofsignalZwithrespecttosignalAandsignalB.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_AHighBHigh Resetthe


DAQmx_Val_AHighBLow ResetthemeasurementwhensignalAisathighlogicandsignalBisatlowlogic.

DAQmx_Val_ALowBHigh ResetthemeasurementwhensignalAisatlowlogicandsignalBisathighlogic.

DAQmx_Val_ALowBLow ResetthemeasurementwhenbothsignalAandsignalBareatlowlogic.

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units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnangularpositionmeasurementsfromthechannel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Degrees DegreesDAQmx_Val_Radians RadiansDAQmx_Val_Ticks TimebaseticksDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale Unitsacustom


pulsesPerRev uInt32 Thenumberofpulsestheencodergeneratesperrevolution.ThisvalueisthenumberofpulsesononeofeitherAsignalorBsignal,notthetotalnumberofpulsesonbothsignalAandsignalB.

initialAngle float64 Thestartingangleoftheencoderwhenthemeasurementbegins.Specifythisvalueinunits.

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 272: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

units int32 Theunitstousetoreturnthetimestamp.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Seconds SecondsDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale From


gpsSyncMethod int32 ThemethodtousetosynchronizethecountertoaGPSreceiver.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_IRIGB IRIG-BDAQmx_Val_PPS PPSDAQmx_Val_None None

customScaleName constchar[] Thenameofacustomscaletoapplytothechannel.Tousethisparameter,youmustsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale.IfyoudonotsetunitstoDAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale,youmustsetcustomScaleNametoNULL.

Page 276: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

units int32 Theunitsinwhichtospecifyfreq.

Name DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Hz hertz

idleState int32 Therestingstateoftheoutputterminal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_High Highstate.DAQmx_Val_Low Lowstate.

initialDelay float64 Theamountoftimeinsecondstowaitbeforegeneratingthefirstpulse.

freq float64 Thefrequencyatwhichtogeneratepulses.

dutyCycle float64 Thewidthofthepulsedividedbythepulseperiod.NI-DAQmxusesthisratio,combinedwithfrequency,todeterminepulsewidthandtheintervalbetweenpulses.

Page 280: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 283: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

sourceTerminal constchar[] Theterminaltowhichyouconnectanexternaltimebase.Youalsocanspecifyasourceterminalbyusingaterminalname.

idleState int32 Therestingstateoftheoutputterminal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_High Highstate.DAQmx_Val_Low Lowstate.

initialDelay int32 Thenumberoftimebasetickstowaitbeforegeneratingthefirstpulse.

lowTicks int32 Thenumberoftimebaseticksthatthepulseislow.

highTicks int32 Thenumberoftimebaseticksthatthepulseishigh.

Page 284: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 287: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowhichtoaddthechannelsthatthisfunctioncreates.

counter constchar[] Thenameofthecountertousetocreatevirtualchannels.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels.

nameToAssignToChannel constchar[] Thename(s)toassigntothecreatedvirtualchannel(s).Ifyoudonotspecifyaname,NI-DAQmxusesthephysicalchannelnameasthevirtualchannelname.IfyouspecifyyourownnamesfornameToAssignToChannel,youmustusethenameswhenyourefertothesechannelsinotherNI-DAQmxfunctions.Ifyoucreatemultiplevirtualchannelswithonecalltothisfunction,youcanspecifyalistofnamesseparatedbycommas.Ifyouprovidefewernamesthanthenumberofvirtualchannelsyoucreate,NI-DAQmxautomaticallyassignsnamestothevirtualchannels.

units int32 Theunitsinwhichtodefinepulsehighandlowtime.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Seconds Seconds

idleState int32 Therestingstateoftheoutputterminal.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_High Highstate.DAQmx_Val_Low Lowstate.

initialDelay float64 Theamountoftimeinsecondstowaitbeforegeneratingthefirstpulse.

lowTime float64 Theamountoftimethepulseislow,inseconds.

highTime float64 Theamountoftimethepulseishigh,inseconds.

Page 288: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiresorgeneratessamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresorgeneratesafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamplescontinuouslyusinghardwaretimingwithoutabuffer.Hardwaretimedsinglepoint


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sampsPerChan uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquirefromeachchannelifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

sampleClkRate float64 Specifiesthesamplingrateinsamplesperchannelpersecond.IfyouuseanexternalsourcefortheSampleClock,setthisinputtothemaximumexpectedrateofthatclock.

sampleClkOutpTerm constchar[]


sampleClkPulsePolarity int32 Specifiesifthepolarityfortheexportedsampleclockisactivehighoractivelow.

pauseWhen int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskpauseswhilethesignalishighorlow.

readyEventActiveLevel int32 SpecifiesthepolarityfortheReadyforTransferevent.

Page 293: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiresorgeneratessamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresorgeneratesafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamplescontinuouslyusinghardwaretimingwithoutabuffer.Hardwaretimedsinglepoint


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sampsPerChan uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquirefromeachchannelifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

sampleClkRate float64 Specifiesthesamplingrateinsamplesperchannelpersecond.IfyouuseanexternalsourcefortheSampleClock,setthisinputtothemaximumexpectedrateofthatclock.

sampleClkSrc constchar[]


sampleClkActiveEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeofaclockpulsesamplingtakesplace.ThispropertyisusefulprimarilywhenthesignalyouuseastheSampleClockisnotaperiodicclock.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Acquireorgenerate


DAQmx_Val_Falling AcquireorgeneratesamplesonthefallingedgesoftheSampleClock.

pauseWhen int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskpauseswhilethesignalishighorlow.

readyEventActiveLevel int32 SpecifiesthepolarityfortheReadyforTransferevent.

Page 298: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 299: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 300: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 301: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

risingEdgeChan constchar[]


fallingEdgeChan constchar[]


sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamplescontinuouslyusinghardwaretimingwithoutabuffer.Hardwaretimedsinglepoint


Page 302: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


sampsPerChan uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquirefromeachchannelifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

Page 303: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 304: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 305: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 306: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiresorgeneratessamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresorgeneratesafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamplescontinuouslyusinghardwaretimingwithoutabuffer.Hardwaretimedsinglepoint


Page 307: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


sampsPerChanToAcquire uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquireorgenerateforeachchannelinthetaskifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

Page 308: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 309: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 310: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 311: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiresorgeneratessamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresorgeneratesafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamplescontinuouslyusinghardwaretimingwithoutabuffer.Hardwaretimedsinglepoint


Page 312: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


sampsPerChanToAcquire uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquireorgenerateforeachchannelinthetaskifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

Page 313: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 314: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 315: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 316: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

source constchar[] ThesourceterminaloftheSampleClock.Tousetheinternalclockofthedevice,useNULLoruseOnboardClock.

rate float64 Thesamplingrateinsamplespersecondperchannel.IfyouuseanexternalsourcefortheSampleClock,setthisvaluetothemaximumexpectedrateofthatclock.

activeEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeoftheclocktoacquireorgeneratesamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Acquireorgenerate


DAQmx_Val_Falling AcquireorgeneratesamplesonthefallingedgesoftheSampleClock.

sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiresorgeneratessamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresorgeneratesafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamples

Page 317: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



sampsPerChanToAcquire uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquireorgenerateforeachchannelinthetaskifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

Page 318: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 319: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 320: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 321: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

source constchar[] ThesourceterminaloftheSampleClock.Tousetheinternalclockofthedevice,useNULLoruseOnboardClock.

rate float64 Thesamplingrateinsamplespersecondperchannel.IfyouuseanexternalsourcefortheSampleClock,setthisvaluetothemaximumexpectedrateofthatclock.

activeEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeoftheclocktoacquireorgeneratesamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Acquireorgenerate


DAQmx_Val_Falling AcquireorgeneratesamplesonthefallingedgesoftheSampleClock.

sampleMode int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskacquiresorgeneratessamplescontinuouslyorifitacquiresorgeneratesafinitenumberofsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps Acquireor


DAQmx_Val_ContSamps Acquireorgeneratesamplesuntilyoustopthetask.

DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint Acquireorgeneratesamples

Page 322: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



sampsPerChanToAcquire uInt64 ThenumberofsamplestoacquireorgenerateforeachchannelinthetaskifsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps.IfsampleModeisDAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NI-DAQmxusesthisvaluetodeterminethebuffersize.

Page 323: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 324: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 325: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 326: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Thenameofachannelorterminalwherethereisananalogsignaltouseasthesourceofthetrigger.ForESeriesdevices,ifyouuseachannelname,thechannelmustbethefirstchannelinthetask.TheonlyterminalyoucanuseforESeriesdevicesisPFI0.

triggerSlope int32 SpecifiesonwhichslopeofthesignaltostartacquiringorgeneratingsampleswhenthesignalcrossestriggerLevel.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_RisingSlope Triggerontherising

slopeofthesignal.DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope Triggeronthefalling


triggerLevel float64 Thethresholdatwhichtostartacquiringorgeneratingsamples.Specifythisvalueintheunitsofthemeasurementorgeneration.UsetriggerSlopetospecifyonwhichslopetotriggeratthisthreshold.

Page 327: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 328: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 329: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 330: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[]


triggerWhen int32 Specifieswhetherthetaskstartsmeasuringorgeneratingsampleswhenthesignalentersthewindoworwhenitleavesthewindow.UsewindowBottomandwindowToptospecifythelimitsofthewindow.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_EnteringWin Triggerwhenthe


DAQmx_Val_LeavingWin Triggerwhenthesignalleavesthewindow.

windowTop float64 Theupperlimitofthewindow.Specifythisvalueintheunitsofthemeasurementorgeneration.

windowBottom float64 Thelowerlimitofthewindow.Specifythisvalueintheunitsofthemeasurementorgeneration.

Page 331: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 332: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 333: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 334: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Thenameofaterminalwherethereisadigitalsignaltouseasthesourceofthetrigger.

triggerEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeofadigitalsignaltostartacquiringorgeneratingsamples.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

Page 335: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 336: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 337: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 338: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Specifiesthephysicalchannelstouseforpatternmatching.Theorderofthephysicalchannelsdeterminestheorderofthepattern.Ifaportisincluded,theorderofthephysicalchannelswithintheportisinascendingorder.

triggerPattern constchar[] Specifiesthedigitalpatternthatmustbemetforthetriggertooccur.

triggerWhen int32 Specifiestheconditionsunderwhichthetriggeroccurs.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_PatternMatches Pattern

matchesDAQmx_Val_PatternDoesNotMatch Patterndoes


Page 339: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 340: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 341: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 342: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

Page 343: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 344: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 345: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 346: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Thenameofavirtualchannelorterminalwherethereisananalogsignaltouseasthesourceofthetrigger.ForESeriesdevices,ifyouuseavirtualchannel,itmustbetheonlychannelinthetask.TheonlyterminalyoucanuseforESeriesdevicesisPFI0.

triggerSlope int32 SpecifiesonwhichslopeofthesignaltheReferenceTriggeroccurs.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_RisingSlope Triggeronthe


DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope Triggeronthefallingslopeofthesignal.

triggerLevel float64 Specifiesatwhatthresholdtotrigger.Specifythisvalueintheunitsofthemeasurementorgeneration.UsetriggerSlopetospecifyonwhichslopetotriggeratthisthreshold.

pretriggerSamples uInt32 TheminimumnumberofsamplesperchanneltoacquirebeforerecognizingtheReferenceTrigger.ThenumberofposttriggersamplesperchannelisequaltonumberofsamplesperchannelintheNI-DAQmxTimingfunctionsminuspretriggerSamples.

Page 347: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 348: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 349: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 350: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Thenameofavirtualchannelorterminalwherethereisananalogsignaltouseasthesourceofthetrigger.ForESeriesdevices,ifyouuseavirtualchannel,itmustbetheonlychannelinthetask.TheonlyterminalyoucanuseforESeriesdevicesisPFI0.

triggerWhen int32 SpecifieswhethertheReferenceTriggeroccurswhenthesignalentersthewindoworwhenitleavesthewindow.UsewindowBottomandwindowToptospecifythelimitsofthewindow.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_EnteringWin Triggerwhenthe


DAQmx_Val_LeavingWin Triggerwhenthesignalleavesthewindow.

windowTop float64 Theupperlimitofthewindow.Specifythisvalueintheunitsofthemeasurementorgeneration.

windowBottom float64 Thelowerlimitofthewindow.Specifythisvalueintheunitsofthemeasurementorgeneration.

pretriggerSamples uInt32 TheminimumnumberofsamplesperchanneltoacquirebeforerecognizingtheReferenceTrigger.ThenumberofposttriggersamplesperchannelisequaltonumberofsamplesperchannelintheNI-DAQmxTimingfunctionsminuspretriggerSamples.

Page 351: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 352: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 353: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 354: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[]


triggerEdge int32 SpecifiesonwhichedgeofthedigitalsignaltheReferenceTriggeroccurs.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

pretriggerSamples uInt32 TheminimumnumberofsamplesperchanneltoacquirebeforerecognizingtheReferenceTrigger.ThenumberofposttriggersamplesperchannelisequaltonumberofsamplesperchannelintheNI-DAQmxTimingfunctionsminuspretriggerSamples.

Page 355: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 356: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 357: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 358: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Specifiesthephysicalchannelstouseforpatternmatching.Theorderofthephysicalchannelsdeterminestheorderofthepattern.Ifaportisincluded,theorderofthephysicalchannelswithintheportisinascendingorder.

triggerPattern constchar[] Specifiesthedigitalpatternthatmustbemetforthetriggertooccur.

triggerWhen int32 Specifiestheconditionsunderwhichthetriggeroccurs.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_PatternMatches Pattern

matchesDAQmx_Val_PatternDoesNotMatch Patterndoes


pretriggerSamples uInt32 TheminimumnumberofsamplesperchanneltoacquirebeforerecognizingtheReferenceTrigger.ThenumberofposttriggersamplesperchannelisequaltonumberofsamplesperchannelintheNI-DAQmxTimingfunctionsminuspretriggerSamples.

Page 359: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 360: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 361: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 362: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

Page 363: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 364: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 365: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 366: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerSource constchar[] Theterminalwherethereisadigitalsignaltouseasthesourceofthetrigger.

triggerEdge int32 Specifiesonwhichedgeofadigitalsignaltoadvancetothenextentryinthescanlist.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Rising Risingedge(s).DAQmx_Val_Falling Fallingedge(s).

Page 367: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 368: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 369: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 370: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

Page 371: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 372: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 373: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 374: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

triggerID int32 Specifieswhichsoftwaretriggertogenerate.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_AdvanceTrigger Generatetheadvance


Page 375: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 376: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 378: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray float64[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 379: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 380: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 381: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 382: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadthesamplefrom.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

value float64* Thesamplereadfromthetask.

Page 383: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 384: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 385: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 386: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray int16[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 387: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 388: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 389: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 390: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray int32[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 391: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 392: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 393: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 394: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt16[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 395: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 396: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 398: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt32[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 399: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 400: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 402: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray float64[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 403: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 404: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 405: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 406: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadthesamplefrom.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

value float64* Thesamplereadfromthetask.

Page 407: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 408: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 409: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 410: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadthesamplefrom.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

value uInt32* Thesamplereadfromthetask.

Page 411: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 412: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 413: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 414: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt32[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

Page 415: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 416: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 418: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableDatapropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInBytes uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt8[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto.EachnumBytesPerSampcorrespondstoonesampleperchannel,witheachelementinthatgroupingcorrespondingtoalineinthatchannel,uptothenumberoflinescontainedinthechannel.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

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numBytesPerSamp int32* ThenumberofelementsinreadArraythatconstitutesasampleperchannel.Foreachsampleperchannel,numBytesPerSampisthenumberofbytesthatchannelconsistsof.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadthesamplefrom.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsample.Iftheentirerequestedsampleisread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnswhatwasactuallyread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

value uInt32* Thesamplereadfromthetask.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt8[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt16[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Thedefaultvalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto)readsallavailablesamples.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableSamplespropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

fillMode bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthesamplesareinterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbyscannumber(interleaved)

arraySizeInSamps uInt32 Thesizeofthearray,insamples,intowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray uInt32[] Thearraytoreadsamplesinto,organizedaccordingtofillMode.

sampsPerChanRead int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesreadfromeachchannel.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

index uInt32 TheNthchanneltoreturn.Theindexstartsat1.

bufferSize int32 Thesize,inbytes,ofbuffer.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.


buffer char[] TheNthchannelintheindex.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.Forthisfunction,ifyoupassNULLforthebufferor0forthebuffersize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktoreadsamplesfrom.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,toread.Ifyousetthisparameterto-1(DAQmx_Val_Auto),NI-DAQmxdetermineshowmanysamplestoreadbasedonwhetherthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyoracquiresafinitenumberofsamples.Ifthetaskacquiressamplescontinuouslyandyousetthisparameterto-1,thisfunctionreadsallthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebuffer.IfreadArraydoesnotcontainenoughspace,thisfunctionreturnsasmanysamplesasfitinreadArray.Ifthetaskacquiresafinitenumberofsamplesandyousetthisparameterto-1,thefunctionwaitsforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples,thenreadsthosesamples.IfyousettheReadAllAvailableDatapropertytoTRUE,thefunctionreadsthesamplescurrentlyavailableinthebufferanddoesnotwaitforthetasktoacquireallrequestedsamples.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthefunctiontoreadthesample(s).Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetoreadtherequestedsamples.Ifalltherequestedsamplesareread,thefunctionissuccessful.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthesamplesthatwereactuallyread.

arraySizeInBytes uInt32 Thesizeofthearrayintowhichsamplesareread.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

readArray void* Thearrayintowhichsamplesareread.

sampsRead int32* Theactualnumberofbytesreadintothearrayperscan.

numBytesPerSamp int32* ThenumberofelementsinreadArraythatconstitutesasample.Thisvaluetakesintoaccountallchannelsthatareread.Forexample,fivechannelsgiving12bytesforoneentirescanreturn12bytes.Thevalueisnotdividedalongchannellines.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray float64[] Thearrayof64-bitsamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritethesampleto.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowritethevalue.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethevalue.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesthevalue,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterror.

value float64 A64-bitsampletowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray int16[] Thearrayof16-bitsamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray uInt16[] Thearrayof16-bitsamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

frequency float64[] Specifiesatwhatfrequencytogeneratepulses.

dutyCycle float64[] Thewidthofthepulsedividedbythepulseperiod.NI-DAQmxusesthisratio,combinedwithfrequency,todeterminebothpulsewidthandpulsedelay.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

numSampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritethesampleto.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

frequency float64 Specifiesatwhatfrequencytogeneratepulses.

dutyCycle float64 Thewidthofthepulsedividedbythepulseperiod.NI-DAQmxusesthisratio,combinedwithfrequency,todeterminebothpulsewidthandpulsedelay.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

highTicks uInt32[] Thenumberoftimebaseticksthepulseishigh.

lowTicks uInt32[] Thenumberoftimebaseticksthepulseislow.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

numSampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 472: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 473: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 474: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 475: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritethesampleto.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

highTicks uInt32 Thenumberoftimebaseticksthepulseishigh.

lowTicks uInt32 Thenumberoftimebaseticksthepulseislow.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.

Page 476: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 477: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 478: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 479: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

highTime float64[] Theamountoftimethepulseishigh.

lowTime float64[] Theamountoftimethepulseislow.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

numSampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 480: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 481: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 482: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 483: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritethesampleto.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

highTime float64 Theamountoftimethepulseishigh.

lowTime float64 Theamountoftimethepulseislow.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.

Page 484: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 485: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 487: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray uInt8[] Thesamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 488: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 491: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritethesampleto.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowritethevalue.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethevalue.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesthevalue,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterror.

value uInt32 A32-bitintegersampletowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.

Page 492: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 493: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 494: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 495: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray uInt8[] Thearrayof8-bitintegersamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 496: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 497: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 498: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 499: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray uInt16[] Thearrayof16-bitintegersamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 500: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 501: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 503: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSampsPerChan int32 Thenumberofsamples,perchannel,towrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,thisfunctionreturnsanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

dataLayout bool32 Specifieshowthesamplesarearranged,eitherinterleavedornoninterleaved.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel Groupby


DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber Groupbysample(interleaved)

writeArray uInt32[] Thearrayof32-bitintegersamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 504: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 505: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



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Page 507: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktowritesamplesto.

numSamps int32 Thenumberofsamplesperchanneltowrite.Youmustpassinavalueof0ormoreinorderforthesampletowrite.Ifyoupassanegativenumber,youwillreceiveanerror.

autoStart bool32 Specifieswhetherornotthisfunctionautomaticallystartsthetaskifyoudonotstartit.

timeout float64 Theamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthisfunctiontowriteallthesamples.Thedefaultvalueis10.0seconds.Tospecifyaninfinitewait,pass-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely).Thisfunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeoutelapses.Avalueof0indicatestotryoncetowritethesubmittedsamples.Ifthisfunctionsuccessfullywritesallsubmittedsamples,itdoesnotreturnanerror.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsatimeouterrorandreturnsthenumberofsamplesactuallywritten.

writeArray void* Therawsamplestowritetothetask.

reserved bool32* Reservedforfutureuse.PassNULLtothisparameter.


Name Type Description

sampsPerChanWritten int32* Theactualnumberofsamplesperchannelsuccessfullywrittentothebuffer.

Page 508: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

signalID int32 Thenameofthetrigger,clock,oreventtoexport.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_AIConvertClock Clockthat


DAQmx_Val_10MHzRefClock Outputofanoscillatorthatyoucanusetosynchronizemultipledevices.

DAQmx_Val_20MHzTimebaseClock OutputofanoscillatorthatistheonboardsourceoftheMasterTimebase.Othertimebases

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DAQmx_Val_SampleClock Clockthedeviceusestotimeeachsample.

DAQmx_Val_AdvanceTrigger Triggerthatmovesaswitchtothenextentryinascanlist.

DAQmx_Val_ReferenceTrigger Triggerthatestablishesthereferencepointbetweenpretriggerandposttriggersamples.

DAQmx_Val_StartTrigger Triggerthatbeginsameasurementorgeneration.

DAQmx_Val_AdvCmpltEvent Signalthataswitchproductgeneratesafteritbothexecutesthecommand(s)inascanlistentryandwaitsforthesettlingtime

Page 513: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

toelapse.DAQmx_Val_AIHoldCmpltEvent Signalthat


DAQmx_Val_CounterOutputEvent Signalthatacountergenerates.Eachtimethecounterreachesterminal

Page 514: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_ChangeDetectionEvent SignalthatastaticDIOdevicegenerateswhenthedevicedetectsarisingorfallingedgeonanyofthelinesorportsyouselectedwhenyouconfiguredchangedetectiontiming.

DAQmx_Val_WDTExpiredEvent SignalthatastaticDIOdevicegenerateswhenthewatchdogtimerexpires.

outputTerminal constchar[] Thedestinationterminaloftheexportedsignal.

Page 515: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

forwardCoeffs float64[] Thearrayoftheforwardcoefficientsforthepolynomialthatcomputesygivenavalueofx.Eachelementofthearraycorrespondstoatermoftheequation.Forexample,ifindex3ofthearrayis9,thefourthtermoftheequationis9x3.

numForwardCoeffsIn uInt32 ThenumberofelementsinforwardCoeff.

minValX float64 Theminimumvalueofxforwhichyouusethepolynomial.Thisisthesmallestvalueofxforwhichthefunctiongeneratesayvalueinthetable.

maxValX float64 Themaximumvalueofxforwhichyouusethepolynomial.Thisisthelargestvalueofxforwhichthefunctiongeneratesayvalueinthetable.

numPointsToCompute int32 Thenumberofpointsinthetableofxversusyvalues.ThefunctionspacesthevaluesevenlybetweenminValXandmaxValX.

reversePolyOrder int32 Theorderofthereversepolynomialtocompute.Forexample,aninputof3indicatesa3rdorderpolynomial.Aninputof-1indicatestocomputeareversepolynomialofthesameorderastheforwardpolynomial.


reverseCoeffs float64[] Thearrayofthereversecoefficientsofthepolynomial.Eachelementofthearraycorrespondstoatermoftheequation.Forexample,ifindex3ofthearrayis9,thefourthtermoftheequationis9y3.reverseCoeffswillbeonegreaterthanwhatyoupassedforreversePolyOrder.Ifyoupass-1forreversePolyOrder,thearraymustbethesizeofforwardCoeffs.Otherwise,thebehaviorisundefined.

Page 519: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

name constchar[] Identifiesthecustomscaleforlateruse,suchaswhenyoucreatechannels.

slope float64 Theslope,m,intheequation.

yIntercept float64 They-intercept,b,intheequation.

preScaledUnits int32 Theunitsofthevaluestoscale.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankineDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_Strain strainDAQmx_Val_Ohms ohmsDAQmx_Val_Hz hertzDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Meters metersDAQmx_Val_Inches inchesDAQmx_Val_Degrees degreesDAQmx_Val_Radians radiansDAQmx_Val_g G.1gisapproximately


DAQmx_Val_Pascals pascalsDAQmx_Val_FromTEDS UnitsdefinedbyTEDS


scaledUnits constchar[] Theunitsyouwanttouseforthescaledvalue.Youcanuseanarbitraryvalue.

Page 523: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

name constchar[] Identifiesthecustomscaleforlateruse,suchaswhenyoucreatechannels.

prescaledMin float64 Thesmallestvalueintherangeofprescaledvalues.NI-DAQmxmapsthisvaluetoscaledMin.

prescaledMax float64 Thelargestvalueintherangeofprescaledvalues.NI-DAQmxmapsthisvaluetoscaledMax.

scaledMin float64 Thesmallestvalueintherangeofscaledvalues.NI-DAQmxmapsthisvaluetoprescaledMin.Readoperationsclipsamplesthataresmallerthanthisvalue.Writeoperationsgenerateerrorsforsamplesthataresmallerthanthisvalue.

scaledMax float64 Thelargestvalueintherangeofscaledvalues.NI-DAQmxmapsthisvaluetoprescaledMax.Readoperationsclipsamplesthatarelargerthanthisvalue.Writeoperationsgenerateerrorsforsamplesthatarelargerthanthisvalue.

preScaledUnits int32 Theunitsofthevaluestoscale.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankineDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_Strain strainDAQmx_Val_Ohms ohmsDAQmx_Val_Hz hertzDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Meters metersDAQmx_Val_Inches inchesDAQmx_Val_Degrees degreesDAQmx_Val_Radians radiansDAQmx_Val_g G.1gisapproximately


DAQmx_Val_Pascals pascals

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DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS UnitsdefinedbyTEDSinformationassociatedwiththechannel.

scaledUnits constchar[] Theunitsyouwanttouseforthescaledvalue.Youcanuseanarbitraryvalue.

Page 528: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

name constchar[] Identifiesthecustomscaleforlateruse,suchaswhenyoucreatechannels.

forwardCoeffs float64[] Anarrayofcoefficientsforthepolynomialthatconvertsprescaledvaluestoscaledvalues.Eachelementofthearraycorrespondstoatermoftheequation.Forexample,ifindex3ofthearrayis9,thefourthtermoftheequationis9x3.

numForwardCoeffsIn uInt32 ThenumberofelementsinforwardCoeff.

reverseCoeffs float64[] Anarrayofcoefficientsforthepolynomialthatconvertsscaledvaluestoprescaledvalues.Eachelementofthearraycorrespondstoatermoftheequation.Forexample,ifindex3ofthearrayis9,thefourthtermoftheequationis9y3.

numReverseCoeffsIn uInt32 ThenumberofelementsinreverseCoeff.

preScaledUnits int32 Theunitsofthevaluestoscale.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_DegF degrees

FahrenheitDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankineDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_Strain strainDAQmx_Val_Ohms ohmsDAQmx_Val_Hz hertzDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Meters metersDAQmx_Val_Inches inchesDAQmx_Val_Degrees degreesDAQmx_Val_Radians radiansDAQmx_Val_g G.1gis


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DAQmx_Val_Pascals pascalsDAQmx_Val_FromTEDS Unitsdefinedby


scaledUnits constchar[] Theunitsyouwanttouseforthescaledvalue.Youcanuseanarbitraryvalue.

Page 533: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

name constchar[] Identifiesthecustomscaleforlateruse,suchaswhenyoucreatechannels.

prescaledVals float64[] Anarrayofprescaledvalues.ThesevaluesmapdirectlytothevaluesinscaledVals.

numPrescaledValsIn uInt32 ThenumberofelementsinprescaledVals.

scaledVals float64[] Anarrayofscaledvalues.ThesevaluesmapdirectlytothevaluesinprescaledVals.

numScaledValsIn uInt32 ThenumberofelementsinscaledVals.

preScaledUnits int32 Theunitsofthevaluestoscale.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Volts voltsDAQmx_Val_Amps amperesDAQmx_Val_DegF degreesFahrenheitDAQmx_Val_DegC degreesCelsiusDAQmx_Val_DegR degreesRankineDAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvinsDAQmx_Val_Strain strainDAQmx_Val_Ohms ohmsDAQmx_Val_Hz hertzDAQmx_Val_Seconds secondsDAQmx_Val_Meters metersDAQmx_Val_Inches inchesDAQmx_Val_Degrees degreesDAQmx_Val_Radians radiansDAQmx_Val_g G.1gis


DAQmx_Val_Pascals pascals

DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS Unitsdefinedby

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scaledUnits constchar[] Theunitsyouwanttouseforthescaledvalue.Youcanuseanarbitraryvalue.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

numSampsPerChan uInt32 Thenumberofsamplesthebuffercanholdforeachchannelinthetask.Zeroindicatesnobuffershouldbeallocated.Useabuffersizeof0toperformahardware-timedoperationwithoutusingabuffer.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

numSampsPerChan uInt32 Thenumberofsamplesthebuffercanholdforeachchannelinthetask.Zeroindicatesnobuffershouldbeallocated.Useabuffersizeof0toperformahardware-timedoperationwithoutusingabuffer.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

timeout float64 Themaximumamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthenextSampleClockpulse.Ifthetimeelapses,thisVIreturnsanerror.Thedefaulttimeoutis10seconds.Ifyousettimeoutto-1,thisVIwaitsindefinitely.


Name Type Description

isLate int32 Avalueof0indicatesthereadorwritefunctionexecutedinrealtime.Avalueof1indicatesthefunctiondidnotexecuteinrealtime.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

isLate int32 IndicatesifthisfunctiondetectedanextraSampleClockpulseafterthespecifiednumberofwarmupiterationsexecute.IfyouareusingtheCAPI,useDAQmxSetRealTimeNumOfWarmupIterstospecifythenumberofwarmupiterations.IfyouareusingtheCVIAPI,useDAQmxSetRealTimeAttributetospecifythenumberofiterations.ThisoutputisalwaysFALSEuntilthatnumberofloopiterationsexecute.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

timeToWait float64 Themaximumamountoftime,inseconds,towaitforthemeasurementorgenerationtocomplete.Thefunctionreturnsanerrorifthetimeelapsesbeforethemeasurementorgenerationiscomplete.Avalueof-1(DAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitely)meanstowaitindefinitely.IfyousettimeToWaitto0,thefunctionchecksonceandreturnsanerrorifthemeasurementorgenerationisnotdone.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

errorCode int32 AnerrorcodeorwarningreturnedbyoneoftheNI-DAQmxLibraryReadorWritefunctions.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

isLate int32 Avalueof0indicatesthereadorwritefunctionexecutedinrealtime.Avalueof1indicatesthefunctiondidnotexecuteinrealtime.

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Name Type Description

relays constchar[] Asetofrelaystoclose.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

switchChannel1 constchar[] Thefirstchanneltoconnect.

switchChannel2 constchar[] Thesecondchanneltoconnect.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

connectionList constchar[] Alistofconnections,usingaspecialsyntax,tomakebetweenswitchchannels.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

Page 571: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

scanList constchar[] Usesaspecialsyntaxtospecifythesequenceofconnectionsanddisconnectionsforthetask.


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle* Thetaskcreatedbythisfunction.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

switchChannel1 constchar[] Thefirstchanneltodisconnect.

switchChannel2 constchar[] Thesecondchanneltodisconnect.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

connectionList constchar[] Usesaspecialsyntaxtospecifythelistofswitchconnectionstoterminate.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

Page 587: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

switchChannel1 constchar[] Thefirstchanneltoconnect.

switchChannel2 constchar[] Thesecondchanneltoconnect.

pathBufferSize uInt32 Thesizeofpath.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthesizeofthebufferneededtoallocate.


Name Type Description

path char[] TheexistingpathoranavailablepathbetweenswitchChannel1andswitchChannel2thesamesyntaxasaconnectionordisconnectionlist.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthesizeofthebufferneededtoallocate.

pathStatus int32* Thestatusoftherequestedpath.Thefollowingvaluescanbereturned:




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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.Forthisfunction,ifyoupassNULLforthebufferor0forthebuffersize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesneededtoallocate.

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Name Type Description

relayList constchar[] Thesetofrelaysyouwanttoquery.

countArraySize uInt32 Thesizeofcount.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofsamplesneededtoallocate.


Name Type Description

count uInt32[] Numberoftimeseachspecifiedrelayhasbeenactuated.TheorderofthisarraydependsontheorderofrelayList.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofsamplesneededtoallocate.

numRelayCountsRead uInt32* Thenumberofrelaycountsreadbythefunction.

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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.Forthisfunction,ifyoupassNULLforthebufferor0forthebuffersize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofsamplesneededtoallocate.Forexample,malloc(n*sizeof(uInt32));

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Name Type Description

relayList constchar[] Thesetofrelaysyouwanttoquery.

relayPosArraySize uInt32 ThesizeofrelayPos.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofsamplesneededtoallocate.


Name Type Description

relayPos uInt32[] Thepositionofeachspecifiedrelay.TheorderofthisarraycorrespondstotheorderofrelayList.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofsamplesneededtoallocate.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Open Relayisopen.DAQmx_Val_Closed Relayisclosed.

numRelayPosRead uInt32* Thenumberofrelaypositionsreadbythefunction.

Page 600: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.Forthisfunction,ifyoupassNULLforthebufferor0forthebuffersize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofsamplesneededtoallocate.Forexample,malloc(n*sizeof(uInt32));

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Page 603: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

relayName constchar[] Therelayyouwanttoquery.


Name Type Description

count uInt32* Thenumberoftimestherelayhasbeenactuated.

Page 604: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

relayName constchar[] Therelayyouwanttoquery.


Name Type Description

relayPos uInt32* Thepositionoftherelay.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Open Relayisopen.DAQmx_Val_Closed Relayisclosed.

Page 608: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 609: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


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Name Type Description

relays constchar[] Asetofrelaystoopen.

waitForSettling bool32 IfTRUE,thisfunctionwaitsfortheswitchestosettlebeforereturning.IfFALSE,thefunctionreturnsimmediatelyaftertheoperation.

Page 612: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

newTopology constchar[] Theswitchtopologytouseonthedevice.Thefollowingtablelistsexamples.













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ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

Page 627: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

sourceTerminal constchar[] Theoriginatingterminaloftheroute.Youcanspecifyaterminalname.

destinationTerminal constchar[] Thereceivingterminaloftheroute.Youcanspecifyaterminalname.

signalModifiers int32 SpecifieswhetherornottoinvertthesignalroutedfromthesourceTerminaltothedestinationTerminal.Ifthedeviceisnotcapableofsignalinversionorifapreviousroutereservedtheinversioncircuitryinanincompatibleconfiguration,attemptingtoinvertthesignalcausesanerror.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_DoNotInvertPolarity Donot


DAQmx_Val_InvertPolarity Invertthesignal.

Page 631: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

sourceTerminal constchar[] Theoriginatingterminaloftheroute.Youcanspecifyaterminalname.

destinationTerminal constchar[] Thereceivingterminaloftheroute.Youcanspecifyaterminalname.

Page 635: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

outputTerminal constchar[] TheterminalontheI/Oconnectortosettohigh-impedancestate.Youcanspecifyaterminalname.

Page 639: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

Page 643: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 646: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

action int32 Specifieshowtocontrolthewatchdogtask.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_ResetTimer Resetstheinternal


DAQmx_Val_ClearExpiration Unlocksadevicewhosewatchdogexpired.

Page 647: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

taskName constchar[] Thenametoassigntothetask.Ifyouusethisfunctioninaloopandspecifyanameforthetask,youmustuseDAQmxClearTaskwithintheloopafteryouarefinishedwiththetask.Otherwise,NI-DAQmxattemptstocreatemultipletaskswiththesamename,whichresultsinanerror.

timeout float64 Thetime,inseconds,untilthewatchdogtimerexpires.AvalueofDAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitelyindicatesthattheinternaltimerneverexpires.UseDAQmx_Val_WaitInfinitelywhenyouuseatriggertosignalanexpirationofthetimer.Ifthistimeelapses,thedevicesetsthephysicalchannelstothestatesyouspecifyinexpState.UseDAQmxControlWatchdogTaskwithactionsettoDAQmx_Val_ResetTimertopreventthewatchdogtimerfromexpiring.

channelName constchar[] Thedigitallineorporttomodify.Youcannotmodifydedicateddigitalinputlines.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofphysicalchannels

expState int32 Thestatetowhichtosetthedigitalphysicalchannelwhenthewatchdogtimerexpires.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_High HighlogicDAQmx_Val_Low LowlogicDAQmx_Val_Tristate High-


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DAQmx_Val_NoChange Expirationdoesnotaffecttheport.Donotchangethestateofanylinesintheport,anddonotlocktheport.Forexample,ifalineishighwhenthetimerexpires,thatlinestayshigh,andyoucanwritenewvaluestotheline.Youcanselectthisvalueonlyforentireports.

moreChannelsAndStates anytype(passedbyvalue)



taskHandle TaskHandle* Areferencetothenewtask.

Page 652: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 654: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 655: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.Thisvoltageshouldbebetween+6.000Vand+9.999V.

Page 656: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 658: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 659: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.Thisvoltageshouldbebetween+6.000Vand+9.999V.

Page 660: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channelName constchar[]



Name Type Description

year uInt32* Thelastyearthatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

month uInt32* Thelastmonththatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

day uInt32* Thelastdaythatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

hour uInt32* Thelasthour,ona24-hourclock,thatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

minute uInt32* Thelastminutethatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

Page 664: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 667: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channelName constchar[]



Name Type Description

year uInt32* Thelastyearthatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

month uInt32* Thelastmonththatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

day uInt32* Thelastdaythatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

hour uInt32* Thelasthour,ona24-hourclock,thatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

minute uInt32* Thelastminutethatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

Page 668: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 669: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 670: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 671: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.


Name Type Description

year uInt32* Thelastyearthatthedeviceunderwentanexternalcalibration.

month uInt32* Thelastmonththatthedeviceunderwentanexternalcalibration.

day uInt32* Thelastdaythatthedeviceunderwentanexternalcalibration.

hour uInt32* Thelasthour,ona24-hourclock,thatthedeviceunderwentanexternalcalibration.

minute uInt32* Thelastminutethatthedeviceunderwentanexternalcalibration.

Page 672: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Page 675: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.


Name Type Description

year uInt32* Thelastyearthatthedeviceunderwentaself-calibration.

month uInt32* Thelastmonththatthedeviceunderwentaself-calibration.

day uInt32* Thelastdaythatthedeviceunderwentaself-calibration.

hour uInt32* Thelasthour,ona24-hourclock,thatthedeviceunderwentaself-calibration.

minute uInt32* Thelastminutethatthedeviceunderwentaself-calibration.

Page 676: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.Thisvoltageshouldbebetween+6.000Vand+9.999V.

Page 680: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

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Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channel constchar[] Asubsetofvirtualchannelsinthetaskthatyouwanttocalibrate.Usethisparameterifyoudonotwanttocalibrateallthechannelsinthetaskorifsomechannelsinthetaskmeasurenon-bridge-basedsensors.

Page 684: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 685: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 686: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 687: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channel constchar[] Asubsetofvirtualchannelsinthetaskthatyouwanttocalibrate.Usethisparameterifyoudonotwanttocalibrateallthechannelsinthetaskorifsomechannelsinthetaskmeasurenon-bridge-basedsensors.

skipUnsupportedChannels bool32 Specifieswhetherornottoskipchannelsthatdonotsupportcalibration.IfskipUnsupportedChannelsisTRUE,calibrationwillbeperformedonlyonsupportedchannels.IfFALSE,calibrationwillbeperformedonchannelsspecifiedbychannel.ThedefaultisFALSE.

Page 688: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 689: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 690: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 691: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channel constchar[]


shuntResistorValue float64 Theresistance,inohms,oftheshuntresistor.

shuntResistorLocation int32 Thelocationoftheshuntresistor.RefertotheNI-DAQmxHelpformoreinformationonbridgeconfigurations.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_R1(12465) R1DAQmx_Val_R2(12466) R2DAQmx_Val_R3(12467) R3DAQmx_Val_R4(14813) R4

bridgeResistance float64 Theresistance,inohms,ofthebridgesensor.

skipUnsupportedChannels bool32 Specifieswhetherornottoskipchannelsthatdonotsupportshuntcalibration.IfskipUnsupportedChannelsisTRUE,shuntcalibrationwillbeperformedonlyonsupportedchannels.IfFALSE,shuntcalibrationwillbeperformedonchannelsspecifiedbychannelNames.ThedefaultisFALSE.

Page 692: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 693: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 694: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 695: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channel constchar[]


shuntResistorValue float64 Theresistance,inohms,oftheshuntresistor.

shuntResistorLocation int32 Thelocationoftheshuntresistor.RefertotheNI-DAQmxHelpformoreinformationonbridgeconfigurations.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_R1(12465) R1DAQmx_Val_R2(12466) R2DAQmx_Val_R3(12467) R3DAQmx_Val_R4(14813) R4

skipUnsupportedChannels bool32 Specifieswhetherornottoskipchannelsthatdonotsupportshuntcalibration.IfskipUnsupportedChannelsisTRUE,shuntcalibrationwillbeperformedonlyonsupportedchannels.IfFALSE,shuntcalibrationwillbeperformedonchannelsspecifiedbychannelNames.ThedefaultisFALSE.

Page 696: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 697: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 698: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 699: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

Page 700: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 701: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 702: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 703: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.Thisvoltageshouldbebetween+6.000Vand+9.999V.

Page 704: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 705: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 706: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 707: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

Page 708: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 709: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 710: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 711: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channelName constchar[]


year uInt32 Thelastyearthatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

month uInt32 Thelastmonththatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

day uInt32 Thelastdaythatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

hour uInt32 Thelasthour,ona24-hourclock,thatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

minute uInt32 Thelastminutethatthechannelunderwentachannelcalibration.

Page 712: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 713: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 714: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 715: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskusedinthisfunction.

channelName constchar[]


year uInt32 Thelastyearthatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

month uInt32 Thelastmonththatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

day uInt32 Thelastdaythatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

hour uInt32 Thelasthour,ona24-hourclock,thatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

minute uInt32 Thelastminutethatthechannelunderwentanexternalchannelcalibration.

Page 716: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 717: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 718: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 719: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.Thisvoltageshouldbebetween+6.000Vand+9.999V.

Page 720: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 721: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 722: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 723: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

password constchar[] Thecurrentcalibrationpasswordforthedevice.Thispasswordiscasesensitive.ThedefaultpasswordforallNIproductsisNI.

newPassword constchar[] Thenewpasswordforthedevice.Thispasswordcanbenolongerthanfourcharacters.

Page 724: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 725: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 726: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 727: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

action int32 Specifieshowtoclosethecalibrationsession.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Action_Commit Savesthecalibration


DAQmx_Val_Action_Cancel Closesthesessionwithoutsavinganycalibrationchanges

Page 728: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 729: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 730: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 731: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

password constchar[] Thecurrentcalibrationpasswordforthedevice.Thispasswordiscasesensitive.ThedefaultpasswordforallNIproductsisNI.


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32* Areferencetothecalibrationsession.

Page 732: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 733: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 734: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 735: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.Thisvoltageshouldbebetween+4.9Vand+9.1V.

Page 736: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 737: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 738: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 739: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channel uInt32 Thenumberofthechanneltocalibrate.Thisnumberisthenumericportionofthephysicalchannelname,notthefullphysicalchannelname.

requestedLowVoltage float64 Thelowvoltageyouattemptedtogenerateatthegainsettingyouspecified.

actualLowVoltage float64 Theactuallowvoltageasmeasuredbyanexternalsensor.

requestedHighVoltage float64 Thehighvoltageyouattemptedtogenerateatthegainsettingyouspecified.

actualHighVoltage float64 Theactualhighvoltageasmeasuredbyanexternalsensor.

gainSetting float64 Thegainsettingyouusedwhenyouattemptedtogeneratetherequestedhighvoltageandrequestedlowvoltage.

Page 740: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 741: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 742: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 743: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

referenceFrequency float64 Thefrequency,inhertz,ofthesignaltouseasareferenceforcalibration.

Page 744: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 745: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 746: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 747: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelNames constchar[]


lowPassFreq float64 Thelowpasscutofffrequency,inhertz,(6or10000)ontheSCMPpodtocalibrate.

trackHoldEnabled bool32 SpecifieswhethercalibratingfortrackHoldisenabledordisabled.

inputVal float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

Page 748: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 749: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 750: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 751: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelNames constchar[]


gain float64 ThegainvalueontheSCMPpodtocalibrate.

inputVal float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

Page 752: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 753: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 754: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 755: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelNames constchar[]


gain float64 ThegainvalueontheSCMPpodtocalibrate.

inputVal float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

Page 756: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 757: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 758: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 759: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 760: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 761: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 762: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 763: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 764: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 765: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 766: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 767: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 768: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 769: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 770: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 771: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 ThevoltageorcurrentmeasuredattheoutputchannelspecifiedinapreviouscalltotheDAQmxSetup1122Calfunction.

Page 772: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 773: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 774: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 775: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

measOutput float64 ThevoltageorcurrentmeasuredattheoutputchannelspecifiedinapreviouscalltotheDAQmxSetup1124Calfunction.

Page 776: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 777: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 778: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 779: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 780: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 781: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 782: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 783: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refFreq float64 Theknownfrequency,inhertz,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 784: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 785: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 786: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 787: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 788: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 789: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 790: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 791: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 792: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 793: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 794: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 795: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 796: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 797: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 798: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 799: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 800: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 801: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 802: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 803: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 804: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 805: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 806: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 807: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


measOutput float64 Thecurrentmeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 808: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 809: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 810: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 811: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 812: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 813: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 814: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 815: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

Page 816: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 817: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 818: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 819: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 Theknownvoltage,involts,touseasareferenceforcalibration.BothrefVoltageandmeasOutputmustbeofthesamemeasurementtype,eitherRMSvoltageorpeak-to-peakvoltage.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.BothrefVoltageandmeasOutputmustbeofthesamemeasurementtype,eitherRMSvoltageorpeak-to-peakvoltage.

Page 820: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 821: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 822: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 823: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

refVoltage float64 TheexcitationRMSvoltagemeasuredfromthefrontofthemodule.

measOutput float64 Thevoltagemeasuredattheoutputofthemodule.

inputCalSource int32 Thecalibrationinputsourceselection.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Loopback0 Loopbacktheinternal


DAQmx_Val_Loopback180 Loopbacktheinternalexcitationvoltagewith180degreephaseshift.

DAQmx_Val_Ground Connectthechanneltoground.

Page 824: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 825: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 826: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 827: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelNames constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 828: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 829: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 830: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 831: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channel constchar[]


Page 832: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 833: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 834: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 835: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channel constchar[]


Page 836: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 837: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 838: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 839: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channel constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 840: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 841: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 842: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 843: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


range int32 Therangetocalibrate.

dacValue uInt32 ThebinarynumbertowritetotheDACcircuitry.

Page 844: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 845: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 846: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 847: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelNames constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 848: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 849: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 850: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 851: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


upperFreqLimit float64 Thehighfrequencylimitinhertz,with0Hzasthelowfrequencylimit,whichmostcloselyencapsulatestherangestobecalibrated.

Page 852: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 853: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 854: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 855: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 856: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 857: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 858: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 859: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 860: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 861: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 862: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 863: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 864: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 865: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 866: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 867: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 868: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 869: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 870: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 871: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 872: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 873: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 874: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 875: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelNames constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 876: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 877: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 878: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 879: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


gain float64 Thegainvaluetocalibrate.

Page 880: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 881: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 882: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 883: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

calHandle uInt32 AreferencetothecalibrationsessionthatyoucreatedusingtheDAQmxInitExtCalfunction.

channelName constchar[]


excitationVoltage float64 TheRMSvalueoftheinternalACexcitationvoltage.

excitationFreq float64 ThefrequencyoftheinternalACexcitationvoltage.

Page 884: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 885: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 886: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 887: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

channelName constchar[] Nameoftheglobalvirtualchanneltodelete.

Page 888: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 889: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 890: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 891: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

scaleName constchar[] Nameofthecustomscaletodelete.

Page 892: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 893: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 894: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 895: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskName constchar[] Nameofthetasktodelete.

Page 896: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 897: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 898: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 899: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetaskthatcontainsthelocalorglobalvirtualchannelyouwanttosave.

channelName constchar[]


saveAs constchar[]


author constchar[]


options uInt32 Usethisparametertosetcertainoptions.Youcancombineoptionswiththebitwise-ORoperator('|')tosetmultipleoptions.Passavalueofzeroifnooptionsneedtobeset.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Save_Overwrite Overwritea


DAQmx_Val_Save_AllowInteractiveEditing Allowtheglobalvirtual

Page 900: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_Save_AllowInteractiveDeletion AllowtheglobalvirtualchanneltobedeletedthroughMAX.

Page 901: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 902: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 903: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 904: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

scaleName constchar[]


saveAs constchar[]


author constchar[]


options uInt32 Usethisparametertosetcertainoptions.Youcancombineoptionswiththebitwise-ORoperator('|')tosetmultipleoptions.Passavalueofzeroifnooptionsneedtobeset.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Save_Overwrite Overwritea


DAQmx_Val_Save_AllowInteractiveEditing AllowthecustomscaletobeeditedintheDAQAssistant.

Page 905: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

DAQmx_Val_Save_AllowInteractiveDeletion AllowthecustomscaletobedeletedthroughMAX.

Page 906: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 907: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 908: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 909: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

taskHandle TaskHandle Thetasktosave.

saveAs constchar[]


author constchar[]


options uInt32 Usethisparametertosetcertainoptions.Youcancombineoptionswiththebitwise-ORoperator('|')tosetmultipleoptions.Passavalueofzeroifnooptionsneedtobeset.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_Save_Overwrite Overwritea


DAQmx_Val_Save_AllowInteractiveEditing AllowthetasktobeeditedintheDAQAssistant.Ifyousetthisflag,theDAQ

Page 910: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


DAQmx_Val_Save_AllowInteractiveDeletion AllowthetasktobedeletedthroughMAX.

Page 911: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 912: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 913: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 914: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

physicalChannel constchar[] Thenameofthephysicalchannelyouwanttoclear.

Page 915: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 916: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 917: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 918: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

physicalChannel constchar[]


filePath constchar[]


Page 919: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 920: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 921: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 922: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

physicalChannel constchar[]


bitstream uInt8 RepresentstheTEDSbitstreamtowritetothesensor.ThisbitstreammustbeconstructedaccordingtotheIEEE1451.4specification.

arraySize uInt32 Numberofbytesinthebitstream.

basicTEDSOptions int32 SpecifieshowtohandlebasicTEDSdatainthebitstream.

Value DescriptionDoNotWrite






Page 923: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 924: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 925: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 926: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

physicalChannel constchar[]


filePath constchar[]


basicTEDSOptions int32 SpecifieshowtohandlebasicTEDSdatainthebitstream.

Value DescriptionDoNotWrite






Page 927: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 928: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 929: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 930: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

channelNames constchar[] Thephysicalchanneltomodify.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofchannels.

state float64 Thepower-upstatetosetforthechannel(s)inchannelNames.

channelType int32 Thechanneltypeforthechannel(s)inchannelNames.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_ChannelVoltage Voltage


DAQmx_Val_ChannelCurrent Currentoutput.Youcansetcurrentpower-upstatesonlyforphysicalchannelsthatsupportcurrentoutput.

moreChannelsStatesAndTypes anytype(passedbyvalue)


Page 931: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 932: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 933: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 934: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 935: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

logicFamily int32 Specifiesthelogicfamilytosetthedevicetowhenitpowersup.Alogicfamilycorrespondstovoltagethresholdsthatarecompatiblewithagroupofvoltagestandards.Refertodevicedocumentationforinformationonthelogichighandlogiclowvoltagesfortheselogicfamilies.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_2point5V 2.5V(compatiblewith

CMOSsignals)DAQmx_Val_3point3V 3.3V(compatiblewith


DAQmx_Val_5V 5V(compatiblewithTTLandCMOSsignals)

Page 936: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 937: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 938: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 939: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

deviceName constchar[] Thenameofthedevice,asconfiguredinMeasurement&AutomationExplorer(MAX),towhichthisoperationapplies.

channelNames constchar[] Thedigitallineorporttomodify.Youcannotsetpower-upstatesfordedicateddigitalinputlines.Youcanspecifyalistorrangeofchannels.

state int32 Thepower-upstatetosetforthechannel(s)inchannelNames.

Value DescriptionDAQmx_Val_High HighlogicDAQmx_Val_Low LowlogicDAQmx_Val_Tristate High-impedance


moreChannelsAndStates anytype(passedbyvalue)


Page 940: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Apositivevalueindicatesawarning.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.

Page 941: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,



Page 942: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 943: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

errorCode int32 AnerrorcodeorwarningreturnedbyoneoftheNI-DAQmxLibraryfunctions.

bufferSize uInt32 Thesize,inbytes,ofthebufferpassedintheerrorString.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesyouneedtoallocate.


errorString char[] Themeaningfulerrormessagefortheerrornumber.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesyouneedtoallocate.

Page 944: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.IfyoupassinavalidvalueforerrorStringanditsbufferSize,thisfunctionreturnsasmuchoftheavailabledataaspossible.IfyoupassNULLforerrorStringor0forbufferSize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesyouneedtoallocate.

Page 945: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 946: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Page 947: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,


Name Type Description

bufferSize uInt32 Thesize,inbytes,oferrorString.Ifyoupass0,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesyouneedtoallocate.


Name Type Description

errorString char[] Dynamicerrorinformation.IfyoupassNULL,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesyouneedtoallocate.

Page 948: NI-DAQmx C Reference Help · If you do not call DAQmxStartTask and DAQmxStopTask when you call NI-DAQmx Read functions or NI-DAQmx Write functions multiple times, such as in a loop,

ReturnValueName Type Description

status int32 Theerrorcodereturnedbythefunctionintheeventofanerrororwarning.Avalueof0indicatessuccess.Anegativevalueindicatesanerror.IfyoupassinavalidvalueforerrorStringanditsbufferSize,thisfunctionreturnsasmuchoftheavailabledataaspossible.IfyoupassNULLforerrorStringor0forbufferSize,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbytesyouneedtoallocate.