nibiru the annunaqi fact or fiction


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SYMBOL OF THE liVING MESSIAHAuthored By:The Grand Master Dr. Malachi Z. YorkOf The Ancient & Mystic Order OfMelchizedek-A.M.O.M.Fraternally YoursH.T.M.Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _IntroductionIn Addition To The Many Questions That ArePut To Myself, Dr. Malachi Z. York, AndMany Of My Followers About What I AmTeaching You, The Question "Did He MakeNibiru Up?", "How Do You Know That TheAnunnaqi Are Real And Not Just AFabrication Of Dr. Malachi Z. York's Mind?"And Again Just As I Have Answered BeforeNibiru And The Anunnaqi Are Nothing New,The Information That You Are Now Hearing IsInformation That I Disclosed To The Public AsFar Back As The 1970's A.D. And They AreRight And Exact. FACTS ARE FACTS AndTRUTH IS TRUTH.So For Those Of You That Say That Nuwaubu,Nibiru Or The Anunnaqi, Along With OtherThings Are Some New Words That I Just MadeUp Off Of The Top Of My Head, Such As,Nibiru Which Means "Planet Of The Crossing"Or "Planet That Crosses The Skies", The WordNibiru Comes From The Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic)Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Root Word Nabara C.,...,) Which Means "ToRaise, Elevate, To Go. "Nibiru And The Anunnaqi Are Two Of TheThings That I Have Been Telling You About ForOver 20 Years. When I First MentionedMotherships And Crafts, As Usual, EveryoneThought I Was Crazy. People Thought That IMade It Up Or Got It From The Han. ElijahMuhammad Who Referred To It As The MotherPlane. I Will Explain This Later In This Scroll.The Thought Of Extra-Terrestrials OrExtra-Terrestrial Crafts From "Outer Space"Were Unheard Of Or They Simply Did Not WantTo Accept The Fact That Their Bible And KoranIs Filled With Encounters Of Extra-TerrestrialsOr What You Would Consider Anomalous.There Were Those Who Did Know For A Fact,And Were Firsthand Witnesses OfExtra-Terrestrial Beings And Extra-TerrestrialCraft Sightings During The 1940's In Roswell,New Mexico. (Refer To "Man From PlanetRizq", Scroll #80, "Mission Earth And TheExtraterrestrial Involvement", Scroll #82, "Are2Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _There Extraterrestrials (UFO's) In YourMidst?", Scroll #84). So There Were Some WhoKnew That What I Was Saying Was True, YetThey Did Not Want To Accept Those FactsComing From Me.However, Now Scientists Are Not Only ChartingNibiru In Its Orbit, But They Are Also PickingUp Radar Signals From What They Call AlienLife Forms. So Now They Are Telling ThePublic About It And That Is YOURConfirmation That It Does Exist. NOW ]GUESS YOU CAN TRUST WHAT] SAYBECAUSE THE CANAANITE SAYS IT.Four Years Ago When The Ansaaru AllahCommunity Became Known As The HolyTabernacle Ministries Or Simply The NubianNation, And I Started To Release A Whole NewSet Of Pamphlets Called Scrolls, I Mentioned ToMy Congregation To Watch The Media AndWatch The Other Nubian Leaders. They AllFollowed Me, They Pretend They Don't, TheyWait To See What I Have To Say. And AgainThe Moment I Began Talking About3Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Anunnaqi Or Nibiru, It's Now, All Of A SuddenAll Over The Media And Many Nubian LeadersAre Talking About It.What Is So Sad Is, Something That I Came ToRealize A Long Time Ago, That You OnlyAccept Information From Europeans Or PaleArabs. If This Information Is Not Being Said BySome Pale Arab, Then You Don't Believe It. IfIt's Not Being Said By A Caucasian, Then YouDon't Believe It. If It's Not On NBC, ABC,CBS, CNN Or Being Broadcasted Or SmearedAcross The Media, Then You Don't Believe It.All Of These Facets Are Controlled. (Read TheYear 2,000 And What To Expect, Scroll #156And Leviathan - 666 (The Spell Of Kingu),Scroll #15).You Don't See Anything On Television (TellLies Visually) Other Than What They Want YouTo See. You Don't Hear Anything On TheRadio That They Don't Want You To Hear. YouNever Question These People Or Research WhatThey Are Saying. You Just Accept What TheyTell You As True.4Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _However, I, Dr. Malachi Z. York, Being TheOne Raised For You From Amongst You, YourOwn Messenger, Came Giving You InformationAbout Everything Under And Now Above TheSun. Yet, You Will Question Me Endlessly.This Is Because You Need The Caucasian'sStamp Of Approval. Thus, You Will Never BeAble To Think On Your Own. You Nubians AreLiterally Out Of Your Minds!! That Is Why IAm Here; Sent To You With Right Knowledge,Right Wisdom, And A Right OverstandingWhich Will Lead To Sound Right Reasoning -Nuwaubu To Help Break This Evil HypnoticSpell Oflgnorance That You Are Under.Ques: Do Religious Leaders Teach Or EvenKnow About Crafts?ADs: Well, The Hon. Elijah Muhammad Did.Throughout His Teachings He Spoke About AMother Plane - A Wheel In A Wheel ThatEzekiel Saw In A Vision In Books Such As: TheFall Of America, The Message To The BlackMan In America And The Mother Plane.56Nihiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Figure 1The Honorable Elijah Muhammad1897-1973 A.D.7Nihiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Wheel-Shaped Plane Known As The Mother OfPlanes, Is One HalfMile By A Half Mile... "Diagram 1"The Motherplane"Which Many Of Us See In The Sky Today Is NotSo Much A Wheel As One May Think In SuchTerms, But Rather A Place Made Like Wheel.The Like Of This Wheel-Like Plane Was NeverSeen Before. You Cannot Build One Like It AndGet The Same Results." And "The PresentOn Page 25-26 OfThe Mother PlaneWritten By TheHon. ElijahMuhammad ItSays: "There Is ASimilar Wheel InThe Sky TodayWhich Very WellAnswers TheDescription OfEzekiel's Vision.This WheelCorresponds In AWay With TheSphere Of SpheresCalled TheUniverse... TheGreat WheelNibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Ques: So What About Those Crafts ThatPeople Claim They See?Ans: Sixty Percent (60%) Of The Crafts ThatAre Seen Flying In The Skies Were Made RightHere On Earth. It Is Obvious By TheConstruction Of The Crafts And How They Fly.Some Of Them Have Wings And Others AreSaucer And Oval Shaped. That's Why MostPeople Call Them Discs Or Saucers.Think, Most People Say That The Crafts TheySee Came From Outer Space. In An AtmosphereSuch As Outer Space Where There Is No Air,Why Would There Be Crafts Constructed WithWings Or Saucer Shaped. This Is One Way ThatYou Can Determine Whether Crafts Are MadeOn Earth Or From "Outer Space". This Is CalledAerodynamics.Ques: What Is Aerodynamics?Ans: Aerodynamics Is The Study Of The FlowOf Air And Other Gases And Of The ForcesActing On Bodies Moving Through The Gases.8Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Aerodynamics Is A Combination Of The WordAero - Meaning "Air; Atmosphere" TakenFrom The Greek Word Aer (arlP) Which Means"Air" And The Word Dynamic Meaning ''OJOr Relating To Energy Or To Objects InMotion", Taken From The Greek WordDunasthai Which Means "To Be Able,Powerful, Strong, Able. "Aerodynamic Forces Act On Airplanes, AndAny Other Objects That Move Through The Air.Make Note That Spacecrafts, Such As TheShuttles That Are Sent Up To Other Planets, DoNot Involve Aerodynamics Because There Is NoAir In Space To Produce Aerodynamic Forces.Only It's Flight Through The Earth's AtmosphereInvolves Aerodynamics.Now If The UFO's That People Are SeeingEveryday Are From "Outer Space", Where ItConsists Of No Air, Then Why Are They ShapedTo Fly Through The Earth's Atmosphere, AnAtmosphere That Has Air? Because They AreMade Right Here On Earth.9Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?Diagram 2How Aerodynamics Work10Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Ques: So Why Do They Keep Referring To ItAs The Mother Plane?Ans: First, Let Me Explain To You That A PlaneHas Nothing To Do With An Airplane BecauseAn Airplane Is Not Flat. This Plane IsDescribing A Disc Shaped Object. So Don't LetSome Misinformed Preacher, Leader, Imaam OrRabbi, Etc. Come Along And Tell You That ThisMother Plane That The Hon. Elijah MuhammadWas Talking About Is An Airplane. Because ItIs Not.According To The American HertiageDictionary Plane Is Defined As: 4. An AirplaneOr A Hydroplane. 5. A Supporting Surface OfAnAirplane; An Airfoil Or A Wing. And Is TakenFrom The Latin Word planum Meaning "FlatSurface", From Neuter Of planus Meaning"Flat".ow Have You Ever Seen A Flat Airplane? No.So It Is Called A Motherplane Or A MothershipBecause It Houses Smaller Crafts, The Same AsA Mother Houses Her Children.IINibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _The Holy Bible Made For The HebrewIsraelites By Their Leader Yahweh BenYahweh Who They Call Their Messiah On TheForeword Page, The Temple Of LovePublishers, Miami, Florida, Also TeachesAbout Crafts Which They Call U.F.O.'s.Figure 2Yahweh Ben Yahweh12Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _They Say That In Genesis 3:8 When Adam AndEve Heard The Voice Of God In The Garden, ItWas Coming From An U.F.O. And In TheirPicture Of Adam And Eve Being Banished FromThe Garden, A Craft Is Shown In The Skies.Diagram 3"Adam And Eve's Expulsion From The Garden"I3Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _In Another Picture, The Hebrew Israelites Say"One Of Yahweh's U.F.O.s Appeared As ACloud By Day And Fire By Night And HoveredBetween Pharaoh's Army And Our Forefathers,Yahweh Fought For Us And We Held Our PeaceIn Exodus 14:14-20."Diagram 4"Israel Protected From Pharaoh's Army"14Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Also According To The Hebrew Israelites,Moses Was Allowed To See Yahweh's Glory.Yahweh Flies Through The Heavens In AMother Plane That Defies Imagination (Exodus33:18-22). Elijah Was Taken Up In A WhirlwindIn 2 Kings 2:11-12. They Say The Chariot OfFire Was An U.F.O. And Ezekiel Gives APerfect Description Of Round Flying Machines -Wheel In The Middle Of A Wheel.Diagram 5"Elijah Taken Up By Whirlwind"15Nihiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?----- -----In An Article Published In The Final CallNewspaper Published By The Nation Of IslamOn November 30, 1989 A.D. Under Min. LouisFarrakhan's Leadership Page 27 EntitledUFOs: Fantasy Or Reality? By JabrilMuhammad, It States, "That He And Two OtherRepresentatives Of The Nation Of Islam, WentTo Frankfurt, Germany To Attend A u'F.O.Conference. "In This Article He States "Within A Day Or TwoOf The Ministers Press Conference And BeforeThe Mockery Of The Mocker Could Settle In.Allah Showed A Sign By Ordering One Of TheSmaller (Or Baby) Planes To Be Seen InWashington, D.C. During The Conference, InGermany, The Conference Was Shown A ReportIn A Turkish Newspaper Of One Of These PlanesOver Europe. "It Also Says That "Min. Louis Farrakhan IsBeing Guided To Uncover What They AreHaving A Hard Time Uncovering. So They WorkNight And Day To Try And Keep A Blanket OfSecrecy Or Falsehood Over The Minister; The16Nihiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Two Who Back Him; The Truth He PreachesAnd The WonderfUl Future We As A People HaveIf We Will Submit To Our God Allah. "Min. Louis Farrakhan Had A Million PeopleListening To Him On October 16,1995 A.D. AtHis Million Man March And He Did Not SayOne Thing About U.F.O.'s That He Is SupposedTo Be Uncovering.Figure 3Min. Louis Farrakhan17Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Then There Was Also An Article In The SunNewspaper, November 7, 1995 A.D. A MonthLater Entitled, New Farrakhan Shocker: IBelieve In UFOs! Where He Claimed, "That 10Years Ago He Was Taken Up By A Craft ThatTook Him To A Larger Mothership He Met TheHon. Elijah Muhammad." He Said That, "TheHan. Elijah Muhammad Told Him ThatPresident Reagan Was Planning A War. "Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Minister Louis Farrakhan Is Quoted As Saying,"Aliens Took Me To Visit The Mothership.. .IReally Don't Care If You Think I'm A Nut." Min.Louis Farrakhan Spoke About This Encounter AtThe Union Temple Baptist Church InWashington, D.C. To A Crowd Of 2,000People.Ques: What Are The Opinions Of TheLeading Bible Scholars?"IT IS PROBABLY NOT TO BE IDENTIFIEDWITH HEAVEN, BUT IT MUST CERTAINLY19Ans: Biblical Scholars Know Of A Place OrThing That Their Bible Promises Them Called"The Holy City, The New Jerusalem", That IsSpoken Of 5 Times In The New Testament. It IsThe Main Theme Of The Book Of Revelation.They Are Not Sure If The "New Jerusalem" IsA "Heavenly Abode" Or An "Earthly Abode" OrExactly What It Is.Diagram 6Newspaper Article18According ToCommentary:The Wycliffe BibleNibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _BE THAT TO WHICH THE SCRIPTURESHAVE PREVIOUSLY POINTED - THE CITYOF GOD, THE NEW JERUSALEM, THE ZIONTHAT IS ABOVE. ONE MUST NOT BEDOGMATIC HERE AS TO WHAT MAY BEINTERPRETED SYMBOLICALLY AND WHATMUST BE CONSIDERED LITERAL. "According To The Ryrie Study Bible:"NEW JERUSALEM THIS HEAVENLY CITYWILL BE THE ABODE OF ALL THE SAINTS(HEB. 12:22-24), THE BRIDE OF CHRIST(REV 21:9-10), AND THE PLACE CHRIST ISPREPARING FOR HIS PEOPLE (JOHN 14:2).DURING THE MILLENIUM THE NEWJERUSALEM (DESCRIBED IN DETAIL INREV 21:9-22.5) APPARENTLY WILL BESUSPENDED OVER THE EARTH, AND ITWILL BE THE DWELLING PLACE OF ALLBELIEVERS DURING ETERNITY (AS ISEMPHASIZED IN 21I-8). "According To The Clarke's BibleCommentary:20Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _"EVEN JERUSALEM WAS THE SUBJECT OFALLEGORY; FOR IT WAS A MAXIM AMONGTHE RABBINS, THAT WHATSOEVER WAS INTHE EARTH, THE SAME WAS ALSO FOUNDIN HEAVEN; FOR THERE IS NO MATTER,HOWSOEVER SMALL, IN THIS WORLD, THATHAS NOT SOMETHING SIMILAR TO IT INTHE SPIRITUAL WORLD. ON THIS MAXIM,THE JEWS IMAGINE THAT EVERY EARTHLYTHING HAS ITS REPRESENTATIVE INHEAVEN; AND ESPECIALLY WHATEVERCONCERNS JERUSALEM, THE LAW, AND ITSORDINANCES. "According To The Book Of Revelation By TheWorldwide Church Of God:"INTERPRETERS HAVE HELD DIFFERINGOPINIONS AS TO WHAT IT IS. SOME SAYTHIS NEW JERUSALEM IS A REAL CITY.OTHERS CLAIM IT IS ONLY AN ALLEGORYOF THE PERFECTED AND ETERNALCHURCH THE NEW JERUSALEM IS ANANALOGY OF THE IMMORAL SAINTSWOULD STAND IN STARK CONTRAST TO21Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _THAT OF THE DECEIVED PEOPLE INTODAY'S SYSTEM, BABYLON THE GREAT.BABYLON IS THE WICKED HARLOT ANDTHE NEW JERUSALEM IS THE HOLY CITYOF GOD. BABYLON IS FULL OF EVIL (REV.18:2); THE NEW JERUSALEM IS PURE (REV.21:27). "According To Daniel And Revelation By UriahSmith:"IF WE CONSIDER THIS DECEPTIONEXCLUSIVELY METAPHORICAL, IT IS DONEBY MANY WHO PROFESS TO BE BIBLETEACHERS, AND SPIRITUALIZE AWAY THISCITY INTO ETHEREAL NOTHINGNESS, HOWUNMEANING DO THESE MINUTEDESCRIPTIONS APPEAR! BUT IF WE TAKEIT IN ITS NATURAL AND OBVIOUSSIGNIFICANCE, AND LOOK UPON THE CITYAS THE PROPHET EVIDENTLY INTENDED,AS A LITERAL AND TANGIBLE ABODE, OURGLORIOUS INHERITANCE, THE BEAUTIESOF WHICH WE ARE TO LOOK UPON WITHOUR OWN EYES, HOW THE GLORY OF THESCENE IS ENHANCED!"22Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _From Reading These Commentaries, It IsObvious That They Don't Know What TheBooks Of Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, And RevelationAre About. You Have People Of VariousReligious Denominations Such As The JewsWho Do Everything In Their Power To AvoidExplaining Ezekiel's Wheel (Ezekiel 1:16). TheyWill Never Tell You That The "Wheel Within AWheel" Was An Actual Craft. In Ezekiel40:2-3,5, It Describes The New Jerusalem ThatIs Also Talked About In Revelation 21:10,15-17.Figure 4EzekielSon Of Buzi And Rizana23Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction?=----Figure 5Joel Son Of Petbeul And Jakaana24Nibiru And The Anunnaqi-----= Fact Or Fiction?-----Figure 6Daniel Son Of Jarab And Gebbar25Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _THE WORDS OF A BOOKWHICH ARE EATENTHE DESCRIPTION OF BOOK (SCROLL)WRITTEN WITHIN AND WITHOUTTHE APPEARANCE OF THE ELOHEEMMURDOQ (MELCHIZEDEK)Ezekiel Was Sent To The Israelites, Who WereExiled To Babylon. Many Of Ezekiel'sMessages Were Concentrated Around The SevenYears Before The Destruction Of Jerusalem AndTheir Temple. Ezekiel's Most Prominent VisionWas That Of The Four Living Creatures AndThe Mothership. Many Of The Prophecies ThatWere Made In The Book Of Revelation WereAlready Done In The Prophetical Books OfEzekiel, Daniel, Joel And Zechariah (Refer ToRevelation, Edition #216).The Following Is A List Of The SimilaritiesBetween The Book Of Ezekiel And Revelation.Ezekiel 1:26-28Ezekiel 2:9-10Ezekiel 3:1-3Revelation 4:2-3Revelation 4:6-8Revelation 10:9-10THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES THE CITY OF TYRE IS LIKE UNTOBABYLON THE GREATEzekiel I :5-12 Revelation 4:6-8THE DESCRIPTION OF THEMOTHERSHIP (THE CRYSTAL CITY)Ezekiel 27:27-33, 36;28:17-19Revelation 18:79-11,15-19,23Ezekiel 1:22 Revelation 15:2GOG AND MAGOG26Ezekiel 38:2-4, 18; 39: I27Revelation 20:8Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _THE NEW JERUSALEMTHE TREE OF LIFETHE RIVER OF LIFE KAWTHAR28Figure 7EnochSon Of Jared And Silham29Revelation 21: I0,15,16-17Revelation 22: IRevelation 22:2Ezekiel 47:5-6Ezekiel 47:7Ezekiel 40:2-3, 5Ezekiel's Wheel Is Not The Only Story ThatThey Can't Explain In The Old Testament. TheyTry To Avoid Infonnation That Is RecordedRight In The Old Testament In Which TheyProfess To Believe In.They Try To Avoid Explaining That In Genesis5:24, Enoch Whose Angelic Name Is Adafa,Says "God Took Him" Where It Says And IQuote: "And Enoch Walked With God: AndHe Was Not; For God Took Him"Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _First, Let Me State That The Word Used ForGod In Genesis 5:24 Is EIoheem (tm7N) WhichIs A Plural Not Singular. (Refer To 360Questions To Ask A Hebrew Israelite Scroll#101) This Would Mean That There Was MoreThan One God Present At The Time. The WordBeing Used For Walked Is HawIak (17;')Meaning "To Walk, Depart, To Come" WhichIs A Physical Act That Was Done With TheseSame Physical Gods That "Took Him". AndThe Word For Took In This Quote Is Lawkakh(Tlji7) Which Means "To Get, Fetch, Lay HoldOf, Seize, Receive". It Does Not Say That HeDied, The Eloheem Took Him. All Of WhichWere Physical Acts.Ques: How Can God Be A Physical Being?Ans: When You Define God According To YourBible You Will Find That Throughout TheScriptures Who You Refer To As The Lord God,The Almighty God, Etc. Is Constantly BeingReferred To By Using Human Attributes, Or ByDoing Human Acts As In The Case Of Walking30Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _With Enoch, As Previously Mentioned. If God Is. ot A Physical Being Then It Is Impossible ForHim To Do Physical Acts Without Having APhysical Form. God Is Always Called A "Him"Which Is A Pronoun And Falls In The CategoryWith Words Like He, Him, Her, Us, They,Them, And Those. Or With Biblical Words Like:Thou, Ye, And Thee.These Are All Expressions Of A Person, BeThey Male Or Female. In The Terms Of A GodPerson, It Would Be Personification WhichSimply Means Person - Infication. Therefore,The Term "God" Is Synonymous With He OrHim.If You Look In The Koran You Will Find In TheAshuric/Syriac (Arabic) Word Huwa (,..) "He",Which Is A Male Expression Used RepeatedlyWhen Speaking Of God. As In The HUhChapter Of Koran Where It Says :"Qui (j:i)Huwa (,..) Allahu (.],1) Ahad ( ~ I ) . When YouGo To The The Bible, The Torah Refers To ThisGodhead As Eloheem, Adonai, Or Yahweh; All31Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Of Which Are Masculine. The New TestamentRefers To God AsThehos, Kurios, Or Kristos(KpIOTO ~ ) Who Were Responsible For ChaptersBeing Out Of Order In The Koran. The OrderThat The Koran Is In Today, Is Not The Way ItWas Originally Revealed To Muhammad.Ques: So What Is The Place Called, DaarusaIaam That Muslims Talk About?Ans: Well, According To Islaamic Beliefs, TheyBelieve In A Place Called The Abode Of PeaceOr In Arabic, Daarus Salaam (r)l..J1 .;I"). If You~ o o k At Qur'aan 6:127 And 6:135, 10:25, You"ill Find The Word Daarus Salaam.I's Holy Qur'aan 55:127 (Original Order)63Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Persian Arabic ScriptLAHUM (FOR THEM) DAARU (THE ABODE)AL SALAAM (OF PEACE) INDA (IN THEPRESENCE OF) RABBIHIM (THEIRMASTER) WA (AND) HUWA (HE IS)WALLIYUHUM (THEIR NEAREST FRIEND)BIMAA (BECAUSE OF WHAT) KAANOO(THEY ARE) YAMALOON (DOING)For Them, Is The Abode Of Peace, NewJerusalem, With Their Master, Allah And HeIs Their Nearest Friend, Because Of WhatThey Are Doing.Right Translation In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) By:Dr. Malachi Z. YorkMistranslation By Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D.64Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Koran 6:127 (Wrong Order)FOR THEM WILL BE A HOME OF PEACE INTHE PRESENCE OF THEIR LORD. HE WILLBE THEIR FRIEND, BECAUSE THEYPRACTICED (RIGHTEOUSNESS) "[I's Holy Qur'aan 51:25 (Original Order)Persian Arabic Script1J:4 (AND) AL-LAHU (THE SOURCE)IAD-'OOO (CALLS) ILAA (TO) DAARI (THE{BODE OF) AL-SALAAM (PEACE) WAAVD) YAHDEE (HE GUIDES) MANWHOMEVER) YASHAAA-U (HE PLEASES)lLAA (TOWARDS) SIRAATIN (A NARROWrJATH) MUSTA-QEEM (THOSE WHO STAND~ ' P STRAIGHT)65Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction? _-----And Allah Calls To The Abode Of Peace -New Jerusalem And He Leads Into CalmnessWhomever He Pleases To The Straight AndNarrow Path Of Those Who Stand UpStraight.Right Translation In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) By:Dr. Malachi Z. YorkMistranslation By Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D.Koran 10:25 (Wrong Order)"BUT ALLAH DOTH CALL TO THE HOME OFPEACE HE DOTH GUIDE WHOM HEPLEASETH TO A WAY THAT IS STRAIGHT"According To Their Commentaries By AbdullahYusuf Ali 1938 A.D. Commentary: i4i3. INCONTRAST WiTH THE EPHEMERAL ANDUNCERTAiN PLEASURES OF THiSMATERiAL LiFE, THERE is A HIGHER LiFETO WHICH GOD is ALWAYS CALLiNG iT isCALLED THE HOME OF PEACE FORTHERE is NO FEAR, NORDiSAPPOiNTMENT, NOR SORROW THERE66Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?----- -----AND ALL ARE CALLED, AND THOSE WILLBE CHOSEN WHO HAVE SOUGHT, NOT.\lfATERIAL ADVANTAGES, BUT THE GOODPLEASURE OF GOD SALAM, PEACE, ISFROM THE SAME ROOT AS ISLAM THERELIGION OF UNITY AND HARMONY"According To S.V. Mir Ahmed AliCommentary:i017. SALAM, i.e. PEACE AND BLiSS, REFERSTO THE STATE IN PARADISE WHEREPREVAILS BLiSS-PERFECT SALAM IS ONEOF THE HOLY NAMES WITH WHICH GOD ISADDRESSED. APPLYING THISINTERPRETAION, GOD INVITES MAKING TOHIM WITH WHOM NOTHING BUT BLISSPREVAILS IT IS SAID THAT THE LiFE ONTHIS EARTH STARTS WITH CRYING (AHUMAN CHILD IMMEDIATLEY AS IT LANDSON EARTH STARTS ITS LiFE WITH CRYING),PASSES THROUGH MISERIES ANDSORROWS OF LIFE AND ENDS IT WITHEFFACEMENT GOD INVITES FROM THISABODE OF MISERY AND EFFACEMENT TO67Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction? _-----THE ABODE OF BLISS-PERFECT AND OFLIFE-ETERNAL"Again, They Are All Guessing. Daarus SalaamIs In Reference To Paradise, The HeavenlyAbode That Muslims Are Striving To Attain.People Often Mistake The Word Genna t ~ ) AsBeing Paradise. However, It Isn't. Genna SimplyMeans "Garden".The Word Daar (),j) Is An Ashuric/Syriac(Arabic) Word That Means "Hol/se, Dwelling,Mansion, Abode." Daarus Salaam Is AlsoKnown As The New Jerusalem. It Is A MistakeTo Interpret Daarus Salaam As A Masjid Or ACommunity Here On Earth. They Are TalkmgAbout An Actual City Coming Down To EarthAnd Taking The Righteous To Paradise. As YouCan See This Whole Concept Was Copied FromThe Old'And New Testaments Of The Bible.Throughout The Muhammadan World An EventCalled AI Mitraaj ( ~ J ~ J \ ) Was Experienced ByThe Prophet Muhammad. This [s The TimeWhen He Received The Injunction For Prayer InThe Year 620 A.D. In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic)68Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _The Word Mi'raaj (G!.".....) Means "Ladder,Stairs, Midnight Journey To The SevenHeavens", From The Root 'Araja ( ~ . " . . )Meaning "To Ascend, MOl/nt, Rise." Literal[yThe Word AI Mitraaj (G!.".....JI) Means "A Ladder,An Ascension Or Elevation. " Muhammad TriedTo Exp[ain This To His Companions, When HeSaid In Koran 17:1 "1 Was Taken Up To The SkyIn 1sraa (...,.J)." Meaning "Went Up, JourneyBy Night. "There [s Where He Met The Prophets AndAnge[s Of The Past. He Went Up On SomethingCalled A Buraaq (JI,;.,o) Which According ToThe Lane Arabic-English Lexicon Is DefinedAs "A Certain Beast Which MI/hammad Rode OnThe Night Of Ascension Or Which The ApostlesRide When Ascending To Heaven; Resembling A.\olule; Or Less Than The Mule. But Greater ThanThe Ass: So Called Because Of The IntenseWhiteness Of His Hue. And His GreatBrightness; Or Because Of The Quickness OfHis.\dotion; In Respect Of Both Of Which HeLikened To Lightning. "69Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Diagram 7Muhammadan's Depiction Of BuraaqYou Mean To Tell Me That Muhammad AndAnd All The Apostles Went Up To Heaven On70Nihiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Some Beast That Is Crossed Between A MuleAnd An Ass? Let's Be For Real. This Of CourseWas Not A Beast Especially One CrossedBetween A Mule And An Ass. Ask Yourself.What Animal In Existence Ever Looked "Bright,Intensely White Of Hue, Likened To Lightning?There Is None. Yet, Muslims Have And Still DoBelieve This Ridiculous Story For Centuries.The So-Called Muslim Scholars, Linguists, AndEducators Who Are Supposed To Be So WellLearnt About The Koran Do Not Know HowMuhammad Ascended, And Instead OfAdmitting That They Don't Know, TheyContinue To Believe And Propagate This HadithWhich If You Take The Time To Listen To ItMakes Absolutely No Sense. Much Like AllThe Other Hadiths That They Believe In.This May Be Good Enough For Them MeaningTo Live In A Ficticious World Where MulesRide You Off To Heaven, But It Isn't GoodEnough For Me.71Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Ques: Why Are They Hiding These FactsFrom People?ADS: They Simply Don't Want You To Know. ItIs No Secret That There Were Spacecrafts InBiblical Times, And That Intelligent Beings ThatYou Call Angels Are Indeed Extra-Terrestrials;Again A Fact That I Have Been Teaching YouFor Years. They Will Tell You In A Subtle KindOf Way, Or In A Joke To Make You LaughAbout It, So You Will Not Believe Them. TheyDon't Want You To Be Aware Of What's ReallyGoing On. They Want You To Stay In The Dark,With No Knowledge Of What's Going On AndNo Inquisition Of Finding Out - Keeping YouBlind, Deaf, And Dumb Under This HypnoticSpell Of Kingu (Refer To Leviathan -666 (TheSpell OfKingu), Scroll #15)There Was A Sun Newspaper Dated May 17,1994 A.D., Vol. 12, No 20, That Published AnArticle Entitled "God Sent Aliens To CreateThe World." This Is Not A Coincidence. TheyPut These Kinds Of Articles Inside Of TabloidNewspapers So That You May Think That TheyAre A Joke. Just To Keep You Spellbound.72Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?Now That More Of The Dead Sea Scrolls AreBeing Discovered, They Want To Write ThemOff Like They Don't Exist. The Dead SeaScrolls Of The Qumran Caves, WereDiscovered In 1947 A.D. And Are The OldestSurviving Records Of The Old Testament. ThereIs Infonnation About Extra-TerrestrialInvolvements That Are Written In The Dead SeaScrolls That They Don't Want To Explain. TheMoney Hungry One's Of Them, Are SellingPieces Of The Dead Sea Scrolls For Profit.73Diagram 9Cnnlinued on Paet 81, Column!By JOHN ,,"OBLE WILFORDSAN ANTONIO, Jan. 17 - 10 stunnIng discoveryer new worlds farOUI In the ll11iverse,.!wo Californiaastronomers loday reported the detectlon of two planets orblling Sun.Uke stars. The temperatures of theplanets appear to be warm enoughfor water to ellst In lIquid form, aconditiOn conducive 10 ~ m j c a l pro-cesses that could. jUJt possibly. be",;OO!lclng extraterrestrial life.~ .. !wo newly discovered extra.SOlar r-Ianets, considerably larger,han Jupiter, accompany tile stars 70Vfr;:inls, In the consteUation:VlrllO,and 41 Ursae MaJori!, in the BIgDipper, or Ursa Major. They are 35Iightyear, away. reLaUve!)' close b)'cosmic standards. They are 100smaIl and dim 10 be seen agalnsltheglare of their puent stars, but theirgravllallonaJ presence has been defl-nUetyeslablished.The discoyery of the planets, 10-gether with another one found lastOctober, encouraged SCientists Intheir growing bellet that the solariystem Is anything but unique andthat other planetary systems may befairly common. Thls. In tum, wallseen as rillslng Ihe likelihood thatlife existS elsewhere In the uniwrse,perhaps e\'en mtelllaent lite.The announcement, made here ala rneetilll 01 ttle Amerlean Astro-nom;cal Society, folloWed two othetstartling findings made public thl!week. It the gathering: an increlsThe MostRecentDiscovery IsThe Sighting OfTwo NewPlanets ThatSustains LifeAnd Is 40 LightYears AwayWhich Is CloseAccording ToSpace Time.One Of ThePlanets IsLocatedOrbiting TheStars 70Virginis, In TheVirgoConstellationAnd The Other47 UrsaeMajoris, A StarWithin The BigDipper.Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Life in Space?2 NewPlanetsRaise ThoughtsEverybody Knows That There Is Some Craft OrCity That Is Somewhere Out There. They AllTry To Ignore Zecharia Sitchin's Findings, AndOthers Who Have Published Books Such As:Maurice Chetlain, Alexander Heidel, YahwehBen Yahweh, Dr. Donald P. Coverdell, Th.D.,And Eric Von Daniken To Name A Few.I Have Been Saying For 20 Years Now ThatThere Are Other Planets That Exist In This SolarSystem As Well As On The Other Side Of TheSun. Needless To Say, Everybody Thought IWas Crazy. Now, NASA (National AeronauticsAnd Space Administration) Is Saying That ThereAre More Than Nine Planets And With The UseOf Time Machines, They Can Travel To OtherParts Of The Universe.It's No Coincidence That Soon After I FirstSpoke About A Planet Ship Called Nibiru,There Were Findings All Over The Media OfHow Satellites Are Picking Up Radar SignalsFrom Something That Is The Size Of JupiterComing Into Earth's Atmosphere. ThisInformation Was Broadcasted On The Sci-FiChannel (Science Fiction) During 1995 A.D.And Is Referred To As Rylo 7 By SomeScientist.Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _74 75Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Both Of The Planets, As Scientists Are CallingThem, Each Are About The Size Of The Sun.They Know That It Is Too Large To Enter TheEarth's Atmosphere. SOUNDSFAMILIAR????And It Doesn't StopThere. In An Issue OfSun Magazine DatedFebruary 20, 1996A.D. In An ArticleTitled " World ToEnd In Year 2000" ItSpeaks About A StarThat Is Going ToDestroy The Earth InThe Year 2000 A.D.The Paper StatesThat: "It Will NotDiagram 10 Actually Hit TheEarth, But It WillCome Close Enough To Pull The Planet EarthOut Of Its Orbit." It Also Says, "The World'sGovernment Has Been Secretly Working WithThe White House And A Special Task Force OfElite NASA Scientist To Deflect The Runaway76Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Star, Which Has Been Code Named"Wormwood". They Say That "Wormwood"Is About 5 Times Larger Than Earth, And It WillCause Hell On Earth.According To Them, "It's Gravitational PullAlone Will Cause Incredible Storms,Earthquakes, And Volcanic Eruptions. They SayAmerican And Russian Military Scientists AreWorking Desperately To Build An Arsenal OfMonster Nuclear Missiles In Hopes To BlastWormwood Away Back Into Outer Space FromTheir Moon Base. "SOUNDS FAMILIAR, DOESN'T IT???They Are Talking About Nibiru. So For ThoseOf You Who Think That I Am Just MakingThings Up, You Are Wrong. Everything That IHave Been Telling You Is Being Told To YouEveryday. You Just Don't Want To Except ItComing From Me. DON'T BELIEVE ME,CHECK IT OUT!77Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Also, In An Issue Of "Weekly World News"Dated February 13, 1996, An Article Entitled"Doomsday Comet Speeding Toward Earth ".Diagram 11"Doomsday Comet Speeding Toward Earth"Taken From"Weekly World News"On Page 8-9, States ''A Comet, The Size OfEurope Is On A Collision Course With EarthAnd If Something Isn't Done To Stop It, Billions78Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _OfPeople Will Die. It States That "The Comet IsNot Only Huge, It Is Speeding Toward EarthLike A Runaway Locomotive. And If They AreUnable To Destroy It In Time, One Or TwoThings Will Happen, One, The Impact WouldSmash Earth Into Pieces Sending FragmentsReeling Into The Icy, Airless Vastness Of Space.Or Two, Earth Would Remain Intact. ButMillions Or Tons Of Dirt And Debris Would BeKicked Up Into The Atmosphere, Which Will VeilThe Sun, Plunging Us Into A Temporary ButDevasting Deep-Freeze That Could Kill 2 BillionPeople Or More. "It Also Says "Scientists Secretly Met With BillClinton In The Oval Office And That ThePresident Is Not Only Gravely Concerned, HeHas Already Authorized The EmergencyExpenditure Of $2.6 Billion That The PentagonAnd NASA Will Need To Modify Land BasedWeapons For Use In Space. "They Are Going To Try Their Best To ShootAt Or Detour Its Course.79Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Diagram 12"Is There Anybody Out There?"Time MagazineAnd For Further Confirmation Of What I HaveBeen Telling All Along, Information WasReleased About A Comet Named Hale-BoppWhich Was Discovered By Alan Hale AndThomas Bopp In The Summer Of 1995 A.D.There Is Certain Information About This Bright80Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Light That Is Next To The Comet Which WasCited On November 1996 A.D., That OfficialsDid Not Make Public Such As: When The Comet Was Still As FarAway As Halley's Comet. It Was 1000Times Brighter! The Comet Was First Seen When ItsDistance From The Sun Was Much ToGreat For The Gaseous Coma Of TheComet To Form. Yet Is Had A HugeComa-Larger In Diameter Than TheSun! Observations By The Hubble SpaceTelescope And Other Powerful GroundBased Scopes Revealed "Unusual"Details-Chunks Breaking Off From TheComet And No Natural Reason For ThisTo Happen Since The Comet Was TooFar Away From The Sun For GravityOr Thermal Effects To Do This. The Orbit Of The Comet Is VeryStrange-As If Some Intelligence Had81Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Diagram 12"Is There Anybody Out There?"Time MagaziueAnd For Further Confmnation Of What I HaveBeen Telling All Along, Information WasReleased About A Comet Named Hale-BoppWhich Was Discovered By Alan Hale AndThomas Bopp In The Summer Of 1995 A.D.There Is Certain Information About This Bright80Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction?-----Light That Is Next To The Comet Which WasCited On November 1996 A.D., That OfficialsDid Not Make Public Such As: When The Comet Was Still As FarAway As Halley's Comet. It Was 1000Times Brighter! The Comet Was First Seen When ItsDistance From The Sun Was Much ToGreat For The Gaseous Coma Of TheComet To Form. Yet Is Had A HuaeComa-Larger In Diameter Than TheSun! Observations By The Hubble SpaceTelescope And Other Powerful GroundBased Scopes Revealed "Unusual"Details-Chunks Breaking Off From TheComet And No Natural Reason For ThisTo Happen Since The Comet Was TooFar Away From The Sun For GravitvOr Thermal Effects To Do This. The Orbit Of The Comet Is VervStrange-As If Some Intelligence Had81_ _ ..1'-- _Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction? _-----Engineered A Comet To Get OurAttention!These Are The Comments Made ByAstronomers About This "Unusual" Object. ThisObject That They Are Talking About Is NibiruWhich 1 Made Known Many, Many Years Ago.The Comet Itself Is Not Nibiru. Nibiru Is RightNext To This Comet Is As Seen The PictureBelow. There Is An Entire Book Out About ThisComet By Alan Hale Entitled "Everybodv'sComet".Diagram 13The Comet Is On The Left And Nibiru Is OnThe Right!82Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Ques: Are There Any Other Groups OfPeople Who Know About Nibiru?Ans: Yes. The Sumerians Of Thousands OfYears Ago Knew About The Solar System AndThe Amount Of Planets That Circled The Sun. ItWas Not Always 9 As Many People Believed.The Carving That Is Located At A Museum InEast Berlin, Germany Called TheVorderasiastische Atbeilung Of The StateMuseum Depicts A Group Of 11 GlobesEncircling A Large Star Or Sun Which Is ClearlyThe Solar System.Diagram 14Sumerian's Depiction Of The Solar SystemOn April 22-23, 1986 A.D. Witnesses DescribedA Craft As "The Thinking Fireball". The Fireball83Nihiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Displayed Multiple Colors Of Lights AndMoved Very Fast. This Was A Simulation OfNibiru.Diagram 15"The Thinking Fireball"As Far Back As 1915 A.D. They Knew AboutNibiru. They Just Weren't Telling You. Go DoYour Research And You'll Come Across AMagazine Entitled "The Electrical Experimenter"Published In 1915 A.D And You'll See A PictureOf A Simulation OfNibiru On Its Front Cover.84Nihiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?Diagram 16The Electrical ExperimenterIn A Pamphlet Written By Dr. Frank E.Stranges Titled "The White Planet" He QuotesA Man Named Carl Sagan, Who Says That "InThe Northern Part O/The Sky, Someplace WhereThere Seems To Be Less Stars Than AnywhereElse, There Is An Object That Keeps MovingEratica/ly And Doesn't Stay On A Steady CourseThat Object Is Unlike Any Heavenly Body In Ti'85Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Sky... Unlike A Planet, Sometimes It Looks Like AStar. It Does Not Change In Configuration; ItSeems To Be Surrounded With A White,Sometimes Bluish, Sometimes A Greenish,Light." Dr. Stranges Further Describes TheObject As A Cube With A Forcefield Around It.And On The Cover Of The Pamphlet, This"Object" Is Also Depicted As Having CloudsAround It. Again, This Is No Coincidence ThatThe Description Of This Craft Is Very SimilarTo The Description That I Have Been TellingYou About For Years. This Object That He IsSpeaking Of Is Nibiru. But Ask YourselvesWhy Is He Tellin You Now?Figure 19Nibiru86Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Ques: What Is Nibiru?Ans: Nibiru Means "Planet O/The Crossing"Or "Planet That Crosses The Skies". It ComesFrom The Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) WordNabara (,+ Which Means "Raised, Elevated."And Is A Derivative Of The Aramic (Hebrew)Word Nabresh (W11CIJ) Which Means "To GiveLight, To Shine. " Nibiru Is A Movable ThroneAlso Called Markabah.According To The Hans Wehr Dictionary, OnPage 938, Nabara (.>+0) Means:To Raise, Elevate; To Go Up With TheVoice, Sing In A High-Pitched Voice; ToStress, Emphasize, Accentuate; To Shout,Yell, ScreamAccording To The Lanes Arabic-Enolish..Dictionary On Page 2757, Nabara (.>+0) Means:Raised, Or Elevated, A Thing: Raising OfThe Voice87Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _As You Can See, Nibiru Is Not A Word That IJust Made Up. If You Would Do Your ResearchBefore You Say That It's Not True, You WouldKnow That. Nibiru Stems From The Aramic(Hebrew) Word Nabresh (W1lO.l) AndAshuric/Syriac Word Nabara (.r;-:o) Which LeadsBack To The Ancient Cuneiform LanguageMeaning "Crossing Place, Or Planet Of TheCrossing". I Don't Just Make Things Up, I Don'tHave To, I Do My Research, Unlike MostLeaders, I Simply Deal With Facts.Today, Nibiru Would Be Explained As A ShuttleThat Is Self-Sustaining And Life Supporting.Nibiru Is A Craft That Is The Motherplane ThreeTimes The Size Of The Planet Earth. Making ItToo Large To Get Into The Earth's Atmosphere.And Let Me Say It Again, When I Said All OfThese Things, You Said I Was Making It Up.Now Reality Is Confirming Itself. I've BeenSaying For Years That If Christians Would ReadThe Bible And You Muslims Would Really ReadThe Koran You Would Find Everything That IAm Saying To You To Be True. If You Would88Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Have Just Taken The Time To Learn TheOriginal Languages Of The Scriptures In WhichThey Were Revealed, Then You Would Get TheTrue Meanings, Instead Of Guessing At WhatThe Scriptures Are Saying Or What TheScriptures Are Trying To Say Or AcceptingSomeone Else's Word.Ques: So Who Are These Annunaqi ThatYou Are Talking About?Ans: Don't Be Confused By The TitleANUNNAQI. Anunnaqi Simply Means "ThoseSent From Anu To Qi (Earth). " They Are WhatThe Muslims Call The Malaaikat ( ~ )(Koran 2:98). The Bible Calls Them Angelos(AyyEAoc,). The Sumerians Call ThemAnunnaqi. The Yoruba Calld Them Ginwins.Shushukiy, And Umanvay. The AmericanChurches Simply Call Them Angels. ManyOther Native American Tribes Call ThemThunderbirds. In Egypt, They Are CalledNeteru.89Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Figure 20The Anunnaqi90=Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _In The Old Testament They Are Referred To AsAngels Or [n The Hebrew Language, Eloheem(ml'7N). They Were There In The Beginning OfCreation In Genesis 1:1 Where It Says And IQuote:Genesis 1:1"IN THE BEGINNING GOD (ELOHEEM)CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH"Also In Genesis 1:26 It Says And I Quote:"LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE AXDAFTER OUR LIKENESS .. "Mistranstations For King James I6JJ A.D.And The "Us" That [s Talking Here Are TheEloheem Or Angels Not A Single God But GodsThat Came To Earth As Well Made Men. TheSame Well Made Men That Came To AbrahamIn His Tent In Genesis 18:2-3. Three AnunnaqiOr Eloheem, Who Mysteriously Appeared OuOf Nowhere Visited Abraham And His \\ifeSarah And One Of These Men He Referred ToAs "Lord" Or Adonai ('l1N).91Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction? _------Nowhere In The Bible Does It Give AnyIndication Where These "Three Men" CameFrom. ",lit IFigure 20AbrahamSon OfTerah And Nuwna92Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Figure 21SarahDaughter Of Terah And AiydaIn Genesis 19:1 It Speaks About Two Men WhoMysteriously Came Down To The Cities OfSodom And Gomorrah. In One Instance TheyRefer To These Two Beings As Angels \\bere I-93Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Says And I Quote: "There Came Two Angels ToSodom At Even; And Lot Sat In The Gate OfSodom: And Lot Seeing [Them] Rose Up ToMeet Them; And He Bowed Himself With HisFace Toward The Ground," Here The WordMalawk (11\':>/)) Is Being Used And Means"Messenger". In The Next Instance They ReferTo Them As Men. When You Look At Verse 5Of The Same Chapter, The Men Of Sodom CallThese Two "Angels" Men, Enowsh (1VJ1\)Meaning "Man, Mortal Man, Person". AndDon't Try To Say That The Men Of SodomDidn't Know That They Were Angels. TheseMen Were Anunnaqi, Eloheem Who Came AsMen In The City Of Sodom.Genesis 19:1 Also States That Lot BowedHimself To These Men, Which Means TheyWere Of Some Importance. Verse 2 Goes On ToSay That He Called Them "My Lords" Which IsThe Hebrew Word Adonai ('J11\) Meaning "LordAnd Master." Lot Knew That They Weren'tRegular Men And He Must Have Had VisitsFrom Them Before Or Knew Of Them Because94Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction?-----He Immediately Ran To Them And Bowed OutOf Respect.Figure 22The Three "Men" Who Came To VisitAbrahamPrior To Their Arrival, Yahweh Stopped Off ToSee Abraham And Told Him That They WereGoing To Destroy Sodom (Genesis 18:33).95- - -----'------Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction? _-----Now, Lets Take A Look At This Quote WordFor Word.EI's Holy Torah, Genesis 18:33Modern Hebrew Script rrl;:;) rrlrr' 1" '. AND YAHUWA YAW-LAK (WENT HIS WAY),AS ASH-ER (SOON) AS HE HAD KA W-LA W(LEFT) DAW-BAR (SPEAKING) WITHAB-RAW-HAWM (ABRAHAM). ANDAB-RAW-HA WM (ABRAHAM) SHOOB(RETURNED) TO HIS MAW-QOME (PLACE).And Yahuwa Went His Way, As Soon As HeHad Stopped Speaking With Abraham: AndAbraham Returned To His Place.Right Translation In Aramic (Hebrew) By:96Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Dr. Malachi Z. YorkMistranslation For King James 1611 A.D."AND THE LORD (YAHWEH) WENT HIS WAY,AS SOON AS HE HAD LEFT COMMUNINGWITH ABRAHAM AND ABRAHAMRETURNED UNTO HIS PLACE. "First, It Says "And The Lord". The God That IsBeing Talked About Here Is Yahweh (:'n1)."... Went His Way... " The Word Yawlak (17') IsUsed For Went His Way Which Means "To GoTo Walk, Depart". This Yahweh Yawlak"Walked Away" After He "Left" Kawlaw (;'17),"Finished" "Communing" Dawbar ('1.:n) "ToSpeak, Declare, Converse" Or Talking WithAbraham. That's What This Quote Says In TheOriginal Hebrew And I Don't Want To Make ItSound Confusing, I Just Wanted To Put EachWord In So You Could See What It Says: AndYahuwa Yaw-Lak (Went His Way), As Ash-Er(Soon) As He Had Kaw-Law (Left) Daw-Bar(Speaking) With Ab-Raw-Hawm (Abraham):97Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _And Ab-Raw-Hawm (Abraham) SllOOb(Returned) To His Maw-Qome (Place). "DON'T BELIEVE ME, GO CHECK IT OUT!It's Right There. Yahweh Had To Have FeetThat Were Attached To His Legs In Order ToWalk And He Had To Have A Larynx And TheFunctions Of A Larynx Is To Produce Sound, InOrder To Speak (Refer To 360 Questions ToAsk The Hebrew Israelites Part 4, Scroll #102),All Of Which Are Physical Attributes.Koran 23:33 Also Gives The Implication ThatAngels Are Merely Physical Beings Just LikeYou. When You Read This Verse It Says And IQuote (In Part): "...He Is No More Than A ManLike Yourselves: He Eats Of That Which YeEat, And Drinks Of What Ye Drink. "EI's Holy Qur'aan 74:33 (Original Order)Persian Arabic Script98,/ ..J./.,...... ,-:: ..J. / ~ / / Io"W .u..J'? -'-:-' .r:-,WA (AND) QAALA (SAID) AL-MALA-'U (THECHIEF) MIN (FROM) QOWMI-HE (HISNATION OF ENOSITES) AL-LAZEE A(THOSE WHO) KAFAROO (THEY CONCEALTHAT WHICH THEY KNOW TO BE THEFACTS) WA (AND) KAZ-ZABOO (THEY LIED.REJECTED) BE-LlQAAA-'1 (THE MEETIXGOF) AL-AAKHlRATI (THE END) WA(AND)ATRAF-NAAHUM (WE BESTOWEDUPON THEM WITH GOOD THINGS) FEE(IN)AL-HA-YAATl (THE LIFEOF) AL-DUNYAA (THE PHYSICALWORLD) MAA (NOT) HAAZAAA(THIS) IL-LAA (EXCEPT) BASHARUN f.-1MORTAL IN SKIN) MITH-LUKUM (LIKE YOLoALL) YA '-AKULU (HE EATS) MIMMAA(FROM THAT WHICH) TA '-AKULOOJ'A(YOU ALL EAT) MINHU (FROM IT) Wit(AND) YASH-RABV (HE DRINKS) MIMMAA(FROM THAT WHICH) TASH-RABOON (WCALL DRINK)99Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _And AI Malaa-u 'The Rulers' From HisNation Of Enosites, Those Who Conceal ThatWhich They Know To Be The Facts And LiedAbout The Meeting Of The Aakhirah 'End,'And We, (Eloheem, Anunnaqi) Atrafnaahum'Bestowed Upon Them The Good Things' InThe Life Of The Physical World. (Saying)"This Is Except A Mortal In Skin Like You.He Ya-Kulu 'Eats' From That WhichTa-Kuluwn 'You All Eat' Of, And HeYashrabu 'Drinks' From That WhichTashrabuwn 'You All Drink'.Right Translation In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) By:Dr. Malachi Z. YorkMistranslation By Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D.Koran 23:33 (Wrong Order)"AND THE CHIEFS OF HIS PEOPLE, WHODISBELIEVED AND DENIED THE MEETINGIN THE HEREAFTER, AND ON WHOM WEHAD BESTOWED THE GOOD THINGS OFTHIS LIFE, SAID HE IS NO MORE THAN AMAN LIKE YOURSELVES HE EATS OF THAT100Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _WHICH YE EAT, AND DRINKS OF WHAT YEDRINK. "Now They Are Talking About An Angel Here,Yet They Are Using The Word Bashrun (.,.;.,.)Meaning "A Mortal In Skin" And Saying ThatThese Angels Ya'akulu (Jst,) "He Eats" Mona!Food As You Do And Yashrabu ( . . , . ~ ) "HeDrinks" Mortal Drinks As You Do. The Same AsIn Genesis 18:1 Where The Angels Sit And EatWith Abraham. I'm Not Making These ThingsUp, I'm Merely Analyzing What The Qur'anSays. Thus, This Is A Confirmation Right HereIn Your Own Qur'an That Angels Are NothingMore Than Physical Beings.So You Cannot Tell Me That Yahweh And TheEloheem That Were With Abraham And Lot AreNot Physical Or Cannot Personify In HumanForm.There Is A Statement In The Bible They AllBelieve In Hebrews 13:2: "Be Not Forgetful ToEntertain Strangers: For Thereby Some Htn'e101Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Entertained Angels Unawares." According ToThe Bible When Angels Appear, They BringLight As In Acts 12:7 Where It Says And IQuote: "And, BellOld, The Angel Of The LordCame Upon Him, And A Light Shined In ThePrison:.. "Yet, In The Book Of Hebrews, It Says You MayEntertain An Angel And Not Know It. EntertainAngels Unaware Implies That They Can Sit InFront Of You And You Won't Even Know. TheFact That Angels Sat And Ate Bread WithAbraham (Genesis 18:5-8) Means They MustHave Been In Human Form With A HumanDigestive, Respiratory, And Excretion SystemAnd Have Intestines To Hold Feces And ABladder To Hold Urine; Two Things That AreConsidered Impure.How Could You Not Know That An Angel Is AnAngel If It Does Not Look Just Like You? InOther Words, If What Christians, Hebrews,Muslims, Etc. Define Angels To Look LikeAppeared To Me, As A Fat Baby With Wings,An Illuminating Light, Some Spirit Form102=Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Wearing A Halo Over It's Head, Flying Out OfThe Sky, Or A Man In A White Flowing RobeWith Lights All Around Him, Then There Is 0Way That I Could Mistake That So-Called AngelFor Anything Else Other Than An Angel.But If An Angel Appeared To Me, In The FormOf A Man, Looking Just Like Myself Or AnyOther Human Being, Then There Is A GreatChance That I May Not Know That I Have BeenSpeaking With An Angel. This Statement IsClearly Telling You That Angels Look LikeYou. So, When People Try To Tell You AboutApparition Appearances Or Spirit Angels, TheyAre Talking About The Devil BecauseAccording To 2 Corinthians 11:14 Where ItSays "And No Marvel; For Satan Himself IsTransformed Into An Angel Of Light. ", TheDevil Comes In The Form Of Light Whereas TheRest Of The Bible Talks About Angels As MenOr In Physical Or Human Form.According To This Quote, The Devil Is AnAngel Of Light - So When You're In YourChurches Talking About You Are Getting The103Nihiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Holy Ghost And How You Are Filled With TheHoly Spirit- If It Wasn't Somebody Who WalkedOver To You Then, It Must Be The Devil.There Are Places In The Bible That Says ThatAngels "Appeared" Which In The Aramic(Hebrew) Is (;"IN"1), Raw-Aw, "To See, Inspect"And The Same In Ashuric/Syraic (Arabic) Ra'a( < s I ~ ) And Means "To See With The PhysicalEye". In Fact The Statement "I Will See YouLater" - Araka Fee Maa Ba'id (....... L. """' ell))Means That The Person Is Going To Leave YouBut When They Return Physically You Will SeeThem. This Is Not A Spirit Or Apparition. TheWord Used For Things Of That Nature IsShaahada ( ~ ) Which According To The HansWehr Dictionary Means "Testimony, Witness,Evidence, Deposition ".The Hebrew Word Used For "Appeared", Ra'aOr Raw-Aw Is The Same Word That Hagar,Wife Of Abraham,Calied Out To The Angel EIRoi In Genesis 16:13. Roi ('N"1), Which Is TheName Of An Egyptian Deity, Can Be FoundUnder The Word Seekest And Is From The RootWord Ra'a (;"IN'). And Is Sometimes Pronounced104Nihiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Ray, From Where You Get The English WordRays As In The Rays From The Sun. Hagar.Being An Egyptian Herself Was Calling On TheGods Of Her Family. She Took The Name EIShe Learned From Abraham And Her FamilyAbout The Deity Named Ra And Called OnHim. (Refer To "Mythology", Revised Scroll#35)Figure 24HagarDaughter Oflmhotep And Rashaa105Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Now, In The Books Of Exodus It Speaks OfMoses Talking With God (Exodus 3:4) AndSeeing God Or Another Place Such As WhenElijah And Moses Appeared To Jesus And ThreeOf His Disciples, Peter, James, And John InMatthew 17:3. Throughout The Old Testament,Yahweh, The Head God Of The Children OfIsrael, "Appeared To" Different People InSeveral Places, Exodus 6:3, 1 Samuel 3:21, 1Kings 3:5, 1 Kings 9:2, 2 Chronicles 3:1, 2Chronicles 7:12.Figure 25Moses Son Of Amram And Jochebed106Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _Now Let's Get Back To The Story Of Lot. LoAlso Calls These Angels "Men". If You GoFurther Down In This Chapter Of Genesis 19 ToVerse 10 It Says And I Quote: "But The MenPut Forth Their Hand And Pulled Lot Into TheHouse To Them And Shut The Door." AgainReferring To The "Angels" As Men, Enowsh(1V1N). The First Time That The Word Eno(Enowsh Which Is The Same Word) Is Used InThe Bible Is Referring To A Man amedEnowsh (1V1N) Who Was The First Mortal Man.In Genesis 4:26 And From Then On The WordEnowsh Was Hidden In The English TranslationUnder The Word Man. Also Adam Is HiddenUnder The Word Man In Your Bible.This Time When They Are Referring To TheAngels Who Came To Lot, They Say They Ha\eHands, Yad (") "Hand, Hand Of Man". InOrder For Them To Be Able To Pull Him IntoThe House They Would Have To Be In ThPhysical Form. Not To Mention That They HaFeet, Reh-Gel C'n1) Meaning "Foot, Leg" ThaLot Wanted To Wash In Genesis 19:2, ~ I o u107Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _And Digestive Systems To Eat In Genesis 19:3,And Bodies To Lay Down On In Genesis 19:4.These Beings That You Keep Referring To InThe Bible As Angels Are Nothing More ThanBeings Who Come To Earth For Whatc:;verReason, To Perform Whatever Task. TheseBeings That You Are Calling Angels Are SimplyExtra-Terrestrials. Call Me What You'd Like,But TRUTH IS TRUTHlThe Problem Is That People Are Trying To SellYou Physical Or Unseen Things, So That TheyCan Give You A Blind Hope For Religion. YouSee Blind And Unseen Work Together. ThisHas To Be Done Because People Are TurningAway From The Church And ChristianityBecause They Are Waking Up To The Truth.Christianity Is Dying. Nubians And OrientalsAre Giving Them Back Their Religion. So LotsOf Money Is Being Spent To Make You Think A2,000 Year Old Religion Can Really Help YouIn 1996 A.D. There Is Nothing That A 2,000Year Old Religion Can Do For You Today If ItHasn't Done Anything For Your Ancestors WhoCame Here Over 300 Years Ago. A 2,000 Year108Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction?, _Old Dead Man Can't Do Anything For You.Christian Leaders And Propagators Are StartingTo See That You All Are Realizing That We AreOur Own Gods. And It's Frightening Them.(Refer To "Who Is God?", Scroll #103)Back In The 1960's, There Was A Wave OfYogis, Hindus, Buddhists, Swamis, Etc. BroughtTo America. The Majority Of People That WereApart Of These Groups Were Caucasians. EvenIslaam Is Moving Swiftly From Nubians ToCaucasians. Throughout All Of The Phases ThatNubians Went Through, We Maintained OurAfrican Identity. There Is A Wave OfChristians That Are Out Now Spending MillionsOf Dollars Making Videos And Tapes To KeepYou Under The Spell Of Religion. These VideosInclude Information On Different Groups.Satanism, Government Involvements, NewWorld Order, Etc.But At The Same Time, Trying To Convert YouTo Their New Form Of Christianity. They AreThe New Age.109Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Ques: Why Do You Call The So-CalledAngels Extra-Terrestrials?Ans: When You Break Down The TrueMeaning Of The Word Extra-Terrestrial YouCome Up With EXTRA-TERRA-ASTRALMeaning Extra Beings, That Are On The PlanetTerra, Another Name For Earth, And Bred TheWord Terror As In Terrorize To Keep YouFearing Some Spook God, That Are Astral, OutOr From The Stars. So An Extra-Terrestrial CanBe Anything From A Meteorite To A Comet ToA Being From Another Planet. Do You Follow?The Word Extra Is Self Explanatory, It MeansMore Than Is Needed Or Should Occupy.Terrestrial Is The Opposite Of Celestial.Terrestrial Means "Earthly", To Reside WithinThe Earth's Atmosphere. So You Have ExtraBeings In The Terrestrial Or TerribleEnvironment Called The Planet Earth That ComeFrom The Stars. That's Why Jesus Said In John8:23 And I Quote: "And He Said Unto Tllem,Ye Are From Beneath, I Am From Above {Anlt(Avw) Meaning "Up, On High, Above"j: YeAre Of Til is World; I Am Not Of Til is World."110Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _He Was Simply Saying He Is Not An Earthling.He Is From Somewhere Else, Somwhere That IsUp, Up There Or What Some Refer To AsHeaven. The Muslims Call It Samawaati(d-,",_), The Hebrews Call It Shamayim (C'7:1lU)Both Coming From The Word Sham (ClU) OrSarna (-t.._) Meaning "Up There".That's Also Why In Jolin 6:38, Jolin 6:42, ThatHe Said, "1 (Jeslts) Came Down From Heaven[Ooranos "Heaven, Air, Sky"j"Which Is Nothing But The Orion StarConstellation. (Refer To "Wllo Is God?", Scroll#103) Yes Your Jesus And His Father Is In TheOrion Star Constellation. It Says It Right In YourBible In Matthew 5:16, Matthew, 18:19, Mark11:26. And A Host Of Other Places.Jesus Was An Extra-Terrestrial Born On PlanetEarth Yet Someone Or Some Being That "-asNot Of This Earth, In So Far As He Said In Jolin8:23, From The Stars (Refer To "Is JesusGod?", Scroll #120, And "Tlle Wiseman",Revised Scroll #32).IIINibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _In Books That I Have Written Such As"Leviathan 666", Edition #15, I Spoke AboutConspiracies, Broke Down The Entire Book OfRevelation And The Prophecies, The SymbolismOf The Dollar Bill And More. I Told You AboutSacred Movements, Secret Societies, And WhatTheir Purpose Is (Refer To "The Year 2,000And What To Expect", Scroll #156). Now,Everywhere You Turn, There Are Reports AboutThe Occult, People Are Wondering Whether TheProphecies Of The Book Of Revelation AreComing True. People Are Just Waking Up ToInformation On The Illuminati And The NewWorld Order Everyday. It's All Over ThePlace.For Years I Have Been Teaching Of How JesusWasn't Crucified On A Cross And I GaveSeveral Facts To Back It Up. I Told You WhatSize The Cross Would Have To Be In Order ToSupport Jesus, I Told You The Type Of WoodThat Had To Have Been Used To Hold Jesus'Weight, I Told You The Size Of The Nail ThatWas Hammered Into Jesus's Wrist And How ItCouldn't Have Supported His Body, And I Can112Nibiru And The AnunnaqiFact Or Fiction?------ ------Go On And On. But What Did You Do? YouSaid, "He Is An Anti-Christ!", "He's Crazy","Jesus Did Die On A Cross!", Or "That's !I'OfWhat My Bible Says".But Now You Have Hundreds Of So-CalledScholars Who Are Now Saying The Exact SameThing That I Said Over 20 Years Ago. But YouDon't Call Them Any Kinds Of Names You JUSTAccept What They Say. There Are DifferentKinds Of Extraterrestrial Beings. Some LookLike Humans Other Look Like Insects AndOthers Are Indescribable. Now That I've BeenTalking About Extraterrestrials, It Is All OverThe Media. This Has Happened To Me Since IBegan Teaching. I Would Say Something OrWrite Information In My Books, Then SoonEnough It Is The Main Topic In The News,Now I Said That 666 Is A Fake Number Used ToHide Zig Zag Zig Because The 6th Letter OfThe Hebrew Alphabet Would Be Zayin ( T) AndYou Would Get ZZZ Or Zayin (T) Zayin (-Zayin (T) Which Is Now The 7th Letter. B113Nibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Originally Was The 6th Letter Which Is NowThe Letter Waw ( ,). So You Would Have WW W Or Waw (,) Waw ( , ) Waw ( , ) And TheHebrew Abjad Of Waw ( , ) Is Equivalent ToThe Number 7 Which Is The Ancient AshuricArabic Number 6 ( ,). And The Arabic LetterWaw ( J ) Is Nothing But The Number 6 UpsideDown. The Sixth Letter Waw ( , ) Which IsEquivalent To The Arabic Number 7 ( v ) Or TheSeventh Letter Zayin ( T ) Which Is AlsoEquivalent To The Arabic Number 7 ( v ), TheArabic Number 7 Is Nothing More Than TheHebrew Number 6. They Simply SwitchedThem Around To Deceive You. You Can BestBelieve That Soon They Will Try To Use ThisInformation Also (Refer To "Nuwaubu AndAmunnubi Rooakhptah: Fact Or Fiction?",Scroll #152). The "Leviathan 666 (The SpellOf Kingu) ", Scroll #15, Parts 1 And 2 Is BeingReleased With More Predictions And Is AsDynamic As Ever. Along With Part 3 ReferredTo As "The Year 2,000 And What To Expect",Scroll #156. I Predicted That The Year 2,000A.D. Would Be The End Of The World. By114Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _That I Mean, The End Of The Devil's Rule, His6,000 Years Are Up. You Can See His RuleComing Down All Around Him. When I FirstSaid It 30 Years Ago, I Looked Crazy But NowEveryone Is Saying It.I Was Basing This On The Alignment Of ThePlanets In This Solar System. In The Year 2,000A.D All Of The Planets Will Line Up On May 5,2000 A.D. And The Planets Could Be DrawnTowards The Sun. This Could Cause A StarHolocaust. This Could Be The End Of Life OnYour Planet. I Predicted This As Far Back As1970 A.D. Now In The 1990's, It Is All Over TheMedia Like Never Before. A Man NameRichard W. Noone, Wrote A Book Entitled"5/5/2000" In 1982 A.D., Predicting The End OfThis World. Everything That I Have Said IsNow Coming To Pass And It's No CoincidenceThat The Whole World Is Lining Up To What IAm Saying. All The Religious Teachers.Different Sects Of Muslims, DifferentDenominations Of Christains, All Of TheHebrew Israelites, Etc. Are Taking Bits AndPieces Of My Doctrine And Using It As If They115Nibiru And The Anunnaqi_____Fact Or Fiction? _Are Saying Something New. You Have PeopleLike Minister Louis Farrakhan QuotingEverything I Say. Ask Him Why Is He QuotingEverything I Say If I'm So Wrong? Or PeopleLike Dr. Valentine, Dr. Blair, And- The LikesAre Talking About Melanin, Or UFO'S Which ILater Changed To IFO (Identified FlyingObject) And Everybody Picked That Up Too. AsA Muslim I Spoke About These Things. I SpokeAbout The Enuma Elish, The Gilgamesh Epics,And The Tablets That Were Written AndRecorded Long Before The Bible And TheKoran.Everything That I Said Years Ago Is ConfirmingItself. Now All Of These Things Are BecomingA Reality To You. Because It Is Beginning ToHappen To You. But Still I'll Be Called A NutAnd With The Holy Tablets That Was RevealedTo Me For You, They Are Going To FoolishlyTurn Away From It."The Middle Path"1161.. it- :I If Q ;rlf([ ([ If([ )Q( 1.. 1..1..;rlf Q it-1..1..)j If(['t- ([ ;r If ([ If)Q( )jA..&dur 6Jafuraat CWa (faakur Cfii Cfiaamuf Prayer Of The AnsaarsOh Heavenly One, The Most High, Who IsSustainer Of All The Worlds, We Do AcceptThe Duty You Have Lain On Us; To Clean UpThe Filth Made By The West And ItsNonsubmitting Fools. a My Sustainer WeBeseech You, To Keep Your Hand Over Us, ToControl The Strings Of The Courses Of OurLives; Our Sustainer, And If We Do \'qrong.Please Show Thy Divine Blessings AndForgiveness On Us, You Are The Only OneThat Can Raise Us True Followers Of TheNewsbearers, And In Thy Name We Carry On.An Anthem (for AllNibiru And The Anunnaqi______Fact Or Fiction? _Index OfFigures And DiagramsNibiru And The Anunnaqi_ Fact Or Fiction? _-Diagrams-Figure IFigure 2Figure 3Figure 4Figure 5Figure 6Figure 7Figure 8Figure 9Figure 10Figure J 1Figure 12Figure 13Figure 14Figure 15Figure 16Figure 17Figure 18Figure 19Figure 20Figure 21Figure 22Figure 23-Figures-Hon. Elijah MuhammadYahweh Ben YahwehMin. Louis FarrakhanEzekielJoelDanielEnochMuhammadMike TysonMichael JordanElijahJesusBarnabasPaulMatthewLukeJohnThe AnunnaqiAbrahamSarahWisemenHagarMosesPage 7Page 12Page 17Page 23Page 24Page 25Page 29Page 39Page 42Page 43Page 50Page 52Page 58Page 59Page 60Page 61Page 62Page 88Page 90Page 91Page 93Page 103Page 104Diagram IDiagram 2Diagram 3Diagram 4Diagram 5Diagram 6Diagram 7Diagram 8Diagram 9Diagram 10Diagram 11Diagram 12Diagram 13Diagram 14Diagram 15Diagram 16MotherplaneAerodynamicsExpulsion From GardenIsrael ProtectedElijah Taken UpNewspaper ArticleBuraaqSun NewspaperNewspaper ArticleNewspaper ArticleWeekly World NewsTime MagazineComet HaleBopp AndNibiruSumerian's Solar SystemThinking FireballElectrical ExperimeterPage 6Page 10Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 18Page 70Page 73Page 75Page 76Page 78Page 80Page 82Page 83Page 84Page 85