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LHE SALT LAKE HERALD SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1905 2 4 1 1 BRUTALITY OF FRATERNITY MEN Young Pierson Was Done to Death by College Ruffians VICTIM TIED TO THE RAILS STARTLING FACTS BROUGHT OUT AT INQUEST OUNT VERNON Nov 3 Hav- fj ing secured testimony that at least one victim of hazing at Kenyon college Paul Barber and pos sibly others had been tied to railroad trades the investigation into the death of your Stuart Pierson was continued today by the coroner killed last Saturday by- a locomotive at Gambler under clr lumstanees which suggested that he might have been tied to the rails Part of the Initiation Todays testimony in the Pierson in- quest developed tha fact that the boy was laying1 prostrate on the tracks when the engine struck him The wit nesses examined were President Pierce of college Henry Beam a and W H Stump roundhouse employe who cleaned the engine after Its arrival at Mount Vernon The pre- vious evidence that it was the cus- tom of tho fraternity mon to tie can- didates to the tracks was corroborated in todays testimony Severe Examination President Pierces examination lasted over two hours and was severe He saw tho marks on the body described as rope marks but believed them to be only part of the injuries Inflicted by thq locomotive- A week before his death Pierson it was brought out in the examination- was compelled by the fraternity men to crawl the length of the ed behind by men with sticks and dubs and that this treatment devel- oped deep abscesses on his knees The bandages which Dr Workman placed about the sores were on the body when- It was found Fathers Testimony Nowbold L PIerson of College Hill Cln tinnatl father of student tool the witness stand about 4 oclock anti it was after 6 oclock when he was allowed- to go He was given a most rigid exami- imtlon and was compelled to describe the custom which use iui Hating candidates He testified that his son left tho college alono and he was positive that he was not tied on the track He said that the members of the Delta Bpilson fraternity remained at the college almost an hour before the boy had been sent to tho bridge before they went utter him and for that reason he knew that his son was not tied He tool all the blame for shipping the body to Cincinnati special train without notifying the coroner At the afternoon session of the D Iv E fraternity who were in the Gambler and who had charge of Pier sons Initiation were examined They stated that Pierson had been ordered to go to the railroad bridge alone and that he was not led there anyone They said they went Rftr the boy an hour and mangled body en the bridge Ten students been served with sub- poenas to testify at the Inqueut tomor A Delicious Drink HORSFORDS ACID PHOSPHATE- A teaspoonful added to a glass of cold water Invigorates Strengthens and Refreshes I COMMITTEE BEGINS WORK Investigation of the Mutual Life From the Inside Xv York Nor 3Stuyveaant FIsh president of the IHinoJK Central railroad returned to this city from the west to lay and received a formal Invitation from AVllHam II Truesdale and John W Auch inclos to a member of the which in commissioned to Investi- gate the Mutual Life company Mr Fish wa unable to give a aniwer today but will make known his UftoiBion early next Mr and Mr Auchincloss the actual work of Investigation to- day employing a firm of expert ac- countants And them at on the books of the Mutual Life Aa soon as the commute work com- plete It to expected it will mak a for upon management of the company to produce de A Mtrtm nt and in the Iftgtoiallve committees in- vestigation II 0 was Ken on stu- dent said he village goad b e181 om com- mittee Insurance week be- an b is th lIeal ot Its whose name has Ap 1 red P1oron Sat- urday row a q SUp- ply ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ KI11IN6 OF JEWS ALL OVER RUSSIA Veritable Reign of Terror at Odessa and Other Places AT KISHINEFF ANGER OF THE PEOPLE AGAINST THE COSSACKS Nov 3 On this the 4 fourth day of terror the peaceful f population is practically under a + 4 state of siege Even the markets V- f and restaurants are closed and it + f la impossible to get bread or meat The mob today pillaged a number of Jewish shops in the main f streets and among others the 4 gest wholesale grocery that Rablnovitch The rioters also burned three factories and killed a r + physician and two assistants who were dressing wounds This evening the rioters pillaged + + the biggest drygoods store in the 4 city The loss in this case is esti + mated at 175000 a hardware store + was also looted involving a loss of + 100000 In addition twelve fur 4 stores wero sacked The and hotels are guarded by + troops 4 Odessa Nov 3 1242 p m After a fairly quiet night sho Hlrs ft u com- menced this morning The fled Cross is busy attending to the wound aJ- Up to the present time no Christian shops or houses have been touched The principal hotels are full of the better class of Jews seeking refuge from this weeks disorders There was a veritable reign of terror on Oct 31 After the emperors festo granting a constitution to Russia had been published the Jews made the Russians furious with rage by making a prominent display of rd flags tram pling on a portrait of the emperor and tearing down the emblem of the crown Late in the afternoon there was fight- ing in the outskirts of the town and the massacre of Jews commenced and lasted during the night of Nov 1 All Jews found in the streets wore severe- ly beaten and many were killed In their shops which were ruthlessly pillaged In the poorer Jewish quarters on the outskirts of the town whole streets were destroyed the soldiers apparently looking on Crowds of workmen row dies women and children laden with all kinds of loot walked openly through the streets quarrelling over the spoils Bombs were thrown In various parts of the town Later at night patrols of soldiers and Cossacks restored some semblance of order Streets Were Unsafe The pillaging was continued yester- day and there was heavy firing all over the town Nobody was safe in the streets People carrying arms who were caught by the troops were shot at sight The shutters of all houses were ordered closed and people detect- ed shooting from windows wore promptly shot The soldiers used ma- chine guns to clear away the crowd i from the vicinity of tho port In fact I there was indiscriminate shooting ev- erywhere In town Firing is still going on as this dis- patch is filed Trade Is at a complete standstill Provisions are still obtain- able at greatly enhanced prices Tho gas and waterworks are working It is Impossible to mako a correct esti- mate of the number of killed and wounded Similar serious reports reach Odessa from most of the other towns In south- ern Russia Bodies of police escorted by squads ofinfantry are placarding the city with notices from the mayor appealing to all peaceable citizens to remain indoors most urgent necessity takes them out Sitter Recriminations- The recriminations of tho different factions in regard to the responsibility- for the outbreak are bitter Official circles blame the Jews but the liberal leaders declare the disorders were on gendered in St Petersburg A leading general In an Interview to day that the disturbances wore the result of the behavior of the Jews who rudely shocked Russian patriotism- by the manner in which they celebrated- on Tuesday the publication of the im- perial manifesto They abused their newfound free dom he declared by tearing down the national flag hoisting revolution- ary banners insulting the emperor and boasting that they alone gave Russia freedom- On other hand the liberal leaders say that the simultaneous manner in which the disorder broke out In many 0 I Odessa I ort consul- ates I H I J tt th a > 4 i44 4 4 man = + + + + + + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + ++++ SOBRETODO LARGO DE NOVEDAEi ALTA jARECERA un hecho curioso j que In mayoria de los horn bres prjmeratnente se famili- ariccn con la ropa hecha de la mejor calidad comprando un so brotodo Pocos los sobre todos qtte se hogan por encargo hoy dta Los trajes R A Co son rolatJvamcnte tan buenos como los sobretodos con todo por ser conocida esta como el Grim rjtablecimienio de de America DOS ha tmldo esta repu tnci6n miles de parroquianos Poco imjvorta la causiqite induce al a pedir los estilos R A Co 10 cierto es clue tenemos de demostrar lo line ofrecemos mientras que el tiene Hi de ir mejor vestidp- El Sobretodo K A Co se ajwsta perlectamente sobre los hom bro El frente queda piano sobr el pecho el cucllo se pega bien el peso atelga bien de los hombros Mirandose en espejo podra apreciarse como el Obretodo perfectamente balanceado La Cal da tiene todo el uelo necesario para que el cuerpo pueda moverse deptrodeun clrculo Este balance de la prenda se consena al andar El sobretodo no se pega a la 6sp arrastra por los tacoues son caw H Sobr todos It par olniano ocasi n n el est t I 1 pan- t rrulla ni los delanteros rodillas El movimiento del Ivombre es libre se crea qiie esia es isici6n cs que no se halla en los soUretodos- ordinarios que al ojo tue no es practice jwiede que aparezcnn tan bien y sin embargo uno se sot premie de que e contacto de tales soljietodos canseh El sobretoda largo de fantasia retiene s t popularidad con raxAn Es holgadd y abriga bien es A para ir en coihel La grande y la- pequefia que a la vista dan una idea regular de lbs sobretodos Iargos v A Co de una botona dura y de dos Se confeccionan de negro y oxford modelos defan tasia genero escotes y otros Forrados tian con mangas rie raso 6 canesu y mangos de- raso con forro de fan tasia para el cuerjvo Miden 52 pulgadas de largo llenos de espalda y buen vuelo Algunos son impermeables Precios cogen Jns Quiz s una f cit pero In l c rl1oclo prop sito n cst n no di- vers ell a 12 5 verdad Vent ¬ RICHARDSON J DAMS Co A CLOTHES SHOP FOR if At JSin ti I y J- r 4 4 bff i J 1z J I f l tt 1iEN The tht Four rJia7ISt 1 7 2 < towns proved dictated from St Petersburg In revenge for the granted and yrlth the object ot creating the impression tfiat too Russians did not Desire the neworder of The con tend that the governor had all thu weans to stop the outbreak in the first hour and that his activity during tho three days of massacre and his protec- tion of the murderous rabble in tho guise of patriots prove the real origin of the trouble ATTACKS ON THE JEWS Conditions at Kicff Have Not Been Improved Kleff Russia Nov 3 The retirement of General Kleisrels the governor gen oral of Kiefi who was rcmovol Wed- nesday and who has oeen succeeded- by General Soukhomllmlf has not served to restore order Tie whole city- Is in r ferment A report that the Jews hid destroyed- a Christian monastery wai cirnuhitfed among the mob and served to provoke a renewal of the attack on the JeXvx The massacre cortiums General Karass the military commander called on owsacks who ro n et with bombs whereupon the O rift k fired Into time crowd killing a five persons and wounding fortyfou All the stores in the Jewish market have been plundered and destroyed OMINOUS SCENE Revolutionary Speeches Delivered by Soldiers Warsaw Nov a socialist meet jug this atternon two infantry soldiers In full uniform delivered revolutionary addresses assuring their hearers that the revolutionary propaganda was growing in the army and that the time not far remote when the army would join in a revolution to overthrow a despotic throne The meeting resolved to exclude newspapers bakers and butchers and cafes and restaurants from the general strike VTelegraphie communication between WarsajV and Odessa and Rostoffon Don has bean severed A bomb was thrown s into the telegraph office at and twelve telegraphers were Idled or wounded RAGE AGAINST COSSACKS Other Soldiers Fraternize With Peo- ple of Warsaw Warsaw Russian Poland Nov 3 A remarkable feature of the danvmstra tions here was the fraternizing of the people with the soldiers TIle Jailer were carried about on the shoulders of teh crowd and were furnished wth champagne and cigarettes AH classes- of the population participated in the demonstrations The orchestra of the court theatre led a croWd singing the Marseillaise All the stores were closed The greatest rage is felt against the Cossacks whose attack on the crowd before the city hull was un provoked Many were killed and wounded HORRIBLE MASSACRE Terrible Condition of Affairs Exists- at Kishineff Odessa Not 3 4 p m dispatch from Kishineff says A horrible massacre has occurred here Hundreds have been killed All the hospitals and hotels aro full of wounded ami mutilated persons A telegram from Nicolaleff says the whole town IB in the hands of bandits who are devastating the Jewish houses and shops and beating Jews to death without the slightest hindrance The authorities hear similar news from other southern cities Disorder Continues London Nov dispatch to a news agency from Odessa says military patrols which are in all the streets are unable to check the disorders Some collisions occurred- in Preobrazhenskia street this after- noon between the troops and the crowds Seventeen persons were killed or wounded- A staff officer was killed in the streets at 2 oclock this afternoon by a bullet fired trom a window Thre hundred infantry joined with the mobs in looting but were arrest- ed Committee of Public Safety Helsingfors Nov 3 The municipal council has formed a committee of public safety It also lias notified the strike committee that it considers It self to be In a position to maintain order and has raised 52000 for purpose The council which meets daily has appointed a special committee to con fer with the strike committee when the latter refuses advice on important ques- tions Many Socialists Wounded Baku Nov a The Joy of the popu- lation over the imperial manifesto is Unbounded- Therj were separate processions of Armenians students and Socialists The Socialists marched to the prison and demanded the libera- tion of the political prisoners Time SIMPLE JOY- It Feels Mighty Good to Be Clear of Coffee Ails A Mttssaehusets woman had been a lifelong coffee drinker and alow to suspect that It was this habit that was making her lift miserable The knowledge came to her at lust fortunately before it was too can now see she writes that the tise of the old kind of coffee was the cause of my poor health and before going any further I want to say that Postum Food Coffee has done more for me than all the different medicines I took in the years I was ailing for It has made me a well woman while the medicines always failed I have been drinking Postum for two years now and shall never give it up willingly The first intimation of breaking health that I had was when my atom ach gave out my digestion was so that I had no appetite for and but little for any other meal Then I became the victim of sleepless ness und arose in the morning tired und languid and utterly unfit for the duties of the day before me I grew so nervous that I could not hold my pen my flesh fell away and I became pain- fully thin I must acknowledge the help the doctor gave me in finding out what was really the matter with me for after vainly prescribing medicines he DUg Bested that I give up coffee I did so but with very little hope that it would do any good I had to have something In the way of a hot table beverage and fortunately hit upon Postum Quite a little time elapsed before the coffee poison was worked out of my system but this was at last accom- plished and from that moment my Improved in every way Today I am as healthy a woman as can found Sly strength has returned I sleep beautifully my digestion has been completely restored and I enjoy a good hearty breakfast with no distress to fallow it My nervousness dis- appeared and I have taken on flesh so rapidly my friends tell me I am getting fat I weigh more than did before Name given by Postum Co Battle Greak Mich 1 Theres a reason Read the little book Time KoaT to in plCES ere th tAt was 3A Thus this was late- I VII IIfl thatthioy thIng t Otlessa today un- paired break- fast 1 ever k ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SUIT BROUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT IK Dollars lost Minnesota lauM SWindles SOME INNOCENT BUYERS HYDE BENSON AND GLOVER THE SC E EFtSf v I T PAUL Nov 3 United District Attorney HouhVtoday1 flied complaints in the United States circuit court in which he brings suit against Frederick A Hyde John A Benson and C to recover twentysix tracts of land in Itasca Cook St Louis and Lake counties in Minnesota which the trio of respon dents are alleged to have obtained by fraud and collusion with officials of the Washington land office The three defendants nam d have al- ready been Indicted in connection with the Pacific coast land frauds A num- ber of Minnesotans are named as co- defendants as having either purchased- the land or the stumpage from Hyde Benson and Glover or Irom their agent C W Clarke of Sarf Pntncisco Minnesota Defendants The list of Minnesotans included Frederick Weyerhaixser Sprague the Lumber company C A Smith Co Richard Chute the Lesucr Lumber company the Feljhous Land company V B Hill T It Foley Thomas W Irvin jUgejr Smith Co and WJJHam Sauntry Stlllwater not that the Minnesota men made codefendants were in any- way parties to the alleged They come into the case only because as innocent purchasers they now hold land which the government claims- It is alleged that the principal de- fendants obtained the land b and collusion with employes of the United States land office in Washing- ton namely Woodford E Harlan William E Valla Benjamin F Allen forest superintendent and Grant E Taggart forest supervisor Planfo Defraud The plan under which it is charged- in the complaint that the westerners or attempted to defraud the government was this The forest reserve act provides that owners of land taken the reserve may exchange it for any other equal area of the government domain The defendants would western lands at 125 an acre persuade the land office men to include these next to worthless lands within the reserves and then se lect In lieu of the lands taken Min- nesota or other rifle lands bearing tim- ber worth thousands if not millions of dollars Either the stumpage of the land or both was then sold and the western men were reaping a rich harvest when the United States began its investiga- tion of stone and timber act ODera tipns The government now sues to re coyer the which has on it the best timber left In Minnesota trod par fired on th and many of them were wounded Riot at Minsk Minsk Russia Nov 3 A demon- stration yesterday of students and workmen carrying banners inscribed Liberty was attacked by Volga Many persons wfiro wounded Attacked by Hundred Moscow Nov 3BTho Black Hun- dred today attacked with arms procession of Social Democrats re from the of victims of the recent riots A number of per- sons were wounded on both sides A procession of students returning today with some their comrades who had been released from prison was set upon by a mob of workmen at the tri- umphal arch Ten of tho students were Troops Barred the Road Titus Nov Immense meeting of workmen students and professional men here today demanded the release- of the political prisoners and the abo- lition of the state of siege to which the viceroy promised to accede if the strike ceased The police and the troops barred the road to tile vice regal palace but otherwise did not in- terfere Only Ruins Remain RostoffonDon Russia Nov 3 This city presents a scene of desola tion but the rioters are exhausted by last nights excesses and the rioting Was not resumed this morning Of the Jewish quarter only smoking ruins re- main In sections stores are stIll burning The Jews are seeking refuge where they can The mob outrages continued all night Shots were constantly heard Burned to the Ground Rommy Russia Nov 8 During the pillage the Jewish stores which last yesterday morning fifteen stores were burned to the ground and many moro were sacked The rioting begun when a crowd killed a rich merchant for refusing to take off his lint to a red flag Many persons were killed Vice Governor Fled KozlofC Russia Nov S The vice governor of Kozloff has fled from the city citizens are preserving or- der Great manifestations occurred here yesterday the crowds demanding- the release of the political prisoners Raids of Black Hundred Smolensk Russia Nov S The Black Hundred term applied to the lowest class without any special political views are attacking the here the men are appealing to the people to restore order Prison Doors Opened Poltava Russia Nov 3 The revo- lutionists not satisfied with the action of the governor in releasing some of tho political prisoners stormed the prison The police made an Ineffectual to beat them off wounding thirtyeight persons but tha mob ef- fected an entrance and threw open the Attacked by Loyalists Tuzzakova Russia Nov 3 A dom- onbtration of Social Democrats who were singing revolutionary songs was attacked yesterday by a mob of lay alJsBi who later sacked Jewish chops and beat the Jews Work Resumed Russia Nov 3 Work on all the railroads has been All meetings arQ dispersed by Cossacks BANK ROBBER DEAD GrayWn Nov 3 The Wlllard- banlt jobber giving his name as Smith died today from gunshot wounds te fight Tuesday JjJH Kit nfenf identified Smith as en oldtime haul hurcrlav of Chicago i Millions of J 5 S Inn E Glover ca It swluare defraud nS I Black a uenaral I of d 3An i I i I o I I I nd lt I K f tv tIme e Cincinnati g eialists 0- i ddrs resumed 1mi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¼ AMNEsty UKASE v HAS BEEN SIGNED Continued from Page 1 informed him that the workmen Would order at the funerals Count WUtcis having trouble in forming a cabinet on account of the lack of litferql Senator Kant has refused the of Justice anti Prinqe TrqUbgtskdy time Moscow university to have not even replied to the tender of the ministry PRESS IS FREE No Further Regulations Will Be Issued StT 3 All the regula- tions heretofore issued to the newspapers- by circular for their been withdrawn and tbo chief of the press ad- ministration has been prohibited from further leasing such Another appaal to the in the shape of an official note was published this morning It says Mien the of Oct S3 had an unshakable foundation for the develop- ment of Russian life on the basis of le- gality and justice participation in street demonstrations a significance alto- gether different front thereto previously Tt Can only encour age disorder and the presence of pupils of the middle and lower educational es- tablishments among time is much to be condemned if only on moral grounds Unless the attention of society- be now directed to this fact the state is threatenedwith dangerous Increase In the number of people respect for authority and Is being radically shaken while they are still In the school- room government therefore calls upon all citizens to exercise self control and to devote themselves quietly to their avocations FOREIGNERS ALARMED Frantic Appeals Reaching Embassies at St Petersburg St Petersburg Nov 3 S p m lug from the frantic appeals which are reaching the here the greatest alarm prevails among the foreign reid dents In South the safety of themselves and their property The German embassies are energetic represen- tations to the authorities to am- ple protection Baron Von Aehernthal the ambassador of vis- ited General Trepott at 1 oclock this morning and called especial attention to at Kleff and today C A SpringRice the British daffaires demanded protection- for the persons and property of British subjects at Odessa Kieff Don and Grodny The general promised- to afford military protection the garrisons were being reinforced awl that energetic measures were being taken to restore order He also expressed the opinion that neither time foreigners nor their property were In danger GRAND DUKES ALL OUT BrotherinLaw of the Emperor Re lieved From His Petersburg Nov 2 The Grand Duke Alexander llichaelovitch brother Inlaw of Emperor Nicholas has bem relieved of the post of head of the dat partment of the mercantile marine The department of mercantile marine be merged with the new ministry df commerce which probably accounts the grand duke being relieved of his duty an head of that department He is tu last of the Influential quintette of grand dukes who have been the of the emperor Grand Dukes Alexis and Michael Nicholaicvitch having been relieved of their poets as respectively grand admi- ral or head of the navy and president of empire and Duke Vladimir been relieved of commander in chief of the military division of Petersburg Grand Duke Sereins was assassinated at M9 cow Fob JG UKASE NOT YET PUBLISHED AllImportant Document May Be Held Untii Sunday London Nov 4 All Russian dispatches still are suffering considerable telegraph- Ic delay Apparently the text of the am- nesty has not yet been published It Is espected that It will be today but possibly its may be postponed until Sunday Many correspondents m Odessa and elsewhere report great dlffi obliged to the aidand pro- tection of thq Alt dispatches received hereto to confirm the cuntlrued seriousness of the situation throughout Russia especially the antiJewish ex- cesses The Daily Midis Odessa corrasrwindon gives an unconfirmed report that Kiali muff hrs destroyed by fire He says that the three suburbs ui Odessa ftastava and Molaa- vanka have been completely devastated The Kieff correpundent of the same paper that the consulate has been riddled with bullets The situation there lie adds hewever Is Jmproviax but durlne the riots bands of rowdies stopped everybody In carriages or afoul and compelled alt to prove were not Tows before r ern ittliiK them to go on Ladies dresses yore torn anon to dis- cover if they were wearing crosses The British consul was sioipi iy soldiers with levelled rifle wire however per- mitted the mob to wreck the house of a wealthy Jew Yearly all the houses an J shops display slid other Christian emblem A dispatch to Telegraph from SU PeteWh states that Prince Alexis Obolensky has been annolnted r olgc M lono8tsef as chief procurator of the holv The Telegraphs Odftbsa oorre- sponderit also reports In HARDHEARTED POLICE Officers Look Upon the Slaughter of Jews With Indifference Berlin Nov 4 Th Tageblatt nrints the foownsc dispatch from the Jewish owner of three hpusea in Kieff- AntWewlHh excesses have bten rearing for three davs anti all the Jewish shops and many private houses have bc tn totally f Jpyish is mimi children and old people have been barbarously while the military and police looked on with cynicul Indffferenca The situation is desperate- The LoJcal Kleff correspond- ent renrctvnts the situation Improved Friday s 53W tb correspondent a td quietly The of deed on botr about 100 but many hundreds of persons were wounded and miuwrled and tIle city presents a auoearttnce Some to work railways are rcsumlns and other raliwwys are ready for busneM Traffic exjiecttd lo run cularly by Sunday LONG CASUALTY LIST Latest Russian Horrors Revealed in Special Telegrams London Nor 4 A special to to Stan- dard front Odessa saj Three ruilwav stations been Odessa and Shinartnfcit and t life postal ed Collisions betweeVarinedmroes tlnud until late at itieht in th e dis- tricts aro believed- to hero numbered about S Among toe Incidents I witnessed today YSB the lowing A nod a were driving In A droshky the wearing a red cross armlet Six nuletly pau- Inff when sutldenly the girl wound In one of them u tea The I OF sacks replied shooting the student dead Time to but was shot and as fell Jt could be seen that the feminine dress ira ked 3 student A dispatch to Routers Teegraph com the military officers at KoOca Vibor- Frf ericksharom Lovisa and Borsa hay Dledpcd themselves to assist the ciyiluns In of the A company toward HH was forced The Klaff of Routers comnaiw under date of Nov 3 soys The J Trlfntttirtoc has bton given to rapine anti mur fw eves sine the the o stHutlon On that ICY dm fere port late r laid g Qr A Post- S to r the ot Ika e pub lcatlol1 in their rcnorts and thy are seek lllt n Dell murdered n iaer er horrible brQ m tdn Is burned b tw l eon TodD ys ti studeht I Co were ked the she pany from save that of Russian artiiierV which had toro without anen t fnont coor nt t om1crQI cotmndil dlsretehLn Ikoii aiiy synod here arge iivo sin treat grant- Ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ < = ri TOWEL ROLLER Here is special that every house- keeper will want and the price is very low indeed This Towel Roller- is 22 inches long made of hard wood and nicely finished On Sat urday only the price will be iS Third South Street GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS J Havent said much about Big Sf jjj Boys or Young Mens Overcoats TUFW and Suits recently Not because we have none to r rS talk about L X J Quite the contrary HO onVM fc We have all the exact Y ing Young Man demands 3 fin Overcoats and Suits that are ti 1- I j sparkling with swaggerness and I good looks Predominating styles of the W M Year in both i Prom 2250 down Boys who are still in knee pants division will also be well cared for today For them we have plenty of Suits Overcoats Sweaters Waists Caps and Gloves The kind that Boys like to wear and Mothers like to buy ONE PRICE 136138 Main St THE QUALITY STORE I i Lr 11 o I 12c YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD REED tl URNITURf CARPET CO to4O riWL JIIIJf1 1I4TtJ1 1 I I I I that I I I f- J the i t 1 I I ii III J P J lI i East 0 Gardner tWI ¬ ¬ < > = = = < ing a monster demonstration in front of the town hull a shot vtn suddenly heard The Ceasucks and dragoons im- mediately into the rowd firms right und left and the police and others ragged away the dead and wounued numbering more than 130 Into the ne a boring court yards while the terro stricken demonstrators fled by 1 mob of ruffians who attacked them as they ran At 7 oclock in the evening nnorgan Ized attack on the Jewish Quarter began on pretext that during the a portrait of the emperor had Insulted In th town hall lower quarter of the twon Podll was sacked and al though the authorities promised a JeWish deputation the pillage lasted all night Warehouses were lootfil and pcopla robbet incendiarism was ln duged III and many were killed On Wed- nesday Actinar Governor Karasfj again promised prominent Jewish that immediate strong measures would be taken for but the pillage assumed colossal proportions arid the police and military stood impassive only firing upon persons who defended themselves against looters and on houses where Jews had dn luer assailants While almost all tho Jewisii hoUses 1 J1 In ruins Christian r v lahllshment were unto ohed Thousands of families have been ruined fOnd the Theatre of Anatomy is filled with corpses Attempts were without success to wreck the otflctti of the liberal newspapers and It is stated that some rthcomingr lawsuits are to reveal the names of the prominent organizers of those attacks Many have wired Court Witte begging protection and he ordred that vigorous measures be taken but without effect Today the town la quicj er and it Is honed that the reIgn of ano- rbs ended hut the Jews still fear to ro turn to their homes Relief committees are being formed- A Usalch to the Dally Mall from St Petersburg tned 9 m reports the discovery of a nlot to massacre the Jews In that city It is semiofflclally calcu- lated ss a the correspondent that ut least LCOO have killed and 10000 seriously rounded in the fifty provincial towns of Russia in the last hours and the death roll Is sun mounting Guerrilla Carfare Is on In U0 Caucasus the correspondent a trains are held vi at the anti rifled It Is impossible io move trooos into tIme mountain fastnesstw nnd wealthy are offering fr m- 530W to 50000 ransomo to their captor Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud- Ing Piles Your Jru gtet will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure you In six to fourteen days SOc REQUISITION ISSUED Denver Nov Governor Mc- Donald Issued a requisition todayor Abraham Schlffer charged with the AJamosa bank Schlftcr IB Bald to have been arrested ago In Xcw York City 6 to to tiring Schlffcr to this state I j the been prot cUon the > l te J ere ma o f been n sen ers A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PIJES r k- ing dillS New Yoik like- ly says at- tacked ar Cob ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ° Salt Lake under Mayor Mor- ris extends a welcome to out- siders Pfenty of work at big wages for the laboring man The American and Republican parties are fighting his plans now in progress to enlarge the city water supply and provide for a Greater Salt Lake SUBJECT TO HEAD TAX Son of William Waldorf Astor Re- quired to Pay 2 Now York Not S William Astor sore of William Waldorf Astor was called upon to pay a J2 tax as an alien toils before being admitted to the United States on his arrival here on the steamer C drii from Liverpool This tax was levied un- der the section of time United States laws requiring a head tux of i Astor one of holders of real estate in this city lives in London and some years ago renounce his American citizenship and became a British subject RECEIVERS BRING SUIT Boston Nov 8 The receivers of Consolidated Rubber Plantation con pahy which has plantations In Mexico today filed a suit In the state supremo court egoist the officers and directors of the corporation seeking an account InS of some of the money alleged to have been lost It Is alleged that time money has disappeared by roason of fraudulent and negligent acts of the defendants HONORS RELINQUISHED Christlania Norway Nov Oscar has notified the Norwegian gov eminent that all the members of th Swedish royal family have l the ranks they have hitherto held ii the Norwesrian army and nay TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QuininE Tablets Druggists refund it tails to cure E W GROVE signa- ture is on each box 25c CRANBERRIES ARE HIGH Chicago Nov 3 Ow1nff to tlie Al- leged the Cape CodJa ry crop tlib price of tho today ranged from 10 to511 a bvrti 10 7 ti rrr spending day A TO to K sin a barrel predicted the largest I tIll SKin I of b tr comp r dlth 1O i Im- migration i 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ <> >

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Post on 06-Feb-2020




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Young Pierson Was Done to Deathby College Ruffians




OUNT VERNON Nov 3 Hav-fj ing secured testimony that at

least one victim of hazing atKenyon college Paul Barber and possibly others had been tied to railroadtrades the investigation into the deathof your Stuart Pierson was continuedtoday by the coroner

killed last Saturday by-a locomotive at Gambler under clrlumstanees which suggested that hemight have been tied to the rails

Part of the InitiationTodays testimony in the Pierson in-

quest developed tha fact that the boywas laying1 prostrate on the trackswhen the engine struck him The witnesses examined were President Pierceof college Henry Beam a

and W H Stump roundhouseemploye who cleaned the engine afterIts arrival at Mount Vernon The pre-vious evidence that it was the cus-tom of tho fraternity mon to tie can-didates to the tracks was corroboratedin todays testimony

Severe ExaminationPresident Pierces examination lasted

over two hours and was severe Hesaw tho marks on the body

described as rope marks but believedthem to be only part of the injuriesInflicted by thq locomotive-

A week before his death Pierson itwas brought out in the examination-was compelled by the fraternity mento crawl the length of theed behind by men with sticks anddubs and that this treatment devel-oped deep abscesses on his knees Thebandages which Dr Workman placedabout the sores were on the body when-It was found

Fathers TestimonyNowbold L PIerson of College Hill Cln

tinnatl father of student toolthe witness stand about 4 oclock anti itwas after 6 oclock when he was allowed-to go He was given a most rigid exami-imtlon and was compelled to describe thecustom which use iuiHating candidates He testified that hisson left tho college alono and he waspositive that he was not tied on thetrack

He said that the members of the DeltaBpilson fraternity remained at the

college almost an hour before the boyhad been sent to tho bridge before theywent utter him and for that reason heknew that his son was not tied He toolall the blame for shipping the body toCincinnati special train withoutnotifying the coroner

At the afternoon session of the D Iv Efraternity who were in the Gambler

and who had charge of Piersons Initiation were examined Theystated that Pierson had been ordered togo to the railroad bridge alone and thathe was not led there anyone Theysaid they went Rftr the boyan hour and mangledbody en the bridge

Ten students been served with sub-poenas to testify at the Inqueut tomor

A Delicious Drink


A teaspoonful added to a glass ofcold water Invigorates Strengthensand Refreshes I


Investigation of the Mutual LifeFrom the Inside

Xv York Nor 3Stuyveaant FIshpresident of the IHinoJK Central railroadreturned to this city from the west tolay and received a formal Invitation fromAVllHam II Truesdale and John W Auchinclos to a member of the

which in commissioned to Investi-gate the Mutual Life companyMr Fish wa unable to give aaniwer today but will make known hisUftoiBion early next

Mr and Mr Auchinclossthe actual work of Investigation to-

day employing a firm of expert ac-countants And them at onthe books of the Mutual Life

Aa soon as the commute work com-plete It to expected it will mak a for

upon management of thecompany to produce de

A Mtrtm nt andin the Iftgtoiallve committees in-


II 0


Ken on stu-dent

said he

village goad



om com-

mittee Insurance




th lIeal ot Itswhose name has Ap

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Veritable Reign of Terror at Odessa

and Other Places




Nov 3 On this the4 fourth day of terror the peaceful f

population is practically under a +4 state of siege Even the markets V-

f and restaurants are closed and it +f la impossible to get bread or meat

The mob today pillaged a numberof Jewish shops in the main fstreets and among others the

4 gest wholesale grocery thatRablnovitch The rioters alsoburned three factories and killed a r

+ physician and two assistants whowere dressing wounds

This evening the rioters pillaged ++ the biggest drygoods store in the 4

city The loss in this case is esti+ mated at 175000 a hardware store +

was also looted involving a loss of+ 100000 In addition twelve fur 4

stores wero sacked Theand hotels are guarded by

+ troops 4

Odessa Nov 3 1242 p m After afairly quiet night sho Hlrs ft u com-menced this morning The fled Crossis busy attending to the wound aJ-

Up to the present time no Christianshops or houses have been touchedThe principal hotels are full of thebetter class of Jews seeking refugefrom this weeks disorders

There was a veritable reign of terroron Oct 31 After the emperorsfesto granting a constitution to Russiahad been published the Jews made theRussians furious with rage by makinga prominent display of rd flags trampling on a portrait of the emperor andtearing down the emblem of the crownLate in the afternoon there was fight-ing in the outskirts of the town and themassacre of Jews commenced andlasted during the night of Nov 1 AllJews found in the streets wore severe-ly beaten and many were killed In theirshops which were ruthlessly pillagedIn the poorer Jewish quarters on theoutskirts of the town whole streetswere destroyed the soldiers apparentlylooking on Crowds of workmen rowdies women and children laden with allkinds of loot walked openly throughthe streets quarrelling over the spoilsBombs were thrown In various parts ofthe town Later at night patrols ofsoldiers and Cossacks restored somesemblance of order

Streets Were UnsafeThe pillaging was continued yester-

day and there was heavy firing all overthe town Nobody was safe in thestreets People carrying arms whowere caught by the troops were shotat sight The shutters of all houseswere ordered closed and people detect-ed shooting from windows worepromptly shot The soldiers used ma-chine guns to clear away the crowd i

from the vicinity of tho port In fact I

there was indiscriminate shooting ev-erywhere In town

Firing is still going on as this dis-patch is filed Trade Is at a completestandstill Provisions are still obtain-able at greatly enhanced prices Thogas and waterworks are working Itis Impossible to mako a correct esti-mate of the number of killed andwounded

Similar serious reports reach Odessafrom most of the other towns In south-ern Russia

Bodies of police escorted by squadsofinfantry are placarding the city withnotices from the mayor appealing toall peaceable citizens to remain indoors

most urgent necessity takesthem out

Sitter Recriminations-The recriminations of tho different

factions in regard to the responsibility-for the outbreak are bitter Officialcircles blame the Jews but the liberalleaders declare the disorders were ongendered in St Petersburg

A leading general In an Interview today that the disturbances worethe result of the behavior of the Jewswho rudely shocked Russian patriotism-by the manner in which they celebrated-on Tuesday the publication of the im-perial manifesto

They abused their newfound freedom he declared by tearing downthe national flag hoisting revolution-ary banners insulting the emperor andboasting that they alone gave Russiafreedom-

On other hand the liberal leaderssay that the simultaneous manner inwhich the disorder broke out In many















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sobretodos con todo por ser

conocida esta como el Grimrjtablecimienio de deAmerica DOS ha tmldo esta reputnci6n miles de parroquianos

Poco imjvorta la causiqiteinduce al a pedir losestilos R A Co 10 cierto es cluetenemos de demostrar lo

line ofrecemos mientras que el tieneHi de ir mejor vestidp-

El Sobretodo K A Co se

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peso atelga bien de los hombros

Mirandose en espejo podraapreciarse como el Obretodoperfectamente balanceado La Cal

da tiene todo el uelo necesario

para que el cuerpo pueda moverse

deptrodeun clrculo Este balance

de la prenda se consena al andarEl sobretodo no se pega a la

6sp arrastra por los tacoues


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ordinarios que al ojo tue no es

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bien y sin embargo uno se sotpremie de que e contacto de talessoljietodos canseh

El sobretoda largo de fantasia

retiene s t popularidad con raxAn

Es holgadd y abriga bienes A para ir en coihel

La grande y la-

pequefia que a la vista danuna idea regular de lbs sobretodos

Iargos v A Co de una botona

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Forradostian con mangas rie raso

6 canesu y mangos de-

raso con forro de fantasia para el cuerjvoMiden 52 pulgadasde largo llenos

de espalday buen vuelo

Algunos son



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towns proved dictatedfrom St Petersburg In revenge for the

granted and yrlththe object ot creating the impressiontfiat too Russians did not Desire theneworder of The contend that the governor had all thuweans to stop the outbreak in the firsthour and that his activity during thothree days of massacre and his protec-tion of the murderous rabble in thoguise of patriots prove the real originof the trouble


Conditions at Kicff Have Not Been

ImprovedKleff Russia Nov 3 The retirement

of General Kleisrels the governor genoral of Kiefi who was rcmovol Wed-nesday and who has oeen succeeded-by General Soukhomllmlf has notserved to restore order Tie whole city-Is in r ferment

A report that the Jews hid destroyed-a Christian monastery wai cirnuhitfedamong the mob and served to provokea renewal of the attack on the JeXvxThe massacre cortiums GeneralKarass the military commander calledon owsacks who ro n et withbombs whereupon the O rift k firedInto time crowd killing a five personsand wounding fortyfou

All the stores in the Jewish markethave been plundered and destroyed


Revolutionary Speeches Delivered bySoldiers

Warsaw Nov a socialist meetjug this atternon two infantry soldiersIn full uniform delivered revolutionaryaddresses assuring their hearers thatthe revolutionary propaganda wasgrowing in the army and that the time

not far remote when the armywould join in a revolution to overthrowa despotic throne

The meeting resolved to excludenewspapers bakers and butchers andcafes and restaurants from the generalstrike

VTelegraphie communication betweenWarsajV and Odessa and RostoffonDon has bean severed A bomb wasthrown s into the telegraph office at

and twelve telegrapherswere Idled or wounded


Other Soldiers Fraternize With Peo-

ple of WarsawWarsaw Russian Poland Nov 3 A

remarkable feature of the danvmstrations here was the fraternizing of thepeople with the soldiers TIle Jailerwere carried about on the shouldersof teh crowd and were furnished wthchampagne and cigarettes AH classes-of the population participated in thedemonstrations The orchestra of thecourt theatre led a croWd singing theMarseillaise All the stores were

closed The greatest rage is felt againstthe Cossacks whose attack on thecrowd before the city hull was unprovoked Many were killed andwounded


Terrible Condition of Affairs Exists-

at KishineffOdessa Not 3 4 p m dispatch

from Kishineff saysA horrible massacre has occurred

here Hundreds have been killed Allthe hospitals and hotelsaro full of wounded ami mutilatedpersons

A telegram from Nicolaleff says thewhole town IB in the hands of banditswho are devastating the Jewish housesand shops and beating Jews to deathwithout the slightest hindrance

The authorities hear similar newsfrom other southern cities

Disorder ContinuesLondon Nov dispatch to a

news agency from Odessa saysmilitary patrols which are in

all the streets are unable to checkthe disorders Some collisions occurred-in Preobrazhenskia street this after-noon between the troops and thecrowds Seventeen persons were killedor wounded-

A staff officer was killed in thestreets at 2 oclock this afternoon bya bullet fired trom a window

Thre hundred infantry joined withthe mobs in looting but were arrest-ed

Committee of Public SafetyHelsingfors Nov 3 The municipal

council has formed a committee ofpublic safety It also lias notified thestrike committee that it considers Itself to be In a position to maintainorder and has raised 52000 forpurpose

The council which meets daily hasappointed a special committee to confer with the strike committee when thelatter refuses advice on important ques-tions

Many Socialists WoundedBaku Nov a The Joy of the popu-

lation over the imperial manifesto isUnbounded-

Therj were separate processions ofArmenians students and

Socialists The Socialists marched tothe prison and demanded the libera-tion of the political prisoners Time


It Feels Mighty Good to Be Clear ofCoffee Ails

A Mttssaehusets woman had been alifelong coffee drinker and alowto suspect that It was this habit thatwas making her lift miserable

The knowledge came to her at lustfortunately before it was too

can now see she writes that thetise of the old kind of coffee wasthe cause of my poor health and beforegoing any further I want to say thatPostum Food Coffee has done more forme than all the different medicines Itook in the years I was ailing for Ithas made me a well woman while themedicines always failed I have beendrinking Postum for two years nowand shall never give it up willingly

The first intimation of breakinghealth that I had was when my atomach gave out my digestion was so

that I had no appetite forand but little for any other meal

Then I became the victim of sleeplessness und arose in the morning tiredund languid and utterly unfit for theduties of the day before me I grew sonervous that I could not hold my penmy flesh fell away and I became pain-fully thin

I must acknowledge the help thedoctor gave me in finding out what wasreally the matter with me for aftervainly prescribing medicines he DUgBested that I give up coffee I did sobut with very little hope that it woulddo any good I had to have somethingIn the way of a hot table beverageand fortunately hit upon Postum

Quite a little time elapsed before thecoffee poison was worked out of mysystem but this was at last accom-plished and from that moment my

Improved in every way TodayI am as healthy a woman as canfound Sly strength has returned Isleep beautifully my digestion has beencompletely restored and I enjoy agood hearty breakfast with no distressto fallow it My nervousness dis-appeared and I have taken on flesh sorapidly my friends tell me I amgetting fat I weigh more thandid before Name given by PostumCo Battle Greak Mich 1

Theres a reasonRead the little book Time KoaT to

in plCES













Otlessa today

un-paired break-fast

1 ever




















IKDollars lost MinnesotalauM SWindles



T PAUL Nov 3 UnitedDistrict Attorney HouhVtoday1flied complaints in the United

States circuit court in which he bringssuit against Frederick A Hyde JohnA Benson and C to recovertwentysix tracts of land in ItascaCook St Louis and Lake counties inMinnesota which the trio of respondents are alleged to have obtained byfraud and collusion with officials of theWashington land office

The three defendants nam d have al-ready been Indicted in connection withthe Pacific coast land frauds A num-ber of Minnesotans are named as co-defendants as having either purchased-the land or the stumpage from HydeBenson and Glover or Irom their agentC W Clarke of Sarf Pntncisco

Minnesota DefendantsThe list of Minnesotans included

Frederick WeyerhaixserSprague the Lumber companyC A Smith Co Richard Chute theLesucr Lumber company the FeljhousLand company V B Hill T It FoleyThomas W Irvin jUgejr Smith Coand WJJHam Sauntry Stlllwater

not that the Minnesotamen made codefendants were in any-way parties to the allegedThey come into the case only becauseas innocent purchasers they now holdland which the government claims-

It is alleged that the principal de-fendants obtained the land band collusion with employes of theUnited States land office in Washing-ton namely Woodford E HarlanWilliam E Valla Benjamin F Allenforest superintendent and Grant ETaggart forest supervisor

Planfo DefraudThe plan under which it is charged-

in the complaint that the westernersor attempted to defraud the

government was thisThe forest reserve act provides that

owners of land taken the reservemay exchange it for any other equalarea of the government domain Thedefendants would western lands at

125 an acre persuade the land officemen to include these next to worthlesslands within the reserves and then select In lieu of the lands taken Min-nesota or other rifle lands bearing tim-ber worth thousands if not millions ofdollars

Either the stumpage of the land orboth was then sold and the westernmen were reaping a rich harvest whenthe United States began its investiga-tion of stone and timber act ODeratipns The government now sues to recoyer the which has on itthe best timber left In Minnesota

trod par fired on th and manyof them were wounded

Riot at MinskMinsk Russia Nov 3 A demon-

stration yesterday of students andworkmen carrying banners inscribed

Liberty was attacked byVolga Many personswfiro wounded

Attacked by HundredMoscow Nov 3BTho Black Hun-

dred today attacked with armsprocession of Social Democrats re

from the of victimsof the recent riots A number of per-sons were wounded on both sides

A procession of students returningtoday with some their comrades whohad been released from prison was setupon by a mob of workmen at the tri-umphal arch Ten of tho students were

Troops Barred the Road

Titus Nov Immense meetingof workmen students and professionalmen here today demanded the release-of the political prisoners and the abo-lition of the state of siege to whichthe viceroy promised to accede if thestrike ceased The police and thetroops barred the road to tile viceregal palace but otherwise did not in-terfere

Only Ruins RemainRostoffonDon Russia Nov 3

This city presents a scene of desolation but the rioters are exhausted bylast nights excesses and the riotingWas not resumed this morning Of theJewish quarter only smoking ruins re-main In sections stores arestIll burning The Jews are seekingrefuge where they can

The mob outrages continued all nightShots were constantly heard

Burned to the GroundRommy Russia Nov 8 During the

pillage the Jewish stores which lastyesterday morning fifteen

stores were burned to the ground andmany moro were sacked The riotingbegun when a crowd killed a richmerchant for refusing to take off hislint to a red flag Many persons werekilled

Vice Governor FledKozlofC Russia Nov S The vice

governor of Kozloff has fled from thecity citizens are preserving or-der Great manifestations occurredhere yesterday the crowds demanding-the release of the political prisoners

Raids of Black HundredSmolensk Russia Nov S The Black

Hundred term applied to the lowestclass without any special politicalviews are attacking the here

the men are appealingto the people to restore order

Prison Doors OpenedPoltava Russia Nov 3 The revo-

lutionists not satisfied with the actionof the governor in releasing some oftho political prisoners stormed theprison The police made an Ineffectual

to beat them off woundingthirtyeight persons but tha mob ef-fected an entrance and threw open the

Attacked by LoyalistsTuzzakova Russia Nov 3 A dom-

onbtration of Social Democrats whowere singing revolutionary songs wasattacked yesterday by a mob of layalJsBi who later sacked Jewish chopsand beat the Jews

Work ResumedRussia Nov 3 Work on all

the railroads has been Allmeetings arQ dispersed by Cossacks

BANK ROBBER DEADGrayWn Nov 3 The Wlllard-

banlt jobber giving his name as Smithdied today from gunshot wounds te

fight Tuesday JjJH Kitnfenf identified Smith as en oldtimehaul hurcrlav of Chicago

iMillions of



S Inn

E Glover























f tv tImee Cincinnati
































Continued from Page 1

informed him that the workmen Wouldorder at the funerals

Count WUtcis having trouble informing a cabinet on account of thelack of litferql Senator Kanthas refused the of Justiceanti Prinqe TrqUbgtskdy

time Moscow universityto have not even replied to the

tender of the ministry


No Further Regulations Will BeIssued

StT 3 All the regula-tions heretofore issued to the newspapers-by circular for their beenwithdrawn and tbo chief of the press ad-ministration has been prohibited fromfurther leasing such

Another appaal to the in theshape of an official note was publishedthis morning It says

Mien the of Oct S3 hadan unshakable foundation for the develop-ment of Russian life on the basis of le-gality and justice participation in streetdemonstrations a significance alto-gether different frontthereto previously Tt Can only encourage disorder and the presence of pupilsof the middle and lower educational es-tablishments among time ismuch to be condemned if only on moralgrounds Unless the attention of society-be now directed to this fact the stateis threatenedwith dangerous Increase Inthe number of people respect forauthority and Is being radicallyshaken while they are still In the school-room government therefore callsupon all citizens to exercise self controland to devote themselves quietly to theiravocations


Frantic Appeals Reaching Embassiesat St Petersburg

St Petersburg Nov 3 S p mlug from the frantic appeals which arereaching the here the greatestalarm prevails among the foreign reiddents In South the safetyof themselves and their property TheGermanembassies are energetic represen-tations to the authorities to am-ple protection Baron Von Aehernthalthe ambassador of vis-ited General Trepott at 1 oclock thismorning and called especial attention to

at Kleff andtoday C A SpringRice the British

daffaires demanded protection-for the persons and property of Britishsubjects at Odessa KieffDon and Grodny The general promised-to afford military protectionthe garrisons were being reinforced awlthat energetic measures were being takento restore order He also expressed theopinion that neither time foreigners northeir property were In danger


BrotherinLaw of the Emperor Re

lieved From HisPetersburg Nov 2 The Grand

Duke Alexander llichaelovitch brotherInlaw of Emperor Nicholas has bemrelieved of the post of head of the datpartment of the mercantile marine

The department of mercantile marinebe merged with the new ministry df

commerce which probably accountsthe grand duke being relieved of his dutyan head of that department He is tulast of the Influential quintette of granddukes who have been the of theemperor Grand Dukes Alexis and MichaelNicholaicvitch having been relieved oftheir poets as respectively grand admi-ral or head of the navy and presidentof empire andDuke Vladimir been relieved

of commander in chief of themilitary division of Petersburg GrandDuke Sereins was assassinated at M9cow Fob JG


AllImportant Document May Be Held

Untii SundayLondon Nov 4 All Russian dispatches

still are suffering considerable telegraph-Ic delay Apparently the text of the am-nesty has not yet been publishedIt Is espected that It will be today butpossibly its may be postponeduntil Sunday Many correspondents mOdessa and elsewhere report great dlffi

obliged to the aidand pro-tection of thq Alt dispatchesreceived hereto to confirm the cuntlruedseriousness of the situation throughoutRussia especially the antiJewish ex-cesses

The Daily Midis Odessa corrasrwindongives an unconfirmed report that Kialimuff hrs destroyed byfire He says that the three suburbs uiOdessa ftastava and Molaa-vanka have been completely devastated

The Kieff correpundent of the samepaper that the consulate hasbeen riddled with bullets The situationthere lie adds hewever Is Jmproviaxbut durlne the riots bands of rowdiesstopped everybody In carriages or afouland compelled alt to prove were notTows before r ern ittliiK them to go onLadies dresses yore torn anon to dis-cover if they were wearing crosses TheBritish consul was sioipi iy soldierswith levelled rifle wire however per-mitted the mob to wreck the house of awealthy Jew Yearly all the houses an Jshops display slid other Christianemblem

A dispatch to Telegraph fromSU PeteWh states that Prince AlexisObolensky has been annolnted r olgcM lono8tsef as chief procurator ofthe holv

The Telegraphs Odftbsa oorre-sponderit also reports In


Officers Look Upon the Slaughter ofJews With Indifference

Berlin Nov 4 Th Tageblatt nrintsthe foownsc dispatch from the Jewishowner of three hpusea in Kieff-

AntWewlHh excesses have bten rearingfor three davs anti all the Jewish

shops and many private houses have bc tntotally f Jpyish

is mimi children and oldpeople have been barbarouslywhile the military and police looked onwith cynicul Indffferenca The situationis desperate-

The LoJcal Kleff correspond-ent renrctvnts the situation ImprovedFriday s 53W tb correspondent a tdquietly The of deed on botr

about 100 but many hundreds ofpersons were wounded and miuwrled andtIle city presents a auoearttnce

Some to workrailways are rcsumlns and other

raliwwys are ready for busneMTraffic exjiecttd lo run cularly bySunday


Latest Russian Horrors Revealed in

Special TelegramsLondon Nor 4 A special to to Stan-

dard front Odessa sajThree ruilwav stations been

Odessa and Shinartnfcitand t life postaled Collisions betweeVarinedmroestlnud until late at itieht in th e dis-

tricts aro believed-to hero numbered about S Among toeIncidents I witnessed today YSB thelowing

A nod a were driving In A

droshky the wearing a red crossarmlet Six nuletly pau-

Inff when sutldenly the girl woundIn one of them u tea The I OF

sacks replied shooting the student deadTime to but was shotand as fell Jt could be seen that thefeminine dress ira ked 3 student

A dispatch to Routers Teegraph com

the military officers at KoOca Vibor-Frf ericksharom Lovisa and Borsa hayDledpcd themselves to assist the ciyilunsIn of the A company

toward HH was forced

The Klaff of Routerscomnaiw under date of Nov

3 soysThe J Trlfntttirtoc has bton given

to rapine anti mur fw evessine the the

o stHutlon On that ICY dm



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of Russian artiiierV which hadtoro

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TOWEL ROLLERHere is special that every house-

keeper will want and the price isvery low indeed This Towel Roller-

is 22 inches long made of hardwood and nicely finished On Saturday only the price will be

iS Third South Street


J Havent said much about Big

Sf jjj Boys or Young Mens Overcoats

TUFW and Suits recently

Not because we have none to

r rS talk about

L X J Quite the contraryHO onVMfc We have all the exact

Y ing Young Man demands

3 fin Overcoats and Suits that areti 1-

I j sparkling with swaggerness andI good looks

Predominating styles of theW M

Year in bothi

Prom 2250 down

Boys who are still in knee pants division will also be

well cared for today

For them we have plenty of Suits Overcoats Sweaters

Waists Caps and Gloves

The kind that Boys like to wear and Mothers like to buy



Main St



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i East







== =


ing a monster demonstration in front ofthe town hull a shot vtn suddenlyheard The Ceasucks and dragoons im-

mediately into the rowd firmsright und left and the police and othersragged away the dead and wounuednumbering more than 130 Into the ne aboring court yards while the terrostricken demonstrators fled by1 mob of ruffians who attacked them asthey ran

At 7 oclock in the evening nnorganIzed attack on the Jewish Quarter beganon pretext that during the aportrait of the emperor had InsultedIn th town hall lower quarter ofthe twon Podll was sacked and although the authorities promised a JeWishdeputation the pillage lastedall night Warehouses were lootfiland pcopla robbet incendiarism was lnduged III and many were killed On Wed-nesday Actinar Governor Karasfj againpromised prominent Jewishthat immediate strong measures wouldbe taken for but thepillage assumed colossal proportions aridthe police and military stoodimpassive only firing upon persons whodefended themselves against looters andon houses where Jews had dn luerassailants While almost all tho JewisiihoUses 1 J 1 In ruins Christian r vlahllshment were unto ohed

Thousands of families have beenruined fOnd the Theatre of Anatomy isfilled with corpses Attempts werewithout success to wreck the otflctti ofthe liberal newspapers and It is statedthat some rthcomingr lawsuits are

to reveal the names of the prominentorganizers of those attacks

Many have wired CourtWitte begging protection and he ordredthat vigorous measures be taken butwithout effect Today the town la quicjer and it Is honed that the reIgn of ano-rbs ended hut the Jews still fear to roturn to their homes Relief committeesare being formed-

A Usalch to the Dally Mall from StPetersburg tned 9 m reports thediscovery of a nlot to massacre the JewsIn that city It is semiofflclally calcu-lated ss a the correspondent that utleast LCOO have killed and10000 seriously rounded in thefifty provincial towns of Russia in thelast hours and the deathroll Is sun mounting

Guerrilla Carfare Is on In U 0Caucasus the correspondent atrains are held vi at the

anti rifled It Is impossible iomove trooos into tIme mountain fastnesstwnnd wealthy are offering fr m-

530W to 50000 ransomo to their captor

Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud-Ing Piles Your Jru gtet will refundmoney if PAZO OINTMENT falls tocure you In six to fourteen days SOc


Denver Nov Governor Mc-Donald Issued a requisition todayorAbraham Schlffer charged with

the AJamosa bank Schlftcr IB Baldto have been arrested agoIn Xcw York City

6 to to tiring Schlffcr tothis state




prot cUon

the >l teJ


ma o



n sen ers


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New Yoik













Salt Lake under Mayor Mor-

ris extends a welcome to out-

siders Pfenty of work at bigwages for the laboring manThe American and Republicanparties are fighting his plansnow in progress to enlarge thecity water supply and providefor a Greater Salt Lake


Son of William Waldorf Astor Re-

quired to Pay 2

Now York Not S William Astor sore

of William Waldorf Astor was calledupon to pay a J2 tax as an alien toilsbefore being admitted to the United Stateson his arrival here on the steamer C driifrom Liverpool This tax was levied un-der the section of time United States

laws requiring a head tux of iAstor one of

holders of real estate in this city livesin London and some years ago renouncehis American citizenship and became aBritish subject

RECEIVERS BRING SUITBoston Nov 8 The receivers of

Consolidated Rubber Plantation conpahy which has plantations In Mexicotoday filed a suit In the state supremocourt egoist the officers and directorsof the corporation seeking an accountInS of some of the money alleged tohave been lost It Is alleged that timemoney has disappeared by roason offraudulent and negligent acts of thedefendants


Oscar has notified the Norwegian goveminent that all the members of thSwedish royal family have lthe ranks they have hitherto held iithe Norwesrian army and nay


Take LAXATIVE BROMO QuininETablets Druggists refund ittails to cure E W GROVE signa-ture is on each box 25c


Chicago Nov 3 Ow1nff to tlie Al-leged the Cape CodJary crop tlib price of thotoday ranged from 10 to511 a bvrti

10 7 ti rrrspending day A TO to

K sin a barrel predicted

the largest





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