nicholas chia portfolio summary 2011

Resident of FUUR alliance . 57 Robertson Street . Battersea . London . SW8 3TX . United Kingdom LONDON.SINGAPORE nicholas cs chia email:[email protected] 59 Sunbird Circle . Singapore 487294 Vertu : Portfolio Overview Concept development of Vertu’s flagship stores, marketing suites and concession stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Kula Lumpur, New York City, Dubai incl. flagship stores in Paris, Singapore and Moscow. Footlocker Europe : New boutique stores concept development and branding for Europe incl. flagship London & Munich. Internal graphic signage artwork and visual merchandising fixtures concept design development. Continuing development of visual merchandising concept for boutiques and wholesale franchise includ- ing prototyping through to brand standard design manual. Close collaboration on design development with Frank Nuovo, Nokia’s creative director. Starbucks Coffee UK : Design proposal for new & refurbished stores throughout United Kingdom. Includes 3d artist visual, sketch schemes and Branding Manual presentation for landlords, local authorities & planners and fran- chisee.

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Page 1: Nicholas chia Portfolio Summary 2011

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m

LONDON.SINGAPOREn i c h o l a s c s c h i a e m a i l : n i c @ f u u r . c o m

59 Sunbird Circle . Singapore 487294

Vertu :

P o r t f o l i o O v e r v i e w

Concept development of Vertu’s f lagship stores, market ing sui tes and concession stores in Bei j ing, Shanghai , Kula Lumpur, New York Ci ty, Dubai incl . f lagship stores in Par is, Singapore and Moscow.

Footlocker Europe :

New bout ique stores concept development and branding for Europe incl . f lagship London & Munich.Internal graphic s ignage artwork and visual merchandis ing f ixtures concept design development.

Cont inuing development of v isual merchandis ing concept for bout iques and wholesale f ranchise includ-ing prototyping through to brand standard design manual. Close col laborat ion on design development wi th Frank Nuovo, Nokia’s creat ive director.

Starbucks Coffee UK :

Design proposal for new & refurbished stores throughout Uni ted Kingdom. Includes 3d art ist v isual , sketch schemes and Branding Manual presentat ion for landlords, local author i t ies & planners and fran-chisee.

Page 2: Nicholas chia Portfolio Summary 2011

n i c h o l a s c s c h i a e m a i l : n i c @ f u u r . c o m

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m


59 Sunbird Circle . Singapore 487294

P o r t f o l i o O v e r v i e w

LVMH Europe :

Imagination Ltd :

IMAGINATION Ltd. London, Uni ted Kingdom. Ford Motor Company’s Autoshow Exhibi t ion Stands, Worldwide. Concept Design & Brand Exper ience Presentat ion for Ford, Jaguar, Mazda, etc.

SPEED events :

Tommy Hilf iger Europe :

Design concept development for European stores incl . new denim f lagship in Ber l in and sportswear f lagship in Par is, London. Concept implementat ion of stores including feasibi l i ty studies, survey, retai l guidel ine branding manual and new f ixtures development design.

3d art ist impressions & concept design for SPEED events exhibi t ion design l td, UK. Projects include : Head off ice for SCI games/ Cr i ter ion software / RenderWare software/ Adwest engineer ing. Including Metrowerks’ demo pods design proposal for games convent ion exhibi t ion E3.

LVMH. DeKasyer Group. Revolution. Alfred Dunhil l . Intercontinentals Hotel:

Page 3: Nicholas chia Portfolio Summary 2011

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m

LONDON.SINGAPOREn i c h o l a s c s c h i a e m a i l : n i c @ f u u r . c o m

59 Sunbird Circle . Singapore 487294

Adrenaline House :

P o r t f o l i o O v e r v i e w

A project which solves 2 social problems; occupying and at t ract ing del iquesce teenagers to do more product ive act iv i t ies, reusing derel ict bui ld ings and si tes in the c i ty to help regenerate mult i -usable s i te where var ious funct ions are avai lable throughout.

Using simple planes which are fo lded, extruded and stacked to create the required space, in response to our society landscape that is cracked and fragmented, a more exci t ing journey is exper ienced.

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m

Frasers Mall , Beij ing + Cliffhouse, London :

Surrender :

+Private resident ia l design & project archi tect including on si te meet ing and planning submission, Clapham, London.

+Concept archi tecture work for new shopping mal l , Bei j ing, China. Project concept approved in 2006.

Retai l concept design for London (Warp recording) UNKLE’s new concept store. Col laborat ion project between a local street wear bigwigs and UNKLE’s James Lavel le. Dungeon–l ike doors leads into a bout ique cum art gal lery space spanning 130 sqm in Singapore’s shopping distr ict .

Mult i funct ional and f lexible space for a l iv ing, t ra in ing, performing arts centre that reused a turn of the century water pumping stat ion in London.

By insert ing modular, l ightweight structures minimum disturbance is achieved within the volumetr ic space. Producing a wel l balance and cross fer t i l izat ion environment between al l the var ious perform-ance discipl ines.

The Balance :

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n i c h o l a s c s c h i a e m a i l : n i c @ f u u r . c o m

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m


59 Sunbird Circle . Singapore 487294

P o r t f o l i o O v e r v i e w

Geek Terminal, Singapore :

Mobi le Off ice IT Hub Café, Event Hal l & Restaurant @ pr ime CBD distr ict area, Rebranding of Inter ior space, concept development, landlord approval , tender and si te project management. Vendors and contractors management.

Zon, Duty Free Shop, Malaysia :

Mayo Inn :

Conservat ion and Restorat ion of a 1935 Bui ld ing for a Bout ique Hotel wi th a complete refurbishment of an exist ing run down lodging inn, set in the histor ic quarters of L i t t le India. Inter ior Concept Design Development, Project archi tect & budget management, product ion & si te man-agement and speci f icat ion for tender.

Concept pi tch and Design Development of a high end, Duty-free Retai l and Food & Beverage concept, sprawl ing over 10,000sq f t in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Sachi & Sachi Office + APC@ Devonshire Road:

Off ice Recept ion and meet ing area rebranding of Inter ior space for Sachi & Sachi Singapore . ] [Con-cept proposal and pi tch development to APC’s Paris Head off ice for local APC f ranchisee Store @ Devonshire Road, Singapore.

Page 5: Nicholas chia Portfolio Summary 2011

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m

LONDON.SINGAPOREn i c h o l a s c s c h i a e m a i l : n i c @ f u u r . c o m

59 Sunbird Circle . Singapore 487294

Carl ’s Junior Restaurants Store : :

P o r t f o l i o O v e r v i e w

New store rol l -out implementat ion, concept development, Landlord’s submission & project management for Car l ’s Junior f ranchisee & franchiser, Singapore & USA.

Mult i store rol l -out , tenant ’s pi tch to landlords, c l ient & landlords l ia is ing, vendor coordinat ion & pro-duct ion drawings for new or exist ing refurbishment throughout Singapore.

R e s i d e n t o f F U U R a l l i a n c e . 5 7 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t . B a t t e r s e a . L o n d o n . S W 8 3 T X . U n i t e d K i n g d o m

Grange Road Condo :

Total refurbishment & upgrade of the common lobby areas for a 10 yr old apartment high end condo with an addi t ion of a new Glass Pavi l ion, Funct ion Rooms, Entrance Access, l i f t lobby and playground in Grange Road. Concept development, MCST approval , tender, product ion supervis ion and project budget management.

Design concept development for Worldwide event 2007., Shanghai , Ber l in, New York. Col laborat ion project wi th advert is ing agency to produce an event sty le guide branding manual including the design of event accessor ies ( furni ture) in an comprehensive usage of the space for local organizer.

Tiger Translate :


Design development and project management of an I ta l ian restautant housed within an exist ing pre war bui ld ing, Consist ing of a main dining hal l and two pr ivate rooms, the restaurant aimed to serve qual i ty I ta l ian cuis ine in a sof t , e legant but relaxed sett ing.