nicks news easter 2012

ST. NICHOLAS BIRCH CLIFF ANGLICAN CHURCH EASTER, 2012 PAGE 1 NICK’S NEWS If I can say just a word or two about Lent, it really is an opportune time during which we are encouraged to do some thinking about the overlapping demands we might feel in our lives. It's also a time when we might want to seek some guidance about how to respond to these demands, maybe establish some priorities, and make some decisions about how we intend to move forward. And, for me at least, this leads right into Easter and the Easter season. Michaelʼs Message: Lenten reflections Continued on page 6 The annual tubing party in March was an enormous success this year. The newly ordained Dr. Rev. Alison Falby was the primary organizer of the outing and shrieked like a little girl at a horror movie on her first run down the hill.

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Parish Newsletter - Easter 2012


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If I can say just a word or two about Lent, it really is an opportune time during which we are encouraged to do some thinking about the overlapping demands we

might feel in our lives. It's also a time when we might want to seek some guidance about how to respond to these demands, maybe establish some priorities, and

make some decisions about how we intend to move forward. And, for me at least, this leads right into Easter and the Easter season.

Michaelʼs Message: Lenten reflections

Continued on page 6

The annual tubing party in March was an enormous success this year. The newly ordained Dr. Rev. Alison Falby was the primary organizer of the outing and shrieked like a little girl at a horror movie on her first run down the hill.

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WARDENS’ REPORTDear Parishioner:As we look forward

to Easter in a few weeks, we are reminded of what a wonderful place St Nicholas is as we move through our Centennial Year.

Our bishop, Patrick Yu appointed Michael Pollesel as our Interim Priest in Charge, and it has been a pleasure and privilege to have Michael in our midst during this period of change and transition. Alison Falby was ordained at St Nicholas on March 24, and it is has been our privilege to have Alison in our midst as Assistant Curate and be present as she moves forward in becoming a full priest. This is a wonderful event to happen at any time, but especially this year.

2012 is our centennial year and promises to be a year full of guest preachers, special events and celebration. The Centennial Committee has done a wonderful job in planning this anniversary year, and we would encourage everyone to participate as much as you can in the many events that are planned for this year. Our website has a calendar of all the events and guest preachers planned for this year.

We have already seen some familiar faces in the pulpit this year, and have welcomed David Bryant and Shelly McVea as guest celebrants and preachers in these first few months. There are many more guest celebrants and many event planned for this year and we hope that you are able to participate in as many of them as possible.

The Parish Selection Committee (PSC), which is responsible for working with the Bishop in selecting our next incumbent, has been hard at work and you can see our Parish Profile posted on our website. We are now in

the process of accepting names until Easter, and then will begin the interviewing process. We hope to announce our new incumbent in late Spring.There are plans well underway for the renovation of the church kitchen, and a small committee has been formed to lead this. There will be additional work and

planting in the gardens this spring to finish the memorial gardens. We also anticipate that we will begin some repair to the brick and mortar on the church. There are several areas that need tuck pointing and other areas that require repair to the brickwork. Once the tuck pointing is complete, we will begin repairs to the water damaged areas of the interior near the Manderley door, the book room and the rear south west wall of the church.

We are truly blessed with a faithful, friendly parish family with inspired spiritual leadership. Thank you all for your support and prayers.

The Churchwardens - Doug Goss, Sonia Halloran, Anne Moir and Brian Todd

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In addition, big plans and preparations are well underway for the Gala Dinner and Dance on June 9 at the Ellas Banquet Hall. Save the Date for the once in a lifetime event. Tickets go on sale in April.

We are most pleased and honoured to announce that the Primate, The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, will be with us to help celebrate our Homecoming Service on June 10.

Just two weeks after that on June 24, we are hosting the Bach Children’s Chorus Benefit Concert. The benefit is a fundraiser, with all the funds raised going to the Church by the Bluffs Foodbank. The

choir is known throughout Toronto and across Canada for its musical sound and professional approach. They practice locally here in Scarborough, and we look forward to further details of this event.

To round out our summer events, we will have our unveiling of a Heritage Toronto plaque on Aug. 9. This marks the dedication of our first church, a renovated stable, as a mission church on Aug. 9, 1912.

Look to our website at for all our planned events and a complete list of special speakers.

Centennial Report:Busy times ahead

Bishop Patrick Yu helped us kick off what will be an exciting year of centennial celebrations.

By Sharon EndugesikJanuary brought our kick off celebration with

Bishop Patrick Yu. We saluted our 100th year with fellowship and champagne.

In February we welcomed back The Rev. Shelley McVea as our first of many special preachers and we all thank her for leading our Sunday Service. We look forward with anticipation to welcoming back The Rev. David Bryant, The Rev. Jack Rooney and The Rev. Canon Prue Chambers, in March, April and May respectively.

On Friday, March 30 at 7:30 p.m., our own St. Nicholas choir, augmented by guest choristers and soloists, will present "An Evening of Lenten Music" highlighted by the Faure Requiem in addition to other works.

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HOLY WEEK SERVICESSunday, April 18:30 a.m. – Said Eucharist and Blessing of Palms10:30 a.m. – The Sunday of the Passion with the Liturgy of the PalmsMonday,April 2 and Tuesday, April 37:30 p.m - Holy EucharistWednesday, April 410 a.m. - Holy Eucharist12 noon - Ecumenical Lenten Lunch Program

7:30 p.m. - Sung Tenebrae ServiceThursday, April 5Maundy Thursday7:30 p.m.Institution of the Lord’s Supper including foot washing, stripping of the Altars and Gethsemane Watch Friday, April 6Good Friday9:30 a.m. - Stations of the Cross

10:30 a.m. – Good Friday Solemn Liturgy with children’s program in Robinson Hall Saturday, April 7(Holy Saturday)8 p.m. – Easter Vigil and Sung Eucharist followed by a Rockin’ Resurrection PartySunday, April 8(Easter Sunday)8:30 and 10:30 a.m. - Sung Eucharist

...our awesome church secretary Janet Baron1.Apparently St.

Nicholas was actually the incumbent when you started going to church here. Is that true?

Just how old do you think I am? Not St. Nicholas, but Ian NICHOLS was incumbent when I was a teenager. James Birchall was the incumbent when I started going here.

2.You obviously have a gift for music, which we’re so lucky to have you share with us. When did you first realize you had such a lovely voice?

I don’t remember when I didn’t sing. My Mom told me once that I used to sing Christmas Carols in July while sitting in the shopping buggy in Dominion. I bet the other shoppers didn’t think it was too lovely!

3.What do you like to do when you’re not being the church secretary?

Sing4. Do you sing in the

shower? Not through the week,

but on Sunday mornings I do

vocal warm ups in the shower.

5. What inspires you? Music – there’s a theme developing here!

6. If you could have dinner with any three people in history, who would they be and why?

He’s not a famous historical figure, but my Dad. He died 24 years ago, and in that time I’ve thought of hundreds of things I wish I had talked with him about. I guess I should say Jesus, ‘cause if you really could have

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Janet with her “sister” Suzanne(left) and Bonnie (middle).

Having to nag those same wonderful people I work with about deadlines!

9. What book are you reading at the moment?

Nothing, I’m actually not a big reader, I prefer to watch old movies, from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.

10. What’s on your iPod?

I don’t have one11. What is your all-

time favourite piece of music to sing?

I don’t think you could ask a more difficult question. One thing I do really enjoy singing is Tenebrae, which you can all come and hear on the Wednesday night in Holy Week, at 7:30pm.

12. Who is your all-time favourite singer?

I don’t think I could name any one person, It’s usually the piece of music itself I like, I don’t care who’s singing it, as long as they’re not messing it up.

13. What is the most memorable thing that has ever happened to you at St. Nick’s?

My wedding, and the baptism of my children.

14. What is the highest note you can hit with your voice?

I can hit a high C when I’m completely warmed up, but only in a vocal warm up singing on a vowel, I doubt I could actually do it in a song. B-flat is about the highest I can sing.

15. Are you and Suzanne Lehtinen sisters?

You’re joking but some people really think we are sisters. We’ve were taken for twins once if you can believe that – we couldn’t. We have T-Shirts, one says “I’m not her” the other says “She’s not me.”

16. Can you imagine your life without St. Nicholas Birch Cliff Anglican Church in it?

No.17. What do you gain

personally from your relationship with this place?

Love18. Have you ever

dreamed of singing in an opera or a rock band?

I’m not much of an opera fan, but can you see me singing in a rock band?! I’d fit right in with Mick &

dinner with anyone how could you not pick him? And after having dinner with Jesus, eating with anyone else in all of history would just be a letdown.

7. What is the absolute best thing about being the church secretary here at St. Nicholas? Photocopying the newsletter?

I get to work with people who I really care about and who are an important part of my life.

8. What’s the absolute worst thing about being the church secretary at St. Nicholas?

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There is a line of thinking which tells us that the Easter season can be likened to a honeymoon. A time when, to some extent at least, the demands and preoccupations of the everyday are suspended and the couple lives in a period of "as if."

I have heard Easter described in these terms. A time of "as if " - when the Church - (you and me) - lives as if God's dream for all of creation had reached its fulfillment, when we allow ourselves, if only for a short while, to experience some of what we expect the reality of God's reign will be like.

* * *

When Bishop Patrick spoke to me about coming to St. Nick's as in Interim he gave me a time frame of between six and nine months. It

occurs to me that the end of March will mark the six month period. I imagine that he wasn't far off the mark, and I fully expect that you'll be hearing about an appointment before the end of June, which would compete the nine month timetable he had laid out.

I continue to appreciate my time here at St. Nicholas. This is a parish with a lot of very good and positive qualities. And, I would hasten to add, it also has a lot of yet untapped potential. Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes can see things that may have become obscure to folks who have been involved in the life of a parish for several years, and I tried to point out some of these in my report to the Annual Vestry some weeks ago. My hope is that these will be acted upon. Having said that, I know that the

choice to follow up is not in my hands, but yours.

* * *

Being in the midst of Centennial celebrations allows us to re-connect with people who may have played a prominent role in our own lives as well as in the life of St. Nicholas over the years. I sincerely hope that you will make every effort to come, welcome, and listen to the long list of preachers who have been scheduled to be with us over the course of this year.

As I said in my report to the Vestry, I want to express my thanks to you for having welcomed me into your midst during this time of transition for both you and me.

May God continue to guide and bless each of you.


Experiencing Godʼs reign during EasterContinued from page 1

the boys, or AC DC, or what about Ozzy?! 19. Has much changed in all the years

you’ve been here?Everything has changed, many times over,

all the day to day stuff, the way we do things, the people, the style of worship, it’s all changed. It should all change, that’s how we grow. What doesn’t change is the message,

what we’re all about, the reason we’re here, God’s love and forgiveness.

20. With the Maple Leafs hopelessly out of the playoffs, do you think your great- grandchildren will live long enough to see them win a Stanley Cup?

I’m just trying to think, they’re a hockey team aren’t they?

...More Carmine