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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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The is often represented in Japanese

paintings, representing new light and joy. To some Native







In Native American teaching, dragonfly medicine is one

of dream time and illusion. When one passes on, they are




Health is something money can’t buy. I’m grateful for mychildhood friends and new ones. I enjoy hiking and beinginthewoodsora forest . I loveartespeciallysculpting . Ibelieveinahigherpower.IknowGodonlygivesuswhatwecanhandle.

Don’t think of her as gone away,her journey’s just begun,life holds so many facetsthis earth is only one.Just think of her as restingfrom the sorrow and the tearsin a place of warmth and comfort,where there are no days and years.Think how she must be wishingthat we could know todayhow nothing but our sadnesscan really pass away.And think of her as livingin the hearts of those she touched,for nothing loved is ever lost,and she was loved so much.

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.






My memories of Nicole are many, she was my sister, my friend and partner in crime since the age of two. Nicole was always impressionable and impressive. She always pushed me to grow and have fun. When we were kids she gave me a hair cut in pre K and stuck a wad of bubble gum in the front of my hair, she was just trying to help but, it did teach me that peanut butter was the way to get gum out of your hair. We cried together, loved together, yelled together and laughed together. It was always an adventure with Nicole around. Whether it was listening to music loud in our car or giving our barbies a bath, there was never a dull moment. We shared many beach vacations, even once we had matching bikinis in Hollywood, Florida and sailed to the Bahamas. Let’s just say the memories are grand and I feel fortunate to have so many of them . There is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded of Nicole and the impact she had on my life. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life, by remembering and telling stories about Nicole, we keep her memories alive. I love you and am honored to give you this book to help you remember all the great times you had together. xoxoxo

With all my love,Jennifer Kilberg Simotics


From Norma Lynch

One really funny memory I have is sleeping with Nicole when taking care of her and Buddy would come in when we were asleep and kiss her. The next morning she said she was going to change sides of the bed so hecould kiss me and not wake her up. She was so funny. Also, I took her to NY to visit Deborah and Mark and while driving throughthe city she looked out the window of the cab and saw lots of limosand immediately ducked saying “Oh, I don’t want my Dad to see me”

From Jean Gatto


From Carol Turchetta

When I remember Nicole, I think of her smile and laugh. I think of how she would love nothing more than holding her children and being with them. I remember sitting by Grazia’s pool many times and catching up. Nicole often spoke about the reward she had from working with people in need and helping others. It’s comforting to know there’s an angel in heaven watching over all of us and smiling.

From Jody Ragosta



From Gary Lynch

“On Friday, April 20th, 2012, one of my best friends passed away...and a part of me died with her.

Besides my immediate relatives, there are 4 people in this world that, while not related to me by blood, I nonetheless consider family: Nicole Cianci was one of them. For over 25 years she has been one of the very few people from my youth, who has always been there. Throughout those years she has been my fiercely loyal friend, the sister I never had, my confidante, a source of inspiration and joy, and my go-to-girl. She was the first person I’d call or see when I was excited to share great news or when I needed someone to lend an ear. And when I’d see her number on my caller ID I would light up, knowing that no matter what she had to say...tragic or fantastic...we were going to laugh in the end. Besides my mother, she was the only person who wrote to me several times a week during the 8 weeks of U.S. Coast Guard Boot Camp, when I joined in 1988. Throughout my travels over the years, she looked out for my Nonna while I was away, stopping by to keep her company. She’d bring Olivia and Joey to my mom’s house to visit, and would stop by to see my dad at work. Her heart was big, strong, and warm...she was one of the most generous people I’ve ever known, and she’d give all and have none, for those she loved (and even those that she didn’t). As a mother, they just don’t get any better; her maternal instincts were like none other, and she was happiest when she was surrounded by her children - there was no place she’d rather be than at home with her family, cooking and cleaning (I never met anyone who took so much joy in cleaning!).

And there was no luke-warm with Nicole: it was either hot or cold. Her passions were fiery! Her happiness and highs were contagious, and like fireworks...and her sadness and lows, which she rarely made known, were very deep.

Nicole, you will be forever remembered and missed by every soul you touched, which were many. I still have your last voice-mail from a few weeks ago, so I’ll always be able to hear your voice, and I hope that you hear mine when I talk to you. The only consolation that I can glean is that I know that you’ve found peace. I just wish that you didn’t have to leave us to discover it.

You made an indelible mark on my heart, Nicole Cianci. I love you. My Nonna and Nonno are going to be so happy to see you, and I know that your angel wings are going to be pure and beautiful.”

From Robert Baccarie


mealthenobviouslyhelp,youneverknowwhenyoumayneedahelpinghand.Ilearnedaboutloyaltyaboutshowingupforbestfriends,howtolaughandlaugh.Howtorolla‘fatone’howtoalwayslookyourbest,howtofindthebesttanningbedthatgaveyoubettercolor,Ilearnedaboutmusicandhowtotakecareofmyself.ShewassoCLEANcrazycleanandIknewexactlywhy.Iwouldjoke“Whatarethese‘Tucksmedicatedpadsforunderyoursink”,(insanehowCLEAN)FacialsHairappointmentsExercisegreatFood.Nicoleneedstofeelgoodsheneedstogivebacklovesheneedstobelovedback.OutrageousandOverstatedarewhoshecouldbe,inyourfacewithheropinionsthentheoppositesittingquietlybacklisteningwhileyousobbedaway.Shewasatthecenterofitallgoodorbadleavingyousomehoweffortlesslyuplifted.Iwouldstepoutinfrontofacarforherandgethitbeforelettingherhurt.IwouldyellkickandscreambeforeIwouldletherbebeatdown.Iwillforeverbearoundtotalk,tolaughandtoassistyouthree‘kids’asIknowshewouldexpectthat.ThelasttimeNicoleandIspokeThursdayApril19that11amshesaid‘IloveyouErich’….IloveyoutooNicola!(Thankyou)From Erich Saletin

Nicole Cianci was my friend, my confident and a part of my family. From very early on in our lives she grew on me as I know she did with many others. She wasn’t your average person. Nicole was special. She could be loud and at times obnoxious, but she was always real. She didn’t candy coat things. She was real enough to tell you how it was regardless if you wanted to listen and she was real enough to show how deeply she cared for all those around her. She had a lot of love to give and she gave it. And all she looked for in return was nothing less than the same. Just like all of us, she just wanted to be loved too. Family always came first with Nicole. And the love she shared with her close family and children was undeniable. No one can see the world through her eyes, feel the things that she felt, known the demons she knew, but I truly believe she was a woman who loved her family above and beyond all of her fears and weaknesses, above and beyond all else…. and for that she will always

have my respect, love and admiration. May we all remember the smiles we shared with her, her snickering laugh, her brutal honestly and the love we were all lucky to feel. We will miss you my friend. I pray that your caring and watchful nature will follow you through to the afterlife as your children will now need your guidance more than ever. Rest in peace Nicole. I love you and will think about you all the days of my life.

From Tica Della Torre


From Paula Keogh

When I first met Nicole, I was finishing up at Brown. I was probably a bit of an outsider, doing my own thing, studying art and philosophy. Then a mutual friend introduced us, and we instantly grew close. Back then it was just Nicole, Joey and baby Olivia, living on John Street. I remember the second floor apartment so well because I came to spend many, many hours there. It became like my second home. Nicole took me into her family. Halloween, special occasions, birthday party’s..

Often I would come over in the afternoon and we would pull little Olivia around the East side in her plastic wagon. Maybe stopping to talk to Nicole’s neighbors, pickine up sushi on Wickenden, or taking a little detour down to the dock.

Usually we would hang out in the evenings, at home, when Joey had to work nights..We had a little ritual. I would play doll-house or take turns on the sit-n-spin with Olivia, while Nicole cooked or cleaned up a bit. Then we’d feed Olivia, usually pasta with butter, parmesan and goldfish, while Nicole told me the latest gossip or funny stories. After Olivia was tucked in, Nicole and I would just talk, sip wine, dine on her newest creation, laugh, think, plot, talk into the night. Of course, we went out together too but those times, in that warm, wonderful little apartment, a perfect little home, were special. They were Nicole.

Nicole loved her home, and spending time with her family, it was obvious. She thrived on it. Of course, she could make friends with

anyone, of any background, from anywhere, because she was gifted and warm..she could be anything she wanted because she was incredibly intelligent and sharp..she was committed to social justice and she was an active woman in her community, but she would give up everything to be with her family, to spend time with her little ones, to be a mom. Her greatest ambition and gift in life was unquestionably to be the best possible mother, wife (partner), and home maker. And she was great at it.

I remember Nicole with Olivia, as baby, and how incredibly proud she was of her..learning to walk, potty training, being well mannered and unspoiled. Nicole was attentive to detail and that included how she raised her children. Nicole was raising Olivia contentiously, to be a good person, from the start. When she was pregnant with Joey, she was glowing, in perfect health and anticipation of another little love.

Those years in Providence passed quickly, as have the years since, but they are still very special days to me.

Its impossible to look at a photo of Nicole even today and not feel her. Just a look at her smile, whether its the half crooked grin, like she’s concocting some witty remark, or her broad warm smile, which would make a stranger feel like they’ve been friends forever, it gives me a visceral feeling. Nicole is a very special person in my life. She had charm, charisma, a sense of right, and an intuitive knowledge about people. But most truly she had a very deep love of her family, as well as a love of being a mother and wife. I respect and love her very much, forever. From Priya Simonelli


From Carolyn Cianci

Your mom and I met when we were fourteen years old! I had never met anyone like her before, and I doubt I ever will. She was so special. We had so many sleepovers together. She lived downstairs in Grandma Sheila’s house. We would have to much fun doing each other’s make-up, doing mud masks, and listening to music and dancing. Her favorite song when we were teenagers was “I got you babe” (the version by UB40). She would listen to it over and over again and we would sing it together, each of taking a part. She was so much fun!

My favorite memories with you mom involved going to the beach together. Of course, we were too young to drive when we first met, so Grandma Sheila would take us on many of our summer days off. I remember one of the best parts of our adventure would be stopping at the donut shop by the beach where they made fresh, hot donuts. One day at the beach, I remember a seagull pooped in our soda! I can still hear Nicole laughing now…(the same laugh she had an adult too!). She always made me laugh!

Your mom was so full of life. I was fascinated by the way she instantly captured the attention of everyone in the room. Her beauty and presence was mesmerizing. I knew from the very first day that I met her that she was someone very special in this world. As your mom and I became closer, I learned about what a loving person she was also. She cared deeply about people and about the world. She felt other people’s pain and she would do anything to help other people who were suffering or needed her friendship or assistance. She was so loving. I am so blessed to have been your mom’s friend.

Even though I moved far away, your mom and I kept in touch over the years. When we were older and my mom got sick, she reached out and comforted me, even though we hadn’t seen each other in years. She was always there for me. It was important for her to be there for people, however there was no one more important than her children. Even though I never met all of you, I knew from talking with your mom that you were the most important part of life for her. There was truly no one more important to her than her children. You all gave her such joy. You were all the best part of her life. Know that her bond to you will always be there and that her spirit is always close by loving you and keeping you all safe. You are so loved.

From Rachel Bieber








From Leah Palmasiciano