nigeria human environment interaction

Nigeria's Human Environment I nteraction Presented by: Claire Gui

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Nigeria's Human Environment Interaction

Presented by: Claire Gui

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Region Nigeria has a varied landscape.

The far south tropical rainforest climate

annual rainfall is 1,500 to 2,000 mm a year

southeast the Obudu Plateau

southwest and southeast Coastal plains

This forest zone's most southerly portion is defined as "salt water swamp"

North water swamp

contains different vegetation from the salt water swamp

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Oil Industry

Waste Management

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Flooding Nigeria has a rainy season and suffers from seasonal floods.

These flash foods are sometimes lethal, especially in the rural areas or overcrowded slums, where drainage is poor or does not exist at all.

The 2012 Nigeria floods began in early July 2012, and have killed 363 people and displaced over 2,100,000 people.

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Flooding Major flooding in many parts of Nigeria caused severe erosio

n Properties were destroyed, lives were lost, and many people

were displaced in the flooding. In Northern Nigeria, trees are felled for fuelwood, and land b

ecomes barren; desertification has become a major issue. The ecosystem services which trees bring to the landscape ar

e vital for protecting soils in times of drought.

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Desertification After losing 351,000 hectares of land in Nigeria to desertifica

tion, it poses the “most serious environmental challenge in the country’s north” .

Environment Minister revealed that the country is losing 0.6 kilometers per years to desertification at the Northern Nigeria.

all the provinces that are affected

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Desertification The ramifications of deforestation have impacted the coun

try’s landscape, with “uncontrolled logging and tree felling” .

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Oil Industry The Niger Delta is the delta of the Niger River at the G

ulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean in Nigeria.

a very densely populated region

called the Oil Rivers

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Oil Industry once a major producer of palm oil

The area was the British Oil Rivers Protectorate from 1885 until 1893, when it was expanded and became the Niger Coast Protectorate.

The delta is an oil-rich region, and has been the centre of international controversy over devastating pollution and ecocide , and human rights violations in which Royal Dutch Shell has been implicated

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Waste Management Waste management including sewage treatment,

the linked processes of deforestation and soil degradation, and climate change or global warming are the major environmental problems in Nigeria.

presents problems in a mega city which are linked with economic development, population growth and the inability of municipal councils to manage the resulting rise in industrial and domestic waste.

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