n.i.j.c cardinal review vol 22 no 16 may 15, 1968

219 To Graduate At Commencement Exercises May 24 Lenera clvins tnrormatton and lnst:uctlona concemlnJ tbP araduauon tb1" sprtn1 have bttn malled t proepectlve snaduates. Th lnfonnatlon In the I bl-Ins ll!Prlnt.ed here ror the bfonl'tu or thoee who _, oat have receht'd tbel1 and u a reminder for all coo· cemt'd. The proe ram wlll be he Id at 10:00 In lhe momlni: F'1lda,y. May :?4, In the NIJC omna· slum. The &Pt'aker wlll be Dr. Boyd A. Martin, Dean or thP Collece or Len.frs and Science at lhP Unl•l'rslt.y or I daho. There will be an acadl'mlc procession led II>' the Soul or Trustees and fa.cult\ with tne araouaies marchlna In single file and In alphabetic order. Pa rit clpatlon In the cere· monies Is required. Deirees o.nd cerllflcates will not be Issued to anyone who Is not present. Caps and cowns should be available In the reststrar 's oftlce anytime aftN May 16. a re uked to pick them up as soon as passlble af te r th&l date and check tbem In Immediately after the ceremony Everyone i. to be tn the hallway or the admlnt.trallon bulldlns (properb attired) ll) 9;30 In the momlnc of Ma.i· 24 for lnst:uctlona concernlnc tbe procedure to foll01'. There wlll be no rehearsal. ln\•ltatlons have been sent lo parents and/or hust.nda and wives or the paduaies There an a few extra In\ lta· Uons In the ornce wbkb may be purchased for each on a nrs1 come. rtrst served bast.. Graduation Ball Is May 18 At 9 Red and white are the colors ror "On A Ca rouse I." the gradua Uon ba 11 to bl> he Id May 18. 9:00 p.m. to mld- nlllbl. Colored streamers w111 adom the walls as well as the celllne- Mlss Marte Bozarth. Miss Linda F'lnley and Miss Susan Buchholz bavc bfen nom1llated ror queen candldatl's. Ron Race. Tom F'arll'y, and Dave Prtano are the !or kine. vounc ror the KJns and wl 11 be held at the entrance to the Ball. EntenalnlnE band Will be Claude /o()'bn!. AU persons wlshlnc to Mlp decorate have been asked to conta.ct 14185 Kathie Polnmer. dance chairman or Mlss Rl'n• " Rorr.ln• decoration chairman._ ___ __ _ STUDENTS MUST REQUEST GRADES Student.. who would Uke photoatauc copll' or their sradea throulh the end or the cuncnt eemester may bavt them by leaving a stamped utr-add,..ssed en•elope In the ft' patru'a office or b,r askln1 for thum personally durtnc th• summer. Repo11 for tho nmester only will not be la11ued unless "'CIUeated. CALENDAR Mll.Y 18 -Final • xam• Diiiin M ay 18 - Craduatlon formal M a.> 2• - Comml'ncrmrnt COEl.I • 0 AUNE. IOAHO WEONl '04Y lol.\Y 11 1961 Eight Retiring Staff . llembers Gat'e Total OJ 125 rears OJ Service Trustees Appreci ate Retirees' Service With stncer .. and deep regre:, the Board or Truslet>S or North Idaho Junior Collece bas accepted tbe re11re::en1 or the rouo .. lng !aJtbruJ and dedicated men and Mr. Perry Ch.rlstlanson, who has been wllb the coUei;e slno 193B Dr. Eva o,.,, who bas been w flb lbe coue..., s tnce I 9H Dr. Eatl Priddy, who has be.,n with tbt 1.lle;;e s!nce 1954 Cleve G11ne. 1<ho has been w lib lbt! colle i;e s1Dce 1952 Wanen Powem. "bo h3.s been •Ith the colleie since 1952 JobD McFarland. •ilo has been 1<llh tbe col!ei;e slnce 1956 Mrs. Soi>Qle Aade:sc:i. •bo has been W'!tll :.tie coue..., since 1961 Floyd F:eeland "bo has been with till' collec;e 1962 These ma and women ban aerved a total or 125 ;ea::s SCf\1ce to ow I wlsb eacll of yot: CTf'ry success In your retln:ci .. at. £ A 5' l!N Cbatll:lAD & ard o: Trustees NO EXAMS UNTIL ALL BILLS PAID Studr nu arr n 1Ulled that thl'-.Y mw.t pay all amounts the colic«• loc\udlni; llbral'\' UMs and f!nrs ror narkln g vlolaUc:>ns 1bty ma_y takP th••lr rtnal rxamlnallo115, rcc:el<c. or ba\'t' lt&n>- crlpLS Lisl3 or tbose owlnc fines PI posted on lbP tJUllelln boanlA lolr . Chrt:otlan&cn wu llrst e:nplgnd Coeur l!"A.ene Junlo: Col!ei:e. Ule pred ces- sor or as an lnst:uc:tor tn September. 1938. H St! rTed as aca.dtmlc dean o: Crom Its beClnnlni; In 1939 until his appo!nunent as pre&ldent in He was absent on lea"' ror • year and a balf In 1941-H dunnc World War II. Dunne llu&t ume he '110.S an lna:ructor In the A11 Force-Bot'lni; Aircraft B-29 &pednltst schQlll In Seattle. "" will rellreuoCSPptember30, 1968. Dr. Oq was !t• t e:npJoyed u a sodlll sciences Instructor In 19H. Sbe has serred In U:at capaclt:r until her r••tlre::ient. 1<hlcl! wUI be ot!lclall.r lolay 31. 1968. She at.o SCr'l't!d llS dn:i O( •om " ( r :be collep l:om 1955 until 19£7 Dnd ser\"ed as ad part- menc lr. edt1catloll &!Id social sc. nccs lo: the aa:z: Dr. Pt ddJ Joined a " or :'>"lJC .n as an t:u tor In speech and tore! · He bu r ed bead or the bu=nlu 11 d po.rt men: since 1a.:;2 Dr P:ldd)- bas also tcr many }t'a:a with· ou: p"'° !llld supf'r- \'laed lhe ca: or :Jo,. r da on campus. H:s rt'tln:m 11• orrtcl.Dlb' e!lec:lve t 31 1968. Mr.l!cF'nrlandJolnedtll ar..a:: o! NIJC u an Instructor Encllsh. baste mnlh :r.:itl a.nd Span!.sb In 1956 l!f' tm sencd conunuously l n tb:ll capaellY and will r tlr !U· Ctall\• AUf;USt 31 1968 Mr. c .. 1ne Jolntd tM tali or NUC &'5 an lntHNctor n 11 to- mollvll mechcnlcs n 195- H hll.5 15 l\('d In that AP:, and as hull or that d part m n contlauol.l:.'I\)' aln 19.S2. HI! wUI n!llre otnelally 1Ja1 31 1!168 Mr. Pow 111 Joln•d the llllllf or :01JC aa an Instructor In aut.o m chanlc:a In 1952 H• lnlthalJ!d lb<' new depa1tment or auto body and rt'nd!!r ropalrln 1962. Hi:- haa served as an Instructor and dt'pall- mt'nt head since 1952. Powns will ortlclall1 August 31 1968. Mr. Freeland Jolnt"<I the ftlafr or NIJC llS lnstrue101 In auto · moll\!' mechanics In 1962 and na& In that capacity since that llm... He -..111 r Ur ometalb on Aucust 31, 1!11;8 )Ira. Aod : oo en1olled as a •P<'cl•I txiatneas ada:lnlatna- tlon u:dent at NIJC lo Sep:embe• 1947. She became a part Umt' emplovtt In !be busln ss office lo Ot:obtr. 1961 IUld bas been a tull-tlme ac owitant In Ill!' business o:tlce slllce 1962. Siie .n · .. s pt,.mbf'r 30 .. ENVELOPES TO MAIL YEARBOOK ON SALE T. ·• •, "A!> •111 .. · lln · SIJC next ar ahCJ1Jld purcbaff a call- ::i: r.ivelope for 1e11bC>Ck:'. Ee Jepea ar available 3$c In !hi! bu kato:e accor:l- rn Ja I S !th "'arDDok INSURANCE WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR SUMMER 1: .r. . · \ tur "a I r lUd nt.- l In !!Pct throulh lhl' aumm.·r rnailM unttl Scpl<mlk'r 12. r•lln• :o C ·.1 .. Hatch. SALE Ill BOOKSTORE k cbool liut •nd a"f"at· on aal In lbt! President Enjoyed Years At College This 1 .. ue ot the NIJC Revl<!w sl1111ala th<> close or another achoo! year. I am aure lha.t lht c:loa1n1 or school will brtnc about a number or l"actlons. Some or us will look bark wllh eatltlactton In a Job w<•ll doM, althoulh fully roallztnc lhat we could have done bctt<r. Otheni ol us will bemoan th•• lact that we did not work to anywhrrr near our capacity and thus rPallz.. d too little OD OUI Investment or Plt!clOU.I Ume. The r••deemtnc testur ror all of us Is lhat •e do halt'I :be oppor'.unlly for a Ir ah atan. Ats I rey o!nclal con· nec:ion with thr callee ""·u Call. I ab.all loot back with a Jn"&t dea.1 of aausractlon and on rr:r assoda· Uoo •Ith tl:e lllllDJ no 11:ude'ats we ban had 01 r the yea :s. )I) be t wlsbes so to you !or a most prodllc- the and rutur • Prr•ldenl P. A. Clln U&ll50n HALL LOCKS MUST BE TURll ED Ill AT OFFICE All ball loc• mu.or tum•d 1n to Mlll. Ell n s.•ymour. reception! t. bJ Ma) :?2. Studenta •ho cannot nnd 11 1 11 locks wlll be cl)argl'd s J 00 to bo- pa Id In thP otflc . TU Rll Ill REA DMISSIOtl APPLICA TIOMS BY JULY I All •tud•nla who plan lo rPtum to SIJC n xi fall ahl l't'mlnded to co111pl II' appllea tJoo• ror r adrnJaslon t>eto"' J ulJ 1 Porma att avatlabk tn rr&1auar"11 otneoo.

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


219 To Graduate At Commencement Exercises May 24 Lenera clvins tnrormatton

and lnst:uctlona concemlnJ tbP araduauon exercts~a tb1" sprtn1 have bttn malled t proepectlve snaduates. Th lnfonnatlon In the lcl~rs I bl-Ins ll!Prlnt.ed here ror the bfonl'tu or thoee who _, oat have receht'd tbel1 leu~a and u a reminder for all coo· cemt'd.

The proe ram wlll be he Id at 10:00 In lhe momlni: F'1lda,y. May :?4, In the NIJC omna· slum. The &Pt'aker wlll be Dr. Boyd A. Martin, Dean or thP Collece or Len.frs and Science at lhP Unl•l'rslt.y or Idaho.

There will be an acadl'mlc procession led II>' the Soul or Trustees and fa.cult\ with tne araouaies marchlna In single file and In alphabetic order.

P a ritclpatlon In the cere· monies Is required. Deirees o.nd cerllflcates will not be Issued to anyone who Is not present.

Caps and cowns should be available In the reststrar' s oftlce anytime aftN May 16. Stud~nts a re uked to pick them up as soon as passlble a f ter th&l date and check tbem In Immediately after the ceremony

Everyone i. to be tn the hallway or the admlnt.trallon bulldlns (properb attired) ll) 9;30 In the momlnc of Ma.i· 24 for lnst:uctlona concernlnc tbe procedure to foll01'. There wlll be no rehearsal.

ln\•ltatlons have been sent lo parents and/or hust.nda and wives or the paduaies There an a few extra In\ lta· Uons In the ornce wbkb may be purchased for 5¢ each on a nrs1 come. rtrst served bast..

Graduation Ball Is May 18 At 9 Red and white are the colors

ror "On A Ca rouse I." the gradua Uon ba 11 to bl> he Id May 18. 9:00 p.m. to mld­nlllbl. Colored streamers w111 adom the walls as well as the celllne-

Mlss Marte Bozarth. Miss Linda F'lnley and Miss Susan Buchholz bavc bfen nom1llated ror queen candldatl's. Ron Race. Tom F'arll'y, and Dave Prtano are the candldat~ !or kine. vounc ror the KJns and Qu~en wl 11 be held at the entrance to the Ball.

EntenalnlnE band Will be Claude /o()'bn!.

AU persons wlshlnc to Mlp decorate have been asked to conta.ct 14185 Kathie Polnmer. dance chairman or Mlss Rl'n• " Rorr.ln• decoration chairman._ ___ __ _


Student.. who would Uke photoatauc copll' or their sradea throulh the end or the cuncnt eemester may bavt them by leaving a stamped utr-add,..ssed en•elope In the ft' patru'a office or b,r askln1 for thum personally durtnc th• summer. Repo11 card.~ for tho ~rcond nmester only will not be la11ued unless "'CIUeated.

CALENDAR Mll.Y 18 -Final • xam• Diiiin May 18 - Craduatlon formal Ma.> 2• - Comml'ncrmrnt

COEl.I • 0 AUNE. IOAHO WEONl '04Y lol.\Y 11 1961

Eight Retiring Staff .llembers Gat'e Total OJ 125 rears OJ Service

Trustees Appreciate Retirees' Service

With stncer .. and deep regre:, the Board or Truslet>S or North Idaho Junior Collece bas accepted tbe re11re::en1 or the rouo .. lng !aJtbruJ and dedicated men and ••om~n;

Mr. Perry Ch.rlstlanson, who has been wllb the coUei;e slno 193B

Dr. Eva o,.,, who bas been w flb lbe coue..., s tnce I 9H

Dr. Eatl Priddy , who has be.,n with tbt 1.lle;;e s!nce 1954

Cleve G11ne. 1<ho has been w lib lbt! colle i;e s1Dce 1952

Wanen Powem. "bo h3.s been •Ith the colleie since 1952

JobD McFarland. •ilo has been 1<llh tbe col!ei;e slnce 1956

Mrs. Soi>Qle Aade:sc:i. •bo has been W'!tll :.tie coue..., since 1961

Floyd F:eeland "bo has been with till' collec;e ~.nc:e 1962

These ma and women ban aerved a total or 125 ;ea::s SCf\1ce to ow colle~e

I wlsb eacll of yot: CTf'ry success In your retln:ci .. at.

£ A 5' l!N Cbatll:lAD & ard o: Trustees


Studr nu arr n 1Ulled that thl'-.Y mw.t pay all amounts du~ the colic«• loc\udlni; llbral'\' UMs and f!nrs ror narkln g vlolaUc:>ns ~tori 1bty ma_y takP th••lr rtnal rxamlnallo115, rcc:el<c. c:1~dll or ba\'t' lt&n>­crlpLS s~n1. Lisl3 or tbose owlnc fines PI posted on lbP tJUllelln boanlA

lolr . Chrt:otlan&cn wu llrst e:nplgnd ~ Coeur l!"A.ene Junlo: Col!ei:e. Ule pred ces­sor or ~LJC as an lnst:uc:tor tn September. 1938. H St!rTed as aca.dtmlc dean o: ~UC Crom Its beClnnlni; In 1939 until his appo!nunent as pre&ldent in 196~. He was absent on lea"' ror • year and a balf In 1941-H dunnc World War II. Dunne llu&t ume he '110.S an lna:ructor In the A11 Force-Bot'lni; Aircraft B-29 lns1r11m~nt &pednltst schQlll In Seattle. "" will rellreuoCSPptember30, 1968.

Dr. Oq was !t• t e:npJoyed ~ ~!JC u a sodlll sciences Instructor In 19H. Sbe has serred co11tl11uo~sly In U:at capaclt:r until her r••tlre::ient. 1<hlcl! wUI be ot!lclall.r lolay 31. 1968. She at.o SCr'l't!d llS dn:i O( •om " ( r :be collep l:om 1955 until 19£7 Dnd ser\"ed as ad part­menc h~d lr. edt1catloll &!Id social sc. nccs lo: the aa:z: ~:iod.

Dr. Pt ddJ Joined ~ a " or :'>"lJC .n 195~ as an t:u tor In speech and tore! · !ao~~. He bu r ed bead or the bu=nlu 11 d po.rt men: since 1a.:;2 Dr P:ldd)­bas also tcr many }t'a:a with· ou: p"'° dnelc~ !llld supf'r­\'laed lhe ca: or :Jo,. r da on campus. H:s rt'tln:m 11• orrtcl.Dlb' e!lec:lve Au~.i t 31 1968. Mr.l!cF'nrlandJolnedtll ar..a::

o! NIJC u an Instructor Encllsh. baste mnlh :r.:itl a.nd Span!.sb In 1956 l!f' tm sencd conunuously l n tb:ll capaellY and will r tlr !U· Ctall\• AUf;USt 31 1968

Mr. c .. 1ne Jolntd tM tali or NUC &'5 an lntHNctor n 11 to­mollvll mechcnlcs n 195- H hll.5 15 l\('d In that AP:, l~ and as hull or that d part m n contlauol.l:.'I\)' aln 19.S2.

HI! wUI n!llre otnelally 1Ja1 31 1!168

Mr. Pow 111 Joln•d the llllllf or :01JC aa an Instructor In aut.o m chanlc:a In 1952 H• lnlthalJ!d lb<' new depa1tment or auto body and rt'nd!!r ropalrln 1962. Hi:- haa served as an Instructor and dt'pall­mt'nt head since 1952. ~r. Powns will r~llte ortlclall1 August 31 1968.

Mr. Freeland Jolnt"<I the ftlafr or NIJC llS lnstrue101 In auto · moll\!' mechanics In 1962 and na& sen~d In that capacity since that llm... He -..111 r Ur ometalb on Aucust 31, 1!11;8

)Ira. Aod : oo en1olled as a •P<'cl•I txiatneas ada:lnlatna­tlon u:dent at NIJC lo Sep:embe• 1947. She became a part Umt' emplovtt In !be busln ss office lo Ot:obtr. 1961 IUld bas been a tull-tlme ac owitant In Ill!' business o:tlce slllce J~IJ 1962. Siie

.n · "~ .. ~ s pt,.mbf'r 30 ..


T. ·• •, ~· "A!> •111 .. · lln · SIJC next

ar ahCJ1Jld purcbaff a call­::i: r.ivelope for 1e11bC>Ck:'.

Ee Jepea ar available r~r 3$c In !hi! bu kato:e accor:l-

rn Ja I S !th "'arDDok


1: .r. . ~.t:. · \ ra~· tur "a I r lUd nt.- l

In !!Pct throulh lhl' aumm.·r rnailM unttl Scpl<mlk'r 12.

r•lln• :o C ·.1 .. ~ton Hatch.


T· liut •nd a"f"at· on aal In lbt!

President Enjoyed Years At College

This 1 .. ue ot the NIJC Revl<!w sl1111ala th<> close or another achoo! year. I am aure lha.t lht c:loa1n1 or school will brtnc about a number or l"actlons. Some or us will look bark wllh eonsldl'rabl~ eatltlactton In a Job w<•ll doM, althoulh fully roallztnc lhat we could have done bctt<r. Otheni ol us will bemoan th•• lact that we did not work to anywhrrr near our capacity and thus rPallz .. d too little OD OUI

Investment or Plt!clOU.I Ume. The r••deemtnc testur ror all of us Is lhat •e do halt'I :be oppor'.unlly for a Ir ah atan.

Ats I 11ev~r rey o!nclal con· nec:ion with thr callee ""·u Call. I ab.all loot back with a Jn"&t dea.1 of aausractlon and pleasur~ on rr:r assoda· Uoo •Ith tl:e lllllDJ no 11:ude'ats we ban had 01 r the yea :s. )I) be t wlsbes so to you !or a most prodllc­the and plc~t rutur •

Prr•ldenl P. A. Clln U&ll50n


All ball loc• mu.or ~ tum•d 1n to Mlll. Ell n s.•ymour. reception! t. bJ Ma) :?2. Studenta •ho cannot nnd 111 11 locks wlll be cl)argl'd s J 00 to bo- pa Id In thP otflc . TU Rll Ill REA DMISSIOtl APPLICA TIOMS BY JULY I

All •tud•nla who plan lo rPtum to SIJC n xi fall ahl l't'mlnded to co111pl II' appllea tJoo• ror r adrnJaslon t>eto"' J ulJ 1 Porma att avatlabk tn r~ rr&1auar"11 otneoo.

TSE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ...... ~ S-W""°'""''' °"''""' ""'• c. .,. y..,

f' .. th• Auoc: ... • 4 .$~' & .... •• llOITH IDAHO JUNIOR COLLEGE


&litorial ... THANK. YOU I


SUBver1ion • llAT ~l.E 10£ Pt.~\ \i\ :i

TO DO Ul/R/.\ G U~l ltER \AC A TIO\ '"

Al:STISllARD !..I.STER JR, S .S. "Pl:ln U> i::o IO C.nllda wllh tile ·• Rookie&" and 1'hll .,, all! up the"' ,.... an! eolni: to uy U> drink "Carud3 Dr,y "

Ta.I l»!rrH A : nautical ncln ring: "f'lr tll ." JOYCE A.'-'DERSO:J. I..&w

"()')IO UClllltl schOOI .. 0 1..F.TA LONG ~ I UH

science "L"am ho., ' atcr u1 ta•e run c lc11::11ni: Ila,. IWI nd

i...: ne'• qclt-. ha-re run ~ nt caooes and boata hatt :.m tool: rc.l'Yllrd to DOl hartni: to '° to sc!lool and •o:lr..'"


tarlal Science: "To to k~e~ up with all th thin Gl"la Is planning on d"1r:c:·

TOM ARRISO:~ Anat v • I plao to ~e:u h l!ll' m&JO: a:th ~ch""

DOROTf!\' HE<lSTAD Edu­cation "..;.n : attendmi; summer achoo. ho• dr.ics a two """k >llcatl n In lh Prace RJ\·er ar~a In Can:ida sound I ~IY husband an1 I and S kid a:e cnlni: cai=p n Maybe :? can lose a re• ••

BETH O'HALLORAS SlJB-veralon "lfr.te all lb tem-papeu I' ll need nl'xt y ar."

1..1:.;oA BENGSTON. Educ " I plan to "ork In Gr nacr s Yiash. In a cursing h ::i as a nur e5 aide."

JOH:.; WALLo;OER B:ls. Educ. "Wonc.nc 111 lh M.nl· Mart."

SUE PARSONS Flunk-out "\\or~ at the (lrst ob Chat comc11 along."

LELA SD K.181..ER BA "To11ulln11111 on a j:lmmt'f."

GLENN JOKI, IJ:uketlnc M ICha!ld!Slnc "Play s okry lh Bear and 11 p all 1or('sl ti• s. llbl re d nc tbla. I am 1alnG IO c llU all the bo.r I can and try to out wrl&h Trtl')' Best"

ROS ALO 1..1:-0DQUIST BA "Go alalllllllnc."

DOCGL.AS DIOSsE 8.A. "\\ :k at the Slrnsb ne and drtnt •·!h tM> ca a."

Jl\I JACK.SOS /.!u I Ed "C le tot ~DUI bl1'111cb.)'s. wrap iolr !Ubl Drnund t~ • •nd enJol' lhl' luxun or ur ...

SYL\'IA L M di al S<c wak ail dllJ' 11t1d 11 n l'bl 1111 I I up I' ~mg to ha I t'lh 11\lll d."

MD\!:: DAY. E:duaatlon · ... r.: drink 1111'1 111.J


College Is Designed To Encourage Thought


Ot .. , ~ ome awdvnt:. 1cne 11ertous lbou&ht U> a sertous question· ft'bat ..a their :elJ1Uonsblp w1lh Clod• So:::c scorred the rultor.s !r:>ci Canada wbo presented the qul'Stton, olhr::; walked Oil t or Ille SUB "'hen th" 'islt :s w •'re s11eatln1. Otbcrs asked questions and shov;ed lh Ir lnt~est.

Coll ' la dtslcntll r.o tttcl:I each studQnt to do his own lblnklnc. a.ad 51u~cnts bll Into Uie l::lblt or quest!on-11111 e\el) thine. But collei;I? should al&o Instruct people to k•ep an c~n mind and bt• wUUnc t listen. Appurently sue 15 r lnUnb' successlul In lbls pc-ct because tlll.nJ

:cd ta we:c •I IUnc to U.sl<!n and ask Q1le$tlons.

Soc:u.• sllld nts !ell that •semonlzinc" sbould be

restricted to church. but "hen ~11;:\on an rreel.Y be di!<· cu ed ILl:IOllC ~mbers or the s:a pe r rrou;:i. It ca.n be or c:o:cb cc: lll'1 :o an Ind!· vi d:al"11 lltSe Ill ta:i:lln C-

R card! s or bow ccnrlr::ied a person Is In bls belief tllat God does no1 exist h~ should not r rusc to •llscuss ~U111on. It Id PAYS IO be an'.·

l.hlnc •ltbOi;t bci ~ "ti


' an


I:,. • , "HO'n:L" .Aprtl 26-27 , •;i1s

an outstandini: pcrforrMnce In our esllmaUon tile bl>st acto: was Tho::ias Lamb "'ho pon~ed Albert \\ !Is. lhe ~old miner. The best actrc"" was Eileen Albertini. who Pla.>ed the p3rt or \l rs. Dodo O'K~"le.

L3mb \\U perfect, his mnn­n• nsrru.. racial l!\l)lt!Sslons and •olc.> "'It' Ila" less. ML 5 Albertini BlOIU the :;llO~. I:.• ryonf' In the audience caml' to lo' e and r~I som lor her. as h••r husband yelll.'d at her.

No nctor or acl rt..•8s en,.,.. ll Olld performance. F.ach "orked diligent!) and their errons wer,. nr.- ttOO<I . Th~ C111de this play one or the be5t or NIJC history.

\lrs. Margar~t Gult, dlrt>ctor i.hould l••cl proud of hr r ~tud<'nts . Ellch mud•• lhem is. h·~s the charuct"r th<•) portr:i.yed. A "pec!al round or appl11ust• to c\·c~ 11artlcl-

~nt. --------:.t11:, Todd Llncoln'5 brother

sened In I.he Conted. r:itc ilml.l". In fact. sh• had ~o many relatives in tho Rebel army. h~r lo, ull' \\as ques­t . in d.

Woodcodl's Drug Store C,,nd;., - Sundr;e,


116 N. h•nh St • ~ • • , d'AI•••


Taste that beats the others cold!

Senator McCarthy Tops Nationwide College Elecflon

Tbl're ·. IL ,r 0 . 68" . a nallon·.,ltl ~ Pl\. l•n· tlal «"lecUon brld April 24 havl' been labulat d and rc­lr.ued.

Senator Eu£('n!' lo!cCartlU' was the rtr..t choice of th •"Ottrs •Uh 28 paccnl of tbl' I. I mllUon atudt':l!a •bo toOk part In the tlectlon. Sen. Robert F. K nnedy wu second with 20 911 p re at or the llOte. F' rm r Vic • pn'sldent Rlclla:d M. N1100 was Ch!'n lhlrd Posluon •ltb 19 .35 l)l'rcent Go•. Nfllsoa A. Rockrfelll'f was fourth with 11.38 percl'nt.

Presld••n1 Johnson, allhousb not n candid.at~. t<'Ct'hed 5.63 percent or the \'ote Vice-president Hube rt Hum­phrey was a "rtte ·ln candJ· date nnd received 1.7 prioent of the total.

Former Go•'. Georee A . Wnllnce polled 3 25 percl'nt d the votes. Gov. Ronl\lo Reaaan rocel ved 2. 77 percrot and Sen. ChArloa H. Pore~· a:alned I ~ 9 percent.

Students 01 1.470 collt'irea partlclpaood In tilt proJect. The voUna l)"rcen1a1c 11 tbe NIJC was n :? percent of the atud~ot bod)·.

The \"Otlne cards Wl're 1a\1 punch cards. The vottr~ In· dlca 1ed their ace. party pre­re r9nce and chose three pre­Sldentlal candldatra from a list of 13. Those Uaied were: Fred Halstead, Mark 0. Hatfteld. Lyndon B. John· SOD, Robert F. Kennt<IY. Mnrtln L . Kins . JOiin \'. Llndsiu Eu1en" \lcCa:tl\r. Richard Sixon. Charle.5 H. Perey. Ronald Rupn. !'ti· son Rocktrrelh:r Harold E. StasSl'n and Gtor11e C. V.al· lace. l\"rlf .. ··ln candlcatcs were acc:eptt•d.

The uibulatlon of the three questions asked was not &:hen. TMJ had tO do With go"emment pollclu. The first wns. "\\'hat course or action should the U.S. pursue In reprd to bomblna of North Vietnam' .. permanent ces· satlon or bombln1. temporary suspension of bomblnc. ma.In· taln current 11'\'el or bomblnc lnten11t(y bomblnc. and use of nuclear y,eapons.

The second quesUon was. "llhal course of nUUtary action should the U.S. pu :sue In Vietnam?"• Immediate withdrawal or U.S. rorttS. ph:lscd reduction o: U.S. mlllwY acU,li.r. mainlaln cutn:nt le•-el or U.S. m111111., activity. Increase the lc•cl of U.S. mlllta:y acth1t;r. and "all ou1·· mllll&Q' effort.

The last question was. .. In can!rontlnc the urban


Taste that beats the others cold!


Sln - n c 1::ip .. i:rd wlLltress trainJ.ac :.ti.) 3.

Th 11b· .. eek cO'JtSe con­alated o! 90 h ra cf llal:ililc. Subjects Ille! o ;I! lll!ltroctlon In aupe:Ylslnc nilll uslni: tact In o:icellnc tll~ p bllc. John S m=ns. H111den Lal:e Coun· tty Club 11::1.n&r;er sas tbe inst•actc: ~eats •bo c:c~leted IJ:le

cOllnie were Jane Aldei:soo Marpr t Job."lllOn. C&."tlbn ~·rl.s Ed::a Ohllel:ua. Ade­Une&:loo:a, £s!l:er ll'nt.be rley. llr.tl Tl:aYla Thomu.

crla:s which ah:luld receln h11beat p::iodlJ" le i;on=mt apendlnc?"" ed:lcatl!ltl, boas· Inc IJlCOll:<! aumldy. Job traln1Dc. and ea1plqycen: opportc."lltles. ll:ld : .ot conllol and strlctP: la• mfo1cecmt.

Writer Surprised By Campus Beauty nn un polled nrea. h•'"

n • r s n a &Wdent ent.·r th -se •OOds.

11b7 1 don•t l<no". Thi• llfl'll la s ren and a wiu from th hastle OI lhe colles~. This r l\'111 Is neu a beach ana a st:eruc take. II Is too tlld tbat o f w atud,.nla lakf' ad,a.nti~ or this.

l lhlnlt I.bl lilts Jlllllor col· I c ha.~ r;om lhlnc s~clal lo ll r lta 11tud nts. I "njoyed •rltlnc this stoi:y

OOCQ11!14' of •bat I dlsco•cred abOut th beaui, around :-OUC. But I 111111 think mv ~ltor


MIX·UP Pr aid · · : I• ··• s. Grant"& al namt- " Hiram Ulya~o•

a Grant. ,\ ml• up In the ap-1111 atlon to V.cal Point a counted ror the C'hance. Omnt atl l'l.C J lhP Chan''-'·


Ten studf'nll• bur complel<'a a cour .... at NIJC In "lectre>­mechanic aas"mbllnc. They •Ill continue their atudlt'll for 13 •'l'ck" at P•ndar In Pot1t Fillls.

The 80·bour courM wu complrtcd Mil) S. It wu dhldcd Into lbft'e 11ec1lona of tralntna. 30 houra or draft· lnc. 30 hOUl'll of bulc l'lcc· ll'Qnlc11. and 20 houni of 1aln1 prcclslon tll<!&.Surln1 lnllru· mcnl.~.

Instructor.; ••·r• Leonard Cup • Don VanK l•,.ck. Harlan Sir bf> ti Jack s1~w. and Dille Pan1ona. - -----

Prl'sldent Polk wu th., 111111 pruhlent 10 be photoaraphnd In 18• 8. lu' tht' fa.mous Civil ll'ar photoarophor. Mathew Brady.

Get a whole t erm 's reading

under your belt in only two weeks!

II you •r< &n J.'"'(QC< ac.gid,ct CUTJU1C a ounwd ""d' lood. !""lo.toe di< apoacy ... rad I• 1...: •--~ CT<r7 ""'P• <atbool '°' t"'t'ry unrk ~JC m. rom nancufua. \\'lu1"1 _..,JOU d f..S, Lnd<rlWld ... d •-nab<r wt...1 JOU rad for a bos-lanc ~

Tht .... "' dm ""'gaW -fhsb· malt u \U Rcad:nii 0)1Um1e1-tht al"'2 tiorW btnilhrouY, WI <mblo p«>pi< IO

r~ thou.....U o! '°'els a mm~tc """"•' Ucippong or U..rnm1n,;; ~ ,,,r, act!lau axn-prchcrual. 11= <nJ0)1DCllt .wl rcmuubl• ...all LA::urung co rad clyn.tmOJlr "like ma.king the u a.n11t1on from > bsqdc to a J~XKE.

Rnd1ng 07n.lmlU <.ully wor:.s In t'><t, II WO<U 10M1// .md •1th >UCb CllCllUICIU

"'""'' wt "'"l' counc u bodL<d by Th< E''tlyn \Xbod Rc:ading Qrru.mia lnsbrut< • lirm P<rfomw><r \X"unnty co .., /t;u1 ui,.U

70"' fl.ii•z •fuwrq nu. "• rmrumwn ~· for Inn·

lllf rhouunds of lhc lnlhMtJ sndaat<t hnc lamed IO read iour ro 1m tJma fuift TllC)' red "' •vtr•£< "°'d an .abaoit m ho.>r-•D lhc Ubdo 1D TIMEmai;uuie m %' tnlll•

uu:s-rrriboob •I th< me 01 I). ::0 page • mairc Tbcsc pceplc um ' .,,,....,, ot -1 &ob )I.I~ a:c inc!.­

vicliuh ~bo oocc rad u.:00.iy u fOO-pal.mg •lcc;;ot rhc r:u• ncn~ r..Jiag n!< of :)()·.COO ..-ords p<t _., So dai I bt mi

b.arruscd •bout >""' sJov.· rnd1n5 M°" or row (umo:t.-.. cn your p>r<nts anJ 1<1<h<n -un ' rud ..,,, r .....

Romlmg O,rumo oll'crs 'fOI a prmu Mnt l'IQpc Crom thuluggab rading rut .,,.f

d~ ""P"'• ctTi:as 11 bu on '°"' 111 J<k ••n ar,c and frrc wnc

Although lnr...,,g 10 tad J7twn1CJlly rt<pit<< no •p«,.I ulcnt 01 1p111u.k, m.tlltt· ong tlm •0<>dcrful .lull u a lo< like l<M1111ljl

to pl.a11: muuul i.rUtlumcot Th11 meJn.s rh.at 1ut1 1c~u1un11 the SJmplt. bu1c 1cchru'!"<t •00·1turn)'OU1n10 • •pttd 1ucl111g phmomc· nan o•ttn1gb1 y.,.. ha•c IO pr.acrlC< n cry cla1 -no II'"' lungup 11n<c you a.n •pplr..,.... o( 1h11 Rudlllg 07rum1n "'hom...,ork · lo pour norm.al ><'-1 or plc.uurc rc1dmg

llo1 o( •ll, onu you • IUlll .md CDft

1muc co u.c 'fOU' nN< rt•ding sl<rll•. your tptcd , ..... .,. /'"'"""'"' And 1£ )'OU !Ok the Mbot of """II tlus dull. 'fO'J un al••y> """"bock co Rad1og o,.wn.c. .u>d u.I« on< o( thnr ft" rcfrdhcr <OUttn

R<Mltng Dyn.uNn 11 chc Jdiruuw upoJ ta.long,,..,.., lft chc wotld oor And chc """' l!niblc Yw an UJC re !ot all lunds of 1admi;-.....,, c!cu1 cxl, axnpln m.a1tt1al• t;k< samtt. hi""t'f and C<OCOnbCI lnu-tn OD< lbud chc wnc ff I'll., rou -~ to <>a< ol the fr" danciruu.rau Idled bdow anJ 6nd

1how lk>dm& 0y1W%1'Ctan ....0: (oqou !"oludduiit.n r<all1w1U'

Witness a free special presentation of thi~ astonishing educational breakthrough! \'OL ~ ,.,._ • '°""' m.11p.cJi.up aboO& bcw DnTr """· &Ad """""I chc P"!CI' futn lhu mmt o( m read para~ ahoaf'b. >ml Lata rTCil<: tT<TT dnail

.. wn~. )O'lll

.a lr&nt qunl.AB .and •N.....-r -- dni~d to ... q_C .,..... wllb cnry cl<wl 111 the E..,.Jyn \\ood Rraduoc 0y. na.cuo p~azn

WEDNESDAY. May 1 S - Northshore Conven tion Ce n ter, Coeur d ' Ale ne - 1:00 P.M.



now forming in

11 C ITIES ID Wuhioirion

and Idaho


• • HOl DIVISIOI (H iit 511) s, etue, WHlr. 11217 Tt lt,hH (oolltat ) HU 9°UIO


avaibbl<" al !hr prncntatio.n• or by

""ntinic or calling (collrct)

HU 9-3960

Kildow Memorial Library Integral Part Of College

Tb• Kil do• Memorial IA bnl ry baS IK'•n &JI lnt•1ral part or Uie Sorlll lda!IO Junior Collece alllOP Jell. It IK'P."> In City Hall. with many ehani<!• btln1 made In r.h<' holdtop aJ1d raclllUes dullnc r.hc paar 35 yu,ra.

Rrad JlbfallaJI R. S . ~r· ua1 cam<' to sue In 1963 and Is ua1a1ed llY two \lbrulana. Mrs. Ch arloUe Hac•n and i.tm. M&'1 Sorrnson. Thi• ai&!f I canpllment~ llY se.-c111l pan Ume ua11rants lneludln1 ldorlln Mlllf'r or rno !>1JC faculty. Jim S.mhart o f the hlsh adlOOI racultJ. Mm. Donna Olund. a llalne• under Ulc aupe rvlslon of the Sta w Public Anlarance omc .. ~nd MJas Donna Edward&. atucknl us11ian1. The library la open durtnr; all school da.ra f rom 7 .45 a.m.·~ .30 p.m. and from i .00 p.m.·10:00 p.m. and on s.1urdaya from I ·oo p.m.· 4 ·00 p.m.

The llb~ bu a Uat or 15,325 volume-a. 200 per!ot,11 · call anti or.hf'r aMlals and 400 tttla of mlcrontm. V.bll• tbe llbrar}' boldln11:11 accor · modal" the bulk or lbe s tu· dents' nf'eda, addlllonal materials nol on hlllld am ol:r talned for the stud~nlA throush I.be lntu-llbrary loan d•part· mf'nts.

"Fed<-ral funds obtained dwln1 thn past ft·w yl'ara hav• ml.cl~ It poul ble r.o au1· mt'nl the library hOldlnp," Sodrrlln1 •aid. "'wllh tb"se fundJI, llJ>'lClal all• nilon has brt•n aJv•n to lh ~ refot~nr. u aecUon and to the vurchue of mlcrotllm t o rcllcvl' &tors' spae!l for pPrlod.icala."

Till' llbmry han al&o b<-• n r,pcentlv unan1••d lllld tcor 1&nlz:P1l 10 curlall bocik losA Thne ha• b<'rn a aubal&nllal reduction 1n such lossca and wllh stud•·nt co·op.,mtlon, II 111 IPll lhal lhl· loRB can bt· reduced rv1 n moll'. l\llh a limited budK• t , eonuol ul hook lo Is an Important factor.

Fulur" plans ar• to prol'ld• lllud) arr&& ror 11mall uoup of Mtutl• nia, and arninc ,,1udy carrula. coin 01••ralHd typ1·wrll1 r11 and a coin npr ruh•d dupllcat111111"r"l rn.

"Mlt kry On<'" a movl aboul a com• dlan backt'd I>)' 11 bl1t· llm•• <'UI• rn pmbllni:: 11yntllca1 ... was i<ho•n In lh~ :Sl'B Ma' :?.


Dou B•a' r •U the la I

"""'"" ~ · "°" 11 pie ard so ..-as awarded th., fir : pn>:l' und~r the rules. Cba:ll Dodson. chtllnn:in. uld that r.hc Jud~s wer I llStNcted rhat It the cootealL'I' atan..d pie r.hrowt~c. w WI 0C1e to Ul:OW • pie .,... U1e wl:lller. On )1a7 8 noon. the pie .,,.,. Inc co11~t beeam 11 pie •hfow "'" - ... • • .... ~ _h ,, _. LANGE ATTENDS ENGLISH MEETING

\Ir!< .... . • !..;.: 'td of ::. Er... • 0- '"'' nt at ~on.!: ldallo Jun.or College, rc~ntb a1und!.>d 11 conff;· cnce at F.as1c:11 l\a11hlnst0n Stai.. Colle; • Sil partld· ~ted In a dlsc-.:ssltm • saro Inc a cr11dua t"W'rtculum de11lcrwd to rr~par candl<latea !o: tcachtn~ English ln two­yni imllt:1t.?11 t hh:lie: I :amla;.. ~119:-.m tcha!r:: n !rorn ab cc:: . i: s n the Inland Empire and coutal areas succe11ted courar otrrr· lni:s and tralnlllc e1pcrtencea •hlch rr.1Ch1 ba part c:~las rell:'vanc" !~r lna1tc to:s at lo,,.-er d1\la1on le•e!&.


SterUnc Al>- I DI ·uc1 Dlrec· 101 of thP. Ar: crlc11.n Colle~ Testlnc. wa.s '1leBt 11pwer at the mtllltbly meeting o! Ille Amrilcan A ssociation or Uni· vemlly Profeasors, April 22. In lb" SUB. Counselors from aft'a h ist. schools atle.Ilded U:c mectlnie.

Abel, rrc.m P alo Alto. Calif., dt11cuSJ1f'd the quall\Y or NIJC stud,.nt and said the' were tela!.l•'CIJ high accordl.">t to Mrs. Annette Blcnall. pubU· cl~ chairman for AAUP.

Abe I I.Old tht• KroUIJ, ":\IJC'a composite m~an rqu:illl that 1f Man\ four \ •' ~le,Pa,


A t ,d,

1\1 Co ' :·.a, aln

Walla Walla Wind Ensemble Presents Brilliant Concert

Oil Tbunida), Aprt I 18 at 8 s;.m •• th We.!IA \\ Ua Wlnd E:ise=ble und : the dlteC'Jon of H L. d Leno. :f rc:ed In the Sc\lmth D111 Ail~entist iymnaslum. TbP ~:~lece

~ :ip, wlllcb •us coopnsl!d of top petfociln& atodents f:om the c~!le~·· r "Jlar band. was hosud and boused by :he !>1JC A Cappella Choir who recentl;J sane at the ltalla v. alls coll i;e.

Altboui;h • CJllUl&SIU:n Is accousllcall7 lscklnc tor & n:us!cal pe r!:l:maac:e n o05t &ll)" lenl, the t':lSl!Clble co;:i·

peas.a~ for :Ills with a cueful ll'adlni; or dY11amlcs. This did nol lnt.erf.:re. bo,.. ever. -alth the brllllaace of the pe::t~oan1:2 or the crre:· all bala~~ and cont:.>I of tb croup. Pattlcule.rlr notewcrth3 was the ensemble' s One lnt.o­natton an'1 bl•r:d within each secllo:i and lbrou&!:ir>ut the cro:;p.

Leno, "hO appeared r.o bl! a pawertul and exac:tlnc con· ductor, wroucbl a ndatic.n of mood and aens.llYI~ or uite:· pr iat!an fIOCI the 11se::ible membem a !t'At often ab!ltnt from moat band cooc:e ris. Tbls 'll'U upeclallr e'l"ldenl In tbe croup's nae readtnc or Ro:i a1nJ's " l tallu In A!i;le:s" Specially DOla ble In th I. piece 'll'cre &Olos 117 the obi: and flute.

The rnse.m ble perform amooE or.her thrni:s much orcbei;Ua l 1ranscrtp1Jon... a Suite "l<INTY Mount" fc.r tnad Ii:!' Ho'll'ard Hanson harp 501 o • cnaeco-;>a:lied and 1wo 11umt.or fcaturtn hannonlea. Tbe hntP solo "A SonE tn the Nti;lll" l:t!' Fzcncb buplst·comDOs : Sal· !:edo Is one of the a.how pieces for harp. aod ltboudl falrl.Y " II played, there wer 11pl'Cl&1 weal ctrcc1a or the pleet> In ludUIE dru::i ai; lb nn~:s ca tht- so:indbcJ:l ·j and !&Mini; the sulncs whlcb could ha'I" ~en bl ur;llt CY! with r:iueh r:io:e i::pbasl11. UofortU011 lr. Ule brp !:sell "'1LS '"'l1 nollcl'1lbl7 out tun .

Tb harm nla .. ,. n: I 11.t:i·!d In an orran1 ont Br.I 'a "R:mprian Dan :; 5" followed ~ 'Sh :un doab''. a rlece •Ill b ort11aall7 11 scored f • End b Ii m ln th solo Th 8:alun5 was " II dell and s t to humonlca b ,. er th lat~:

plec •ou!d han! se"ed th oaus Ol us1c lmd tho ortc:laal lnstru beell loll ow Ml



~I ·~~...,... ... ~,__;.:;-:;17'.

.! c


SIJr s~

President }Unklln D Roos· ..... ~


ea-er""· nee-e e:., r ... oes ·coo reccr.:ers

$ "e"CO se·s . '0dtOS

or repe ., r;;r = c: t~e otoove

101 R1 .. , ""· MO •·2000 C-•1 4' Ale ... lteto.

OVERHEARD on'-! sluden~ telling anoth~r thal DeG~ull has so man) ')es· mtn wut~· tn for him lhat Franc<' shoul II< ·aUed th• "Land of Nod.'


RENT · SALES · REPAIR ONhiftt £ TY•l• t 5'1ffl le1

1111DISTAU TYl'tW11nu Co. • • 7 sa..-.. ,.... . ""-"- 4-~lt, ..... PEPSI ~

Taste that beats the others cold!

Student Board Allots Olson S800 For Trip Tbt Clllz• n Ambassador

Prosram, people to peOJ>le tour. •as 'lven lbe i::e~ Usbt, 1ccordln1 to Shannon Carlson, ASB aecretary.

P. A. Olson. Ylcc-1Ie !dent t!IPC!, .. II allotU!d $800 bn nccd"d to so on lb ulp. Olson will le:"" June II a!IO "Ill travel throuch th Mlddl Eut lO Turkr1, lrAn. J iltla ECYPI Cyprus. lstael 1U111 Ital,y.

Miss Carlaon said lhia• James Cro""· advisor. au 1~sted that Olaon .-rite a letter a day IO aend back ·o tbe scnool 10 tnron11 th Student Boe.id or bis &etlYI· lies and to llld him In ch tnr

t speeches later. A tape re-corder was sucge&1od lnst,.ad of the lette IS.

P. A. Ctlrlstlanson. NIJC president, gavo the student board m!dltlonal Information 10 ald tne budget comm!ttf'e. He sal d that a II re es "Ill remain tbl' same except the Student Srt\•lc:e F'ce haa l>Pcn mtsed $3.00.

The Student AcUvlUf's Com· mtuee and thr Cardinal Review havP asked ror more rnonC)'. Speedy R~lll.Y. ASB prealdt>nt, ..aJd that ''allous clubs also need mone)· bccausr orriatncprlces. He 11unc111ed the budret committee talle lhla tnio consldrtatlon.

Jane Hurts. reprrsentlna A\\'S, Informed Student Board of a pamphlet they ••shed printed ror dtstttbuUon at reelstratlon. She reque11t•!d runds ror the prlnUnc.


Aoout a dozen Jackets baVf: been turned In 10 the reels· t:ar's ornce durtna lb" ucond semesier and students are asked to call ror them at I.heir nrst OPPOrtunlly. Garments "tllch are still hel'f' at tbe end of tbe semt-t>lt•r will be donated to the Good" lll Industries.

MARC SU Beauty Salon & Scllool

E,eruno O""' '0 r 1Vtor

lor YOUf con--.r 1«"n<eo

322\) Sloe""o' A••· MO A·3S10


Dr E;.1. P· ao:h was a !l;>ecllu Elles' at uie =etln or lb" Dames Club. lobr 3. In the V.alnut Room. D-. Priddy ,.as presrted "'1lb .. cit! la •PJlieclaUoc or hls ycan1 11 NIJC A ;x>eci

"Macie: Blew". c d I:)' Lola L:;uley .-.,. l!lad a::.d a ,rn o: th b:ew a Ice b::a.Dd 0: tea '11'1 al5o prr­sented to hie.

'I'll Luc le Lall w-ur;r n• d • •

Dess n Ml'll Be HTnr.l


L. .. un It J Barb O<l"nbl. ,.;; I o: lbe seYeD Dlstrtblll~e EdJeallon Club& or A::irllca delecues fro:::i Idaho acboola •bo attended the :-:ai.loDLI Uad~r· ti hip Confrrence Apr! l 27-30 In HOUlltOD, Tens.

ln·in participated In Manarr­ment Decision Maldnc-\ler· chandislnc cocpetl:.on.

Mt1111 Odenbausll ..-as • hosteu for the Courtesy Co:ps, '"blcb cue dl:ecnans and answered QuesU!IAS co:i · ccmtna the confel'l!nee. Sile ali.o dlsUlblled ldallo Potato pins \\1th ltlases. Lai.or stw­had plc1ur.is taken !1a a Cal· Homla t.shlon cai;a:la ''Mis& T<"en"

Eich! bunci'ed drleptn from :?O States and Pu ::o Rico attended lbe coatrre::ee. \lls.. Od<'nba.,...


,.,. o lool':.6 " : prrsenled, May 6, IO .ht r aldents of &Inset Terrace. The donois are me:nbers of :be :-llJC chapter or the Idaho !lome Economics Allsociallon.

Tbe looms, which were usecs 1n the Home Economl~ art cla.ss, will be used by the elderly people for recr<'a· lion lbPrapy.



MODERN DRUG AND GIR CENTER Specializing in Co/le91oro HHJs

for Hoo/th onJ Hopprnoss

Our Plozo RutHroal

PlooH• Polo10 and Ptn•


PASTEURIZED MlllC MEANS 10 0 % SAFE M ILK - .. o- ... - a-. "-" h - l-..y

COEUR D' ALENE CREAMERY 30~ N. I" •• r •our ' '

NORAD Band Given Standing Ovation At NIJC

Th !>ORAD BAnd und r lb ousic'al d • tlon or r.. Col. \'le Molze• p• nlf'CI 11 "Cal nead r :W c" to a b.: i aud In Ill :.1JC ip-=aslw:i IQ) 111 8 p.m Tbl.s f=s OQC't'rl band =be·" ~5 &!Id a -=om d fl.'d «Ml or the op bands In 1b ll&UOn Tb POd WU al:a•cd •ltb Oaruldlll Cape A C f'lltt' t tanl muskal dtr cto:

Fol DYlnl lh :.:-tU n:al Anlh of Canad:l 1111<1 Uw t;:ilted Sl&ln lbe pco rf ormane opened llitll ' Tb :-ORAD s~rr.. wtlb nam1 r. Thr !lrat haU : tb p:ocram In ctudad 11 • ra1 od m 01

ccintei::;ioruy w •ks. bJ sue cocpoSC'rs u :; lyhlx-1 Ro' r SI.ton and P t11lcll U!, a aPU as a r "' numtx-rs wilt Latill and F'r~~ll fbvora anti s medley rrom "Oltl11h na". The !au r •as th onlr U· ample nollced " th i=rk d 1ntonallon probl ms

Tbe band rrodu ed overall nnr balance and cood ton e1r~toa althouch lh cla 11c1 uctlon could tt:n'1! us more supper! Tb upp r •Inds we:e oflt>n aubm 11 bJ lbr solid and ln:pr ulve b.-...ss aecll na, 001 the u cellenoe In p rfo:mance o: the wbole band cancels out the few cilnci.r lmperfectlona.

F l!owtnc Int n:'lissloa lbe • C~ rs" Dan~ O:cbcs· tra aumbl! rlllr 18. replaced Ill cocce rl b:uld and lhls t.-01:p procel'Cled IO cbarci lb al"'ad,y zccclJ(h'e aUd•ence ••tll a va:Jed POrtrtil of dan<:t> music Ont rsperaed with huc:o:) In the at.rles of some f&mOUJl danc .. bands. llUCh &II Stan Kt!'lllOll, Benll,J Goodl:WI Tomiey and JlllUllT D rs Y. Glen l>llllc: and l..IL•~nc Vl'el>:.

The t.inal portion o! the concert lnoucht back the con· cert band to ~rfi,rm In a llchter •·eln 11J1d lnclud~>d se<cral arrangements by lnnd members. M05t lntereatlns and el!ccll~c • re an unu&ulll and unique o.rrance llM'Dt ol "sound o~ :.tuslc" c:edle1. 11nd .. Zorba thl' Gr elL". tbe latter bclnc extremei, L~· • ntou.s ~d r&th r =onnn· tloaal and Included audJ nee pa.-tldparlon and a rew uo :1· pectednen1.11 - c:usicall7 a::1l htm:orous)J.

The baad'a &u;ie:b eon ~ was ~warded t;r a atandine on:. -:in. In : 11:m, the band e~o·ed "'1tll a ve:, ~ut!Cul and ciOY!ng pezforman~ o! Ul Ca...,.11..1" Ora '1'"' Ill


Taste that beats the others cold!

~LOOK· 5'n.JPJ~WHEN T 5AIP WE'D IX>A f!l'.INTIH6 IN Tl-IE NU~ --- - "

Cards Whitewash Whitworth JV's

S ,.. · I '. ho Junior Collea~ CaraU1JSls bol1tNcd their 11c1111on record to ~-8 as I.hey a•atled Ule \\hltworth Junior nr lty 8·0 In Coeur d'Alene. M.ly ~.

Uld ~ c:ltChtr Dave Cor· b<!lll. :.1JC d11pl11yed both EOO<I d tensive and offeMlv" baseball. Out runnlns and OUI hltllnc tbe Pirates, NIJC talllod 12 bite. Cori..IU accounted ror rour hits and drovii 111 t111e11 run:s to bac& up th three hit Pllchtnc or tluee hurlers. llOlt ICOltU a H It WWJV OOOOOOOOOOJS NtJC 210 OOJ 10a I IJ J

ot .. America tbl.' &-autUul". At !hi.a POlnl It Ill n@cos•ar7

10 note that althouah this con· cert wu somewhat Iona. accordlnc to &0me, It waa e1tr .. mt'I) •"II donl' and deserved b<!tl('r maMe1'11 from the audl nee, quite a f~• or whom O<Jpn to walk out durlnc the las: number an<% durlna the 11pplauae. II only takes a few more moments to reml.in and show lbt! appreciation due to llUCh an OUISlandlnc llClUp, ana ll also takes a few momen111 to dJ&pl&J' to every· one a sad lack o! ellQuette b7 l a>1c1 ix-ro:e tbe pe:· ' r ~· :'<led and :be

.: .,.. up.


• . ~I.IC .. ~ aaou froci " .. "' • American atatioa on Sbe r:aa A TI!. was repainted 11-' '" \ 0 eten1n•a Club. V.ork

-.r. . April 2G.

C oeur d 'Alene Laundry Ir Dry Cleane"

• w clean •1>o bt's• one

<ld.r •he r~s •

(C 01.,.,\ •l,o• I•)



J01 F•O"•


A r~pr~st•ntallv• from thtt F'olleU Book Co. will bl! at NlJC, 8 00 a.m • May :?0, to bu.)' US<ld books from aludenl&. Tb~ rtprnaontatlv, will i.iy used books ror the company and for th,. coll,.1e b<loketore. B~tnc and •~!Uni: \\Ill be In thf!t bookstore. DCCOn11nc IO Mrs. Eileen And rson. l>OOk· &IOI" m..na~•r

Bible Students Speak In SUB

.. w .. are sllarlnK tht love of Jeau~ Chrla1. Juua la the Joy ot U vine ror us and we want otber peopJP 10 know about him and ecc••pt him."

Thia was the purpo11 ... of 26 atud~nts who vll!ltf'd NIJC, Aortl 26. Th"Y attend PraJrle Bl bl• lnslltutl" n~ar Thr~u Kiib, Alb<-rta. Canada. Th t> lnwrdenomtnallonul

1roup stoppo•d In Coour d' Alenr on their tour. The1 will proceed south alone the coast. stoppln~ In 13 towns, and 11.niah at a convenuon In ChJcaeo. accordlntt IO Martha Goetzman, a membf'r ot the croup and a former s1Udc11t or NIJC.

Dw ln1 1ne v1s11 the croup tallted to s:ud,.nts and passed a:ound queallonnalrea aalUoc reUciOU5 opinions. T•O or tile aroup addlessed the stu· deoi. In tne SL'B.

V.bl le 1n Coeur II' Alene I.hey beld 1111ae: mc<"Uop. one In front of Ra:llakellau and worked on lb<'lr cood Utera· cure ca=pa1cn. They also aold Clrl.sUan books. The taisll.Y o! P~ldent

Tileodore Roosevelt wu pro­bablY !be rowdlut. Tbr boJ'• r > D rode thPll ponlP5 DIO lb" 'il'bll.- Haus.-.

Hagadone Building . .. EYEllSOll'S JEWELllY

301 si. . .......

.lloloM •·!093 . . . !FLOYD'S CAllEllA CEllTEll

303 si. .......


byJurC~·• NUC can be proud of th<'

lln<' t'lhlb!Uon dlsplu·od by th• Cards ID lht'lr ... , elx balleb&.11 pm~s. Afl<>r str"· Ins tbroucb hard work all -oa Ions tbr Cards ha\1! dlsplayedsom<' 1nteruuncand entertalnln1 bUeblUl. Coach Blo~om and bis squad ba ,.,, worlted bald thJs yur and bave allt'ads surpass,.d tbc banlt'r of the loslnc suealc wllb the oppos111!' • wlnnlni;; stlt'&ll. Thi• Is the toniest wlnnlns streak that XIJC bu bad In tbn!C yeara. Congrat­ulaUons•

camp WI clays ha\ e COffif> and cone and many w1>re actJv~ In maltln it tb,.m the success they w1>rl' this yrar. To those who worked so bud lo put togelhcr a bed for t.b,. bed race competlllon and to those who tntNcd thP trl· cycle aaces and th~ various other resUvllles .,,. can o!fPr no prizes or trophies but onl.Y the much deserv~ Ca-i· ORATULATIONS for havtn11 the courace and the Ume lo co ahead and rel•·uc tbl' tenalons or pre·Onals.

NLJC track men Uni.shed out the seuon ,.Ith a lrlp to Puco. May 4. This year's track team, allboullh not hav· Ins lb~ depth or thP. oth•1 teams that tbry bavP compP!cd aplnst. has shown sporuo­man·llkc &pl rll In all compe· Ullon and has worked very hard to rurthrr the name or HIJC and Its track propam llll a good competitor amon1 th«.> stendlnp or the olbN uco 110lle1es.

NIJC golfers hnve 1&kt•11 advantaae onct' oll(l.ln of somr cood weathN to go with th• bad uxpcrlcnc~d throu(lbout the neuon. The NlJC 11011 IA!am end11d th•· seuon wllh comll('llllon a plnat Columblu Ballln Collot1P, WSU F'rotth and tile n~u rby rl vu I or Spo· klnc! Communlly Coll"ao. Concrotulatlonn or• In ordt'f for tho&o whQ h11 v1• work .. d hard to d1•\'l.'lop o oompctltJw• coif !Pam Ol NIJC, To Warren ("B(lulrt"l Kl•11lln1 ror bla work with hl11 tram und to Lhe !acuity and admlnlnlrfltlon ror allowlna the 11thlell'IJ of not onl,y soil bul o lhN Rport: . olA.sa tJmc tu eompetr,

Prr&ldent f'111nklln Roo11t•­vel1 served 1hc lon1011t tlm1-. 1933·45.

Timi!' on your hand•' II-• v o ' frtcnd< or rt..

BALL AND CUE 4l1 :>hermon

f...,f)' W•d,..•dor 11 Lodi., Nlglt1 L • ., ... To Pa. , G•lf

For e Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake 0ty lanes, Inc. 2414 N. '-"' St •• c:..,., d'" I•••

Cards Win Two From EWSC Frosh

The Ni..;c ...,·'" ~ai .11 nlneo made o c)ran aw p, \';iy 6. os :bey down d ,_.,., m llAShrn11on Stille Coll P' 3·2 and 3·1 ln a dl.lublenead~r here.

Tiie doub.e vlctol)" on !ht' NIJC diamond notoni:. pt:sMd lh<' aea.50ll 1 rd to 8-8. bit ui..nded the Caro.. wrnnln' streak 10 sHcn pm • Ions· eat In the mc.'not:Y or bli:seball rans In the LUe Cit)

A stol~ bnsc and nro oon­secutf ve thro'AUJE errora hand~d the Cardlna Is a 3·2 win ou:: th Sana~ In rh~ opeoN. A !!• ·hlt fourth lnnlni: dro,,. llOrn s 3-1 •lc­to:y In the la :e cam •

Tie<I L\l.1> .. 11 &In inc O rst lnnloi: or th opener :\IJC found :.he wtnn•ni: ..-ay In !be elsllth Inning when shor..11:.op Don lfolom w;11lktd. Auempc· llli to steal second U". Holom ad,'llnt:ed :o lltlrd wben the Eutt'ra ca:~h r bounced the bill over the econd base rnan·s he11d. Holc.::i •unnlne ~' full speed from second to third base saw ano:her wild thro"' ci> O\'rt Ille UU:d bue man and advanc d r.o home plo.lc. 11Corlnc thet ..-1nn1n1 run.

Cardinal bats wrr,. 11wlnl· Inc In lb,. tui;t pme but not In proper sequr.nc:e, F'lrat bl..aeman D1l vt Nipp missed a pe rr"ct a fttt noon at the plate .. h,.n hi! &truck out his fourth time up. )':lpp tslammed out thr<?c alnel~a before bcln1 callr>d on two called str1kes and a cut.

Rick Sv.e~n~y rapped a doubl~ nod a sins.JI), ndlt 0Pldrr l.Ar:y l'eumBn hit 11\0 11tnde11 und Davt1 B?llr.:, Holom 11nd Darci! Drlskrl coll~cU?d on" 11lnl!le apiece

Neumnn .ta IL d out to lose baa,.balls In th" second pmr altN warmlna up In lhe fiflll. Ht hit a trip!~ In tho fourth lnnlni:. but was cut oU Ill th,. plat" o.& Sipp 1tround d to th~ •hortstop.

llolom slnalr>d to put t"'n men on btls" befort< t'enter· 0• Id• r Dure" Drlskel Cl('lU d lhr bal( \\ llh II trtpl<!, Buck• nrr hit a 11lni:l1• an~ Swecr. co11n1 ct••d !or a aec:ond tin only to bo lrfl at ntndod (•D lrlsr•.

NoulTICln c rackml a 111011• for hlM f()Unh hll or th• dr>ubltt·lwa~ r. D<>nn} 81'1ld· wry. who c11m In to a11ch for D~•· Corhdll \n 1. d



MISSOURI LUNCH (Of' . .s'.\1f4'1t



°''"" ... p


Tu.dn ;11.hant.i. f ~ l'" home dlamcnd SIJC Cordrn •on t .. o &11!1.l&h~ cam lro:ii Columbia &&In Coll ' ,\i>rll 27, II·'.: and 6-~.

L eading bo.lt<t !or the C01rds Lall} Seuman slamm d a t:1pJP and two slnalt'S In the n:ac aamc and c:onn~ctl'd once In the second.

SborlScop Dare Beller coo· unu•;d a mld·acuon m.lly with a 1tlple. ll &Ingle \llod three rbl's. R!clt Sweene1 and D:t'"' Sipp also connectr.d twlcl'. :-Jlpp's first time up res"'Jl:l"d in a three run tmmc run

Sipp and :\euman lead Ute sue ba:t1n1t "''lb a•erai;,s above .300.

BUI SChU"lZ won the fl.rM burllnc contest by Ol'lDI t:P oaly tour runs tlftd La.zry seu­maD woo the second a ne: relle\'lnl: Ron Buckner In 1be fou~h lnnlng.

Cardinal Catcher Oa.'-e Cor· belll 1lspped two l>1ncWI In the aecono p,-,ie. Th" Cards ral)J>ed 13 hlLS In the tl:st and se,-en ID the second con· !<>st. BOX SCORES

P'lnt o. .. R H £ CDC - 100 0 l ' "UC l02 JtO • ll 1J I

s..-o-CBC uo lOO 0 • 1 J llUC ooo ::•o • • T -twice. BOll ICORU

"'"" o.-. a H E PSC 200 - 00 : . J SIJC lOO 000 01 ) 10 •

ht;:Ood c....m. ltWIC 000 OJO 0 I • • l<IJC 000 JOO a J • ,

HULA ENRAPTURES A dnl!u !rom KAn"-- ,..~

stnt to Honolulu .... d _ cnraptu ~'<I by lb!! supple hula d&nceni he encountPrt,d tbelt'. H~ wrote 10 his father. "I'> cot :o tell you, Dad, that thC$P 11rls sur~ knm• ho• to •hnk hll,l whlfr h

Cards Split With WSU Frosh Nine

All r ab orb1n a 7 I los In tb opening game ot 11 doubt .. h<"Ader the NIJC base­ball t nm cam swtnclni; lla~k to do,.n \\ssblni;ton S1J11

1:n.>'l!rs11,) Frosh. 10-~ APrtl :!& u the) sturted I.he born~ 51Jlnd.

In Ure crror·fllled first i:am~ shorutop Da\-c Boller drorn in 1h cards' lone run as b• lrlpled brlnllin& Rick S"'eeney home.

:\IJC chanced the l.olblcs ea:b' In t~ second ='-'· Lndorr bitter Rick s" nc.)" cDll!lccted tor a .•Ins!~ his first ti.me up. The stnS]e ..u follo,..ed ~ o "•Id pit.eh· me s111!1llt on bt'hall o! Cou· babe pitcher Fl"lllk Herr n .,.ho ,..alked lour In a ro" to a core lb" rlrs t pal: of Ca rd ru.is. Fust bl1lieman Oa>"e Sipp and ri&bt·fielder Denny Bradbury d:o\e In the oell twocardmal runs wltll singles.

:\tpp led of! another barrace lo the fourth lnnl.oc.

Three more wallis scored :-o'IPP. Boll•r bit a double to send In two Cardinals and Card carcher Dave Corbelli cleared tbe sacks with a double. Don Holom connected with a sln&Ie but was left stranded on hnsl' as the Cards cracked out a total of II bits. OOX SCORES

f'1u1 Garr•

.. 511 t .. 101 SI.JC -001

Se<ond c.. ... 11'5\' 010 OOt "UC •OO 01


" H £ , , 0 I t '

0 ' J a 10 ll •

\\inn rs or tbe "Bi n rd c;-. m • conV's' are Dou1 B<-amH first, Mike Clnrtln. s cond. and Dnn Stapleton, Ull:d. Judlllng "as \ttQ· 6, t n t.hP SUB Judrs "en.' two



:-:uc Cardino.ls dump•d Bir 8 nd Communl~ Coll· ~· :?--0 a.nd 4 I l n a doubl<' h1•ud<'r her MA) 3

Cllldinol ptl~h ·r Blll Schuetz llmH<'d th(! \'1klni:s to 11 m•n&cr thr<' hits ln thr. firs pmc and ...._~ ln complrle control dunnir. th•· .. ntlrc i;:ime as he struck out tlvr and on!,) v.alk<'d lhr .. e.

Thr Cllrd$ took :td\1lDla&e Of

a ""lk :ind two sacrlnces to collect th<' run:; In the llrst !:"me. Denny Brudbul)· 1\slk<'d

and Center fif'ld~r. Daice Drlskel. landed a Single. Both runs ,;co red on sacri­llc •s by Rick S\l.eenev and., Da\·e Boll··r. S·•<'eney hit a lone fly to C:t>nt ·r and Boller push• d Drlskel In on a ~quPeze bunt.

Bollct c:ollt>cted lhf' st>eond tilt In rbe first I Ming but wns le!t on bns.-.

Tbe Cardinal shortstop con­unued bis hot strenk ~ he dro•-e In Rick Sweeney hh; nr~t time up In the second pme niter Sweeney bad started out wllb a bit.

:-llJC hitters found the pitch· lnc to tbetr llklnc llS they collect<'d a tol&I or six bits In the second CJlllle. Boller collected two. Sweeney one. whlle Dave Corbelll, Don Holom and Denny Bnidb1uy Joined the pelr. ooir SCORl!:S

8 II I! BOC 000 000 0 0 J sue ooo o!o • 2 :

~con.de .... BOC 000 000 a L 6 NUC &20 100 a 4 6


OVERHEARD. 11 fac:ull mtmb.!r 11'11 his c:las!i thBt b!' th1• cumpnl1111 ~loimn. "P.A. ts coming" was rut nd1·trtfS•" ment for Pnncl Alber tobacco.

Dln• ... =========== IOUO~T'EV~~~l~NGIFTS "Printers of rlre

A•hl~•·c ond H1.1n1tnq £qu•IJMf!fl'



AND GIFT SHOP ft\;:~ ::ol' ~QAdl§*'I'

216 N. 4th Stret't

Oh, oh. Bet my date is the one with "personality:•


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refr~shing Coco-Colo for lhe taste yov never g el tired of. ,, , Blind dotes ore o chance. But you con always depend on e That s why things go better with Coke, ofter Coke, oFter Colee.

............ _., .. ... c....c.c..-.-r .. ,. ·' AsD rvPUI'!' OCA· COL " 801TL.::-.:•, CO\llPAS Y