niko the way to the stars -screenplay 10 5 2007 · niko & the way to the stars a family...

Niko & The Way to the Stars A family adventure tale -3D feature animation- 10.5.2007 Screenplay by Hannu Tuomainen & Marteinn Thorisson with additional dialogue by Mark Hodkinson A Production by ANIMAKER with ULYSSES A. FILM MAGMA FILMS in association with ANIMA VITAE & CINEMAKER WORLD SALES: Wolfram Skowronnek Justyna Müsch Sonnenstrasse 21 80331 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 55 876 0 Fax: +49 89 55 876 229 e-mail: [email protected]

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Niko & The Way to the Stars

A family adventure tale -3D feature animation-



by Hannu Tuomainen & Marteinn Thorisson

with additional dialogue by Mark Hodkinson

A Production by






in association with


Wolfram Skowronnek Justyna Müsch

Sonnenstrasse 21 80331 Munich

Germany Tel: +49 89 55 876 0

Fax: +49 89 55 876 229 e-mail: [email protected]




Cotton wool clouds drift through a blue sky. All is quiet and peaceful. Then the clouds tremble. A LOW ROAR grows louder. A JINGLING OF BELLS is heard.

Suddenly the clouds explode as a team of EIGHT REIN DEER thunder through. The reindeer are in harness, pulling a sle igh behind them, with a crude puppet Santa inside.

FLYING FORCES Hut-hut-hut-hut-hut-hut!

The Forces shoot up, acrobatically weaving their wa y around clouds forming them into the shape of a Christmas tree.


A feisty looking, bright-eyed reindeer boy, looks u p from grazing, and spots the Flying Forces flying overhead.

NIKO Julius! Look! It's Santa's Flying Forces!

Lying comfortably on NIKO's back, ageing flying squ irrel JULIUS, opens one eye, to look up, unimpressed.

JULIUS Not again...

NIKO gallops onward, after the Flying Forces. Juliu s barely manages to hold on.

NIKO leaps in between TWO REINDEER, knocking them i nto a wild spin on the ice. He ducks under another BIGGER REINDEER who YELPS.

REINDEER Hey, watch where you´re going, Niko! / Ooof! / Darn kid!

An old reindeer, GRANDPA, drinks from a pond. NIKO comes leaping over him, using Grandpa’s antlers as a springboard to leap further – in the process pushing Grandpa’s head straight in to the pond.

Staring up, NIKO tries to emulate the FF aeronautic al acrobatics.

3. EXT - SKY - DAY

Up above the Flying Forces climb over a cloud and t urn over. The Santa puppet falls from the sleigh. The team contin ues around the cloud, then catches the falling puppet back in the sleigh.

The head reindeer (DASHER) leads the team high up. Then the Forces shoot off at warp speed, leaving a vapour trail.



Below, NIKO comes to a sudden halt. Julius is almos t thrown off his position on NIKO’s head but holds onto his antl ers.

NIKO gazes enraptured up at the Flying Forces disap pearing over the horizon behind a tall fell.


NIKO I think I know which one my Dad is.

JULIUS (A little jealous)

Don't tell me, the one who flies the fastest, jumps the highest and has the most courage?

NIKO Did you see him too!?

(big sigh) I'd do anything to be up there flying with my dad.

Julius’ expression becomes milder. He pats NIKO on the head.

JULIUS I know, I know. But these things don't happen overnight, they take practice.

NIKO But I’m always practicing.

JULIUS Sure. But you’ve got to really believe in yourself.

Julius spreads his arms and glides down. NIKO watch es.

JULIUS (cont’d) I believe you can fly. Now show me that YOU believe it!

NIKO puffs up his chest and gallops for the fell’s edge.

JULIUS That's my boy! Don’t think! Believe! BELIEVE!

NIKO jumps, flaps his hoofs like wings... and drops like a stone from view. Julius slaps a hand over his eyes.

JULIUS I don't believe it.

Julius runs to the edge. We now see that the fall w as no more than a meter. NIKO lies crumpled on the ground.


NIKO I almost flew this time, didn't I Julius?

Julius scratches his head and smiles warmly.

JULIUS You sure did, Niko.

LAUGHTER. TWO REINDEER BOYS stand at a distance and snigger.

REINDEER BOY 1 Hey, Niko! Was your Daddy a chicken?

REINDEER BOY 2 ‘Cause you fly like a chicken!

NIKO rises, angry and hurt.

NIKO My Dad's on the Flying Forces!

REINDEER BOY 2 Yeah! And my Dad's Santa Claus.

The boys laughter stings NIKO. Julius looks concern ed.

JULIUS (low, to NIKO)

Remember how we deal with bullies? Chin up...

NIKO looks up.

NIKO and JULIUS ...and just ignore them.

NIKO walks past the boys, head held high. They stil l laugh.

REINDEER BOY 2 My Daddy’s a three legged moose!

REINDEER BOY 1 Yeah! And my Daddy’s a four headed---

Suddenly two snowballs land smack in their faces.

Julius, on NIKO's back, dusts his hands, satisfied.


The sun is just above horizon as NIKO makes his way along a path by the hilly edge of Home Valley

NIKO I don't get it, Julius. If Dad’s really on the Forces, why can't I fly like him?


Julius wraps his sail-like webbing around him, like a cape.

JULIUS No one knows exactly why Santa's Flying Forces have the gift of flight.

NIKO (big sigh)

Maybe those boys are right. Maybe my Dad isn’t one of the Flying Forces.

Julius jumps down to the ground beside NIKO.

JULIUS Pah! You’re ten times as brave as those boys! Just pretend they’re not there.

NIKO You’re right, Julius.

JULIUS (pleased with himself)

Thank you.

NIKO changes direction, and starts climbing an incl ine.

NIKO I’ll go practice flying at Antler’s Hill where they can’t see me.

Julius does a double take.

JULIUS Hey! That’s not what I said!


Julius catches up with NIKO who is enthusiastically climbing the slope leading out of Home Valley.

JULIUS Come back here! If anyone heard you talking about going to Antler’s Hill for flying practice---

SAGA o.s. Are you going to Antler’s Hill for flying practice?

NIKO and Julius stop to see a young, pretty reindee r girl, SAGA, raise her head over a small mound. NIKO is uncomfor table and self-conscious in her presence.

NIKO No definitely not. No way.


Saga trots over, stops in front of NIKO.

SAGA Can I come along?

NIKO (eager)

Would you?!

He blushes, suddenly realizing his eagerness has sh ed a little light on his feelings for Saga.

JULIUS No one is going anywhere! Least of all to Antler’s Hill for flying practice!

LEADER o.s. (deep, booming voice)

Antler’s Hill?!

THE LEADER, a large, powerfully built reindeer step s forward.

LEADER How many times have you been told, Niko? Sneaking out of Home Valley is strictly forbidden!

NIKO lowers his head, guiltily.

NIKO Yes, sir.

Julius jumps down from NIKO’s antlers.

JULIUS Niko wasn’t sneaking anywhere. I asked him to come and help me...uh, pick up my Aunt Sally. She hasn’t been well. (calls o.s.) Aunt Sally!

He runs off and returns with a crudely sculpted sno w figure of an old female flying squirrel. A few reindeer kids arr ive to see the spectacle.

JULIUS Everybody, this is my Aunt Sally.

Julius puts a hand over his mouth and looks around innocently as his 'Aunt Sally' speaks.

JULIUS (Doing Aunt Sally)

Hello everybody! I'd better be going now.


(As Julius) I'll take you.

(As Aunt Sally) Such a good boy.

As Julius turns to leave, Aunt Sally's head falls o ff.

JULIUS Let me get that for you.


As Julius bends down to pick up Aunt Sally's head T he Leader can't help but smile.

LEADER Alright, alright. But it won't be so funny if the wolves see you. We're only safe here in the valley as long as the wolves don’t know it exists. That’s why NO-ONE leaves Home Valley.

SAGA Yes, Dad.

NIKO Yes, sir.

The Leader turns to leave. Julius becomes serious a gain.

JULIUS You heard our Leader. I don’t want to hear anymore talk of going to Antler’s Hill! Is that clear?

NIKO and SAGA Okaaaay, Julius.

Julius nods satisfied and heads back down the slope .

JULIUS Finally I’m getting through to you.

Saga and NIKO exchange a furtive glance and smile.

NIKO (low to Saga / winks)

See you tomorrow at Antler’s Hill.


NIKO lies down. OONA, NIKO’S MOM licks his neck to clean him, Julius tucks moss beside NIKO to keep him warm.



Mom. Why does nobody believe that my Dad is one the Flying Forces?

OONA – still young, but overworked - sighs.

OONA Well, no one ever met him, apart from me.

NIKO Mom. Tell me about Dad, again.

OONA exchanges glances with Julius. Both roll their eyes.

NIKO looks pleading. Oona smiles. She can't say no to him.

OONA Okay... Your Dad was the handsomest reindeer in Santa's Flying Forces.

NIKO jokingly strikes a handsome pose.

NIKO That must be where I get it.

His mother smiles.

OONA It was the day after Christmas, and I went out on my own, looking for moss. Suddenly the Flying Forces landed right in front of me! Santa's sleigh had broken down.

NIKO And what happened then?

OONA That's when I met your Dad. He was a real daredevil and once he’d fixed the sleigh, he took me for a spin.


A reindeer pulls Santa´s sleigh, glances back at Oo na´s pov.

OONA o.s. (Laughs)

It was magical, flying through the clouds high above the valley... But then he had to leave.

The sleigh shoots off, disappears in the distance.


The smile fades from Oona's face and she gets up.



After that I never saw him again.

Julius, still tucking NIKO in, looks displeased.

JULIUS If “Daddy” was so great, how come he never came to visit his son?

Oona sends Julius a pointed glance for raising the question.

OONA Well... He never knew Niko here would be born that very next spring.

NIKO But why didn't you go and tell him?

Oona settles in on a bed of moss of her own.

OONA Because he lives with the Flying Forces in Santa's Fell and no-one knows the way there.

NIKO Don't you miss him?

Oona laughs and nudges NIKO playfully.

OONA No! I have one man in my life and he's quite enough.

JULIUS Now go to sleep, Niko!

Julius climbs a tree, adjacent and lies down on a b ranch. The sky above Home Valley is clear and the stars twinkle br ightly.

NIKO (O.S) Moooom... What is Dad's name?

OONA (O.S.) Good night, Niko.


Pan down from the starry sky to a dark ravine. A wo lf approaches a dark corner: SMILEY big and battle marked. A scar r uns from one corner of his mouth, giving the impression of a gri n.

A low growl emanates from the corner. Two red, evil eyes are visible in the shadows, staring at Smiley.

SMILEY More bad luck, boss. No reindeer anywhere.


LOW, MENACING GROWL from the shadows and Black Wolf appears.

BLACK WOLF We need reindeer! We need food!

A loud munching, chewing and swallowing sound i s heard. SPECS O.S. Mmmm. Tasty…

Black Wolf, Smiley and the wolves turn to see a wol f, SPECS, tearing moss off a stone and eating with relish. Specs look s up.

SPECS One word: Moss. Reindeer eat moss. We eat reindeer. I'm simply cutting out the middle man.

Black Wolf growls angrily, causing Specs to choke o n the moss.

BLACK WOLF Our luck MUST change! Go out there. Find food! Find reindeer!


NIKO comes bounding right at us, looking determined . He doesn’t see a stub of root sticking up from the snow, trips and instead of leaping gracefully into the air, flies over the edg e of a low hill, flips and spins, lands with a thump, rolls onward, into a snowball.

Sound of bright laughter. NIKO’s head pops out of t he snowball to see Saga, at a distance, giggling. NIKO blushes.

NIKO (macho / to Saga)

Crash landing maneuver. Never know when you're going to need it.

As he struggles to free himself, he notices Julius in front of him, arms crossed over his chest, looking angry.

JULIUS I thought I’d find you here! What do you have to say for yourself, young man!?

NIKO (low, desperate / to Julius)

You've got to help me. I've been making a fool of myself all morning. Please.

NIKO sends him his trademark, pleading look. Julius stares back, determined not to be won over.

JULIUS None of that. It’s dangerous out here. Straight back to Home Valley with you!


But NIKO’s eyes are so big and pleading. Julius sig hs.

JULIUS All right, but only for one minute.

(thinks) Maybe you don't have to fly. Maybe you could glide. It's really just falling but slower.

NIKO (brightens)

Hey, I’m great at falling!

JULIUS Good! Now, climb to the top of that tree and -

Behind them, Saga overhears this.

NIKO (Under his breath to Julius)

Are you crazy?! Reindeer don't climb trees, that's just dumb!

SAGA Wow, I didn't know reindeer could even climb trees! Are you really gonna do it?

NIKO And don't try to stop me!


At the edge of the woods, two wolves appear. Specs and Smiley exchange glances. Smiley grins at seeing the reinde er.


NIKO stands below the tree. It seems very high and he very unsure. Still he climbs. NIKO’s hoofs slip on the branches. After gravity defying steps he skids off a branch and falls. His leg gets caught between branches. He dangles upside down.

Saga giggles. Julius sighs, slapping a palm over hi s face. NIKO puts on a grin and looks around.

NIKO Now that's a view. Breathtaking.


Smiley and Specs peer over a small incline.

SPECS No wonder reindeer have been so hard to find.

SMILEY What're you on about, Specs?


SPECS They’ve started living in trees.

Smiley growls, annoyed at Specs’ sense of humou r.


Saga steps up close to NIKO, hanging from the tree.

SAGA Don't worry Niko, I know you'll fly one day.

NIKO Really? You think so?

She nods. Suddenly NIKO’s eyes widen in shock and h orror.

Behind Saga, he sees Smiley and Specs stealthily ap proaching.

NIKO (Terrified)

Wo... wo... wo...

Saga frowns, puzzled at NIKO’s change of expression .


He shouts loudly in her face, then falls from the t ree and lands in a heap before Saga who now clocks the predators.


NIKO scrambles to his feet.

JULIUS Run kids!

Julius glides down on his webbed hands from the tre e, heading straight for Specs and Smiley. Smiley jumps and sna tches at Julius who evades him, gliding in circles.

JULIUS (scared but hiding it) Hah! That the highest you can jump, wolfie!

SMILEY You wait ‘til I get my paws on you, squirrel!

Julius glides so fast in circles, that Smiley and S pecs get dizzy watching him.

SPECS Ugh… I… I feel sick…


As they both leap for him, Julius shoots out of the way. Specs and Smiley crash into one another.

SMILEY You let them get away, you moss eater!


Julius glides into the woods, glancing behind him.

JULIUS Look where you’re going, boys!

He hits a tree-trunk and falls down dazed onto a br anch.


NIKO and Saga walk backwards. He drags a branch in his mouth to cover their footprints. They stop, scared and out o f breath, and he drops the branch.

NIKO They shouldn't be able to find our tracks now.

NIKO looks. The wolves are nowhere to be seen. Sile nce.

NIKO (cont’d) (NIKO turns)

Come on, Saga. We've got to warn the herd!

Saga nods and the two hurry off. A beat. Then the p aws of Smiley and Specs appear. They watch NIKO and Saga leave.


The reindeer graze, unconcerned. Suddenly NIKO and Saga leap down the hill into the valley.

NIKO (out of breath)

Wolves! We saw them!

The Leader and Grandpa look up concerned.

GRANDPA Are you sure they didn't follow you?

NIKO Yes, Grandpa, we lost them.

Just then a piercing, blood-curdling wolf's howl is heard. All reindeer in the valley look up to see Smiley appear from the woods. Smiley grins at the sight.



Black Wolf will be pleased! (to Specs coming behind him)

Come on, Specs. Let’s eat!

SPECS I’m stuffed, thanks. Just had some moss.

Smiley runs down.

BELOW: NIKO and Saga register horror and surprise.

LEADER (to the herd)

Defensive formation! Men on the outside! Women and children on the inside! Hurry!!

Leader and Grandpa, run in large protective circles around the women and children. The other male reindeer follow suit.

NIKO's mom, Oona, sees her son; hurries over to him . NIKO, Saga and Oona huddle together as the herd of reindeer go faster and faster, kicking up snow-dust.

OONA Stay tight together, children!

Through the blur we glimpse the frightened NIKO.

Smiley and Specs run for the herd, which has now be come a fast moving, indistinct blur.

Smiley picks out Grandpa, run alongside him, matchi ng his speed. Smiley leaps, but suddenly The Leader jumps into fr ame, antlers jutting forward, blocking his way.

Smiley attacks, and the Leader defends himself with his antlers.

LEADER (to herd)

Emergency evacuation!

The herd stops running in circles and runs off. The Leader defends the retreat by knocking Specs away, with his antler s. Smiley leaps on The Leader and the two roll on the ground, fight ing.

NIKO and Saga look back in fear.

NIKO Faster, Saga! Faster!

The Leader knocks Smiley to the side with his antle rs, then runs after the herd, but he’s hobbling badly, his face i s scratched.

The herd passes through a narrow opening, out of Ho me Valley. Saga and NIKO still look back, worried.


SAGA Hurry up, Dad!

The Leader runs as fast as he can, but is tired and wounded. Smiley gains on him. The Leader reaches the exit, S miley right behind.

The Leader knocks down a large branch, with his ant lers. The branch holds up a several pieces of timber, hidden under a blanket of snow. The timber comes loose and rolls down an i ncline.

Smiley looks up, just in time to see the timber bur ying him and closing off the narrow opening. The Leader, wounded , struggles to rise.

LEADER Move on! Move on!

On the other side of the rubble, Smiley’s tail stic ks out of the timber. Silence. Specs arrives, leisurely; looks ar ound.

SPECS Hey, mate, you let them get away.

Smiley’s tail rises and bristles. A growl from unde r the timber.


Julius, a bump on his head, glides through the air, worried. He brightens as he spots the herd below. He lands on N IKO’s antlers.

JULIUS Niko!? Are you all right?!

NIKO doesn’t reply, but looks guiltily at The Leade r, wounded and hobbling, supported between two reindeer. Saga look on, concerned.

Grandpa steps onto a rock.

GRANDPA Everyone… Stay calm…

(steel in his voice now) Who left the valley and led the Wolves to us?

NIKO bows his head in shame as he steps forward.

NIKO I... I was sure they didn't follow us

GRANDPA Flying practice, again, was it? Look what your silly dream has cost us! Our home and very nearly our lives!

NIKO gulps, his lower lip quivers as he battles the tears and the guilt. Oona stands up to take position beside NIKO.


OONA That's enough. He's just a boy, he didn't mean for any of this to happen. (Beat) The wolves will be back and when they do, there will be many. We must keep moving.

The Leader looks despondent, as he sighs.

LEADER Oona is right. We have to keep moving ... Where to... I do not know.


The herd walks through foggy snowfall, NIKO just be hind Oona. NIKO slows down. His mother continues, not noticing as N IKO disappears into the snowdrift.


Grandpa walks with Reindeer 1. NIKO appears from th e snowdrift behind them. He listens.

REINDEER 1 o.s. That boy NIKO is a jinx.

GRANDPA o.s. Unreliable. How can you trust a boy who thinks he can fly?

NIKO hangs his head and slips back into the snowdri ft.


NIKO re-appears from the snowdrift. Up ahead, he se es The Leader, walking along with Saga. He overhears them.

SAGA If only I hadn't gone with Niko, Dad, then we’d still have a home...

LEADER I don’t want you playing with Niko again. Next time he might bring death to us all -

In the shadows, NIKO looks sad. He slips away.


Julius glides in the air beside Oona, scanning for wolves. They don’t notice as NIKO appears from the snowdrift beh ind them.

OONA I don’t know what to do with the boy, Julius.


He just doesn’t listen.

Oona heaves a big sigh. Julius gives her a sympathe tic look.

JULIUS He’ll grow out of it, Miss Oona.

OONA From now on, there will be no more mention of his father or of flying lessons!

NIKO looks confused for a moment.

Then, instead of approaching them, he slips in betw een the snow and fog, and disappears into darkness.


The snow has stopped, the moon comes out, revealing the landscape. Nothing moves. Julius glides down toward the moving herd below.


Julius lands in front of Oona.

JULIUS No wolves to be seen.

(looks about) Where’s Niko?


Oona and Julius pace around, looking at every reind eer.

JULIUS / OONA Niko...? Niko?! / Niko where are you?!

The Leader stops in front of Oona. Saga is beside h im.

OONA Niko's gone! We have to go back and find him!

SAGA (upset)

Yeah, Dad! We have to find Niko!

LEADER I’m sorry Oona, but we must continue. Otherwise the wolves will track us down.

OONA I'm not leaving without my son!

She hurries back the way they came. The Leader step s in her way.



(harsh) No one leaves the herd! What if the wolves find your tracks? You’ll bring them down on us!? We’ll all die!

JULIUS Our Leader is right, Miss Oona. This is a job for me. I can avoid the wolves by flying and spot the boy from the air.

Julius leaps from a stone, up into the air. Oona st ill looks worried and unsure.

OONA You must promise to bring him back, Julius!

JULIUS Don’t you worry about a thing!

Oona watches apprehensive as Julius flies off.


NIKO walks alone through woods.

Further back, Julius glides among the treetrunks, s canning the ground below. He spots NIKO and glides towards him.

JULIUS Niko! Wait!

Julius lands in a tumble in front of NIKO.

NIKO Don’t try to stop me, Julius.

NIKO purses his lips, determined, and ploughs onwar d.

JULIUS Me? Stop you? Wouldn’t dream of it.

(starts walking beside him) Where are we going?

NIKO glances suspiciously at Julius.

NIKO I’M going to Santa’s Fell. I’M spending Christmas with my Dad.

JULIUS Great idea.

NIKO stops, surprised.

NIKO Really? You think so?


JULIUS Sure!... Only...there’s one small detail: Nobody knows where Santa's Fell is.

Julius gently redirects NIKO back to the way they c ame.

JULIUS (cont’d) So why don’t we go back to the herd and ask around and maybe someone might know.

NIKO pulls free of Julius and continues on his way.

NIKO I know where it is.

Julius' smugness vanishes and he does a double take .

JULIUS You do?!

NIKO nods to the big fell in the distance.

NIKO The Flying Forces always disappear behind that big fell on their way home.

JULIUS (runs to keep up)

So does the moon, big guy.

NIKO It means Santa's Fell must be on the other side of it.

JULIUS (stops in front of NIKO)

Nonsense! I have to be strict with you young man. I'm drawing this line here

(draws line in snow with foot) ... and if you cross it, I will...

NIKO crosses it, heading toward the fell. Julius fo lds his arms, offended and hurt, watching NIKO walk away.

JULIUS Fine. But you’re on your own, Niko. I’m leaving.

(stomps feet, pretends to walk) Hear that? That’s me, leaving.

(stomps feet) Leaving, leaving, leaving.

NIKO (bitter)

Good. 'Cause I'm a jinx and unreliable.

NIKO (cont’d)


(hangs his head, sad now) You're better off without me.

Julius gulps. His anger dissolving into sympathy an d sadness.

JULIUS Wait a minute - Did you say Santa's fell!? Are you kidding me!? I've always wanted to go there. Lots of toys, right?

He runs after NIKO.

JULIUS And elves! Who doesn't love elves!?


NIKO and Julius climb the side of the big fell. The y're treading fresh snow and are both exhausted.

JULIUS Let's... let's take a break...phew...

Just then, Santa's Flying Forces zoom overhead, the y do a figure eight turn, then disappear over the fell.

NIKO The Flying Forces! We're almost there! I told you Santa's fell was on the other side!

With the last ounce of his strength, NIKO manages t o reach the top. He stands up, triumphant.

But instead of Santa's Fell, all NIKO sees are moun tains, fells, woods, stretching endlessly toward the horizon.

NIKO looks massively disappointed. He sinks to the ground.

NIKO But... but I was sure...

Julius arrives, panting heavily. He leans on NIKO’s leg.

JULIUS You did your best, Niko. Now let’s go back. No one will ever be able to say we gave up.

Suddenly NIKO’s leg moves and Julius falls face fir st into the snow. Julius rises: NIKO is already halfway down th e other side.

JULIUS Hey! I thought we were giving up!

Julius runs down after him.



Black Wolf paces, furious, turns to Specs and Smile y, standing below, and looms over them. BLACK WOLF How do you lose whole herd of reindeer!? SPECS Those reindeer are mean, Boss. Look at poor

Smiley, they almost crushed him to death! BLACK WOLF You two have brought nothing but bad luck! Black Wolf leaps down, raises a clawed paw, his fac e contorted in frightening anger and fury. ESSIE O.S.

Am I glad to see a friendly face! Black Wolf, Specs, Smiley and the wolves fall silen t and turn to see an incredible sight: A pink poodle dog traipses into camp, her well-groomed fur is dirty, she looks tired but beams happily.

ESSIE Hi, how d’you do? I’m Essie, nice to meet you. She settles on a rock in front of Black Wolf and Sp ecs who looks like a smitten schoolboy. ESSIE You would not believe what I’ve been through! One minute I’m minding my own business while

the owners go skiing. Next minute it’s, like: Hello! Where are the signs? Those trees and fells all look alike! Where am I? … I must’ve been wandering around for days!

She looks up at Black Wolf who stares, still stunne d. ESSIE Be a dear and fetch me some water. I’m simply

parched! Black Wolf doesn’t move. Anger rises inside him lik e steam to the boil. Essie arches an eyebrow, turns to Specs. ESSIE (low to Specs, re Black Wolf)

Is he a little, you know, simple in the head, poor pooch?

Black Wolf’s claw snaps open. His mouth opens in a horrifying grin, revealing his sharp teeth. Essie is stunned. Looks around. The wolves look hungry and close in. A realization dawns on her… ESSIE


You’re… you’re no pooch… You’re… a wolf! She retreats, but the road out is now blocked by wo lves. BLACK WOLF

And you’re a marshmallow… Sweet and tasty!

ESSIE Y-you don’t want to eat me… I’m really useful… I… I can roll over and… fetch sticks and count to ten… and everybody says I bring good luck!

BLACK WOLF You talk too much for a marshmallow.

Black Wolf strides closer. It looks like the end fo r Essie. Then the ground trembles. A jingling of bells is heard. All look up. The Flying Forces swoop down. FLYING FORCES We’re reindeer we’re not horses, we’re

Santa’s Flying Forces, ho ho! The FF disappear up again. BLACK WOLF I hate it when they do that! He turns back to Essie, who’s trembling in panic. ESSIE

Yes, but … but The Flying Forces are nice and don’t eat anyone! They help Santa bring presents to all the children! And… and if you stop being naughty and become nice Santa might give you a job too! Then you’ll get plenty of food! Much better than eating me… right…?

The wolves snigger. Black Wolf’s claw snaps out lik e a switchblade. He raises his claw. Specs covers his eyes: He can’t watch this. Essie shuts her eyes, grimaces, expecting the worst . But suddenly Black Wolf’s expression changes. His e yes widen as an idea forms in his head… BLACK WOLF (to himself) Flying Forces… Santa Claus… presents… (eureka!) That’s it! He laughs, puts a friendly paw on the confused Essi e. BLACK WOLF You’re right, marshmallow. You do bring luck!


ESSIE I do? Essie looks confused. So do the wolves. BLACK WOLF Nobody touches the marshmallow! She’s given

me an idea! She’s our lucky charm, ha ha ha! Black Wolf turns to the pack, who look stunned. BLACK WOLF We’re moving out! Next stop, Santa’s Fell! He howls loudly.


Black Wolf's howl echoes among the hills. NIKO and Julius stop to listen. They shiver, then continue through dark, sp ooky woods.

NIKO hears something: someone singing.

WILMA O.S. (Singing a cheerful song)


ECU on the bright face of a female weasel, WILMA.

WILMA (Singing)

We PULL BACK from Wilma and turn camera at a 180 de gree angle, to reveal that Wilma is actually hanging upside down. On the branches around her are red berries. She notices Niko and Ju lius

JULIUS Do you need help, madam?

WILMA Miss! Wilma. And no, I don’t need help.

NIKO But… you’re trapped.

WILMA I’m not trapped. I’m just resting. (Whistles)

Niko exchanges glances with Julius – then Niko posi tions his antlers under Wilma, lifts her, causing her foot to o come loose.

WILMA What did you have to go and do that for?


JULIUS Hey! We saved your furry hide!

WILMA (Annoyed)

Exactly! And now I have to save BOTH YOUR HIDES before we're even. Aah, this is just great! I'm already late for a big gig in the south.

JULIUS And you thought hanging upside down was going to speed things up?

She eyes Julius warily as she nods to NIKO.

WILMA Maybe I'll just save HIS life twice.

Niko turns to head off.

NIKO Don't worry, Wilma. You don't have to save our lives.

NIKO and Julius trot off.

JULIUS We're heading north anyway.

WILMA (laughs)

That's west, Captain compass. (points)

That's north.

NIKO and Julius look embarrassed, then change direc tion.

JULIUS (Mimics her in a squeaky voice under

his breath) That's west Captain compass, that's north.

Wilma looks annoyed. As NIKO and Julius disappear i nto the woods, a snowball flies from Wilma, hitting Julius in the head.

WILMA (Giggle)


NIKO and Julius press on. The day is clear and fine . Julius sits comfortably on top of Niko’s antlers.

JULIUS (wise mentor mode)


You know, Niko, that foolish weasel can teach you one important lesson: Those who can’t read nature, will be eaten by nature.

NIKO Read?

JULIUS That’s right. Take that cloud over there, for instance. Now, what could that mean?

Julius points to a dark cloud on the horizon. NIKO is worried.

NIKO That a storm is coming?

JULIUS (laughs)

A common mistake. No, that particular type of cloud is harmless. What it means is---

A sudden gust of wind blows Julius over. The dark c loud is moving toward them very fast, bringing snow and high winds . Julius hangs onto Niko’s antlers.

JULIUS No need to be afraid, Niko. It’s just a gust.

The wind blows Julius further back. He catches Niko ’s tail.

JULIUS It’ll blow over before you know it.

The wind increases sending Julius flying off in the distance.

JULIUS Heeeeelllppp!!

NIKO Julius!!

But Julius is gone. NIKO struggles after him. The b lizzard howls like a beast, snow lashes and stings his face.

NIKO Julius!!

He is forced to stop. The snow starts covering him up more and more until he’s completely white...


Led by Black Wolf the wolves march on. A storm is b uilding. Essie walks close to Black Wolf. She notices the other wo lves sending her hungry glares, licking their lips. She struggle s in the deep snow and wind. Specs notices. He moves to walk up i n front of her.


SPECS Follow in my footsteps, it’s easier.

Surprised, Essie tries walking in Specs footsteps: It’s easier.

ESSIE Thanks.

SPECS (Coy/smitten)

Uhm, I don't want to sound gushy or anything, but I just want you to know…

ESSIE (apprehensive)


SPECS I would never eat you.

ESSIE (stunned)

That's... sweet? The wolves disappear into the snowstorm.


The snow covered NIKO. The storm has passed. All is still. The smoothness of a snowy plain on a fell top is interr upted only by the bumps of the occasional snow covered rock, tree .

The wolves appear from the snow around NIKO, shake the snow from their fur. One of NIKO's eyes flickers open. He gla nces about. His eyes widen in terror as he takes in his company.

The wolves gather. Among them Specs, who shakes the snow off Essie, and Smiley - stomach grumbling. Smiley sniff s the reindeer-shaped snowpile. He shakes his head worried.

SMILEY I'm losing it. Even the snow is starting to smell like food.

Black Wolf steps up onto a podium-like rock.

BLACK WOLF Listen up men! For years we've been forced to hunt and scavenge for our next meal. Well no more!! Thanks to our new lucky charm here…

He gestures toward Essie, who grins and shrugs in a “it- was-nothing-really” kind of way.

BLACK WOLF … I have had an idea, that will change our


lives! We're going to Santa's Fell and we're going to feast on his flying reindeer.

NIKO’s eyes widen in shock.

BLACK WOLF (cont’d) And by eating our enemies, their strength will become ours! You will be Santa's Flying Wolves! (Big howl)

Black Wolf’s howl creates a crack in the snow cover ing NIKO.

An excited murmur from the wolves. Essie looks stun ned. She clears her throat for Black Wolfs attention.

ESSIE Well, this may be just crazy talk, but if you eat Santa's reindeer, don't you think he might just be a little bit upset?


Essie gives a relieved smile.

BLACK WOLF That's why we're going to eat Santa too!

He HOWLS in triumph. All the wolves howl, the sound is so loud it causes the snow to drop off NIKO.

All eyes turn to NIKO. For a moment no-one moves.

NIKO I…uh, I was just leaving…


NIKO shoots off, chased by the wolves.


Julius wanders the side of a steep snowy hill.

JULIUS Niko! Niiiiiikoooo!! Where are you?!

The sound of running hoofs is heard.

Julius sees someone coming around the side of the h ill. He brightens upon seeing that it's NIKO arriving at a gallop.



Niko! Boy am I glad to see youuuuuu!!

Julius yells in fear as he sees a pack of wolves on NIKO's tail. NIKO scoops his friend up on his antlers.

JULIUS Can't I leave you alone for five minutes?

(looks back) They're gaining on us! Faster, Niko!

But NIKO is at the end of his strength.

NIKO You fly, save yourself!

JULIUS Oh no, I'm not leaving you alone again, you'll only make things worse!

NIKO makes a sharp turn into a narrow canyon.


The canyon narrows until a rock wall stops them: A dead end.

JULIUS (cont’d) Uh-oh. Things are worse...

NIKO and Julius turn, terrified. Black Wolf and the others approach slowly, grinning, knowing their prey is tr apped.

BLACK WOLF The reindeer knows too much...

(Cold) No survivors.

WILMA O.S. (loud, echo-y)

My public!

NIKO and the wolves look up. Wilma pops out of diff erent holes on the snow-overhang above. The hills echo her voice.

WILMA My sweet adoring public! I guess there's just no getting away from you. Okay, okay, one tune. But then I really have to get going.

In the canyon below, Specs rubs his paws in anticip ation.

SPECS Oh goody! I love a good knees-up!

Essie, standing beside him, looks pleasantly surpri sed.


ESSIE Really? Me too.

Specs shoves a wolf, standing on a rock, to the sid e.

SPECS This seat’s free, Miss

Specs offers her the seat. She smiles, flickering h er eyes.

Up on the overhang, Wilma is getting into it.

WILMA My first number is guaranteed to bring the house down.

(Clears her throat)

Wilma clasps her hands and strikes a stance.

WILMA (Starts singing, cheerful song)

As she sings and stomps her feet, the overhang crac ks and falls.

Below, the wolves, NIKO and Julius register terror as they see the huge avalanche head straight for them.

As the avalanche falls, Wilma dives right into it.

WILMA Yaaaahooooooo!!!

She swims downhill in and out of it, like a dolphin on waves, until she has reached the front of the avalanche.

NIKO runs for his life. Wilma arrives, just ahead o f the avalanche and jumps on top of NIKO's antlers, pushing Julius out of the way.

WILMA (to Julius)

I'll drive, old timer. (to NIKO)

Jump high, reindeer boy!

NIKO leaps into the air moments before the avalanch e smashes into them. As he comes down, he floats on top of the ava lanche like a boat, pulled down the hill at a huge speed.

Desperate to stay ahead of the avalanche, the runni ng wolves hit every rock and tree in their path. But in the end S pecs and Essie and the other wolves are swallowed up in the avalan che.

Black Wolf, last wolf standing, turns to face the o nslaught, sinking his claws into the ground as the avalanche hits.



The avalanche bursts out of the canyon, down a hill .

Wilma grabs hold of NIKO's antlers and uses them li ke a steering wheel, steering to the right, past a big rock stick ing from the snow, then to the left past another one.

JULIUS The tree! Watch out for the tree!

Julius points. They're heading straight for a big t ree.

WILMA I see it! I see it!

(mutters disapproving) Backseat drivers.

She pulls on NIKO's antlers. He avoids the tree. Bu t they head straight for twenty others! NIKO slaloms between th em like a skier, leaps onto a horizontal trunk, skates along it, jumps off it, down a hill but is now heading straight for roc ks.

At the last second, NIKO breaks hard, sending Juliu s flying off. He spreads his wings, gliding, grabs a treebranch w ith nuts and pine cones hanging from it, to stop his momentum an d swings in several circles before landing softly on the ground below.

JULIUS (checks himself)

Phew! I can’t believe we got through that without a single scratch!

One of the large nuts from above falls and hits his head.

Wilma and NIKO laugh.

WILMA Nice going, Nutboy!


The wolves begin to emerge from under the snow. We see a pair of legs pop out from the snow, followed by Spec's head .

SPECS (Pained growl)

He rubs 'his' poor legs. Suddenly panic appears on his face.

SPECS My legs... I can't feel my legs!

An angry Smiley appears from the snow to reveal tha t Specs was in fact feeling his legs.

SMILEY What the heck are you doing!?


SPECS Ah, sorry, mate.

A rumble. Black Wolf bursts out of the snow, growls in fury. He pulls out Essie, from the snow beside him.

BLACK WOLF I was wrong about you, marshmallow! You don´t bring luck! ESSIE But… but I do… eh… (thinks on her feet) Look, everyone’s still alive! That’s real lucky!

Specs staggers past, bump on his head, looking woun ded.

SPECS She’s… right, Boss. We’re all okay!

Other wolves pop up from the snow, one by one – all alive.

Black Wolf considers. Then growls, half convinced, drops her and turns. Essie breathes a sigh of relief.

BLACK WOLF The reindeer boy must be destroyed!


Wilma bounces on NIKO’s back as he moves through th e woods. She climbs up his neck toward his antlers. Julius sprea ds himself across both antlers and eyes the impostor with disa pproval.

JULIUS Ah ah, only room for one up here, missy.

Wilma shrugs and flops onto NIKO's back.

WILMA Is that the gratitude I get for saving your furry hide, Nutboy?

JULIUS The name. Is Julius! And we saved your life as well, remember. WILMA Hrmph!

She jumps down and dives into the snow, disappearin g totally.

Niko shoots Julius a glare.

NIKO Why did you do that, Julius? Maybe she wants


to come with us to Santa’s Fell.

Julius shrugs. They head off. Wilma appears from an other hole.

WILMA Oh, and before I go, Santa's Fell is that way.

She points in the opposite direction. NIKO's intrig ued.

NIKO You know the way to Santa's Fell?

WILMA (pops up from another hole)

Yup. Used to work there.

NIKO Wow! Did you hear that Julius!?

She disappears into the snow again.

JULIUS My Mother always said: Never believe a weasel.

But NIKO looks all over the snowy ground for Wilma.

NIKO You've got to come with us! The wolves are going to eat Santa and his Flying Forces!

JULIUS What? When were you going to tell ME this?!

WILMA Take it easy. No wolf ever made it up to Santa's Fell. Ciao, boys!

Wilma disappears into the snow.

NIKO (shouts after Wilma) Please! We need you. We'll do anything!

Wilma reappears from the same hole. She raises an e yebrow.

WILMA Anything?


NIKO walks through the woods. Wilma sits perched co mfortably on top of his antlers. Julius bounces on NIKO’s back, trying to hold onto his dignity.

NIKO glances up at Wilma.



So what's it like at Santa's Fell?

WILMA It's... magical.

A jealous Julius rolls his eyes.

JULIUS Yeah, magically imaginary, ‘cause you’ve never been there.

NIKO Have you ever met the Flying Forces?

WILMA Oh yeah, lots of times.

NIKO stops so abruptly that Julius and Wilma fly of f from his back. They land in the snow, Julius on top of Wilma . She disentangles herself from Julius.

WILMA (Jokingly)

Can't you keep your hands off me for one second, Nutboy?

JULIUS (Horrified)

Madam, please!

NIKO My Dad's in the Flying Forces, maybe you've met him?

WILMA (Surprised)

Really? Your Dad's one of those guys?

NIKO What do you mean 'those guys'?

Wilma struggles a little.

WILMA Nothing, I just--never thought of them as the daddy types. What's your Dad's name?

NIKO (sad)

I don't know yet. (brightens)

But he's going to teach me how to fly!

WILMA Oh, they love their flying. They practice


flying exercises every day...

JULIUS I’ve taught Niko ALL the flying exercises he needs to know.

WILMA Really?

(demonstrates as she speaks) Have you taught him launching leaps? Or breathing short bursts? Or using hooves for improved aerodynamics...

NIKO looks at her, drinking it all in.

NIKO Wow! REAL flying exercises!

Julius is miffed. NIKO does the exercises: breathes in short bursts, raises his hooves, moves his head from side to side.

JULIUS I'll be keeping an eye on you, missy.

Wilma sashays seductively up to him. Julius retreat s.

WILMA Why? Do you have crush on me, Julius?

She presses closer, Julius loses his footing and fa lls back.

JULIUS No! And the name's Nutboy! I mean Julius! I mean... aw, shut up!

Wilma laughs. Suddenly a wolf's howl rings out. NIK O, Julius and Wilma freeze in their tracks. The howl is heard aga in. Wilma, Julius and NIKO all exchange frightened glances.

NIKO The wolves are coming! Quick!

NIKO scoops them up and hurries onward.


The wolves make their way across a plain of snow. B lack Wolf sees footprints. Further up, NIKO and his friends are vi sible.


Series of shots of NIKO running, through different landscapes and the wolves gaining on them.



The wolves howl again, only this time it's louder.

NIKO Isn't there a faster way, Wilma?

WILMA Well, the shortcut across the River of Certain Doom is just around the corner...

JULIUS (fearful)

River of Certain Doom!?

She points to the right, at very rocky terrain. NIK O runs.


WILMA Okay, this is it!

It's a stream, more than a river, with icy rocks do tting it.

JULIUS (relieved)

Pah! That's nothing. Okay Niko, here's the plan…

He sees the wolves coming behind them.


Wilma runs ahead, crossing easily. NIKO leaps from rock to rock. Julius hangs onto his antlers. NIKO's hoof hits the first stone, but the icy surface is slippery. He bobs and weaves to keep his balance, like a ballet dancer on ice.

NIKO falls but manages to jump onto another rock, w here he does a pirouette, leaping onto the next one.

JULIUS That’s it, Niko! You can do it! / Waagh! / Now jump! (ad libbing)

WILMA Hurry, kid! / The wolves are coming! / You’re doing great! / Go for it! (ad libbing)

The whole thing gives the impression of an acrobati c ballet. NIKO lands on the other side. Wilma gives a thumbs-up.

WILMA Nice going Niko. And a heck of a plan, Julius.

Julius nonchalantly dusts off snow.



The River of Doom was a Piece of Cake!

WILMA That was the Trickle of Tranquility. THIS is the River of Certain Doom.

Camera pulls forward and over a steep edge, which d rops into a huge canyon. Hundreds of meters below is a ROARING river, covered with thick layer of white fog.

NIKO's and Julius' jaws drop in surprise.

NIKO How... how do we get across?

Wilma points.

WILMA Across the bridge, of course.

NIKO and Julius follow Wilma’s finger. A snowbridge stretches from one end of the chasm to the other.

Behind them, Black Wolf lets out a blood-curdlingly loud howl causing the snowbridge to tremble. Cracks appear, t hen it breaks, its pieces raining down into the chasm.

WILMA (cont’d) … or not.

Black Wolf leads his gang across the Stream of Tran quility, leaping over on the stones.

NIKO scoops Julius and Wilma onto his antlers.

NIKO All aboard! We have to fly across!

JULIUS Are you nuts!?

NIKO I’ve been doing the flying exercises Wilma taught me.

JULIUS What's all this Wilma stuff!? Don't you listen to me anymore!?

NIKO I do, Julius. You always say I can fly!

JULIUS That’s different! This is for real! ---

Black Wolf has crossed the Stream, runs and leaps o nto NIKO, but


just before he sinks his claws into him, NIKO runs and jumps off the face of the cliff!


NIKO has his eyes closed, doing his breathing, doin g the clawing motions with his hoofs, weaving his head.

NIKO (mutters determined)

I can fly, I can fly...

And, unbelievably, for a moment as he glides throug h the air, the exercises seem to work! He does seem to fly.

NIKO It's working! It's working! It's-

He opens his eyes and looks down. The drop below sp ins before his eyes. Vertigo takes over, fear grips him. He falls.

NIKO Oh, noooooooooo!!!!

They disappear into white fog.


Black Wolf, Essie, Specs and the pack watch from ab ove.

BLACK WOLF That’s the end of reindeer boy. (glances at Essie) Looks like you bring us luck after all, marshmallow. Heh heh!

ESSIE (Guilty gulp.)

BLACK WOLF Come on, gang! We have to find another way across. There’s a meal waiting at Santa’s Fell!

He leaves. Essie and Specs look down into the abyss .

ESSIE Poor kid!


Julius and Wilma appear from the fog. Julius glides and Wilma uses him as her parachute. They land on the icy shore.



Julius can see NIKO. He lies motionless, with close d eyes, on an ice floe, being carried downstream.

JULIUS Niko! Get up! Hurry!

But NIKO doesn't move.

WILMA Oh no! Look!

Wilma points further downstream, where the river fa lls down a precipice into a huge waterfall.

Julius runs downriver, Wilma follows.

WILMA We have to do something!

JULIUS Niko! Niko, can you hear me?!

Julius runs straight into an ice wall, creating a s mall crack in it. He follows the crack upwards, realizes that a l arge tree-log is encased in ice, teetering on the river’s edge.

WILMA Hurry, Julius! Hurry!

JULIUS (does calculations to himself)

Right! We're going to need rocks...

Julius carefully examines rock after rock.

JULIUS (growing panic/to himself)

No, too big! Too small! Too flat!

WILMA Niko's in mortal danger and you're insulting rocks!

JULIUS Stop complaining and grab one!

Julius grabs a rock, raises it. He looks to NIKO’s ice floe.

JULIUS (cont’d) On my signal! Three... two... one... now!

Julius and Wilma throw the rocks at the ice wall. T he wall smashes. The cracks get bigger. The ice breaks, rel easing the log which falls at precisely the moment when NIKO’s ice floe passes.

The tree hits the floe, tips it over. NIKO disappea rs.


Horrified, Julius and Wilma leap onto the log and r un over to the ice floe.


The log trembles, the current pushing against it, s tarts turning it. As it does so, NIKO is pulled up from the river , his antler stuck on a branch. Julius and Wilma run over.

WILMA Quick! Help me pull him up!

The two just manage to pull NIKO onto the log, when another, bigger ice floe comes down the river and smashes in to the log, pushing it sideways, toward the waterfall.

As it goes over the edge, the unconscious NIKO slip s from the log and starts falling. Julius grabs him at the very la st minute and struggles to keep a hold of him. Below is the roari ng waterfall.

Wilma pulls as well, but NIKO is too heavy. He slip s from their grasp, sending Julius and Wilma tumbling back.

JULIUS Noooo!!!!

Even Wilma looks shocked and terrified.

NIKO o.s. Ju---Julius...?

Wilma and Julius leap to their feet and look over t he edge of the log. NIKO has fallen onto a ledge beside the waterf all.

JULIUS / WILMA He’s alive! He’s alive!

Julius and Wilma jump down and embrace him, then tu rn to one another and embrace as well - but catch themselves, pull back embarrassed and shake hands.

WILMA Uhm, nice work, nut boy.

JULIUS Uhm, you too, whatever...

NIKO gets up. He's dizzy and shaky but determined.

NIKO Come on! We can't just lie around here all day!

He takes one step before fainting.


WILMA Ooookay, I think somebody needs to lie around here all day.

Julius gently pats the sleeping Niko on the head.


Led by Black Wolf, the wolves walk across a tree-tr unk which has fallen across the canyon. Specs and Essie trail the pack.

ESSIE (cont’d) Specs. Do you think Black Wolf will really eat Santa and his Flying Forces?

Specs stops and turns to Essie.

SPECS (Embarrassed)

Well... doing bad things is kind of a tradition for us wolves.

Essie sighs, depressed.

SPECS But we're not all like that. Nasty, I mean. Some of us just look that way.

Specs glances around to make sure no-one´s looking.

SPECS (low)

Ahm, You think you could make me look like less of a bad guy?

She inspects him, like a critical professional.

ESSIE Hmm. you can start by wagging your tail…

Specs tries to wag his tail, but ends up moving eve ry part of his body, ears, legs, nose, without moving the tail.

SPECS Come on, tail, wag darn you!

Smiley walks past, glancing contemptuously at Specs .

SMILEY Talking to your tail again, Specs? Heh heh!

Specs blushes, embarrassed. Essie gives him a reass uring smile.


NIKO sleeps. Wilma tosses and turns. She sees Juliu s sitting up,


beside three squirrels, silhouetted in the moonligh t. Intrigued, she walks over.

WILMA Hey, nut boy, who are your friends?

Alarmed, Julius tries to hide the squirrels with hi s body.

JULIUS Oh, nobody.

But Wilma bypasses him to examine the other squirre ls. They are not living animals, but snow-statues built by Juliu s. The statues are of flying squirrels of various ages.

WILMA Aren't you going to introduce me?

JULIUS Well... that's my Aunt Sally. That's my wife and that...

(softly) that's my son.

He puts finishing touches on a statue of a small sq uirrel.

WILMA Why aren't you at home with them instead of hanging around with reindeer boy?

Julius looks up. The northern lights flicker on his face.

JULIUS One time, long ago... it was a cold winter and the little one was hungry. So I went out to find food. When I came back, they were all gone... Aunt Sally, my wife... my son... In the snow were tracks... wolftracks...

Wilma looks genuinely touched.

WILMA Oh, I'm so sorry, nut boy. I didn't know.

JULIUS Niko's my family now… at least until he finds his real Dad…

(shrugs, shaking off sadness) What about you? Do you have a family?

Wilma does a little dance on a fallen tree-branch.

WILMA Yeah, sort of.



'Sort of'?

Wilma spins on the branch.

WILMA Truth is, my family didn't want me to be a singer. But I was young and restless.

She bounces off the branch back onto the ground.

WILMA So I ran away from home… I've been away for years. I know what it's like. To be on your own.

The two sit silent. The northern lights dance. NIKO wakes up abruptly from a nightmare, heart pounding.

NIKO I... I had a dream... A dreamt that Black Wolf attacked the herd and ate Mom and Saga…

NIKO looks shaken. Julius pats him gently on the he ad.

JULIUS It's just a nightmare, Niko… It wasn’t your fault the wolves attacked the herd. Nobody blames you.

NIKO How do you know?

WILMA If Julius says so, then it's true.

Julius appreciates this (as does NIKO).

WILMA What are we sitting around here for, boys! We’re way ahead of the wolves. Let’s go!


Our heroes travel. Julius is asleep. Niko stops to take in the northern lights above. Wilma tries to wake up Juliu s, to point out the wonderous sight. He opens one eye, then continu es sleeping.


NIKO, and Julius struggle up a hill, tired. Wilma s tands on top of it. She gestures, proudly.

WILMA Gentlemen! I give you: Santa's Fell!

NIKO and Julius reach the top to see a mountain in front of them so big it dwarfs everything around, its top reachin g into the


clouds, surrounded by sheer cliffs.

NIKO We did it! We did it!

NIKO dances with Wilma. He stops, notices that Juli us is not partaking in the celebrations. Julius looks strange ly down.

NIKO (cont’d) Julius, is something wrong?

JULIUS What? No.

(puts on unenthusiastic show) Hurray... We’re here... great... NIKO Come on then! We have to hurry! It’s Christmas Day tomorrow!

NIKO hurries off toward the fell, followed by Wilma and Julius.


Wilma and Julius and Niko stand before a forbidding entrance.

WILMA (low, menacing voice)

The entrance to Santa’s Fell. Said to be full of deadly traps at every turn. No one who has gone in there has made it back out alive…

NIKO and Julius gulp, fearful.

WILMA (grins / cheerful)

Last one in is a chicken!

She runs in through the entrance. For a moment Niko and Julius stand unmoving. Then Niko follows. Julius realizes he’s t he last one… JULIUS Hey! I’m no chicken! I’m a flying squirrel!


Wilma leads the way. It’s spooky. Julius is nervous and jumps upon seeing his own distorted reflection in the ice.

Wilma stops, points to a narrow fissure in the ice- wall.

WILMA There's the secret shortcut.


JULIUS Whoah! We haven't been very lucky with shortcuts so, in my considered opinion---

Julius suddenly notices he’s alone.

JULIUS Hey! You didn’t hear my considered opinion!

He runs after them into the fissure.


The wolves stand in front of the cave-like opening to Santa’s Fell. Black Wolf eyes the entrance warily.

The wolves gulp and exchange apprehensive glances.


After you, marshmallow.

He pushes her to the entrance. The other wolves gri n pleased.

ESSIE But... I thought I was your lucky charm!

BLACK WOLF You are. If there are any surprises in there, you get them first. Lucky for us! (Laughs)

Specs suddenly steps forward.

SPECS I'll go first, boss.

Black Wolf looks surprised. So does Essie.


I'm going to miss you Specs.

Specs enters. As he passes Essie, he gives her a wi nk with his "specs" eye. The others follow him inside.


Wilma climbs a steep ice-wall. The way up is along a series of steps, hewn into the ice, leading into the clouds. She looks down to NIKO and Julius, who go slower.

The ice underneath Wilma starts cracking. She leaps onward, onto a more solid ice step and looks back. The step she ju st passed over has cracks shooting through it.



Watch this step, guys!

NIKO gingerly tests his hoof on the step and immedi ately more cracks shoot through it. The smallest weight will b reak it.

JULIUS (determined/adult) That’s it, Niko! I’m not letting you go one step further.

(to Wilma on other side) You go on Wilma, find his Dad and tell him the boy says hello! Niko and me will stay right heeeeeeeeeeeerrreee!

As Julius speaks, NIKO charges full speed past him and onto the unstable ice-step.

The step breaks each time NIKO’s hooves hit the ice , with shards falling down into the abyss, but he’s going so fast that his momentum carries him onwards and just as his hooves hit safe ice, the whole step crumbles completely behind him, into the abyss.

Wilma looks back toward Julius and raises an eyebro w.


You were saying, Nutboy?

Julius grumbles, spreads his wings and flies over.


Specs leads the wolves. They go past the narrow fis sure through which our heroes went, and down a dark alley.

SPECS (Trying to calm himself)

Nothing to be afraid of… Ice can't hurt me. Ice is nice.

Black Wolf, behind them, bangs a fist on th e icy ground.


Just then a stalactite snaps free from the ceiling and falls towards Specs like a dagger.

ESSIE Specs! Look out!

Specs looks up to see the falling ice. Essie throws herself on Specs knocking him out of the way at the last secon d. The icicle shatters on the ground like glass.

Specs and Essie lie together in a heap, staring eac h other in the


eye. Specs gives Essie an appreciative smile.


With the help of Julius, NIKO manages to reach the top.

Wilma, ahead, opens a huge big door with a creak.

WILMA Boys! The place where dreams come true!

It opens to Santa’s Fell: A landing strip, lit on e ither side by glittering pieces of ice, acting as landing lights.

WILMA (cont’d) o.s. That’s the Flying Forces’ Airport.

On the other side of the airport are nice WOODEN CO SY HOUSES, THE MESS HALL, with a big Christmas tree, and STABLES. The roof is decorated with ice sculptures of the Flying Forces.

WILMA O.S. And up there is Santa’s Factory.

Up higher on the mountaintop, more distant, are San ta's HQ and Factory emitting a low factory din. It's an idyllic , extraordinary fairytale village/palace combo.

NIKO Wow! Look at that! Wow!

Suddenly, up above, the Flying Forces ROAR past, in formation, pulling a training-sleigh with the fake Santa.

NIKO (growing wonder, enthusiasm)

Dad… I’m gonna to meet Dad! He’ll teach me how to fly! He’ll come back home to live with us!! He’ll---

NIKO is about to gallop ahead, but Julius holds him back.

JULIUS (gentle)

You know, Niko… people aren’t always exactly the way you think they are…

NIKO I know exactly what Dad is! A hero!

Wilma appears on the other side of NIKO.

WILMA (gentle)

What Nutboy’s trying to say is, well, sometimes heroes turn out to be just like


everyone else.

NIKO (hurt now)

My Dad’s not like everyone else!

NIKO gallops down the incline at full speed.

JULIUS Niko! Wait!


The FF fly through the sky, heading for the runway.

DASHER Stay sharp, men. Christmas is no time for fun... well it is but... you know what I mean!

They come in for a landing. COMET spots NIKO on the runway.

COMET Dasher?

DASHER I'm not in the mood for interruptions, Comet.

BLITZEN But Dasher-

DASHER You too Blitzen!

PRANCER Reindeer on the runway!!

Dasher turns just in time to see NIKO. They're forc ed to swerve, nearly crashing as they skid to a halt on the runwa y.

The Santa puppet falls from the sleigh and slides d own the runway, finally hitting a lantern pole with feet splayed ov er either side of the pole.

The reindeer “ouch” and “ooh” in sympathy pain.

PRANCER Nice work guys. We almost broke Santa!

The lantern drops from the pole and suddenly Santas puppet is in flames. Flying Forces are not pleased with the view and turn to NIKO, who looks intimidated.

PRANCER (cont’d) Hey, what’s the bright idea, kid, standing on the runway!


VIXEN Are you trying to ruin Christmas!?

NIKO's worst nightmare - his heroes angry with him. His eyes fill.

NIKO N—no. I was… just… well, I wanted to…uh… my Dad… and, uh wolves and…

DANCER Do you have any idea who we are?

FLYING FORCES We're reindeer we're not horses, we're Santa's Flying Forces! Ho ho!

Dasher rolls his eyes and steps in.

DASHER All right, men, that’s enough! Christmas is right o n top of us: C-day! One slip up tonight and we're all out of a job!


Yeah, right...

DASHER What's funny?

COMET We can't get fired.

BLITZEN We're irreplaceable.

CUPID We're the Flying Forces!

FLYING FORCES We're reindeer we're not horses, we're Santa's Flying Forces! Ho ho!

Dasher is not impressed.

DASHER Guys, guys, guys, seriously, it's starting to get annoying. Now let's just hear the kid out.

All eyes turn to NIKO who is overwhelmed by the att ention.

NIKO (unsure, nervous)

The wolves… they… want to eat you and Santa…

The reindeer exchange unworried looks. Dasher smile s warmly.


DASHER Thanks kid, but there’s nothing to worry about. No wolf has ever made it through the ice labyrinth.

They walk towards the mess hall with NIKO.

DONNER Why don't you come and give that imagination of yours something to drink in the mess hall?

BLITZEN Ha ha, Donner, you're incorrigible.

DASHER Come on, kid.

Niko brightens at the prospect.


The wolves, led by Specs and Essie, walk along a na rrow path. One wolf slips and falls, disappearing into an abyss. T he other wolves look down. Suddenly a myriad reflection of Black Wo lf appears all around them.

BLACK WOLF Keep it together, you cowards!


NIKO enters the mess hall and gawks, impressed. On the walls are drawings of Santa and the Flying Forces posing with well known celebrities. A jukebox by one wall.

On another wall is a big lever with an old fashione d talk-pipe. Donner pulls the lever, and speaks into the pipe.

DONNER Hello? Here speaks Donner. Ve’re needing more barley brew. Over.

ANNOYED ELF VOICE For crying out loud! Again!?

A CLICK. Barley brew spews from a pipe into a centr al barrel.

NIKO walks to the bartable where The Forces laugh a nd drink their barley brew. Cupid stops drinking, as something daw ns on him.

CUPID Guys… I just thought of something. Nobody can get through the ice labyrinth, right – so how did the kid get here?


The Forces fall silent. All look at NIKO who gulps.

NIKO Oh... uhm... I… ah…

WILMA o.s. Hello, boys!

DASHER Wilma!!

VIXEN Wilma is back, everybody!

She is warmly greeted by all the Forces.

WILMA Okay boys, have I got a song for you!

FLYING FORCES Hey, Wilma! Do a song! / Yeah! A song!

Wilma kicks the old Juke box and it starts playing an old-fashioned, sexy song. MUSIC STARTS. As Wilma sings, she sashays from one reindeer to another, sliding and leaping.

WILMA Hello Fellas, we know you’re heroes and you can fly – so high. You’re cool, you’re brave and you’re never shy, and one of you is Niko’s Daddy! Is it Dasher so strong and wise? Or is it Cutie Cupid with his dreamy eyes? Is it Vixen or even Blitzen, come on Prancer, don’t tell me no lies. Really Fellas, the boy has come an awful long way, today. And one of you, has the same DNA. So tell me who is Niko’s Daddy, tell me who is Niko’s Daddy, Oooh!

She finishes the song doing a quick dance routine w ith a confused Julius on top of the Juke box.

NIKO stands shy and uncertain in the middle of the floor.

NIKO (Small)

She's right... one of you is my Dad.

He looks from reindeer to reindeer. The Forces exch ange uneasy glances as if to check out who the father could be.

NIKO Do any of you remember taking a young lady


reindeer flying one Christmas?



DASHER (Embarrassed on their behalf)

Sorry kid, this is the world famous Flying Forces you're dealing with - we're going to need more details.

FLYING FORCES We're reindeer we're not horses, we're Santa's Flying Forces! Ho ho!

Julius looks at the 'heroes' with disdain.

JULIUS (disapproving/to himself)

Flying Fools, if you ask me.

NIKO Her name was Oona... from Home Valley.

No one steps forward. It's an anguished moment for NIKO.

NIKO I was so sure...

Julius leaps onto the bar table. He paces, gesturin g wildly.

JULIUS Santa's Flying Forces…! Pah! None of you deserve to be this boy’s father! Come on, Niko! We don’t need these guys.

Julius leads NIKO to the door. NIKO hangs his head, sad.

Wilma and the FF watch them leave. Dasher looks on with sympathy.

NIKO and Julius have reached the door when Dasher s teps forward.

DASHER There is one way we can settle this. The ability to fly is only passed from father to son. If Niko can fly, then we'll know one of us is his father. So guys, what do you think?

FLYING FORCES The flying test! The flying test!

Hope returns to NIKO's face. Julius looks appreh ensive.



NIKO stands on the edge of a platform. A bit behind him stand Wilma and Julius. Further back, the Flying Forces.

JULIUS (nervous / panicking) Y--you don’t have to do this, Niko. There are many other ways of finding out who’s your Dad.

NIKO (unconvinced)

Like what?

JULIUS Like… like…

NIKO I know I can fly, Julius. Just like you always said.

Wilma puts a hand on Julius’ shoulder.

WILMA Don’t worry, Julius. It’ll be OK.

Dasher floats up into the air to hover by the platf orm.

DASHER Imagine you're a shooting star in the sky. Don't give in to fear. If you get scared, your power of flight disappears.

He points to a cliff edge. NIKO looks down. The dro p is so huge that the bottom can't be glimpsed.

DASHER (cont’d) You’re not here to fall, Niko. You’re here to fly!

The words give him courage. He walks back down the platform.

FLYING FORCES (Shouts of encouragement)

Go, kid / It's doable / Yes, Niko!

A chant of encouragement from the Forces fills him with strength.

FLYING FORCES (Chant) Believe you can, and you will fly! Believe you can, and you will fly!

Niko’s all psyched up now. Ready to run.

JULIUS o.s. No! I’m not letting you do this!

Julius leaps onto NIKO´s leg, grabbing it. A shadow of a doubt crosses NIKO’s face.


NIKO You don’t believe I can do it?

JULIUS Yes. No. I mean… you almost died at the River of Doom… What if you’re not so lucky this time?

NIKO looks hurt. Then determination returns.

NIKO I don’t need your help, Julius.

NIKO nudges Julius off his leg with his snout, then suddenly shoots off, down the platform. He leaps toward the edge and jumps!

NIKO does flying exercises, determined. And he flie s. But only for a moment. NIKO looks down. The world spins. He drop s like a stone.


Julius is about to leap down after NIKO, but Vixen steps on his tail, stopping him. Dasher dives down after NIKO an d disappears out of sight. Julius’s feet spin as he tries to run .

JULIUS Let me go, you overfed oaf!

Then stops as Dasher returns, carrying an embarrass ed and red-faced NIKO on his antlers.

Dasher gently puts NIKO down in front of Julius and Wilma.

Julius checks NIKO all over, for scratches, broken bones.

JULIUS Niko! Are you hurt!?

But it’s just NIKO’s feelings that are hurt.

NIKO You were right, Julius. I couldn’t do it.

Dasher looks on with compassion. Amongst the other reindeers there are mixed looks of sympathy and disappointment.

DASHER Don't feel bad, kid. You did your best.

(to Wilma) Wilma, take this brave boy back to his home.

The Flying Forces return to the mess hall, leaving NIKO, Julius and Wilma on their own.

NIKO I guess my Dad wasn’t one of Santa’s reindeer.


He was just a coward, like me.


NIKO looks inconsolable. Wilma and Julius look sad.

JULIUS I know it feels bad, Niko. But when we’re back home things will look better.

NIKO stops to glare angrily at Julius.

NIKO I don’t want to go back home. I wanted to fly. You always said you believed I could do it, but you lied!

JULIUS I was just being cautious.

NIKO (realization dawns on him)

You didn’t want me to come here. You didn’t want me to find Dad. You didn’t want me to fly. You ruined everything!

Julius looks stunned. Then stern. He wags a finger.

JULIUS Now, Niko. Lower your voice. I forbid---

NIKO You can’t forbid me anything. You’re not my Dad. I never want to see you again!

NIKO runs off. Julius is devastated. Wilma runs aft er NIKO.

WILMA Niko! Wait!

Julius looks desolate.


Black Wolf paces angrily around the labyrinth, seei ng only reflections of himself, thin, fat, long, weird.

BLACK WOLF Arrrrrrhhh!!

He howls louder and harder than we've ever heard be fore.

A crack appears in one of the ice mirrors... then a nother... Black Wolf roars louder still! The others join in. Mirrors explode, first one, then another, then all at once.


The whole icy inside of the mountain explodes and d isintegrates into millions of tiny little pieces, leaving only t he solid rock intact. The wolves are now all in the same huge hal l and an open staircase leading up, is suddenly there for everyon e to see.

Stunned, the wolves blink at one another.

BLACK WOLF Follow me!!

He leaps forward.


NIKO angrily stomps along the path to the massive d oor. Wilma runs to keep up.

WILMA Nutboy means well. He’s just concern---

They stop - the ground trembles... They exchange su rprised glances.

Suddenly the door to Santa’s Fell bursts open and B lack Wolf charges out.

NIKO and Wilma look flabbergasted. The wolves pour through, one after the other.

NIKO and Wilma turn and run toward the mess hall, f ollowed by the wolves, who fan out into an attacking V-formation.


Julius sits behind a rock, head bowed, sad. He look s up to see NIKO and Wilma gallop back towards him. He brighten s.

JULIUS Niko...?

But NIKO and Wilma shoot right past him, not seeing him.


The Forces are on the airfield preparing for the Ch ristmas flight when NIKO appears again, looking terrified.

NIKO The wolves are here! The wolves are here!

Dasher shakes his head disappointed.

DASHER Now, Niko. I told you, no wolf has ever...

But then sees wolves running towards the airfield. Black Wolf silhouetted by the cold moonlight behind him, grins wickedly.


DASHER (cont’d) Wolf!!!

The Flying Forces exchange terrified looks and pani c.

Black Wolf jumps on top of A SLEIGH FULL OF PRESENT S. He knocks one present hard. It flies through the air, hitting Dasher, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Black Wolf grabs Santa's hat from the sleigh and pu ts it on.


There's a new Santa in town!

DANCER This isn't supposed to be possible...

DASHER (Scared)

Me- Men! Assume flying positions.

Dasher rises to the air, but shakily, like a broken helicopter. Prancer and a few others also rise in a hic-upping way, while others, who look even more terrified, only manage t o leap up unsuccessfully without being able to fly.

NIKO watches as his heroes lose the power of flight , one by one, fearfully falling to the ground.

NIKO (to Wilma)

Why don't they fly away!?

WILMA They’re too scared. They’ve lost the belief.

Black Wolf leaps down, landing in front of Prancer. He raises his paw. Prancer covers his face.

PRANCER (cont’d) Not the face!

Black Wolf flicks Prancer with the back of his paw, sends him smashing through presents, and sliding into a tinke r bell tree. Icicles tinkle. Prancer’s head is inside a present.

BLACK WOLF Christmas dinner is served!

Essie and Specs stand to the side, not taking part.

ESSIE What have I done...?

Black Wolf raises both claws, and opens his fanged mouth. The


Forces watch in horror: It's the end!

A tiny snowball bounces off the back of Black Wolf' s head.

NIKO O.S. Stop!

Black Wolf turns to see the FF part to reveal NIKO, with Wilma on his antlers, dusting snow off her hands.

BLACK WOLF You! You're supposed to be dead!

NIKO (scared but puts on brave face)

And you're supposed to be scary. Pah. That cap just makes you look funny. BLACK WOLF I’ll give you something to laugh about!

Black Wolf glares at NIKO and rushes for him.

WILMA Now would be a good time to run, Niko.

And indeed NIKO runs. But he charges ahead!

WILMA (cont’d) I meant the other way!

In the last moment before colliding with Black Wolf , Wilma leaps from NIKO's head. She lands on Black Wolf’s snout a nd pulls the Santa cap over his eyes.

NIKO ducks, slides on the ground through the wolf's legs.

Dasher sees that a gap has now appeared in the circ le of wolves around them.

DASHER (urgent whisper / to other FF)

Split up men!

The FF leap every which way. Mayhem as the wolves n otice, growl and give chase.

NIKO runs as fast as he can, chased by the furious Black Wolf.

Julius arrives at a run, stunned at the mayhem. He notices NIKO disappear into the Mess Hall.


NIKO comes running into the mess hall. He clocks th e old fashioned intercom and runs for it. He shouts into it.


NIKO Help! Santa! The wolves are here!

SOFT VOICE FROM INTERCOM You’ve reached Santa’s Hotline. If you have been nice all year and want to leave a wish list, please press one. If you’ve been naughty, please hold and one of our elf-operators will be with you shortly.

Christmas muzak comes trickling down the phone. A c reak is heard. NIKO spins to see the door open. Suddenly it smashe s to pieces and Black Wolf enters.

Black Wolf rushes in. He scans the room. It is empt y now. He advances. His ears turn like radars, he sniffs the air.

From above, hidden between the branches of the big Christmas Tree, a scared looking NIKO follows his moves.

ANNOYED ELF OPERATOR o.s. Please state the nature of your naughtiness.

Black Wolf ROARS into the intercom.

ANNOYED ELF OPERATOR O.S. (disapproving)

Okaaaay. No presents for you this year.

Disgusted, Black Wolf swipes the intercom with his paw, ripping it off the wall. The intercom hits the jukebox, starti ng it up, playing "Rocking around the Christmas tree".

Up in the tree, NIKO accidentally hits his antlers off a pine cone. It falls, but he catches it in his mouth. Two more pine cones fall, but he catches them on his forehead and nose.

He breathes a sigh of relief. Yet his movement on t he branch has caused pine needles to fall. We follow the pine nee dles fluttering down, like snow, landing on Black Wolf’s snout.

Black Wolf looks up to see NIKO, who gulps and leap s higher up. Black Wolf grins and follows, sinking his claws int o the trunk.


NIKO's hoof slips. He hooks his antlers to a branch to stop sliding.

A little below him, Black Wolf gains on him.

BLACK WOLF Hey, reindeer boy. Know how we catch squirrels in the summer!?

Black Wolf locks his claws into the trunk and shake s it. The tree


trembles. NIKO holds on, but slowly slides down.

Black Wolf opens his jaw to catch the food. But sud denly a missile hits him in the head. Black Wolf looks up.

Julius swoops down, diving fearlessly at Black Wolf .

JULIUS Leave him alone!

Julius spins rapidly around Black Wolf's head.

Relieved, NIKO climbs higher. Julius circles Black Wolf. Faster and faster. Black Wolf is starting to look dizzy.

JULIUS Don't worry, Niko! I'll take care of--

Black Wolf's expression changes: He suddenly looks focused. Not dizzy at all. Black Wolf swats Julius in the air, l ike a fly.

JULIUS (cont’d) Waaaggghhhh!!


Julius spirals downwards, lands on the tinker bell tree, breaking a few icicles. Beside him lies the unconscious Pran cer.


NIKO Julius! Julius!

There is no reply. NIKO gulps, but is forced to con tinue up.


Smiley chases after Wilma, snapping at her heels.

WILMA (laughing)

Ha ha ha! You’re tickling me!

She turns a corner, but tumbles over a stack of pre sents.

He paws at her, she ducks into the snow, pops up in a different spot. He paws, she ducks. She rises from under a pr esent, lifts it, throws it. It lodges in Smiley’s jaw.

WILMA Don't just stand there! Open it!

Smiley growls, rips the present to pieces. A furry teddy bear falls to the ground.


WILMA Wow! A teddy bear! Lucky you!

Smiley is momentarily childishly impressed.


ESSIE (O.S.) (Laughing)

Smiley turns to see Essie, standing next to Specs, giggling. Smiley roars, shreds the Teddy and turns towards Es sie and Specs.

SMILEY (eyeing Essie)

Somebody looks good enough to eat.

Smliey advances on Essie but Specs steps in the way .

SPECS No, she doesn't!

Smiley roars and runs after them. They turn tail and bolt.

SPECS (to Essie)

I mean, of course you do, but in a nice way, not in an I'm going to eat you sense.


Julius wakes, dazed. He looks up. NIKO is almost at the top. Next to him, under the tree, Julius sees the behind of a Prancer, his head still stuck inside the pressie.

JULIUS Come on! You gotta help him! You can fly!

No reply. Julius grabs an icicle, jabs it in Prance r's butt.


Head inside the box, Prancer leaps into the air, ou t of control. Julius almost falls, grabs Prancer’s antlers, but h as no control over this strange vessel, like a rodeo cowboy in th e air.


A branch breaks under NIKO´s hoof. He falls down on to the branch below, taking him within striking distance of the w olf.

BLACK WOLF No one to help you now, reindeer boy!




Black Wolf and NIKO look up to see a strange sight: An out-of-control reindeer with a Christmas present over its head, and a squirrel hanging on its antlers, zig-zags crazily p ast.

Seeing that Black Wolf is distracted, NIKO bends on e of the branches and lets go. The branch hits the wolf in t he nose. Black Wolf howls! NIKO climbs higher.

Black Wolf regains his balance, and follows.


Essie and Specs run, but reach a dead end and turn. Smiley advances, growling. Essie and Specs retreat.

SPECS Smiley, old mate. Let's talk about this -

SMILEY Sure. After dinner!

Suddenly Smiley's face contorts in pain.

SMILEY (Howl of pain!)

Smiley spins around. Wilma, who has been biting on his tail, lets go and waves the headless teddy bear from earlier.

WILMA Hey, you forgot your present!

Smiley leaps on Wilma, but she disappears into a sn owpile.

Smiley hits the pile of snow with great force. The snow falls off to reveal a rock underneath. Smiley gets up. He spi ts first one then all his teeth out. He feels his toothless gums with a paw.


SPECS One word, mate: Moss.


The wolves have surrounded the reindeers. Flying Fo rces are cornered at the start of the runway. They are tryin g to defend themselves with their antlers, knees trembling with fear.

Dasher stands in the middle, defending his men agai nst the wolves. Suddenly Dasher raises his head and stares in disbe lief.

Prancer, still wearing the present, careens down, w ith Julius on


top. He lands right on top of a wolf, which is abou t to attack Dasher. Julius jumps from Prancer to Dasher.

JULIUS (points to top of Big Fir)

Niko... We have to save him!

Dasher and the rest gasp collectively as they see N IKO, retreating onto the top branch, which bends alarmingly.

The wolves advance again on them. They retreat, fea rful. DASHER

We… we can’t even save ourselves… JULIUS

(runs from one reindeer to the next) That boy braved rivers, wolves and blizzards to meet the Flying Forces. He thought you were the bravest, most heroic reindeer in the world!… He BELIEVED in you!

The Forces look at one another, look up at Niko .

JULIUS Well? Was he wrong? Are you the world famous Flying Forces who NEVER give up, no matter what… or just a bunch of frightened… HORSES!?

The reindeer stop retreating. Dasher looks shocked. So do the others.


The reindeer have reached the very edge of the runway.

The wolves growl, and prepare to pounce all at once.

Dasher's face turns from shame to anger.

DASHER (ashamed/between gritted teeth) The hamster’s right, men. JULIUS Hamster!? DASHER (determined) We're reindeer, we're not horses!

He rises slowly and majestically from the ground.

The other reindeer exchange glances. Determination and anger replaces their fear as Dasher's words sink in.


FLYING FORCES We're Santa's Flying Forces. Ho, ho!

The wolves leap on the reindeer – just as the FF ri se into the air, some wobbly, gradually becoming braver.


NIKO lifts his leg to step onto a branch, but his h ooves find no support: There are no more branches.

Black Wolf approaches. The thin fir top sways dange rously. He raises his paw for the final blow - and swings it.

NIKO ducks. The tree-top bends. The claws pass inch es from his head, but hit his antlers hard, instead. The tree t op snaps!

NIKO flails the air with his hooves.

NIKO's vision drifts; he sees the sky, then the gro und, it is spinning and growing bigger. NIKO is falling.


The Flying Forces pull the sleigh into the air. The wolves snap at their heels, but are too late: The sleigh takes off !

Julius sits in the back, holding the handrail, star ing up.

NIKO falls.

Julius looks at NIKO falling, does mental calculati ons.


FF make a sharp turn to the left and back, the slei gh swings.

Julius falls to the bottom of the sleigh. The reind eers look back at him and laugh. Julius gets up; doesn't understan d. Suddenly he hears NIKO's voice from behind.

NIKO o.S. Am I glad to see you guys!

Julius realizes NIKO sits right behind him.


NIKO Julius!

Then a loud thump is heard. Something big has hit t he back of the sleigh.


Julius and NIKO slide to the bottom of the sleigh. Their expression changes to horror, when they see Black W olf hanging from the back of the sleigh and pulling himself in.


Dasher notices what's going on in the back.

DASHER Hold on Niko!

The reindeers steer the sleigh over the airfield, s lalom the trees, spin and rattle, but nothing shakes Black Wo lf off.

Dasher steers the sleigh straight up the trunk of t he big fir. Every branch hits Black Wolf who still does not let go. Instead he slowly pulls himself closer to NIKO.

BLACK WOLF End of line for you reindeer boy...

NIKO and Julius are terrified. Julius notices that Black Wolf is grabbing onto the closed lid of a trunk, as he move s toward them. A CLASP holds the lid shut.

Suddenly Julius makes up his mind. He jumps off NIK O’s antlers and straight onto the lid, right in front of Black Wolf ’s nose.

NIKO Julius!!! What are you doing!!?

Black Wolf sees Julius and raises his paw. Julius l ooks at NIKO - one last time.

JULIUS Niko. I’ve always believed in you...

NIKO Julius!

Julius kicks the clasp open. The lid immediately ca tches the wind and is torn off the trunk with great force.

Black Wolf falls. In slow motion his paw swings in front of his face. He smiles wickedly: Between his claws he hold s Julius who looks up at NIKO, with terror.

NIKO watches as Black Wolf falls, receding into a d ot.


Black Wolf falls through clouds holding Julius.


BLACK WOLF At least I won't go on an empty stomach!

Julius squeezes his eyes shut, gritting his teeth a t the inevitable. Black Wolf opens his jaw, to toss Juliu s in when…

NIKO Let him go!

Niko and Julius look up to see Niko come charging d own, determined, in cool flyer pose, the full moon in hi s back.

Then a gray shadow zooms by Black Wolf, leaving him with only a few hairs from Julius in his hand.

Black Wolf roars in surprise and anger, then drops like a stone. Black Wolf plummets, disappearing through a cloud.

BLACK WOLF O.S. (Angry howl)

Julius sits on NIKO's antlers. Both look down throu gh the clouds after Black Wolf. Silence. Then Julius realizes: NI KO is flying!

JULIUS You did, it Niko! You can fly! You can FLY!

Surprised himself, as if realizing it just now, NIK O grins as he swoops through the clouds, flying.

NIKO (cont’d) Yaahooooo!!!

Inebriated by his newfound ability, NIKO spins and turns, flies on his back. He and Julius are having the time of thei r life. Julius can barely hold on as NIKO goes into a downwards sp in.

JULIUS Arrrrghh. Niko, slow down! Don't ever do that again...

(exhilarated) Do it again! Do it again!


Wilma, Essie and Specs stare in wonder at Niko divi ng down. Wilma grins proudly. WILMA I taught him everything he knows!


The wolves - Smiley among them - stare up. Somethin g drifts down and lands in front of them: Santa’s cap. The sight unnerves them.


One by one, the reindeer land, surrounding the wolv es, among them Prancer and NIKO. The wolves gulp, all fight gone o ut of them.

WOLF 1 Uh... what do we do now --- Boss?

Smiley grins a toothless smile. He digs through the snow until he reaches the moss underneath. He forces it down.

SMILEY (Trying not to gag)

Who needth theindeeth when you’ve got moth. Niko growls scarily and chases after the wolves who run off.

On a hill above, Specs and Essie watch and laugh. E ssie turns to Specs.

ESSIE Hey, wanna go see if there are some leftovers in Santa´s kitchen?

Specs smiles at her.

SPECS That sounds like the best Christmas present ever.

Essie smiles back. Together they trot off into the setting silvery moon. As we watch them leave, Essie wags her tail – and this time, so does Specs.

IN THE AIR: Prancer comes floating down beside Niko .

PRANCER Hey, kid. Good work.

NIKO glances up, shyly.

NIKO Thanks, uh, Prancer, is it?

Prancer looks embarrassed.

PRANCER Actually, you can call me Dad.

NIKO does a double take in the air, Julius almost f alls off.

NIKO You're... You're my Dad?!

PRANCER Yeah ... I... I guess so.

Julius shoots him a disapproving glance.


JULIUS Well, it's about time you showed up.


The Forces chatter at the bar-table, laugh and joke . All the reindeer greet and cheer NIKO as he enters with Pra ncer.

FLYING FORCES (Ad libbing) There he is! / The man of the moment! / Wheeeheeeey!! / “For he’s a jolly good reindeer…”

PRANCER A big cheer to my son, the hero!


Julius sits in the rafters with Wilma, looking down at NIKO.

JULIUS (proud but sad)

Look at the boy, he really did it.

Wilma realizes his sadness, and gives him a friendl y nudge.

WILMA You were pretty heroic yourself, Julius.

Julius glances at her, a little shyly.

JULIUS I kinda liked "Nutboy".

They both smile. Then Julius looks back down at NIK O, reveling with the Forces. Julius sighs, the sad look returni ng.


Prancer and NIKO sit together, not knowing what to say.

PRANCER I'm sorry... about earlier. Not telling you right away. I guess I was...

NIKO Scared?

Prancer answers too quickly.

PRANCER No, no. Santa's reindeer don't get scared.

But NIKO sees through it.



I was scared too. (grins happy)

This is so great Dad! Mom told me all about you.

PRANCER (surprised / wary)

She did? What, uh, what did she say?

NIKO She said you were handsome...

Prancer smiles and shrugs, feigning modesty.

NIKO And a hero...

Prancer smiles wider - he likes what he's hearing.

NIKO And really funny!

Prancer's face is bursting with a big grin, all mod esty gone.

PRANCER Always listen to what your Mom says!

NIKO and Prancer share a laugh. Then an awkward sil ence.

Dasher arrives.

DASHER Ho, ho, ho! Santa's ready to roll!


A door opens. The FF exit, pulling Santa’s sleigh, a '59 Coupe de Ville crossed with a Rolls, loaded with presents.

NIKO watches, hugely impressed.

NIKO Oh wow!

Someone steps up to NIKO. Someone big. And red.

SANTA So you must be Niko.

NIKO Y... yes sir.

SANTA I hear you've had quite a time. I've had a word with the boys and they tell me you may be able to do me a little favor.


NIKO looks puzzled and surprised.


The FF soar through the sky. Santa's presents barel y stay in one place. Santa's long beard flaps out from in between the parcels.

Dasher leads the team. Just behind him, Prancer and ... NIKO, smaller than the others, but still pulling his weig ht.

NIKO beams with happiness - he's pulling Santa's sl eigh along with his Dad: The fulfillment of all his dreams.

He looks to the back of the sleigh, where nestled a t the juncture where the harness connects with the sleigh, Julius and Wilma sit. Julius waves to NIKO with a sad, bittersweet look. A small tear glistens at the edge of his eye.

WILMA Are you crying, nut boy?

Julius blows his nose into her tail.

JULIUS Crying? Nonsense! Just snow in my eye. We do tend to get a little snow around here or didn't you notice.

He turns away and secretly wipes the tear from his eye.


NIKO glances shyly at his Dad beside him.

NIKO When Christmas is over, Dad, we can go back to the herd and you’ll meet Mom again and Grandpa and we can all live together!

Dancer, Prancer and Comet exchange awkward glances.

PRANCER Of course that would be great, but we need to practice flying every day: Race over the Alps! Dive under the sea! Shoot up to the moon!

NIKO But what about after all that...?

PRANCER After that, we have some fuuuun!

COMET Sing Reindeer Songs, play Reindeer Games!


BLITZEN And boogie the night away!

The FF do a well co-ordinated jig with their legs. NIKO can’t help but laugh at the antics.


Julius notices NIKO laughing with his Dad. Julius s ighs and comes to a decision. He glides off.

WILMA Hey, Nutboy…!



We’re reindeer, we’re not horses, we’re Santa’s Flying Forces! Ho ho!

NIKO laughs. Then spots Julius, gliding beside him.

JULIUS I have to go back home now, Niko, I'll tell your mother you're alright.

NIKO Julius! Wait!

JULIUS I know you'll be the best reindeer on The Flying Forces, just like you always dreamed of. Goodbye... son.

Julius waves and dives down. Shocked at his friend' s departure NIKO strains his neck to look back at him.

NIKO No... Julius! ... come back!

NIKO (cont´d) (spots Wilma climbing along harness / low, sad)

Why did he leave, Wilma?!

WILMA I reckon he didn’t want to get in the way.

She glances at Prancer. A realization dawns on Niko ´s face.

NIKO But… If it wasn’t for Julius I would never have been able to fly.

Dasher and the FF look on NIKO with sympathy.


DASHER And he inspired us to find the courage to fly when the wolves were going to eat us.

FLYING FORCES (embarrassed at the memory)

Yes, true / He saved us all / Darn gutsy.

A beat. NIKO gulps. He looks forlorn now.

NIKO Julius taught me everything… to ignore bullies… to be brave, even when I was scared… and every night, before I go to sleep he always tucks me in…

NIKO notices that his words have touched an emotion al chord with the Flying Forces. They gulp, hold back the tears.

FLYING FORCES That’s...beautiful / Nobody ever tucked me in / Wish I’d had a Dad like that...

A realization dawns on NIKO.

Santa’s sleigh recedes into the distance.


Oona, Saga, The Leader and other reindeer exchange incredulous glances. They all look down at Julius.

JULIUS I'm telling the truth. Niko can fly and has joined Santa's Flying Forces!

LEADER We don't have time for your stories, Julius. They don't put food in our mouths.

Oona looks particularly upset.

OONA I trusted you to bring my boy back!

She moves on, head bowed, sad. Other members of the herd follow slowly. Julius looks hurt. Saga approaches.

SAGA I believe you, Julius… do you think Niko's happy?

Julius lowers his head dejected.

JULIUS Sure. I've never seen him so happy.


Saga moves on with the herd. Julius goes in the opp osite direction, sad and defeated. He is all alone as he trundles away.

He doesn’t notice, a small spot in the sky, with th e full moon in the background, approaching. It grows larger, fast.

SAGA Hey, what’s that up there?!

The reindeer look up at the sky. The growing dot tu rns into a flying reindeer. NIKO! The herd members gasp, stunn ed, as NIKO does aeronautical acrobatics above them, grinning.

REINDEER BOY 1 Woah! Niko can really fly!

NIKO does a flashy landing and strikes a heroic pos e. Wilma leaps off his antlers, does somersaults, like a gymnast, and lands.

Oona runs over to NIKO, hugging him with her head, licking his face - completely ruining his heroic pose.

OONA Niko! My little boy, are you all right?! Are you hurt?!

NIKO (low, embarrassed)

Mo-hom. Not in front of everybody.

OONA What happened?! (the reprimanding Mom kicking in) WHERE have you been!?

NIKO I’m sorry I ran away, Mom.

Julius pushes his way through the reindeers’ legs.

JULIUS Niko?! Why aren’t you with the Flying Forces?!

NIKO Because I didn’t want to anymore.

JULIUS And they let you fly off on your own?! Those irresponsible, good for nothing---!

A jingling of bells. All look up to see The Flying Forces arrive, pulling Santa’s sleigh. The herd below catch their breaths.

SANTA (checks his large watch)

Make it snappy, boys!


The sleigh lands. Julius looks highly disapproving.

JULIUS What do you have to say for yourselves!?

DASHER As a token of our gratitude, for saving our lives, Julius the Flying Hamster… I mean, Squirrel will from now on be an honorary member of Santa’s Flying Forces.

FLYING FORCES (Cheering, whistles, hooting)

Julius is utterly stunned.


What…? I… uh…

NIKO is pleased beyond measure.

DASHER Okay men, give me an “A”.

FLYING FORCES (Tuning in) Aaaaaaaa… / Aaaaa… / Aaaa…

DASHER A one. A two. A one, two, three, four…

FLYING FORCES (cont’d) “He's a squirrel not a hamster, a hero not a prankster, ho ho!” JULIUS Thanks, guys. That’s… almost too much. DASHER Well, it is. But what the heck! It’s Christmas! (to FF) Men! Let’s move out!

Prancer glances down at NIKO.

PRANCER Hey, you coming with us, Niko?

NIKO walks over to Julius.

NIKO I went all the way to Santa’s Fell to find my Dad… but then I realized he was with me all along.

NIKO takes position beside him.


NIKO I’m staying here.

A tear forms in Julius’ eye.

Oona and Saga beam. Wilma laughs and claps.

Santa and The Flying Forces sniff. Even Prancer smi les, touched.

PRANCER So… see you after Christmas, son?

Niko glances up at Oona. She glances at Prancer, an d arches a disapproving eyebrow. Prancer averts his gaze, guil tily. Oona’s expression softens and she looks at Niko, smiles an d nods.

NIKO Okay, Dad.

The Forces rise higher into the air. Prancer winks to Niko. The Forces shoot off.

NIKO turns to Julius.

NIKO I’m sorry I told you I never wanted to see you again, Julius. I didn’t mean it.

JULIUS (warm smile)

I know you didn’t, Niko.

NIKO grins.


Niko flies with Julius on his antlers. They see a n ew oasis. Julius turns and whistles to the herd behind them.

JULIUS Over here! Plenty of food and water.

The herd brightens.

GRANDPA / LEADER / HERD Finally! / We’re saved! / A new home! (ad lib)

The herd hurries over. Grandpa proudly glances up a t Niko.

GRANDPA I always said the boy could fly!

Niko lands, Julius leaps off his antlers to stand b eside him.

Saga approaches with Wilma on her antlers. Wilma le aps off to walk over to Julius, who’s leaning against Niko’s legs.


WILMA Hey, good job, Nutboy.

JULIUS When father and son work together, anything’s possible.

Saga stops beside Niko. The two exchange shy glance s.

Below, Julius and Wilma notice. They look knowingly at one another. Julius pokes Wilma playfully in the belly.

JULIUS Last one down’s a chicken!

They run off down the hill to the oasis, rolling ar ound, laughing.

WILMA / JULIUS (Laugh, joke)

Above them, Julius looks uneasily at Saga.

NIKO Saga, I understand if you think I’m a jinx.

SAGA I don't think you’re a jinx. It was my fault too that the wolves attacked us.

NIKO brightens a little. Saga becomes shy again.

SAGA I found something while you were gone.

NIKO What did you find?

SAGA I found that I missed you.

NIKO (Thrilled)

I missed you too! (Catches himself/low)

A little bit.

Julius catches Wilma peeking back and shoots her a look.

Saga smiles, puckers her lips and plants a kiss on NIKO's cheek. He blushes, floating skywards with joy.


We're in among THE PEACEFUL CLOUDS. Suddenly they t remble. A happy


NIKO shoots through a cloud, forming it into the sh ape of a heart.

NIKO Yaaaaahhhoooooooo!!!!!!