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clariion Guide v1.5 series Nimsoft® Monitor™

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clariion Guide v1.5 series

Nimsoft® Monitor™

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Contents 5


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 7

Configuration................................................................................................................................................................ 9

The CLARiiON GUI ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Creating a Resource ................................................................................................................................................... 22

Adding Monitors to be measured .............................................................................................................................. 24

Manually Selecting Monitors to Be Measured .................................................................................................... 25

Using Templates .................................................................................................................................................. 27

Using Auto Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 30

Editing the Monitor Properties .................................................................................................................................. 35

Glossary 39

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 7

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5

This description applies to clariion version 1.5x


EMC CLARiiON storage systems represent a critical infrastructure component. The Nimsoft CLARiiON monitoring probe has the capability of handling all common monitoring and data collection tasks.

The clariion probe uses naviseccli (a command line tool available from EMC) to collect and store data and information from the monitored CLARiiON systems at customizable intervals. You can define alarms to be raised and propagated when the specified thresholds are breached.

Monitoring capabilities

The following components may be monitored:

■ Storage Processors

■ Disks

■ LUNs

■ RAID Groups

■ Storage Groups

■ Thin Pools

■ FAST Cache

■ Mirror Views

■ System Faults


Templates are a useful tool for defining monitors to be measured on the various components.

Create a template and define a set of checkpoints belonging to that template. Drag and drop the template on the folder where you want to monitor the checkpoints defined for the template. See the section Using Templates for details.

This section contains the following topics:

Documentation Changes (see page 9) Configuration (see page 9) The CLARiiON GUI (see page 12)


8 clariion Guide

Creating a Resource (see page 22) Adding Monitors to be measured (see page 24) Editing the Monitor Properties (see page 35)


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 9

Documentation Changes

This table describes the version history for this document.

Version Date What's New?

1.5x October 2011 Initial Release


Double-click the line representing the probe in the Infrastructure Manager to bring up the GUI.

The GUI will initially appear as the one shown below:

■ An empty group called Default Group.

■ The QoS node containing some QoS definitions.

■ The Templates node, containing the templates available.


10 clariion Guide

See the section The VMware GUI for a description of the GUI and the different terms, elements, tool buttons and window panes involved.

Note that you must click the Apply button to activate any configuration modifications done.

Preparing the probe

The probe does not monitor anything yet. First you have to define what to monitor.

This is done by:

1. Configuring a Resource for the CLARiiON system you want to monitor.

2. Adding monitors (checkpoints). See the description in the section Adding Monitors to be measured.

3. Configuring the properties for the checkpoints (for example select if they should send QoS data and alarms if the thresholds specified are breached).

Adding a CLARiiON Resource

Start by creating a resource to be used as a connection to the CLARiiON system, through which the probe collects and stores data and information from the monitored components.

Select the Default group in the left pane, right-click and select New Resource.


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 11

The Resource dialog appears. Define a resource that represents a CLARiiON system. See the section Creating a Resource for details.

Press the Test button to verify the connection to the host. You should receive a response like the one shown below.


12 clariion Guide

Click the Apply button in the probe GUI to activate the new resource configuration.

The new resource should now appear under the Default group.

Adding monitors (checkpoints)

The link to the CLARiiON system is now established, but you have not yet selected any monitors (checkpoints).

Add monitors as described in the section Adding Monitors to be measured.

Configuring the properties for the monitors

Finally you may configure properties (such as monitor name/description, alarms, QoS messages etc.) for the monitors you have chosen to be monitored. This is described in the section Editing the Monitor Properties.

When finished, you must click the Apply button in the probe GUI to activate the configuration.



Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 13

The window consists of a row of tool buttons and two window panes. In addition, a status bar is located at the bottom of the window, showing GUI probe version information and when the probe was started.

The left pane

The left pane shows the monitoring groups containing the resources defined and the QoS definitions. Initially the Default Group and the standard QoS definitions are created and will appear in the pane.


You can create new groups by right-clicking a group and selecting New Group (or by clicking the New Group tool button).

■ Resources

A group contains one or more resources. On this probe you normally just create one resource. This resource is configured as a link to the CLARiiON system. It is possible to move a resource from one group to another, using drag and drop.

Note the following icons for the Resource node:

Means the connection to the host is OK.

Means the host is not available.

Means the host is trying to connect.

Under the Resource node you will find:

■ The Auto Configurations sub node

One or more checkpoints (or templates) can be added to this node, using drag and drop to be used for auto configuring unmonitored devices. See the section Using Automatic Configurations for further information.

■ The Auto Monitors sub node

This node lists Auto Monitors, created for previously unmonitored devices, based on the contents added to the Auto Configuration node.

See the section Using Automatic Configurations for further information.


Templates are a useful tool for defining checkpoints to be monitored on the various CLARiiON components.

You may create templates and define a set of monitors belonging to that template. Drag and drop the template on a node containing objects you want to monitor.

■ Right-clicking the Templates node lets you add a template.


14 clariion Guide

■ Right-clicking one of the templates defined lets you edit or delete the selected template.

The properties for a template are Name and Description.


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 15

See the section Using Templates for details.


This node contain the standard QoS definitions included with the probe package. These can be selected when editing the monitoring properties for a monitor. To define your own QoS definitions, right-click the QoS node and select New.

Right-clicking in the left pane

Right-clicking in the pane opens a pop-up menu, giving you the following possibilities:

When a Resource node is selected:

■ New Resource

Opens the Resource dialog, enabling you to define a new resource to be monitored.

■ New Group

Creates a new group where you may place resources. The new group will appear in the pane with the name New Group. Right-click the new group and select Rename to give the group a name of your own choice.

■ Edit

Lets you edit the properties for the selected resource.

■ Delete

Lets you delete the selected resource. Note that the Default group cannot be deleted, but if you remove all elements from the group, it will not appear the next time you restart the probe.

■ Rename

Lets you delete the selected resource.

■ Reload

Refresh the window to display the most current measured values for the monitors.

Note: When selecting reload, you will not get updated values until the next time the probe has polled the CLARiiON system. This interval is set by the Check Interval set on the properties dialog for the Resource.

When a QoS node is selected:

■ New: Create a new QoS definition by using the QoS Definition dialog.

■ Delete: Delete the QoS definition.

When a Template node is selected

■ New: Create a new template by entering a name (required) and description (optional) in the Template Properties dialog.


16 clariion Guide

■ Edit: Edit the description for the selected template.

■ Delete: Delete the selected template.

When a Group node is selected:

■ New Resource

Opens the Resource dialog, enabling you to define a new resource to be monitored.

■ New Group

Creates a new group where you may place resources. The new group will appear in the pane with the name New Group.

Right-click the new group and select Rename to give the group a name of your own choice.

■ Edit

Lets you edit the properties for the selected resource.

■ Delete

Lets you delete the selected group. Note that the Default group cannot be deleted, but if you remove all elements from the group, it will not appear the next time you restart the probe.

■ Rename

Lets you rename the group. Note that the Default group cannot be renamed.

The right pane

The contents of the right pane depends on what you select in the left pane:

■ Resources when a group is selected in the left pane.

■ Monitors when a resource is selected in the left pane.

Note the following icons:

Monitor where no value has been measured yet.

Black: Indicates that the monitor is NOT activated for monitoring. That means that the Enable Monitoring option is not set in the properties dialog for the monitor.

Green: Indicates that the monitor is activated for monitoring, and the threshold value defined in the properties dialog for the monitor is not exceeded.

Other colors: Indicates that the monitor is activated for monitoring, and the threshold value defined in the properties dialog for the monitor is exceeded. The color reflects the message token selected in the properties dialog for the monitor.

Monitor where QoS is enabled but alarms are not.

■ QoS definitions when the QoS sub-node is selected in the left-pane.


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 17

Right-clicking in the pane gives you the following possibilities:

■ When the QoS definitions are listed in the pane:

Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you the possibility to add (New) or delete a QoS definition.

■ When the resources are listed in the pane:

Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you the following options:

■ New

Opens the Resource dialog, allowing you to define a new resource.

■ Edit

Opens the Resource dialog for the selected resource, allowing you to modify the properties.

■ Delete

Deletes the selected resource.

■ Activate

Activates the selected resource.

■ Deactivate

Deactivates the selected resource.

■ When the monitors are listed in the pane:

Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you the following options:

■ Edit

Opens the Monitor properties dialog for the selected monitor, allowing you to modify the properties.

■ Delete

Deletes the selected monitor.

■ Refresh

Refreshes the window to display the most current measured values for the monitors. Note: When selecting refresh, you will not get updated values until the next time the probe has polled the CLARiiON system. This interval is set by the Check Interval set on the properties dialog for the Resource.

The tool buttons

The configuration tool also contains a row of tool buttons:


18 clariion Guide

■ The General Setup button

■ The Create New Group button

■ The Create New Resource button

■ The Message Pool Manager button

■ The Create New Template button.

General Setup

Clicking the General Setup button opens the General Setup dialog.

Field Description


Log-level Sets the level of details written to the log file. Log as little as possible during normal operation, to minimize disk consumption.

0= Fatal errors.

1= Errors.

2= Warnings.

3= Information.

4= Debug info.

5= Debug information, extremely detailed.


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 19

Enable GUI auto-refresh

When this option is selected, the GUI will be refreshed each 60 seconds. This will reflect the most current measured values from the checkpoints and status of the nodes in the tree structure that can be seen when manoeuvring through the CLARiiON system appearing under a resource node.

If not checked, you have to press the F5 button to refresh the GUI.

Note: When pressing F5 to refresh, you will not get updated values until the next time the probe has polled the CLARiiON system. This interval is set by the Check Interval set on the properties dialog for the Resource.


Reflects the folder containing Java home.

Navisphere CLI

Configures the location of the Navisphere CLI executable (naviseccli.exe) used to gather data about the CLARiiON system.

Creating a new group

You may create a new group by selecting the Create New Group button in the menu-bar. The new group will appear in the pane with the name New Group.

Right-click the new group and select Rename to give the group a name of your own choice.

Creating a new resource

You may create a resource by selecting the group it should belong to (normally Default) and clicking the Create New Resource icon in the menu-bar.


20 clariion Guide

The Resource dialog will be launched, guiding you through the process of creating a resource.

Launching the Message Pool Manager

The Message Pool Manager can be opened by clicking the Message Pool Manager button in the Tool bar.

The alarm messages for each alarm situation are stored in the Message Pool. Using the Message Pool Manager, you can customize the alarm text, and you may also create your own messages.


Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 21

Note that variable expansion in the message text is supported. If typing a ‘$’ in the Alarm text field, a dialog pops up, offering a set of variables to be chosen:


The resource referred to in the alarm message.


The source where the alarm condition occurs.


The monitor (checkpoint) referred to in the alarm message.


The description of the monitor.


The monitor key (normally the same as the name of the monitor).


The value used in the alarm message.


The operand to be combined with the value and the threshold in the alarm message.


The alarm threshold defined.


The unit to be combined with the value in the alarm message (for example boolean).

Creating a new template

You may create a template by clicking the Create New Template icon in the menu-bar.

Creating a Resource

22 clariion Guide

The template dialog will be launched. Specify a name and a short description of the template.

See the section Using Templates for further information.

Creating a Resource

You can edit the properties for a resource by right-clicking a resource and selecting Edit. This brings up the Resource dialog

Field Description

Resource Name The name of the CLARiiON system

Source The source to be used for QoS metrics and Alarms. This is typically the IP address of Storage Processor A.

Creating a Resource

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 23

Storage Processor A

The IP address of Storage Processor A

Storage Processor B

The IP address of Storage Processor B

Username A valid username to be used by the probe to access the CLARiiON system.

Password A valid password to be used by the probe to access the CLARiiON system.

Group Here you can select which group you want the resource to belong to. Normally you just have the Default group.

Alarm message Select the alarm message to be sent if the resource does not respond. Note that you can edit the message or define your own using the Message Pool Manager.

Check interval The check interval defines how often the probe checks the values of the monitors.

Login Scope The login scope for the CLARiiON system user. It is recommended to use Global or Local users for monitoring the CLARiiON system in order to remove any dependency on an LDAP server.

Test button Press the test button to verify the connection to the CLARiiON system. You should receive a response like the one shown below.

Adding Monitors to be measured

24 clariion Guide

Adding Monitors to be measured

There are three different ways to enable monitors to be measured CLARiiON elements:

■ Manually selecting the monitors

This is done by maneuvering through the tree browser appearing under resource node. Selecting a folder in the tree structure, the monitors found will be listed in the right pane of the probe GUI, enabling you to select the ones you want to monitor.

See also the section Manually Selecting Monitors to be Measured.

■ Using templates

Templates are a useful tool for defining monitors to be measured. See the section Using Templates for further information.

■ Using Auto Configurations

Auto Configurations provide a powerful method for automatically adding monitors to be measured. "Auto Monitors" will be created for devices that are currently NOT monitored.


When new disks are added to the CLARiiON system, the Auto Configuration feature will, if configured, create Auto Monitor(s) for the new disks and automatically start monitoring them.

See the section Using Automatic Configurations for further information.

More Information

Manually Selecting Monitors to Be Measured Using Templates Using Auto Configurations

Adding Monitors to be measured

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 25

Manually Selecting Monitors to Be Measured

To select a monitor to be measured for a resource, you simply select the resource in the left pane and browse the tree appearing under the resource node. Selecting a folder in this tree-structure, the monitors found will be listed in the right pane of the probe GUI, enabling you to select the ones you want to monitor.

Note that you may also add monitors to be measured using templates (see the section Using Templates).

Adding Monitors to be measured

26 clariion Guide

Selecting the All Monitors node, all monitors currently being measured will be listed in the right pane. Note that you can also select/deselect monitors here.

Enabling the monitors for QoS and Alarming

You can now see the current values for the monitors in the Values column in the monitor list of the GUI. To enable the probe to send QoS data and/or send alarms on threshold breaches, you have to modify the properties for each of the monitors. This is done by double-clicking a monitor (or right-clicking and selecting Edit), which brings up the monitor’s properties dialog.

Adding Monitors to be measured

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 27

Using Templates

Templates are useful tools for defining monitors to be measured on the various elements of a CLARiiON system:

You may create templates and define a set of monitors belonging to that template. These templates can be applied to a folder or element by dragging and dropping the template on the node in the tree where you want to measure the monitors defined for the template. You may also drop a template on a resource in the tree structure, and the template will be applied to all elements for the resource.

Creating a template

Right-click the Templates node in the left window pane and select New.

Note that you may also edit an existing template by selecting one of the templates defined (found by expanding the Templates node and selecting Edit).

The Template Properties dialog appears, letting you specify a Name and a Description for the new template.

Adding Monitors to be measured

28 clariion Guide

Adding monitors to the template

Drag checkpoints from the right pane and drop on the template in the left pane:

Adding Monitors to be measured

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 29

You may now edit the properties for the monitors under the template as described in the section Editing the Monitor Properties.

Applying a template

Drag and drop the template on the element where you want to monitor the checkpoints defined for the template. Note that you may also drop the template on a folder containing multiple elements.

You will then be asked if you want to apply the template.

You may also drop a template on a resource in the tree structure, and the template will be assigned all elements under that resource structure:

Adding Monitors to be measured

30 clariion Guide

Using Auto Configurations

Auto Configurations provide a powerful method for automatically adding monitors to be measured. "Auto Monitors" will be created for devices that are currently NOT monitored.


When new Thin Pools are created on the CLARiiON system, the Auto Configuration feature will, if configured, create Auto Monitor(s) for the new Thin Pools and automatically start monitoring them.

The Auto Configuration feature consists of two nodes located under the resource node in the left pane:

■ Auto Configurations

One or more checkpoints (or templates) can be added to this node, using drag and drop. When this is done, you must click the Apply button and restart the probe to activate the changes.

The probe will search for the appropriate types of objects. Auto Monitors, representing the monitor(s)/template(s) added under the Auto Configuration node will be created (and listed under the Auto Monitor node, see below) for devices that are currently NOT monitored.

NOTE: Adding many monitors/templates to the Auto Configurations node may result in a very large number of Auto Monitors (see below).

■ Auto Monitors

This node lists Auto Monitors created for previously unmonitored devices, based on the contents added to the Auto Configuration node.

The Auto Monitors will only be created for devices that are currently NOT monitored.

Adding a template to the Auto Configurations node You can add a template (see the Using Templates section to learn more about templates) by selecting the Templates node in the left pane. All templates available will now be listed in the right pane. Add a template to the Auto Configurations node by dragging the template, dropping it on the Auto Configurations node.

Click the Auto Configurations node and verify that the template was successfully added. Note that you must also click the Apply button and restart the probe to activate the configuration.

Adding Monitors to be measured

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 31

Adding Monitors to be measured

32 clariion Guide

Adding a monitor to the Auto Configurations node

You can add a monitor to the Auto Configurations node using drag and drop.

Monitors can be listed in the right pane by selecting the resource in the left pane and manoeuvring through the tree appearing under the resource node. Selecting a folder in this tree-structure, the monitors found will be listed in the right pane of the probe GUI.

Note that you can also list all checkpoints currently monitored, if any, in the right pane by selecting the All Monitors node.

Add the monitor to the Auto Configurations node by dragging the monitor, dropping it on the Auto Configurations node.

Click the Auto Configurations node and verify that the monitor was successfully added. Note that you must also click the Apply button and restart the probe to activate the configuration.

Adding Monitors to be measured

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 33

Exploring the contents of the Auto Configurations node

Click the Auto Configurations node in the left pane and verify that the monitors and /or templates were successfully added. Note that you must click the Apply button and restart the probe to activate the Auto Configuration feature.

Right-clicking in the list, selecting Edit, lets you edit the properties for the template or monitor. See the section Editing the Monitor Properties for detailed information.

Right-clicking in the list, selecting Delete, lets you delete the template or monitor from the list.

Adding Monitors to be measured

34 clariion Guide

Checking the Auto Monitors node When templates and/or monitors have been added to the Auto Configurations node, you must click the Apply button and restart the probe to activate the Auto Configuration feature.

The probe will then start searching through CLARiiON system.

For each element that is currently NOT monitored, an Auto Monitor will be created for each of the templates/monitors listed under the Auto Configurations node:


Suppose you have three monitors under the Auto Configurations node; one Thin Pool related monitor and two disk related monitors. This will result in one Auto Monitor created for each Thin Pool found and two Auto Monitors for each disk found, provided that these devices are currently not monitored.

All Auto Monitors created will be listed under the Auto Monitors node.

Editing the Monitor Properties

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 35

Editing the Monitor Properties

Edit the properties for a monitor by right-clicking it in the window and selecting Edit. When finished, you must click the Apply button to activate the new configuration.

Field Description

Name This is the name of the monitor. The name will be inserted into this field when the monitor is created, but you are allowed to modify the name.

Key This is a read-only field, describing the monitor key.

Description This is a description of the monitor. This description will be inserted into this field when the monitor is created, but you are allowed to modify it.

Editing the Monitor Properties

36 clariion Guide

Field Description

Value Definition This drop-down list lets you select which value to be used, both for alarming and QoS:

You have the following options:

■ The current value, meaning that the most current value measured will be used.

■ The delta value (current –previous). This means that the delta value calculated from the current and the previous measured sample will be used.

■ Delta per second. This means that the delta value calculated from the samples measured within a second will be used.

■ The average value of the last and current sample: (current + previous) / 2.

Active This activates the monitoring of the probe.

Enable Monitoring

Selecting this option activates the monitoring.

Note that the monitor will also be selected in the list of monitors in the right window pane when this option is selected, and that you can enable/disable monitoring of the checkpoint from that list.

Alarms This tab describes the alarm properties for the monitor.

You can define both a high and a low threshold.

Initially the high threshold is set to a default value (or the current value. Set this value to match your needs.

The low threshold is initially disabled. If you want to use it, you must select another operator than "disabled" from the list and configure it to match your needs.

Operator Select from the drop-down list the operator to be used when setting the alarm threshold for the measured value.


=> 90 means alarm condition if the measured value is above 90.

= 90 means alarm condition if the measured value is exactly 90.

Threshold The alarm threshold value. An alarm message will be sent if this threshold is exceeded.

Unit This field specifies the unit of the monitored value.

(for example %, Mbytes etc.). The field is read-only.

Message Token Select the alarm message to be issued if the specified threshold value is breached. These messages are kept in the message pool. The messages can be modified in the Message Pool Manager.


Editing the Monitor Properties

Chapter 1: clariion 1.5 37

Field Description

Post with subject Checking this option, the alarm messages for the checkpoints will be attached/posted with the displayed subject.

Publish Quality of Service

Select this option if you want QoS messages to be issued on the monitor.

QoS Name Select the name to be used on the QoS message issued.

Glossary 39
