nine dillemmas of leadership.pptx

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Post on 01-Nov-2015




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Dilemma a situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or unsatisfactory. Broad-based Leadership vs. High Visibility LeaderShould the leader share leadership responsibilities widely, or be a highly visible charismatic leader?3Independence vs. InterdependenceShould the organizational units work competitively against one another, or should they cooperate highly in a team mode?

Long Term vs. Short TermShould the leader invest in projects with a long-term pay out at the expense of actions that bring immediate results and profits? 5Creativity vs. DisciplineShould imaginative thinking be encouraged at the expense of disciplined activities such as meeting budgets and deadlines?6Trust vs. Change

To maintain a high level of trust, it is important for the leader not to make too many changes, yet change is necessary to move the organization forward.7Bureaucracy Busting vs. Economies of Scale

If the leader decentralizes, there is less hierarchy, yet the organization may lose out on the cost savings possible from manufacturing or purchasing on a large scale.

Productivity vs. PeopleTo attain high productivity, it may be necessary to push people to a point where their health and personal lives are disrupted.Leadership vs. CapabilityThe people-and-vision skills that produce good leadership are quite different from the managerial and technical skills required for efficient operations.Revenue Growth vs. Cost Containment

Organizational growth requires free spending, but an organization must still control costs.

The hardest job a leader has is to navigate among often conflicting goals. Identify them first and you can steer a winning course.

Thomas A. Stewart

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