nine frame analysis

Taken An extreme close up shot that shows only the feet creates suspense, as you do not know who this person is. This adds mystery to the film, as you want to find out who the kidnappers are. There is then a jump cut of Kim and her father talking. This is a continuous action and it adds a bit of action to the film, as you do not know what is going to happen.

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Post on 19-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Nine Frame Analysis


An extreme close up shot that shows only the feet creates suspense, as you do not know who this person is. This adds mystery to the film, as you want to find out who the kidnappers are.

There is then a jump cut of Kim and her father talking. This is a continuous action and it adds a bit of action to the film, as you do not know what is going to happen.

Page 2: Nine Frame Analysis

We are shown a close up shot of Kim’s face when she see’s her friend getting kidnapped, she knows she is about to get taken, the expression on her face really lets the audience know that she is terrified of the people in her house and upset at what has happened.

This close up shot of Kim as she is suddenly dragged out from under the bed displays fear as she screams as soon as she is grabbed. This shot symbolizes the fear that she has and that she is terrified of the men who are taking her away.

Page 3: Nine Frame Analysis

After his daughter is taken from under the bed, there is a jump cut to her father and shows a close up shot of his face. The emotion on his face is enough for the audience to know what he is feeling.

This close up shot of Kim shows that she is not yet aware of what is about to happen, her facial expression show that she is calm and not worried about anything at all.

Page 4: Nine Frame Analysis

There is a long shot showing Kim’s point of view as she can see the girl across the way being kidnapped, this long shot is used to display what is happening in the other room without Kim actually being there.

There is then a close up shot of her father which slowly zooming in as he is talking; the expression on his face shows the seriousness of the situation and the importance of what he is telling her to do.