nine ways not to talk about god.docx

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  • 7/24/2019 NINE WAYS NOT TO TALK ABOUT GOD.docx



    by Raimon Panikkar

    The author has a precise idea not of what God is,

    but of what God is not --and even that idea falls under his attack.

    RAIMON PANIKKAR, who grew up in Spain, the son of a Hindu Indian father

    and a Roman Catholic Spanish mother, is a liing em!odiment of interreligious

    dialogue" Professor emeritus of Religious Studies of the #niersit$ of

    California at Santa %ar!ara, he now lies in retirement in a small illage near

    %arcelona" Among his ma&or !oo's are The Vedic Experience; The Unknown

    Christ of induis!; "#th, $aith, and er!eneutics; The Trinit# and the

    %orld&s 'eli(ions; %orship and )ecular "an; The )ilence of God* The +nswer

    of the uddha; The Cos!otheandric Experience; and lessed )i!plicit#.Or!is%oo's will shortl$ pu!lish his (ifford )ectures, The 'h#th! of ein(.*he

    present article represents the first pages of a new !oo'"

    The folloin! nine "oin#$ are in#en%e% a$ a &on#rib'#ion #o re$ol(in! a &onfli

    #ha# #ear$ many of o'r &on#em"orarie$ a"ar#) I# o'l% $eem* in fa* #ha# many

    "eo"le %o no# $'&&ee% in re$ol(in! #he folloin! %ilemma+ he#her #o belie(e in a

    &ari&a#'re of Go% #ha# i$ no#hin! b'# a "ro,eion of o'r 'n$a#i$fie% %e$ire$- or #o

    belie(e in ab$ol'#ely no#hin! a# all* an%* &on$e.'en#ly* no# e(en in one$elf)

    A# lea$# $in&e Parmeni%e$* #he ma,or "ar# of We$#ern &'l#'re ha$ been &en#ere%on #he limi#/e0"erien&e of Bein! an% Pleni#'%e) A lar!e "ar# of Ea$#ern &'l#'re*

    on #he o#her han%* a# lea$# $in&e #he U"ani$ha%$* i$ &en#ere% on #he &on$&io'$ne$$/

    limi# of No#hin! an% Em"#ine$$) The former i$ a##rae% by #he orl% of #hin!$ a$

    #hey re(eal #o '$ #he #ran$&en%en&e of Reali#y) The la##er i$ a##rae% by #he orl%

    of #he $'b,e* hi&h re(eal$ #o '$ #he im"ermanen&e of #ha# (ery Reali#y) Bo#h

    are "reo&&'"ie% i#h #he "roblem of 1'l#ima&y*1 hi&h many #ra%i#ion$ ha(e

    &alle% Go%)

    The nine brief refleion$ I am "re$en#in! $ay no#hin! abo'# Go%) In$#ea%* #hey

    o'l% $im"ly ho"e #o in%i&a#e #he &ir&'m$#an&e$ in hi&h %i$&o'r$e abo'# Go%mi!h# be a%e.'a#e an% $ho i#$elf #o be fr'i#f'l* if only #o hel" '$ li(e o'r li(e$

    more f'lly an% freely) Thi$ i$ no# offere% a$ an e0&'$e b'# a$ "erha"$ #he mo$#

    "rofo'n% in#'i#ion+ e &anno# $"eak abo'# Go% a$ e %o of o#her #hin!$)

    I# i$ im"or#an# #ha# e #ake in#o a&&o'n# #he fa #ha# #he ma,ori#y of h'man

    #ra%i#ion$ $"eak of Go% only in #he (o&a#i(e) Go% i$ an in(o&a#ion)

  • 7/24/2019 NINE WAYS NOT TO TALK ABOUT GOD.docx


    2y nine/fa&e#e% refleion i$ an effor# #o form'la#e nine "oin#$ hi&h* i# $eem$ #o

    me* $ho'l% be a&&e"#e% a$ #he ba$i$ for a %ialo!'e #ha# h'man &on(er$a#ion &an

    no lon!er re"re$$* 'nle$$ e a&&e"# a re%'ion #o bein! no#hin! b'# &om"le#ely

    "ro!ramme% robo#$) On ea&h "oin# I ha(e a%%e% only a fe $en#en&e$*

    &on&l'%in! i#h a 3hri$#ian &i#a#ion #ha# $er(e$ a$ an ill'$#ra#ion)

    4) We cannot speak of God without having first achieved an interior silence.

    5'$# a$ i#6$ ne&e$$ary #o make '$e of a Gei!er &hamber an% ma#hema#i&al

    ma#ri&e$ in or%er #o $"eak knole%!eably abo'# eleron$* e nee% #o ha(e a

    "'ri#y of hear# #ha# o'l% allo '$ #o li$#en #o Reali#y i#ho'# any $elf/$eekin!

    in#erferen&e) Wi#ho'# #hi$ $ilen&e of men#al "ro&e$$e$* e &anno# elabora#e any

    %i$&o'r$e on Go% #ha# i$ no# re%'&ible #o $im"le men#al e0#ra"ola#ion$)

    Thi$ "'ri#y of hear# i$ e.'i(alen# #o ha# o#her #ra%i#ion$ &all em"#ine$$ //

    main#ainin! one$elf o"en #o Reali#y* i#h nei#her "ra!ma#i& &on&ern$ nor

    e0"ea#ion$ on one han%* or re$en#men#$ or "re&on&ei(e% i%ea$ on #he o#her)

    Wi#ho'# $'&h a &on%i#ion* e are only "ro,ein! o'r on "reo&&'"a#ion$* !oo%

    or ba%) If e are $eekin! Go% in or%er #o make '$e of #he %i(ine for $ome#hin!*

    e are o(er#'rnin! #he or%er of Reali#y) 1When yo' i$h #o "ray*1 #he Go$"el

    $ay$* 1!o in#o #he %ee"e$# an% mo$# $ilen# "ar# of yo'r ho'$e)1

    7)Speaking about God is a discourse that is sui generis.

    I# i$ ra%i&ally %ifferen# from %i$&o'r$e abo'# any#hin! el$e* be&a'$e Go% i$ no# a

    #hin!) To make Go% a #hin! o'l% be #o make Go% an i%ol* e(en if i# ere only an

    i%ol of #he min%)

    If Go% ere $im"ly a #hin!* hi%%en or $'"erior* a "ro,eion of o'r #ho'!h#* i#

    o'l% no# be ne&e$$ary #o '$e $'&h a name) I# o'l% be more "re&i$e #o $"eak

    abo'# a $'"erman* a $'"er&a'$e* a me#a/ener!y or #ho'!h#* or I %on6# kno

    ha#) I# o'l% no# be ne&e$$ary* in or%er #o ima!ine a (ery in#elli!en# ar&hi#e

    or an e0#remely "oerf'l en!ineer* #o '$e #he #erm Go%- i# o'l% be eno'!h #o

    $"eak of a $'"er/'nknon behin% #ho$e #hin!$ e ha(e no# &ome &om"le#ely #o

    kno) Thi$ i$ #he Go% of #he !a"$* ho$e $#ra#e!i& re#rea#$ ha(e been re(eale% #o

    '$ %'rin! #he la$# #hree &en#'rie$) 1Yo' ill no# #ake #he name of Go% in (ain*1

    #he Bible $ay$)

    8)Discourse about God is a discourse of our entire being.

    I#6$ no# ,'$# a ma##er of feelin!* rea$on* #he bo%y* $&ien&e* or a&a%emi& "hilo$o"hy

    an%9or #heolo!y) Di$&o'r$e abo'# Go% i$ no# #he eli#i$# $"e&ial#y of any &la$$)

  • 7/24/2019 NINE WAYS NOT TO TALK ABOUT GOD.docx


    :'man e0"erien&e in all a!e$ ha$ alay$ #rie% #o e0"re$$ a 1$ome #hin!1 of

    ano#her or%er* hi&h i$ a$ m'&h a# #he ba$i$ a$ a# #he en% of all #ha# e are*

    i#ho'# e0&l'%in! any#hin!) Go%* if Go% 1e0i$#$*1 i$ nei#her a# #he lef# nor #he

    ri!h#* nei#her abo(e nor belo* in e(ery $en$e of #he$e or%$) To an# #o "la&e

    Go% on o'r $i%e like o#her #hin!$ i$ $im"ly a bla$"hemy) 1Go% i$ no# a re$"eer

    of "er$on$*1 S#) Pe#er $ay$)

    ;)It is not a discourse about any church, religion, or science.

    Go% i$ no# #he mono"oly of any h'man #ra%i#ion* e(en of #ho$e #ha# &all

    #hem$el(e$ #hei$#i& or &on$i%er #hem$el(e$ reli!io'$) E(ery %i$&o'r$e #ha# o'l%

    #ry #o im"ri$on Go% in any i%eolo!y ha#$oe(er o'l% $im"ly be $earian)

    I# i$ &om"le#ely le!i#ima#e #o %efine #he $eman#i& fiel% of or%$* b'# #o limi# #he

    fiel% of Go% #o #he i%ea #ha# a !i(en h'man !ro'" make$ of #he %i(ine en%$ '" by

    %efen%in! a $earian &on&e"#ion of Go%) If #here e0i$#$ 1$ome #hin!1 #ha#

    &orre$"on%$ #o #he or% 1Go%*1 e &an6# &onfine i# #hro'!h any a"ar#hei%)

    Go% i$ #he all ) I# i$ a %i$&o'r$e #ha# alay$ #ake$ "la&e by mean$ of a belief)

    I# i$ im"o$$ible #o $"eak i#ho'# lan!'a!e) Similarly* #here i$ no lan!'a!e #ha#

    %oe$ no# &on(ey one or ano#her belief) Ne(er#hele$$* e $ho'l% ne(er &onf'$e #he

    Go% e $"eak of i#h #he lan!'a!e of #he belief #ha# !i(e$ e0"re$$ion #o Go%)

    There e0i$#$ a #ran$&en%en#al rela#ion$hi" be#een #he Go% #ha# lan!'a!e

    $ymboli?e$ an% ha# e a'ally $ay abo'# Go%) We$#ern #ra%i#ion$ ha(e of#en

    $"oken of a mysterion// hi&h %oe$ no# mean an eni!ma or #he 'nknon)

    E(ery lan!'a!e i$ &on%i#ione% an% linke% #o a &'l#'re) In a%%i#ion* e(ery

    lan!'a!e %e"en%$ on #he &on&re#e &on#e0# hi&h "ro(i%e$ i# i#h i#$ meanin! an%

    i#$ bo'n%arie$ a# #he $ame #ime) We nee% a fin!er* eye$* an% a #ele$&o"e in or%er

    #o lo&ali?e #he moon* b'# e &an6# i%en#ify #he la##er i#h #he mean$ e make '$e

    of) I# i$ ne&e$$ary #o #ake in#o a&&o'n# #he in#rin$i& ina%e.'a&y of e(ery form of

    e0"re$$ion) @or e0am"le* #he "roof$ of #he e0i$#en&e of Go% #ha# ere %e(elo"e%

    %'rin! #he "erio% of 3hri$#ian $&hola$#i&i$m &an only %emon$#ra#e #he

    nonirra#ionali#y of %i(ine e0i$#en&e #o #ho$e ho alrea%y belie(e in Go%)

    O#heri$e* ho o'l% #hey be able #o kno #ha# #he "roof %emon$#ra#e$ ha#

    #hey are lookin! for

    )It is a discourse about a symbol, not about a concept.

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    Go% &anno# be ma%e #he ob,e of any knole%!e or any belief) Go% i$ a $ymbol

    #ha# i$ bo#h re(eale% an% hi%%en in #he (ery $ymbol of hi&h e are $"eakin!)

    The $ymbol i$ a $ymbol be&a'$e i# $ymboli?e$* no# be&a'$e i# i$ in#er"re#e% a$

    $'&h) There i$ no "o$$ible hermene'#i& for a $ymbol be&a'$e i# i#$elf i$ #he

    hermene'#i&) Wha# e make '$e of in or%er #o in#er"re# a $o/&alle% $ymbol i$ #he

    #r'e $ymbol)

    If lan!'a!e i$ only an in$#r'men# #o %e$i!na#e ob,e$* #here &o'l% be no "o$$ible

    %i$&o'r$e abo'# Go%) :'man bein!$ %o no# $"eak $im"ly in or%er #o #ran$mi#

    informa#ion* b'# be&a'$e #hey feel #he in#rin$i& ne&e$$i#y #o $"eak // #ha# i$* #o li(e

    f'lly by "ar#i&i"a#in! lin!'i$#i&ally in a !i(en 'ni(er$e)

    1No one ha$ e(er $een Go%*1 S#) 5ohn $ay$)

    C)Speaking about God is, by necessity, a polysemic discourse.

    I# &anno# be limi#e% #o a $#rily analo!i&al %i$&o'r$e) I# &anno# ha(e aprimum

    analogatum$in&e #here &anno# be a me#a/&'l#'re o'# of hi&h %i$&o'r$e i$

    &on$#i#'#e%) Tha# o'l% alrea%y be a &'l#'re) There e0i$# many &on&e"#$ abo'#

    Go%* b'# none 1&on&ei(e of1 Go%) Thi$ mean$ #ha# #o #ry #o limi#* %efine* or

    &on&ei(e of Go% i$ a &on#ra%iory en#er"ri$e+ ha# i$ "ro%'&e% by i# o'l% be

    only a &rea#ion of #he min%* a &rea#'re)

    1Go% i$ lar!er #han o'r hear#*1 S#) 5ohn $ay$ in one of hi$ e"i$#le$)

    ) God is not the only symbol to indicate what the word "God" wishes to


    Pl'rali$m i$ inheren#* a# #he (ery lea$#* in #he h'man &on%i#ion) We &anno#

    1'n%er$#an%1 or $i!nify ha# #he or% 1Go%1 mean$ in #erm$ of a $in!le

    "er$"ei(e or e(en by $#ar#in! i#h a $in!le "rin&i"le of in#elli!ibili#y) The (ery

    or% 1Go%1 i$ no# ne&e$$ary) E(ery a##em"# #o ab$ol'#i?e #he $ymbol 1Go%1

    %e$#roy$ link$ no# only i#h #he %i(ine my$#ery

  • 7/24/2019 NINE WAYS NOT TO TALK ABOUT GOD.docx


    A Go% ho o'l% be &om"le#ely #ran$&en%en# // in a%%i#ion #o #he fa #ha# i#

    o'l% be &on#ra%iory #o ho"e #o $"eak abo'# $'&h a Go% // o'l% be a

    $'"erfl'o'$* if no# "er(er$e hy"o#he$i$) A &om"le#ely #ran$&en%en# Go% o'l%

    %eny %i(ine immanen&e a# #he $ame #ime #ha# i# o'l% %e$#roy h'man

    #ran$&en%en&e) The %i(ine my$#ery i$ ineffable an% no %i$&o'r$e &an %e$&ribe i#)

    I# i$ &haraeri$#i& of h'man e0"erien&e #o re&o!ni?e #ha# i# i$ limi#e%* no# only in

    a linear $en$e by #he f'#'re* b'# al$o in#rin$i&ally by i#$ (ery fo'n%a#ion* hi&h i$

    !i(en #o i#) Unle$$ i$%om an% lo(e* &or"oreali#y an% #em"orali#y* are 'ni#e%*

    #here i$ no e0"erien&e) 1Go%1 i$ a or% #ha# "lea$e$ $ome "eo"le an% %i$"lea$e$

    o#her$) Thi$ or%* by breakin! #he $ilen&e of bein!* "ermi#$ '$ #o re%i$&o(er i#

    on&e more) We* e are #he e0/$i$#en&e of a $i$#en&e #ha# "ermi#$ '$ #o be $#re#&he%
