no bug zone® all natural mosquito repellent

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


    OMPANY MISSIONOMPANY MISSIONSince 1994 NLS inc has researched, manufacturedSince 1994 NLS inc has researched, manufactured and marketed one ofand marketed one of

    the largest lines of high quality biological, organic & natural fertilizers,the largest lines of high quality biological, organic & natural fertilizers,

    foliar nutrients and natural biodegradable soil conditioners. hesefoliar nutrients and natural biodegradable soil conditioners. hese

    !roducts include !lant nutrients, liquid soil modifiers, humic acids,!roducts include !lant nutrients, liquid soil modifiers, humic acids,sea"eed, fish emulsion, nitrogen fi#ing bacteria, enzymes, beneficialsea"eed, fish emulsion, nitrogen fi#ing bacteria, enzymes, beneficial

    fungi, non to#ic insect controls and many other en$ironmentally safefungi, non to#ic insect controls and many other en$ironmentally safe

    !roducts. %e are the makers of '(( )*+- one of the most!roducts. %e are the makers of '(( )*+- one of the most

    effecti$e breakthrough and recognized !roducts in the agriculturaleffecti$e breakthrough and recognized !roducts in the agriculturalindustry..industry..

    *llo" us to introduce you to our latest breakthrough ..//*llo" us to introduce you to our latest breakthrough ..//

  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


    NO-BUG-ZONEThree years and countlesshours of formulating, fieldtesting & research have

    yielded an amazingly powerful

    alternative to toxic pestcontrol solutions.

    We are extremely proud of our

    latest achievment. Not justanother Ecofriendly product,!ur propriortary formula has

    no e"ual, #est of all ...


    $eets and exceeds the E%guidelines for all natural

    pesticides and is exemptfrom registration

    afe Eco-friendlyAll natural protectionthat lasts..!!

  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


    What does -BUG-Z Econtrol ?

  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent



    As you know I used your NO-BUG-ZONE product on my hay and pastureswith ece!!ent resu!ts" #e a!so p!ant a$out an acre o% tomato and okra andwere inundated with horn worms &caterpi!!ars' ()* o% our p!ants were

    co+ered with them" I mied up some o% the NBZ and sprayed the p!ants, #ewatched as what seemed !ike hundreds o% the thins ust %e!! o%% andscattered" It.s $een two weeks now and sti!! no trace o% them" I a!so sprayedthe yard and around the $arn and paddock and can honest!y say we aremos/uito %ree" I know my neih$or ot some %rom you $ecause o% how it dido+er here" It.s a p!easure to $e a$!e to et out in the yard, especia!!y in the

    e+enin , NO 01EE2ER BI2E0 333

    2hank you aain %or such a reat product

    4hris 5ar$rouh , 6ake 4ity 7!

  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent



    I just wanted to give you a progress report on the performance of your No Bug ZoneI just wanted to give you a progress report on the performance of your No Bug Zone

    product. My back yard is approimate!y "#$$$ s%. ft adjacent to a conservationproduct. My back yard is approimate!y "#$$$ s%. ft adjacent to a conservation

    wet!ands. &s I mentioned# my ' ( year o!d son and I were being bitten on a night!ywet!ands. &s I mentioned# my ' ( year o!d son and I were being bitten on a night!y

    basis by No )ee *ms. I sprayed for the 'st time on the "rd week of May# Now it isbasis by No )ee *ms. I sprayed for the 'st time on the "rd week of May# Now it is

    +u!y ',th and I am just starting to have to reapp!y. I can honest!y say I haven-t had+u!y ',th and I am just starting to have to reapp!y. I can honest!y say I haven-t hadto worry about biting insects for the !ast , months in my back yard. My son and Ito worry about biting insects for the !ast , months in my back yard. My son and I

    are outside every evening for at !east / minutes to tend to the garden and just toare outside every evening for at !east / minutes to tend to the garden and just to

    p!ay outside. It has been a great fee!ing to not have to worry about my son beingp!ay outside. It has been a great fee!ing to not have to worry about my son being

    bit by mos%uitoes this who!e time. My two neighbors that !ive on either side havebit by mos%uitoes this who!e time. My two neighbors that !ive on either side have

    said that they have been batt!ing mos%uitoes for the !ast month to si weeks.said that they have been batt!ing mos%uitoes for the !ast month to si weeks. 0his0his

    product works 1 I !ook forward to se!!ing it at ourproduct works 1 I !ook forward to se!!ing it at our store. 0hank you for a!!owing mestore. 0hank you for a!!owing me

    to test it for you# It-s the best a!! natura! I know test it for you# It-s the best a!! natura! I know of.

    Ryan Doenfield, Owner, The Bug Depot, Spring hill FlRyan Doenfield, Owner, The Bug Depot, Spring hill Fl,

  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


    The DiifferenceNO-BUG-ZONEis not made !ike other ar!ic

    products" In %act NO-BUG-ZONEis not ust a ar!icproduct"

    #e do not use water etracts, they may $e easier touse in %ormu!ation, $ut they !ose potency durin thewater etraction process and must $e mied withwater aain %or app!ication"

    #e $!end concentrated oi!s in our %ormu!ation,

    Gar!ic oi! 8 4edar oi! 8 4innamon oi! 8 4aster oi!

    9enetratin - 6on 6astin - E%%ecti+e

  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


  • 8/13/2019 NO BUG ZONE All Natural Mosquito repellent


    LOSING STATMENTLOSING STATMENT6ike many o% our products,6ike many o% our products, NO-BUG-ZONENO-BUG-ZONEhas /uick!y arneredhas /uick!y arnered

    a %o!!owin o% !oya! repeat $uyers in the retai! market"a %o!!owin o% !oya! repeat $uyers in the retai! market"9ri+ate!y owned do it your se!% pest contro! stores and9ri+ate!y owned do it your se!% pest contro! stores and

    arden centers enoy the repeat $usiness andarden centers enoy the repeat $usiness and

    comp!iment o% : ;ey that stu%% worked Great :comp!iment o% : ;ey that stu%% worked Great :2hanks 3332hanks 333

    #e encourae you to ta!k more with your#e encourae you to ta!k more with your NO-BUG-ZONENO-BUG-ZONERepresentati+e" In today