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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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All the weeks news and events in photo stories. Including the May Day rally, dance and concert, the latest from Runway fashion day, police clampdown on tobacco, Chief Minister visits fire damaged power plant, Workers Memorial Day, Royal Engineers march through Gibraltar, Conservatives start their election campaign, Royal Naval visits and more. Over 200 pages in images to enjoy.


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Welcome again,

We are now on our 4th issue, and with it we bring abumper edition.

Music, dance, fashion, rallies, ceremonies, politics andpolicing. Gibraltar has been a busy place, and as suchso have we.

Some might say, “200 odd pages? That is too much!”And really it is, but with so much taking place, why notbring it all to you in the easiest way to see it, our flickand see way.

We are sure you will enjoy it.

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nocomment Bank Holiday DelaysThe bank holiday commemorating Workers Memorialday was marked by a two hour delay on all vehiclescrossing into Spain. The delays started at 8.30 in themorning.

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Conservativesstand up to be countedConservatives

Conservativeparty supportersin Gibraltarstarted theirEuropeanParliamentaryelectioncampaign in MainStreet lastSaturdayhanding outleaflets.

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HMS BLYTHarrivesThe Royal Navy mine-hunter HMS Blytharrived on the Rock onits way to NATOdeployment

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Workersmeet CM

GibElec workers who survived the explosion of one of thegenerators the previous week met with the Chief MinisterFabian Picardo during a visit to the power station. Workersare now cleaning the plant.

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Royal Engineer Veteransmarch through Main StreetVeterans from the Royal Engineers gathered at Casemates last Saturday tomarch through Main Street. As they passed the lobby of Parliament Housethe took a salute from Mayor Adolfo Canepa.

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MEMORIAL DAYThe Chief Minister, Governor and leaders from allthe essential services and unions gathered to paytribute to workers who had lost their lives


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MAY DAYThe preparations forthe May Day rally onThursday started onTuesday with thestage erected byorganisers.

On Wednesday allgroups andperformers, under theintense summer typeheat, prepared onstage for the nextdays event.

the preparations

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MAY DAYMAY DAYthe rallythe rallyUnite Gibraltar, the union, organised a May Day Rally atCasemates Square. The event was marked by the silent protest of members ofthe GGCA who claimed they had not been extended aninvitation to participate at the rally.

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do you know of a story which you think might be interesting for us to cover?

do you know of an event that is taking place?

are you organising an event?

is there a human interest story to be told?

contact [email protected]

or t. 54017663

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MAY DAY&fun danceAs from 11am dancersand singers from thenational choirentertained the publicbefore the main rally.

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This is just a quick reminder!ALL our images, plus more, are available from our photo gallery main site at


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MAY DAYtheconcertAfter the dancers andmain rally speeches camethe rock concert, withShotBreak, Metro Moteland REACH.

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Paul Perez takesRUNWAYPaul Perez takesRUNWAYLocal fashion designer PaulPerez took the award forRunway’s Best Newcomer inthe latest Runway fashionshow held this Saturday.The event also sawinternational designersshowcasing their latestdesigns on the catwalk at theTrecentenary Sports Hall.

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nocommentPaul Perez alongside one of the models showacasing his work.

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next week full feature on RUNWAY.. all the designers, all the events and more

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RGP clampdown ontobacco

The Royal Gibraltar Police has launched an operation byWaterport Terrace which has seen all tobacco activity in the areastopping overnight. Officers are patrolling both land and sea on a24hr basis.

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SUB ARRIVALA Royal Navy submarine is the latest navalarrival on the Rock this weekend.

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Produced by Core Photography