no prayer, no there

No Prayer, No There Preparing to Fo!ow Jesus Into the HarvestTogether

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Post on 11-May-2015




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I spoke here on the privilege and necessity of corporate prayer as God's royal children. I think the Holy Spirit anointed it. Please listen to it is you missed it.    Our church is headed into an extended season of corporate prayer. This message helps lay the ground work. 


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No Prayer, No TherePreparing to Fo!ow Jesus Into the Harvest—Together

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Communion and Communication with God for many purposes, to include asking God for help

Similar to the close relationship between a father & his small children: enjoyment, dependence, obedience and requests

God so eager to partner with us, His Royal Children, He restricts Himself to our prayers in many situations

What Is Prayer?

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God GreatlyValues Prayer

God wants to give us good things more than we do but He waits to be asked: “You have not because you ask not.” James 4:3. John Wesley: "God does nothing except in answer to prayer."

Example: pray to Lord of Harvest to send out His workers into His harvest He gave His Son to save!

God even prays to God for us!

Jesus prays for us ( Heb. 7:25) Therefore He is able also to save [a]forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them

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God GreatlyValues Prayer

Holy Spirit prays to the Father for us: (Rom. 8:26)—“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”

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God Values Corporate Prayer

Corporate blessings, advances, victories come after corporate prayer: bible & history prove

Fire from heaven: 2 Chron 7:3, Acts 2

Every revival preceded by intense private & corporate prayer: Pentecost, Finny, Graham

GOD refuses to save the world without us and without our corporate prayer!

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Matt. 18:19-20: “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.

For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Phased array, synergy

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THIS VERSE SAYS that agreement in prayer strengthens our prayer.!The power of our agreement in prayer on earth brings a response in heaven. Heaven is waiting for earth to ask in agreement.!

Just gathering in Jesus name brings the Presence of Jesus in a special way even though He lives in us by His Spirit. !

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God is building a foundation of prayer in our church to bear the weight of the visitation of the Spirit and the needs of the many people who will come as a result of the visitation!

Without significant corporate prayer we will not be able to bear the weight of His glory that is coming upon us!

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Everything Jesus was born for can be accessed and released in a more intense way when we pray together.

God desires His people to pray and work together

Jan 6-19, 2014: 14 day fast and prayer time. (LUNCH ON 26TH)

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USS North Carolina

1857 Prayer Revival: cloud of God over American land—even felt by ships coming there

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"The North Carolina--a battleship of the United States Navy--lay in the harbor of New York. Her complement was about a thousand men.

Amongst these were four Christians who discovered their spiritual kinship and agreed to meet for prayer. They were permitted to use a very

retired part of the ship, on a deck far below the water line. Here, then, they gathered one evening. They were only four men, but they were a

united band. They represented three denominations, one being an Episcopalian, another a Presbyterian, while two were Baptists.

"As they knelt in the dim light of a tiny lamp, the Spirit of God suddenly filled their hearts with such joy of salvation that they burst into song. The

strange sweet strain rose to the decks above, and there created great astonishment. Their ungodly shipmates came running down. They came to mock, but the mighty power of God had been liberated by rejoicing

faith. It gripped them, and in one moment their derisive laugh was changed into the cry of penitent sinners! Great fellows, giants in stature,

and many of them giants in sin, were literally smitten down, and knelt humbly beside the four, like little children.

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Sailors went all over the world on other ships spreading the revival.

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God is preparing us for revival—along with many other congregations

Worldwide revival is coming. Perhaps the last one before Jesus comes

Each of us was called here to partner with God in making history, in doing something great for God that will change many lives forever. We were made for greatness—to bring heaven to earth and glorify God.

We really are royal beings in God’s Royal Family!

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Pray according to God's will (bible)-->faith

Pray boldly, with persistence & gratitude

Watch your heart towards others

Listen & pray back what you sense God said

Rejoice that you are partnering with God to make history and build the Kingdom

Don't give up (mom, brother, dad's sale!)

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Let’s pray together more each Sunday as we worship God. Ask God to teach us to pray and to empower us to pray. Humility combined with boldness!

No script. He is our Script. He is our Way, Our Truth, our Life. His Presence will lead

Let’s lay down our lives for Him and for His love for the people of the world. Let Him pray through us to bring heaven to earth!

Next week: Power of Prayer & Fasting


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Prayer Requests

Spirit-Teach us to pray together, pray through us

Prepare us for Your visit here. Nest here!

Come and revive us so we can revive others

Change us in any way so we can bear more fruit and bring greater honor to Jesus