nonlinear discrete optimization - cornell...

Shmuel Onn Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Nonlinear Discrete Optimization Based on several papers joint with several co-authors including Berstein, De Loera, Hemmecke, Lee, Rothblum, Weismantel, Wynn (Update on Lecture Series given at CRM Montréal) Billerafest 2008 - conference in honor of Lou Billera's 65th birthday

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Page 1: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Based on several papers joint with several co-authors including Berstein, De Loera, Hemmecke, Lee, Rothblum, Weismantel, Wynn

(Update on Lecture Series given at CRM Montréal)

Billerafest 2008 - conference in honor of Lou Billera's 65th birthday

Page 2: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 3: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

Shmuel Onn

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 4: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

Shmuel Onn

- by a system of inequalities

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 5: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

Shmuel Onn

- by a system of inequalities(often linear inequalities, giving “integer programming”)

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 6: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

Shmuel Onn

- by a suitable oracle (membership, linear optimization, etc.)

- by a system of inequalities(often linear inequalities, giving “integer programming”)

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 7: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

Shmuel Onn

- by a system of inequalities

(often S is 0,1-valued, giving “combinatorial optimization”)

(often linear inequalities, giving “integer programming”)

- by a suitable oracle (membership, linear optimization, etc.)

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 8: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

The objective function is parameterized as f(w1x, . . ., wdx), where w1x, . . ., wdx are linear forms and f is a real valued function on Rd.

Shmuel Onn

- by a system of inequalities

(often S is 0,1-valued, giving “combinatorial optimization”)

(often linear inequalities, giving “integer programming”)

- by a suitable oracle (membership, linear optimization, etc.)

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 9: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

min or max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x in S .

The objective function is parameterized as f(w1x, . . ., wdx), where w1x, . . ., wdx are linear forms and f is a real valued function on Rd.

The problem can be interpreted as multi-objective discrete optimization, where the goal is to optimize the “balancing” by f of d linear criteria:

Shmuel Onn

- by a system of inequalities

(often S is 0,1-valued, giving “combinatorial optimization”)

(often linear inequalities, giving “integer programming”)

- by a suitable oracle (membership, linear optimization, etc.)

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

Page 10: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The set of feasible points is a subset S of Zn suitably presented, e.g.

min or max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x in S .

The objective function is parameterized as f(w1x, . . ., wdx), where w1x, . . ., wdx are linear forms and f is a real valued function on Rd.

The problem can be interpreted as multi-objective discrete optimization, where the goal is to optimize the “balancing” by f of d linear criteria:

Shmuel Onn

- by a system of inequalities

(often S is 0,1-valued, giving “combinatorial optimization”)

(often linear inequalities, giving “integer programming”)

- by a suitable oracle (membership, linear optimization, etc.)

Framework for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization

It is generally intractable even for fixed d=1 and f the identity on R(e.g., it may be NP-hard or even require exponential oracle-time).

Page 11: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Some Applications and Examples

Where Our Theory Provides

Polynomial Time Algorithms

Page 12: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Vector Partitioning and Clustering:

- Shaped partition problems (SIAM Opt.)

- Partition problems with convex objectives (Math. OR)

Page 13: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Partition m items evaluated by k criteria to p players, to maximize socialutility that is function of the sums of vectors of items each player gets.

The nonlinear function on k x p matrices is f(X) = ∑ Xij3

Example: Consider m=6 items, k=2 criteria, p=3 players

The criteria-item matrix is: items


The social utility of π is f(Aπ) = 244432

The matrix of a partition such as π = (34, 56, 12) is:players


Each player should get 2 items

Vector Partitioning

Shmuel Onn

Page 14: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

All 90 partitions πof items 1, …,6 To 3 players where each player gets 2 items

π = (34, 56, 12)



f(Aπ) = 244432

The optimal partition is:

with optimal utility:

Shmuel Onn

Page 15: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Minimum Variance Clustering

Given m points v1, …, vm in Rk, group them into p (balanced) clusters so as to minimize the sum of cluster variances .

P=3, k=3, m large

Shmuel Onn

Page 16: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 17: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Spanning trees, polymatroids, intersections of matroids:

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 18: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

(3 -2)

(-1 2)

(1 0)(2 -1)(-2 3)

(0 1)

Example - spanning trees:

Consider n=6, the graph G=K4 , d=2,

weights w, and the Euclidean norm

(squared) f(x) = |x|2 = x12 + x2


- Spanning trees, polymatroids, intersections of matroids:

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 19: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

(3 -2)

(-1 2)

(1 0)(2 -1)(-2 3)

(0 1)

Example - spanning trees:

Consider n=6, the graph G=K4 , d=2,

weights w, and the Euclidean norm

(squared) f(x) = |x|2 = x12 + x2


The optimal tree x has

w(x) = (0 1) + (-1 2) + (-2 3) = (-3 6)

and objective value f(w(x)) = |-3 6|2 = 45

- Spanning trees, polymatroids, intersections of matroids:

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 20: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Spanning trees, polymatroids, intersections of matroids:

- Systems of polynomial equations:simultaneous computation of universal Gröbner basesfor all ideals on the Hilbert Scheme

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 21: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is
Page 22: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Gröbner Polyhedra

Page 23: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Spanning trees, polymatroids, intersections of matroids:

- Experimental design and learning:finding optimal multivariate polynomial modelthat fits experiment-results or learning-queries

- Systems of polynomial equations:simultaneous computation of universal Gröbner basesfor all ideals on the Hilbert Scheme

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 24: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Convex matroid optimization (SIAM Disc. Math.)- Convex combinatorial optimization (Disc. Comp. Geom.)- Cutting corners (Adv. App. Math.)- The Hilbert zonotope and universal Gröbner bases (Adv. App. Math.)- Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design (SIAM Disc. Math.)- Nonlinear optimization over a weighted independence system (submitted)

- Spanning trees, polymatroids, intersections of matroids:

- Experimental design and learning:finding optimal multivariate polynomial modelthat fits experiment-results or learning-queries

- Systems of polynomial equations:simultaneous computation of universal Gröbner basesfor all ideals on the Hilbert Scheme

- Matroids and Their Applications:

Page 25: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Multiway Tables and Their Applications:

Page 26: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Privacy and confidentiality in statistical data bases

- Multiway Tables and Their Applications:

Page 27: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Privacy and confidentiality in statistical data bases

- Congestion avoiding (multiway) transportation

- Multiway Tables and Their Applications:

Page 28: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Privacy and confidentiality in statistical data bases

- Error correcting codes

- Congestion avoiding (multiway) transportation

- Multiway Tables and Their Applications:

Page 29: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- Privacy and confidentiality in statistical data bases

- Error correcting codes

- Congestion avoiding (multiway) transportation

- Scheme for (nonlinear) optimization over any integer program

- Multiway Tables and Their Applications:

Page 30: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

- The complexity of 3-way tables (SIAM Comp.)- Markov bases of 3-way tables (J. Symb. Comp.)- All linear and integer programs are slim 3-way programs (SIAM Opt.)- N-fold integer programming (Disc. Opt. in memory of Dantzig) - Graver complexity of integer programming (Annals Combin.)- Nonlinear bipartite matching (Disc. Opt.)- Convex integer maximization (J. Pure App. Algebra)- Convex integer minimization (submitted)

- Privacy and confidentiality in statistical data bases

- Error correcting codes

- Congestion avoiding (multiway) transportation

- Scheme for (nonlinear) optimization over any integer program

- Multiway Tables and Their Applications:

Page 31: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Some Geometric Methods:

Convex Discrete Maximization

Page 32: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

Page 33: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

Page 34: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

Page 35: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

Page 36: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

- Cubes: unit vectors 1i (e.g. 0-1 quadratic programming)

Page 37: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

- Cubes: unit vectors 1i (e.g. 0-1 quadratic programming)

- Matroid polytopes: pairs 1i - 1j (e.g. spanning trees

Page 38: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider the convex hull P = conv S of the feasible set S in Zn.When we can control the edge-directions of P, we can reduce

convex to linear maximization in strongly polynomial time.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

- Cubes: unit vectors 1i (e.g. 0-1 quadratic programming)

- Matroid polytopes: pairs 1i - 1j (e.g. spanning trees

- Transportations: nxp circuit matrices (e.g. partitioning, clustering)

Page 39: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Theorem:Theorem: Fix any d. Then for any S in Zn endowed with a set E that

covers all edge-directions of conv S, and any convex f presented

by a comparison oracle, the convex discrete maximization problem

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x in S

reduces to strongly polynomially linear counterparts over S.

Shmuel Onn

Convex Discrete Maximization

Page 40: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Lemma: If E = e1, …, em covers all edge-directions of a polytope P

then the zonotope Z = [-1, 1] e1 + … + [-1, 1] em is a refinement of P.

Proof: preliminaries on zonotopes

(Minkowsky, Grunbaum , …, )

Shmuel Onn

Page 41: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is





Proof: preliminaries on zonotopes

Shmuel Onn

Lemma: If E = e1, …, em covers all edge-directions of a polytope P

then the zonotope Z = [-1, 1] e1 + … + [-1, 1] em is a refinement of P.

Page 42: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is





Proof: preliminaries on zonotopes

Shmuel Onn

Lemma: If E = e1, …, em covers all edge-directions of a polytope P

then the zonotope Z = [-1, 1] e1 + … + [-1, 1] em is a refinement of P.

Page 43: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is











Proof: preliminaries on zonotopes

Shmuel Onn

Lemma: If E = e1, …, em covers all edge-directions of a polytope P

then the zonotope Z = [-1, 1] e1 + … + [-1, 1] em is a refinement of P.

Page 44: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is














P aa22


Proof: preliminaries on zonotopes

Shmuel Onn

Lemma: If E = e1, …, em covers all edge-directions of a polytope P

then the zonotope Z = [-1, 1] e1 + … + [-1, 1] em is a refinement of P.

Page 45: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Lemma: In Rd, the zonotope Z can be constructed from E = e1, …, em along with a vector ai in the cone of every vertex in O(md-1) operations.














P aa22


Proof: preliminaries on zonotopes

(Edelsbrunner, Gritzmann, Orourk, Seidel, Sharir, Sturmfels, …)Shmuel Onn

Lemma: If E = e1, …, em covers all edge-directions of a polytope P

then the zonotope Z = [-1, 1] e1 + … + [-1, 1] em is a refinement of P.

Page 46: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Proof: the algorithm Input: S in Zn given by linear optimization oracle, set E of edge-directionsof P=conv S, d x n matrix w, and convex f on Rd given by comparison oracle

Shmuel Onn

Page 47: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is


Proof: the algorithm Input: S in Zn given by linear optimization oracle, set E of edge-directionsof P=conv S, d x n matrix w, and convex f on Rd given by comparison oracle

Shmuel Onn

Page 48: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is


E Rn










1. Construct the zonotope Z generated by theprojection wE, and find ai in each normal cone



Proof: the algorithm Input: S in Zn given by linear optimization oracle, set E of edge-directionsof P=conv S, d x n matrix w, and convex f on Rd given by comparison oracle

Shmuel Onn

Page 49: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is












1. Construct the zonotope Z generated by theprojection wE, and find ai in each normal cone

2. Lift each ai in Rd to bi = wT ai in Rn and solve linear optimization with objective bi over S


Proof: the algorithm Input: S in Zn given by linear optimization oracle, set E of edge-directionsof P=conv S, d x n matrix w, and convex f on Rd given by comparison oracle

Shmuel Onn

Page 50: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is














wP aaii

1. Construct the zonotope Z generated by theprojection wE, and find ai in each normal cone

3. Obtain the vertex vi of Pand the vertex wvi of wP

Proof: the algorithm Input: S in Zn given by linear optimization oracle, set E of edge-directionsof P=conv S, d x n matrix w, and convex f on Rd given by comparison oracle

2. Lift each ai in Rd to bi = wT ai in Rn and solve linear optimization with objective bi over S

Shmuel Onn

Page 51: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is













3. Obtain the vertex vi of Pand the vertex wvi of wP

1. Construct the zonotope Z generated by theprojection wE, and find ai in each normal cone

4. Output any viattaining maximumvalue f(w vi) usingcomparison oracle


wP aaii

Proof: the algorithm Input: S in Zn given by linear optimization oracle, set E of edge-directionsof P=conv S, d x n matrix w, and convex f on Rd given by comparison oracle

2. Lift each ai in Rd to bi = wT ai in Rn and solve linear optimization with objective bi over S

Shmuel Onn

Page 52: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Theorem:Theorem: For any fixed d, there is a strongly polynomial time algorithm that, given any S in 0,1n presented by membership oracle and endowed with set E covering all edge-directions of conv S, and convex f, solves

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x in S

Strongly PolynomialConvex Combinatorial Maximization

Page 53: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Theorem:Theorem: For any fixed d, there is a strongly polynomial time algorithm that, given any S in 0,1n presented by membership oracle and endowed with set E covering all edge-directions of conv S, and convex f, solves

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x in S

Strongly PolynomialConvex Combinatorial Maximization

- Convex combinatorial optimization (Disc. Comp. Geom.)

Page 54: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Theorem:Theorem: For any fixed d, there is a strongly polynomial time algorithm that, given any S in 0,1n presented by membership oracle and endowed with set E covering all edge-directions of conv S, and convex f, solves

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x in S

Strongly PolynomialConvex Combinatorial Maximization

- Nonlinear bipartite matching (Disc. Opt.)

Natural case with exponentially many edge-directions –permutation matrices and Birkhoff polytope - is treated in

Page 55: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider maximizing wx over S, with E all edge-directions of conv S:

Proof: membership augmentation linear optimization

Shmuel Onn

Page 56: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider maximizing wx over S, with E all edge-directions of conv S:

Lemma: Membership AugmentationProof: x in SS can be improved if and only if there is an edge direction e in E such that w e > 0 and x + e = y for some y in SS.

Proof: membership augmentation linear optimization

Shmuel Onn

Page 57: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider maximizing wx over S, with E all edge-directions of conv S:

Lemma: Membership AugmentationProof: x in SS can be improved if and only if there is an edge direction e in E such that w e > 0 and x + e = y for some y in SS.

Lemma: Augmentation linear OptimizationProof: Schulz-Weismantel-Ziegler and GrÖtschel–Lovászusing scaling ideas going back to Edmonds-Karp.

Proof: membership augmentation linear optimization

Shmuel Onn

Page 58: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Consider maximizing wx over S, with E all edge-directions of conv S:

Lemma: Membership AugmentationProof: x in SS can be improved if and only if there is an edge direction e in E such that w e > 0 and x + e = y for some y in SS.

Lemma: Augmentation linear OptimizationProof: Schulz-Weismantel-Ziegler and GrÖtschel–Lovászusing scaling ideas going back to Edmonds-Karp.

Lemma: Polynomial time Strongly polynomial timeProof: Frank-Tárdos show that using Diophantine approximationcan replace w by w’ of bit size depending polynomially only on n.

Proof: membership augmentation linear optimization

Shmuel Onn

Page 59: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Some Algebraic Methods:

Nonlinear Integer Programming

Page 60: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

min or max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x ≥ 0, Bx = b, x integer

Nonlinear Integer Programming

with w1x, . . ., wdx linear forms on Rn and f real valued function on Rd.

Shmuel Onn

We now concentrate on the nonlinear integer programming problem:

Page 61: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

N-Fold Systems

Shmuel Onn

Page 62: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

Shmuel Onn

N-Fold Systems

Page 63: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

Page 64: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

We have the following four theorems on n-fold integer programming:

Page 65: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Theorem 1:Theorem 1: For any fixed matrix A, linear integer programmingover n-fold products of A can be done in polynomial time:

max wx: A(n)x = a, x ≥ 0, x integer

Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

We have the following four theorems on n-fold integer programming:

Page 66: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

We have the following four theorems on n-fold integer programming:

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : A(n)x = a, x ≥ 0, x integer

Theorem 2:Theorem 2: For any fixed d and matrix A, convex integer maximizationover n-fold products of A can be done in polynomial time:

Page 67: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

We have the following four theorems on n-fold integer programming:

min f1(x1) + . . . + fnt(xnt) : A(n)x = a, x ≥ 0, x integer

Theorem 3:Theorem 3: For fixed matrix A, separable convex integer minimizationover n-fold products of A can be done in polynomial time:

Page 68: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

We have the following four theorems on n-fold integer programming:

Theorem 4:Theorem 4: For fixed matrix A, integer point lp-nearest to a given xover n-fold products of A can be determined in polynomial time:

min |x - x|p : A(n)x = a, x ≥ 0, x integer

Page 69: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-fold product of A to be the following (r+ns) x nt matrix,

A(n) =


Shmuel Onn

Let A be (r+s) x t matrix with submatrices A1, A2 of first r and last s rows.

N-Fold Systems

- N-fold integer programming (Disc. Opt. in memory of Dantzig) - Convex integer maximization via Graver bases (J. Pure App. Algebra)- Convex integer minimization (submitted)

Page 70: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Universality of N-Fold Systems

Page 71: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-product of A as the following variant of the n-fold operator:

Shmuel Onn

A[n] =


Universality of N-Fold Systems

Page 72: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-product of A as the following variant of the n-fold operator:

Shmuel Onn

A[n] =


Universality of N-Fold Systems

Consider m-products of the 1 x 3 matrix (1 1 1). For instance,

Page 73: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-product of A as the following variant of the n-fold operator:

Shmuel Onn

A[n] =


Universality of N-Fold Systems

(1 1 1)[3] =

Consider m-products of the 1 x 3 matrix (1 1 1). For instance,

Page 74: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Define the n-product of A as the following variant of the n-fold operator:

Shmuel Onn

A[n] =

Universality of N-Fold Systems

x integer : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a

Universality Theorem: Universality Theorem: Any bounded set x integer : x ≥ 0, Bx = b is inpolynomial-time-computable coordinate-embedding-bijection with some

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Define the n-product of A as the following variant of the n-fold operator:

Shmuel Onn

A[n] =

Universality of N-Fold Systems

x integer : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a

Universality Theorem: Universality Theorem: Any bounded set x integer : x ≥ 0, Bx = b is inpolynomial-time-computable coordinate-embedding-bijection with some

- All linear and integer programs are slim 3-way programs (SIAM Opt.)

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Define the n-product of A as the following variant of the n-fold operator:

Shmuel Onn

A[n] =

Universality of N-Fold Systems

x integer : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a

Universality Theorem: Universality Theorem: Any bounded set x integer : x ≥ 0, Bx = b is inpolynomial-time-computable coordinate-embedding-bijection with some

Scheme for Nonlinear Integer Programming:any program: max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x ≥ 0, Bx = b, x integer

n-fold program: max f(w’1x, . . ., w’dx) : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a, x integercan be lifted to

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The Computational Complexity of

Nonlinear Integer Programming:

The Graver Complexity of K3,m

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Graver Bases

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Graver Bases

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

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Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

Page 81: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

Example: Consider A=(1 2 1).

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

Page 82: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

Example: Consider A=(1 2 1). Then G(A) consists of:

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

Page 83: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

circuits: ±(2 -1 0)

Example: Consider A=(1 2 1). Then G(A) consists of:

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

Page 84: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

circuits: ±(2 -1 0), ±(1 0 -1)

Example: Consider A=(1 2 1). Then G(A) consists of:

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

Page 85: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

circuits: ±(2 -1 0), ±(1 0 -1), ±(0 1 -2)

Example: Consider A=(1 2 1). Then G(A) consists of:

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

Page 86: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Shmuel Onn

Graver Bases

The Graver basis of an integer matrix A is the finite set G(A) of conformal-minimal nonzero integer vectors x satisfying Ax = 0.

circuits: ±(2 -1 0), ±(1 0 -1), ±(0 1 -2)

Example: Consider A=(1 2 1). Then G(A) consists of:

non-circuits: ±(1 -1 1)

Vector x conforms to y if lie in same orthant and |xi| ≤ |yi| and for all i.

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Graver Bases of N-ProductsConsider n-products of A:


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Graver Bases of N-ProductsConsider n-products of A:

The type of x = (x1, . . . , xn) is the number of its nonzero blocks.


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Graver Bases of N-Products

(Aoki-Takemura, Santos-Sturmfels, Hosten-Sullivant)

Consider n-products of A:

Lemma: Every integer matrix A has a finite Graver complexity g(A) such that any element in the Graver basis G(A[n]) for any n has type ≤ g(A).

The type of x = (x1, . . . , xn) is the number of its nonzero blocks.


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Graver Bases of N-Products

Theorem: Graver bases of A[n] and A(n) are computable in polynomial time.

Consider n-products of A:

Lemma: Every integer matrix A has a finite Graver complexity g(A) such that any element in the Graver basis G(A[n]) for any n has type ≤ g(A).

The type of x = (x1, . . . , xn) is the number of its nonzero blocks.


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Graver Bases of N-Products

Theorem: Graver bases of A[n] and A(n) are computable in polynomial time.

Consider n-products of A:

Lemma: Every integer matrix A has a finite Graver complexity g(A) such that any element in the Graver basis G(A[n]) for any n has type ≤ g(A).

The type of x = (x1, . . . , xn) is the number of its nonzero blocks.


Practicality: the complexity is high and dominated by ng(A), but promising scheme is to consider Graver elements of gradually increasing type.

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Definition: The Graver complexity of a graph or a digraph G is the Graver complexity g(G):=g(A) of its vertex-edge incidence matrix A.

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Let g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m]).

Definition: The Graver complexity of a graph or a digraph G is the Graver complexity g(G):=g(A) of its vertex-edge incidence matrix A.

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Let g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m]).

g(3) = g

For instance,

= 9

Definition: The Graver complexity of a graph or a digraph G is the Graver complexity g(G):=g(A) of its vertex-edge incidence matrix A.

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a, x integer

Theorem:Theorem: Consider the following universal nonlinear integer program:

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a, x integer

1. 1. For any fixed m can solve it in polynomial time ng(m)

Theorem:Theorem: Consider the following universal nonlinear integer program:

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a, x integer

1. 1. For any fixed m can solve it in polynomial time ng(m)

2. 2. For variable m it is universal and NP-hard

Theorem:Theorem: Consider the following universal nonlinear integer program:

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

max f(w1x, . . ., wdx) : x ≥ 0, (1 1 1)[m][n]x = a, x integer

1. 1. For any fixed m can solve it in polynomial time ng(m)

2. 2. For variable m it is universal and NP-hard

So ifSo if PP≠≠NP NP thenthen g(m) must grow with m. How fast ?

Theorem:Theorem: Consider the following universal nonlinear integer program:

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Theorem:Theorem: We have Ω( 2m ) = g(m) = Ο( m46m ).

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Theorem:Theorem: We have Ω( 2m ) = g(m) = Ο( m46m ).

Also:Also: g(2)=3, g(3)=9, g(4) ≥ 27, g(5) ≥ 61.

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

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The Graver Complexity of a Graph

Theorem:Theorem: We have Ω( 2m ) = g(m) = Ο( m46m ).

Also:Also: g(2)=3, g(3)=9, g(4) ≥ 27, g(5) ≥ 61.

- Graver complexity of integer programming (Annals Combin.)

Recall: g(m) := g(K3,m) = g((1 1 1)[m])

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Proofs of Theorems 1-4


Nonlinear N-Fold Integer Programming

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Proof of Theorem 1 - Linear Optimization

Shmuel Onn

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Proof of Theorem 1 - Linear Optimization

Shmuel Onn

- Compute the Graver basis of A(n) efficiently.

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Proof of Theorem 1 - Linear Optimization

Shmuel Onn

- Use integer caratheodory theorem and convergence property to showthat G(A(n)) allows to augment feasible to optimal point efficiently.

- Compute the Graver basis of A(n) efficiently.

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Proof of Theorem 1 - Linear Optimization

Shmuel Onn

- Compute the Graver basis of A(n) efficiently.

- Use an auxiliary n-fold program to find an initial feasible point.

- Use integer caratheodory theorem and convergence property to showthat G(A(n)) allows to augment feasible to optimal point efficiently.

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Proof of Theorem 2 – Convex Maximization

Shmuel Onn

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Proof of Theorem 2 – Convex Maximization

Shmuel Onn

- Compute the Graver basis of A(n) efficiently.

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Proof of Theorem 2 – Convex Maximization

Shmuel Onn

- Simulate linear optimization oracle using Theorem 1.

- Compute the Graver basis of A(n) efficiently.

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Proof of Theorem 2 – Convex Maximization

Shmuel Onn

- Simulate linear optimization oracle using Theorem 1.

- Compute the Graver basis of A(n) efficiently.

- Reduce convex to linear maximization using the Geometric Theoremwith the Graver basis G(A(n)) providing a set of edge-directions of

conv x : A(n)x = a, x ≥ 0, x integer

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Proof of Theorem 3 – Separable Convex Minimization

Shmuel Onn

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Proof of Theorem 3 – Separable Convex Minimization

Shmuel Onn

- Compute Graver basis of n-fold product of auxiliary larger matrix.

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Proof of Theorem 3 – Separable Convex Minimization

Shmuel Onn

- Compute Graver basis of n-fold product of auxiliary larger matrix.

- Use integer caratheodory, convergence property, and superadditivity, and use the Graver basis to augment feasible to optimal point.

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Proof of Theorem 3 – Separable Convex Minimization

Shmuel Onn

- Compute Graver basis of n-fold product of auxiliary larger matrix.

- Use an auxiliary n-fold program to find an initial feasible point.

- Use integer caratheodory, convergence property, and superadditivity, and use the Graver basis to augment feasible to optimal point.

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Proof of Theorem 4 – lp-Nearest Point

Shmuel Onn

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Proof of Theorem 4 – lp-Nearest Point

Shmuel Onn

- For positive integer p this is the special case of Theorem 3 with

(|x - x|p)p = |x1 – x1|p + . . . + |xnt – xnt|p

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Proof of Theorem 4 – lp-Nearest Point

Shmuel Onn

- For positive integer p this is the special case of Theorem 3 with

(|x - x|p)p = |x1 – x1|p + . . . + |xnt – xnt|p

- For p infinity this reduces to the case of finite q for suitably large q.

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Multiway Tables and Applications

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Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

Page 123: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

0 2 2 2 1 0

Example: 2-way table of size 2 X 3:

A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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0 2 2 2 1 0 3

Example: 2-way table of size 2 X 3 with line-sums:

A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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0 2 2 2 1 0 3


Example: 2-way table of size 2 X 3 with line-sums:

A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

Page 126: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

0 2 2 2 1 0


2 3 2

Example: 2-way table of size 2 X 3 with line-sums:

A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

Page 127: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Example: 3-way table of size 6 X 4 X 3:

A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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Example: 3-way table of size 6 X 4 X 3 with a plane-sum:


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A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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Example: 3-way table of size 6 X 4 X 3 with a line-sum:

A k-way table is an m1 X . . . X mk array of nonnegative integers.A margin of a table is the sum of all entries in some flatof the table, so can be a line-sum, plane-sum, and so on.

Multiway Tables and Margins

Shmuel Onn

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Casting “Long” Multiway Tables as N-fold Programs

Shmuel Onn

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The margin equations for m1 X . . . X mk X n tables form an n-fold system defined by a suitable (r+s) x t matrix A, where A1 controls the equations of margins involving summation over layers, whereas A2 controls the equations of margins involving summation within a single layer at a time.

Casting “Long” Multiway Tables as N-fold Programs

Shmuel Onn

Page 132: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The margin equations for m1 X . . . X mk X n tables form an n-fold system defined by a suitable (r+s) x t matrix A, where A1 controls the equations of margins involving summation over layers, whereas A2 controls the equations of margins involving summation within a single layer at a time.

A(n) =


x = (x1, . . . , xn),

A1(x1 + . . .+ xn) = a0, A2xk = ak, k=1, . . . n

a = (a0,a1, . . . , an)A(n) x = a,

Casting “Long” Multiway Tables as N-fold Programs

Shmuel Onn

Page 133: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

The margin equations for m1 X . . . X mk X n tables form an n-fold system defined by a suitable (r+s) x t matrix A, where A1 controls the equations of margins involving summation over layers, whereas A2 controls the equations of margins involving summation within a single layer at a time.


The line-sum equations for 3 x 3 x n tables are defined by the(9+6) x 9 matrix A where A1 is the 9 x 9 identity matrix and

Casting “Long” Multiway Tables as N-fold Programs

Shmuel Onn

A2 = (1 1 1)[3] =

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Corollary: nonlinear optimization over m1 X . . . X mk X n tableswith hierarchical margin constraints can be done in polynomial time.

Long Tables are Efficiently Treatable

Shmuel Onn

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Privacy and Confidentiality in Statistical Data Bases:Entry Uniqueness Problem

Shmuel Onn

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Shmuel Onn

Privacy and Confidentiality in Statistical Data Bases:Entry Uniqueness Problem

Agencies allow web-access to information on their data basesbut are concerned about confidentiality of individuals.

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Shmuel Onn

Privacy and Confidentiality in Statistical Data Bases:Entry Uniqueness Problem

Agencies allow web-access to information on their data basesbut are concerned about confidentiality of individuals.

Common strategy: disclose margins but not table entries.

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Shmuel Onn

Privacy and Confidentiality in Statistical Data Bases:Entry Uniqueness Problem

Agencies allow web-access to information on their data basesbut are concerned about confidentiality of individuals.

Common strategy: disclose margins but not table entries.

If the value of an entry is the same in all tables with the disclosed margins then that entry is vulnerable; otherwise it is secure.

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Shmuel Onn

Privacy and Confidentiality in Statistical Data Bases:Entry Uniqueness Problem

Agencies allow web-access to information on their data basesbut are concerned about confidentiality of individuals.

Common strategy: disclose margins but not table entries.

If the value of an entry is the same in all tables with the disclosed margins then that entry is vulnerable; otherwise it is secure.

Corollary: For m1 X . . . X mk X n tables can check entry uniquenessin polynomial time and refrain from margin disclosure if vulnerable.

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Congestion Avoiding Transportation

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Congestion Avoiding Transportation

We wish to find minimum cost transportation or routing subject to demand and supply constraints and channel capacity constraints.

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Shmuel Onn

Congestion Avoiding Transportation

f(x) = ∑ij fij(xij) = ∑ij cij|xij|aij

The classical approach assumes fixed channel cost per unit flow.But due to channel congestion when subject to heavy

traffic or communication load, the delay and cost are better approximated by a nonlinear function of the flow such as

We wish to find minimum cost transportation or routing subject to demand and supply constraints and channel capacity constraints.

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Shmuel Onn

Congestion Avoiding Transportation

In the high dimensional extension, wish to find an optimal multiwaytable satisfying margin constraints and upper bounds on the entries.

We wish to find minimum cost transportation or routing subject to demand and supply constraints and channel capacity constraints.

f(x) = ∑ij fij(xij) = ∑ij cij|xij|aij

The classical approach assumes fixed channel cost per unit flow.But due to channel congestion when subject to heavy

traffic or communication load, the delay and cost are better approximated by a nonlinear function of the flow such as

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Shmuel Onn

Congestion Avoiding Transportation

Corollary: We can find congestion avoiding transportation over m1 X . . . X mk X n tables in polynomial time.

We wish to find minimum cost transportation or routing subject to demand and supply constraints and channel capacity constraints.

f(x) = ∑ij fij(xij) = ∑ij cij|xij|aij

The classical approach assumes fixed channel cost per unit flow.But due to channel congestion when subject to heavy

traffic or communication load, the delay and cost are better approximated by a nonlinear function of the flow such as

In the high dimensional extension, wish to find an optimal multiwaytable satisfying margin constraints and upper bounds on the entries.

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Error Correcting Codes

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Shmuel Onn

We wish to transmit a message X on a noisy channel. The message is augmented with some “check-sums” to allow for error correction.

Error Correcting Codes

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Shmuel Onn

We wish to transmit a message X on a noisy channel. The message is augmented with some “check-sums” to allow for error correction.

Multiway tables provide an appealing way of organizing the check sum protocol. The sender transmits the message as a multiway table augmented with slack entries summing up to pre-agreed margins.

Error Correcting Codes

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Shmuel Onn

We wish to transmit a message X on a noisy channel. The message is augmented with some “check-sums” to allow for error correction.

Error Correcting Codes

The receiver gets a distorted table X and reconstructs the messageas that table X with the pre-agreed margins that is lp-nearest to X.

Multiway tables provide an appealing way of organizing the check sum protocol. The sender transmits the message as a multiway table augmented with slack entries summing up to pre-agreed margins.

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Shmuel Onn

We wish to transmit a message X on a noisy channel. The message is augmented with some “check-sums” to allow for error correction.

Corollary: We can error-correct messages of format m1 X . . . X mk X n in polynomial time.

Error Correcting Codes

The receiver gets a distorted table X and reconstructs the messageas that table X with the pre-agreed margins that is lp-nearest to X.

Multiway tables provide an appealing way of organizing the check sum protocol. The sender transmits the message as a multiway table augmented with slack entries summing up to pre-agreed margins.

Page 150: Nonlinear Discrete Optimization - Cornell for Nonlinear Discrete Optimization The set of feasible points is

Bibliographyavailable online at

Shmuel Onn

- Convex discrete optimization (Montréal Lecture Notes)- Shaped partition problems (SIAM Opt.) - Cutting corners (Adv. App. Math.)- Partition problems with convex objectives (Math. OR)- Convex matroid optimization (SIAM Disc. Math.)- The Hilbert zonotope and universal Gröbner bases (Adv. App. Math.)- The complexity of 3-way tables (SIAM Comp.)- Convex combinatorial optimization (Disc. Comp. Geom.)- Markov bases of 3-way tables (J. Symb. Comp.)- All linear and integer programs are slim 3-way programs (SIAM Opt.)- N-fold integer programming (Disc. Opt. in memory of Dantzig) - Graver complexity of integer programming (Annals Combin.)- Nonlinear bipartite matching (Disc. Opt.) - Convex integer maximization via Graver bases (J. Pure App. Algebra)- Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design (SIAM Disc. Math.)- Convex integer minimization (submitted)- Nonlinear optimization over a weighted independence system (submitted)