smartpass · nonsiaadottatoilbadgepersonale.fornitoconilprimospeedreader. master badge writer e...

SMARTPASS GUIDA IL MEZZO CON IL TUO BADGE / DRIVE VEHICLE WITH YOUR BADGE E SE VUOI DI PIÙ... The practicality of the badge, the reliability of an RFID La praticità del badge, l’affidabilità di un RFID Lo SMARTPASS viene proposto in due versioni, Basic e Plus per soddisfare ogni esigenza. Grazie alla tecnologia start and go, lo SMARTPASS permee l’accesso ai veicoli araverso il riconoscimento del badge personale già in uso in azienda! È sufficiente avvicinare il badge al leore SPEED READER per abilitare il mezzo. La versione Plus consente la registrazione degli even (accessi riusci e nega), con relavi orari e date di ulizzo. Il salvataggio dei log even risulta comodo e veloce grazie alla praca USB KEY. Via Due Portoni, 29-31 Bologna, Italy Tel. (+39) 051 6414495/96 Fax (+39) 051 6414497 [email protected] The SMART PASS is offered in two versions, Basic and Plus to meet every demand. Thanks to the “start and go” technology, SMARTPASS allows access to vehicles through the recognion of the personal badge already in use in the company! Simply swipe the badge close SPEED READER to enable the vehicle. AND IF YOU WANT MORE... The Plus version allows the recording of events (successful and denied access), with relave mes and dates of use. Event logs can be stored in praccal USB KEY.

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Post on 26-Jul-2020




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Page 1: SMARTPASS · nonsiaadottatoilbadgepersonale.FornitoconilprimoSPEEDREADER. MASTER BADGE WRITER E DELETER Sonoibadgesspecificiper inserireerimuovereincompletaautonomiagliautisti. ForniticonilprimoSPEEDREADER



The practicality of the badge, the reliability of an RFID

La praticità del badge, l’affidabilità di un RFIDLo SMARTPASS viene proposto in due versioni, Basic e Plus per soddisfare ogni esigenza. Grazie alla tecnologia start and go, lo SMARTPASS ­permette­l’accesso­ai­veicoli­attraverso­il­­riconoscimento­del­badge­personale­già in uso in azienda!

È­sufficiente­avvicinare­il­badge­al­lettore­SPEED READER per­­abilitare­il­mezzo.

La versione Plus­ consente­ la­ registrazione­ degli­ eventi­(­accessi­riusciti­e­negati),­con­relativi­orari­e­date­di­­utilizzo.­Il­salvataggio­dei­log­eventi­risulta­comodo­e­veloce­grazie­alla­pratica­USB KEY.

Via Due Portoni, 29-31Bologna, Italy

Tel. (+39) 051 6414495/96 Fax (+39) 051 6414497

[email protected]

The SMART PASS is offered in two versions, Basic and Plus to meet every demand.Thanks to the “start and go” technology, SMARTPASS allows access to vehicles through the recognition of the personal badge already in use in the company!

Simply swipe the badge close SPEED READER to enable the vehicle.

AND IF YOU WANT MORE...The Plus version allows the recording of events (successful and denied access), with relative times and dates of use.Event logs can be stored in practical USB KEY.

Page 2: SMARTPASS · nonsiaadottatoilbadgepersonale.FornitoconilprimoSPEEDREADER. MASTER BADGE WRITER E DELETER Sonoibadgesspecificiper inserireerimuovereincompletaautonomiagliautisti. ForniticonilprimoSPEEDREADER

I COMPONENTI SMARTPASS // SMARTPASS COMPONENTSLa­flessibilità­è­assicurata!­I­componenti­della­piattaforma­SMARTPASS­sono­acquistabili­separatamente.­Flexibility is assured! All components of SMARTPASS platform can be purchased separately.

SPEED READERÈ­ il­ cuore­del­ sistema.­ È­ in­ grado­di­ ­riconoscere­ i­ più­diffusi­ badges­ aziendali*­­presenti­sul­mercato.­I­materiali­garantiscono­robustezza­e­resistenza­all’usura.

SMART TAGPermette­di­abilitare­l’autista­attraverso­il­riconoscimento­­dell’RFID,­nel­caso­in­cui­non­sia­adottato­il­badge­personale.­Fornito­con­il­primo­SPEED­READER.

MASTER BADGE WRITER E DELETERSono­i­badges­specifici­per­inserire­e­rimuovere­in­completa­­autonomia­gli­autisti.­Forniti­con­il­primo­SPEED­READER.

USB KEY La­pratica­ chiavetta­USB­per­ inserire­ e­ rimuovere­ in­modo­massivo­ gli­ ­ autisti.­­Permette­inoltre­la­registrazione­dei­log.­Fornita­con­il­primo­SPEED­READER.

Come funzionaAvvicinando allo SPEAD READER­ il­badge­abilitato,­si­determina­la­chiusura­del­relè­di­controllo.­L’autista,­a­questo­punto,­può­guidare­il­ ­mezzo­finché­viene­­rilevato­un­segnale­di­“presenza uomo”­attraverso­i­sensori­del­micro­sedile­o­timone.­In­mancanza­del­micro­sedile­o­timone,­­viene­­riconosciuto­il­movimento­del­mezzo­attraverso­l’accelerometro­­interno,­in­­assenza­del­quale,­il­dispositivo­attiva­il­timer­interno­che,­aprendo­il­relè­di­controllo,­disabilita­il­mezzo.

How it worksBringing the enabled badge close to the SPEED READER, the closure of a control relay is determined. The driver, by now, can use the vehicle until a human presence signal is detected through the sensors of micro seat or drive steering. In the absence of micro seat or drive steering, the vehicle movement is detected by the internal accelerometer, in the absence of that, the device actives the internal timer and disables the vehicle.

USB KEY The practical USB key to insert or remove the drivers in a massive way and store the logs. Provided with first SPEED READER.

MASTER BADGE WRITER & DELETERThe supplied badges to independently insert and remove drivers. Provided with first SPEED READER.

SMART TAGAllows the driver to be enabled by recognizing the RFID, in case the personal badge is not adopted. Provided with first SPEED READER.

SPEED READERIt is the core system. It is able to recognize the most common corporate badges*. Materials guarantee ruggedness and wear resistance.

Via Due Portoni, 29-31Bologna, Italy

Tel. (+39) 051 6414495/96 Fax (+39) 051 6414497

[email protected]

*MIFARE­CLASSIC,­MIFARE­PLUS,­MIFARE­UL,­INSIDE2K/I-CLASS,­DESFIRE­AND­MANY­MORE Alimentazione:­multi­tensione/Power­supply:­12-110V­dcTemperatura­di­esercizio/Operating­temperature:­-20°C­­+40°CPotenza­massima­assorbita/Maximum­power­input:­max­4wGrado­di­protezione­IP/IP­protection­class:­IP65Dimensioni/Dimensions:­135x65x30­mmTag­compatibili/Compatibles­tags:­ISO/IEC14443­tipo­A­&B