noobnewsnoobnews - pasco school district€¦ · the sun, moon and other planets pulls on the earth...

NoobNews NoobNews Special edition climate issue Special edition climate issue INSIDE THIS ISSUE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: How To Get Motivated Get Good At School What not to do when asking some- one out… New Direction– The Official Interview that Dustin Dieber doesn't want you to read! Answers to your tweets! Nerds Unite! Scavenger Hunt! Find all the hidden Portal guns. YOUR SCIENCE YOUR SCIENCE YOUR SCIENCE STUFF: STUFF: STUFF: How are climates different today from the past? What are the natural causes of climate change? Why are oceans such a big deal?! And much more! ALSO INSIDE: games, puzzles, stuff to do to pick on your younger siblings, Epic ALSO INSIDE: games, puzzles, stuff to do to pick on your younger siblings, Epic Teacher Teacher- Fails, Memes of the Month and more... Fails, Memes of the Month and more...

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Page 1: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

NoobNewsNoobNews Special edition climate issueSpecial edition climate issue


How To Get Motivated Get

Good At School

What not to do when asking some-

one out…

New Direction– The Official

Interview that Dustin Dieber

doesn't want you to read!

Answers to your tweets!

Nerds Unite!

Scavenger Hunt! Find all the hidden

Portal™ guns.



How are climates different

today from the past?

What are the natural causes

of climate change?

Why are oceans such a big


And much more!

ALSO INSIDE: games, puzzles, stuff to do to pick on your younger siblings, Epic ALSO INSIDE: games, puzzles, stuff to do to pick on your younger siblings, Epic

TeacherTeacher--Fails, Memes of the Month and more...Fails, Memes of the Month and more...

Page 2: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Earth Science 2015

Noob News Vol 2

Regional and Global Climate Explained

This article is about __________________________. I will explain ____________________, and


Weather and climate have different meanings in science. Weather is _______ over a _______ period of time.

Climate, however, is the average _________ over a __________ period of time. It is important to study climate

because _______________________.

Regional Climate is ________________. These regional climates are influenced by many physical features

throughout Washington State.

Figure 1: US Climate Regions

Paleoclimatology: How We Know About the Times before the Ye Olde Times!

Global climate is different that regional climate due to the scale of ob-

servations. While regional climate refers to ___________, global cli-

mate refers to ____________. Different regions have different

_______ based on five important factors influencing regional climate.

These factors include _________, _________, _________,

___________, and _____________. While these factors influence

regional climate, other factors influence global climate. Global climate

changes over long periods of time and the next section I will discuss

how scientists study past __________.

The second section of this article is about ___________. I will explain how climate was different in the past

and explain how scientists infer past climates by using climate proxies such as____________________.

Scientists who investigate ancient climate are called paleoclimatologists. These scientists can investigate past

climates using many methods. I will explain the following climate proxies in this article: _____________,

_______________ and ________________.

Figure 2: Ice Cores being analyzed back in the lab

Figure 3: Ice core

drilling project in Ant-


Figure 4: Fossil Pollen under a scanning electron microscope

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Article 1: Climate

Change Over Time

Page 3: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession




Page 3 Noob News Volume 2

Pollen tells you

the types of

plants living in

a given


Some plants

like cool


others like



Paleoclimatologists use many climate proxies together to create a picture of what the cli-

mate of a region may have been like in the past. No single ____________

____________ tells the whole story but pieced together, _____________________

have created a really accurate record of what _______________ was like in the past.

Picture caption here

Picture caption here

Page 4: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Noob News Vol 2

Earth Science 2015


Humans Aren’t The Only

Factors Affecting Climate!

Many factors affect climate beside human activity. In this article I will explain

how ________________________, _____________________, and

_____________________________________ affect climate.

Milankovitch Cycles

Insolation is ___________. A scientist named Milutin Milankovitch

studied how variations in insolation relate to climate. Variations in

insolation are now known as ___________.

Figure 5: Tilt causes seasons

Article 2: Causes of

Climate Change

Figure 6: Changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit affects the timing

of seasons. Could you imagine summer starting in March?


Obliquity is ___________________________________. Today, the earth’s tilt is

_____________, but in the past, it has varied from ______________ to

_________________. Obliquity affects climate because

Page 5: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Noob News Vol 2

Earth Science 2015


Eccentricity is ____________. Today, the earth’s perihelion—

the point the earth is ______________ to the sun—occurs on

_________________ (date) while the aphelion—the point the

earth is ________________ from the sun—occurs on

_______________ (date). This makes winters in the northern

hemisphere _________ while making summers in the northern

hemisphere _______________.

Article 2: Causes of

Climate Change

Axial Precession and Orbital Precession

There are two types of precession. ____________Precession is the

wobbling effect of the __________ of rotation. The gravitational pull of

the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to

slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. ____________ Precession

refers to the changing shape of Earth’s elliptical orbit. The shape of orbit

of the Earth changes over long periods of time. This is important because

There are multiple factors affecting climate on Earth. In the previous section of this article I discussed factors

related to Earth’s ___________________________ ______________________. In the next section

I will discuss factors related to Earth’s surface and atmosphere, including ____________________ ,

____________________ and ________________________.

Page 6: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Article 2: Causes of

Climate Change

Noob News Vol 2

Earth Science 2015

Plate Tectonics Earth’s surface is broken into many _________________. Plate tectonics

influences climate in various ways. Two ways plate tectonics affects regional

climate are

Ocean Currents

Ocean currents are the driving force for Earth’s global cli-

mate. The ocean’s ability to store energy from the Sun and transfer that energy from the _________ to the

____________ evens out the global climate. Without the oceans transfer of this energy, the equatorial re-

gions would be _________________while the polar regions would be _____________. If the ocean cur-

rents were to be disrupted due to _______________________, the results would affect global climate by

Figure 7: Map of North East Pacific

Currrents Figure 8: Relative temperature of the Pacific Ocean and currents.

Red means warmer, Blue means cooler.


Figure 6: Map of the plates of Earth and type of plate bounda-

ries found there.

Carbon Dioxide Levels

Carbon dioxide levels are correlated to global climate. The __________ (more / less) carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the

________________________ the average global temperature becomes. Carbon dioxide levels can be affected by

Page 7: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession




Article 2: Causes of

Climate Change


This month’s coloring contest! Submit your coloring of

LEGO Darth at #Darthizzle


Page 8: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Noob News Vol 2

Earth Science 2015


Article 3: Global Warming

and It’s Affects

NoobNews On your trip to the US, have you found that you’ve had to flirt differently with American girls than you do with

British girls? Do certain moves that you're used to pulling off not work on girls here?

Laym Malik: Well, my boy Pouis here is taken.

Pouis Tomlindork: Yeah, I’m taken.

Gary Styles: We don’t really have moves! We aren't talented, our fans are dumb though, so they still buy our crap.

NoobNews: Tell me about your first kiss. How did it happen?

Pouis Tomlindork: I was 11. Other peoples spit tastes weird.

Laym Malik: Mine was when I was 13. I was really short and she was really tall, so I had to put a brick against the wall and stand

on it to reach her face.

NoobNews: What about your first date?

Liam Poopstayne: I took a girl to the movies. We went to the cinema and had dinner , we shared a Lunch-a-ble.

Gary Styles: I watched a film at my house with a girl. I don’t remember what we watched though because she wouldn't stop


Niall Moron: I actually haven’t been on many dates, I don’t have a personality so people find me incredibly boring

NoobNews: What else makes a girl beautiful, besides what you talk about in your song, “What Makes You Beautiful”?

Pouis Tomlindork: When they leave me alone and let me play videogames.

New Direction– The Official Interview

that Dustin Dieber doesn't want you to read!

Global Warming is ____________________________________________________________. Many scientists think that the global warm-

ing happening now is caused by ___________________________________________________________________________. I will ex-

plain ____________________________, __________________________________, and ________________________________ and

how they affect global warming in this article.

The Greenhouse Effect and Greenhouse Gases

The Greenhouse Effect is ________________________________________________________. Without some greenhouse effect, earth

would be _____________________________________. Too much greenhouse effect, however, and the earth would become


The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases. There are many, but the most important ones are ______________________,

_______________________, _______________________, and _________________________.

Beetz by Mr. Dre—only $your college savings$ SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT DOLLAR TREE

“You ain’t street witout ‘em!”

Figure 8: Greenhouse gases trap solar radiation in the atmosphere Figure 7: 2006 CO2 Emissions Data

Page 9: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Noob News Vol 2

Earth Science 2015


Article 3: Global Warming

and It’s Affects

Carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas with which people are most familiar. The concentration of

carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing since ________________. This increase

in carbon dioxide has been caused by ________________. Carbon dioxide affects global tem-

perature by ________________________.

Effects of Global Warming The effects of warming globally are ________________________,

______________________, and ___________________________. This impacts people by

________________. In Washington State, we are also affected by global warming.

Predicting Climate Change It is difficult to predict how global warming will impact climate change precisely. One reason

prediction is difficult is ___________________________. This makes prediction difficult

because __________

Another reason prediction is difficult is

_____________________________________________. This makes prediction difficult

because _____________________________________.

Caption here

Page 10: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Page 10

1. Do your job. If you are a student, it is your job to be a student. In general,

students who succeed are most often those who accept the difficult aspects of that

fact with a positive attitude.

2. Balance your time. If school is your job, then your job might have weird

hours, especially if you are in college. Map out the projects you have and give your-

self deadlines for certain segments of each project. Also, give yourself enough time

to look over the final product. As you plan, be honest about which courses are more

time consuming.

3. Find out how to get what you want. Whether you are in high school or college, figure out what you want to

do when you grow up. But don't stop there. Find someone who has what you want and ask for fifteen minutes of their time to

find out how she or he did it, even if this someone is a CEO. Prepare questions that address the amount and types of work in-

volved and how the person succeeded. Then, write a thank-you note to that person. This technique is far more beneficial than

just trying to get good grades because that is what you are supposed to do. Talking with someone who has achieved your goals

allows you to encounter the reality of what it takes to get what you want.

4. Keep track of your grades. If you are in high school, ask your teacher about your grade after class or after school. If

you are in college, read your syllabus and find out how your grade is broken down, i.e., how much each test affects the final

grade. If attendance is part of your grade, keep track of that too.

5. Ask for help. Part of your job as a student is to learn. A lot of learning involves getting direction from people who know

more about a topic than you. When you ask for help, you ask to know more about something a person has dedicated his or her

life to understanding.

6. Be honest. Teachers have heard every single excuse for why an assignment is late, why you were late, or why some other

catastrophe hindered your performance in class. If you miss a deadline, own up to it, admit your mistake, and ask how to fix it.

7. Honor where you are. Go to class like you would go to a job. Don't browse social media, text, or talk. High school

teachers are more likely to call you out on it with little actual punishment. In college, you might be

asked to leave or drop the class. You get the respect you give.


How To Get Motivated To Get Good At School

Page 11: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

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Page 12: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Page 12

“To catch the

reader's attention,

place an interesting

sentence or quote

from the story here.”

Article 4: EDITORIAL

Paragraph 1:

Describe your point of view or position (Global Warming and Climate Change)

List the 3 major reasons why global warming and climate change should or shouldn’t be a con-

cern for humans in the future.

First Reason


Second Reason


Third Reason


Paragraph 2: In this paragraph take the first major reason that you wrote above and fill

in the following important points.

First Reason: ______________________________________________________

Supporting detail #1 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)

Supporting detail #2 (this detail is factual & comes from your


Suporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from your


Page 13: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Page 13

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more Noob News Vol


Article 4: EDITORIAL

Supporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from

your research)

Paragraph 3: In this paragraph take the second ma-

jor reason and fill in the following important points

(this paragraph will be part of your argument so you

will want to make sure these points are strong ones):

First Reason:


Supporting detail #1 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)

Supporting detail #2 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)

Supporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)

Paragraph 4: In this paragraph take the third major reason and fill in the following

important points (this paragraph will be part of your argument so you will want to make

sure these points are strong ones):

First Reasons________________

Supporting detail #1 (this detail is

factual & comes from

your research)

Supporting detail #2 (this detail is f

actual & comes from your research)

Page 14: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

Page 14 Article 4: EDITORIAL

Supporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)

Paragraph 5: This paragraph will be your last chance to convince your audi-

ence that your point of view is correct. To do this you will want to do the

following things:

Begin with conclusion sentences that restates your position (whether global

warming and climate change are a concern)

Restate the most important points you made in the rest of your paper. Hint:

Use the three major reasons that you talked about in Paragraph Two.

Page 15: NoobNewsNoobNews - Pasco School District€¦ · the Sun, Moon and other planets pulls on the Earth causing the axis to slowly wobble over a cycle of 26,000 years. _____ Precession

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