normal anatomy (1).rtf

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  • 7/18/2019 Normal Anatomy (1).rtf




    A 10-year-old child complains of weakness, nausea, irritability. Helminthes of while color and

    5-10 mm long were found on the underwear. On microscopy of the scrape from the perianal

    folds achromic oums of unsymmetrical form were reealed. !ndicate what helminth is

    parasiting on the child"

    A #nterobins ermicularis

    BAncylostoma duodenalis

    C$richurisD $richina

    EAscaris lumbricoides


    A patient has been brought to the hospital with the complaints of headache, pain in left

    hypochondrium. He has been ill for 1,5 weeks. $he sudden illness began with the increase of

    body temperature up to %&,&o'. !n % hours the temperature decreased and hydropoiesis

    began. $he attacks repeat rhythmically in () hours. $he patient had isited one an African

    country. $he doctors hae suspected malaria. *hat method of laboratory diagnostics is

    necessary to use"

    A +lood eamination

    B !mmunological tests

    Ctool eamination

    D #amination of aginal and urethral discharge

    Erine eamination


    lime, blood and proto/oa %0-00 microns of length hae been reealed in a mans feces.

    $he body is coered with cilias and has correct oal form with a little bit narrowed forward andwide round shaped back end. On the forward end a mouth is isible. !n cytoplasm there are

    two nucleuses and two short acuoles. 2or whom are the described attributes typical"

    A +alantidium

    B 3amblia

    C4ysenteric amoeba

    D $richomonas

    E !ntestinal amoeba


    A patient in three weeks after acute myocardial infarction has pain in the heart and oints and

    pneumonia. *hat is the main mechanism of deelopment of post-infarction 4ressler6s


    AAutoimmune inflammation

    B !schemia of myocardium

    C7esorption of en/ymes from necroti/ed area of myocardium

    D econdary infection

    E8essels thrombosis


    4uring the fetal period of the deelopment in the ascular system of the fetus large arterial

    9+otallos: duct is functioning which conerts into lig. arteriosum after birth. *hat anatomical

    formations does this duct connect between each other"

    A ;ulmonary trunk and aorta

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    B 7ight and left auricle

    CAorta and inferior ena caa

    D ;ulmonary trunk and superior ena caa

    EAorta and superior ena caa


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    $he aleolar entilation of the patient is 5 3Cmin, the breath freBuency is 10 perCmin, and the

    tidal olume is D00 ml. *hat is the patients dead space entilation"

    A ,0 3Cmin

    B 0,D 3Cmin

    C1,0 3Cmin

    D (,% 3CminE-


    4uring inestigation of patient, it was found formation in the white substance of cerebral

    hemispheres with location in the knee and frontal part of posterior crus of internal capsule.

    2ibres of what conductie tract of the brain will be disrupted"

    A $r. pyramidalis

    B $r. frontothalamicus

    CEr. thalamocorticalis

    D $r. frontopontinus

    E$r. parietooccipitopontinus


    Only one factor can influence the charge of amino acid radicals in the actie centre of en/yme.

    Fame this factor=

    A pH medium

    B ;ressure


    D $he presence of a competitie inhibitorE$he surplus of a product


    uccinate dehydrogenase catalyses the dehydrogenation of succinate. ?alonic acid

    HOO'-'H-'OOH is used to interrupt the action of this en/yme. 'hoose the inhibition


    A 'ompetitie



    D 3imited proteolysis



    $he gluconeogenesis is actiated in the lier after intensie physical trainings .*hat

    substance is utili/ed in gluconeogenesis first of all in this case=

    A 3actate

    B ;yruate


    D GlutamateEAlanine


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    A patient with a stab wound of the anterior stomach wall is in surgical care. *hat formation of

    abdominal caity did the stomach contents get into"

    AAntegastrial bursa

    B Omental bursa

    CHepatic bursa

    D 3eft mesenteric sinus

    E7ight mesenteric sinus


    A patient had been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. *hen the preparation was

    withdrawn he deeloped the symptoms of disease aggraation, decreased blood pressure

    and weakness. *hat is the reason of this condition"

    AAppearance of adrenal insufficiency

    B Hyperproduction of A'$H


    D Habituation



    A patient has tissue ischemia below the knee oint accompanied with intermittent

    claudication. *hat artery occlusion should be suspected"

    A ;opliteal artery

    B ;eroneal artery

    C;osterior tibial artery

    D Anterior tibial artery

    E;roimal part of femoral artery


    A patient, who suffers from congenital erythropoietic porphyria, has skin photosensitiity. $he

    accumulation of what compound in the skin can cause it"

    A roporphyrinogen 1

    B ;rotoporphyrin


    D 'oproporphyrinogen %



    A patient has a malignisation of thoracic part of esophagus. *hat lymphatic nodes are

    regional for this organ"

    AAnulus lymphaticus cardiae

    B Fodi lymphatici paratrachealis

    CFodi lymphatici preertebralis

    D Fodi lymphatici pericardiales laterales

    EFodi lymphatici mediastinales posteriores


    $he patient has come to the hospital from the smelting workshop in the condition of

    hyperthermia. *hat is the direct cause of loss of consciousness at the heat stroke"

    A 4ecreased brain blood supply

    BArterial pressure drop

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    C !ncreased water loss through sweating

    D 4ecrease of heart output

    E4ilatation of peripheral essels


    A patients blood was analy/ed and the decreased erythrocyte6s sedimentation rate 9#7:

    was discoered. *hat disease from the listed below is accompanied with decreased #7"

    A ;olycytemiaB Hepatitis


    D 8itamin + deficiency

    E?yocardial infarction


    A 55-year-old patien was hospitali/ed in result of the trauma of the medial group of femoral

    muscles. *hat kind of moements is the patient unable to do"

    AAdduction of femur

    BAbduction of femur

    C2leion of femur

    D #tension of femur

    Euppination of femur


    A mother of a newborn complains of her babys constant belching with undigested milk.

    *hich deelopmental anomaly is it an eidence of"

    A #sophageal atresia

    B 3abium leporiumC2au lupinum

    D Anal atresia

    E#sophageal fistula


    4uring the endoscopy the inflammation of a maor papilla of the duodenum and the

    disturbances of bile secretion were found. !n which part of duodenum were the problems


    A 4escendent part

    BAscendant part


    D pper hori/ontal part

    E3ower hori/ontal part


    A 1)-year-old patient came to the out-patient department with the complaints of bleeding

    trauma in the estibule of his nose. On eamination= the mechanical inure of the mucous

    layer of the estibule without continuation into nasal caity proper. *hat is the boundary

    between the estibule and nasal caity proper"A Fasal limen

    B Fasal roller

    CFasal septa

    D 'hoanes

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    A %-year-old patient has been diagnosed with bartholinitis 9inflammation of +artholins

    glands :. !n what part of the female urogenital system are the +artholins glands located"

    A $he labia maor

    B $he labia minor

    C$he clitorisD $he agina

    E$he uterus


    A 50 year-old patient had hemorrhage of the brain and was taken to the hospital. $he place of

    hemorrhage was reealed on the lateral hemispheres surfaces during the medical

    eamination. *hat artety was inured "

    A $he middle cerebral artery

    B $he anterior cerebral artery

    C$he posterior cerebral artery

    D $he anterior communicating artery

    E$he posterior communicating artery


    A %0-year-old patient was hospitali/ed due to bleeding of the facial artery . *hat place on the

    face has to be pressed to stop bleeding"

    A $he mandible6s edge

    B $he mental process

    C$he mandible6s branchD $he nose6s back

    E$he molar bone


    A 1& year-old patient was diagnosed with appendicitis and was hospitali/ed. $he surgical

    operation on ablating appendi ermiformis is to be performed. *hat artery must be fied to

    stop bleeding during the surgical operation"

    A $he ileocolic artery

    B $he colica detra

    C$he colica media

    D $he colica sinistra

    E$he iliac


    A (5-year-old man fell on the right knee and felt the acute pain in the oint. On eamination=

    seere edema on the anterior surface of the knee oint. 'runching sounds are heard while

    moing the oint. *hich bone is destroyed"

    A nee-cap

    B Feck of the thigh boneC3eft epicondyle of the thigh

    D 7ight epicondyle of the thigh

    EHead of the thigh bone

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    4uring the operation on the hip oint of a 5-year-old child her ligament was damaged which

    caused bleeding.*hat ligament was damaged"

    A $he head of the thigh

    B ;erpendicular of the acetabule

    C !liofemoral

    D ;ubofemoral

    E !schiofemoral


    A -year-old child fell on the cutting obect and traumati/ed soft tissues between tibia and

    fibula . *hat kind of bone connection was inured"

    A ?embrane

    B uture


    D 2ontanel



    sually the intraenous inection is done into median cubital ein because it is slightly

    moable due to fiation by the soft tissues. *hat does it fi in the cubital fossa"

    AAponeurosis of biceps muscle

    B $endon of the triceps muscle

    C+rachial muscle

    D +rachioradial muscle

    EAnconeus muscle


    8ictim has elbow oint trauma with aulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus. *hat nere can

    be damaged in this trauma"

    A lnar

    B 7adial

    C?usculocutaneous nere

    D 'ardiac cutaneous nere

    E?edial cutaneous nere of forearm


    A 5(-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the right subcostal

    region, omiting with blood. Obectiely= enlarged lier, aricose eins in the stomach and

    esophagus. 4isfunction of what essel is likely to be"

    A 8ena porta

    BAorta abdominalis

    C8ena hepatica

    D 8ena caa superior

    E8ena caa inferior


    #amination of a -year-old child reealed physical deelopmental lag, the child often has

    pneumonias. $he child was diagnosed with nonclosure of ductus arteriosus.

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    Haemodynamics disorder was caused by the intercommunication of the following essels=

    AAorta and pulmonary trunk

    B ;ulmonary trunk and pulmonary eins

    Cuperior caa and aorta

    D uperior caa and pulmonary trunk

    EAorta and pulmonary eins


    A 5-year-old child was admitted to the otorhinolaryngological department with diagnosis -

    suppuratie inflammation of the middle ear. 4isease started from the inflammation of the

    nasopharyn. $hrough the what canal of the temporal bone did the infection get into the

    tympanic caity"

    A ?usculortubal canal

    B $ympanic 'analiculus tympanicus

    C'arotid canal

    D 'analiculus chordal tympani

    E'analiculi caroticotympanici


    !nflammation of the tympanic caity 9purulent otitis media: was complicated by inflammation

    of mammillary process sockets. *hat wall of tympanic caity did the pus penetrate into the

    sockets through"

    A ;osterior



    D 3ateral



    A 1&-year-old female suffers from tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, ecessie

    sweating, eophtalmos and irritability. *hat hormone would you epect to find eleated in her


    A $hyroine

    B 'ortisol


    D A'$H

    E !nsulin


    A 0-year-old patient was diagnosed with hypothalamic lateral nuclei stroke. *hat changes in

    patient6s behaior may be epected"

    A $he reection of food

    BAggressie behaiour


    D $hirst

    Ensatisfied hunger


    $he process of heart transplantation determined the iability of myocardial cells. $he

    determination of what myocardium parameter is the most important"

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    A 7est potential of cardiomyocytes

    B Heart temperature

    C'oncentration of oygen in heart essels

    D 'oncentration of calcium-ions in myofibrils

    E'oncentration of 'a-ions in heart essels


    !t is necessary to take the cerebrospinal fluid from a patient with suspected inflammation ofbrain tunics. 4iagnostic puncture was performed between the arches of the lumbar ertebras.

    4uring the puncture the needle went through the following ligament=


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    A 4egeneratie left shift

    B 7ight shift

    C7egeneratie left shift

    D Hyperregeneratie



    ;atient complains of freBuent and difficult urination. !mperfection of what formation can causeit"

    A ;rostate

    B $esticles

    C+ulb-uretic glands

    D $esticle adnea

    Eperm bubbles


    'hild inspired button. *here is it likely to be"

    A !n the right main bronchus

    B !n the left main bronchus

    C !n the trachea

    D !n the laryn

    E !n the gullet


    8egetatie abnormalities in the sleep, heat regulation, all kinds of metabolism, diabetes

    insipidus are deeloping in the patient due to grouth of the tumour in the !!! entricle of brain.

    !rritation of the nucleus of what part of the brain can cause this symptoms"A Hypothalamus

    B 'erebral peduncles 9cruces cerebri:

    C?esencephalic tegmentum

    D ;ons cerebelli



    A patient with infectious mononucleosis had been taking glucocorticoids for two weeks. He

    was brought into remission, but he fell ill with acute attack of chronic tonsillitis. *hat action of

    glucocorticoids caused this complication"

    A !mmunosuppressie



    D Antiallergic



    A (5-year-old man with domestic apper arm inuiry came to the trauma unit. $he obectie

    data are= there are no etension, adduction or pronation functions of the arm. *hat muscledamage caused this condition"

    A $eres maor

    B ubscapular

    C$eres minor

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    D ubspinous



    A man with internal abdominal right side inury and suspicion of lier rupture was admitted to

    the traumatological department. !n what peritonial structure will blood accumulate"

    A #caatio rectoesicalis

    B +ursa omentalisC7ecessus intersigmoideus

    D 2ossa ischio-analis

    E7ecessus duodenalis inferior


    A histological spacemen presents parenchymal organ, which has corte and medulla. 'orte

    consists of epitheliocytes bars with blood capillaries between themL the bars form three

    /ones. ?edulla consists of chromaffinocytes and enous sinusoids. *hich organ has these

    morphological features"

    AAdrenal gland

    B idney

    C3ymph node

    D $hymus



    After trauma a ((-year-old patient had a rupture of left palm muscle tendons and of the

    surface of blood essels. After operation and remoal of the most part of the necrotically

    changed muscle tissue the bloodstream was normali/ed. *hat essels hae helped withrestoration of bloodstream"

    AArcus palmaris profundus

    BArcus palmaris superficialis

    CAa. digitales palmares communes

    D Aa. metacarpeae palmares

    EAa. perforantes


    A (5-year-old man applied to the trauma unit because of domestic shoulder trauma.

    Obectiely= fleibility, reduction and pronation functions of the shoulder are absent. *hat

    muscle was inured"

    A $eres maor muscle

    B ubscapular muscle

    C$eres minor muscle

    D !nfraspinous muscle

    Eupraspinous muscle


    Oarian tumour was diagno/ed in the woman. urgery was indicated. *hat ligament shouldbe cut by the surgeon to disconnect the oary and the uterus"

    A $he oarial ligament

    B +road ligament of uterus

    C3ateral umbilical ligament

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    D uspensory ligament of oary

    E7ound ligament of uterus


    An old woman was hospitali/ed with acute pain, edema in the right hip ointL the moements

    in the oint are limited. *hich bone or part of it was broken"

    A $he neck of the thigh

    B $he body of the thigh boneC'ondyle of the thigh

    D ;ubic bone

    E !schial bone


    A 5%-year-old female patient was diagnosed with lier rupture resulting from a blunt

    abdominal inury. $he escaped blood will be assembled in the following anatomic formation=

    A 7ectouterine pouch

    B 8esicouterine pouch

    C7ight mesenteric sinus

    D Omental bursa

    E3eft mesenteric sinus


    A patient complains about edemata of legs, skin cyanosis, small ulcers on one side of the

    lateral condyle. #amination reealed a swelling, enlarged eins, formation of nodes. $he

    pathological process has started in the following ein=

    A 8. saphena para

    B 8. saphena magnaC8. femoralis

    D 8. profunda femoris

    E8. iliaca eterna


    A D0 year old female patient was diagnosed with fracture of left femoral neck accompanied by

    disruption of ligament of head of femur. $he branch of the following artery is damaged=

    A Obturator

    B 2emoral

    C#ternal iliac

    D !nferior gluteal

    E !nternal pudendal


    A woman underwent an operation on account of etrauterine 9tubal: pregnancy. !n course of

    the operation the surgeon should ligate the branches of the following arteries=

    A terine and oarian

    B uperior cystic and oarian

    C !nferior cystic and oarianD terine and superior cystic

    Eterine and inferior cystic

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    A month old baby ill with bronchitis was taken for an @-ray of chest. Apart of changes

    associated with bronchi the @-ray film showed a shadow of thymus gland. *hat might hae

    caused such changes"

    A $he aboe-mentioned condition is a normal ariant for this age

    B !ts the effect of bronchitis

    C !t is caused by abnormal position

    D !t is caused by thymus inflammation

    E !t is caused by neoplastic process


    A D-year-old child cant abduct the shoulder, raise it to the hori/ontal leel. He can raise the

    hand to the face only with dorsal side with abduction of the shoulder 9with help of

    supraspinous muscle : - MbuglerM arm. Actie function of what muscle is absent"

    A 4eltoid

    B !nfraspinous

    C;ectoral maor

    D $eres minor

    E$eres maor


    A D-year-old girl has signs of anemia. 3aboratory eamination reealed pyruate kinase

    deficiency in erythrocytes. *hat process disturbance plays the main role in anemia


    AAnaerobic glycolysis

    B Oidatie phosphorylation

    C$issue respiration

    D ;eroide decompositionEAminoacids desamination


    A patient complained about being unable to adduct and abduct fingers in the

    metacarpophalangeal articulations towards and away from the %rd finger. *hich muscles

    function is impaired"

    A !nterosseous muscles

    B 3umbrical muscles

    C+reifleors of fingers

    D 3ong fleors of fingers



    A (5-year-old patient was admitted to the surgical department with complaints of abrupt sharp

    pain in the epigastric region. After eamination it was diagnosed= perforated ulcer of the

    posterior wall of the stomach. *here did content of the stomach flow out while perforation"

    A $o the omental bursa

    B $o the lier bursa

    C$o the proentriculus sack

    D $o the left mesenteric sinus

    E$o the right mesenteric sinus

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    A 5-year-old patient complained of the decreased ision. Accommodation disorders, dilated

    pupil, not reacting on the light were reealed on eamination. 2unction of what muscles is


    A ;upil narrowing muscle, ciliary

    B ;upil dilating muscle, ciliary

    C !nferior obliBue muscle, ciliary

    D 3ateral rectus muscle, pupil narrowing

    E;upil narrowing and dilating muscle


    ?icrospecimen of spinal cord contains a nucleus that should be analy/ed. !ts neurons form

    motor endings in the skeletal muscles. *hat nucleus of spinal cord is meant"

    A ;roper nucleus of the anterior horn

    B $horacic nucleus

    C !ntermediate lateral nucleus

    D ;roper nucleus of the posterior horn

    E;roper nucleus of gray substance


    A man with cut wound of his right foot sole was admitted to the hospital ward. $he patient has

    limited eleation of the lateral foot edge. !n course of wound management the inury of a

    muscle tendon was reealed. *hat muscle is inured"

    A 3ong peroneal

    BAnterior tibial

    C3ong etensor muscle of toes

    D $riceps muscle of crus

    Ehort peroneal


    A %5 year old man with a trauma of his left hand was admitted to the traumatology

    department. Obectiely= cut wound of palmar surface of left handL middle phalanes of !!K8

    fingers dont bend. *hat muscles are damaged"

    A uperficial finger fleor

    B ;rofound finger fleor

    C3umbrical muscles

    D ;almar interosseous muscles

    E4orsal interosseous muscles


    A %)-year-old patient came to a traumatology centre and complained about an inury of his

    right hand. Obectiely= the patient has a cut wound in the region of the thenar eminence on

    the right handL distal phalan of the ! finger cannot be fleed. *hat muscle was inured"

    A 3ong fleor muscle of thumb

    B hort fleor muscle of thumb

    Chort abductor muscle of thumb

    DOpposer muscle of thumb

    EAbductor muscle of thumb


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    A patient with neuritis of femoral nere has disturbed fleion of thigh as well as disturbed crus

    etension in the knee oint. *hat muscles function is disturbed"

    A Nuadriceps muscle of thigh

    B +iceps muscle of thigh

    C$riceps muscle of thigh

    D emitendinous muscle

    Eemimembranous muscle


    !n the specimen of one of the parts of respiratory system a tubular organ was found. !t has low

    epithelium, well deeloped muscular tunic, glands and cartilage are absent. Fame this


    A ?inor bronchs

    B $rachea


    D ?aor bronchs

    E?edian bronchs


    *here should the cathetor for eacuation of the lymph from the thoracic lymph duct be


    A $o the left enous corner

    B $o the right enous corner

    C$o the superior ena caa

    D $o the inferior ena caa

    E$o the left inguinal ein


    A patient has difficulties with hand moement. #amination reealed inflammation of common

    synoial sheath of fleor muscles. !t is known from the patients anamnesis that he got a stab

    wound of finger a week ago. *hich finger was most probably damaged"

    A 4igitus minimus

    B ;olle

    C4igitus medius

    D !nde

    E4igitus anularis


    An inured man has bleeding from branches of carotid artery. 2or a temporary arrest of

    bleeding it is necessary to press the carotid artery to the tubercle of a cerical ertebra. *hich

    ertebra is it"

    A 8!

    B 8

    C !8

    D !!!

    E !!


    As a result of an accident a patient has intense painfullness and edema of the anterior crus

    surfaceL dorsal fleion of foot is hindered. 2unction of which crus muscle is most likely to be

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    A ?.tibialis anterior

    B ?.fleor digitorum longus

    C?.fleor hallucis longus

    D ?.peroneus longus

    E?.peroneus breis


    A (0-year-old patient complains of intensie heartbeats, sweating, nausea, isual

    impairment, arm tremor, hypertension. 2rom his anamnesis= years ago he was diagnosed

    with pheochromocytoma. Hyperproduction of what hormones causes the gien pathology"

    A 'atecholamines



    D A'$H

    E$hyroidal hormones


    A patient who suffers from cancer of back of tongue has an intense bleeding as a result of

    affection of dorsal lingual artery by the tumour. *hat essel should be ligated to stop


    A 3ingual artery

    B 4orsal lingual artery

    C4eep lingual artery

    D 2acial artery

    EAscending pharyngeal artery


    A 5)-year-old patient with acute cardiac insufficiency has decreased olume of daily urine -

    oliguria. *hat is the mechanism of this phenomenon"

    A 4ecreased glomerular filtration

    B 4ecreased number of functioning glomerules

    C4rop of oncotic blood pressure

    D 7ise of hydrostatic blood pressure in capillars

    E7educed permeamility of renal filter


    An 1)-year-old man was deliered to the hospital after a road accident. #amination at the

    traumatological department reealed multiple inuries of soft tissues of face in the region of

    the medial eye angle. $he inuries caused massie haemorrhage. *hat arterial anastomosis

    might hae been damaged in this region"

    A a. carotis eterna et a. carotis interna

    B a. carotis eterna et a. subclaia

    Ca. carotis interna et a. subclaia

    D a. subclaia et a. ophthalmica

    Ea. carotis interna et a. ophthalmica


    After a y.o. child has had flu, there appeared complaints about ear ache. A doctor reealed

    hearing impairment and inflammation of the middle ear. How did the infection penetrate into

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    the middle ear"

    A $hrough the auditory tube

    B $hrough foramen ugularis

    C$hrough canalis caroticus

    D $hrough atrium mastoideum

    E$hrough canalis nasolacrimalis


    A surgeon has to find the common hepatic duct during the operatie interention on account of

    concrements in the gall ducts. $he common hepatic duct is located between the leaes of=

    A Hepatoduodenal ligament

    B Hepatogastric ligament

    CHepatorenal ligament

    D 7ound ligament of lier

    E8enous ligament


    'erebral trauma caused increase of ammonia formation. *hat aminoacid takes part in

    remoal of ammonia from cerebral tissue"

    A Glutamic

    B $yrosine


    D $ryptophan



    A (0-year-old woman was admitted to the infectious diseases department with high bodytemperature. Obectiely= marked meningeal symptoms. A spinal cord punction was made.

    *hat anatomic formation was puncturated"

    A patium subarachnoideum

    B patium subdurale

    Cpatium epidurale

    D 'aum trigeminale

    E'isterna cerebellomedullaris posterior


    After resection of the middle third of femoral artery obliterated by a thromb the lower etremity

    is supplied with blood due to the surgical bypass. Fame an artery that plays the main role in

    reestablishment of blood flow=

    A 4eep femoral artery

    B uperficial circumfle artery of hip bone

    C4escending genicular artery

    D uperficial epigastric artery

    E4eep eternal pudendal artery


    A patients knee oint doesnt etend, there is no knee-erk refle, skin sensitiity of the anterior

    femoral surface is disturbed. *hat nere structures are damaged"

    A 2emoral nere

    B uperior gluteal nere

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    C+ig fibular nere

    D Obturator nere

    E !nferior gluteal nere


    $he electronic microphoto of kidney fragment has eposed afferent glomerular arteriole,

    which has giant cells under its endothelium, containing secretory granules. Fame the type of

    these cells=A utaglomerular

    B ?esangial


    D utaascular

    E !nterstitial


    A 50 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about pain behind his

    breastbone, asphyia during physical actiity. Angiography reealed pathological changes in

    the posterior interentricular branch of the right coronary artery. *hat heart parts are affected"

    A ;osterior wall of the right and left entricles

    B 3eft atrium

    CAnterior wall of the right and left entricles

    D 7ight atrium

    E7ight atrioentricular ale


    A patient was admitted to the surgical department with suspected inflammation of ?eckels

    dierticulum. *hat part of bowels should be eamined in order to discoer the dierticulum incourse of an operation"

    A !leum

    B 4uodenum


    D 'aecum

    E'olon ascendens


    #amination of a newborn boys genitals reealed a cleft of urethra that opens on the inferior

    surface of his penis. *hat deelopmental anomaly is meant"

    A Hypospadia

    B Hermaphroditism


    D ?onorchism



    A patient complains about impaired eacuatory function of stomach 9long-term retention of

    food in stomach:. #amination reealed a tumour of initial part of duodenum. pecifylocali/ation of the tumour=

    A ;ars superior

    B ;ars inferior

    C;ars descendens

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    D ;ars ascendens

    E2leura duodeni inferior


    A man after 1,5 litre blood loss has suddenly reduced diuresis. $he increased secretion of

    what hormone caused such diuresis alteration"

    A 8asopressin

    B 'orticotropinCFatriuretic

    D 'ortisol



    A young man consulted a doctor about disturbed urination. #amination of his eternal

    genitals reealed that urethra is split on top and urine runs out of this opening. *hat anomaly

    of eternal genitals deelopment is the case"

    A #pispadia

    B ;himosis


    D ;araphimosis



    A %5 year old patient applied to a doctor with complaints about haing intense rhinitis and

    loss of sense of smell for a week. Obectiely= nasal caity contains a lot of mucus that coers

    mucous membrane and blocks olfactory receptors. !n what part of nasal caity are these

    receptors situated"A uperior nasal turbinate

    B ?edian nasal turbinate

    C !nferior nasal turbinate

    D 'ommon nasal meatus

    E8estibule of nose


    !nflammatory process of modified subserous layer around ceri of the uterus caused an

    intensie pain syndrome. !n what region of genitals does the pathological process take


    A ;arametrium

    B ?esometrium


    D #ndometrium



    !n course of an operation surgeon remoed a part of a lung that was entilated by a tertiary

    bronchus accompanied by branches of pulmonary artery and other essels. *hat part of alung was remoed"

    A +ronchopulmonary segment

    B ?iddle lobe

    C !nferior lobe

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    D uperior lobe

    E;ulmonary lobule


    *hile eamining the oral caity a stomatologist reealed inflammation of papillae on the

    border of the median and posterior third of the back of tongue. *hat papillae are inflamed"

    A ;apillae allatae

    B ;apillae fungiformesC;apillae foliatae

    D ;apillae filiformes

    E ;apillae conicae


    #amination of a patient reealed an abscess of pterygopalatine fossa. *here can the

    infection spread to unless the disease is managed in time"

    A $o the orbit

    B $o the interpterygoid space

    C$o the frontal sinus

    D $o the subgaleal temporal space

    E$o the tympanic caity


    4uring complicated labour the symphysis pubis ruptured. *hat organ can be damaged


    A rinary blader

    B 7ectum

    COariaD terine tubes



    A patient with cholelithiasis fell ill with mechanic aundice. #amination reealed that the

    stone was in the common bile duct. *hat bile-ecreting ducts make up the obturated duct"

    A 4uctus hepaticus communis et ductus cysticus

    B 4uctus hepaticus deter et sinister

    C4uctus hepaticus deter et ductus cysticus

    D 4uctus hepaticus sinister et ductus cysticusE4uctus hepaticus communis et ductus choledochus


    Feurological eamination of a 5 y.o. patient reealed a haemorrhage within the superior

    temporal gyrus. !n the blood supply area of which artery is it"

    A ?iddle cerebral artery

    BAnterior cerebral artery

    C;osterior cerebral artery

    DAnterior communicating artery

    E+asilar artery


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    A D0 y.o. man has cut an abscess off in the area of mammiform process during shaing. $wo

    days later he was admitted to the hospital with inflammation of arachnoid membranes. How

    did the infection penetrate into the caity of skull"

    A 8.emissariaP mastoideaP

    B 8..labyrinthi


    D 8.facialis



    $he cerebrospinal fluid is being eamined for the purpose of diffrential meningitis

    diagnostics. At what site is the lumbal puncture safe"

    A 3 !!!-3 !8

    B 3 !!-3 !!!

    C3 !-3 !!

    D $h @!!-3 !

    E3 8- !


    *hile preparing a patient to the operation the heart chambers pressure was measured. !n

    one of them the pressure changed during one heart cycle from 0 to 10 mm Hg. *hat

    chamber of heart was it"

    A 3eft entricle

    B 7ight entricle

    C7ight atrium

    D 3eft atrium



    ;art of aleoles of a preterm infant didnt spread because of enhanced elastic recoil of lungs.

    How can this recoil be reduced"

    A +y surfactant introduction

    B +y pure oygene inhalation

    C+y artificial pulmonary entilation

    D +y fluid suction from the respiratory tracts

    E+y glycose introduction


    ;reentie eamination of a patient reealed an enlarged lymph node of metastatic origin on

    the medial wall of the left aillary crease. pecify the most likely locali/ation of the primary


    A ?ammary gland

    B ubmandibular saliary gland


    D tomach

    E$hyroid gland


    A man suffering from osteochondrosis got acute pain in the abdominal muscles 9lateral and

    anterior:. 4uring obectie eamination a physician diagnosticated increased pain sensitiity

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    of skin in the hypogastric region. $his pain might be caused by affection of the following nere=

    A !liohypogastric

    B ciatic


    D 2emoral



    A woman suffering from osteochondrosis felt acute pain in her humeral articulation that

    became stronger when she abducted her shoulder. $hese symptoms might be caused by

    damage of the following nere=

    AAillary nere

    B ubscapular nere

    C4orsal scapular nere

    D ubclaicular nere

    E$hroracodorsal nere


    ;yeloureterography @-ray photo showed a renal pelis with minor calyces only 9maor calyces

    were absent:. *hat form of urinary tracts of a kidney was reealed"

    A #mbryonal

    B 2etal


    D Ampullar



    A patient has a deep cut wound on the posterior surface of his shoulder in its middle third.

    *hat muscle might be inured"

    A $riceps muscle of arm

    B +iceps muscle of arm

    CAnconeus muscle

    D +rachial muscle

    E'oracobrachial muscle


    A patient has pain, edema and reddening of his skin in the anterosuperior area of his thigh

    and his foots thumb. *hat lymph nodes of his lower etremity responded to the inflammatory


    A uperficial inguinal

    B 4eep inguinal

    C !nternal longitudinal

    D uperficial longitudinal

    EGeneral longitudinal


    A patient got a craniocerebral trauma that resulted in right-side conergent strabismus.

    4amage of which craniocerebral nere caused such conseBuences"

    A n.abducens

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    B n.facialis


    D n.trochlearis



    !n case of a penetrating wound of the anterior abdominal wall the wound tract went aboe the

    lesser curature of stomach. *hat peritoneum formation is most likely to be inured"A 3igamentum hepatogastricum

    B 3igamentum gastrocolicum

    C3igamentum hepatoduoduodenale

    D 3igamentum hepatorenale

    E3igamentum triangulare sinistrum


    After a trauma a patient lost ability of elbow etension. $his might hae been caused by

    dysfunction of the following main muscle=

    A m. triceps brachii

    B m. subscapularis

    Cm. teres maor

    D m. infraspinatus

    Em. leator scapulae


    A patient has been diagnosed with a compression fracture of a lumbar ertebra. As a result

    he has a considerable increase in curature of the lumbar lordosis. *hich ligament damage

    can induce such changes in the spine curature"AAnterior longitudinal ligament

    B ;osterior longitudinal ligament


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    E$ectospinal tract


    #amination of a patient reealed hypertrophy and inflammation of lymphoid tissue, edema of

    mucous membrane between palatine arches 9acute tonsillitis:. *hat tonsil is normally

    situated in this area"

    A $onsilla palatina

    B $onsilla pharyngealisC$onsilla tubaria

    D $onsilla lingualis



    *hile performing an operation in the area of aillary crease a surgeon has to define an

    arterial essel surrounded by fascicles of brachial pleus. *hat artery is it"



    CA.transersa colli

    D A.profunda brachii



    #amination of a patient with impaired blood coagulation reealed thrombosis of a branch of

    inferior mesenteric artery. *hat bowel segment is damaged"

    A 'olon sigmoideum

    B !leum

    C'aecumD 'olon transersum

    E'olon ascendens


    A patient was admitted to the surgical department with inguinal hernia. 4uring the operation

    the surgeon performs plastic surgery on posterior wall of inguinal canal. *hat structure forms

    this wall"

    A $ranserse fascia

    BAponeurosis of abdominal eternal obliBue muscle

    C !nguinal ligament

    D 3oose inferior edge of transerse abdominal muscle



    A man with an inury of the dorsal area of his neck was admitted to the resuscitation

    department. *hat muscle occupies this area"

    A ?.trape/ius

    B ?.sternocleidomastoideus

    C?.latissimus dorsiD ?.rhomboideus minor

    E?.scalenus anterior

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    A patient complains of di//iness and hearing loss. *hat nere is damaged"

    A 8estibulocochlear

    B $rigeminus


    D 8agus



    *hile palpating mammary gland of a patient a doctor reealed an induration in form of a node

    in the inferior medial Buadrant. ?etastases may etend to the following lymph nodes=

    A ;arasternal

    B ;osterior mediastinal

    C;rofound lateral cerical

    D +ronchopulmonary

    Euperior diaphragmal


    A patient got a trauma that caused dysfunction of motor centres regulating actiity of head

    muscles. !n what parts of cerebral corte is the respectie centre normally locali/ed"

    A !nferior part of precentral gyrus

    B uperior part of precentral gyrus

    Cupramarginal gyrus

    D uperior parietal lobule

    EAngular gyrus


    #amination of a -month-old child reealed a delay in closure of the occipital fontanelle.

    *hen should it normally close"

    A ntil % months

    B +efore the child is born

    Cntil months

    D ntil the end of the first year of life

    Entil the end of the second year of life


    A patient was diagnosed with paralysis of facial and masticatory muscles. $he haematoma is

    inside the genu of internal capsule. *hat conduction tract is damaged"

    A $r. cortico-nuclearis

    B $r. cortico-spinalis

    C$r. cortico-thalamicus

    D $r. cortico-fronto-pontinus

    E$r. cortico-temporo-parieto-occipito-pontinus


    A patient has lost skin sensitiity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. $his isthe result of dysfunction of the following nere=

    A ?edial brachial cutaneous nere

    B ?edial antebrachial cutaneous nere

    C7adial nere

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    D lnar nere

    EAillary nere


    A foreign body 9a button: closed space of the right superior lobar bronchus. *hat segments of

    the right lung wont be supplied with air"

    AApical, posterior, anterior

    B uperior and inferior lingularCApical and posterior basal

    D Apical and median basal

    E?edial and lateral


    A patient was diagnosed with bartholinitis 9inflammation of greater uloaginal glands:. !n

    which organ of urogenital system are these glands locali/ed"

    A 3arge lips of pudendum

    B mall lips of pudendum


    D 8agina



    *hile performing an inguinal canal operation on account of hernia a surgeon damaged the

    canals contents. *hat eactly was damaged"

    A 2uniculus spermaticus

    B rarchus

    C3ig. teres uteriD 3ig. inguinalP



    ltrasonic eamination of a patient reealed aneurism in the area of aortic arch that caused

    alteration of ocal function of laryn. *hat nere was constricted"

    A 7ecurrent laryngeal

    B 4iaphragmatic

    Cuperior laryngeal

    D ?andibular



    urgical approach to the thyroid gland from the transerse 9collar: approach inoles opening

    of interaponeurotic suprasternal space. *hat anatomic structure locali/ed in this space is

    dangerous to be damaged"

    A ugular enous arch

    B #ternal ugular ein

    Cubclaicular einD !nferior thyroid arthery

    Euperior thyroid arthery

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    !n course of a small pelis operation it became necessary to ligate an oarian artery. *hat

    formation may be accidentally ligated together with it"

    A reter

    B terine tube

    C7ound ligament of uterus

    D !nternal iliac ein



    An inured person was deliered to the hospital with a penetrating wound in the left lateral

    region of abdomen. *hat part of the large intestine is most likely damaged"

    A 'olon descendens

    B 'olon ascendens

    C'olon transerses

    D 'aecum



    After a road accident a drier was deliered to the hospital with an inury of the medial

    epicondyle of humerus. *hat nere might be damaged in this case"

    A n. lnaris

    B n. radialis

    Cn. aillaris

    D n. muscolocutaneus

    En. medianus


    A patient with a knife wound in the left lumbal part was deliered to the emergency hospital. !n

    course of operation a surgeon found that internal organs were not damaged but the knife

    inured one of muscles of renal pelis. *hat muscle is it"

    A Greater psoas muscle

    B !liac muscle

    C#rector muscle of spine

    D Abdominal internal obliBue muscle

    EAbdominal eternal obliBue muscle


    A 5 year old patient was eamined by a medical board. #amination reealed pathology of

    chest. $ranserse dimensions were to small and the sternum was strongly protruding. *hat

    chest type is it"

    A eeled chest

    B 2unnel chest

    C2lat chest

    D 'ylindrical chest

    E+arrel chest


    A man with a stab wound in the area of Buadrilateral foramen applied to a doctor. #amination

    reealed that the patient was unable to draw his arm aside from his body. *hat nere is most

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    probably damaged"

    A F.aillaris

    B F.medianus

    C F.radialis

    D F.ulnaris



    +rain tomography reealed a tumour in the region of red nucleus. *hat part of brain


    A ?idbrain

    B ?edulla oblongata


    D !nterbrain

    E;ons cerebelli