norton to wynyard improvement · norton...

Every road user wants less congested roads to enable swift, safe, comfortable and informed travel. On behalf of the government and its Road Investment Strategy, Highways England is responsible for delivering the largest investment in a generation throughout England’s motorways and major A roads. The A19 Norton to Wynyard improvement scheme is a key part of this investment. The A19 is a major route, running between Doncaster and the north of Newcastle, providing an alternative route to the A1. It’s the main route linking Tyne and Wear with Teesside to the south, and to the north of England joining the A1 at Seaton Burn north of Newcastle. It provides a vital link to the Port of Tyne and local access to the Tyne Tunnel. People using the A19 between Norton and Wynyard already experience congestion and delays, particularly during peak hours, which can result in unreliable journey times. Traffic is expected to grow with new housing and employment developments planned for the area. Residents are also affected by noise from vehicles travelling over the existing concrete road surface. A19 Norton to Wynyard improvement scheme In this brochure we explain our proposed improvements for the A19 between the Norton and Wynyard junctions and what’s new since the public information events we held in October 2016.

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Page 1: Norton to Wynyard improvement · Norton and Wynyard will provide a number of benefits for road users and local communities

Every road user wants less congested roads to enable swift, safe, comfortable and informed travel. On behalf of the government and its Road Investment Strategy, Highways England is responsible for delivering the largest investment in a generation throughout England’s motorways and major A roads. The A19 Norton to Wynyard improvement scheme is a key part of this investment.

The A19 is a major route, running between Doncaster and the north of Newcastle, providing an alternative route to the A1. It’s the main route linking Tyne and Wear with Teesside to the south, and to the north of England joining the A1 at Seaton Burn north of Newcastle. It provides a vital link to the Port of Tyne and local access to the Tyne Tunnel.

People using the A19 between Norton and Wynyard already experience congestion and delays, particularly during peak hours, which can result in unreliable journey times. Traffic is expected to grow with new housing and employment developments planned for the area. Residents are also affected by noise from vehicles travelling over the existing concrete road surface.

A19Norton to Wynyard

improvement scheme

In this brochure we explain our proposed improvements for the A19 between the Norton

and Wynyard junctions and what’s new since the public information events we

held in October 2016.

Page 2: Norton to Wynyard improvement · Norton and Wynyard will provide a number of benefits for road users and local communities

What does this scheme involve?We’ve identified that improving the A19 between Norton and Wynyard will provide a number of benefits for road users and local communities and will support the region’s economy. The scheme has been designed with the following key objectives in mind:

� Supporting economic growth – the scheme will support economic growth by helping to bring forward developments in the Tees Valley area at the same time as supporting the government’s initiative for growth in the North East

� A safe and serviceable network – the scheme aims to ensure safe journeys, by improving the standard and capacity of the road and therefore reducing the impact of safety issues along the route

� A more free-flowing network – the traffic model used to design the scheme predicts that road users travelling between the junctions will benefit from improved journey times by reducing congestion as a result of widening both carriageways to three traffic lanes and maintaining the existing speed limit of 70mph

� Improved environment – the potential effects on the local environment have been considered during the earlier stages of the scheme and mitigation measures will be further refined as our scheme designs are finalised. Early assessments show that by changing the existing concrete road surface the scheme will reduce traffic noise

� An accessible and integrated network – any existing rights of way, including footbridges and underpasses will either be maintained or replaced

Information events – what you told usThe public information events we held in October 2016 showed us that there is significant support for the scheme.

More than 200 people came along to our public information events, including residents and community groups, local businesses, MPs, councillors and the emergency services.

115 people responded to the event questionnaire and here are the results.

When asked whether something should be done to relieve congestion:

� 107 respondents agreed

� 6 neither agreed nor disagreed

� 2 disagreed

When asked whether something should be done to reduce road noise:

� 112 respondents agreed

� 3 neither agreed nor disagreed

� Nobody disagreed

We plan to hold some more events in spring 2018 once work on the preliminary design is near completion and we have more to tell you. We would like you to attend and discuss our proposals in more detail with our project team so we can hear your views.

Page 3: Norton to Wynyard improvement · Norton and Wynyard will provide a number of benefits for road users and local communities

Event materialsThis brochure is being published on our scheme website page, where you will also find the October 2016 brochure and the report on the public information events.

Materials can be found online at:

What’s changed since the events in October 2016?Since we last consulted with you we have been working hard on gathering environmental information by carrying out ecology surveys to understand the local habitats for great crested newts, otters, water voles and other pond life in the area. We have also done some work on assessing road noise and air quality. Results from these surveys and assessments will be considered further during our preliminary design work.

We are now proceeding to develop the design of the route we proposed at the public information events we held in October 2016, which include widening both carriageways from two lanes to three lanes and retaining the existing speed limit of 70mph. The additional lane in both directions provided between the junctions will help traffic joining or leaving the A19. The existing concrete road surface will also be changed to significantly reduce traffic noise.




Wynyard Park


White House Farm

BillinghamGolf Course





Bypass R


Hartlepool Rd

Stockton Rd

Low Burntoft Farm

© Crown copyright and database rights2017 OS 100030649


End of concrete surfacing

Start of concrete surfacing(North of Thorpe Beck)

Improvement scheme


Concrete surface of A19


A19 improvement scheme

Page 4: Norton to Wynyard improvement · Norton and Wynyard will provide a number of benefits for road users and local communities

If you need help accessing this or any other Highways England information,please call 0300 123 5000 and we will help you.

Next StepsWe are currently at the development phase of the scheme, working on the preliminary design, and expect construction work to start by March 2020.

Over the coming months, our team of specialists will carry out more surveys and investigations so that we can design the scheme in more detail. This will include details on the proposed widening and noise reduction between the two junctions. If we need access to your land for any of these surveys we will contact you in advance and we aim keep disruption to a minimum.

We will hold further public information events in spring 2018 to share the latest information on the scheme with you and listen to what you have to say. We’ll also continue meeting with Stockton Borough Council and Tees Valley Unlimited local enterprise partnership and other stakeholders to develop our proposals.

In the meantime, if you want further information on the scheme please contact a member of the Highways England project team using any of the following methods:

In writing: A19 Norton to Wynard project team, Third floor south, Highways England, Lateral, 8 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9AT

By email: [email protected]

By phone: 0300 470 2435


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This document is also available on our website at

If you have any enquiries about this publication email [email protected] or call 0300 123 5000*. Please quote the Highways England publications code PR62/17.

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Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZHighways England Company Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363