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Referine[modificare|modificare surs]1. ^Constantiniu, Florin:ntre Hitler i Stalin; Romnia i pactul Ribbentrop - Molotov, Bucureti, Danubius, 1991,2. ^Constantiniu, Florin:Hitler, Stalin i Romnia - Romnia i geneza Operaiunii Barbarossa, Bucureti, Univers Enciclopedic, 20023. ^enDeletant, Dennis,Op. cit.p. 374. ^Rotaru, Jipa:Romnii n istoria universal, vol. 117, p.109,ISBN 978-973-7858-75-75. ^Buzatu, Gheorghe,Antonescu, Hitler, Stalin, p. 7,ISBN 973-87051-4-26. ^enDeletant, Dennis,Hitler's Forgotten Ally: Ion Antonescu and His Regime, Romania, 1940-1944, Palgrave Macmillan, London, p. 70 & p. 257, 2006.ISBN 1-4039-9341-67. ^Betea, Lavinia: Maria, dezmierdat Rica", inJurnalul Naional, 15 mai 2006. ^Deletant, op. cit., p.2909. ^Ciuc, Marcel-Dumitru,Mrturii sub anchet, n:Magazin Istoric, martie 199810. ^Troncot, Cristian,Mihail Moruzov i frontul secret, ed. Elion, 200411. ^The military brutally ended the revolt within a week: villages were destroyed, peasants and their families shot or beaten to death and hundreds were arrested. On March 12th, in Galati on the Danube, as 200 peasants were on their way to negotiations in the city, the officer in command, Ion Antonescu (who would later lead Romania into the Second World War as an ally of Nazi Germany), gave the order to shoot, killing 12. - Rascoala: the last peasants' revolt, by Markus Bauer, History Today, Sep. 2010, Vol. 60, Issue 9, p.47. Markus Bauer is a writer and historian of Eastern Europe based in Berlin. He is the author of In Rumanien. Auf den Spuren einer europishchen Verwandtschaft (Berlin, 2009).12. ^Niu, Victor,Marealul Ion Antonescu, ^[1]Accesat: 26 decembrie 201114. ^Niu, Victor,Marealul Ion Antonescu,, op. cit.15. ^Rotaru, Jipa,Op. cit., p. 6316. ^enHaynes, Rebecca Ann,A New Greater Romania? Romanian Claims to the Serbian Banat in 1941,p. 113, 115. In: Central Europe, vol. 3, No. 2, November 2005[2]Accesat: 26 decembrie 2011, republ. University College London'sLibrary Services[3]Accesat: 26 decembrie 2011.17. ^enDeletant,Op. cit., p. 3818. ^enDeletant,Op. cit., p. 38-3919. ^Deletant,Op. cit., p. 3920. ^Betea, Lavinia,Maria, dezmierdat Rica, op. cit.21. ^Scafe, Ioan I.,Odessa, o victorie scump pltit,, noiembrie 2011, 26 decembrie 201122. ^Duu A., Dobre F., Loghin L.,Armata romn n al doilea rzboi mondial (1941-1945). n: Dicionar enciclopedic, Editura enciclopedic, 199923. ^Scurtu, Ioan; Stnescu-Stanciu, Theodora; Scurtu, Georgiana Margareta,Istoria romnilor ntre anii 19181940, p. 280,[4]Accesat: 26 decembrie 2011.24. ^Scurtu, Ioan[5]Accesat: 26 decembrie 2011.25. ^Deletant,op. cit., p. 8326. ^Cretzianu, Al.:Ocazia pierdut, Institutul European, Iai, 1998, p. 627. ^Giurescu, Dinu C.:Evreii din Romnia (1939-1944), n:Romnia n al doilea rzboi mondial, 1939-1947, ed. ALL, 26 decembrie 2011.28. ^A -Nurenberg Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, Sept. 15, 1935, traducere n englez de University of the West of England, 26 decembrie 2011.29. ^B - Reich Citizenship Law, Sept. 15, 1935, traducere n englez de University of the West of England, 26 decembrie 2011.30. ^The law of 8 August 1940 defined Jews racially in even more draconian fashion then did the Nazis. Another law forbade marriage between Jews and gentiles, while directly citing the 1935 Nuremberg laws as precedent (Ioanid, 2000: 20-22). Further legislation restricted Jewish access to education and entry into both the medical and military professions. Economic legislation severely limited Jewish business activity and further restricted Jewish life circumstances. Jewish rural property was nationalized, and Jewish civil servants were purged. - The Demographics of Genocide: Refugees and Territorial Loss in the Mass Murder of European Jewry, Author(s): Manus I. Midlarsky, Source: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, Special Issue on the Demography of Conflict and Violence (Jul., 2005), pp. 375-391, Published by: Sage Publications, Ltd.Stable URL: ^Constantiniu, Florin:ntre Hitler i Stalin. Romnia i pactulRibbentropMolotov, op. cit. p. 929632. ^Dobrinescu, ValeriuFlorin i Constantin, Ion:Basarabia n anii celui de al doilea rzboi mondial, pp. 149-191, Iai, 1995.33. ^Constantin, Ion:Romnia - Marile Puteri i problema Basarabiei, pp. 62-100, Bucureti, 1995.34. ^Muat, M., Ardeleanu, I.,35 de ani de la marile manifestaii populare ndreptate mpotriva Dictatului de la Viena, n: Anale de istorie, 4, 1975.35. ^Decret regal privind investirea generalului Ion Antonescu cu depline puteri, 5 septembrie 1940Art. I. Investim pe dl. general Ion Antonescu, preedintele Consiliului de Minitri, cu depline puteri pentru conducerea statului romn.Art. II. Regele exercit urmtoarele prerogative regale:a) El este capul otirii;b) El are dreptul de a bate moned;c) El confer decoraiunile romne;d) El are dreptul de graiere, amnistie i reduceri de pedepse;e) El primete i acrediteaz ambasadorii i minitrii plenipoteniari;f) El numete pe primul-ministru, nsrcinat cu depline puteri;g) El ncheie tratate;h) Modificarea legilor organice, numirea minitrilor i subsecretarilor de stat se va face prin decrete regale contrasemnate de preedintele Consiliului de Minitri.Art. III. Toate celelalte puteri ale statului se exercit de preedintele Consiliului de Minitri.Dat n Bucureti, la 5 septembrie 1940.36. ^A.N.I.C.:Stenogramele Consiliului de Minitri, vol.1, p.10337. ^Cristian Troncot,Mihail Moruzov i frontul secret, op. cit.38. ^Giurescu, Dinu C.:Romnia n al doilea rzboi mondial, 1939-1947 - Evreii din Romnia (1939-1944), ed. ALL. 1997, 26 mai 2012.39. ^enAncel, Jean,The Economic Destruction of Romanian Jewry, Ierusalim, Yad Vashem, 2007.40. ^enDean, Martin:Robbing the Jews - The Confiscation of Jewish Property in the Holocaust, 1935 - 1945, Cambridge University Press, 200841. ^Djuvara, Neagu:O scurt istorie a romnilor povestit celor tineri, p. 248, Humanitas, bucureti, ed. XI-a, 2010,ISBN 978-973-50-2591-542. ^Giurescu, Dinu C.,Cine poart rspunderea?,[6]Accesat: 26 decembrie 201143. ^Scurtu, Ioan; Stnescu-Stanciu, Theodora; Scurtu, Georgiana Margareta:Istoria romnilor ntre anii 19181940, p 280, 26 mai 201244. ^enBrustein, William I & King, Ryan D,:Anti-Semitism As a Response to Perceived Jewish Power: The Cases of Bulgaria and Romania before the Holocaust, p. 691, "Social Forces",83:2,ISSN: 00377732, 2004 (Moreover, the Romanian government largely acquiesced to widespread anti-Semitic violence in the country, particularly during the inter-war period, and anti-Semitism during WWII was nearly as rampant in Romania as in Germany, exemplified by the two large unorganized pogroms taking place in Romania in 1941 in which thousands of Jews were killed or, more ominously, the fact that Romania's government was the only government besides the German Nazi government to establish and operate its own extermination camp in Podolia, where over 100,000 Jews perished in the camps (Chary 1972).).45. ^enChary, Frederick:The Bulgarian Jews And The Final Solution, 1940-1944, University of Pittsburgh Press, Henry M. Snyder & Co., Inc., London,ISBN 0-8229-3251-2, 1972 (For one thing, in 1941 two large, unorganized pogroms occurred in Romania, which, while not part of the systematic Nazi destruction process, were responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews. In January in an attempted revolution by the Iron Guard the fascists cruelly murdered about a thousand Jews, and in June, in the wake of the invasion of the Soviet Union, Romanian soldiers on a rampage killed over four thousand Jews in Iasi (in the Regat). Probably thousands more perished as the government evacuated the Jews of the city. More significant than these pogroms, the Romanians had the only government besides that of the Nazis which operated an extermination center. In the fall of 1941 Bucharest began the expulsion of Bessarabia's Jews across the Dniester River into concentration camps in the Podolia section of the Ukraine (between the Dniester and the Bug rivers). Already before this time the Romanians had expelled thousands of Jews across the Dniester when that area was under German control and an Einsatzgruppe operated there. A great number of Jews had died at that time. After Romanian control began, 185,000 Jews went to concentration camps in Podolia. Only ten thousand of these came from the Regat. Over one hundred thousand of these Jews were executed by shooting or starved to death in the camps. Later, in August 1942 the Romanians agreed to deport the Jews of the Regat to extermination centers in Poland, but as in Bulgaria, diplomatic entanglements and the changing course of the war prevented the fulfillment of these plans. In fact, no Romanian Jews went to Poland (except, again as in Bulgaria, a few whom the Nazis caught outside the state). In 1943 the Romanians relaxed their regime in the Podolia camps)46. ^The practical expression of this prejudice became in the words of those prosecuting the Romanian portion of the Holocaust, "the cleansing of the ground." Tragically, as in more recent cases of ethnic animosity in the Balkans, this phrase was not literary license but actual intent. Indeed, with the Barbarossa campaign only three months old, Hitler remarked that "Antonescu is pursuing much more radical policies in this area [i.e., "the Jewish question"] than we have done so far." Goebbels in the same vein, and probably passing along this evaluation to Hitler, commented within two weeks of the opening of the Russian front that "Antonescu is dealing with the [Jewish] situation. His behaviour in this war as a whole has 'been magnificent.'3 - Oldson, W. O., "Alibi for Prejudice: Eastern Orthodoxy, the Holocaust, and Romanian Nationalism", "East European Quarterly", v. 36, no. 3 (Fall 2002), p. 301-11.47. ^That behaviour by the Romanian leader precipitated his country's participation in the Holocaust, a venture that set records unmatched even by the Nazis for the number of Jews killed in single actions or in the shortest period of time. While the German forces, both military and police, might be killing Jews as well, they remained much more consistently concerned with record keeping and appearances than were the Romanians. The forces under Antonescu's command seemed to be impelled to carry out their atrocities with a minimum of preparation and a maximum of speed.4 - Oldson, W. O., "Alibi for Prejudice: Eastern Orthodoxy, the Holocaust, and Romanian Nationalism", "East European Quarterly", v. 36, no. 3 (Fall 2002), p. 301-11.48. ^German military reports from the battlefield as early as July of 1941 complained pointedly to superior commanders not only about the bearing and attitude of Romanian troops, but also about the "bestiality" with which they killed Jews. As ironic as it now sounds, these German military officers, even in the context of their own extermination of the East European Jewish population, were worried about the working out of those "more radical policies" of Antonescu's regarding the Jews. They fretted in particular about the deleterious impact Romanian actions might have on the prestige of "the German army in view of world public opinion."6 - Oldson, W. O., "Alibi for Prejudice: Eastern Orthodoxy, the Holocaust, and Romanian Nationalism", "East European Quarterly", v. 36, no. 3 (Fall 2002), p. 301-11.49. ^Stoenescu, Alex Mihai:Ostaii notri au trecut Prutul cnd au dat ordin nemii!,, iunie 2010 (Accesat: 27 dec. 2011), ^Constantiniu, Florin (cond. tiinific); Arimia, Vasile; Ion Ardeleanu, Ion; Lache, tefan:Antonescu Hitler. Coresponden i ntlniri inedite, 19401944, vol. I, p. 103, Editura Cozia, Bucureti, 1991,ISBN 970-95204-1-351. ^Ceauescu, Ilie (general-locotenent dr., coord. principal):Romnia n anii celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial: Vol.1: Statul naional unitar romn n perioada 1919-1939. Impactul declanrii celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial asupra Romniei. Lupta poporului romn pentru recucerirea independenei i suveranitii naionale, p. 370, Editura Militar, Bucureti, 1989,ISBN 973-32-0068-952. ^deDoerr, Hans:Der Feldzug nach Stalingrad. 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