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Notes on the Solow Model Pengfei Wang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2010 pfwang (Institute) Notes on the Solow Model 03/09 1 / 32

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  • Notes on the Solow Model

    Pengfei Wang

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


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  • Introduction: Basic Facts about Economic Growth

    Small di¤erence in growth rate can make large di¤erence in income inthe long run.

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  • Introduction: Basic Facts about Economic Growth(continued)

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  • Questions to be Addressed

    How important is the rate of capital accumulation to a nationseconomic growth?

    What are the economic forces that ultimately allow poor countries tocatch up with the richest countries in living standards?

    How does a nations growth rate evolve over time? Is there a limit? Ifso, what determines the limit the rate of saving? the rate ofpopulation growth? or the amount of natural resources?

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  • Assumption

    There is only a single good, so relative prices do not play any role;

    There is no money and no government spending, so government doesnot play any role;

    Full employment at all time, so unemployment does not matter;

    Except inputs, the production technology does not change over time;

    There are only two types of inputs: capital and labor;

    The rates of saving, depreciation, population growth, and technologyprogress are constant.

    These features are both defects and virtues of the model.

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  • Assumption (continued)

    More specically and mathematically, we have

    Production functionY = F (Kt ,AtLt ) (1)

    where K denotes capital stock, A denotes labor productivity, Ldenotes labor units.


    F01 > 0,F

    02 > 0,F

    0012 > 0,F

    0021 > 0,F

    001 < 0,F

    002 < 0 (2)

    F (λK ,AλL) = λF (K , L) for λ > 0

    limx!0F 0(x , y) = ∞; limy!0F 0(x , y) = ∞ (3)limx!∞F 0(x , y) = 0; limy!∞F 0(x , y) = 0

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  • Assumption (continued)

    More specically and mathematically, we have

    Resource Allocation

    St = It = sYt (4)

    Ct + It = Yt

    Evolution of Inputs

    K̇t = It � δKt (5)Ȧt = gAtL̇t = nLt

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  • Model Dynamics

    Per-e¤ective labor economy: Dene x = XAL then

    y =F (K ,AL)AL

    = F (KAL, 1) = f (k) (6)

    c + i = y (7)

    k̇ + (g + n)k = i � δk (8)where

    k̇ =d( KAL )dt

    =K̇AL� K (ȦL+ AL̇)

    (AL)2=K̇AL� (g + n)k (9)


    = i � δk (10)

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  • Model Dynamics (continued)

    the property of f (k) = F ( KAL , 1)

    f 0(k) = F01(K ,AL) (11)

    f 0(k) =∂hF (K ,AL)AL

    i∂( KAL )

    =∂F (K ,AL)

    ∂K= F1(K ,AL) > 0 (12)

    f00(k) =

    ∂F1(K ,AL)

    ∂( KAL )= ALF11(K ,AL) < 0 (13)

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  • Steady-State

    A steady state of a dynamic system is a situation where all the variables inthe system are constant, xt = x̄ . Assuming that a steady state exists inthe transformed Solow model, then

    k̇ = ċ = ẏ = i̇ = 0, (14)


    = const for X = K ,Y ,C , I (15)

    soK̇K=ẎY=ĊC=İI= g + n (16)

    this is so called balanced growth path.

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  • Stabability of Steady-State

    In S-S, (8) impliesı̄ = (δ+ g + n)k̄ (17)

    andk̇t = sf (kt )� (g + n+ δ)kt = π(kt ) (18)

    the steady-state k̄ is given by

    sf (k̄) = (g + n+ δ)k̄ (19)

    Noticeπ0(k) = sf 0(k)� (g + n+ δ);π00(k) = sf 00(k) < 0 (20)

    so we havek̇t > 0 if kt < k̄ ;k̇t < 0 if kt > k̄ (21)

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  • Stabability of Steady-State

    The phase diagram

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  • E¤ects of Saving rate

    In S-S we havesf (k̄) = (g + n+ δ)k̄. (22)

    totally di¤erentiating this equation gives

    f (k)ds + sf 0(k)dk = (g + n+ δ)dk, (23)

    which implies


    f (k)(g + n+ δ)� sf (0k) =

    f (k)

    s f (k )k � sf 0(k)(24)


    =f (k)

    f (k)� f 0(k)k =1

    1� α > 0 (25)

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  • E¤ects of Saving rate (continued)

    Note 1: α is output elasticity of capital, we must have

    0 < α < 1 (26)


    α =f 0(k)kf (k)

    > 0 (27)

    is easy to see.

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  • E¤ects of Saving rate (continued)

    To see α < 1, we have

    α =F 01(K ,AL)KF (K ,AL)


    Notice by constant return to scale, we have

    F (λK ,λAL) = λF (K ,AL) (29)

    totally di¤erentiating with respect to λ, and evaluated λ = 1

    F 01(K ,AL)K + F02(K ,AL)AL = Y (30)

    and F02 > 0, so we have

    α < 1 (31)

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  • E¤ects of Saving rate (continued)

    E¤ect on outputdyds=dfdkdkds


    we havedy/yds/s

    = (dfdkky)(dkdssk) =


    1� α > 0

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  • E¤ects of Saving rate (continued)

    E¤ect on consumption

    c = (1� s)f (k) (33)

    we have


    = �f (k) + (1� s)f 0 dkds

    = �f (k) + (1� s)(kff 0)fk(dkdssk)ks

    = �f (k) + (1� s) α1� α

    f (k)s


    so we have



    ��f (k) + (1� s) α

    1� αf (k)s


    (1� s)f (k)= � s

    1� s +α

    1� α (35)

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  • E¤ects of Saving rate (continued)

    The golden rule: The golden rule is the best S-S where S-Sconsumption is maximized. Since S-S consumption depends on thesaving rate, we can nd the golden rule rate of saving such that S-Sconsumption is maximized:

    dcds= 0 (36)

    ors = α (37)

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  • Growth E¤ects of Saving rate (continued)

    Growth E¤ect:k̇ = sf (k)� (g + n+ δ)k (38)


    = f (k) + sf 0(k)dkds� (g + n+ δ)dk


    = f (k) + [f 0(k)k � (g + n+ δ)ks


    = f (k) + (f 0(k)k � f (k)) 11� α

    = f (k) + f (k)α� 11� α

    = 0 (39)

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  • Transitional Dynamics

    Algebraic analysis:

    k̇t = sf (kt )� (g + n+ δ)kt' (sf 0(k̄)� (g + n+ δ))(kt � k̄) (40)

    since sf 0(k̄) = sf 0(k̄) k̄f̄f̄k̄ = α

    s f̄k̄ = α(g + n+ δ), we have

    k̇t ' �(1� α)(g + n+ δ)(kt � k̄) (41)� �λ(kt � k̄)

    this says that near S-S, the growth rate is approximately constant andequal to �λ. Hence λ = (1� α)(g + n+ δ) is called the speed ofconvergence.solving this equation implies

    ln(kt � k̄) + const = �λt (42)notice that k0 is given so we have

    ln(k0 � k̄) + const = 0 (43)hence

    ln(kt � k̄) = ln(k0 � k̄)� λt (44)or

    kt � k̄ = (k0 � k̄)e�λt (45)

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  • Transitional Dynamics

    solving this equation implies

    ln(kt � k̄) + const = �λt (46)

    notice that k0 is given so we have

    ln(k0 � k̄) + const = 0 (47)

    henceln(kt � k̄) = ln(k0 � k̄)� λt (48)

    orkt � k̄ = (k0 � k̄)e�λt (49)

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  • Transitional Dynamics (continued)

    Now consider a small change of s on kt


    =dk̄ds(1� e�λt ) � 0 (50)

    which is zero at t = 0 and increases in a diminishing manner towardsd k̄ds with t.

    growth e¤ect on k̇t , by k̇t = �λ(kt � k̄) we have


    ' �λ(dktds� dk̄ds) (51)

    � λe�λt dk̄ds

    which is positive at t = 0 and decreases exponentially towards zerowith t.

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  • Transitional Dynamics (continued)

    The e¤ect on outputyt = f (kt )

    henceyt ' f (k̄) + f 0(k̄)(kt � k̄) (52)

    so we have

    ẏt ' f 0(k̄)k̇t� �λf 0(k̄)(kt � k̄)' �λ(yt � ȳ) (53)

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  • Transitional Dynamics (continued)

    Since we haveẏt ' �λ(yt � ȳ) (54)

    so we can solveyt � ȳ = (y0 � ȳ)e�λt . (55)

    so we havedytds

    = (1� e�λt )dȳds, (56)

    which is similar to the analysis to capital.

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  • Transitional Dynamics (continued)

    The e¤ect on consumption

    ct = yt � (g + n+ δ)kt � k̇t (57)

    so we have


    =dytds� (g + n+ δ)dkt

    ds� dk̇tds

    = (1� e�λt )dȳds� (g + n+ δ)dk̄

    ds(1� e�λt )� λe�λt dk̄


    which is always negative at t = 0.

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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    rms: Suppose there is a continuum of rms measured by i 2 [0, 1].Its production function is

    y(i) = ε(i)min [k(i),An(i)] (59)

    the total output is

    Y =Z 10y(i)di (60)

    Where k(i) is the capital used by rm i and n(i) is the labor input insuch a rm, the aggregate technology level is A.

    rm specic technology level ε(i) drawn from a common distributionfunction. Pr [ε(i) � ε] = ε�σ with the density function equal tof (ε) = σε�σ�1.

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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    timing : Before the realization of ε(i), rm needs to install capital.After that ε(i) realizes, and rm i decides whether to produce or not.

    Let r be the interest rate, and w be the real wage and the goodsprice be unit, the rms problem can be solved by backwardreduction. First consider the labor decision, its prot is

    π(ε(i)) = ε(i)An(i)� wn(i) (61)

    s.t An(i) � k(i) (62)

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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    In this case, the labor decision and output is

    n(i) =

    (k (i )A if ε(i) �


    0 otherwise


    y(i) =�

    ε(i)k(i) if ε(i) � wA0 otherwise


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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    The rms prot is

    π(i) =

    (ε(i)k(i)� k (i )A w if ε(i) �


    0 otherwise


    Hence its expected prot when its install capital is :

    �rk(i) + k(i)∞ZwA

    �ε� w


    �f (ε)dε

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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    This implies

    r =


    �ε� w


    �f (ε)dε



    εf (ε)dε��wA


    1σ� 1



    and the total production:

    Y = K


    εf (ε)dε =σ

    σ� 1�wA

    �1�σK (67)

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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    Interest rate isrK =

    1σY (68)

    and the real wage is �wA


    σ� 1σ


    the total wage payment

    wN = wKA

    Z ∞wA

    f (ε)dε = K�wA


    or we have :

    wN =σ� 1

    σY (70)

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  • A micro-foundation of aggregate production function

    Finally use w = A�



    � 11�σ to compute the aggregate ouput. we



    σ� 1σ


    � 11�σN =

    σ� 1σ

    Y (71)

    or we have


    σ�1σ� 1


    σ1�σ= Y

    σσ�1 (72)

    This yields

    Y =σ

    σ� 1K1σ [AN ]

    σ�1σ (73)

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    The micro-foundation of Aggregate production function