
An Excerpt from Ascension and Nothingness By Hal Schroeder Spirit of Life by Daniel Chester French 1 CHAPTER 7 The Nothingness of Alice in Wonderland Thank God for our ability to discern truth from illu- sion. Thank God for the realty that illusion is not real, and thus, cannot ever harm us, along with being able to be blown away by simply awakening to what is real. Without these professions of the gratitude of truth, we would be Alice, living in a perpetual Wonderland, hav- ing gone down the rabbit hole with no way to get out. Perhaps the rabbit hole was Lewis Carroll’s symbol of hell. He wrote of a hell where we seemingly live in the delusion that we are of the consciousness of “the ego dualistic delusionary thought system” that we hold onto as the savior of our dreams. Who else other than this force we created of separa- tion is going to go forth and try to solve our dreams? The fact that it cost us our immortal souls is of no consequence when pride, vanity, lust, gluttony, greed, and sloth are involved. Ego mind’s pervading principle is to never confuse the truth with our dreams, even though they will eventu- ally kill us. Ego mind will let us live this illusion over again into reincarnational splendor of hellish Wonderlands, as long as we pay obeisance to it, as long as our ego minds are our actual gods. Even though we hope and pray to another, we are not serious about it. All we want from our outside God is his help in fulfilling our wonderland dreams. Thank God that the real and only God of Oneness oversees our dream-insanity, sending us grace every minute of every day, in many forms to wake us up. Thank God this God of all that there is sends messen- gers and tools for us to use. And thank God that we seem to be eventually getting the message, albeit at a snail’s pace, a pace way behind that of our schedule to stop playing in Wonderland. The result is guaranteed that we will awake and escape Wonderland. The only question is “When?” with the sub-question being “How many more lifetimes in Wonderland do we need?” Thank God that Source is unconditionally loving. Whatever insanity we perpetrate on a constant basis, all Source can say is:“I love you. I am with you al- ways and I will keep sending the grace of nothingness into your infinite mind of love until you awake to it.” We, who live in ego fairy dreamland, are just the op- posite. By any objective analysis by the most intelli- gent amongst us, from Einstein to Hawking to Oppen- heimer, we would be pulling our hair out. We would see the world as doomed to a consciousness that will cause the eventual destruction of all of us. In our limited minds of perpetual ignorance, we de- pend on the best and brightest. We depend on doctors to keep us well and cure us of diseases. Yet we have an evolving situation of imminent disaster in that doc- tors are over prescribing antibiotics for everything and anything, for viral infections and colds that do not respond to antibiotics. There is a situation wherein we have created monster bacteria that are not responding to any medication, a monster that continues to grow geometrically. Our best and brightest spiritual leaders, our ministers and priests, rabbis and non-sectarian gurus, try to teach us about God and what is, by ignoring the very grace sent our way to serve their own ego needs. The most obvious of these are in the form of what serves

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  • An Excerpt from Ascension and Nothingness By Hal Schroeder

    Spirit of Life by Daniel Chester French



    The Nothingness of Alice in Wonderland

    Thank God for our ability to discern truth from illu-sion. Thank God for the realty that illusion is not real, and thus, cannot ever harm us, along with being able to be blown away by simply awakening to what is real.

    Without these professions of the gratitude of truth, we would be Alice, living in a perpetual Wonderland, hav-ing gone down the rabbit hole with no way to get out.

    Perhaps the rabbit hole was Lewis Carrolls symbol of hell. He wrote of a hell where we seemingly live in the delusion that we are of the consciousness of the ego dualistic delusionary thought system that we hold onto as the savior of our dreams.

    Who else other than this force we created of separa-tion is going to go forth and try to solve our dreams? The fact that it cost us our immortal souls is of no consequence when pride, vanity, lust, gluttony, greed, and sloth are involved.

    Ego minds pervading principle is to never confuse the truth with our dreams, even though they will eventu-ally kill us.

    Ego mind will let us live this illusion over again into reincarnational splendor of hellish Wonderlands, as long as we pay obeisance to it, as long as our ego minds are our actual gods. Even though we hope and pray to another, we are not serious about it. All we want from our outside God is his help in fulfilling our wonderland dreams.

    Thank God that the real and only God of Oneness oversees our dream-insanity, sending us grace every minute of every day, in many forms to wake us up.

    Thank God this God of all that there is sends messen-gers and tools for us to use. And thank God that we seem to be eventually getting the message, albeit at a snails pace, a pace way behind that of our schedule to stop playing in Wonderland.

    The result is guaranteed that we will awake and escape Wonderland. The only question is When? with the sub-question being How many more lifetimes in Wonderland do we need?

    Thank God that Source is unconditionally loving. Whatever insanity we perpetrate on a constant basis, all Source can say is:I love you. I am with you al-ways and I will keep sending the grace of nothingness into your infinite mind of love until you awake to it.

    We, who live in ego fairy dreamland, are just the op-posite. By any objective analysis by the most intelli-gent amongst us, from Einstein to Hawking to Oppen-heimer, we would be pulling our hair out. We would see the world as doomed to a consciousness that will cause the eventual destruction of all of us.

    In our limited minds of perpetual ignorance, we de-pend on the best and brightest. We depend on doctors to keep us well and cure us of diseases. Yet we have an evolving situation of imminent disaster in that doc-tors are over prescribing antibiotics for everything and anything, for viral infections and colds that do not respond to antibiotics. There is a situation wherein we have created monster bacteria that are not responding to any medication, a monster that continues to grow geometrically.

    Our best and brightest spiritual leaders, our ministers and priests, rabbis and non-sectarian gurus, try to teach us about God and what is, by ignoring the very grace sent our way to serve their own ego needs. The most obvious of these are in the form of what serves

  • 2their own security needs: homes and secure salaries.God Source sent Elder Brother Jesus as the example and the teacher of truth to disavow us of such distor-tions of truths. Do we pay attention to the life and teachings of Jesus? No, only that which would benefit us, not looking at what is true.

    How many supposed Christians honor the law and spirit in the saying, Love your neighbor as yourself? Or actually know what it means when Jesus tells us that what we do to the least of these, you do to me?

    How do we ignore these truths? Ego-mind is into de-nial and self-serving interests of survival and thriving, and doesnt give a hoot about anyone else. And so we hold on, afraid to admit that we have sold, ostensibly, our very soul to this separatist force.

    Too strong for you? Let me ask you then, was Jesus lying when he gave us these truths? Are they even open to interpretation? I dont think so, yet we live behind the doors and comfort of our walled-in homes where our neighbors and the least of these are very rarely invited, and then disinvited and told to leave when we are tired of their company.

    Thank God that we know better when we face the truth, that this could never be the real us. Thank God that Jesus told us that when we awake, we shall do greater things than he.

    But do the world one favor, please. Until you are ready to awake, keep your insane beliefs and fears to your-self so the fewest number of tragedies can occur due to your nonchalance about implementing the truth. Dont interpret spiritual truth unless you are prepared for the ultimate surrender and submission to God and Source, which leaves not one part of you intact.

    Did you know that if every corporation in America gave as little as one quarter of one percent of its in-come, world hunger would end tomorrow? This does not even come close to loving ones neighbors as oneself or doing to the least of these.

    Its saying, at best, Jesus, if you are starving and you are my neighbor; Ill give you one quarter of one per-cent and thus make do. It is like a spit in the ocean or spitting at the least of these.

    And yet, we wont even do that. We project our own inner turmoil of the wasteland of conspicuous con-sumption. We let the hungry have churning stomachs while we "Neros" fiddle our instruments while the whole world burns in the hell of Wonderland. And yet we call ourselves Christians, ethical, moral, and com-passionate. In America, we call ourselves the most generous people in the world.

    Consider this proposition: if each of our billionaires gave 95% of their wealth to the poor, how much would they have left? For those who have around fifty billion, they would only have five billion left. For those with just a meager one billion, they would sink to the very depths of poverty with only $500,000.What in all of Gods earth, what in all the history of this planet, is the motive that people use to buy items that they cannot afford? Our conspicuous consumption keeps the least of these from becoming our loved neighbors.

    This is just the smallest example of our nothingness and it doesnt matter whether we have fifty billion or fifty thousand. The laws and truths of Jesus still stand.Years ago, Holy Spirit gave me the truth that if we started with our richest and began giving away 95% of our incomes, this would spread geometrically so the world would be awash and drowning in the abundance and prosperity of money, in the energy, light, power of love of money.

    But no, we call ourselves moral, but we dont live it.

    What is a rich man? Are we rich? Do we have more than we need when billions do not have basic necessi-ties, making these people the less of these, if not the least of these?

    What on earth, this illusory earth of the nothingness of Wonderland, do we do with Jesus injunction to the supposedly good but rich man, when the rich man asks Jesus how he can enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Jesus tells him to give away all his possessions.

    And the rich man walked away, unable and unwilling to do just that.

    Ego rationalizations are very powerful, but how are they going to fool Saint Peter when we meet him at the Pearly Gates? He can only say: Take your ratio-

  • 3nalizations elsewhere and come back when you are the pure of heart with not one penny in your pocket-less pockets. No pockets, purses, wallets, or bank accounts allowed in Heaven.

    Down south, way south of here in hell, Wonderland credit cards are accepted, and all pay very high interest rates.

    How many of us in Wonderland will be able to get a ticket to Heaven? Very few of us, in our denials of truth and grace, which means we will be stuck in our individual purgatories until all of what is not us burns way.

    There is no hell; we are living in hell. The fire images come from the need to have stripped from us all that is not us before we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.We are constantly being told that we are overdue in Awakening, to do it now. The Universe is screaming at us: How? How do we do it right now?

    We need to look at the great example and sacrifice of Brother Jesus in using his tool:

    I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.

    We are, through grace, constantly being reminded of the example of the Good Thief.

    No matter how deluded we have been, no matter how hypocritical we have been, no matter how selfish or self-centered we have been, no matter how much in denial we have been of the new laws of Brother Jesus, we can overcome, awake, resurrect, and ascend with the truth of total forgiveness of self and existence of this Alice in Wonderland world of nothingness, as did the Good Thief.

    Hopefully, we have realized and are tired of dreams that lead nowhere, thus, Ascension is our only goal. If not, our delay may trigger the actual destruction of the entire world, as this consciousness of Wonderland is erupting all over, and is about to sink the world, as Atlantis once was.

    Dont believe me? Just look at the polluted water and air supplies, food distribution and simmering wars about to erupt.

    Look at the ego selfishness of our minds that would rather the world be destroyed, and start all over again, as long as we can start over and dream again.

    Delay is nothing in eternity. It is tragic in time.If we live in time, we must end it now, and be a mes-senger of forgiveness until all of time is gone with only the eternity of Heaven left. We do this, as always, with Jesus supreme gift of:

    I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.

    Alice is very tired of putting up with our crappy in-sanities; she wants us out.

    But our loving Father Mother Source wants us home as the awoken, ascendant sons and daughters; that is what unconditional love is.

    Leave Alice be, and join the right hand side of the Most High now, bringing home all the Wonderland explorers with us.

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all shall come to you.

    Once affirmed, it always leads to the truth and power of:

    I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.

    We say Amen, as we say goodbye to Alice and re-join our family of the One in Heaven itself. Amen.


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    Ascensionist Series

    The Ascension SeriesThrough

    Awakenings to AscensionThe purpose of your life is to ascend to be with Father Mother Source. Awakening is the Ascension, described in this book.

    Love Letters from an Angel is a collection of essays from Angel Hal to women everywhere. His concern is their spiritual welfare---but this is an angel who can laugh.

    Ascension Is All That There Is continues Awakenings to Ascension, with essential meditations on all aspects of ascending.

    Grace to Ascension leads you to recognize that grace is all around you; each and every instant, grace is in your life, propelling you towards Ascen-sion.

    Ascension and Nothingness takes you through experiencing nothingness and its role in all we believe and all we can believe.


    Hal Schroeder is a student, facilitator, and writer on A Course in Miracles subjects. Although Hal has three traditional degrees, he asserts that his most important degree is from The University of the Holy Spirit, with whom he has been communing since 1988. It was revealed to Hal that his writings are a continuation of the ideas contained in A Course in Miracles.

    Hals writing is centered on forgiveness and ways to practice it. The forgiveness affirmation is the center of each of his books and the basis of each essay:

    I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.

    Hal organized and ran two humanitarian foundations, one in Ethiopia, one in the Philippines, both devoted to empowering people.

    He was also a superintendent of schools three times in the United States and abroad, creating numerous innovative programs, while encountering the wrath of those who did not want fundamental change.

    Email: [email protected]