notices to mariners, sweden swedish maritime administration · delete light buoy, q(9) 15s west...

11 Ufs No 585 2016-02-11 Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration Editorial office Swedish Maritime Administration Ufs 601 78 NORRKÖPING Sweden tel: 0771 630 605 e-mail: [email protected] Publisher: Hydrographer Patrik Wiberg

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Page 1: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · Delete Light buoy, Q(9) 15s WEST cardinal mark o) 54-57,090N 013-03,969E Delete Light buoy, VQ(9) 10s WEST cardinal

Ufs No 5852016-02-11

Notices to Mariners, SWEDENSwedish Maritime Administration

Editorial officeSwedish Maritime AdministrationUfs601 78 NORRKÖPINGSwedentel: 0771 630 605e-mail: [email protected]:Hydrographer Patrik Wiberg

Page 2: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · Delete Light buoy, Q(9) 15s WEST cardinal mark o) 54-57,090N 013-03,969E Delete Light buoy, VQ(9) 10s WEST cardinal

Affected charts and Notices

Underrättelser för sjöfarande (Ufs) is an official Swedishpublication which provides information pertaining to shippingin the Baltic Sea Area and Kattegat, as well as Skagerrakeast of a line drawn between Hanstholm and Lindesnes.

The information on foreign waters is largely confined tosignificant occurrences which may affect Swedish charts.Ufs is thus wholly unsuited for the purpose of keeping BA-charts and/or other national charts updated.

An asterisk (*) in front of the number denotes that the noticeis based on information obtained from Swedish sourcematerial and that the details contained therein affectSwedish waters.When the letter (P) is adjacent to the notice number itserves as an indication that the notice is of a preliminarynature. Such notices will later be replaced by correspondingones containing definitive information.Similarly, when the letter (T) is placed adjacent to the noticenumber it denotes that the notice is of a temporary nature.In case no period of validity is given, this type of notice willbe rendered invalid either when a new Temporary Notice ispromulgated or if pertaining conditions cease to exist.

Bearings are true and given clockwise from 000° to 360°and, when given in conjunction with lights, indicate adirection from seaward.

Featured chartlets are primarily intended to simplify chartcorrection work and are not always true to scale. In general,they show the largest charted scale available for respectivearea.

Responsibility for the factual content published in Ufs restswith the informant.

Chart corrections and other information attributed to aspecific geographical area can be found under NOTICES.Other information is found under ANNOUNCEMENTS,starting on pg. 3.

The periodical Ufs is normally published every Thursdayand can be downloaded as a PDF-file from the homepage ofthe Swedish Maritime Administration. Note that as the file isautomatically generated from a database unintentional pagebreaks may occur at random.

Further information on the use of Ufs can be found in theannual publication Ufs A.

Reporting dangers and errorsAll observations concerning floating aids to navigation, unlitbeacons and lights, objects adrift or any other occurrencewhich may have a detrimental impact on safety at sea are tobe forwarded to MSI Sweden at the earliest possibleopportunity.Call: MSI SwedenVHF Channel: Appropriate working channelPhone: +46 771 630 685 (24/7)E-mail: [email protected]

Affected charts Notice no Sign

6 10967 (T)

7 10958

8 10958

10 10967 (T)

61 10967 (T)

62 10967 (T)

74 10958

616 10948

616 10967 (T)

617 10967 (T)

839 10958

921 10955 (T)

931 10726

931 10969 (T)

933 10953 (T)

1352 10969 (T)

6141 10973 (T)

6142 10973 (T)

6143 10957

6144 10957

6145 10972

6163 10948

8141 10955 (T)

9221 10970

9312 10956

9312 10969 (T)

9313 10726

9313 10956

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Göteborgs hamn, Göteborg. Publ. 11 februari 2016

Bsp Sydkusten 2012/s33

Helsingborgs hamn. Publ. 11 februari 2016

Buoyage is changed as follows in the approach to Gruvbryggan.

* 10965

(not translated)

* 10970 Chart: 9221

Helsingborg. W of Sydhamnen. ODAS-buoy.

Insert ODAS buoy, yellow special buoy 56-01,200N 012-41,224E

ODAS-buoy, Helsingborg

NOTICESNorthern Baltic

* 10948 Chart: 616, 6163Sweden. Northern Baltic. Stockholm. Utö. Gruvbryggan. Buoyage.

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Page 4: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · Delete Light buoy, Q(9) 15s WEST cardinal mark o) 54-57,090N 013-03,969E Delete Light buoy, VQ(9) 10s WEST cardinal

Bsp Stockholm S 2013/s11, s18, s34

Jetties have been established from the NE side of Telegrafholmen. The jettis are extending approx. 110 m towardsLökholmen.

Bsp Stockholm M 2013/s25, s31, s32, Bsp Stockholm N 2013/s41

Insert unlit leading line line Tallholmen front a) 58-58,40N 018-19,76E

Insert unlit leading line Gruvbryggan front b) 58-58,20N 018-19,52E

Insert 3 pairs of spar buoys c), d) and e) according to chartlet.

Gruvbruggan approach.Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 10 februari 2016

* 10957 Chart: 6143, 6144Sweden. Northern Baltic. N of Sandhamn. Telegrafholmen. Jetties.

a) 59-17,544N 018-55,101E shore connection of northern jetty

b) 59-17,582N 018-55,194E outer corner of northern jetty

Insert c) 59-17,560N 018-55,229E end of northern jetty

d) 59-17,524N 018-55,235E end of southern jetty

e) 59-17,494N 018-55,156E shore connection of southern jetty

Telegrafholmen, new jettiesBrf Sandhamn Telegrafholmen Publ. 11 februari 2016

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Page 5: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · Delete Light buoy, Q(9) 15s WEST cardinal mark o) 54-57,090N 013-03,969E Delete Light buoy, VQ(9) 10s WEST cardinal

Time: 2016, February 29 and March 1 - 2Firings from aircraft towards air targets will sporadically take place during daylight hours.No firing will take place when vessels are in the affected water area.For further information call +46 709 838 702.The exercise will take place above the water area shown on the chartlet, which is limited by following positions.

BSP Mälaren - Hjälmaren 2016/s07, BSP Mälaren 2014/s07, Bsp Stockholm M 2013/s04, s05, Bsp Stockholm S2013/s04, s05, s36, s37, s39

Prohibited of icebreaking in the channel between Älgö and Gåsön is withdrawn.

Not shown in ENC.Bsp Stockholm M 2013/s26

* 10967 (T) Chart: 10, 6, 61, 616, 617, 62Sweden. Northern Baltic. Nåttarö - Landsorts angöring - Nielsensgrund - Kopparstenarna. Firing fromaircraft.

a) 59-01,0N 018-29,5E

b) 58-54,1N 019-01,5E

c) 58-43,5N 019-19,8E

d) 58-18,2N 018-05,1E

e) 58-35,0N 017-55,0E

f) 58-49,0N 018-25,8E

g) 58-54,0N 018-30,8E

Firing from aircraftFMV. Publ. 10 februari 2016

* 10972 Chart: 6145Sweden. Northern Baltic. Stockholm archipelago. Erstaviken. Älgö - Gåsön. Prohibited of icebreakingwithdrawn.Expired notices: 2016:582/10920(T)

Älgösund 59-15,7N 018-21,2E

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Polismyndigheten, Stockholms län. Publ. 11 februari 2016

Time: Feb 29 - Mar 11, 2016Repairworks in progress on the bridge at Söderström. Work will be performed from two pontoons and one workingvessel.

Not shown in ENC.BSP Mälaren - Hjälmaren 2016/s52, BSP Mälaren 2014/s52, Bsp Stockholm M 2013/s06

The establishment of the wind farm "EnBW Baltic 2" at Kriegers Flak is completed.Within an area bounded by positions a) - h) 80 wind turbines are established.A safety zone of 500 m applies around the area.

Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal

* 10973 (T) Chart: 6141, 6142Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Stockholm. Söderström. Södra Centralbron. Repairworks onbridge.

Bridge Södra Centralbron 59-19,30N 018-04,15E

Works on bridge Södra CentralbronStockholm Hamnentreprenad AB. Publ. 11 februari 2016

Southern Baltic

10958 Chart: 7, 74, 8, 839Denmark, Sweden, Germany. Southern Baltic, South-Western Baltic. Kriegers Flak. Wind farmestablished. Restricted area. Buoys withdrawn.Expired notices: 2013:455/8779

a) 55-00,32N 013-09,10E

b) 55-00,43N 013-09,72E

c) 55-00,51N 013-13,71E

d) 55-00,13N 013-13,90E

e) 54-59,11N 013-13,02E

f) 54-57,75N 013-09,63E

g) 54-57,02N 013-05,77E

h) 54-56,98N 013-05,03E

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Page 7: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · Delete Light buoy, Q(9) 15s WEST cardinal mark o) 54-57,090N 013-03,969E Delete Light buoy, VQ(9) 10s WEST cardinal

Former buoyage are withdrawn.

Bsp Sydkusten 2012/s05

Following lights and beacons are unlit or unreliable, due to cable breakdown:

Bsp Sydkusten 2012/s15, s37, s41

Delete Light buoy, Q NORTH cardinal mark i) 55-00,940N 013-08,550E

Delete Light buoy, VQ NORTH cardinal mark j) 55-01,057N 013-14,407E

Delete Light buoy, VQ(3) 5s EAST cardinal mark k) 55-00,029N 013-14,883E

Delete Light buoy, Q(3) 10s EAST cardinal mark l) 54-58,823N 013-13,866E

Delete Light buoy, VQ(6) + LFl 10s SOUTH cardinal mark m) 54-57,336N 013-10,385E

Delete Light buoy, Q(6) + LFl 15s SOUTH cardinal mark n) 54-56,448N 013-05,533E

Delete Light buoy, Q(9) 15s WEST cardinal mark o) 54-57,090N 013-03,969E

Delete Light buoy, VQ(9) 10s WEST cardinal mark p) 54-59,011N 013-06,293E

Wind farm EnBW Baltic 2EnBW, Tyskland. Publ. 11 februari 2016

The Sound

* 10955 (T) Chart: 8141, 921Sweden. The Sound. Flintrännan. North of the bridge. Lights and floodlights unreliable.

Nr 4 a) 55-35,98N 012-52,10E Floodlight unlit, light unreliable

Nr 5 b) 55-36,12N 012-51,81E Floodlight unlit

Nr 6 c) 55-35,23N 012-50,95E Floodlight unlit, light unreliable

Nr 8 d) 55-34,65N 012-50,08E Floodlight unreliable

Nr 10 e) 55-34,51N 012-49,85E Floodlight unreliable

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Pilotage is compulsory in the fairway north of Vinga for all vessels exceding one or more of following, L>70 m, B>14m, D>4,5 m.Note 275 is to be inserted in chart 9313 and 931.

Bsp Västkusten S 2016/s18, s44, s45, s48, s49

FlintrännanSjöfartsverket Norrköping. Publ. 5 februari 2016


* 10726 Chart: 931, 9313Sweden. Kattegat. Göteborg. Fairway north of Vinga. Compulsory pilotage. New note.

Fairway north of island Vinga appr. 57-38,2N 011-37,9E

Note 275

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Time: Until autumn 2016.Inner part of Skeppsholmspiren is closed due to repairworks.

Bsp Västkusten N 2016/s21, s35

Bsp Västkusten S 2016/s46, s55, s57

Compulsory pilotage, Vinga.Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 9 februari 2016

* 10953 (T) Chart: 933Sweden. Kattegat. Uddevalla. Skeppsholmspiren. Repairworks.

Skeppsholmspiren 58-20,8N 011-54,4E

Closed berthUddevalla Hamnterminal. Publ. 9 februari 2016

* 10956 Chart: 9312, 9313Sweden. Kattegat. Göteborg. Rivö. Underwater rock.

Insert underwater rock and amend 3m depth contour according to chartlet 57-39,504N 011-47,628E

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The eastern passage of the Marieholm bridges is closed and will remain closed until the bridge is completed in thespring of 2016.The horizontal clearance in the western passage is reduced to 21 m until the construction works are completed.Passage of the bridges must take place with great caution according to instructions given by the bridge master onVHF Ch 9.Yellow light spar buoys have been deployed as below.

In the winter and spring of 2016 the passage of the Mariehomsbroarna bridges will be completely closed at followingpreliminary times:

Bsp Göta kanal 2011/s59

Underwater rock, Rivö.Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 9 februari 2016

* 10969 (T) Chart: 1352, 931, 9312Sweden. Kattegat. Göta älv. Marieholmsbron. New bridge. Eastern passage closed. Reduced horizontalclearance. Planned temporary closures 2016.Expired notices: 2016:581/10908(T)

Special spar light buoy, Fl Y a) 57-43,883N 011-59,717E

Special spar light buoy, Fl Y b) 57-43,614N 011-59,571E

February 20, 1200 - February 21, 1200 LT

March 5, 1200 - March 7, 0500 LT

March 19, 1200 - March 21, 0500 LT

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Bsp Göta kanal 2011/s08

The Marieholmsbroarna bridgesSjöfartsverket, Göteborg. Publ. 10 februari 2016

Inshore waters

* 10954 Chart:Sweden. Inshore waters. Roxen. Stångån. Depths and buoyage.

Move staboard hand spar buoy approx. 50 m N to a) 58-26,83N 015-37,30E

Move port hand spar buoy approx. 60 m NW to b) 58-26,85N 015-37,31E

Move staboard hand spar buoy approx. 40 m SE to c) 58-26,91N 015-37,23E

Amend 3 m depth contour according to chartlet

StångånSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 9 februari 2016

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