notices to mariners week02_2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Notices to Mariners Week02_2013


    For UKHOuse only 213402

    Notices125 - 215/13


    Weekly Edition 210 January 2013

    (Published on the UKHO Website 31 December 2012)


    I Explanatory Notes. Publications List

    II Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts

    III Reprints of NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings

    IV Updates to Admiralty Sailing Directions

    V Updates to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

    VI Updates to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

    VII Updates to Miscellaneous Admiralty Nautical Publications

    Mariners are requested to informthe UK Hydrographic Office,AdmiraltyWay, Taunton, Somerset

    TA1 2DN immediately of the discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation, observed

    changes to navigational aids and of shortcomings in both paper and digital Admiralty Charts or


    The Hydrographic Note Form (H102) is to be used to forward this information and to report any

    ENC display issues.

    Form H102A is to be used for reporting changes to Port Information

    Form H102B is to be used for reporting GPS/Chart Datum observations.

    Copies of these forms can be found at the back of the Admiralty Notices to Mariners and on the

    UKHO website

    The following communication facilities are available:

    Notices to Mariners Website: Web:

    Searchable Notices to Mariners: Web:

    Urgent navigational information: e-mail: [email protected]: +44(0)1823 353448Fax: +44(0)1823 322352

    H102 forms(see back pages of this Weekly Edition)

    e-mail: [email protected]

    All other enquiries/information e-mail: [email protected]: +44(0)1823 337900 (24/7)

    British Crown Copyright 2013. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue or PDF

    copiesof these Notices, butsuch copiesmay notbe sold without thepermission of theUKHO. Forpermission

    to s el l c opi es of the Noti ce s or to mak e (n on -PDF) dig ita l cop ie s pl ea se e mai l

    [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 Notices to Mariners Week02_2013






    The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed via or the searchable NM Website The latest

    digital NM Weekly update is available 10 days prior to the paper publication date; there are no

    subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices to Mariners Website.

    NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the

    Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used.

    Software required:

    Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained direct from the Adobe

    website (


    Enter the website and select the search option that you require

    following the on screen instructions:

    Search NMs by - Chart Number only Search NMs by - Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year Search NMs by - Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates Search for Single NM by NM Number/YearTo view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link.


    Enter the website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give youaccess to the following range of Notice to Mariners services:

    - Admiralty NM Web Search- Weekly NMs- NM Block, Notes and Diagrams- Annual NMs- Cumulative NM List


    For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the website,

    additional detail includes:

    File content and description PC and printer specificationsCUSTOMER SERVICE

    If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Customer Service on:

    Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 (24/7)

    e-mail:[email protected]

    Wk02/13[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/28/2019 Notices to Mariners Week02_2013




    This Admiralty Notices to Mariners Bulletin (ANMB) is published by the UK Hydrographic

    Office (UKHO). The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency accepts that both the paper and

    digital forms of the ANMB comply with carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners within

    Regulation of the revised Chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention, and the

    Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations, both of which came into force 1 July


    While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Marinersservice is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks of corruption to data. It is important

    that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should

    not be running on the users machine at the same time. Users should exercise their

    professional judgement in the use of data and also consult the Mariners Handbook (NP100)

    for further details.

    The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during

    transmission, or in the process of display or printing on the users equipment, or if converted

    to other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept

    responsibility for any such change, or any modifications or unauthorised changes, made by

    licensees, or other parties.



  • 7/28/2019 Notices to Mariners Week02_2013






    Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week that the printed version is despatched from the UKHO.They are available earlier from the UKHO website.

    Section I - Publications List

    At the beginning of the Publications List is an index of Admiralty Charts affected by the Publications List. Thereafter there

    are a number of standard lists which contain details and announcements concerning charts and publications relevant for theparticular Weekly Notice. Full details of how to use the various lists contained in Section I are available inNP294.

    Special Announcements and Errata are occasionally included at the end of this Section.

    Section IA - Temporary and Preliminary (T&P) Notices

    A list of T&P Notices in force (along with a list of those cancelled during the previous month), is included in the Weekly NMeach month (see below).

    Section IB - Current Hydrographic Publications

    Information about Hydrographic Publications including the current edition numbers is included in the Weekly NM at the endof March, June, September and December.

    Section II - Updates to Standard Nautical Charts

    The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in the

    Admiralty series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart which isstated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals ofa minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of some older-style charts.

    Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard nautical charts for that geographicalarea, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000 to359; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those shown in NP5011. Depths and heights aregiven in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being updated (abbreviated where necessary to m, fm andft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section II are placed towards the end of the section.

    T&P Notices. These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They areprinted on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after thenotice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts beforeissue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Associated diagrams are reproduced with Blocks at the end of Section II.

    Original Information. A star (*) adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on originalinformation.

    Section III - Navigational Warnings

    NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings in force at the specified time quoted in the header are reprinted in Section III. It isrecommended that this reprint should be kept in a file or book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the mostconvenient Admiralty Chart is quoted. The full text of all Warnings in force is included in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year.

    Section IV - Sailing Directions

    Updates to all Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the AnnualSummary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners Part 2 (NP247(2)). A list of updates in force is published in Section IV of the

    Weekly Edition quarterly. For volumes of Sailing Directions maintained by Continuous Revision, updates may be cut outand pasted/changed directly into the book. Alternatively, and for the remaining volumes of Sailing Directions maintained bySupplement, it is recommended that updates are kept in a file with the latest list of updates in force on top. The list shouldthen be consulted when using the parent book to see if any changes, affecting the area under consideration, are in force. It isnot recommended that changes be stuck in the parent book, or the supplement of Sailing Directions maintained bysupplement.

    Section V - Lights

    Updates to all the List of Lights are given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updatingnotice. The entire entry for each light updated will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*)will denote whichcolumn contains a change. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*)will appear underall columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volume. It isemphasised that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those ofa temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as updates to the List of Lights. Light positions should beregarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be consulted for a

    more authoritative position. When a light is affected by a separate chart-updating notice, its Light List number is always

    included in the relevant text contained in Section II. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when theresponsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range - see special remarks for ranges used by each country.


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    Section VI - Radio Signals

    Updates to all the Radio Signals are given in Section VI. When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is also

    included within the Radio Signals, the appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in parentheses by thenumber of the Weekly Edition containing (in Section VI) the corresponding update to the service details. The updates inSection VI should be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volumes.

    Section VII - Miscellaneous Publications

    Updates to the following selected miscellaneous Nautical Publications are contained in Section VII.NP100 The Mariners HandbookNP133A Paper Chart Maintenance RecordNP231 Admiralty Guide to the Practical Use of ENCsNP294 How to Keep your Admiralty Products Up-to-date

    NP136 Ocean Passages for the World

    NP350(1) Admiralty Distance Tables Atlantic Ocean

    NP350(3) Admiralty Distance Tables Pacific OceanNP350(2) Admiralty Distance Tables Indian OceanNP735 IALA Maritime Buoyage System

    NP5011 Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Paper Charts

    NP5012 Admiralty Guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS

    All Tides Publications

    Nautical AlmanacPublications, including Sight Reduction Tables.

    Further Guidance

    The Mariners Handbook (NP100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts and details of the UKHO policy for

    the promulgation and selection of navigationally significant information for charts. Details of chart updating methods can befound in How to Keep Your Admiralty Products Up-to-date (NP294). All users are advised to study these publications.



    Updating information is published by Weekly Notices to Mariners supplemented by navigational warnings for items ofimmediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified beforepromulgation, and that it is sometimes necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items to avoidoverloading users; the remainder being included in revised editions of the charts and publications concerned.

    Laws and RegulationsWhile, in the interests of the safety of shipping, the UKHO makes every endeavour to include in its publications details of thelaws and regulations of all countries appertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood:-

    (a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and

    (b) that publication of the details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and implies norecognition of the international validity of the law or regulation.

    Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications

    While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on Admiralty charts and within nautical publications, itshould be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliancehe can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and the judicioususe of available aids to navigation.

    ChartsCharts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. Themariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the largerscales are usually updated first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received, some

    months may elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas wherehydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards position, least depth andextent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes.

    Satellite-Derived Positions and Chart Accuracy

    Mariners must not assume that charts which are referred to WGS84 Datum, or those for which shifts to WGS84 Datum are

    provided, have been surveyed to modern standards of accuracy. On some charts, owing to the age and quality of the sourceinformation, some of the charted detail may not be positioned accurately. In such cases mariners are advised to exerciseparticular caution when navigating in the vicinity of dangers, even when using an electronic positioning system such as GPS.

    For further details, see The Mariners Handbook (NP100). This applies to both paper and digital (Admiralty Raster ChartService and ENC) versions of charts.


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    [2/13]Admiralty Charts affected by the Publication List

    Admiralty Chart













    Aus 15Aus 20

    Aus 136

    Aus 614

    Admiralty Publication

    NP 131

    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



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    There will be no New Admiralty Charts published on 10 January 2013.


    There will be no New Editions of Admiralty Charts published on 10 January 2013.



    New Admiralty Charts

    Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale

    Charts to be


    1281 China East Coast, Outer Approaches to Dafeng Gang and

    Yangkou Gang.


    00N. 34


    00N., 120


    00E. 122



    One of a series of new metric charts providing improved coverage

    of Dafeng Gang and Yangkou Gang.

    1:250,000 - 52

    1283 China East Coast, Dafeng Gang and Approaches.

    330950N. 333590N., 1203850E. 1210000E.

    One of a series of new metric charts providing improved coverage

    of Dafeng Gang and Yangkou Gang.

    1:50,000 - 52

    1284 China East Coast, Approaches to Yangkou Gang.

    322010N. 323600N., 1213500E. 1214780E.

    One of a series of new metric charts providing improved coverage

    of Dafeng Gang and Yangkou Gang.

    1:30,000 - 52

    1285 China East Coast, Yangkou Gang.

    322500N. 323600N., 1211850E. 1213700E.

    One of a series of new metric charts providing improved coverage

    of Dafeng Gang and Yangkou Gang.

    1:30,000 - 52

    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



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    New Admiralty Charts (continued)

    Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale

    Charts to be


    3509 Norway South Coast, Oslo Havn.

    5951250N. 5955250N., 1036700E. 1047500E.

    Provides improved coverage of Oslo Havn. (A modified

    reproduction of Norwegian chart 452).

    1:10,000 3712 12

    3510 Norway South Coast, Drammen Havn.

    5942000N. 5945500N., 1009750E. 1019250E.

    Provides improved coverage of approaches to Drammen Havn.(A modified reproduction of Norwegian chart 472).

    1:10,000 3712 12

    New Editions of Admiralty Charts

    Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale

    Charts to be


    2139 Malaysia and Indonesia, Malacca Strait, Approaches to Pelabuhan


    Includes new lay-up anchorage and changes to depths, coastline,

    buoyage and Pelabuhan Klang port limit.

    1:80,000 2139 45

    2155 Malacca Strait Malaysia, Northern Approaches to Pelabuhan


    Includes new submarine cable and changes to depths, coastline,

    buoyage and Pelabuhan Klang port limit.

    1:35,000 2155 45

    2172 England South Coast, Harbours and Anchorages on the South

    Coast of England.A Swanage and Studland Bays.

    B Chapmans Pool.

    CWorbarrow Bay.

    D Christchurch Harbour.

    E Continuation of River Stour.

    FWeymouth Harbour.

    G Lulworth Cove.

    Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government,

    Poole Harbour Commissioners and Weymouth Borough Council









    2172 1

    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



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    New Editions of Admiralty Charts (continued)

    Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale

    Charts to be


    2479 Scotland West Coast, Inner Sound, Northern Part.

    Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government

    surveys. The horizontal datum of this chart has been transferred to

    the WGS84 compatible datum, ETRS89.

    1:18,000 2479 5

    2533 Scotland West Coast, Anchorages on the West Coast of Skye.

    A Loch Dunvegan.

    B Loch Snizort.

    Includes changes to coastline throughout. The horizontal datum of

    this chart has been transferred to the WGS84 compatible datum,




    2533 5

    3480 China, Korea and Japan, Yellow Sea and Korea Strait.

    Includes improved coverage of Chinese east coast port

    developments, IMO-adopted routeing measures, prohibited areas,

    revised submarine cables, and changes to depths, lights and


    1:200,000 3480 52


    New Charts

    Reproductions of Australian Government Charts

    (Publication dates of these charts will reflect the dates shown on the Australian Government Charts)

    Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale

    Charts to be


    Aus15 Australia North Coast, Plans in the Northern Territory.

    115243S. 120720S., 1352905E. 1355711E.

    (A modified reproduction of chart Aus15 published by Australia).

    1:75,000 - 66

    Aus20 Australia North Coast, Northern Territory, Clarence Strait.

    115400S. 121170S., 1305120E. 1311970E.

    (A modified reproduction of chart Aus20 published by Australia).

    1:50,000 Aus20 63

    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



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    New Charts

    Reproductions of Australian Government Charts (continued)

    (Publication dates of these charts will reflect the dates shown on the Australian Government Charts)

    Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale

    Charts to be


    Aus136 Australia South Coast, South Australia, Approaches to Whyalla

    and Port Pirie.

    325370S. 331200S., 1373160E. 1380290E.

    Approaches to Port Pirie.

    330100S. 330980S., 1375569E. 1380290E.

    Port Pirie.

    330836S. 331100S., 1380050E. 1380141E.

    A new chart providing coverage of the approaches to Whyalla and

    Port Pirie. This chart is referred to WGS84 Datum.




    Aus136 65

    Aus614 Australia East Coast, Coral Sea, Diamond Passage.

    170000S. 175320S., 1504740E. 1521500E.

    (A modified reproduction of chart Aus614 published by Australia).

    1:150,000 - 66


    There will be no Admiralty Charts permanently withdrawn on 10 January 2013.

    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



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    NP131 - Catalogue of Admiralty Charts (NP131), 2013 EditionAmendments to Part 1, Admiralty Authorised Chart Agents / Distributors

    Page 5, Japan section,



    Address CORNES & Co. Ltd.

    8F, Amakasu Yamashitacho Bldg,

    273 Yamashita-Cho, Naka-Ku,

    Yokohama, 231-0023

    Tel +81 (0) 45 650 1380

    Fax +81 (0) 45 664 6516

    e-mail [email protected]



    Products Paper, Digital IACA


    The following Admiralty Authorised Chart Agents / Distributors information was announced in Week 52 as an Insert:

    It now has an amended top line in the Address.

    Page 4, China section,


    Town HONG KONG

    Address HONG KONG SHIPS SUPPLIES CO. LTDRm 1408, Nan Fung Tower,173 Des Voeux Road, Central,

    Hong Kong

    Tel +852 2522 1793

    Fax +852 2868 1748

    e-mail [email protected]



    Products Paper, Digital

    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



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    ~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



    Admiralty Vector Chart Service and ECDIS Base CDs will be reissued in Week 03/13, 17 January 2013.

    Latest Issue Dates of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service and ECDIS Base CDs is Week 45/12, 8 November 2012.


    A number of ECDIS operating anomalies have been identified, including the discovery that some models of some ECDIS equipment might

    not, under certain circumstances, display all navigationally significant features or activate appropriate alarms. Due to the complex nature of

    ECDIS, and in particular because it involves a mix of hardware, software and data, it is possible that further anomalies may exist.

    The two documents identified below contain comprehensive explanations of the types of anomalies which might be encountered, along with

    advice and guidance on remedial action.

    All mariners are advised to obtain both of these two documents direct from their respective web sites:

    1. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Circular SN.1/Circ.312 available at - (registration required).

    2. United Kingdom Marine Information Note (MIN) 445 (M+F) available at - (registration not required). This document also contains IMO Circular SN.1/Circ.312 at its


    All mariners are also strongly encouraged to use the IHO check dataset which is designed to highlight those ECDIS that are unable to

    display the IMO approved chart features and those that may show the anomalous display and alarm behaviour. A copy of the IHO check

    dataset is included as part of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service product to help the mariner.


    RC Last issue date Reissue Date

    RC1 9th August 2012

    RC2 30th August 2012

    RC3 27th September 2012

    RC4 11th October 2012

    RC5 22ndNovember 2012

    RC6 13th

    September 2012

    RC7 28th June 2012 24th January 2013

    RC8 20th December 2012

    RC9 12th July 2012

    RC10 6th December 2012

    RC11 25th October 2012

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    (1) Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (2) British Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 2.10

    (3) North Russia, Norway, The Froe Islands and Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 2.11

    (4) Baltic Sea and Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 2.12

    (5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium . . . . . . . . 2.13 2.15

    (6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.15

    (7) North Atlantic Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16

    (8) Mediterranean and Black Seas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16 2.18

    (9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.18

    (10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.18 2.19

    (12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19 2.20

    (13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (14) China Sea with its West Shore and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21 2.24

    (15) Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24 2.25

    (16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26

    (17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26

    (18) Australia and Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (19) New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (20) Pacific Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26

    (22) West Coasts of Central and South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

    (23) Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

    (24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

    (25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27 2.28

    (26) East Coast of North America and Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29 2.30

    (27) T & P Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31 2.38


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    Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio

    125 2.24 53126 2.24 53127 2.24 53128 2.24 56129 2.25 53130 2.25 53131 2.25 53132(T)/13 2.35 55133(T)/13 2.35 53134(T)/13 2.36 53135(T)/13 2.36 53, 54136* 2.5 2137 2.27 95138 2.19 41

    139* 2.18 40140 2.21 52141 2.21 52142 2.22 50143 2.27 98144 2.10 13145 2.26 89146 2.27 83147 2.29 81148 2.22 47149 2.15 18150 2.15 18151(T)/13 2.38 70152(T)/13 2.37 48, 58153(P)/13 2.31 10154(T)/13 2.38 96155(T)/13 2.32 19156(T)/13 2.32 18157* 2.5 5158 2.26 52159* 2.6 8160 2.16 19161 2.15 18162 2.16 29163 2.17 29164 2.27 97165 2.11 10

    166 2.28 83167 2.11 13168* 2.13 6, 7, 13, 15, 19169* 2.6 3, 6170(T)/13 2.33 27171(P)/13 2.38 79172(P)/13 2.35 41173(T)/13 2.31 10174(T)/13 2.31 9175(T)/13 2.35 47176(T)/13 2.38 15, 76177(P)/13 2.32 18178(T)/13 2.32 18179 2.14 7, 9180* 2.7 7, 9181 2.28 83

    182(P)/13 2.33 24, 25, 26, 27183(T)/13 2.34 26184* 2.9 5185 2.22 47186 2.23 47187 2.27 89188* 2.9 7189 2.18 34190 2.12 11191 2.14 9192 2.14 9193 2.15 9194* 2.9 7195 2.17 26

    196 2.19 41197 2.20 41198* 2.16 19199 2.17 26200 2.12 11201 2.18 29, 30202 2.11 15203 2.29 76204 2.23 50205 2.30 81206 2.24 50207 2.20 32, 41208 2.12 10209 2.30 81210 2.26 60211 2.26 48, 58212* 2.19 32213 2.10 16214 2.18 29215 2.18 30


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    Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. NoticesAdmiralty Chart No. Notices

    2 168,16938 20739 20758 20783 177P89 177P

    119 182P, 195131 182P186 182P196 182P200 182P224 163245 168324 203350 182P, 183T355 199431 137

    492 172P, 197588 145633 169707 207734 188739 140810 165896 158908 182P940 208962 152T964 182P

    1004 1631005 1631006 162,1631015 214

    1054 2011055 2011121 1691126 1421138 2131183 1941185 1591211 182P1212 182P1253 1411406 1791408 179,1801411 1691443 182P1468 1691473 170T1487 196

    1503 1801504 1801609 1591614 154T1630 179,1801631 1801644 2011660 151T1741 1641759 1421773 1361777 1361801 1281908 182P1911 182P1928 187

    1950 1601956 1601957 155T, 160

    1976 182P1983 182P1998 182P1999 182P2104 2152106 173T2113 173T2117 173T2122 182P2133 2122150 153P2182D 1682209 1842218 1902307 1672372 1572380 157

    2391 152T2413 2042469 174T2490 2092492 2092528 1842583 2082597 173T2603 2052669 2132676 153P2677 153P2679 153P2733 2022903 2103062 200

    3091 1433204 1473227 161,178T3257 1503258 1493259 156T3260 156T3382 1813414 1393449 2063459 1473464 1383538 1443539 1443618 1923622 1933625 174T, 191

    3633 1503634 149,1503636 177P3655 2133676 2093683 1593808 152T3809 152T, 2113811 2113818 1903848 1663851 1813854 1463857 1813870 1893993 148

    4011 1684014 1984101 167,168

    Admiralty Chart No. Notices


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    Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices

    4102 1684112 176T4117 1854118 175T, 185, 1864119 1864140 1684405 176T4471 2114473 152T4479 152T4480 152T4485 152T4486 152T4487 152T4705 2074785 171P


    Chart No.Notices

    JP 64A 132TJP 135 135TJP 201 135TJP 226 125,126, 127, 131JP 1061 129JP 1064 134TJP 1088 129,130, 133TJP 1266 135T


    Chart No.Notices

    INT 11 168INT 14 198INT 101 167, 168INT 102 168INT 112 176TINT 140 168INT 160 168, 169INT 405 176TINT 705 207INT 1040 168INT 1062 169INT 1103 202INT 1159 190INT 1250 190INT 1295 153PINT 1297 153PINT 1299 153P

    INT 1303 173TINT 1366 174TINT 1368 173TINT 1416 179, 180INT 1418 180INT 1453 174T, 191INT 1458 193INT 1460 192INT 1509 180INT 1510 180INT 1544 188INT 1561 194INT 1572 159INT 1608 169INT 1670 136INT 1671 136

    INT 1870 150INT 1871 149INT 1872 161,178T

    Admiralty Chart No. Notices

    INT 1880 156TINT 1881 156TINT 2640 189INT 3362 199INT 3661 215INT 3754 214INT 5355 158INT 7019 207INT 7139 212INT 7218 139INT 7314 207INT 9122 164


    Chart No.Notices


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    136* IRELAND - South Coast - Port of Cork - Upper Harbour - Whitegate Marine Terminal Northwards -

    Buoyage. Mooring buoy.

    Source: Port of Cork

    Chart 1773 (INT 1671) (plan B, Upper Harbour East) [previous update 4565/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM


    Df;Q.Y.25s (a) 51 50 163N., 8 15506W.Move CbFl.G.5s No 9, from:51 50 260N., 8 15481W.

    to: 51 50 309N., 8 15532W.

    RTug Moorings, from:51 50 302N., 8 15450W.

    to: 51 50 405N., 8 15416W.Delete Df;Fl.Y.10s, 100m S of:

    (a) above

    Chart 1777 (INT 1670) [previous update 5316/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert Df;Q.Y.25s(a) 51

    50 163N., 8

    15506W.Move CbFl.G.5s No 9, from: 51 50 260N., 8 51 50 309N., 8 15532W.

    RTug Moorings, from:51 50 300N., 8 15450W.

    to: 51 50 405N., 8 15416W.Delete Df;Fl.Y.10s, 90m S of:

    (a) above

    157* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Loch Linnhe - Corpach - Eilean a Bhealaidh Eastwards - Buoyage.

    Source: Northern Lighthouse Board

    Chart 2372 (plan B, Fort William and Corpach) [previous update New Edition 29/11/2012 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert GoYFl(2)5s(a) 56 50 250N., 5 07020W.

    Delete symbol, emergency wreck marking buoy,Al.Oc.BuY.3s (Tempbuoy), close E of: (a) above

    Chart 2380 [previous update New Edition 29/11/2012 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert GoYFl(2)5s(a) 56 50 25N., 5 0702W.

    Delete symbol, emergency wreck marking buoy,Al.Oc.BuY.3s (temp),

    adjacent to: (a) above


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    159* ENGLAND - East Coast - Medway Approach Channel - The Cant North-eastwards - Buoy.

    Source: Medway Port Authority Notice 36/12

    Chart 1185 (INT 1572) [previous update 5442/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Move HpZMedway Mo(A)6s, from: 51 28 83N., 0 51 28 84N., 0 5278E.

    Chart 1609 [previous update New Edition 13/12/2012 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Move HpZMedway Mo(A)6s, from:51 28 83N., 0 5282E.

    to: 51 28 84N., 0 5278E.

    Chart 3683 [previous update New Edition 13/09/2012 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Move HpZMedway Mo(A)6s, from:51 28 832N., 0 52821E.

    to: 51 28 842N., 0 52778E.

    169* IRELAND - East Coast - WALES - North Coast - Rush to Rhyl Flats - Submarine power cable.

    Source: Intertek METOCNote:This update will be included in New Editions of Charts 1826 and 1977 to be published 7 February 2013. Charts 2, 633,

    1121, 1411 and 1468 are to be deleted from the list of Charts affected by Notice 1703(P)/12.

    Chart 2 (INT 160) [previous update 168/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine power cable, , joining: 53 31 6N., 6 050W. (shore)53 36 2N., 5 206W.

    53 34 9N., 4 200W.

    53 28 5N., 4 007W.

    53 20 7N., 3 242W. (shore)

    Chart 633 (plan F, Rogerstown Inlet) [previous update 5278/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert submarine power cable, , joining: 53 31 43N., 6 0507W. (shore)53 31 58N., 6 0498W.

    53 31 76N., 6 0412W.

    (N border)

    Chart 1121 (INT 1062) [previous update 5787/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine power cable, , joining: 53 31 4N., 6 051W. (shore)53 32 2N., 6 021W.

    53 36 2N., 5 206W.

    53 35 9N., 4 361W.

    53 35 5N., 4 255W.

    53 34 9N., 4 200W.

    53 28 5N., 4 007W.

    53 23 2N., 3 348W.

    53 21 5N., 3 317W.

    53 20 6N., 3 241W. (shore)


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    Chart 1411 (INT 1608) [previous update 5787/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert submarine power cable, , joining:53 31 55N., 6 0515W. (shore)


    32 18N., 6

    0211W.53 36 19N., 5 2064W.

    53 35 93N., 4 5076W.

    53 36 30N., 4 4886W.

    53 35 70N., 4 4298W.

    53 35 80N., 4 3753W.

    53 35 55N., 4 2550W.

    53 34 90N., 4 2000W.

    53 33 18N., 4 1518W.

    (E border)

    Chart 1468 [previous update 5787/12 ] OSI DATUM

    Insert submarine power cable, , joining: 53 31 42N., 6 0501W. (shore)53 31 58N., 6 0492W.

    53 32 17N., 6 0205W.

    53 32 94N., 5 5343W.

    53 35 76N., 5 2518W.

    53 36 03N., 5 2205W.

    (E border)

    180* ENGLAND - East Coast - Brown Ridge North-westwards, Westwards and South-westwards, Welland Gas

    Field North-eastwards, Outer Dowsing Shoal North-westwards and Lowestoft - Obstructions. Buoyage.

    Automatic Identification Systems.

    Light List Vol. A, 2012/13, 2280Source: Cefas & Trinity House

    Chart 1408 [previous update 179/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Obstn(a) 52 52 4N., 2 537E.

    (b) 52 33 4N., 2 464E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys) 52 50 1N., 2 507E.52 36 3N., 2 465E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (3 buoys) 52 18 6N., 2 276E.GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys), close SW of:

    (a) above

    (b) aboveDelete GfFl.Y.10s

    53 03 3N., 2 483E.

    169* IRELAND - East Coast - WALES - North Coast - Rush to Rhyl Flats - Submarine power cable. (continued)


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    Chart 1503 (INT 1509) [previous update 5170/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert Obstn (a) 52 52 39N., 2 5373E.GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys)

    52 50 14N., 2 5074E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys), close SW of:(a) above

    Delete GfFl.Y.10s 53 03 12N., 2 4828E.legend,AIS, at light-buoy 53 33 50N., 0 5960E.

    Chart 1504 (INT 1510) [previous update 5390/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Insert Obstn(a) 52 52 39N., 2 5373E.

    (b) 52

    33 35N., 2

    4643E.GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys)

    52 50 14N., 2 5074E.

    52 36 32N., 2 4649E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (3 buoys)52 18 62N., 2 2756E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys), close SW of:(a) above

    (b) aboveDelete Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light 52 29 22N., 1 4534E.

    Chart 1630 (INT 1416) [previous update 179/13 ] WGS84 DATUM


    GfFl(5)Y.20s (3 buoys)

    52 18 62N., 2 2756E.

    Chart 1631 (INT 1418) [previous update 5389/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Obstn(a) 52 52 39N., 2 5373E.

    (b) 52 33 35N., 2 4643E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys)52 50 14N., 2 5074E.

    52 36 32N., 2 4649E.

    GfFl(5)Y.20s (2 buoys), close SW of:(a) above

    (b) aboveDelete

    GfFl.Y.10s 53 03 10N., 2 4828E.

    180* ENGLAND - East Coast - Brown Ridge North-westwards, Westwards and South-westwards, Welland Gas

    Field North-eastwards, Outer Dowsing Shoal North-westwards and Lowestoft - Obstructions. Buoyage.

    Automatic Identification Systems. (continued)


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    184* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Inner Sound - Loch Carron - Plockton North-north-eastwards - Hawk Rock -


    Source: Plockton Harbour Community Interest Company

    Chart 2209 [previous update 2953/12 ] OSGB36 DATUM

    Delete Cb57 21 01N., 5 3858W.

    Chart 2528 (plan B, Loch Kishorn and Loch Carron) [previous update New Edition 20/12/2012 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Delete Cb57 20 99N., 5 3865W.

    188* SCOTLAND - Firth of Forth - Approaches to Pittenweem - Light.

    Light List Vol. A, 2012/13, 3073.2Source: Northern Lighthouse Board

    Chart 734 (INT 1544) [previous update 4413/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Amend light to, FI.R.4s 56 12 62N., 2 4380W.

    194* ENGLAND - Thames Estuary - Whitaker Channel - Buoyage. Legend.

    Source: Maritime & Coastguard Agency

    Chart 1183 (INT 1561) [previous update 5929/12 ] ETRS89 DATUM

    Delete BdFl.R.10s Crouch51

    37 64N., 0

    5639E.GqVQ(6)+LFl.15s Outer Crouch 51 38 38N., 0 5850E.Ef

    51 39 09N., 0 5873E.

    GmUQ No251 38 96N., 1 0016E.

    GmUQ Sunken Buxey51 39 53N., 1 0059E.

    GqVVQ(6)+LFl.10s No 151 39 18N., 1 0101E.

    CbFl(3)G.15s S Buxey51 39 85N., 1 0249E.

    HpZRon Pipe

    51 40 52N., 1 0363E.

    BdFl(2)R.10s Foulness51 39 86N., 1 0380E.

    CbSwallow Tail51 40 49N., 1 0469E.

    Bd\Fl.R.10s Ridge 51 40 14N., 1 0487E.Amend legend to, Whitaker Channel (Buoyed - see Note), centred on: 51 40 30N., 1 0540E.


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    213 CHANNEL ISLANDS - Jersey - South East Coast - Anquette Channel - Petit Anquette and Grande Anquette

    - Beacons. Light-beacon.

    Light List Vol. A, 2012/13, 1589Source: Jersey Harbours Notice 8/12

    Chart 1138 [previous update 3204/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert K=x(a) 49 08 47N., 1 5629W.

    Replace symbol, yellow beacon with topmark, Refuge, with

    T?zVQ(9)10s49 08 32N., 1 5520W.

    Delete symbol, yellow beacon with topmark, PA, adjacent to: (a) above

    Chart 2669 [previous update 5773/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Replace symbol, yellow beacon with topmark, PA, with K=x49 08 47N., 1 5629W.

    symbol, yellow beacon with topmark with T?zVQ(9)10s49

    08 32N., 1

    5520W.Chart 3655 [previous update 3204/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Replace symbol, yellow beacon with topmark, PA, with K=x49 08 47N., 1 5629W.

    symbol, yellow beacon with topmark with T?zVQ(9)10s49 08 32N., 1 5520W.

    144 NORWAY - West Coast - Approaches to Stavanger - Risavika - Tananger and Talgje North-westwards - Light.

    Ferry routes.

    Light List Vol. B, 2012/13, 3237

    Source: Norwegian Lights List & Norwegian Chart 16

    Chart 3538 (plan, Risavika) [previous update New Edition 22/11/2012 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend range of light to, 3/2M 58 55 885N., 5 34510E.

    Chart 3538 [previous update New Edition 22/11/2012 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend range of light to, 3/2M 58 55 89N., 5 3451E.

    Chart 3539 [previous update New Edition 22/11/2012 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend range of light to, 3/2M 58 55 89N., 5 3451E.Delete symbol, ferry route 59 07 68N., 5 4738E.


    07 39N., 5



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    167 NORWAY - West Coast - Haltenbanken South-westwards - Draugen Oil Field - Platform. Obstruction.

    Maritime limit. Legend.

    Light List Vol. L, 2012/13, 1705.81Source: Norwegian Notice 22/45558/12

    Chart 2307 [previous update 5150/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Replace { SPM with Obstn(a) 64 20 84N., 7 5045E.

    Delete circular maritime limit, pecked line, and associated legend,Chains and Anchors (see Note), centred on: (a) above

    Chart 4101 (INT 101) [previous update 1489/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Replace { with Obstn 64 20 84N., 7 5045E.

    202 ICELAND - South West Coast - Landeyjasandur South-south-westwards - Submarine cable.

    Source: Alcatel-LucentNote:Former Notice 4589(P)/08 is cancelled.

    Chart 2733 (INT 1103) [previous update 3070/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining: 63 34 5N., 20 291W.(existing cable)

    63 32 4N., 20 407W.

    63 32 5N., 20 498W.

    63 31 9N., 20 537W.

    63 30 5N., 20 557W.

    63 29 1N., 20 554W.

    63 21 4N., 20 446W.

    63 16 5N., 20 413W.

    63 10 2N., 20 301W.

    165 SWEDEN - East Coast - Bjrkfjrden - Bornhuvud Westwards - Wrecks. Depths.

    Source: ENC SE4DIE9Y

    Chart 810 [previous update 5317/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert 27%,Wk (a) 59 16 31N., 17 3373E.Replace sounding out of position (97) and associated 10m contour with

    9#+Wk59 16 23N., 17 3328E.

    Delete depth 31, close SSW of: (a) above


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    190 FINLAND - South Coast - Gulf of Finland - Helsinki - Korkeasaari Hgholmen Westwards -


    Source: Finnish Notice 34/371/12

    Chart 2218 (INT 1159) [previous update 4500/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Replace symbol, port-hand spar light-buoy with topmark with symbol,port-hand spar buoy with square topmark 60 10 46N., 24 5853E.symbol, starboard-hand spar light-buoy with topmark withsymbol, starboard-hand spar buoy with triangular topmarkapex upwards 60 10 42N., 24 5861E.

    Chart 3818 (INT 1250) [previous update New Chart 20/12/2012 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Replace symbol, port-hand spar light-buoy with topmark with symbol,port-hand spar buoy with square topmark 60 10 46N., 24 5853E.symbol, starboard-hand spar light-buoy with topmark withsymbol, starboard-hand spar buoy with triangular topmarkapex upwards 60 10 42N., 24 5861E.

    200 FINLAND - West Coast - Approaches to Oulu - Lnsiletto, Pikkuletto, Hoikka, Rautaletto, Lyha,

    Pensaskari and Runniletto - Lights.

    Light List Vol. C, 2012/13, 4148.1, 4150.1, 4152.1, 4153.1, 4156.4, 4156.41, 4157.1Source: Finnish Notices 34/377-378/2012

    Chart 3062 (plan B, Approaches to Oulu) [previous update 5645/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend light to, LFl.6s19m9M 65 10 83N., 25 0270E.light to, LFl.Y.6s21m7M 65 08 15N., 25 0300E.light to, LFl.6s14m7M 65 05 69N., 25 0210E.light to, LFl.6s30m6M 65 06 53N., 25 0840E.light to, LFl.6s28m6M 65 06 05N., 25 0890E.light to, Q.10m6M 65 03 70N., 25 1464E.light to, LFl.6s26m6M 65 03 24N., 25 1610E.

    208 DENMARK - Islands - Smlandsfarvandet - Storstrm - Legend. Cautionary note.

    Source: Danish Chart Correction 48/416/12

    Chart 940 [previous update 2332/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert legend, STORSTRMSBROEN (see Note), centred on: 54 57 65N., 11 5410E.the accompanying note, STORSTRMSBROEN, centred on: 54 48 35N., 11 5835E.

    Chart 2583 [previous update 5664/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert legend, STORSTRMSBROEN (see Note), orientated NW/SE, centred on: 54 5820N., 11 5170E.the accompanying note, STORSTRMSBROEN, centred on: 54 4410N., 11 0950E.


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    168* NORTH SEA - United Kingdom Sector - Schiehallion Oil Field Northwards and North-westwards - Data

    collection buoy.

    Source: Northern Lighthouse BoardNote:This update has been included in a New Edition of Chart 219 published 20 December 2012.

    Chart 2 (INT 160) [previous update 5914/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Move P{fODAS K7, from:60 33 2N., 4 560W.

    to: 60 29 0N., 4 100W.

    Chart 245 [previous update 4350/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Insert PfFl(5)Y.20s ODAS K760 29 0N., 4 100W.

    Delete former PfFl(5)Y.20s ODAS K760 33 2N., 4 560W.

    Chart 2182D (INT 1040) [previous update 5172/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Insert PfFl(5)Y.20s ODAS K7 60 29 0N., 4 100W.Delete former PfFl(5)Y.20s ODAS K7

    60 33 4N., 4 560W.

    Chart 4011 (INT 11) [previous update 5255/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Move Pf{ODAS K7, from:60 34 0N., 5 040W.

    to: 60 29 0N., 4 100W.

    Chart 4101 (INT 101) [previous update 167/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Move PfFl(5)Y.20s ODAS K7, from:60 33 0N., 4 560W.

    to: 60 29 0N., 4 100W.

    Chart 4102 (INT 102) [previous update 1667/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Move PfFl(5)Y.20s ODAS K7, from:60 33 0N., 4 560W.

    to: 60 29 0N., 4 100W.

    Chart 4140 (INT 140) [previous update 5709/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Pf{ODAS K760 29 0N., 4 100W.


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    179 NORTH SEA - Netherlands Sector - North Hinder Junction South-eastwards - Wreck. Buoyage. Radar


    ALRS Vol. 2, 2012/13: 54610 (1/13)Source: Netherlands Notice 50/568/12

    Chart 1406 [previous update 5928/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert 5+Wk(a) 51 51 31N., 2 5429E.

    GXsVQ(9)10s Wreck, close W of:(b) (a) above

    radar beacon,Racon (D), at light-buoy (b) above

    Chart 1408 [previous update 5930/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert 5+Wk(a) 51 51 3N., 2 543E.

    GXsVQ(9)10s Wreck, close W of:(b) (a) above

    radar beacon,Racon (D), at light-buoy (b) above

    Chart 1630 (INT 1416) [previous update 5928/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert 5+Wk 51 51 31N., 2 5429E.GXsVQ(9)10s Wreck

    (a) 51 51 30N., 2 5400E.

    GXsQ(9)15s51 51 30N., 2 5415E.

    radar beacon,Racon (D), at light-buoy (a) above

    191 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Elbe - Neufelder Sand South-south-westwards - Neufeld-Reede West -


    Source: German Notice 49/(21)46/12

    Chart 3625 (INT 1453) [previous update 5582/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert depth 57 (a) 53 51 49N., 8 5693E.depth 71 (b) 53 51 15N., 8 5718E.

    (c) 53 51 20N., 8 5751E.depth 79 (d) 53 51 16N., 8 5772E.

    Delete depth 66, close E of: (a) abovedepth 86, close SW of: (b) abovedepth 83, close NE of: (b) abovedepth 94, close SW of: (c) abovedepth 87, adjacent to: (d) above

    192 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Jade - JadeWeserPort Southwards - Depth.

    Source: German Notice 49/(21)7/12

    Chart 3618 (INT 1460) [previous update 5155/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Replace depth 189 enclosed by 20m contour with depth 169 enclosed

    by 20m contour 53 34 33N., 8 0979E.


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    160 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN - Arquiplago dos Aores - Canal do Faial - Baixa do Sul, Ilhus da Madalena

    Northwards and Pta. da Baa do Cavalo Eastwards - Depths.

    Source: Portuguese Notice 11/355/12

    Chart 1950 [previous update 3498/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Replace depth 71 enclosed by 20m contour with depth 67 enclosed by

    20m contour 38 30 5N., 28 354W.depth 215 enclosed by 30m contour with depth 181 enclosed

    by 20m contour 38 34 2N., 28 325W.

    Chart 1956 [previous update 5675/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Replace depth 71 enclosed by 10m contour with depth 67 enclosed by

    10m contour 38 30 55N., 28 3536W.depth 215 enclosed by 50m contour with depth 181 enclosed

    by 20m contour 38 34 22N., 28 3250W.Delete 24,Rep(1966)


    32 83N., 28


    Chart 1957 (plan, Canal do Faial) [previous update 5675/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert depth 67 enclosed by 10m contour with seabed type,R (a) 38 30 55N., 28 3536W.depth 181 enclosed by 20m contour (b) 38 34 22N., 28 3250W.

    Delete depth 71 enclosed by 10m contour with seabed type,R,

    adjacent to: (a) abovedepth 215, adjacent to: (b) above

    24,SD38 32 83N., 28 3528W.

    198* NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN - Shetland Isles Westwards - Data collection buoy.

    Source: Northern Lighthouse Board

    Chart 4014 (INT 14) [previous update 66/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Move P{fODAS K7, from: 60 35 0N., 5 60 29 0N., 4 100W.

    162 TURKEY - Marmara Denizi - Gemlik Liman - Gemlik - Harbour limit.

    Source: ENC TR52924C

    Chart 1006 (plan B, Gemlik) [previous update 4299/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Delete harbour limit, pecked line, and associated legend,InnerHarbour Limit, joining: 40 26 22N., 29 0896E. (shore)

    40 25 36N., 29 0895E. (shore)


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    163 TURKEY - Marmara Denizi - Gemlik Krfezi and Erdek South-south-westwards - Submarine cable.


    Source: Turkish Notices 42/241/12 & 47/275/12

    Chart 224 [previous update 5704/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining:40 30 7N., 28 494E. (shore)

    40 29 8N., 28 496E.

    40 25 1N., 28 514E.

    40 23 6N., 28 522E.

    40 23 1N., 28 522E. (shore)

    Chart 1004 [previous update 4568/12 ] ED50 DATUM

    Insert B;fFl(4)Y.10s40 19 01N., 27 4521E.

    40 18 77N., 27 4605E.

    Chart 1005 [previous update 5704/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining:40 30 64N., 28 4937E. (shore)

    40 29 75N., 28 4957E.

    40 27 10N., 28 5080E.

    40 25 10N., 28 5140E.

    40 23 61N., 28 5218E.

    40 23 13N., 28 5215E. (shore)

    B;fFl(4)Y.10s40 18 95N., 27 4518E.

    40 18 71N., 27 4602E.

    Chart 1006 (plan F, Mudanya) [previous update 162/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining:40 23080N., 28 52140E. (shore)

    40 23610N., 28 52180E.

    40 23900N., 28 52065E.

    (N border)

    195 ITALY - West Coast - Approaches to Livorno - Anchor berth.

    Source: Italian Notice 23.5/12

    Chart 119 [previous update 4639/11 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Delete B Vessels less than 150m L.O.A 43 32 74N., 10 1487E.

    199 ITALY - West Coast - Port of Genova - Bacino delle Grazie - Bacino 4 - Depth.

    Source: ENC IT500055 & UKHO

    Chart 355 (INT 3362) [previous update 5566/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert depth 78 enclosed by 10m contour 44 24 096N., 8 55528E.


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    201 TURKEY - South Coast - Marmaris - Kei Adas - Kelada - Light.

    Light List Vol. E, 2012/13, 5838Source: Turkish Notice 48/281/12

    Chart 1054 [previous update 5784/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend light and associated flare to, Fl.2s7M 36 47 88N., 28 1557E.

    Chart 1055 [previous update 5814/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend light to, Fl.2s7M 36 47 88N., 28 1557E.

    Chart 1644 (plan C, Marmaris) [previous update 5814/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend light to, Fl.2s30m7M 36 47 88N., 28 1557E.

    214 TURKEY - Marmara Denizi - Heybeliada Southwards - Buoy.

    Source: Turkish Notice 48/278/12

    Chart 1015 (INT 3754) [previous update 5740/12 ] ED50 DATUM

    Delete D;40 51 80N., 29 0500E.

    215 TURKEY - South Coast - skenderun Krfezi - Sarseki Southwards - Works.

    Source: Turkish Notice 48/283/12

    Chart 2104 (INT 3661) [previous update 2987/12 ] ED50 DATUM

    Insert legend, Works in progress (2012), centred on: 36 39 24N., 36 1262E.

    189 NAMIBIA - Orange River Mouth Westwards - Foul.

    Source: South African Notice 11/101/12

    Chart 3870 (INT 2640) [previous update 2191/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert 28 41 2S., 15 565E.

    139* UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Dubai (Dubayy) - M-na- Rashid - Wrecks.

    Source: UKHO

    Chart 3414 (INT 7218) [previous update 3029/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert 4&+Wk25 17 09N., 55 1710E.

    6&+Wk25 17 16N., 55 1699E.


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    212* EGYPT - Red Sea Coast - Rs Abu el Darag (Ras Abu- Daraj) North-westwards - Light.


    Light List Vol. E, 2012/13, 6022.1, 6022.12Source: Captain M Barritt

    Chart 2133 (INT 7139) [previous update 2164/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Q.R & VQ.G PA(a) 29 26 60N., 32 2928E.

    Delete legend, PA, close N of: (a) above

    138 INDIA - West Coast - Ka-rwa-r Southwards - Anjadip Island - Buoyage.

    Source: Indian Notice 23/263/12Note:Former Notice 2286(P)/12 is cancelled.

    Chart 3464 (plan A, Ka-


    r Harbour and Approaches) [previous update 4628/12 ] INDIAN DATUMInsert I]bFl.G.5s G1

    14 44 36N., 74 0761E.

    Gd\Fl.R.5s R214 44 34N., 74 0745E.

    Ib]Fl(2)G.10s G314 44 96N., 74 0763E.

    G\dFl(2)R.10s R414 44 93N., 74 0747E.

    Ib]Fl(3)G.15s G514 45 57N., 74 0763E.

    G\dFl(3)R.15s R6 14 45 56N., 74 0744E.

    Ib]Fl.G.5s G7 14 45 76N., 74 0771E.G\dFl.R.5s R8

    14 45 77N., 74 0745E.Delete CbFl.G.5s CB2 14 45 44N., 74 0764E.

    BdFl.R.5s CB314 45 39N., 74 0745E.

    196 INDIA - West Coast - Mumbai (Bombay) West-north-westwards - Platforms.

    Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 9308.685

    Source: Indian Notice 23/260/12

    Chart 1487 [previous update 4860/12 ] INDIAN DATUM

    Insert {19 08 0N., 71 519E.

    19 08 6N., 71 551E.

    19 07 5N., 71 598E.


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    197 INDIA - West Coast - Mormugao - Amee Shoals Westwards and Alparqueiros Pt North-north-eastwards -

    Wreck. Buoyage.

    Source: Indian Notice 23/261/12

    Chart 492 (plan B, Mormugao) [previous update 4740/11 ] INDIAN DATUM

    Insert 10),Wk15 25 83N., 73 4593E.

    symbol, green and white spherical buoy (a) 15 24 84N., 73 4923E.Delete symbol, green and white spherical light-buoy,Fl.G.10s, close

    W of: (a) above

    Chart 492 (plan C, Approaches to Mormugao and Panaji) [previous update 4740/11 ] INDIAN DATUM

    Insert 10),Wk15 25 83N., 73 4593E.

    207 PAKISTAN - Karachi South-westwards - Submarine cable.

    Source: Pakistani Notice 41/124/12

    Chart 38 (INT 7019) [previous update 3386/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining: 24 49 0N., 66 517E.(existing cable)

    24 45 9N., 66 497E.

    24 34 7N., 66 478E.

    24 24 9N., 66 416E.

    23 46 8N., 66 113E.

    Chart 39 [previous update 3839/12 ] INDIAN DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining:24 49 8N., 66 515E.

    (existing cable)

    24 49 0N., 66 517E.

    24 45 9N., 66 497E.

    24 34 7N., 66 478E.

    24 24 9N., 66 416E.

    23 46 8N., 66 113E.

    Chart 58 (INT 7314) [previous update 3385/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining: 24 51 61N., 66 5098E. (shore)24 49 03N., 66 5167E.

    24 45 92N., 66 4970E.

    24 34 70N., 66 4782E.

    24 30 00N., 66 4486E.

    (S border)


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    Chart 707 [previous update 4860/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining:24 51 6N., 66 510E. (shore)


    49 0N., 66

    517E.24 45 9N., 66 497E.

    24 34 7N., 66 478E.

    24 24 9N., 66 416E.

    23 46 8N., 66 113E.

    Chart 4705 (INT 705) [previous update 5502/12 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining: 24 51 6N., 66 510E. (shore)24 34 7N., 66 478E.

    23 46 8N., 66 113E.

    140 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Lianyungang, Western Part - Miaoling Working Area - Pier No 8 -


    Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 3803.5Source: Chinese Notice 49/1985/12

    Chart 739 [previous update New Chart 04/10/2012 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

    Amend light and associated flare to, Fl.R.2s21m3M 34 4498N., 119 2493E.

    141 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Huang Hai - Guanhe Kou Eastwards - Light-beacon. Automatic IdentificationSystem.

    Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 3797.75ALRS Vol. 2, 2012/13: (52/12)Source: Chinese Notice 49/1986/12

    Chart 1253 [previous update 5432/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert TlMo(C)Y.12s13m7M(a) 34 33 2N., 120 216E.

    Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-beacon (a) above

    207 PAKISTAN - Karachi South-westwards - Submarine cable. (continued)


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    142 CHINA - East Coast - Approaches to Zhoushan Qundao - Mopan Yang Eastwards and Tantoushan East-

    north-eastwards - Light-beacons. Radar beacon.

    Automatic Identification System.

    Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 3683.8, 3696ALRS Vol. 2, 2012/13: 81718 (52/12)

    Source: Chinese Notices 49/1991-1992/12

    Chart 1126 [previous update 5541/12 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

    Delete TlMo(C)Y.12s10m5M(2 Bns) Liuheng Wind Tower andassociated radar beacon, Racon(O) 29 35 80N., 122 2059E.

    Chart 1759 [previous update 5780/12 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

    Delete TlMo(C)Y.12s10m5M and associated radar beacon,Racon(O) 29 35 8N., 122 207E.

    Tl2Mo(C)Y.12s10m5M Xiangshan Wind Tower andassociated Automatic Identification System, AIS 29 13 2N., 122 100E.

    148 CHINA - South Coast - Gulf of Tonkin - Qinzhou Wan - Laoren Sha Eastwards - Dong Hangdao -


    Source: Chinese Notice 49/1995/12

    Chart 3993 [previous update 4994/12 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

    Move CbFl.G.4s No 25, from:21 39 60N., 108 3888E.

    to: 21 39 75N., 108 3878E.Delete CbFl.G.4s No 27 21 40 43N., 108 3826E.

    185 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Central Harbour - Kowloon Bay to Hong Kong Island - Submarine


    Source: Hong Kong Notice 25/63/12 & Hong Kong Chart 0802Note:Former Notice 3979(T)/12 is cancelled

    Chart 4117 [previous update 1201/10 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine pipeline,

    , joining:

    22 18578N., 114 11760E.(W border)

    22 18459N., 114 11883E.

    22 18349N., 114 12140E.

    22 18276N., 114 12243E.

    22 18185N., 114 12325E.

    (a) 22 18083N., 114 12383E.

    (b) 22 17635N., 114 12571E.22 17564N., 114 12574E.(shore)

    legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above


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    Chart 4118 [previous update 3134/11 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: 22 18770N., 114 11516E.(shore)22 18765N., 114 11632E.

    22 18578N., 114 11760E.

    (a) 22 18459N., 114 11883E.

    (b) 22 18349N., 114 12140E.

    22 18276N., 114 12243E.

    22 18185N., 114 12325E.

    22 18083N., 114 12383E.

    22 17803N., 114 12500E.

    (E border)legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above

    186 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Hong Kong Harbour - Northern Fairway - Stonecutters Island West-

    south-westwards - Depths.

    Source: Hong Kong Notice 25/64/12

    Chart 4118 [previous update 185/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert depth 97 and extend 10m contour SW to enclose (a) 22 18887N., 114 07822E.Delete depth 107, close N of: (a) above

    Chart 4119 [previous update 5544/11 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert depth 97 and extend 10m contour SW to enclose

    (a) 22

    18887N., 114

    07822E.Delete depth 106, close ESE of: (a) above

    204 CHINA - East Coast - Dong Hai - Songxia Gang - Yuanhong Wharf South-eastwards - Buoyage.

    Source: Chinese Notice 50/2028/12

    Chart 2413 [previous update 4126/11 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert G\dFl(3)R.10s No 1625 4097N., 119 3515E.

    Delete G\dFl(3)R.10s No 625

    4101N., 119


    185 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Central Harbour - Kowloon Bay to Hong Kong Island - Submarine

    pipeline. (continued)


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    206 CHINA - East Coast - Taiwan Strait - Approaches to Xiamen Gang - Xiamengang Main Channel -


    Source: Chinese Notice 50/2029/12

    Chart 3449 [previous update 4159/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Move G\dFl(3)R.10s No 18, from:24 2279N., 118 0737E.

    to: 24 2304N., 118 0704E.

    G\dQ.R No 20, from:24 2369N., 118 0650E.

    to: 24 2380N., 118 0629E.

    I]bQ.G No 23, from: 24 2518N., 118 24 2532N., 118 0451E.

    125 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto- - Okinawa Gunto - Okinawa Shima - Ie Suido Southwards - Depths.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/1025/12

    Chart JP 226 [previous update 4433/11 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,centred on: 26 40 3N., 127 474E.

    126 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto- - Okinawa Gunto - Okinawa Shima - Nago Wan - Depths.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/1026/12

    Chart JP 226 [previous update 125/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,centred on: 26 33 1N., 127 556E.

    127 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto- - Okinawa Gunto - Okinawa Shima to Kerama Retto - Depths. Coastline.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/1027/12

    Chart JP 226 [previous update 126/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths and

    coastline, centred on: 26 12 2N., 127 333E.

    128 JAPAN - Hokkaido- - North West Coast - Rebun To- - Light.

    Light List Vol. M, 2012/13, 6911.4Source: Japanese Notice 51/1028/12

    Chart 1801 [previous update 2233/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Delete Fl(3)13s21m13M45 25 2N., 141 040E.


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    129 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Chiba Ko - Katsunan Ku - Hinode East-south-eastwards -


    Source: Japanese Notice 51/1033/12

    Chart JP 1061 [previous update 4966/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Gf(Y Lt)35 37 83N., 139 5702E.

    35 37 88N., 139 5727E.

    35 37 95N., 139 5752E.

    35 38 05N., 139 5772E.

    35 38 13N., 139 5793E.

    35 38 23N., 139 5813E.

    35 38 33N., 139 5833E.

    Chart JP 1088 [previous update 4970/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Gf(Y Lt)35

    37 50"N., 139

    57 01"E.

    35 37 53"N., 139 57 16"E.

    35 37 57"N., 139 57 31"E.

    35 38 03"N., 139 57 43"E.

    35 38 08"N., 139 57 56"E.

    35 38 14"N., 139 58 08"E.

    35 38 20"N., 139 58 20"E.

    130 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Chiba Ko - Katsunan Ku - Piles.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/1034/12

    Chart JP 1088 [previous update 129/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Pile 35 40 001"N., 139 56 278"E.35 39 383"N., 139 56 391"E.

    35 39 165"N., 139 56 505"E.

    35 38 547"N., 139 57 018"E.

    35 38 329"N., 139 57 131"E.

    35 38 111"N., 139 57 245"E.

    131 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto- - Okinawa Gunto - Okinawa Shima - Toya - Light.

    Light List Vol. M, 2012/13, 4740.32Source: Japanese Notice 51/1041/12

    Chart JP 226 [previous update 127/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Delete {26 23 3N., 127 433E.


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    158 KOREA - East Coast - Yangsan - Munjung-ri North-eastwards - Lights.

    Light List Vol. M, 2012/13, 4377.541, 4377.542Source: Korean Notice 49/812/12

    Chart 896 (INT 5355) [previous update 5253/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert Fl.R.4s14m5M35 18 02N., 129 1574E.

    Fl.Y.4s13m7M 35 18 10N., 129 1572E.

    210 INDONESIA - Nusa Tengarra - Flores, South Coast - Ende - Light.

    Light List Vol. K, 2012/13, 1338.2Source: Indonesian Chart 325

    Chart 2903 [previous update 5788/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Delete Q(4)8s10m 8 51 0S., 121 401E.

    211 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - Mindanao - North West Coast - Polo Pt - Light.

    Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 2280Source: Philippine Notice 11/219/12

    Chart 3809 [previous update 4155/12 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

    Amend light to, Fl.3s59ft20M 8 36 1N., 123 451E.

    Chart 3811 [previous update 4928/12 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

    Amend light to, Fl.3s59ft20M 8 36 1N., 123 450E.

    Chart 4471 [previous update 4926/10 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Amend light to, Fl.3s18m20M 8 35 89N., 123 4544E.

    145 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - California - San Francisco Bay - Oakland Inner Harbor -

    Brooklyn Basin - Fortmann Basin Northwards - Depth. Wreck.

    Source: NOS

    Chart 588 [previous update 5837/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Replace depth 35 with 27,Wk37 46 98N., 122 1553W.

    Chart 588 (inset, Continuation to Alameda) [previous update 5837/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Replace depth 35 with 27,Wk 37 46 98N., 122 1553W.


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    143 PERU - Approaches to Callao - Isla Hormigas de Afuera Southwards - Depths.

    Source: Peruvian Chart 223

    Chart 3091 [previous update 4587/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Delete 16%,ED (a) 12 10 0S., 77 400W.14&,ED, close SE of:

    (a) above

    187 PANAMA - Pacific Ocean Coast - Baha Charco Azul - Panama Oil Terminal - Depths.

    Source: US Notice 50/21584/12

    Chart 1928 [previous update 5923/09 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

    Insert depth 02 enclosed by 1fm contour (a) 8 12 6N., 82 524W.

    Delete depth 106, adjacent to: (a) above

    164 ANTARCTICA - South Shetland Islands - Greenwich Island - Villalon Passage, Dee Island South-eastwards

    and Rosales Rocks Southwards - Depths.

    Source: Ecuadorean Chart 70001

    Chart 1741 (INT 9122) (plan A, Discovery Bay) [previous update 1938/08 ] SAD69 DATUM

    Insert depth 106 and extend 20m contour S to enclose (a) 62 24 408"S., 59 44 246"W.depth 112 enclosed by 20m contour 62 25 312"S., 59 45 004"W.depth 86 enclosed by 10m contour


    27 102"S., 59

    42 432"W.Replace depth 35 with 0%+ 62 25 384"S., 59 45 402"W.Delete depth 33, adjacent to: (a) above

    137 BRAZIL - South Coast - Porto de Sepetiba and Ilha de Itacuru Eastwards and South-eastwards - Works.


    Source: Brazilian Notices 20/140(P)/12 & 20/144/12Note:Former Notice 4668(T)/12 is cancelled.

    Chart 431 [previous update 5107/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

    Insert legend, Works in progress (2012), centred on: 22 55 94S., 43 5013W.Amend legend to,Dredged to 94m (2012), centred on: 22 56 37S., 43 5135W.

    22 57 30S., 43 5255W.

    146 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Claypile Bank East-south-eastwards -


    Source: US Coast Guard District 8 LNM 48/11330/12

    Chart 3854 [previous update 5916/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Delete { 28 15 77N., 93 5666W.


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    166 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Florida - Tampa Bay - Tampa - Sparkman Channel

    Eastwards, Pendola Point Westwards and Port Sutton South-eastwards -

    Dredged depths.

    Source: US Notice 50/11416/12

    Chart 3848 (plan B, Tampa) [previous update 5656/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Amend dredged depth to, 34ft, centred on: 27 55 76N., 82 2680W.dredged depth to, 42ft, centred on: 27 54 17N., 82 2623W.dredged depth to, 14ft (2012), centred on: 27 54 21N., 82 2532W.dredged depth to, 35ft (2012), centred on: 27 54 23N., 82 2531W.

    181 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Mississippi River - Boothville Eastwards, South West

    Pass Westwards, South Pass South-eastwards and North-eastwards - Obstruction. Submarine pipelines.


    Source: US Coastguard District 8 LNMs 49/1115/12, 49/11358/12, 50/1115/12 & US Notice 49/11361/12

    Chart 3382 (Panel 1) [previous update 5138/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Insert Obstn PA 29 20 40N., 89 2440W.submarine pipeline, , joining:

    28 52 12N., 88 5898W.

    (conversion scales)

    28 52 12N., 88 5921W.


    28 49 51N., 88 5898W.

    (conversion scales)


    50 61N., 89

    0266W.(existing pipeline)

    Chart 3851 [previous update 5916/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Insert submarine pipeline, , joining:(a) 28 44 5N., 88 495W. ( {)

    28 47 3N., 88 512W.


    (a) above

    28 47 1N., 88 516W.Delete {

    29 21 4N., 87 587W.


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    Chart 3857 [previous update New Edition 20/12/2012 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 28 44 54N., 88 4953W. ( {)28 45 86N., 88 5016W.

    28 47 79N., 88 5148W.

    28 49 03N., 88 5257W.

    28 50 83N., 88 5498W.

    28 51 91N., 88 5551W.

    28 52 32N., 88 5606W.

    28 52 12N., 88 5921W.


    (a) above

    28 46 94N., 88 5141W.

    28 47 37N., 88 5205W.28 50 61N., 89 0266W.

    (existing pipeline)Delete {

    28 57 73N., 89 5490W.

    147 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - New York - New York Harbor - Lower Bay - Hoffman Island

    Eastwards - Wreck.

    Source: US Coast Guard District 1 LNM 49/12402/12

    Chart 3204 [previous update 5638/12 ] NAD83 DATUMInsert PA Rep(2012) 40 34 64N., 74 0268W.Chart 3459 [previous update 5638/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Insert PA Rep(2012)40 34 64N., 74 0268W.

    203 CANADA - Newfoundland and Labrador - Ritu Bank Southwards - Submarine cable.

    Source: Alcatel-Lucent

    Note:Former Notice 4589(P)/08 is cancelled.Chart 324 [previous update 484/11 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

    Insert submarine cable, , joining:49 00 0N., 52 075W.

    (S border)

    50 38 5N., 50 000W.

    (E border)

    181 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Mississippi River - Boothville Eastwards, South West

    Pass Westwards, South Pass South-eastwards and North-eastwards - Obstruction. Submarine pipelines.

    Platforms. (continued)


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    205 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Delaware - Delaware River - Christina River -

    Channel depths.

    Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 49/12311/12

    Chart 2603 (Panel 1) [previous update 5838/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Replace existing table with the accompanying table, CHANNELDEPTHS (Christina River), centred on: 39 44 9N., 75 329W.

    209 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Maine - Gulf of Maine - Wood Island - Light.

    Light List Vol. J, 2012/13, 0214Source: US Coast Guard District 1 LNM 49/13287/12

    Chart 2490 [previous update 802/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Amend light to, Al.WG.10s71ft13M Horn(2)30s 43 27 39N., 70 1977W.

    Chart 2492 [previous update 4666/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Amend light to, Al.WG.13M Horn(2) 43 27 3N., 70 198W.

    Chart 3676 [previous update 3711/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

    Amend light to, Al.WG.10s71ft13M Horn(2)30s 43 27 41N., 70 1974W.


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    153(P)/13 POLAND - Zatoka Pomorska - Anchorage areas. Buoyage. Beacons. Anchorage areas.

    Source: Polish Notice 46/746(P)/12

    1. The Hydrographic Office of Poland has announced changes to buoyage, beacons, anchorage areas and turning circles to beimplemented in spring 2013.

    2. Buoyage in the northern approach fairway to the port ofwinoujcie will be moved and re-numbered between the followingpositions:

    3. Light-beacons will be established in the vicinity of position 54 00 94N., 14 1506E.

    4. The following anchorage areas will be changed.

    5. A LNG tanker manoeuvering area will be established in the vicinity of position 54 07 00N., 14 1270E.

    (All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)6. This update will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 2677 and by Notice to Mariners for Charts 2676, 2679 and


    Charts affected - 2150 - 2676 (INT 1299) - 2677 (INT 1297) - 2679 (INT 1295)

    173(T)/13 DENMARK - Islands - Storeblt - Langelandsblt Southwards - Gulstav Flak North-eastwards -


    Source: Danish Notice 49/1219(T)/12

    1. Submarine cable works are in progress, until February 2013, within an area bounded by the following positions (WGS84Datum):

    2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

    Charts affected - 2106 (INT 1303) - 2113 - 2117 - 2597 (INT 1368)

    174(T)/13 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Elbe - Approaches to Nord-Ostsee-Kanal - Neuer VorhafenSouthwards - Works. Buoy.

    Source: German Notice 49/(21)42(T)/12

    1. Works are in progress in the vicinity of Mole 2 and Mole 3, marked by a south cardinal light-buoy, VQ(6)+LFI, in position53 53 221N., 9 08213E. (WGS84 Datum).

    2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

    Charts affected - 2469 (INT 1366) - 3625 (INT 1453)

    54 12 16N., 14 1175E.53 56 41N., 14 1640E.

    Anchorage area Position

    No 1B 53 58 80N., 14 1730E.No 2A 54 02 50N., 14 1680E.No 2B 54 04 40N., 14 1580E.

    54 48 0N., 10 458E. (shore)54 48 0N., 10 580E. (shore)54 43 5N., 11 100E. (shore)54 43 5N., 10 424E. (shore)


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    156(T)/13 PORTUGAL - West Coast - Setbal - Canal Norte South-eastwards - Cabea de Santa Eastwards -


    Source: Portuguese Notice 11/374(T)/12

    1. The starboard-hand light-buoy,No 17 CN Fl(3)G.9s3M, in position 38 29 11N., 8 4925W. (WGS84 Datum), has been

    removed until further notice.

    Charts affected - 3259 (INT 1880) - 3260 (INT 1881)

    177(P)/13 PORTUGAL - South Coast - Portimo - Ponta Joo de Arens South-westwards - Reef.


    Source: Portuguese Notice 11/381(P)/12

    1. An artificial reef has been established and is marked by yellow light-buoys in the following positions:

    Charts affected - 83 - 89 - 3636

    178(T)/13 PORTUGAL - West Coast - Porto de Aveiro - Canal Principal de Navegao - Terminal Sul North-

    westwards - Buoy.

    Source: Portuguese Notice 11/369(T)/12

    1. Port-hand light-buoy,No 20 Fl.R.3s3M, in position 40 38 32N., 8 4136W. (WGS84 Datum) is unlit.

    Chart affected - 3227 (INT 1872)

    155(T)/13 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN - Arquiplago dos Aores - Ilha Graciosa - Vila de Praia - Baixas dos

    Remedios Northwards - Buoy.

    Source: Portuguese Notice 11/378(T)/12

    1. The east cardinal light-buoy, Q(3)10s, in position 39 03 01N., 27 5782W. (WGS84 Datum), has been removed untilfurther notice.

    Chart affected - 1957

    Name Position (ED50 Datum)

    M1 37 05 93N., 8 3476W.M2 37 05 93N., 8 3501W.M3 37 05 26N., 8 3476W.M4 37 05 26N., 8 3501W.


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    170(T)/13 ITALY - East Coast - Approaches to Trieste - Porto Doganale - Molo della Pescheria -


    Source: Italian Notice 23.T49001/12

    1. Works are in progress to construct a removable breakwater quay in Porto Doganale, Trieste, within an area bounded by the

    following positions (WGS84 Datum):

    2. Mariners are advised that navigation is prohibited within these areas.

    3. Former Notice 5146(T)/12 is cancelled.

    Chart affected - 1473

    182(P)/13 ITALY - West Coast - Gulf of Genoa to Golfo di Napoli - East Coast - Golfo di Manfredonia and

    Promontorio del Gargano - SARDEGNA - North-east Coast - SICILIA - North Coast -

    Restricted areas.

    Source: Italian Notices 23.4/12 & 23.14-15/12

    1. Restricted areas, entry prohibited, have been established.2. The areas extend 2M from the limits of the following marine nature reserves:

    3. Restricted areas, entry prohibited, also extend up to 6M from the coastline of the following islands:

    45 38 956N., 13 45687E. (shore)45 38 958N., 13 45683E.45 38 971N., 13 45656E.45 38 952N., 13 45629E.45 38 961N., 13 45619E. (shore)and45 38 963N., 13 45617E. (shore)45 38 974N., 13 45606E.45 39 017N., 13 45678E.45 39 002N., 13 45702E.45 38 972N., 13 45717E.45 38 964N., 13 45696E. (shore)

    Marine Nature Reserve Position Chart

    Bergeggi 44 14 26N., 8 2686E. 350Isola d Ischia 40 43 00N., 13 5400E. 908, 1908, 1911Isole gadi 37 57 96N., 12 1236E. 964, 1983, 2122Isole Mortoriotto to Isola Soffi 41 04 29N., 9 3560E. 1211Isole di li Nibani 41 07 81N., 9 3429E. 1211Isola delle Bisce 41 09 99N., 9 3132E. 1211, 1212Isola di Ustica 38 42 50N., 13 1060E. 1976Rapallo 44 18 10N., 9 1090E. 1998

    Island Position Chart

    Isola Gorgona 43 25 70N., 9 5400E. 1998, 1999Isola Capraia 43 02 30N., 9 4340E. 1998, 1999Isola dElba to Isola Palmaiola 42 47 90N., 10 1800E. 131, 1999Isola Cerboli 42 51 58N., 10 3280E. 131, 1999Isola Pianosa 42 35 30N., 10 0470E. 1999Scog. Africa 42 21 51N., 10 0384E. 1999Isola di Montecristo 42 20 00N., 10 1860E. 1999Isola del Giglio 42 21 50N., 10 5390E. 1911, 1999Isola di Giannutri 42 1506N., 11 0630E. 1911, 1999


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    4. * Restricted areas, entry prohibited, have been established as follows:

    (All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)

    5. Entry is prohibited to vessels over 500GT.

    6. Vessels over 500GT berthing at the ports of Savona, Vado Ligure, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo and Portofino,requiring entry to the prohibited areas around the Bergeggi and Rapallo Marine Nature Reserves, are advised to contact thelocal port authority for the latest information.

    7. Regulations concerning the anchor berths in the approaches to Savona and Vado Ligure are not affected.* Indicates new or revised entry.

    8. Former Notice 5893(P)/12 is cancelled.

    Charts affected - 119 - 131 - 186 - 196 - 200 - 350 - 908 - 964 - 1211 - 1212 - 1443 - 1908 - 1911 - 1976 - 1983 -

    1998 - 1999 - 2122

    183(T)/13 ITALY - West Coast - Gulf of Genoa - Vado Ligure - Works.

    Source: Italian Notices 23.D06005-D06007/12

    1. Works are in progress in the port basin of Vado Ligure, within areas bounded by the following positions (WGS84 Datum):

    2. Mariners are advised that navigation is prohibited within these areas.

    Chart affected - 350

    182(P)/13 ITALY - West Coast - Gulf of Genoa to Golfo di Napoli - East Coast - Golfo di Manfredonia and

    Promontorio del Gargano - SARDEGNA - North-east Coast - SICILIA - North Coast -

    Restricted areas. (continued)

    In the waters surrounding Secche della Meloria, (43 34 30N., 10 1350E.), extending up to 15M to theeast, up to 55M to the west, up to 4M to the north and then south to the northern limit of the Livorno TrafficSeparation Scheme.In the Golfo di Manfredonia, extending up to 4M from the coastline between positions41 30 40N., 15 5512E. and 41 45 76N., 16 0996E.In the waters off the Promontorio del Gargano, extending up to 2M from the coastline between positions41 45 76N., 16 0996E. and 41 55 09N., 15 1348E.

    44 16 316N., 8 26728E.44 16 383N., 8 26680E.44 16 507N., 8 27015E.44 16 314N., 8 27152E.and44 15 924N., 8 27256E. (shore)44 15 920N., 8 27223E.44 16 027N., 8 27203E.44 16 031N., 8 27222E. (shore)and44 15 969N., 8 26519E. (shore)44 15 972N., 8 26606E.44 16 034N., 8 26744E. (shore)and


    16 049N., 8

    26739E. (shore)44 16 134N., 8 26703E.44 16 090N., 8 26532E.44 16 069N., 8 26502E. (shore)


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    172(P)/13 INDIA - West Coast - Mormugao - Breakwater. Jetty. Berth.

    Source: Indian Notice 23/269(P)/12

    1. The existing breakwater (15 25 04N., 73 4761E.) has been converted into a jetty with berthing on either side.

    2. A new berth, No.7, has been constructed between positions 15 24 73N., 73 4792E. and 15 24 62N., 73 4806E.

    (All positions are referred to Indian Datum)3. These changes will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 492.

    Chart affected - 492

    175(T)/13 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Harbour, Central Part - Kowloon Southwards - Works.


    Source: Hong Kong Notice 25/65(T)/12 & Hong Kong Marine Department Notice 160/12

    1. Submarine pipeline backfilling and surveying operations are taking place until November 2013 in an area bounded by thefollowing positions (WGS84 Datum):

    2. Yellow light-buoys,Fl.Y, mark the anchor positions of the working vessels.

    3. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

    Chart affected - 4118

    132(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - East Coast - Sendai-Shiogama Ko - Shiogama Ku - Section 3 - Katsura Shima

    Eastwards - Obstruction.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/5819(T)/12

    1. An obstruction, with a depth of 1m, exists in position 38 20 003"N., 141 06 150"E. (WGS84 Datum)

    Chart affected - JP 64A

    133(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Chiba Ko - Katsunan Ku - Depths. Obstruction.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/5820(T)/12

    1. Depths less than charted exist in the following positions:

    22 17009N., 114 10305E.22 17004N., 114 10232E.22 17093N., 114 10267E.22 17238N., 114 10341E.22 17451N., 114 10364E.22 17593N., 114 10344E.22 17578N., 114 10453E.22 17090N., 114 10395E.

    Depth Position

    1m 35 40 190"N., 139 58 447"E.15m 35 39 489"N., 139 59 075"E.05m 35 39 484"N., 139 58 523"E.1m 35 40 575"N., 139 59 086"E.


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    2. Depths of up to 6m less than charted exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions:

    3. An underwater obstruction, with a depth of 119m, exists in position 35

    40 129"N., 139

    58 471"E.(All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)

    Chart affected - JP 1088

    134(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Irago Suido - Depths.

    Source: Japanese Notice 51/5822(T)/12

    1. Depths of 14m less than charted exist in the vicinity of position 34 35 232"N., 137 01 147"E.

    2. Depths of up to 8m less than charted exist in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions:

    3. Depths of up to 1m less than charted exist in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions:

    4. Depths of up to 13m less than charted exist in the vicinity of a line joining