
Denti Denita Putri Janwari Farqi Saptio Rusyda Nabila Teknik Informatika 1B * NOUN

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Definisi, fungsi, dan aplikasi dari penggunaan noun


Page 1: NOUN

Denti Denita Putri

Janwari Farqi Saptio

Rusyda Nabila

Teknik Informatika 1B


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Name person Thing Animal

Place Abstract thing

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*Noun phrase



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*Compound noun

*Noun collaboration with part of speech

*Example : water + fall = WATERFALL road + show = ROADSHOW

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Subject of a sentence

Subject complement

Direct and indirect object

Object of preposition

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*Subject of a sentence

*WHAT or WHO discussed in the sentence

*example: the very big school in this country was built in 1980

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*Subject complement

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*Direct and indirect object

*Direct object

*Can answer WHOM or WHAT


rizky teached math

*Indirect object

*Can answer FOR WHOM or FOR WHAT


my uncle donated his salary to charity

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*Object of preposition

*Preposition : in, at, during, about, into, since,etc

*Example :

*I don’t believe in zodiac

*yulia is really into Ninjutsu

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*Countable Noun Definition

Countable Noun is a noun that can be counted. The noun is divided into two kinds, namely: Singular (singular noun can be calculated) and Plural Countable (plural noun can be calculated). In the plural, change the form of the noun following the rules of regular (irregular pattern) or irregular (irregular pattern).

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* Kinds of noun and its example are as follows

*Countable and uncountable: a countable noun that can be counted (~ tomato tomatoes, man ~ men), on the contrary, can not be counted uncountable (cheese, sugar).

*Proper and common: proper noun is a specific classification which use capital letters at the beginning letters (Jakarta, Gramedia), while common in general (city, shop).

*Abstract and concrete: an abstract noun that can not be observed with the senses (love, romance). In contrast, the concrete can be observed with the senses (book, fluorine).

*Collective: to declare a group or collection name (class, deer).

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Regular Countable NounPattern of regular rule change singular to plural nouns that can be calculated are as follows.

No. Condition Regular RulesExamples

singular plural

1.nouns ending in -o, and the letter before vowel

added the suffix -estomato tomatoes

potato potatoes


noun ending:-s,-x,-ch,-sh,-ss

added the suffix -es

gas gases

box boxes

punch punches

dash dashes

loss losses

3.nouns ending in -y and the previous letter consonant

Suffix -y removed and added the suffix -ies

country countries

4.Syllable one noun (one-syllable nouns) ending in -f or -fe

Suffix -f or -fe removed then added the suffix -ves

wife wives

5. Other nouns added the suffix -s book books

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*Some Irregular Countable NounSome examples of singular and

plural forms of irregular noun is as follows.

Irregular Noun

singular plural Singular plural singular plural

child children Mouse mice tooth teeth

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* Uncountable Noun

Uncountable noun is a noun that can not be calculated. Uncountable or mass noun is mostly just have a singular form (singular), but there are some who just have a plural form. If you want to form the plural of a noun sense, then in the plural it is measuring. Many mass noun formed from the adjective derivation, derivation verb, noun or derivation.

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*Examples of uncountable nounThe uncountable noun examples of various categories are as follows.

Category Example

food noddle, meat, bread

liquid coffee, milk, oil, honey

powder grain, sugar, rice, fluor, salt

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* Plural Uncountable Noun

Some have uncountable plural form (plural) without singular form (singular) even with the same meaning. Plural uncountable can not be added determiner number. Example : two pants.

Plural Uncountable Examples :• arms, clothes, customs, glasses, goods, groceries,

jeans, pajamas, pants, scissors, spectacles, thanks, trousers.

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*Common Noun

Definition Common Noun

Common noun is a noun classification for person (people), place (where), and the thing (object, thing, etc.) in general. Nouns do not use capital letters at the beginning he said, except if the word begins a sentence or the title of a post.

Common Noun example :

house, sandals, apartment, children, & town.

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*Proper Noun

Definition Proper Noun

Proper noun is a noun categorization for the person (people), place (where), and the thing (object) specifically. Nouns, among others, are used to name the institution, organization, day, month, nation, religion, and place. Proper always use a capital letter at the beginning he said.

Proper Noun example:

Sea World, Mohammad Hatta, Bandung, Gramedia, and Dagadu.

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*Abstract Noun Definition

Abstract noun is a noun group that can be understood and imagined but can not be observed by the senses. The five senses include: see (see), touch (touched), smell (smelled), hear (heard), and taste (tasted).

Abstract Noun example :

happiness, freedom, imagination, realist, feminism, hate, love, sympathy, ideas, and romance.

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*Concrete Noun

Definition Concrete Noun

The opposite of abstract, concrete noun is a noun that can be observed with the senses. Both countable noun (nouns that can be counted) or uncountable noun (nouns that can not be calculated) is part of a concrete noun.

Concrete Noun example :

sugar, bread, boy, ball, bag, car, cheese, building, wall, gold, water, flour, & furniture.

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Collective Noun Definition

Collective noun is a noun that is used to declare a group name or group (consisting of more than one member). This can be either a noun person (person), animal (animal), or thing (object, abstract).

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Collective Noun examples of various groups :

Group Examples of Collective Noun

group of people (orang)

audience, army, class, committee, couple, crew, gang, family, jury, navy, police, senate, society, staff, team

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*Noun subtitute

Noun subtitute is some construction functioning such as noun,some example as follows :

*Noun clause



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* Noun Clause

Noun clause is a group of words functioning such as noun, this clause can serve as the subject or object in a some clause or other phrase. Because it serves as a noun , it can be replaced with a pronoun

Example :

*I forgot the fact. (noun)

*I forgot it (pronoun)

*I forgot that the fact was very important (noun clause)

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*Formula of noun clause

Noun clause proceded by noun clause markers a question word, if or whether and that

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*Function of noun clause

Subject of a verb :

*What she cooked was delicious

*That today is his birthday is not right

Subject Complement / pelengkap :

*The fact is that she is smart and diligent

*A teacher must be whoever is patient

Object of a verb :

*Diana believes that her life will be happier

*I want to know how Einstein thought

Object of a preposition :

*The girl comes from where many people there live in poverty.

*He will attend the party with whichever fits to his body.

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Gerund is some words formed from verb( noun ) with added suffix (-ing) and serves as a noun . This words is verbal is a word formed from the verb,but serves as another part of speech. The more common word to name the action (the action) or a state of being (state).

This words can be combined with a modifier or without additional noun(s),pronoun(s), or noun phrase gerund phrase formed, because serves as noun then there must be another verb in a sentence.

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*Example of gerund





Example Of gerund sentences :

*I hate waiting.

*My bestfriend’s favorite activity is shopping.

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*When to avoid gerund?

This word usage should be avoided when there is noun relevant based noun on the same.

Example :

*Your designs need some improving -> your designs need some improvement.

*The activating may take up to five minutes -> the activation may take up to five minute.

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Infinitive is a verbal consisting of to and simple formed from verb particle where can serves as noun,adjective or adverb. Infinitive be accompanied by object(noun and pronoun),modifier, or object and modifier(noun phrase) so that be infinitive phrase.

Example :

*To run

*To be

*To lunch

*To talk

Example of infinitive sentences

*I want to come tomorrow.

*The best time to talk with him is at night

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*Thank you