november 26th christ the king · 11/26/2017  · christmas cheer is asking for new or slightly used...

E E E - - - M M M AIL AIL AIL: [email protected] W W W EBSITE EBSITE EBSITE: O O O FFICE FFICE FFICE H H H OURS OURS OURS : : : Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. S S S UNDAY UNDAY UNDAY M M M ASSES ASSES ASSES Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. P P P ARISH ARISH ARISH S S S TAFF TAFF TAFF Pastor: Rev. Paul Conway Deacons: Rev. Mr. Robert Fex (retired) Rev. Mr. Walter Morrow (retired) Diocesan Order of Women: Raymonde Brant Secretary: Cathy LaBlance P P P ARISH ARISH ARISH P P P ASTORAL ASTORAL ASTORAL C C C OUNCIL OUNCIL OUNCIL Dan Drazenovich Randy Johnson Vincent LaRue Finance Member Outreach Member Liturgy Member Christian Formation Member A A A DORATION DORATION DORATION C C C HAPEL HAPEL HAPEL Come spend some time alone with the Lord! Open 18 hours Adorers needed…. Please call either Raffaela Medaglia 942-7891; Angela Rasaiah 949-2208 Susanne Quinn-Perron 450-7732 P P P RAYER RAYER RAYER L L L INE INE INE R R R EQUESTS EQUESTS EQUESTS to place a prayer request, please phone: Laverne……….... 942-7630 (ans. machine) Betty……………...649-3611 (ans. machine) C C C HURCH HURCH HURCH E E E NVELOPES NVELOPES NVELOPES If you would like to begin using parish donation envelopes, please contact the parish office. W W W EEKDAY EEKDAY EEKDAY L L L ITURGIES ITURGIES ITURGIES Monday7:00 p.m. Liturgy of Word Tuesday…. 12 noon Celebration of Eucharist Wednesday… 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist Thursday… 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist Friday……. 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist R R R ECONCILIATION ECONCILIATION ECONCILIATION Saturday……. 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. (or by appointment) S S S ACRAMENT ACRAMENT ACRAMENT OF OF OF I I I NITIATION NITIATION NITIATION (Baptism) REGISTRATION FORMS are available for pick up in the foyer of the church. M M M ARRIAGE ARRIAGE ARRIAGE Please contact the parish office. A MINIMUM OF SIX MONTHS NOTICE IS REQUIRED. A A A NOINTING NOINTING NOINTING OF OF OF THE THE THE S S S ICK ICK ICK If you are sick and go to the hospital, please call the parish office 705-942-8546. This will allow us to arrange that you have the Sacrament of the Sick and a Pastoral Visit. Also, Eucharist is brought once a week to those in the hospital by a Pastoral Team member. “O “O “O N N N C C C ALL ALL ALL ” P ” P ” P RIEST RIEST RIEST A priest is available in the city for emergencies 24/7. You can notify the chaplain, nurse or nursing home coordinators to contact the priest ON CALL. O O O UR UR UR L L L ADY ADY ADY OF OF OF G G G OOD OOD OOD C C C OUNSEL OUNSEL OUNSEL P P P ARISH ARISH ARISH 114 MacDonald Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 1H3 Phone: (705) 942-8546 Fax: (705) 942-8674 Christ the King November 26, 2017

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Page 1: November 26th Christ the King · 11/26/2017  · CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies,

EEE---MMMAILAILAIL: [email protected]



9:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.


Pastor: Rev. Paul Conway Deacons: Rev. Mr. Robert Fex (retired) Rev. Mr. Walter Morrow (retired) Diocesan Order of Women: Raymonde Brant Secretary: Cathy LaBlance

PPPARISHARISHARISH PPPASTORALASTORALASTORAL CCCOUNCILOUNCILOUNCIL Dan Drazenovich Randy Johnson Vincent LaRue Finance Member Outreach Member Liturgy Member Christian Formation Member


Open 18 hours Adorers needed….

Please call either Raffaela Medaglia 942-7891; Angela Rasaiah 949-2208

Susanne Quinn-Perron 450-7732


to place a prayer request, please phone: Laverne……….... 942-7630 (ans. machine) Betty……………...649-3611 (ans. machine)


parish donation envelopes, please contact the parish office.

WWWEEKDAYEEKDAYEEKDAY LLLITURGIESITURGIESITURGIES Monday… 7:00 p.m. Liturgy of Word Tuesday…. 12 noon Celebration of Eucharist Wednesday… 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist Thursday… 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist Friday……. 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist


Saturday……. 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. (or by appointment)


for pick up in the foyer of the church.


Please contact the parish office. A MINIMUM OF SIX MONTHS NOTICE



please call the parish office 705-942-8546. This will allow us to arrange that you

have the Sacrament of the Sick and a Pastoral Visit. Also, Eucharist is brought once a week

to those in the hospital by a Pastoral Team member.

“O“O“ONNN CCCALLALLALL” P” P” PRIESTRIESTRIEST A priest is available in the city for emergencies 24/7.

You can notify the chaplain, nurse or nursing home coordinators to contact the priest ON CALL.

OOOURURUR LLLADYADYADY OFOFOF GGGOODOODOOD CCCOUNSELOUNSELOUNSEL PPPARISHARISHARISH 114 MacDonald Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 1H3 Phone: (705) 942-8546 Fax: (705) 942-8674

Christ the King

November 26, 2017

Page 2: November 26th Christ the King · 11/26/2017  · CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies,

In response to the Rohingya persecution in Myanmar, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace-Caritas Canada is working with Caritas Bangladesh to support a food distribution program along the border with Myanmar. Development and Peace is also assisting Bangladesh with food and other emergency relief, given the enormous strain that the refugee crisis is having on their own country’s very limited resources. Until 28 November 2017 the Government of Canada will match all donations made to Development and Peace or any other eligible Canadian charity. If you wish to make a financial contribution to the Myanmar Crisis Relief Fund, we invite you to consult the following website for instructions on how to proceed: Thank you! +Marcel Damphousse,

Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie


Thank you! On behalf of all women who build

peace in their communities, Development and Peace—Caritas Canada thanks you for your continued commitment. Together we have the power to change

things! Our Church community has sent signed Action Cards to the Prime Ministers. Join a dynamic pan-Canadian movement that takes action for peace and justice. Become a member of Development and Peace. Free lifetime membership is offered until December 2017 in celebration of our 50th Anniversary as the official Canadian Catholic Justice organization. God to or pick up a membership form at the back of the church.

Advent Giving Project CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies, music stores..,,) and toiletries for teens and adults. We, as a parish will assist them in this way; TODAY—November 26– bring in non perishable foods for the Soup Kitchen and new or slightly used toys, gift cards and toiletries for CHRISTMAS CHEER;

NEXT SUNDAY—December 3– food for St. Vincent Place and new or slightly used toys, gift cards and toiletries for CHRISTMAS CHEER; December 10– bring in non perishable foods for CHRISTMAS CHEER.



Please NOTE:

** ALL DONATIONS to be credited to the year 2017 must be received in our parish office no

later than December 31st. CANADA REVENUE AGENCY—

When was the gift received? A charity can only issue a receipt for the (e.g. 2017) tax year if the donation was received in (e.g. 2017). If the postmark on the envelope containing the donor’s payment is dated on or before December 31 (e.g. 2017), this is also acceptable. **The parish office will be closed from December 22nd– January 9th. If you have any needs to request from the parish office, please do so prior to December 15th.

Regional News will be listed below:

� ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA & BAZAAR at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church- on Sunday, Nov., 26th

1p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Admission: $5.00/Adults, $2.00/ Children 12 and Under. Everyone is Welcome!

Eucharistic Adoration Ministry of

Sault Ste. Marie

Adoration Chapel

located at Our Lady

of Good Counsel Church

The Chapel is open from 6:00 a.m. until Midnight.

Anyone can drop in for a visit during that time;

however, we do need adorers

committed to a weekly visit for an hour.

We urgently require

an Adorer for the hours of:

Monday 9am-10am; 3pm-4pm; 10pm-11pm; Tuesday 12pm—1pm; Wednesday 8am-9am; Thursday 8am-9am; 9am-10am; Friday 9am-10am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm-10pm; - Saturday 9pm-10pm; 10pm-11pm; - Sunday 5pm-6pm; 6pm-7pm; 7pm-8pm;

Please call one of the following coordinators of the Chapel

if you would like to come to the Chapel to experience the peace

and tranquility of spending one hour weekly with Jesus:

Susanne Quinn-Perron 450-7732;

Angela Rasaiah 949-2208; and Raffaela Medaglia


Page 3: November 26th Christ the King · 11/26/2017  · CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies,

This Week’s recap of parish activities:

Mon., Nov 27th 11:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Word with Holy Eucharist—Collegiate Heights 6:30 p.m. Bible Study—Parish Hall 7:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Word with Holy Eucharist—Church

Tues., Nov 28th 10:00 a.m. Small Faith Group (Irene) - Chapple Street 12:00 p.m. Celebration of Eucharist —Church Wed., Nov 29th 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist– Church followed by the Rosary 10:45 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist—Van Daele Nursing Home 11:30 a.m. Weekly Meditation Group—Blessed Margaret Room 12:30 p.m. Fr. Paul visits the students at St. Basil’s School 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice (Mary Anne) - Church

Thurs., Nov 30th 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer—Church 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist —Church followed by the Rosary 7:00 p.m. ADVENT PRAYER TIME—Church Fri., Dec. 1st 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist w/Anointing of Sick—Church followed by the Rosary Sat., Dec 2nd 9:00 a.m. Prayer for Vocations—Church 1:00 p.m. K of C Executive meet– Parish Hall 1:30 p.m. K of C General Membership meet—Parish Hall 3:00 p.m. Confession Time– Church


ADVENT GIVING—COLLECTION OF ITEMS FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER & NON-PERISHABLE FOOD FOR VINCENT PLACE 7:00 p.m. Celebration of the Eucharist —Church Sun., Dec 3rd 9:00 a.m. Celebration of the Eucharist —Church 11:00 a.m. Celebration of the Eucharist —Church Children’s Liturgy of the Word—dismissal at Mass 12:00 p.m. Music Practice (Franceline) - Church

FRIENDSHIP MEALS We will be into our 10th year of hosting Friendship Meals

on the third Sunday of every month. WE HAVE OUR HOSTS COMMITTED FOR 2018!

Each group has been sent a letter confirming the month they will host and a copy of the guidelines. WONDERFUL NEWS!

Knights of Columbus Council 13655 The 2018 K of C Lottery Calendars !

A beautiful Christmas Gift - $20 each! The setup consists of 353 daily draws for $40; 12 special monthly draws from $175 to $1,000

All winning numbers are re-entered, you can will more than once in the year. A maximum of 4,400 calendars are to be sold. Calendars are only $20 each and are

available: at the parish office; or from John Umbrasas or any K of C member in the foyer of the church after Masses on Sunday.



Prepare your hearts, prepare the Way of the Lord.

The Catholic Parishes of Sault Ste. Marie present an

Advent Day of Confessions on

Tues., December 12 from 8:30 am—8:00 pm

at Precious Blood Cathedral.

Various priests will be available all day for the

Sacrament of Reconciliation. As we prepare for coming of the Lord at

Christmas, take this opportunity to encounter Godʹs mercy through this


Advent prayer time Each Thursday of Advent we will gather

together in prayer. Each week we will pray and reflect

on the themes of Advent: Thursday November 30 @ 7pm—HOPE Thursday December 7 @ 7pm— PEACE Thursday December 14 @ 7pm— JOY (along w/Advent Mission)

Thursday December 21 @ 7pm—LOVE

2018 parish donation envelopes will be available next Sunday

in the Parish Hall. Please remember DO NOT USE the new envelopes

until January 2018. The new numbering system will begin in 2018.

Page 4: November 26th Christ the King · 11/26/2017  · CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies,


at: Our Lady of Good Counsel Church

Wednesday, December 13th - Theme: COMINGS OF ADVENT

9:45 a.m. (following Mass) & 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 14th - Theme: MARY’S EXPECTATION

9:45 a.m. (following Mass) & 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 15th -Theme: HOW DO WE PREPARE OURSELVES

9:45 a.m. (following Mass) & 7:00 p.m. Fr. Jack is the retired associate pastor of Holy Family. His love of scripture and prayer brings joy and excitement to the hearer.

COME JOIN US ON THESE DAYS! Fr. Jack will speak after the morning mass and he will also give his talks in the evening at 7pm. .



If you wish to be a “Prayer Partner” in 2018, please fill out the form below and return it to the Parish Office no later than Sunday, December 3rd (use the collection basket). By filling out this form, you agree to pray for the person who will be assigned to you. That person will be notified that you are praying for them and in turn, you will be notified about who is praying for you. Please remember that, as in previous years, this is for registered parishioners only.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wish to become a “Prayer Partner” with someone in 2018. I promise to pray for this person, in a particular way, throughout the year.

My Name:___________________________________________________ My Mailing Address: __________________________________________ Postal Code: ___________________

Email address: ___________________

Christmas Flower Memorials:

Donations to the Memorial Flower gift fund will be used to purchase flowers and decorations for the church and Sanctuary during the Christmas season. The Church will be decorated in memory of your loved one and their name will be published in our Christmas Bulletin. Our 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass will be offered for them. All donations will be credited to your income tax receipt at year

end. ***Note there are envelopes for the FLOWER FUND located on the table in the entrance of the Church or if you use parish donations envelopes there is a special envelope for Dec 10th both envelopes have spaces to mark down your intentions on the envelope or you can use this format in any envelope: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Christmas Flowers in Memory of: _________________________________


Your Name______________________________________ Envelope #___________ Address:____________________________________________________ Postal Code:_____________ Phone #:______________ Donation Amount $______

If your donation is in memory of a loved one, be sure to print their name(s).

Liturgy Mass Schedule: Christmas Masses Schedule:

Sun., Dec., 24th Sun., Dec., 24th Sun., Dec., 24th Sun., Dec., 24th 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00— All ministries assigned –Thank you

Sun., Dec., 24th Sun., Dec., 24th Sun., Dec., 24th Sun., Dec., 24th 10:0010:0010:0010:00— Needed: 1 Lector; 2 Ushers

Mon., Dec., 25th Mon., Dec., 25th Mon., Dec., 25th Mon., Dec., 25th 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 – Needed: 1 Lector; 1 Ministers of Holy Communion; 1 more Usher; 1 Greeter

Mon., Dec., 25th Mon., Dec., 25th Mon., Dec., 25th Mon., Dec., 25th 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00—Needed: 2 Ushers; 1 Greeter

New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day—Feast of Mary, Mother of God

Sun., Dec., 31st Sun., Dec., 31st Sun., Dec., 31st Sun., Dec., 31st 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00—Needed: 1 Lector

Mon., Jan., 1st Mon., Jan., 1st Mon., Jan., 1st Mon., Jan., 1st 10:00 a.m10:00 a.m10:00 a.m10:00 a.m....————Needed: 2 Ushers; 1 Greeter

If you can assist with any of the dates & times for your ministry, please contact Cathy at the parish office 942-8546, as soon as possible. Thank you.

Page 5: November 26th Christ the King · 11/26/2017  · CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies,


“Inspired by the Spirit, Women Respond to God’s Call”

Our Provincial President Anne Madden, has asked that over the next two years we focus on the issue of homelessness. Our league helps in many ways, we donate money to soup kitchens, food banks and homeless shelters and we host a Friendship Meal once a year. We can also lobby the government to encourage the construction of affordable housing. As we approach the Christmas season, we are so busy with our shopping, baking and preparations, please remember the homeless, by supporting the Church’s outreach to the poor, or just buy that coffee or sandwich for somebody in need.

December 4th, 2017, Monday, 5pm to 6pm, CWL BAKE SALE at K. of C. Council #13655 Supper in the large hall. Your baking is much appreciated. Proceeds goes to charity.

December 5th, 2017, Tuesday, at 7pm, General Meeting & Elections, a Christmas Social will follow, bring your favourite baking to share. Tea and coffee will be available.

Lois Lemieux CWL President

I n December there wi l l be a Mass for the Unborn on In December there wi l l be a Mass for the Unborn on In December there wi l l be a Mass for the Unborn on In December there wi l l be a Mass for the Unborn on

Thurs . , December 28th a t 7 :00 p .m.Thurs . , December 28th a t 7 :00 p .m.Thurs . , December 28th a t 7 :00 p .m.Thurs . , December 28th a t 7 :00 p .m. As a Ministry we encourage you to answer the call of the late Bishop

Fulton Sheen to pray for a particular child in the womb who is in danger of being aborted. To do this, give this baby a name and pray for him or her. There are slips at the entrance of the church on which to write the

chosen name of your baby. Fact : In 1988 the Supreme Court of Canada made its landmark decision to throw out the 1969 abortion law on the basis it was “unconstitutional”. To this day no abortion law exists

to protect the unborn in Canada.

Calling all young people! You have said YES at your confirmation! You have

opened your heart at reconciliation! Or you just love to sing or play an instrument!

What to do now? One way is to let your voice be heard!

Let your instrument be played! Take a leap of faith and share your musical talent. The Youth Music Group leads the congregation into songs of praise

and worship. Join us every 3rd Sunday of the month at the 11am Mass and for Christmas Eve 4pm Mass.

Practices for the Christmas Eve Mass will be after the 11am masses of Dec. 3rd, 10th and 17th.

There will be another practice Dec. 23rd, the time is to be determined. Contact Cathy at 705-942-8546 at the office or Franceline 705-946-1377.

PARISH FOOD DRIVE wishes to remind all parishioners that next weekend,

December 2 & 3rd is the monthly food drive for St Vincent Place. Their shelves are nearly bare, so please be as generous as you can

with your donations of non-perishable food items. Let's help them feed the hungry.

An extra special THANK YOU to each of you for your donations and we thank Mary Joan & Randy Johnson who have offered to take the food donations to Vincent Place.

Knights of Columbus Council 13655……….. Hos�ngKnights of Columbus Council 13655……….. Hos�ngKnights of Columbus Council 13655……….. Hos�ngKnights of Columbus Council 13655……….. Hos�ng

Roast Beef Dinner & CWL Bake SaleRoast Beef Dinner & CWL Bake SaleRoast Beef Dinner & CWL Bake SaleRoast Beef Dinner & CWL Bake Sale

Monday, December 4thMonday, December 4thMonday, December 4thMonday, December 4th, 2017, 2017, 2017, 2017

from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PMfrom 5:00 PM to 6:00 PMfrom 5:00 PM to 6:00 PMfrom 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Hall

Adults: $10.00; Children 6 to 12 yrs: $5.00;

Children under 5yr: Free

Page 6: November 26th Christ the King · 11/26/2017  · CHRISTMAS CHEER is asking for new or slightly used toys (NO used stuffed toys can be accepted) as well as gift cards (for teens movies,

MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF…………. Monday, November 27th

Date & Time Mass Intention Readings Readers

Nov 27th Monday

7:00 p.m.

Liturgy of the Word with Communion

Daniel 1: 1-20; Daniel 3: 52-56;

Luke 21: 1-4

Nov 28th Tuesday

12 Noon

Joseph Durica & Martin Slanina by Joseph & Helen Durica

Frank Piner

by Ed & Arlette Beaulieu

Daniel 2: 3-45; Daniel 3: 57-61; Luke 21: 5-11

Nov 29th Wednesday

9:15 a.m.

Leo DelBel by a parishioner

Daniel 5: 1-28; Daniel 3: 62-67; Luke 21: 12-19

Walter Morrow

Nov 30th Thurs.,

9:15 a.m.

Intentions of Rodney & Eva Olar

& for the Souls in Purgatory by The Family

St. Andrew Romans 10: 9-18;

Ps 19: 1-4; Matthew 4: 18-22

Doris Belanger

Dec 1st Friday

9:15 a.m.

Guy Dufour

by Jim & Joan Ross

Daniel 7: 1-14; Daniel 3: 75-81; Luke 21: 29-33

Margie Skulech

Dec 2nd


7:00 p.m.


Dec 3rd


9:00 a.m.


& 11:00 a.m.


7:00 p.m.

Gaetano Lombardo

by Lombardo Family Frank Piner

by Steve Antalfy

9:00 a.m.

Angela Tombari

by Don & Val Barill Franco & Nella DiValentin

by Sandra Gorassini

11:00 a.m.


1st Sunday of Advent

Year B

Isaiah 63: 16—64: 8;

Ps 80: 1-18;

1 Corinthians 1: 3-9;

Mark 13: 33-37

7:00 p.m.

Bill O’Donnell (A) Rose Marie Valade (B)

9:00 a.m.

Roseanne DelBianco (A) Stella Dugas (B)

11:00 a.m.

Pat Dufresne (A) John Umbrasas (B)

Jeanne Jonusaitis


the WORD is held each Sundays at the 11:00 a.m. Mass

for ages 5 to 12.

MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF…………. Monday, November 27th—Sunday, December 3rd

Extra-Ord. Min. of Holy Comm. Servers Welcoming/&Ushers

Lectors, Ushers, Welcomers EMHC — Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy


for December are available on our parish website

or a printed copy is available in the Sacristy.

January & February schedules will be prepared by December 12th.

Please notify Cathy at the parish office if you know of any dates that conflict with other obligations, so she can mark her worksheets. Thank you!

Serge Dugas

Art Massicotte

Margaret Twentyman

Randy Johnson

Jim Ross

Aldo Zappacosta

Bill O’Donnell (A) Rose Marie Valade (B)

Roseanne DelBianco (A) Stella Dugas (B)

Pat Dufresne (A) John Umbrasas (B)

7:00 p.m.

Doreen Gribbon & Laverne Guzzo

(2 only)

9:00 a.m.

Margaret & Ed Twentyman (2 only)

11:00 a.m.

Joanne Mancuso & Ken Richie

(2 only)

7:00 p.m.

Art Massicotte

9:00 a.m.

Richard Levesque

11:00 a.m.

Dan Lance

7:00 p.m.

Welcomer/Coffee: Betty Boissineau Ushers: Arlette Beaulieu, Carmelina DeNisi, &

Shirley Nantais

9:00 a.m.

Welcomer/Coffee: Stella & Serge Dugas Ushers: Joe Bumbacco, Tony Bortone, &

Richard Luciani

11:00 a.m.

Welcomer/Coffee: Georgina Naccarato

Ushers: Norman Cardiff & Ken DiPasquale

Jeanne Jonusaitis

Laverne Guzzo

Bill O’Donnell



AND ALL OUR DECEASED FAMILY & FRIENDS . ________________________________________ Celebration of Eucharist—Extendicare Van Daele Nursing Home

will be held on Wednesday, November 29th at 10:45 a.m. Please remember to pray for: all the sick & Shut-ins in our parish Community.