november 30th, 2012


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Bilingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley


  • Friday November 30th, 2012PAGE 2Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 2

    sRI gurU n`nk trYvl v@loN pihlI

    p`qS`hI sRI gurU n`nk dyv jI d`

    gurpurb mn`ieE` igE` Eqy aunH~

    dI mYnyjmYNt qy pirv`r v@loN sB nUM

    gurpurb dIE~ l@K-l@K vD`eIE~ |

  • Friday, November 30th, 2012 PAGE 3Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 3

  • Friday November 30th, 2012PAGE 4Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 4

    bI[sI[ ilbrl leI sB awCf nhIN hY

    aYbtsPorz sfAuQ lyhmYn vYst aqy aYbtsPorz sfAuQ rfeIizMg bI[ sI[ ilbirl leI pwkIaF sItF smJIaF jFdIaf rhIaF hn bIqy virHaF qoN| BFvyN aYbtsPorz sfAuQ lyhmYn vYst qoN ajy vI ilbirl aYm[ aYl[ ey[ mfeIkl zI[ jONg dI pwkI sIt smJI jFdI hY. jdoN ik aYbtsPorz sfAuQ rfeIizMg ivc bI[sI[ ilbirl AumIdvfr leI ies vfr awCf nhIN hY. ies rfeIizMg qoN ipClIaF iqMn vfr dIaF coxF ivc jOhn vfn zONgn bI[ sI[ ilbirl dy aYm[aYl[ey cuxy jFdy rhy hn. pr ies vrHy dy sLLurU ivc Auh bI[sI[ ilbirl pfrtI nUM Cwz gey aqy kMnjrvyitv pfrtI dy mYNbr bx gey aqy kuJ ku mhIinaF bfad hI Auh kMnjrvyitv pfrtI nUM vI Cwz gey aqy hux afjLfd aYm[aYl[ey hn aqy Aus ny afjLfd AumIdvfr dy qOr qy iesy rfeIizMg qoN cox lVnI hY. Auh iek iemfndfr aqy ies rfeIiz Mg d y bf-rsUK ivakqI hn. AusnUM rfeIizMg dy votrF qoN BrvF huMgfrf iml irhf h Y . j fxkfr hlikaF anusfr mfeIk zI jO Ng ijsny ilbirl nyqf dI cox lVHI sI aqy jfhn ny AusdI mWdd nhIN kIqI sI, pihlF qoN hI istI dy kONslr moa igWl nUM ies rfeIizMg qoN jfhn dy mukfbly ivc cox lVfAux leI pRyr rhy sn. eysy dOrfn jfhn ny ilbirl pfrtI qoN asqIPf dy idwqf qF moa igWl leI ieh XkInI ho igaf ik hux moa igWl hI bI[sI[ ilbirl df AumIdvfr rih igaf hY. ies qrHF Ausny ilbirl mYNbrisLp dI hor BrqI kIqI. ies rfeIizMg ivc 350 ku mYNbr kOkysLIan kimAuintI dy aqy 1600 ku mYNbr ieMzo-

    kYnyzIan kimAuintI dy ilbirl pfrtI dy mYNbr hn. ies qrHF moa igWl hI jfhn df mukfblf krn Xog AumIdvfr sI. ies dOrfn ilbirl dy izptI mW uK mMqrI irk kolmYn ny vI moa igWl nUM ies rfeIizMg qoN cox lVn leI AuqsLfihq kIqf aqy akqUbr ivKy bI[ sI[ ilbirl knvYnsLn jo ik ivslr ivKy hoeI sI dOrfn vI moa igWl dy hI ies rfeizMg qoN AumIdvfrI dy crcy cldy rhy.

    acfnk hI nv Mbr d y s L ur U ivc gR In lfeIt kmytI ijsdy irWk kolmYn cyarmYn hn aqy muK mMqrI ikRstI klfrk aqy mfeIk[zI[jO Ng ies dy mYNbr hn ny XUnIvristI afP PryjLr vYlI dy zYrl plYks nU M aYbtsPorz sfAuQ qoN bI[sI[ ilbirl df AumIdvfr aYlfn idwqf aqy moa igWl nUM aYbtsPorz imsLn rfeIizMg leI kih idwqf sI| pr moaigl ny ies rfeIizMg qoN cox lVn leI idlcspI nhIN idKfeI. cox kmytI dy ies PYsly ivruwD aYbtsPorz rfeIizMg dI bI[sI[ ilbirl pfrtI dI aYsLosIeysLn dy Cy aYgjYkitv mYNbr sxy pRDfn eIvnjL ny asqIPf dy idwqf. AunHF df kihxf hY ik rfeIizMg `qy AuproN AumIdvfr Tosx ivru WD Auh asqIPf dy rhy hn ikAuNik ieh gYr jmhUrI qrIkf hY. AumIdvfr dI cox hoxI cfhIdI sI. rfjnIiqk ivsLlysLxkfrF df mMnxf hY ik iesy hI cox ivc moa igWl ny ijwq jfxf sI. ies leI irWk kolmYn ny zYrl plYks nUM AuproN hI Tos idwqf hY ijs krky rfeIizMg dI ilbirl pfrtI ivc duPyV pY geI hY. moa igWl dy hmfieqIaF df kihxf hY ik zYrl plYks dI BqIjI izptI muwK mMqrI kolmYn dy

    BqIjy nfl ivafhI hoeI hY. ies leI kolmYn ny jo ik cox kmytI dy cyarmYn vI hn, afpxy njLdIkI irsLqydfr n U M a YbtsPorz sfAuQ rfeIizMg qo N AumIdvfr bxfieaf hY. rfeIizMg dI ilbirl aYsLosIeysLn nfl slfh msLvrf kIqy bgYr AuproN hI AmIdvfr Tosx qy gYr jmhUrI kfrvfeI kfrn ies rfeIizMg ivc bI[sI[ ilbirl leI sB awCf nhIN hY.

    hux vyKx vflI ieh gwl hY ik bfgI aYsosIeysLn dy bfgLI DVy nU M kmytI sMqusLt ikvy N krygI jF bfgI DVf bI[sI[ ilbirl dy afPIsLIal AumIdvfr nMU cox ivWc hfr dyx leI kMm krygf? ies doPyV df lfB iks nUM hovygf? kI ies df lfB aYn[zI[pI nUM hovygf jF ajfd AumIdvfr jfhn vfn zFgn nUM jF knjLrvyitv pfrtI dy AumIdvfr nUM? rfjsI hlikaF anusfr ies df iswDf lfB jfhn vfn zFgn nUM hovygf. Auh iek mjLbUq AumIdvfr hY aqy dhfkf Br qoN lokF nfl sMprk ivwc `c hY. Auh pfrdrsLqf leI aqy iBRsLtfcfr ivruwD lVfeI lV rhy hn. ies df afm votrF `qy kfPLI pRBfv hY. jfhn vfn zFgn ny mWuK mMqrI ikRstI klfrk dI ryl syl Gutfly ivc BUimkf dI jFc leI morcf lfieaf hoieaf hY. Auh iekwlf hI kortF ivc ies muwdy `qy lVfeI lV irhf hY aqy lwK zflr qwk Krc kr cuwikaf hY. ieh vI ho skdf hY ik ikRstI klfrk ny jfhn vfn zFgn nU M hrfAux leI moa igWl nfloN mjbUq AumIdvfr mYdfn ` c Auqfiraf hY.

  • Friday, November 30th, 2012 PAGE 5Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 5


    avqfr isMG mwkV pRDfn aYjI[pI[sI[


    sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pfvn pRkfsL 1469 eIsvI nUM sLRI nnkfxf sfihb (rfey BoieM dI qlvMzI,pfiksqfn) ivKy ipqf mihqf kflU jI dy Gr mfqf iqRpqf jI dy Audr qoN hoieaf sI. AunHF dy afgmn smyN ihMdusqfn ivc aDrm aqy kUV df bolbflf sI. lok Poky krm-kFzF, jfdU-tUixaF aqy vihmF-BrmF dy jfl ivc burI qrHF Ps cuwky sn aqy AunHF df pRmfqmf ivcoN ivsLvfs tuwt irhf sI. ihMdU Drm, ijs nUM Aus dy hI bxfey vrx-vMz ny kmjLor kr idwqf sI, ZihMdI-klf vwl jf irhf sI. bRfhmx sLRyxI pRmfqmf dy igafn dI gwl Cwz ky, mfieaf dy lflc ivc lokF nUM krm-kFzF dy Brm-jfl ivc AulJf rhI sI. KwqrI afpxf juJfrU-px Buwl cuwky sn. smfj dy ies inGfr qoN musilm smfj vI nhIN sI bicaf. mugl hkUmq dy kirMdy; muwlF qy kfjLI-sB jokF vFg lokF df Kun cUs rhy sn. sLRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy sLbdF ivc Aus smyN dI dsLf ies pRkfr sI:

    kil kfqI rfjy kfsfeI Drmu pMK kir AuziraF

    kUVu amfvs scu cMdRmf dIsY nfhI kr ciVaf

    hAu Bfil ivkuMnI hoeI afDyrY rfhu nf koeI (aMg 145)

    gurU sfihb ny afpxy bcpn dy sfQI, rbfbI BfeI mrdfnf jI nUM nfl lY ky sMsfr dIaF XfqrfvF kIqIaF. ienHF XfqrfvF, ijnHF nUM AudfsIaF vI ikhf jFdf hY, dOrfn afp sMsfr dy vwK-vwK BfgF, KLfs krky vwK-vwK DrmF dy kyNdrI asQfnF ivKy puwjy aqy Poky krm-kFzF, Dfrimk aMD-ivsLvfsF aqy vihmF-BrmF df qrk-sMgq KMzn kridaF, lokfeI nUM ieko pRmfqmf dy lV lwgx leI pRyiraf. Dfrimk qy smfijk cyqnf dyx dy nfl-nfl jrvfixaF dy juLlm dI vI jLordfr sLbdF ivc inKyDI kIqI. hmlfvr bfbr vwloN kIqI luwt-Ksuwt df ijLkr krdy hoey gurU sfihb ny Purmfieaf:

    K u r fs fn Ksm fn f k Ia f ihMdusqfn zrfieaf

    afpY dysu nf dyeI krqf jmu kir muglu cVHfieaf

    eyqI mfr peI kurlfxy qYN kI drdu n afieaf (aMg 360)

    gurU sfihb dy pfvn AupdysLF aqy isDFqF ny ihMdusqfn dy ieiqhfs nUM bdl ky rwK idwqf ijs nfl nvyN Xuwg dI suLrUafq hoeI. AunHF ny iswK Drm nUM isrPL aiDafqimkqf qk hI sImq nhIN rwiKaf sgoN mnuwKI-jIvn dI hr pwK qoN agvfeI krn vflf Drm bxfieaf. mnuwK nUM scfeI, inmrqf, dieaf, syvf, sbr, sMqoK, prAupkfr afid guxF dy DfrnI ho afqm-inrBr qy svYmfx vflf jIvn ijAUx dy Xog bxfieaf. smfj ivc jfq-pfq aqy afriQk nf-brfbrI nUM vyKidaF nfm jpo, ikrq kro aqy vMz Cko dy buinafdI isDFqF nUM pRcfiraf.

    gurU sfihb dy smyN ihMdusqfnI smfj ivc ijQy CUq-Cfq df bolbflf sI, AuQy iesqrI nUM ZuwkvF snmfn nhIN sI idwqf jFdf. Aus nUM pYr dI juwqI, dfsI aqy prdy ivc rihx vflI vsqU hI smiJaf jFdf sI. iesqrI nUM mnuwK dy brfbr snmfnjnk ruqbf pRdfn krn dI vizafeI vI gurU jI dy ihwsy hI afeI. afp jI df pfvn PLurmfn hY;

    BMiz jMmIaY BMiz inMmIaY BMiz mMgxu vIafhu

    BMzhu hovY dosqI BMzhu clY rfhu

    BMzu muaf BMzu BflIaY BMzu hovY bMDfnu

    so ikAuN mMdf afKIaY ijqu jMmih rfjfn(aMg 473)

    ikAuNik smkflI smfj ivc Xog mwq dy pRBfv sdkf lokF ivc sMsfr nUM iqafgx dI ibrqI pRDfn ho cuwkI sI. lokF ny sMsfrk ijLMmyvfrIaF qoN mUMh moV ky jMglF qy phfVF ivc sLrn lYxI suLrU kr idwqI aqy sMinafsI Gr-bfhr iqafg ky, ivhly rih ky, iBwiKaf mMg ky afpxf gujLfrf krdy sn so iek qrHF ienHF ivhlV lokF dI krmhIxqf ny hI ies dysL nUM gulfm bxf idwqf sI. smyN dI nbjL nUM pihcfxidaF sLRI gurU nfnk dyv jI ny ikrq nUM Drm dy buinafdI isDFq dy qOr `qy lokF `c pRcfiraf. gurU sfihb ny sMsfr nUM iqafgx dI ivcfrDfrf df ivroD kIqf aqy AunHF gRihsQ nUM pRmwuKqf idMidaF, smuwcI mfnvqf nUM

    dsF-nhuMaF dI ikrq krky jIvn inrbfh krn df sMdysL idwqf. afp jI ny jIvn mukqI dI pRfpqI leI jMglF qy phfVF afid ` c iekFq-vs nUM inMidaf aqy gRihsq ivc rih ky, syvf-ismrn qy ikrq rfhIN mukqI df mfrg drsfieaf;

    nfnk siqguir ByitaY pUrI hovY jugiq

    hsMidaf KylMidaf pYnMidaf KfvMidaf ivcy hovY mukiq (aMg 522)

    gurU sfihb ny AupdysL idwqf ik hwk-swc dI kmfeI AuhI hY ijhVI sKLq imhnq rfhIN qndyhI nfl kIqI geI hovy. krqfrpur sfihb ivKy gurU sfihb ny afpxy hwQIN KyqI krky mnuwKqf nUM ikrq krn df sMdysL idMidaf Purmfieaf:

    Gfil Kfie ikCu hQhu dyie nfnk rfhu pCfxih syie (aMg 1245)

    gur U sfihb v wl o N drsfe y Auprokq isDFq ivcoN srbwq dy Bly dI Bfvnf Aujfgr huMdI hY. sLRI gurU nfnk dyv jI kyvl iswKF dy hI nhIN sgoN

    smuwcI jfqI dy swcy mfrg-drsLk sn, ijnHF ny Brm-BulyiKaF ivc Btk rhI lokfeI df shI mfrg-drsLn krky prmfrQ dy rfh qoiraf. afp jI ny ies kfrj dI pUrqI leI DrmsLflfvF bxvfeIaF, lMgr dI pRQf kfiem kridaF sMgq-pMgq qy syvf-ismrn afid dy aijhy aduwqI isDFq mnuwLKqf sfhmxy rwKy jo sdIvI syD dyx vfly hn. afE! sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pfvn pRkfsL-purb dy sLuB avsr `qy AunHF vwloN drsfeI gurmiq jIvn-jugiq nUM apnfAuNdy hoey lok suKIaF, prlok suhylf bxfeIey.

  • Friday November 30th, 2012PAGE 6Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 6


    Putting in place poli-cies that promote local food pro-curement by gov-ernment-funded hospitals will benefit patients and the regional economy, says BC New Democrat leader Adrian Dix.

    The Fraser Valley has some of the best agricultural land in BC. It is also home to one of the provinces largest health authorities, serving a patient population of 1.6 million and growing. How-ever, there is still no formal relationship between the two: FOI documents reveal that there are no formal poli-cies in place that involve the provincial government us-ing its purchasing power to promote locally grown food in area hospitals, though they neighbor key areas of the Agricultural Land Re-serve, said Dix. ??

    Joined by local Abbotsford NDP candidates Lakhvinder Jhaj (Abbotsford South) and Sukhi Dhami (Abbotsford West), the BC New Demo-crat leader explained how such a local food procure-

    ment policy is beneficial on several grounds.

    Fresh produce, fruit, and meat not only render a lower carbon footprint, they are also more appetizing to patients. Though good nu-trition is key to helping pa-tients experience a full and stable recovery from surgery and illness, recent surveys show that satisfaction with food served at acute care hospitals in the Fraser Val-ley requires significant im-provement.

    Local food procurement by government funded agen-cies also boosts the regions economy. It helps build a domestic market essential to sustaining and growing our agriculture sector, and gen-erates a significant multipli-er effect. Recent studies on food procurement complet-ed by Harvard University state that money spent at a local farm circulates within that community between six and fifteen times, support-ing local farms, businesses, people, and communities.

    The recently released Free-dom of Information docu-

    ments also show that the Fraser Health Authority does not track where food is currently sourced from, information necessary to creating a buy local policy.

    Elsewhere, 33 states and provinces, such as Ontario, already have policies in place for government-fund-ed bodies to use their insti-tutional buying power to support and promote locally grown and processed food.

    A recent acute care patient survey conducted by the Fraser Health Authority reiterates that patient food needs to be improved sig-nificantly. Only 54 per cent of those who responded rated food served at area hospitals satisfactory.

    Along with small business advocates and health and public policy experts, Dix and the New Democrats support hospitals and resi-dential care facilities, espe-cially those located near ag-ricultural areas, to increase their local procurement of fruit, produce and other BC grown and processed food.

    Upset stomach? Indiges-tion? Medically, its func-tional dyspepsia and it can cause pain, heartburn, bloating, belching and/or nausea. Once serious causes are ruled out, there are things you can do to manage the symptoms. Eat small portions more fre-quently and chew slowly & thoroughly, avoid chew-ing gum, sodas & trigger foods, reduce stress, get plenty of rest and manage your weight.

    People who suffer from Crohns Disease can ben-efit from keeping a food diary to help identify trig-ger foods which aggra-vate their condition. Dairy products are a common trigger which can increase diarrhea, abdominal pain and gas. Fatty foods are

    often not well-digested and can lead to diarrhea as well. Also, watch for gassy foods, (cabbage, beans, fruit), spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine.

    Inf lammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) includes Crohns Disease and Ul-cerative Colitis. These can be extremely painful conditions and the cause is not well-understood. Recently, a study found that those living in south-ern states had a 52% lower rate of Crohns and 38% lower rate of colitis! The results suggest the role of sunshine/vitamin D in im-munity and the inflamma-tory responses that lead to these conditions.

    In Scotland, another study has discovered that friend-

    ly bacteria in the gastroin-testinal tract were 30 times lower in patients with coli-tis compared to healthy people. The researchers then developed a probiotic to treat the colitis patients and found it significantly reduced the pain and dis-comfort to near normal levels. Ongoing research may result in a new mode of therapy.

    Chronic conditions such as Crohns and colitis can be very wearing on the sufferer. Often, a few small changes to lifestyle can make a big difference. Talk to our pharmacists for helpful tips.

    Article Provided by Blueridge Pharmacy, See advertisement on page 4.

  • Friday, November 30th, 2012 PAGE 7Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 7

    ivktorIAw: pRImIAr ikRstI klwrk ny hyT iliKAw sMdyS,sRI guru nwnk dyv jI dy Awgmn purb qy jwrI kIqw hY[

    mYN Awpxy vloN, jo sRI guru nwnk dyv jI dw SuB purb mnw rhy hn, aunHW nUM mubwrkW Aqy SuB ie`CwvW Byj rhI hW[is`K Drm dy bwnI, Amn dw msIhw Aqy dunIAW iv`c AwpsI eykqw dy hwmI sn sRI guru nwnk dyv jI[

    A`j mOkw hY, aunHW nUM mwx dyx dw,ijnHW ny swry lokW c brwbrI, syvw krn dIAW kdrW-kImqW nUM pRcwirAw Aqy s`cw jIvn jIx dw sMdyS id`qw, ijsnUM kI bI.sI dy bhuqy lok Awps iv`c sWJ kr rhy hn[

    ijQy AsIN is`K Drm dy bwnI dw jnm idvs mnw rhy hW, auQy AsIN bI.sI. dy AmIr ivrsy nUM vI mnw rhy hW jo ik nvyN ivcwrW nUM jI AwieAw kihMdw hY Aqy pihlIAW pRMprwvW nUM mwnqw idMdw hY Aqy swfI qr`kI iv`c Xogdwn pwaudw hY[

    sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy jnm auqsv nUM mnwaudy hoey, dUijAW dy ivrsy Aqy siBAwcwr nUM sMBwldy hW Aqy Awpxy jIvn nUM AmIr krdy hW, ie`k dUjy nUM smJx Aqy ienswnI loVW c ies dw vwDw krdy hW[

    bI.sI dy lokW vloN, swirAW nUM sRI guru nwnk dyv jI dy Awgmn idvs dIAW mubrwkW idMdI hW[

    pRImIAr dw sRI guru nwnk dyv jI dy Awgmn purb qy sMdyS

    Premier Christy Clark issued the following statement on the birth of

    Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji:

    I want to extend greet-ings and best wishes to all those celebrating the birth of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the Sikh religion and an ambassador of peace and unity for human beings around the world.

    Today is an opportunity to honour an individual who promoted the prin-ciples of equality for all people, the value of ser-vice to your community

    and the merits of living an honest life - ideals shared by all British Co-lumbians.

    As we commemorate the birth of the founder of Sikhism, we also cel-ebrate our provinces rich cultural diversity, one that welcomes new ideas, accepts old tradi-tions and contributes to all of our success. By celebrating the birth of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, we preserve the culture and heritage of others, enrich our lives in the process and expand our understanding of what it is to be human.

    On behalf of all British Columbians, I congratu-late all those celebrat-ing the birth of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

  • Friday November 30th, 2012PAGE 8Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 8

    z ?keI vfr ieh vyKx ivwc afieaf hY ik iewk ivakqI BrI hoeI trflI nUM trYktr smyq iekwlf hI iKwc ky lokF nUM vI hYrfn kr idMdf hY. ieh koeI cmqkfr nhIN hY. ivigafnk BfsLf ivwc DrqI

    dI gurUqf iKwc dI Ault idsLf ivwc kIqy gey kfrj nUM hI kMm mMinaf jFdf hY. rylvy stysLn qy iewk kulI hI gwzI dy zwby nUM Dwk idMdf hY. ikAuNik rgV Gwt huMdI hY. hvfeI awizaF qy krmcfrI jhfjF nUM iKwc lYNdy

    hn. ikAuNik vDIaf bYirMg aqy pfilsL kIqy hoey PrsLF qy rgV Gt jFdI hY. so trYktr jF trflI nUM iKcxf cmqkfr nhIN sgoN rgV qy pRYkits qy inrBr krdf hY.

    ?amrIkf dy ivigafnk dI aYs[ mymyn ny iehnF ikrnF dI Koj kIqI sI. Ausny gulfbI rMg dy rUbI dy iewk zMzy dy dony isiraF qy cFdI dI qih cVHf idwqI. iewk isry qy vwD cFdI cVfeI geI aqy dUjy isry qy Gwt. ies zMzy nUM kuMzldfr jInfn PlYsL lYNp dy ivwc rwiKaf igaf aqy ibjlI lMGfeI geI qF rUbI dy isry qoN iewk lfl rMg dI ikrn inklxI suLrU ho geI.

    ieh ikrn pRkfsL dIaF ikrnF dI qrHF PYldI nhI hY. ies leI ies dI sfrI AUrjf Gwt QF ivwc brkrfr rihMdI hY. awj iehnF ikrnF nUM awK dy prdy nUM TIk krn leI aqy kYNsr dy rogIaF dIaF rsOlIaF nUM PUkx leI vrqoN ivwc ilaFdf jFdf hY.awj qF iehnF ikrnF dI BivwK ivwc hox vflI pulfVI jMg leI vrqoN ivwc ilafAux dy mnsUby bxfey jFdy hn. ikAuNik iehnF ikrnF df vyg pRkfsL dy vyg

    dy brfbr iqMn lwK iklomItr pRqI sYikMz huMdf hY. ies leI ieh ikrnF iksy dysL vloN iksy dUsry qy hmlf krn vflI dfgI imjLfeIl nUM Ausdy AuWzx dy pihly sYikMz ivwc hI sYikMz ivwc hI nsLt kr skdIaF hn. ies ivwc koeI sLwk nhIN ik jy ieh ikrnF mnwuKI jfqI dy lfB leI hI vrqoN ivwc ilaFdIaF jfx qF ieh sfzIaF syvk bx skdIaF hn.

    ?keI ivakqI aijhy huMdy hn Auh aftf pIhx vflI cwkI df puV afpxI CfqI qy rKvf lYNdy hn qy hQOVy mrvf ky Auys pwQr nUM afpxI CfqI qy hI quVvf lYNdy hn. pr jy AuhnF nUM bjrI df iewk roVf afpxI CfqI qy rwK ky quVvfAux leI ikhf jfvy qF aijhf nhI kr skxgy. ies vrqfry

    dI ivigafnk ivafiKaf hY. pwQr ijMnf hI vwzf hovygf qF Auh vwD QF Gyrygf. ies leI hQOVy duafrf lgfeI geI swt df pRBfv vI vwD QF qy hovygf. mMn lvo pwQr df Bfr 60 iklo hY qy hQOVy df Bfr 1 iklo hY. ies leI jdoN hQOVy nUM pwQr qy tkrfieaf jFdf hY qF ijhVI spIz hQOVy dI hovygI

    pwQr dI spIz Ausdf 1/60vF ihwsf hovygI. ies gwl dI prK pwQr nUM drwKq nfl ltkf ky Aus qy hQOVf mfr ky kIqI jf skdI hY. ies qrHF hQOVf df pRBfv pwQr nfl CfqI dy Bfg qy ho jFdf hY. ies leI sfzI CfqI qy swt Gwt lgdI hY.

    ?A ub fs I b fr y v I bh uq kflpink gwlF sfzy lokF ivwc pRcwilq hn. jd iksy nUM AubfsI afAuNdI hY qF ikhf jFdf hY ik awj cfh nhI pIqI hY. pr AubfsI afAux df cfh dy pIx nfl koeI sbMD nhI hY. asIN jfxdy hF ik hr mnuwK sfh rfhIN afksIjn gYs afpxy aMdr lY ky jFdf hY qy sfzy Bojn df afksIkrn huMdf hY. kfrbn zfieafksfeIz gYs asIN bfhr kwZdy hF. ieh ikRaf sfzy aMdr lgfqfr cldI rihMdI hY. ies qrHF krdy smyN keI vfrI sfzy aMdr afksIjn dI kmI

    ho jFdI hY. Aus hflq ivwc asIN lMbf sfh lY ky afpxI afksIjn dI kmI nUM pUrf kr lYNdy hF. ies qrHF AubfsI srIr dI afksIjn dI kmI nUM pUrf krn df iewk sfDn hY.[ myKF qy ikvyN bYTdy hn?

    ipMzF ivwc sfDU afm qOr qy iewk Pwty ivwc gwzIaF hoeIaF iewk hjLfr myKF qy afrfm nfl sON jFdy hn . lok hYrfn ho ky rih jFdy hn qy sMqF nUM krfmfqI smJky AuhnF dI pUjf surU kr idMdy hn. pr jy Ausy sMq nUM iewk hjLfr myKF dI bjfey do myKF qy sOx leI afK

    idwqf jfvy qF Auh aijhf nhI kr skygf. ies dI ivigafnk ivafiKaf hyT ilKy anusfr hY. mMn lAu sMq df Bfr 60 iklo gRfm hY qy myKF dI igxqI 1000 hY qF Ausdf iewk myK dy ihwsy df Bfr isrP 60 gRfm afvygf qy iesy qrHF sMq jI dy srIr ivwc myK iblkul nhIN cuBygI. pr jy myKF dI igxqI do hovygI qF iewk myK qy Ausdf 30 iklo Bfr afvygI jo Aus dy srIr ivwc afr-pfr ho jfvygI. sMq myKF qy bYTx smyN kiVaF jF cmVy df shfrf lY lYNdy hn.

    ?asI jfxdy hF ik sfzIaF awKF nUM igwlf rwKxf sfzy srIr leI iewk vwzI loV hY. jy sfzIaF awKF ivwc pfxI nhIN hovygf qF asIN GuMmf ky aglIaF ipClIaF vsqUaF nhIN vyK skFgy. sfzI AuprlI plk

    ivwc ieh KUbI huMdI hY ik hr Cy sYikMz bfad afpxy afp bMd huMdI hY. hryk awK dy bfhrI kony dy aMdr hMJUaF dI iewk gRMQI huMdI hY. ies gRMQI ivwcoN pqlIaF nflIaF hMJUaF nUM AuWpr lY jFdIaF hn.

    AuprlI plk dy bMd hox smyN ieh pfxI bfhr af jFdf hY jo sfzIaF awKF nUM nm rwKdf hY. jdoN asIN roNdy hF jF hwsdy hF qF sfzI AuprlI plk iehnF gRMQIaF AuWpr dbfAu pf ky hMJU bfhr kwZdI hY.

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    jfdUgr iewk qfsL nUM cMgI qrHF PYNtx qoN bfad drsLk nUM iewk pwqf iKwcx leI afKdf hY. Pyr afp ibnF dyKy hI pwqf ijwQy mrjLI rKvf ky PYNt idMdf hY. hux drsLk nUM ds qwk igxqI igxn leI afKky pwqf kwZ ky drsLk dy hwQ `qy rwK idMdf hY. drsLk ieh dyK ky bVf hYrfn huMdf hY, ikAuNik pwqf drsLk df huMdf hY.

    ?ieh kMm krn leI iewk aijhI qfsL lYxI pvygI, ijs dy puwTy pfsy koeI isnrI bgYrf hovy. sfrI qfsL dy pwqy iswDIaF isnrIaF dy rUp ivwc lgf lYxy hn. hux qfsL nUM PYNt ky ijWQoN mrjLI pwqf iKcf idE. drsLk nUM kho ik afp dyK lvy aqy quhfnUM idKfey ibnF qfsL ivwc ikqy vI rwK dyvy. bs qusIN iewk kMm krnf hY ik jdoN drsLk pwqf dyK irhf hovy, Auny smyN ivwc qfsL Aulty rUp ivwc kr lvo, mqlb sfry pwqy puwTIaF isnrIaF dy rUp ivwc ho jfxgy. drsLk qoN pwqf rwKvf lE, ijwQy mrjLI . hux iekwlf drsLk vflf pwqf iswDy rUp ivc hovygf aqy bfkI sfry Aulty. qfsL ijMnI mrjLI PYNt lE jdoN qfsL dyKogy qF iswDf pwqf(iekwlf) kwZ ky drsLk nUM hYrfn kr idE.

    smwgrI: 100 gRfm cInI, 400 gRfm pfxI, 15 gRfm sOgI jF iksLimsL, 20 gRfm bdfm, CotI ielfiecI pfAUzr, 25 gRfm dysI iGAu, 100 gRfm sUjI.

    ivDI: pfxI `c cInI pf ky Aus nUM 4-5 imMt leI Aubflo. nfl sitk kVfhI ivwc dysI iGAu

    pf ky Aus nUM 1 imMt leI grm kro. iPr Aus ivwc sUjI imlf dyvo. 8-10 imMt Aus nUM cMgI jF qyjL syk `qy pkf lvo. hr iek imMt bfad Aus nUM ihlfeI jfvo.

    hux Aus ivwc cInI df Gol imlf dyvo. 5-6 imMt Aus nUM qyjL syk `qy pkfvo. jd pwkx dI KusLbU afvy Aus nUM gYs qoN Auqfr lvo. hux Aus nUM bdfm, sOgI nfl sjf ky qy ielfecI pfAUzr imlf ky grmf-grm Kfx leI pysL kro.

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    akflI lihr dy AuWGy nyqf mfstr qfrf isMG df jnm 24 jUn, 1885 eIsvI nUM ipMz hirafl ijLlHf rfvlipMzI (pfiksqfn) ivwc gopI cMd dy Gr hoieaf. AunHF df bcpn df nF nfnk cMd sI. AunHF ny muwZlI ivwidaf ipMz dy skUl qoN pRfpq kIqI. AunHF ny 1902 eIsvI ivwc sMq aqr isMG jI qoN aMimRqpfn kIqf aqy isMG sj gey qy afp df nF nfnk cMd qoN bdl ky qfrf isMG rwK idwqf . 1903 eIsvI ivwc AunHF ny imsLn skUl rfvlipMzI qoN mYRitk df iemiqhfn pfs kIqf. AunHF ny 1907 eIsvI ivwc Kflsf kflj aMimRqsr qoN bI[ ey[ df iemiqhfn pfs kIqf aqy bfad ivwc tRyinMg kflj qoN bI[tI[ pfs kIqI. 15 meI, 1908 nUM Auh KLflsf hfeI skUl lfielpur dy hYWzmfstr inXukq hoey. AunHF skUl dI iemfrq bxfAux aqy pVHfeI df pRbMD clfAux ivwc

    coKf Xogdfn pfieaf. Auh cwk 41 aqy KLflsf hfeI skUl kwlr ijLlHf rfvlipMzI ivwc kuJ smF hYWzmfstr vI rhy.

    1902 eIsvI ivc guurduafrf suDfr lihr dy afrMB aqy 1921 ivwc sRI nnkfxf sfihb df sfkf vfprn AuprMq skUl qoN CuwtI lY ky sLRomxI kmytI dy skwqr inXukq hoey. Auh pihlI vfr 1921 ivwc cfbIaF dy morcy ivwc igRPLqfr hoey. AunHF dI dUjI igRPLqfrI agsq 1922 ivwc gurU ky bfg dy morcy ivwc hoeI. julfeI 1923 ivwc mhfrfjf irpudmn isMG nfBf nUM aMgryjL srkfr duafrf gwdIEN lfhux ivruwD sLRomxI kmytI aqy akflI dl ny aMdoln surU kr idwqf. srkfr ny sLRomxI kmytI aqy akflI dl nUM kfnUMn ivrwuD krfr dy ky sfry lIzr igRPLqfr kr ley ijnHF ` c mfstr qfrf isMG vI sn. AunHF `qy lfhOr sYNtrl jylH aqy lfhOr iklHy ivwc kys clfieaf igaf. 1925 ivwc gurduafrf aYkt pfs hoieaf. sr mYlkm hYlI gvrnr pMjfb ny igRPLqfr lIzrF dI irhfeI leI sLrqF rwK idwqIaF. gvrnr Puwt pfAux ivwc kfmXfb irhf. Aus smyN lfhOr iklHy ivwc 40 lIzr sn. AunHF `coN 23 lIzr 25 jnvrI, 1926

    nUM sLrqF pRvfn krky irhfa ho gey. ijnHF ny gvrnr dIaF sLrqF pRvfn nhI kIqIaF sn, AunHF ivwc qyjf isMG smuMdrI, mfstr qfrf isMG, syvf isMG TIkrIvflf aqy jQydfr qyjf isMG akrpurI pRmuwK sn. 17 julfeI, 1926 nUM qyjf isMG smuMdrI dI jylH ivwc hI mOq ho geI. Aus qoN bfad bfkI dy afgUaF ny mfstr jI nUM afpxf afgU mMn ilaf. 1926 ivwc gurduafrf aYkt anusfr cox hoeI. bfbf KVk isMG sLRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn aqy mfstr jI df akflIaF ivwc pRBfv vDx lwg ipaf. 1928 ivwc sfeImn kimsLn Bfrq afieaf. 1929 ivwc nihrU irport pRkfsLq kIqI geI. mfstr jI irport dI ivroDqf krn vfilaF ivcoN sn. 1930 ivwc mhfqmf gFDI vwlo isvl-nf-PrmfnI lihr clfeI geI. Aus smyN mfstr jI 100 isMGF df jwQf lY ky ipsLfvr gey aqy jQy smyq igRPLqfr hoey. gFDI-iervn pYkt hox ` qy 1931 ivwc AunF nUM irhfa kIqf igaf. 9 apRYl, 1931 nUM mfstr jI ny sYNtrl iswK lIg dy nvyN iejlfs dI pRDfngI kIqI. ies ivwc mhfqmf gFDI jI vI sLfml hoey. 1935 ivwc muslmfnF ny jdoN sLhId gMj aYjItysLn kIqI

    qF mfstr jI ny ies df zt ky ivroD kIqf.

    1945 dI vyvl kfnPrMs ivwc mfstr jI ny aihm rol adf kIqf. 17 meI, 1946 nUM ikRps imsLn ny iswKF ivruwD PLYslf idwqf aqy 3 jUn, 1946 nUM mfAUNtbYtn dy PLYsly anusfr ihMd-pfk vMz hoeI. mfstr jI ny ihMdU-iswKF nUM bcfAux leI axQwk Xqn kIqy. 15 agsq, 1947 nUM dysL afjLfd ho igaf pr AunHF df sMGrsL KLqm nf hoieaf. mfstr jI ny 28 meI, 1948 nUM pMjfbI sUby

    dI mMg kIqI. AunHF dUjI vfr 29 meI, 1960 nUM pMjfbI sUby leI iPr morcf lfieaf. 1960 dy morcy dI cVHq vyK ky srkfr ny akflI dl ivwc Puwt pf ky iswK lihr nUM KyrUM-KyrUM kr idwqf. mfstr jI ny 15 agsq, 1961 nUM pMjfbI sUby leI mrn vrq rwiKaf jo AunHF 48 idnF bfad Cwz idwqf. ies qoN bfad mfstr jI df iswKF ivwc pRBfv Gtx lwgf.

    1965 dIaF sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dIaF hoeIaF coxF ivwc sMq Piqh isMG dy DVy vfly

    akflI dl nUM 100 sItF imlIaF aqy mfstr jI dy akflI dl nUM 40 sItF imlIaF. mfstr jI ny aYlfn kr idwqf ik kOm ny sMq Piqh isMG nUM afpxf afgU pRvfn kr ilaf hY aqy Auh isafsq qoN lFBy ho gey. nvMbr 1966 ivwc srkfr vwloN lMgVf pMjfbI sUbf bxfieaf igaf. mfstr qfrf isMG 22 nvMbr 1967 nUM afpxI jIvn Xfqrf smfpq krky akfl purK dy crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy.

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    The use of fireworks is still a major concern and illegal in our communi-ties. In Abbotsford, over 50 pounds was seized during Halloween by Ab-botsford Fire & Rescue. On this day, I had to walk over to the neighbours and ask them politely to stop firing their missiles over peoples homes for safety reasons. The answer I re-ceived in return from the father of the kids using them was, Dont worry, theyre being careful.

    Also, during Diwali explosions could be heard loud and clear from all over causing much discomfort for residents and animals. My dog was terrified and ran from room to room for hours barking non stop, this was very unfortunate for him. Since we all live in this town, we need to think about our neighbours and the people who live around us. I dont care if its Halloween or any other celebration, the fact remains that fireworks are illegal. We as a community jointly need to address this issue.

    My girlfriend and I had the opportu-nity of attending the Sada Virsa Sada Gaurav Bhangra Club talent show last week as judges in Abbotsford. The students prepared speeches on Diwali and Sikh Soldiers in the Cana-dian Army. This club is a non-profit

    organization which promotes Punjabi culture through teaching Punjabi folk dance such as Bhangra and Gid-hha, and Punjabi cultural values. SVSG Bhangra Club was formed in 2001 by Jasbir Singh Pannu. Pannu said, Sada Virsa Sada Gaurav en-forces a drug-free message, hoping to instill enough self-respect and confidence in the young dancers to resist the temptation to engage in drug and gang activity that may lure them in their teens.

    The team of judges were extremely impressed at the childrens talents and the time and effort they put into each topic. Selecting a winner was not an easy task. This evening was full of culture, joy and celebrations.

    I like to make special mention of two people in our community that went out of their way to make the lives of others better. I dont know their names but their actions speak louder than words. A couple weeks ago an ad was put in this paper regarding a miniature schnauzer that had been lost and picked up. The lady who picked the dog up made every ef-fort to find the so that they could be reunited with their pet. Im pleased to share that through her diligence in trying to something good, the own-

    ers read the ad and were able to be reconnected with their dog.

    Just this past week I gave an an-niversary card to my girlfriend. She placed it in her purse and was running around town doing errands and it ac-cidentally fell out. She later realized it was missing and called one of the shops. Thankfully it was picked up by someone and left in one of the shops to be picked up. We are both grateful to the woman who took the time to do this and now we have it back.

    Taking the time to do a good deed, even when you dont know a person can mean a great deal.

    Ken Corner

    Ken Herar can be reached at [email protected] or view his blog




    The Best Western Re-gency Inn & Confer-ence Centre in Abbots-ford, BC has received the Established Business of the Year (20+ Employees) award presented at the Business Ex-cellence Awards on November 21, 2012.

    The well-rounded recipient of this award is regarded as an industry leader with a strong reputation for their business success and the highest level of customer service. We felt so honored to be rec-ognized at the event. There are many outstanding businesses and individuals in our com-munity and we really just feel grateful to be in such incred-ible company, exclaim Mebs Tejpar and Shamin Devraj, General Managers.A heartfelt thank you is ex-tended to Karina, Suzanne, Kris and Donna at The Reach for nominating us says Kim Hissink, Director of Sales & Marketing, The Reach is one of our amazing community

    partners and we are very grate-ful for the recognition.

    The management and staff are passionate about support-ing the local community and recognize that philanthropy is vitally important to organiza-tions in order for them to pro-vide their essential services. The Hotel with a Heart Program, established in 2009, is a significant way the Best Western Plus Regency ac-knowledges organizations in the community who are truly making a difference in the lives of the citizens of Abbotsford every day. Since its inception, the program has supported Habitat for Humanity, Fraser Valley Child Development Centre and Ab-botsford Community Services Food Bank. In the very near future the Campus of Care partners Abbotsford Hospice Holmberg House, Matthews House and Canuck Place will benefit from the program.

    We look forward to the oppor-tunity to welcome you to the Best Western Plus Regency.

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    Text messages help parents stay on track for

    immunizationsImmunizeBCs new automated text message immunization re-minder will help parents stay up to date on their babys vaccinations.New parents who sign up for the ser-vice will get automated text message reminders to make appointments with their health care provider for their childs 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 month immunizations.People of any age can also sign up to get reminders for other scheduled immunization appointments. The reminders are especially helpful for any vaccination that requires mul-tiple doses, such as the human pap-illomavirus vaccine (HPV) program for young women born in 1991, 1992 and 1993.

    Signing up to receive ImmunizeBC text message reminders is easy:a.. Text sign up to 604 757-2705 or

    b.. Visit and look for the Get Text Message Re-minders link.To stop receiving the messages at any time simply type in stop to 604 757-2705. To start again, type start.Text messaging is one of several new features from ImmunizeBC to encourage immunization. The ImmunizeBC website now offers a personalized vaccination calendar, public health unit finder, an inter-active frequently asked questions (FAQ) application, and a live chat session with a nurse during regular business hours.You can also share your story about the value of immunization at Its a province-wide initiative to raise awareness of the value of immunization through stories, resources and information.

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    gFDIvfdI bjurg smfijk nyqf aMnf hjLfry dI agvfeI `c iBRsLtfcfr ivruwD jLbrdsq lihr KVI krn vflI ieMzIaf agyNst kurwpsLn sMsQf dy srgrm kfrkuMn arivMd kyjrIvfl ny afKLr rsmI qOr `qy afpxy isafsI mMc, afm afdmI dI pfrtI df afgfjL kr idwqf hY. jMqr-mMqr nvIN idwlI ivKy afpxy hjLfrF smrQkF dI hfjLrI ` c pfrtI dI surUafq df aYlfn kridaF kyjrIvfl ny ikhf ik hux lVfeI nyqfvF aqy afm afdmI ivckfr hovygI jo ipCly 65 sflF qoN musIbqF df sfhmxf kr rhy hn. afm afdmIaf ny awj afpxI pfrtI bxf leI hY aqy Auh pfrlImYNt ivwc bYTx leI awgy vD rhy hn. ijLkrXog hY ik kyjrIvfl ipCly iewk dhfky qoN pRsLfsn ivwc pfrdrsLqf ilafAux leI Xqn kr rhy sn pr 2010 ivwc iBRsLtfcfr ivruwD jordfr sMGrsL ny ies lVfeI nUM isKLr `qy phuMcf ky swqfDfrI pfrtI nUM hfsLIey `qy Dwk idwqf sI. ies sMGrsL nUM BfvyN afm lokF vwloN byhwd huMgfrf imilaf sI pr isafsI pfrtIaF ny afpo-afpxy kfrnF kr ky ies aMdoln dI hmfieq krn dI bjfey aMnf hjLfry aqy Aus dI ies lihr nUM KuMZf krn df hr sMBv Xqn kIqf sI. kyjrIvfl aqy Aus dy sfQIaF nUM vI ieh jfipaf ik afm afdmI dy ihwqF dI rKvflI isafsq ivwc afAux qoN ibnF sMBv nhIN ikAuNik

    jmhUrIaq ivwc kfnUMn bxfAux aqy lfgU krn dy aiDkfr kyvl sMsd kol hI hn. aslIaq nUM pCfxidaF kyjrIvfl ny ipCly sfl hI isafsq ivwc dfKLl hox df PYLslf kr ilaf ijs krky Aus nUM aMnf hjLfry aqy kuJ hor sfQIaF nUM alivdf kihxf ipaf sI. nvIN pfrtI dI surUafq qoNN pihlF kyjrIvfl ny kFgrs smyq Bfjpf dy keI guWJy Byq lokF sfhmxy nMgy kr ky ienHF nUM hfsLIey `qy KVf kr idwqf aqy hux pfrtI bxf ky AunHF dIaF icMqfvF ivwc hor vfDf kr idwqf hY. kyjrIvfl duafrf aYlfnI geI nvIN pfrtI ny sMgTnfqmk ZFcy aqy nIqIaF dy srUp bfry qF ajy kuJ smF bfad hI pqf lwgygf. pr ies gwl qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf ieh iewk vfr dysL dI isafsq ivwc aihm rol adf krygI. lokF nUM vI kyjrIvfl dI pfrtI qoN afsF hoxIaF suBfivk hn ikAuNik Auh sfrIaF rvfieqI pfrtIaF dy Poky lfiraF qoN awk cuwky hn. kyjrIvfl ny vI sfrIaF isafsI pfrtIaF qy lokF nUM DoKf dyx dy dosL lfAuNidaF ikhf ik jd qk ieh rfjnIqI nhIN bdlygI qd qk iBRsLtfcfr qoN mukqI sMBv nhIN. AunHF dI pfrtI dI rxnIqI anusfr afm afdmI hI cox lVygf, afm afdmI hI pRcfr krygf, AuhI vot pfeygf aqy Auh hI cux ky sMsd ivwc jf ky afm afdmI dI iksmq GVygf.

    kyjrIvfl dI afm afdmI dI pfrtI nUM dysL dI jnqf ikMnf ku sihXog idMdI hY, ies df pqf qF coxF smyN hI lwgygf. Dnbl aqy bfhUbl dy shfry cl rhI vrqmfn rfjnIqI df mukfblf sOiKaf nhIN kIqf jf skdf. awj rfjnIqI AuWqy ijs qrHF kroVpqIaF df glbf hY aqy joV-qoV dI isafsq BfrU hY, AusnUM vyKdy hoey kyjrIvfl df rfh kfPLI aOKf jfpdf hY.ivvsQf pirvrqn dy nfary nUM hkIkq ivwc bdlxf jy asMBv nhIN qF aOKF jLrUr hY pr aMnf hjLfry dI agvfeI ivwc ijs qrHF ipCly sfl lokF dy ivsLfl ihwsy ny Brosf pRgt kIqf sI, jykr Auh vot bYNk ivwc bdl jfvy qF BfrqI isafsq ivwc bdlfa nUM roikaf jf skygf. AuNJ, hr pfrtI hI lok ihwqF dy nfary nfl cox mYdfn ivwc AuqrdI hY pr swqf pRfpqI bfad AunHF nUM Buwl jFdI hY. kyjrIvfl dI pfrtI lok ihwqF nfl ikwQoN qwk aqy kdoN qk KVygI, ieh qF smF hI dwsygf pr ies nfl BfrqI isafsq ivwc afs dI ikrn jLrUr idKfeI idMdI hY. kyjrIvfl dI pfrtI swqf ivwc afvy jF nf pr ies dy afgfjL nfl rvfieqI pfrtIaF nUM lokF ` c afpxf afDfr bxfeI rwKx leI kfrjsLYlI ivwc sfriQk qbdIlIaF jLrUr krnIaF pYxgIaF. kyjrIvfl nUM vI pUrI pfrdrsLqf aqy idRVqf nfl lok kcihrI ivwc pysL hoxf pvygf.

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    gLdr pfrtI 2 jUn 1913 nUM lflf hridafl dy AuqsLfh nfl sfnPrFissko (amrIkf) ivc kfiem hoeI aqy nvMbr 1913 ivc AuQoN hI gLdr aKLbfr pihlI vfr pRkfisLq hoieaf. ieh aKLbfr QoVy smyN ivc hI ienHF hrmn ipafrf hoieaf ik ihMdI aYsosIeysLn aOP dI pYsyiPk kost pfrtI df nFa gLdr pfrtI msLhUr ho igaf. ijvyN ik pihlF disaf jf cuwkf hY, gLdrI ienklfbIaF ny lihr nUM jnqk ienklfbI lihr bxfAux df Xqn kIqf. ies dy plfn df muwK Bfg aMgyrjLF nUM pihlI vwzI lVfeI ivc Psy hox df Pfiedf AuTf ky gLdr krnf sI. gLdr aKLbfr dy pRcfr rfhIN ieh srgrmIaF qyjL ho hI rhIaF sn ik kfmf gftf mfrU df sfkf pysL afieaf ijs ny bldI `qy qyl df kMm kIqf qy gLdrI ienklfbI ihMd nUM vhIrF Gwq qury. qosLf mfrU `qy msLInF mfrU do jfpfnI jhfjLF ivc gLdr df pRcfr krdy, nfary lfAuNdy ieh ihMd phuMcy qy AuqridaF hI PV ky jylHF ivc zwk idwqy gey. pihlI vwzI lVfeI dy pihly do sflF ivc 8,000 ienklfbI dysL prqy ijnHF ivwcoN 400 jylHF ivc suwt idwqy gey qy 2500 ipMzF ivc njLrbMd kr idwqy gey jdoN ik 5000 qoN vwD puils qy nMbrdfrF dI njLrsfnI hyT rwKy gey. dUjI vwzI swt ieh ik ihMd ivclIaF rfjsI jQybMdIaF, lIzr qy afm jnqf ienklfb vfsqy iqafr nhIN sn. pMjfb ivc ienHF gLdrIaF `qy aMgryjL dI sLih AuWqy aiswK hox dy Pqvy sfdr kIqy gey. ihMd ivc gLdr dy pihly dOr ivc hI BfvyN pMjfbI gLdrIaF df bMgflI dihsLq-psMdF nfl myl hoieaf, pr gLdr dy dUjy dOr ivc hI gLdr dI plfn nUM rfs ibhfrI bos ny jQybMdk qrIky nfl lfgU kIqf. gLdrI srgrmIaF nU M iek plfn muqfbk aqy iewk sYNtr dI agvfeI hyT clfAux df aslI ishrf bMgflI dysL Bgq sRI rfs ibhfrI bos dy isr hY, jF kuJ hwd qwk mrhwtf dysL Bgq sRI vYsnUM gxysL ipMgly dy isr. ies krky dUsry dOr df afrMB drasl Aus vyly qoN smiJaf jfxf cfhIdf hY jd sRI rfs ibhfrI bos ny gdr muihMm dI kmfn af ky sMBfl leI. ies

    dUjy dOr ivc pMjfbI gLdrI qy bMgflI dihsLq-psMd iek dUjy dy shfiek bx gey. ies qrHF ijQy bMgflI ienklfbIaF ny pMjfbI gLdrIaF nUM ienklfbI ZMgF dI jFc isKfAux aqy AunHF dIaF kfrvfeIaF nU M jQybMd krn df kMm kIqf, AuQy pMjfbI gLdrIaF dI imsfl ny bMgflI ienklfbIaF nUM POjF dI mdd nfl krnXog iek nvF ienklfbI rfh ivKfieaf, aqy AunHF dy awz awz dlF nUM iek lVI ivc proey jfx dI pRyrnf. ieh Xqn vI asPl hoieaf qy ikRpfl isMG nFa dy AuWGy vrkr pr aMgryjL jfsUs dy gLdr dI insLicq qfrIK dy srkfr nUM pqf dyx kfrx pMjfb Br ivc DVf DV igLRPqfrIaF suLrU ho geIaF qy idnF ivc hI hjLfrF gLdrI jylHF ivc zk idwqy gey. ipCoN Coty-vwzy lgBg 20 mukwdmy cwly ijnHF ivc 42 gLdrI PFsI lwgy qy 114 Aumr kYd hoey qy bhuq vwzI igxqI nUM CotIaF sjLfvF hoeIaF.

    gLdr pfrtI lihr dy PylH hox dy keI kfrn sn ijnHF ivcoN hyT-ilKy muwK rUp ivc igxfey jf skdy hn: gLdr pfrtI dy pRogrfm dy keI pihlU amlI vrqoN ivc burI qrHF PylH ho gey. vwzf kfrn ieh sI ik gLdr pfrtI nUM ienklfbI iqafrI vfsqy afpxI afs muqfbk smF nf imilaf. gLdr pfrtI dI POjI plYn df iek ihwsf ieh sI ik ijs vyly ihMd ivc blvf hovy, Ausy smyN hor mulkF Kfs kr ihMd dy gvFZI mulkF, ivc vI bgfvqF hox, qFik aMgryjLF dI qfkq ienHF nUM nijwTx Kfqr ibKr jfey. pr iksy kfrn jrmnI nfl vyly isr qfl myl pYdf nf ho skx krky, jF amrIkf qoN ihMd nUM afAux vflI gLdrI muihMm dy lIzrF dy surU ivc jLhfjLF qoN PVy jfx krky, jF blvy leI iqafr ihMdI PLOjIaF dy jL or dyx AuWqy blvy dI qfrIK jldI nIXq krn vfsqy mjbUr hox krky, aijhf nf ho sikaf. ies df iswtf ieh inkilaf ik gLdr pfrtI dI muwZlI plYn dy toty ho gey aqy ienHF toitaF dI qrqIb AugV-dugVI ho geI. arQfq ijs vyly ihMd dy gvFZI mulkF ivc blvf krn dy Xqn sLkl

    PVn lwgy, ihMd ivc gLdr pfrtI lihr mukMml qOr AuWqy PylH ho cuwkI sI. amrIkf qoN Zol vjf ky muihMm vfsqy ihMd nUM qurn, ikRpfl isMG sUhIey nUM ibnF prKy aMdrUnI dfiery ivc lY lYx, Byd nf rwK skx, aqy ies iksm dIaF kIqIaF hor gLlqIaF, pMjfbI iksfn dy Aus axsfDy suBfAu muqfbk sn, jo bhuqf awgf ipwCf ivcfry ibnHF POrI kfrvfeI dy bhuq Xog hY, pr socI ivcfrI skIm anusfr lMmI zor dy ky qhMml nfl kMm krn dy ieqnf muafPk nhIN. lihr dy PylH hox df kfrn dsdy hoey ilKfrI ny lsemonger and Slattery dI pusqk An Account of Gadar Conspiracy ivwcoN hyT iliKaf hvflf idwqf hY. Lack of organization, b a d l e a d e r s h i p , incapacity to maintain secrecy, and the Indian habit o f regarding the ideal as the fact accomplished, no do ubt played their part in defeating the revolutionaries, but on more than one occasion their designs were dangerously near fulfillment and disaster was narrowly averted. lihr ipwCy kMm krdI siprt bfry inrxf krdf hoieaf ilKfrI dsdf hY ik lihr nUM kyvl rfjsI aQvf smfijk insLfinaF nUM pRfpq krn ihq hoeI kfmXfbI jF nf-kfmXfbI dy gjLF nfl nhIN mfipaf jfxf cfhIdf. iksy lihr ivc kMm kr rhI siprt Aus df jLrUrI aMg huMdI hY, aqy gLdr pfrtI lihr dI siprt ies df ivsL ysL icMnH sI. gurbq dy dysoN Bjfey hoey iksfn, jo kyvl pYsf kmfAux KLfqr afpxy prvfrF aqy bfl bicaf qoN ivCV ky bdysLF nUM sflF qoN gey hoey sn, ny gLdr pfrtI lihr ivc sLfiml ho ky nf kyvl amrIkf knyzf ivc kmfeI dy vDIaf avsrF nUM lwq mfrI, blik AunHF ivcoN kfPLI igxqI ny hwQIN sKLq muswLkq krky gfhVy psIny dI afpxI ipClI kmfeI vI gLdr pfrtI dy hvfly kr idwqI, aqy afp gLdrI muihMm ivc sLfiml ho ky dysL nUM afhUqIaF pfAux af gey. gLdr aKLbfr muPLq

    T T gurmIq isMG itvfxfvMizaf jFdf. ies nUM jfrI krn qy ies dy clMq Krc aqy XugMqr afsLrm qy gLdr pfrtI dIaF hor srgrmIaF dy sfry Krc knyzf, amrIkf aqy hor bdysLF ivc gey pMjfbI kfmy afpxy pfsoN AugrfhIaF krky pUry krdy rhy.

    afpxf BivwK suafrn df lflc qy mOkf-qfVUpuxf qF AunHF dy nyV dI nhI sI lMiGaf ijhVf awj kwlH dIaF rfjsI pfrtIaF df sB qoN vwzf kohV hY. gLdr pfrtI lihr ivc ihwsf lYx vfly BfvyN pVHy sn jF anpVH Auh sB AuWcy aqy suwcy afdrsL aqy vlvilaF nfl pRyrq ho ky kMm kr rhy sn[[[[[ AunHF df ivakqI-gq jF qMg iPrkU njLrIaf nhIN sI irhf[[[[[ AunHF df afdrsL afjfdI qy brfbrI sI aqy gLdrI ispfhI ihMd qoN Cuwt hor dysLF ivc vI gulfmI ivruwD hoey XqnF ivc shfieqf krn bfry socdy sn[[[[[ ihMd nUM afAux vflI gLdrI muihMm ivc kuJ amrIkn vI sLfiml hoey jo jLfihr krdf hY ik pfrtI ivc kMm kr rhI siprt df

    dfierf ikMnf KuwlHf sI. gLdrI ienklfbIaF ny afjLfdI qy brfbrI ilafAux leI ksmF KfDIaF hoeIaF sn. pMjfb srkfr ny ihMd srkfr nUM ByjI iek irport ivc ieh iliKaf hY ik jo sfjLsLI lfhOr PVy gey hn, Auh bhuqy anfVI iswK iksfn hn, ijnHF ny amrIkf ivc brfbrI aqy jmhUrIaq dy asUlF nUM byZwbI hflq ivc gRihx kr ilaf hY. jnrl mYkmun ilKdy hn ik pMjfb dy iswKF ivwcoN hI gLdr lihr dy ajIb qrHF dy byhwd josL ivc rMgy hoey jnUnI afey[[[[ aqy ienHF nUM vbf dy bVy jLor vfly ijrm aqy dusLmxI icmV geI sI, ijhVI ieh iek nvyN coigrdy ivc PYlfAux afey sn. pMjfb dy puils aPsrF afpxI irport ivc iliKaf hY ik suwcf isMG aqy hor ijs inJwk dlyrI nfl POjIaF nUM pRyrn leI kMm krdy rhy, Aus nUM vyK ky dMd juV jFdy hn. sRI sfinXfl afpxI pusqk bMdI jIvn , Bfg pihlF ivc gLdrI ienklfbIaF bfry ilKdy hn

    ik ienHF lokF koeI QoVHy icr rihx vfly josL ivc BVk ky sB kuJ Cwz ky ies gLdr Drm ivc pRvysL nhIN kIqf sI, pRMqU ienHF dy ihrdy ivc swcmuwc dysL dI pRcMz lft bl rhI sI. ies qrHF jo iswK dysL prq afey sn AunHF ivcoN bhuiqaf nfl myrI gwlbfq hoeI sI qy Aus qoN mlUm hoieaf ik Auh swcmuwc pRfxF dy hr prdy ivc, idl dy hr pihlU ivc pRfDInqf dI jln df anuBv krdy gLdr pfrtI ivc sLfiml hoey sn.

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    Let me introduce you to Mr Rajni-kant. He is the God of Tamil (a South Indian language) cinema, the undisputed king at the age of 61. Rajinikanth is an Indian film actor, media personality, and a cultural icon. Recently Issac Newton made a visit to earth to watch a movie. He watched a few Tamil movies and had his head spinning. He was convinced that all his logic and laws in physics were just a huge pile of junk and apologized for everything he had done.

    In the movie of Rajani-kanth, Newton was con-fused to such an extent that he went paranoid.

    Here are a few scenes:

    1) Rajanikanth has a Brain Tumor which, ac-cording to the doctors cant be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, our great Rajanikanth is shot in the head. To everybodys surprise, the bullet passes through his ears taking away the tumor along with it and he is cured. Long Live Rajanikanth.

    2) In one of the mov-ies, Rajanikanth is con-fronted with 3 gangsters. Rajanikanth has a gun but unfortunately only

    one bullet. Guess what he does....... He holds a knife in his hand and throws at the middle gangster & shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knife cuts the bullet into 2 pieces and kills both the gang-sters on each side of the middle gangster & the knife kill the middle one.

    3) Rajanikanth is chased by a gangster. Rajani-kanth has a revolver but he got no bullets in it. Guess what he does. Nah not even in your remotest imaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot. As soon as the gang-ster shoots, Rajanikanth opens the bullet com-partment of his revolver and catches the bullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment and fires his gun. Bang... And the gangster dies....

    This was too much for our dear Newton to take and he was completely shaken and he decided to go back to heaven. But he happened to see another movie for one last time and thought that at least one movie will follow his theory of physics. The whole movie was near the end and all actions were running logically. Newton was happy that all in the world hasnt changed.

    Oops not so fast. The Climax finally arrived.

    Rajanikanth gets to know that the villain is on the other side of a very high wall. So high that Rajani-kanth cant jump even if he tries like one of those superman techniques that our heroes normally use. Rajanikanth has to des-perately kill the villain because its the climax.

    Newton was smiling since it was virtually impossible.

    Rajanikanth suddenly pulls two guns from his pocket (He is capable of pulling out anything from anywhere). He throws one gun in the air and when the gun has reached the height of the wall, he shoots at the trigger of the first gun in air, with his second gun. Now the first gun fires off and the villain is dead.

    Newton commits sui-cide........!!!!


    by Ajit Kumar SinhaAjit has a human resource back-ground and likes to connect with people to know more about life. He writes captur-ing incidents which will be of value to all who wish to learn.

    [email protected]

    Family Christmas Special At the Clearbrook Library

    32320 George Ferguson Way, Ph. 604-859-7814 ext 229, Thursday, Dec 13, 7-7:45pm.

    Tis the season! Celebrate at the library with stories, crafts, snacks and good fun! The whole family, young or old, is invited.

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    mnjIq isMG klkwqf

    ivsLv ieiqhfs ivwc gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI sLhfdq lfsfnI hY. jdoN bfdsLfh aOrMgjyLb ny iPrkU rfj dI jfbr qfkq nfl praDIn qy mjLlUm snfqn Drm nUM KLqm krnf cfihaf qF nOvy pfqsLfh ny Drm hyq sIs dy ky Drm dI afjLfdI leI ies Xwug dI sB qoN lfsfnI kurbfnI idwqI. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI sLhfdq nUM kyvl iewk Drm nfl joVnf ies mhfn sLhfdq dI ivsLv ivafpkqf nUM sImq krnf hY. ies sLhIdI sfky df srUp, isDFq aqy pRsMg alOikk aqy byimsfl hY. ies sLhIdI sfky df qqkflI kfrn BfvyN iqlk-jMJU bxy pr ies dy dIrG arQ iksy ivsLysL Drm nhIN blik Drm dI afjLfdI kfiem krnf sn. iksy vI dysL ivwc koeI vI Drm BfvyN Gwt igxqI `c hY, prfDIn jF mjLlUm hY pr Aus nUM afpxI hsqI kfiem rwKx aqy ivkfs df brfbrI df hwk hY. ies dysL dy snfqn Drm ivwc blI aqy blIdfn sLbd hn pr blI afpxI nhIN sgoN dyviqaF nUM irJfAux aqy vr jf irD-isD jF vDyry krky psLU

    dI idwqI jFdI hY. ieslfm ivwc gfjLI jF sLhId Aus nUM ikhf igaf hY jo iksy gYr-musilm dysL aqy ieslfmI rfj kfiem krn leI hoey XuwD mfiraf igaf hY. iswKI ivc Auprokq dovF dy ivprIq sLhId Auh hY jo Drm, hwk, swc aqy iensfPL dy AuWc asUlF leI iksy jrvfxy jF jfbr qfkq df zr prvfn nf krdf hoieaf svY iewCf aqy KusLI nfl mOq nUM kbUl krdf hY.

    Aus smyN aOrMgjyLb dy jLulm df BYa hr pfsy psr irhf sI. Aus dy qfnfsLfhI hukm dI mfr sB qoN pihlF ksLmIrI pMzqF nUM peI. AunHF afpxy Drm dI rwiKaf leI cwk nfnkI jo hux ivsiqRq rUp `c sRI afnMdpur sfihb dy nF nfl pRiswD hY, ivKy puwj ky gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb nUM ihMdU Drm bcfAux dI pukfr kIqI. AunHF dI ivwiQaf sux ky gurU jI ny ksLmIrI pMzqF dy afgU ikrpf rfm nUM ikhf ik qusIN bfdsLfh nUM moVvF AuWqr Byj idAu ik sfzf Dfrimk rihbr gurU qyg bhfdr hY aqy jy Auh Drm qbdIl krn leI rjLfmMd ho jfvy qF asI sfry ieslfm kbUl kr

    lvFgy. bfdsLfh nUM ieh AuWqr Byj, gurU jI afp hI bfdsLfh df kihr Jwlx leI qur pey. dunIaF dy ieiqhfs ivwc aijhI koeI imsfl nhIN ik koeI mkqUl kfql vwl afp igaf hovy. ieiqhfs anusfr afgry ivKy afp jI nUM igRPLqfr kr ky vwzI POjL dI ingrfnI hyT ilaFdf igaf aqy idwlI dy nfjLm sPLI KF aqy iklHydfr mulfPLYq KF dy hvfly kr idwqf igaf. BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI idaflf aqy BfeI sqI dfs nUM vI igRPLqfr kr ky nfl hI idwlI ilaFdf igaf. afp jI nUM pihlF purfxI, zrfAuxI aqy ZwTI hoeI hvylI ivwc rwiKaf igaf . ies qoN bfad afp jI nUM cFdnI cONk koqvflI, ijwQy hux gurduafrf sIsgMj sfihb susLoiBq hY, dy sQfn `qy dIn ivwc afAux jF krfmfq idKfAux leI bfdsLfh df afqfbI hukm vfr-vfr suxfieaf igaf. gurU jI ny ikhf ik krfmfq qF kihr df nfm hY, PLkIr qy drvysL ieh nhIN ivKfAuNdy. ies kYd ivwc afp jI ny bhuq jLulm shy. gurU jI nUM BYa-BIq krn leI BfeI mqI dfs jo gurU jI dy dIvfn

    sn, nUM afry nfl cIrn df hukm suxfieaf igaf. BfeI idaflf jI jo BfeI mnI isMG jI dy sky Brf sn, nUM dyg ivwc Aubfilaf igaf. BfeI sqI dfs jo gurU pfqsLfh dy ilKfrI sn aqy BfeI mqI dfs dy Coty Brf sn, nUM rUM ivwc lpyt ky awg lf ky sLhId kr idwqf igaf. bfdsLfhI hukm nfdr kIqf igaf aqy keI vfr munfdI krvfeI geI. lokF nUM BYa-BIq krn leI idwlI dy cFdnI cONk ivwc sLryHafm sLhIdI leI gurU sfihb nUM ipMjry `c ilaFdf igaf. hjLfrF dI igxqI ivwc lok iekwTy ho gey. kfjLI ny bfdsLfh vwloN sLrqF duhrfeIaF pr gurU jI afpxy akIdy qoN nf zoly. jlfd jlflUdIn ny qlvfr clfeI aqy gurU jI dI sIs DV nfloN vwK kr idwqf. sIs kwitaf igaf pr Drm dI mUrq siqgurU df sIsH Jukfieaf nf jf sikaf. idwlI dy bfdsLfh isr Drm dy nfiek ny afpxy srIr df TIkrf BMn idwqf.

    ieiqhfs ivwc ijLkr afAuNdf hY ik sLhIdI huMidaF sfr hI idwlI ivwc kudrqI kihr vfpiraf. lok Bwj AuWT aqy ies afpf-

    DfpI aqy hnyrI ivwc BfeI jYqf jI ny gurU jI df sIs cuwk ilaf aqy gurU jI df DV BfeI lwKI sLfh vxjfrf ny. sIs lY ky BfeI jYqf jI afnMdpur sfihb leI rvfnf hoey aqy gurU jI df DV BfeI lwKI sLfh idwlI ivKy afpxI irhfiesL `qy lY afey. srkfrI jfsUs cfry pfsy GuMm rhy sn. ies leI BfeI sfihb ny afpxy Gr nUM awg lgf ky gurU jI dy DV df sMskfr kr idwqf. ies sQfn `qy awj-kwl gurduafrf rkfb gMj sfihb hY. BfeI jYqf jI sIs lY ky bfl goibMd rfie jI pfs afnMdpur sfihb phuMcy aqy smuwcf sLhIdI sfkf suxfieaf. nO sfl dy bfl goibMd rfie ny ieh sux koeI zr jF BYa inkt nf afAux idwqf. aOrMgjLyb ny BFvy lokF nUM BYa-BIq krn leI ieh juLlm Zfihaf sI pr ies sLhfdq ny ivdroh dy BFbV bfl idwqy.

    gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI sLhfdq ny smuwcy sMsfr dy ieiqhfs ivwc iewk aimwt Cfp CwzI, nvIaF pYVF pfeIaF aqy nvyN idshwdy Cohy. Drm, rfjnIqI aqy swiBafcfr ivwc ienklfbI

    qbdIlIaF df muwZ bwJf, jo ajoky smyN ivwc spwsLt hY. aOrMgjyLb ies dysL ivwc iewk mjLhb aqy iewk BfsLf df rfj kfiem kr ky anykqf KLqm krnf cfhuMdf sI pr gurU jI dI sLhfdq ny Aus dy mnsUby KLqm kr idwqy. gurU jI dI sLhfdq df mUl kfrn AunHF duafrf buinafdI mnuwKI aiDkfrF, mnuwKI snmfn aqy afjLfdI leI idRVqf nfl pihrf dyxf sI. AunHF dI lfsfnI sLhIdI df hI pRBfv hY ik lokqMqr dI sB qoN purfxI (ieMglYNz dI pfrlImYNt) dy muwK duafr `qy iliKaf igaf, BFvy mYN qyry pRgtfey jf rhy ivcfrF nfl sihmq nhIN pr mYN afpxy pRfxF dI kImq `qy qyry bolx dI afjLfdI dI rfKI krFgf. dunIaF dI qvfrIK `c gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI kurbfnI lfimsfl hY.

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    ivsLv arQivvsQf `c agly sfl AuBfr afAux dI AumId vI bxfeI nhIN lgdI. 2008 `c bYNk lyhmYn bRdrjL dy dIvflIaf hox nfl jo afriQk sMkt suLrU hoieaf sI, Aus dy nvyN-nvyN rUp sfhmxy afAuNdy hn, ijs nfl Aus smyN kIqf igaf ieh ikafs gLlq hoieaf hY ik sMkt 2012 qwk jLrUr KLqm ho jfvygf. hux amrIkf aqy KLfskr XUrp dIaF arQivvsQfvF dy sMkt dy KLqm hox aqy ienHF dy AunqI dy rfh `qy pYx dI 2014 qwk koeI afs nhIN bwJ rhI. XUrpI XUnIan jo sMsfr df sB qoN ivsLfl afriQk Kyqr hY, BfrI sMkt df sfhmxf kr irhf hY, jo ies nUM aijhIaF ivwqI qbfhIaF vwl Dwk skdf hY, ijs sfhmxy 2008 dIaF qbfhIaF mfmUlI idK skdIaF hn. XUrpI iKwqy dy tuwtx df KLqrf bixaf hoieaf hY. spyn dy bYNkF dI hflq KLsqf ho rhI hY. lok mfrU srkfrI KLrcy GtfAux dIaF srkfr dIaF kfrvfeIaF df afm lokF vwloN QF-QF sKLq ivroD ho irhf hY. spyn, purqgfl aqy XUnfn `c ienHF kfrvfeIaF ny mMdI hor

    zUMGI krn df nqIjf kwiZaf hY aqy jnqk pwDr `qy bYcynI PYlfeI hY, jo isafsI jmfq leI icMqf df vwzf kfrn vI hY. XUrpI sMG dI iek vwKrf lwCx vI hY. 2008 `c sMkt dy sLurU hox smyN bYNkrF, isafsqdfnF aqy mhwqvpUrn ivakqIaF ny iml ky kMm sLurU kIqf sI qF jo mMdI tflI jf sky, BfvyN ik ies df sMkt pYdf krn vfilaF nUM hI ivwqI gwPy pRdfn krn df nqIjf inkilaf sI, pr awj XUrp ` c vwKry sur AuT rhy hn. srkfrI KricaF ` c ktOqIaF krn leI PrFs `qy BfrI dbfa pfieaf jf irhf hY. XUnfn pihlF ies qoN ienkfrI irhf hY. ies qoN ielfvf sMkt nUM dUr krn leI XUrpI iKwqy dy dysLF kol brfbr dy sfDn vI nhIN hn. nfl hI lokF dIaF afmdnF `c ho rhI kmI ny arQivvsQfvF dy qyjLI nfl AuTx dI sMBfvnf nUM mMd kr idwqf hY.

    vwzf dbfa ieh hY ik XUrpI iKwqf ipCly smyN qoN lgfqfr ivKMzq hox dy Kqry hyT vI sihk irhf hY. dIvflIafpx df sfhmxf kr rhy XUnfn ijhy

    dysLF nUM kyNdrI XUrpI bYNk qoN BfrI krjLy idwqy gey hn, pr sMkt dy Kfqmy vwl vDx qoN Ault ienHF mulkF dI igxqI `c vfDf huMdf igaf hY.

    purqgfl, spyn aqy ietlI dIvflIafpx dy kgfr ` qy njLr af rhy hn aqy GrylU pYdfvfr df 57 pRqIsLq ihwsf Kpf rhy PrFs leI vI KLqrf pYdf ho igaf hY. kyNdrI XUrpI bYNk aqy Kfskr jrmnI `qy XUrpI iKwqy nUM bcfeI rwKx df BfrI dbfa hY, pr sMkt df Kfsf aijhf hY ik krjL dy gwPy pRdfn krky vI aglf rfh idKfeI nhIN dy irhf. srkfrF ny aKOqI ikPLfieq dIaF nIqIaF apxf ky BfrI byrujLgfrI qF pYdf kr leI hY-jo XUnfn `c sB qoN Aupr nOjvfnF `c 50 pRqIsLq qoN vI vwD hY-aqy smfijk bycYnI `c BfrI vfDf kr ilaf hY, pr arQivvsQfvF dy vfDy df nqIjf nhI kwZ skIaF. XUrpI iKwqy dI arQivvsQf`c jld suDfr afAux dy sMkyq nhIN iml rhy. nqIjy vjo N ivsLv arQivvsQf dy pwtVI

    (bfkI pMnf 37 qy)

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    Deficit pressure requires continued spending controlThe government of B.C. is holding the line on fiscal prudence and con-tinues to reduce and control govern-ment spending to address declining revenues, Finance Minister Michael de Jong said today with the release of the Second Quarterly Report.

    The projected deficit for 2012-13 is $1.47 billion, a $328-million increase from the First Quarterly Report due primarily to the change in the completion date of the sale of

    the Little Mountain property. Higher revenues from personal and corpo-rate income taxes resulting from higher tax assessments in 2011 are offset by decreased revenues from property tax and property transfer tax, and a decline in coal prices. Overall revenue is down $202 mil-lion from the First Quarterly Report projection.

    Ministries continue to reduce dis-cretionary spending to mitigate the

    $241-million impact of the natural gas market on revenues. Govern-ment has identified $176 million so far this year and is on target to find the remaining $65 million re-quired, including through savings in government operations such as travel and discretionary spending, freezing salaries for public sector management, and continuing the public service hiring freeze. Despite numerous changes in components of the 2012-13 forecast, there is no

    increase to overall projected government spending in 2012-13 compared to the fore-cast in the First Quarterly Report.

    B.C. will maintain a forecast allowance of $100 million as a buffer against future economic and fiscal risks. This allowance has been reduced $50 million from the First Quarterly Report, as the risks to the forecast will have a reduced impact midway through the fiscal year.

    At $6.9 billion, total capital spending is pro-jected to be $152 million lower than Budget 2012. The taxpayer-supported debt forecast stands at $38.47 billion$205 million lower than the projection in the First Quarterly Report, reflecting lower borrowing for op-erating purposes. The lower debt reduces the taxpayer-supported debt to GDP ratio by 0.1 percentage point from the First Quarterly Report to 17 per cent.

    B.C. remains on track for re-implementation of the PST on April 1, 2013, with all previ-ously permanent exemptions in place. Gov-ernment has released several publications for B.C. businesses providing plain-language guidance on the application of PST and related exemptions, subject to approval of the legislature. Businesses are also being encouraged to register for the PST starting on Jan. 2, 2013.

    See the attached backgrounder for more on the transition to PST, and visit:


    Minister of Finance Michael de Jong

    Weve had to make some tough choices in order to protect the B.C. economy, cre-ate jobs and make life more affordable for families. We have successfully controlled spending, currently below the average rate of growth for the last 10 years, and we did it while protecting investments in priority programs like health care and education.

    We continue to monitor the fiscal and eco-nomic situation closely and are assessing our spending and revenues thoroughly as part of the budget process. Given what we know today, we intend to balance the budget in 2013-14. When I consulted the Economic Forecast Council a couple weeks ago, they expressed cautious optimism that B.C.s real GDP growth will slightly outperform the Canadian average in 2013. We will re-survey them again in January to ensure we incorporate the most up to date information in Budget 2013.

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    Record-breaking year for family support program

    Efforts by B.C.s Family Mainte-nance Enforce-ment Program are pay-ing off, as 2011-12 fam-ily support collections hit a record $190 mil-lion, helping to make a significant difference in the lives of many fami-lies provincewide.

    In its annual report re-leased today, the Family Maintenance Enforce-ment Program (FMEP), which monitors and enforces family sup-port court orders and agreements for more than 45,000 families, recorded a $10.5-million jump in collection from the previous year. This is the largest single annual increase the program has ever seen, and more than doubles the average annual increase over the past 10 years.

    Increased use of tech-nology, small regula-tion changes, focused resources and strong reciprocal relationships with other provinces and countries all have contributed to the re-cord-setting collection numbers.

    Since its inception in 1988, the FMEP has helped to ensure that over $2.6 billion in child and spousal support pay-ments, money which might not have other-wise been paid, went directly to the children and families entitled to receive it.

    Monetary penalties are imposed on those indi-viduals who are regis-tered in the program and are delinquent in making their payments through FMEP. These fees, along with the $18 million the

    program is estimated to have saved government in income assistance costs this year, make the FMEP a cost-neutral program.

    The FMEP aligns with BCs Family Agenda. Under BCs Family Agenda, government is working to support and protect vulnerable families, keep commu-nities safe and make life more affordable. To read the Agenda, share your ideas or provide feedback, visit:

    Quick Facts:

    Approximately 84,000 parents are currently enrolled in the FMEP and support payments are received for almost 65,000 children.

    In 55 per cent of FMEP cases, the children are

    over 14 years old. About one case in five has a child aged 19 or older, which illustrates how the program can play a role in ensuring that children are able to con-tinue their post-second-ary education and enter the workforce.

    Since the programs inception in 1988, pay-ments totalling more than $2.6 billion have been collected.

    Since 2002, the total annual amount of child and spousal support pay-ments received through the FMEP has increased by over $50 million. Twenty-three per cent of the payments collected last year (almost $44 million) went to fami-lies that were formerly on income assistance. The payments received by these families are a

    significant contributor to their transition to be-coming self-sufficient.

    Last year, the program processed over 500,000 individual payments (more than 2,000 per day), with a turnaround time standard of two days or less.

    B.C. residents with a support order or an agreement filed with the court can enrol in the FMEP. There is no cost to enrol.

    As most of B.C.s inter-provincial cases are with other western provinces, B.C. has led a project with Alberta and Sas-katchewan to ensure that support enforce-ment services continue uninterrupted if a parent moves across the respec-tive borders, helping families that rely on sup-port for their children.

    Innovative services, such as comprehensive web services that include e-notices for parents, online assistance for employers, electronic fund transfer and secure information exchange with other jurisdictions, have resulted in over one million web hits per year, helped to reduce costs and produce better results for B.C. families.

    Recent changes to the law governing the FMEP have eliminated one of the major delays in processing requests for enrolment. Since the requirement to wait for a copy of an enforce-ment agreement before processing a request has been eliminated, FMEP staff have been able to re-duce the number of files awaiting court orders by 23 per cent in the last four months of the year alone.

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    Auh iPr ro ipaf. myrI smJ koeI PYslf nf kr sI ik mYN hux iksy pfsy nUM inklF! Aus iPr ihckIaF lYNidaF ikhf, bs Brf! mYnUM Aus qoN muafPI duaf dyvIN. afK dyvIN ik Auh afpxy gunfhF qy JUrdf mrygf. GridaF nUM myrf koeI sunyhf nhIN.

    Brf qUM BrqI ikAuN hoieaf, ikAuN nf Aus nUM imlx df hor Xqn kIqf?

    Gr dy Aus nUM ilafAux bfry nf mMny aqy pYisaF dI afs qy bYTy rhy. mYN guwsy ho ky BrqI ho igaf, ikAuNik vYlF ivwc pY ky Gr ivwc PutI kOzI vI nhIN sI rhI. iPr mgroN afKx CyqI nFvF ktvf. mYnUM do sfl BrqI hoey nUM ho gey, mYN ipMz AuWkf hI CuwtI nhIN igaf. eyQy Aus dI syvf qy Xfd vDyry sqfAux lwgIaF. hux qy ieAuN idl krdf hY ik mOq afvy qy CyqI iek pfpI nUM Aus dy pfpF dI sjLf imly.

    Auh jo kuJ afKI jf irhf sI, mYN Auh kuJ sux nhIN sF irhf. Aus dy gunfhF qy pCqfvy dI qF kdr kr irhf sF; ikAuNik ies qrHF pfl df hr gwloN by-dfg hoxf sfbq huMdf sI. pr idl ivwcy ivwc bihMdf jf irhf sI.

    Auh quhfnUM jLrUr muafP kr dyvygI. mYN qyrf bVf hI DMnvfdI hovFgf. pr ieh vI Brf bVf cMgf hoxf sI, jy qUM mYnUM morcy qy hI mr jfx idMdf. mYN hfAukf lYNidaf ikhf.

    ieAuN ikAuN afKdf eyN vIrf! hux qy qYnUM sikaF BrfvF vFg ipafr kiraf krFgf.

    qyrI dwuK-BrI khfxI ny myry suwqy duwK jgf idwqy hn.

    myry vrgf qy dusLmx vI aOKf nf hovy. myrf mn afK irhf sI, dusLmx qF qyry sfhmxy bYTf hY. jLflmf! morcy qoN bcf ky qUM myry isr iek hor aihsfn cfVH idwqf. qUM qF myry jIvn dy sB drvfjy bMd kr idwqy hn.

    ieh quhfzf sMdysL Aus qwk jLrUr puj jfvygf pr qusIN afpxf pqf ilKf dyvo. Aus afpxf pqf dwisaf aqy mYN jLihr df Gut Br ky ilK ilaf. EQoN AuWTidaF mYN

    afpxf afp msF sFiBaf. asIN iPr POjIaF kol afey. myrI hflq icrF dy rogIaF vrgIs ho geI sI. ipafry df pCqfvf mYnUM mfr ky hI sut igaf. POjI afpxy suBf qoN mjLbUr bkx lwg pey.

    ikAuN ipafiraf kr afieaf eyN idl hOlf. ieAuN bwcU sunyihaF nfl nhIN kMm bxnf, rfqIN Aus dy nF df ismrn kiraf kr. asIN dovyN cup sF. hor AuhnF byvkUPF nUM afKdy vI kI.

    POjI qF rMn dy moh ivwc Aus dy pYrIN hwQ lfAux qfeIN jFdf hY.

    bfhr qF POjI mulkF dy mulk mfr lYNdf hY, pr Gr qIvIN awgy kMn nhIN Kurkdf. do cfr hor eyDr EDr dIaF gwlF mfrn ipCoN, Kbr lYx afey imwqr, afpxIaF lfrIaF CyV cly gey. mYN AuhnF qoN ivdf ho ky kmry nUM afieaf. awgy pfl kudrqI EQy hY nhIN sI. mYN mMjy qy pY ky bhuq roieaf.

    hfey rwbf! hux kI krF. pfl nUM sdf leI Aus dI jfx ky Buwl jfvF? ieh iks qrHF ho skdf hY? jIvn ivwc ieho kuJ imilaf sI, bs hux ieh vI iqafg dyvF? jLmIr nUM vI DoKf nhIN dy skdf. ipafry ny afpxy

    gunfhF df swcy idloN iekbfl kr ilaf. hY. kOx hY jo mnuwK ho ky glqIaF nhIN krdf. Auh pfl dy ipafr ivwc iKwicaf mOq dy dr af igaf hY. ies qoN bhuqf iek pRymI iksy nUM kI Xfd kr skdf hY.

    kI mYN pfl nUM swcy idloN nhIN ipafr krdf? myrI ijLMdgI qF Aus dI muhwbq ivwc iblkul sfrIaF mMjlF mfr ky Kqm ho cuwkI hY. jy ipafrf Aus ibnF ijMdf nhIN rih skdf qF myry bcx dI ikhVI sUrq ho skdI hY? jLmIr afK rhI sI, ieh qyrf iemiqhfn hY blbIr! myrf Drm hY ik mYN afpxy afp nUM ivwcoN kwZ lvF. pr AuP! mYN Aus qoN bgYr iks qrHF ijMdf rih skFgf. pfl df sfrI gwl jfx ky kI hfl hovygf. Auh nfjLk klI sdf leI kumlf jfvygI. pr aMdroN avfjL af rhI sI ik qUM Aus dI rfey nUM afpxI KudgrjLI leI vrq irhf eyN. nhIN, pfl Bgvfn dIaF lwKF cIjLF ivwcoN ieko iek cIjL hY, mYN dunIaF vfr ky vI Aus nUM nhIN CwzFgf.

    ieh vI TIk PYslf nhIN. ieh iek mUVH kfmI dI ijwd khI jf skdI hY. afh gurdyv! mYnUM eyQy quhfzI loV hY. mYN kuJ nhIN kr skdf, zrdf hF, ik ikqy Auh kuJ nf ho jfvy, ijhVf sfry jnm dI kmfeI roVH

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    dyvy, mYN quhfzy PYsly nUM swcf iensfP mMnFgf. bolo myry gurdyv! mYN quhfnUM

    ipafr cyqMnqf dI anuBvqf hY.

    mfnvqf qy Aus dI irsLm pY ky hI

    aMdr koeI lgn lgdI hY.

    ismrn inwq ipafr dI rOsLnI nUM vDFdf hY.

    iek idn sfrI mfnvqf rOsLnI ivwc jfg AuWTdI hY.

    kfrj-krx Bfv vI iqafgy jFdy hn.

    mfnvqf df Bfr iqafgy ibnf,

    afqmf dy rs mMzlF ivwc AuzfrIaF asMBv hn.

    Auh pRymI srIrk ipafr ivwc hI KuiBaf hoieaf hY,

    ijhVf dvYK Bfvnf ivwc cIk ichfVf pf irhf hY.

    ipafr df rwbI rfj EdoN KuwlHdf hY,

    jdoN pRymI afpxy afp nUM iqafg ivwc bdl dyNdf hY.

    ipRXf dy mfnv aMgF qk hI iek pRymI dI mMjLl nhIN,

    ieh kyvl afqm-anMd df iKxk idwqf lflc hY.

    ijs qoN pRymI pRBfivq ho ky afpxy prmfnMd nUM pfvy.

    qVpfn ipRXf dIaF bfhF ivwc vI Kqm nhIN ho skdI, ijMnf icr afpxy ipafr nUM vfsqv avsQf ivwc nhIN pCfixaf jFdf.

    jLwry ivwc phfV dI hsqI qy,

    iek bIj ivwc hulfry lYNdf ibRC hY.

    XkInn pRyimkf ivwc Auh prm-suK hY,

    ijs dI Koj ivwc bYTy jogI afpxy ipMjr sukf rhy sn.

    Em sdf suKmX mhF pRBU!


    mYN KfmosL sF. PYslf ho igaf pr sfrI kfieaf kumlf geI. pfl vI af geI, pr myrf mfXUs mUMh vyK ky hwkI bwkI rih geI aqy kihx lwgI.

    qusIN aYny Audfs ikAuN huMdy ho. eIsLvr cMgI krygf! qusIN qy roey jfpdy ho.

    myrIaF gLm BrIaF awKF pfl qoN ivwCV rhIaF sn. pr pfl ivcfrI nUM kuJ pqf nhIN sI. Auh myrf gLm Brf dI ibmfrI smJ rhI sI. pr mYN Aus dy drd ivCoVy ivwc iPs irhf sF. mYN iek hAukf ilaf, ieAuN jfipaf ijLMdgI mOq dI pkV ivwc iek vfr JMjoVI geI.

    mYQoN quhfzf aijhf ichrf vyK shfiraf nhIN jFdf. qusIN an-hoey iPkr nfl afpxy afp nUM ikAuN pey duKI krdy ho. pfl! qUM nhIN jfxdI, myrI ijLMdgI ivwc ies qoN vwzf koeI duK nhIN afieaf. suK qy ipafr df pf lYxf koeI musLkl nhIN, pr ies df inbfhuxf ikMnf musLkl hY.

    rwb cfhy sB TIk hY, afpxy gLm glq kr dyvo.

    mYN cuwp ho igaf. pfl ny myry isr qoN pwg lfh ky qyl Jsx leI jUVf KoilHaf, kys moiZaF qy lmkx lwg pey. Aus qyl vflI sLIsLI cuwk ky isr dy ivcfly qyl pfieaf aqy polIaF polIaF AuNglF nfl Jwsx lwg peI. mYN iKafl krdf sF ik

    iPr myrf aMg aMg ies dI Coh nUM qrsygf. myrIaF awKF ivwc pfxI af igaf. mYN afpxf afp jLbq krky puwiCaf, ipRX! myry ivCVn df quhfnUM duwK qF nf hovygf?

    nhIN bl!

    pr mYN qy ipRXf rwj ky roieaf krFgf.

    pRIqm! iesqrI Aus ivCoVy nMU hwsky lMGf dyNdI hY, ijs dy QoVHy ijMny icr mgroN Auh sdf leI pRIqm nfl iek imk ho jfxf huMdf hY.

    QoVHy ijMny icr mgroN.

    mYN hubkIN hbkIN ro ipaf. pfl ny myrf mUMh afpxy vwl BMvfieaf, pr mYN iPr pry kr ilaf. mYN aslIaq dwbI bYTf sF, pr Auh mlojLorI jLfhr ho jfxf cfhuMdI sI. pfl ny qyl Jwsxf Cwz idwqf aqy qOlIey nfl myrIaF awKF pMUJIaF.

    pfl! ienHF nUM sfP nf kro, ieh qy hux vihMdIaF hI rihxgIaF.

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    pOxF ivc gUMj rhy[[[[[[[[gurU nfnk dy bol agMmI bVy aOKy simaF ivc gurU ny bFh asfzI QMmIpOxF ivc[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[sfzI jILhBf jpdI hY hr idn gurU nfnk dI bfxI DMn-DMn gurU nfnk ny sfzI iQVkI nbjL pCfxIswc df rfh dwsx leI, gurU ny kIqI Xfqrf lMmIpOxF ivc gUMj rhy[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[bVy vihmF-BrmF ny jdoN sI KLUn lokF df pIqf iPr swc dy cfnx nfl gurU ny dUr hnyrf kIqfDuMd imtdI clI geI[[[[ijhVI sI keI sdIaF qoN jMmI pOxF ivc gUMj rhy[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[jdoN juLlm ho irhf sI BfrI, gAU grIb dy AuWqynfnk ny afiKaf sI, rfjy sLINh [[[mukwdm kuwqyqd nIcoN AUc kry[[gurU nfnk ny sB dunIaF dy kMmIpOxF ivc gUMj rhy[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[jwg nUM smJf idwqf, aOrq nUM mMdf koeI nf afKyAuh jnxI rfijaF dI, Ausy ny prm-mnuwK ny QfpykeI Cwzdy nI lokI, hfly vI afpxI soc inkMmIpOxF ivc gUMj rhy[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[bfbr nUM ikhf sI jfbr, jdoN sI Aus ny kihr kmfieafrwb nUM vI kih idwqf, qYnUM ikAuN qrs nf afieafDMn nfnk dI iswKI, iswKI ny bFh asfzI QMmI

    pOxF ivc gUMj rhy, gurU nfnk dy bol agMmI


    isMG qUr

    bfbf nfnk dUr nf sfQoN, sfzy hI ivckfr ey.vyKx vflI awK rhI nf, suLB gux-nf ivcfr ey.bfxI ihrdy jy vws jy, qF awK KuwlygI sfzI.vYr-ivroD qoN hoeIey swKxy, pRIq pAugI zfZI.qqpr ho igafn vDf, nhIN jfxI myhnq bykfr ey.bfbf nfnk dUr nf sfQoN, sfzy hI ivckfr ey.

    vMzIaF pf ky DrmF dIaF, gurU qoN hoey dUr asIN.hAUmYN dy nisLaF df, cfVH ilaf-grUr asIN.afpy nUM smJ isafxf, glq kry-kfr ey.bfbf nfnk dUr nf sfQoN, sfzy hI ivckfr nPLrqF idl Bry, ipafrf leI QF nhIN.inwq mfrdy asIN avfjy, bfbf krdf hF nhIN.loB lflcF ivwc hMkfrF, jIvn ilaf gujLfr ey.bfbf nfnk dUr nf sfQoN, sfzy hI ivckfr ey.

    DMny jwt pwQr ivwcoN , rwb afpxf pfieaf.lgn, Bfvnf aqy sLrDf, ivwcoN mn lgfieaf.awcrvfl krdy afpf arpn, surjIq hoAU ipafr ey.bfbf nfnk dUr nf sfQoN, sfzy hI ivckfr ey.

    surjIq isMG awcrvfl


    hfkm isMG sfgr

    sKLqI krky dyK leI donF srkfrFdfa lfAuNdy Cfpy mfr ky isMG mfrn mfrF.luwt lYx KLjfnF rfh ivc nf mMndy hfrF.hfkm iCwby pYx jd iPr mfrn tfhrF.

    iPr soicaf srkfrF ny koeI ivAuNq bxfeIey.dy ky lflc isMGF nUM kuJ smF ky dgLf PLryb hor kuJ smF lMGfeIey.KflI hoey KjLfinaF `c DMn jmf krfeIey.

    subyg isMG nUM Byijaf iPr isMGF vwly.ley nvfbI Kflsf bMd krky hwly.nfly ptf jfgIr df hwQ isMG dy Gwly.vYr nfl brbfdIaF hIN pYdIaF pwly.

    subyg isMG jd phuMicaf jd aMimRqsr af ky.isMG afKx gwl krFgy af Buwl bKLsLF ky.idwqI afigaf imlx dI qnKfh lgvf ky.gwl dwsI srkfr dI iPr aMdr jf ky.

    kry hkUmq pMQ dI awgoN hmdrdI.iek lwK dI jgIr df hY vfadf krdI.gurDfmF dI Kuwl dI vI hfmI nvfbI qfj hY quhfzy isr DrdI.

    isMG kihx dsmysL ny bKLsLI srdfrI.pMQ iksy dI mMndf nhI qfbydfrI.rfj lvFgy qygL nfl asIN pwwkI DfrI.

    jLulm imtfAuxf soD ky jLflm hMkfrI.Pyr dubfrf isMG ny jd gwl smJfeI.pysLksL srkfr dI nf jfey TukrfeI.eys smyN qoN Kflsf bhu lfB AuTfeI.soc isMGF prvfngI dI mohr lgfeI.

    iPr drbfrf isMG nUM geI arjL gujLfrI.lAu nvfbI isMG jI qusI ho aiDkfrI.Aumr vzyrI afK Auh ho igaf ienkfrI.kpUr isMG nUM dy idAu hY XoDf BfrI.

    awgoN ikhf kpUr isMG mYN hukm vjfAuxf.syvf pwKy, BFizaF dI, pfxI ilafAuxf.dyK Bfl kr GoiVaF Gfh pwTf pfAuxf.ieh vI krdf rhFgf, nf kdy htfAuxf.

    bxy nvfb kpUr isMG bhu isMG sjfey.iswiKaf dy ky sLsLqrF dI nfl rlfey.jQy Pyr qrqIb nfl awz-awz bxfey.isMG boly vwKry sfj ky cflU krvfey.

    hfkm isMGF pMQ leI isMG jfnF lfAuNdy.jQydfrIaF cODrF nUM rhy TukrfAuNdy.lflc qy KudgrjLIaF Cwz syv kmfAuNdy.swcy purK akfl ibnF nf iksy iDafAuNdy.

    , mulK rfj bjfj pRymI golyvflf

    siqgur nfnk dyv jI, kl kfl avqfrpfpF sy DrqI qpI peI, kr idwqI TMzI Tfr,kwqk puMinaf idn sI, sUrj rosLnfieaf.mfqf iqRpqf dI kuwK cNo, sI cMn pRgtfieaf.kuwl dyvI dyvqf svrg coN, af ky sIs Jukfieaf.jwg nUM qfrn vfsqy, gurU nfnk afieaf.

    qyrF sfl df hoieaf nfnk, gAUaf cfrn Gwilaf.gAUaf nUM Cwz KyqF ivc, BgqI df rfh mwilaf.swp ny krqI CwjlI Aupr, Duwp qoN sI bcfieaf.jwg nUM qfrn vfsqy, gurU nfnk afieaf.

    qyrf qyrf qol nfnk, modI Kfnf sI lutfieaf.iqMn vyrI ihsfb kIqf, nPf hr vyrI afieaf.ipqf kflU vI nf jfxy, rfjL BYx nfnkI bqfieaf.swcf sOdf krn igaf sI, sfDUaF aMn Ckfieaf.

    kOzy rfksL, swjx Twg nUM iswDy rsqy pfieaf.vihmF BrmF coN kwZ gurF ny, eykukFr nfm jpfieaf.mlk Bfgo hMkfr qoV ky, pUrIaF coN lhU vgfieaf.BfeI lflo dI suwkI rotI, Aus coN duwD cvfieaf.

    blI kMDfrI, pwQr suwitaf, pMjy rok idKfieaf.gurU nfnk gurpurb dI, pRymI dyvy vDfeI.bfxI gurF lV lwg jfE, nSsLy iqafgo BfeI.dsLmy jfmy af gurF ny, iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.11vyN gurU gRMQ sfihb, sB isKn ko mnvfieaf.jg nUM qfrn vfsqy, gurU nfnk afieaf.

    ijAuxf rih igaf Xfd , mrnf Buwl igaf.ijhVy kMm nUM afey jwg qy, krnf Buwl igaf.nPLrq vflIaF lptF dy ivwc jldy iPrdy aF.qwqIaF qvIaF AuWqy bih ky, sVnf Buwl igaf.qlIaF ctdy iPrdy aF, asIN inwq amIr dIaF.aOKI vyly hwQ grIb df, PVnf Bwul igaf.mfieaf ipwCy cOvI GMty BwjI iPrdy aF.pYsy dI ies dOV `c sfnUM, KVnf Buwl igaf.ivhlVpx qy nisLaF Kf ley puwq pMjfbIaF dy.ivwc kfljF jf ky ilKxf, pVHnf Buwl igaf

    golk qy pRDfnIaF ipwCy, lVnf iswK gey |iewjLq, gYrq, axK dI Kfqr, lVnf Buwl igaf.CflF mfr ky koiTaF AuWqy cVnf cfhuMdy aF.hOlI-hOlI pOVIaF AuWqy, cVnf Buwl igaf.iewk QF bYTy rih jFgy, jy KVnf Buwl igaf.zfnsIvflIaf zuwb jFgy jy, qrnf Buwl igaf.

    kulvIr isMG zfnsIvfl

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    srI-nvMbr 24 ieMzo kYnyzIan sInIar sYtr srI df nvMbr mhIny df kvI drbfr dI kfrvfeI s[ myjr isMG iQMd ny inBfeI| ies smfgm nUM kfmXfb krn leI s[ Kuhfl isMG GflotI, myjr krqfr isMG mIq, mihMdr isMG drdI, myjr isMG Bulr, gurcrn isMG igwl mMnsUr, bIbI pivwqr kOr brfV, dieaf isMG KymkrnI, inrml isMG gryvfl, mohx isMG mTfrU, hrpfl isMG brfr, ieMdrjIq isMG DfmI, hrcMd isMG igwl, ipRMsIpl srbx isMG, gurdyv kOr bwl, amrIk isMG lyhl, pRiqpfl isMG sMDU, rivMdr kOr bYs, gurmIq kOr awTvfl, drn isMG iswDU, avqfr kOr shoqf aqy ipRM[ mlUk cMd klyr jI ny Bfg ilaf| ipRM[ mlUk cMd klyr jI ny susfetI nMU lfiebryrI vfsqy afpxI plyTI ikqfb sUrj Auwg igaf Byt kIqI|

    mIq pRDfn s[ kulvMq isMG kulfr ny dwisaf ik sfl dI mYbrip urU hY aqy sB nUM afpxI mYbrip irinXU krfAux leI bynqI kIqI.

    iswK XUQ slyt vwloN 25 nvMbr , idn aYqvfr nUM smuwcIaF iswK sMgqF df iekwT grYNz qfj hfl ivc swidaf igaf sI ijs ivc loar myn lYNz dIaF smwcIaF sMgqF ny BfrI iekwT ivc iswK XUQ slyt nUM 5 isMGF ny sMgq dy rUbrU kIqf aqy sMgq ny afkfsL gUMjdy jY kfiraF nfl cox muihMm df afgLfjL kIqf|

    Aus vyly sMgq dy BfrI iekwT ivc josL qy hulfs Br igaf jdo N slyt ivco N vwK vwK bulfiraF ny cox mYnIPYsto dy

    vwK vwK ivisLaF nUM sMgq ivc KoilHaf qy sMgq dy sihXog nfl lfgU krn df vfadf kIqf|

    ies mOky qy loar myn lYNz dIaF smuwcIaF sBf susfietIaF , ividak adfiraF ijs ivc gu: dsmysL drbfr, gu: isMG sBf, gu: dUK invfrn swrI,Kflsf dIvf vYnkUvr, gu: bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdur, g u : klg IDr drb fr , aYbtsPorz, gu: aM im Rq pRkfsL, gu: nfnk sr, 88 aYivinAU, gu: bulMdpurI TfT,

    World Sikh Organisation, Sikh Colition Vancouver, Sikh Organisation of Canada, gu: qyg bhfdr vYlPyar susfietI klovrzyl, gurmiq sYNtr aYbtsPorz, gu: nfnk akYzfmI, guru aMgd aYlImYNtrI skUl swrI, iswK aYlImYNtrI pRcfr syvf cYrItybl tRwst dy numFidaF aqy hor nfmvr sLKsIaqF ny mMc qoN sMgqF nUM sMboDn huMidaF iswK XUQ dI slyt nUM pUr sihXog dyx dI gwl kIqI|

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    Things will only work if you have taken care of the details. Dont try to push anything that refuses to fall into place. Someone elses desires could be interfering here and it means they have put a lot more planning into creating this resistance. It is also more likely that your ideas have been broad and more futuristic that theirs.

    You should focus on anything you enjoy that seems to have gone by the wayside. Be determined to bring this back into your future, no matter how much seems to be expected of you from others. You need to be careful that your individuality is not stifled by the obligations someone else expects you to take on. It can be draining.

    You are now at a turning point with any personal matters that have been going backwards rather than forward since early October. This is the stage of beginning to work out how you can turn things around. Be prepared for slow progress until late January then you will move ahead. Intuition is accentuated, so take notice.

    The actions of others will tell you more about how they are thinking than anything else. Your own thinking processes can be quite analytical and this will often be converted into your conversations. Someone could be impressed though they may wonder where things will head in the long term. This is their confusion, not yours.

    You need to think before you spend by analysing just how useful anything will be in the long term particularly on a daily basis. If it just seems a nice thing to do or buy, it is probably best forgotten. Catching up with people you have not seen in quite a while could be very enjoyable. They could also surprise you in some way.

    You should not be shy about insisting that your wishes should be taken into account, particularly in situations where this is generally not the case. You can be luckier than you expect on this score, mainly because of the element of surprise coming from you. If you want to reverse obligations, now is the time to act.

    Any annoyance you feel about somebody else is best kept to yourself, especially if they expect you to organise things their way. They are probably not as confident as they want you to believe when it comes to the responsibilities attached. This could become a regular routine if you are not careful, so think carefully before proceeding

    Something you need to be committed to personally and how this will affect daily routine or be managed on a daily basis will not be easy to reconcile. You can worry about it taking the fun out of things. What this can force you to do is look at your priorities in life more closely. Financial costs involved can also be a big factor.

    You can feel at the mercy of others but that is beginning to turn around. What will support this is the degree of confidence you have in yourself. It may be necessary to command greater attention. Decide on what you are willing to be committed to. All the questions wont be answered so get comfortable about your own position.

    Something will enable you to feel confident about being able to initiate matters towards the sort of development you are seeking in the long term. The details involved can seem overwhelming and for this reason it is wise not to rush anything. What someone else desires can create hold-ups. Success is just a matter of time.

    Whichever way you turn it will be difficult to implement your ideas or to get others to accept them. The main thing is not to take on obligations you really dont want. It is entirely up to you to ensure there will be things to enjoy in your life. Others are more concerned about themselves and have no qualms in maintaining this focus.

    Difficulties can arise with friends or with any situation that involves you with a group of people. It is more about what they want and this could make you feel almost invisible. This can make you realise that you have not paid close enough attention to the sort of foundation you need to get in place for what you want long term.





    iSyEyoiy S



    iSyEyy j


    qSyEoyqqqyq S


    SyEyoyoi q

    SyEjojjjy S

    SyEySiyo S

    SyEy q

    ishq Krfb aqy mfnisk icMqf rhygI. swjx-imwqrF df sihXog mfnisk prysLfnI nUM dUr kry. tIcy dI pRfpqI vfsqy sKq imhnq aqy sMGrs dI loV hY. vfhn KrIdx-vycx ivwc hfnI rhy. 15, 23, 24; dsMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.

    Dn dI PjUl KrcI hovy, pr ivgVy kfrj iswD hoxgy. ishq TIk rhy. vfhn qoN cot-BY. inwjI lokF nfl axbx rhy. sMpqI-lfB dy Xog hn. kfrobfr TIk rhy. nvMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; dsMbr 5, 6, 7, 14 asLuwB hn.

    ishq TIk rhy, kfrobfr ivwc lfB ho ky vI krjLf isr cVHy. sMqfn-pwK qoN sLuwB smfcfr imly. mhIny dy aMq ivwc afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. ivdysL-sbMDI kMmF ivwc pRgqI hovy. nvMbr 18, 19, 20, 28, 29; dsMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.

    rfsLI df mfilk cMdr nIc-siQq hY. mn asLFq rhygf. kfrobfr aqy ivwqI icMqf bxI rhygI. sLnI dI mMgl AuWqy ivsLysL idRsLtI srkfrI-Kyqr aqy bMDU-vrg nfl qxfE dy hflq pYdf hovygI. snI-mMgl df dfn kro. nvMbr 20, 21, 22, 30; dsMbr 1, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.

    ishq TIk rhygI. PjUl KrcI vDyry hovy. BfeI-bMDU qoN mdd imly. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf rhy. pqnI-sihXog bixaf rhy. nvyN kMm qoN lfB dy hflfq bxn. nvMbr 15, 23, 24; dsMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.

    nIc-suwkr aqy snI dI idRsLtI pwKoN ieh mhInf AulJxF-pUrvk rhygf. pr afrQk hflfq kuJ suDrngy. Xfqrf ivwc ksLt dI sMBfvnf hY. kMm bdlxf lfhyvMd rhygf. mhIny dy aMq ivwc mnorMjn aqy sLuwB kfrjF vfsqy Krc hoxy. nvMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; dsMbr 5, 6, 7, 14 asLuwB hn.

    acfnk rog aqy ksLt BY bxy. mhIny dy mwD ivwc imwqr-bMDU ksLt, Xfqrf ivwc Dn-hfnI df Xog hY. PjUl dy JgVy qoN bco. lukvyN dusLmx qoN BY hY, sfvDfn rho. asLuwB kfrjF ivwc Krc hovy. nvMbr 18, 19, 20, 28, 29; dsMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.

    lgnysL mMgl df bRihspq dy Kyqr ivwc hoxf aqy bwuD df rfhU, cMdr aqy sUrj dy nfl myl AulJn-pUrvk hflfq bxFdf hY. imwqr-bMDU dI slfh lfhyvMd rhygI. sMqfn-pwK qoN KusLI pr pqnI dI ishq bfry icMqf rhy. kfrobfr TIk, mhIny df aKIr sLuwB rhy. nvMbr 20, 21, 22, 30; dsMbr 1, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.

    Dn rfsLI ivwc ivcr rhy mMgl aqy krk rfsLI AuWpr mMgl dI nIc idRsLtI guwsy `c vfDf krygI. blwz-pRYsr kfrn ishq ivgVy, pr ivroDI kMmjLor hox. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI krnI pvy. jLmIn-jfiedfd bfry msly sLFqI-pUrn ZMg nfl inptf lvo. nvMbr 15, 23, 24; dsMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.

    suwK aqy Dn pRfpqI dy Xog bxngy. swjxF-imwqrF nfl JgVf hox kfrn prysLfnI `c vfDf hovy. kfrobfr ivwc vfDy dy lwCx njLr afxgy. mhIny dy aMq ivwc afmdn-Krc brfbr rihx. ishq dy pwKoN ieh mhInf vDIaf nhIN. nvMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; dsMbr 5, 6, 7, 14 asLuwB hn.

    srkfrI kfrjF ivwc sPlqf imly. ivroDI-pwK kmjLor rhy, pr Krc ijLafdf hovy. kfrobfr ivwc ivsLysL pRgqI aqy tIcy dI pRfpqI sihjy huMdI ivKfeI dyvy. mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL Krc af pvy. lgnysL-snI AuWc hox kfrn acwl sMpqI-lfB sMBv hY. nvMbr 18, 19, 20, 28, 29; dsMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.

    lgnysL brihspq vYrI-Kyqr ivwc hY. snI dI myK rfsLI AuWqy nIc-idRsLtI prysLfnI pYdf krygI. srkfrI JgVy vDxgy. PjUl KrcI vDyry hovygI. swjxF-imwqrF vwloN shfieqf aqy hmdrdI imly. acfnk asLuwB smfcfr imlx kfrn mn prysLfn hovy. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc cMgf lfB hovy. nvMbr 20, 21, 22, 30; dsMbr 1, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.

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    6th Annual Fraser Valley Automall Food Bank Drive

    Its that time of year again, the Fraser Val-ley Automall Food Bank Drive has officially start-ed and is collecting food and donations to assist those in need. This is the 6th year for the event that started out in 2006 as a partnership with the eight dealers from the au-tomall and the Abbotsford News. Save-On Foods, Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service and Abbotsford Police Department joined in three years ago and the event has expanded to in-clude Price Smart Foods and additional sponsors HUB Insurance, Auto-mall Autobody and the Abbotsford News.

    People can drop off food at the Fraser Valley Au-

    tomall starting now until December 15th as well as at Save-On Foods and local Fire Halls on George Ferguson Way, West Rail-way, North Parallel and Bluejay.

    There will be collections on December 2nd at the Save-On Foods on Sumas Way and at Price Smart on South Fraser Way on December 15th.

    Between December 3 14, fire fighters will be out in the community knock-ing on doors canvassing for food and donations to the Abbotsford Food Bank. Food donations are greatly appreciated and monetary donations are even more beneficial as this money can be increased significantly

    with the buying power of Save-On Foods purchas-ing food items.

    The Food Bank Drive will depart from the Automall on Saturday morning, December 15th at 11:00 am with eight vehicles representing each of the eight franchise dealers as well as a vehicle from Au-tomall Autobody, Abbots-ford Fire Rescue Service vehicles and the Save-On Foods semi-trailer full of donated food and drive through the heart of the City to the Food Bank located on Essendene Avenue.

    Lets all make a differ-ence during this holiday season by assisting citi-zens in need!

    Sumas Mountain RescueOn Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012, the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) responded to a report that a man had fallen off of his mountain bike on Sumas Mountain. The individual had initially called 911 using his cell. phone. He stated that he had hit his head and was suffering from a neck injury.

    The injured party was a 63 year old male who was biking alone and was unsure of his loca-tion. Fortunately he had the presence of mind to use his mobile phone to establish his exact lo-cation by using G.P.S. coordinates. Within an hour AFRS firefighters were able to find him on a trail above the Ledgeview Golf course. At this time the patient was becoming hypothermic.

    AFRS crews and Search and Rescue members packaged the patient and transported him to a lo-cation on McKee Road. From this location the patient was transported by BC Ambulance to Ledgeview Golf Course. A BCAS HeliJet heli-copter was staged on the 9th fairway of the golf course. The patient was

    then medevacd to VGH. The bike rider was con-scious throughout the incident.

    Three AFRS engines and 13 firefighters attended the incident for approxi-mately two hours. APD B.C. Ambulance and Search and Rescue were also on the scene.

    Youth mean business in B.C.Athena Theny often dreamed of being able to make and sell her jewellery, leather handbags and other creations in her own store. Now her dream has been realized through Athena Atelier, her boutique in Gastown.

    Athena Atelier is the result of Athenas participation in the Youth Mean Busi-ness program, along with her extensive collaboration with business advisors, professors and social entrepreneurs in the community. Athenas success is one of the reasons government is ex-tending the Youth Mean Business pilot project through to March 31, 2013.

    Funded through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement (LMA), the B.C. government is invest-ing a total of nearly $2 million for the Youth Mean Business program, which helps youth (aged 18 to 29 years) work with business advisors to create sound business proposals that they can then develop into formal business plans. The program provides up to $5,000 for each participant, some of which can be used as seed money for launching their business. The pilot initially launched in June 2011, with an investment of $1.65 million through to October

    2012. Government is investing an additional $337,900 to extend the program to the end of the fiscal year.

    Before participating in Youth Mean Business, Athena was working in the mental-health field as a group facilita-tor and making jewellery and acces-sories on the side. She sold some of her designs on consignment at local boutiques, but thought of her passion for design as a hobby rather than as something she could run as a busi-ness. Through working with business advisors and using some seed funding from the program, she gained the tools necessary to put a plan into action and become the designer she always wanted to be.

    From June 2011 to October 31, 2012, about 185 young people have par-ticipated in the Youth Mean Business program throughout the province, and have worked with business advisors to develop proposals to gain traction on their own business ideas. The goal is to get to at least 226 by the end of March 2013. The YMCA of Greater Vancou-ver administers the Youth Mean Busi-ness program in Greater Vancouver, ETHOS Ca- contd on page 51

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    PYzirl ilbirl hux aYn[zI[pI[qoN awgyhfl hI ivc afey iek srvyKx muqfbk mulk Br ivc pRDfn mMqrI hfrpr df jlvf brkrfr hY aqy AuhnF dI pfrtI hfly vI afm lokF dI njLr ivc lokipRaf hY. ies srvyKx muqfbk lIzrisLp dI lokipRaqf dy mfmly ivc hfrpr df koeI sfnI nhIN, jdik Qfms mulkyar dUjy aqy bOb rya qIjy nMbr qy hn. nYnyjL pol duafrf krvfey gey ies mfisk srvyKx muqfbk kMjLrvyitv pfrtI nUM hfly vI mulk Br ivc 33[8 PLIsdI lokF dI hmfieq pRfpq hY, jdik ilbrl aYn[zI[pI[ nUM ipwCy krky 29 PLIsdI Auqy af gey aqy aYn[zI[pI[ 27[2 PLIsdI Auqy iKsk geI hY. gRIn pfrtI hfly vI 3[7 PLIsdI dy krIb hmfieq qy KVHI hY, jdik ikAUibk dI pfrtI 4[9 PLIsdI dy nfl coQy nMbr qy hY.

    AuntorIE dy muK mMqrI pd dI dOV `c 7 AumIdvfrF `c 1 pMjfbI

    trFto-AuntfrIE ilbrl lIzrisLp dI cox lVn leI afpxI AumIdvfrI df aYlfn krn dy afKrI idn koeI hor AumIdvfr qF sfhmxy nhIN afieaf, pr ies dOV ivc hux qwk sLfml AumIdvfrF dI igxqI dI kfPLI ho geI hY. hux qwk 7 AumIdvfr mYdfn ivc hn, jo aglf pRI