november december 2015 winter edition - · sary. our guild was thus able to present itself...

1 United Nations Women’s Guild of Geneva November - December 2015 Winter Edition Wishing you peace and joy over the festive holidays from the UNWG Executive Committee

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United Nations Women’s Guild of Geneva

November - December 2015

Winter Edition

Wishing you peace and joy over the festive holidays

from the UNWG Executive Committee



Villa les Feuillantines, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Genève 10 Tel: 022 917 33 86 Email: [email protected]

Opening times: Monday - Friday 9.30am-12.30pm Monday & Thursday 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Bank Account No. 279-CA101215.0 Clearing No. 279 IBAN: CH50 0027 9279 CA10 12150


English Newsletter Editor: Karen Rowland Photos: Margaret Tomassi Distribution: Budi Maher & team Website: Olga Mednikova

Dear Members

We have unfortunately been unable to find a new sponsor for printing newsletters. Members with internet access will find a copy of the UNWG newsletter at

To keep our commitment to our members who do not have internet access, we are sending a one page English Listings of Events for November and December by post.

Thank you for your kind understanding. The Executive Committee

3 President’s Welcome 11 Guild News: Bazaar 2015

4 Coffee Mornings 12 Visits & Culture

5 Executive Committee 2015/16 13 Book Club & Cookery Club

6 Project Report from Peru 14 Language Courses

7 Project Report from Moldova 15 Club Activities

8 Guild News: UNOG 70th Anniversary 16 Notices

9 Guild News: UNWG Children’s Walk 17 Notices

10 Guild News: Bazaar 2015 18 Editor’s Messages


Dear friends,

First of all, I wish to thank Gita Sunderaraman and the team who worked so hard since August, to make the Children’s Walk 2015 such a big success. It attracted a record participation: nearly thousand children from nine local schools came to walk or even run laps in the Parc des Nations under beautiful weather condi-tions. More than 110 volunteers gave their time to carry out various essential tasks on the day of the walk, Friday 2 October. The funds raised, thanks to the enthusiastic effort of the children and to the generous contribution of their parents and sponsors will surely enable us to finance more scholarships in the coming years.

This 11th Children’s Walk was dedicated to our dear friend Xiaojin Zhang who passed away on 20 Septem-ber, in tribute to her faithful contribution to the Guild, as a co-treasurer and as a person. We all are extreme-ly saddened by the loss of our wonderful friend Xiaojin, a model of dedication. A large number of members attended the funeral service on 28 September. No words will suffice to express our sorrow. We shall keep a very special place for her in our hearts and memories.

The Arab Ambassadors’ Spouses Group offered the coffee morning on 6 October. We do thank them for this joyful and animated event. The quiz was a pulsating game, perfectly organized. We enjoyed the rich buffet that offered us a large range of exquisite specialities from various Arab cooking traditions.

UNOG kindly invited UNWG to hold a stand at the Palais des Nations on the occasion of the open house day that took place on Saturday 24 October in the framework of the events marking UNOG’s 70th anniver-sary. Our Guild was thus able to present itself to the visitors and the lottery team could advertise the Bazaar 2015 and sell lottery tickets.

With Bazaar 2015 approaching, our Bazaar Committee redoubles its preparations under the guidance of the President of the Bazaar, Mrs Andrea Vazquez De d’Alotto, wife of the Permanent Representative of Argentina, and of the Vice President, Mrs Eleonora Lucangeli Serra, wife of the Permanent Representative of Italy. A good number of other members are actively involved and contribute with their time and talents to the preparation of another successful bazaar. We still need more volunteers in various fields; so do not hes-itate to contact us.

This year for the first time, due to ongoing renovation works in the sector of conference rooms in Building E, the Guild stalls - bric-à-brac, books, clothes, toys - will not be hosted in rooms close to the stands of the missions but on the 8th floor of Building A. We definitively shall need additional volunteers on the day of the Bazaar, Tuesday 24 November, to guide visitors from Building E to the assigned rooms in Building A. So please do contact urgently.

Guild stalls responsibles: Lia Hollander email: [email protected] tel: 076 748 76 81 Lia Hollander will work in team with Agnes Bais.

With your cooperation and dedication, I am sure that our Bazaar 2015 will be a very productive and successful. ‘ With warm regards Christine Evéquoz

If life is only a passage, let us at least scatter flowers on the way’ Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (free translation)

President’s Welcome


Our sincere thanks to the Guild and the Arab Ambassadors’ Spouses Group for the wonderful Autumnal Coffee Mornings!

November The monthly coffee morning on Tuesday 3 November will be kindly hosted by the Activities & Language course students of the United Nations Women’s Guild. December On Tuesday 1 December, our coffee morning will be kindly hosted by Mme Eleonora Lucangeli Serra, wife of the Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN and its members. Details for both coffee mornings are as follows: Time: 9.30am - 11.30am Place: UN, Porte 39, Bar Escargot Bus: 8,28,F,V,Z Stop: Appia Cost: CHF3 members only Please note that only UNWG members are invited to the coffee mornings held at the UN. ***Save the Date: January’s Coffee Morning will take place on Tuesday 12 January 2016***

Hospitality Carmen Falaize Contact details can be found in the Welcome Peta Girod Membership Directory

Please note that coffee mornings start promptly at 9.30am and the area must be cleaned and vacated by 11.30am.

Monthly Coffee Mornings



Manila Paktian Vice-President for Activities

Ghazala Syeddah Nayyar Education Sibyl de Peic

Membership Secretary

Nora Ministris French Recording Secretary

Catherine d’Arcangues Vice-President for Projects

Latifa Amine Visits & Culture

Lib-by McCutchan

Fatma El Zahraa Kamal Co-Membership Secretary

Carmen Falaize Hospitality

Farida Serir French Newsletter Editor

Vacant Position Co-Treasurer


Christine Evèquoz President

Karen Rowland English Newsletter Editor

Diane Vergnaud Treasurer

Peta Girod


Genevieve Auroi Public Relations


Over the past 20 years, Peru has made considerable progress in child survival, however newborn mortality remains high, particularly among the poorest populations. Premature babies and newborns with low birth weight are the most vulnerable. Maternal milk is essential and by far the best nutrient to help these newborns get through the difficult period of the first weeks of life. When their mothers do not produce enough milk, these little ones depend on the gift of breastmilk from other women. In 2001, the Peruvian National Maternal and Perinatal Institute opened its Breastmilk Bank. The association “Taller de los Niños” immediately joined this initiative by opening a collection point for maternal milk. In this convivial environment, young mothers learn to breastfeed, gain confidence and get information on the huge benefits of maternal milk, compared to artificial formula. They also learn that, if they have a lot of milk, they can donate some and thus save brand new lives. The association was thus able to collect more than 40% of the Bank’s milk. However, it lacked a freezer of sufficient capacity and was losing as much as 15% of the donated milk. Thanks to UNWG’s financial support, it acquired a new freezer, larger and more reliable. This provided the opportunity to relaunch its publicity cam-paign and soon milk donations increased from 4.5 to 15 litres a week.

Our Projects Throughout the World

The Survival of Newborns in Peru

Report by Vice President-Projects, Catherine D’Arcangues

Above and Right: Cup feeding newborns in Peru


In 1998, a dream came true in Moldova, in Chişinău. A group of parents created an association for mentally handicapped children, the PCCP (Pilot Complex of Curative Pedagogy) ‘Orpheus’, to support the creation of a school offering various alternative therapies. Five years later, the only institution of its kind in the country, the school was officially approved by the Government of Moldova as an establishment of curative pedagogy, created and supported by a parental association. Currently, the school cares for 350 children between the ages of 3 and 19; it offers a range of therapies based on games and on music, as well as technical training, thereby contributing to building the students’ self-confidence and sociability, as well as preparing their integration in the work environment. The association keeps its non-commercial, non-profit status and relies on raising funds to pursue its activities. In 2015, with funds granted by the UNWG, the association was able to purchase new musical instruments, various ludotherapy tools and specialised didactic materials. All these are used on a daily basis by the students and their teachers. But the school also keeps a tradition of social integration through participation in sport or art competitions. Thus, with its new instruments, the « Orpheus » school orchestra was able to participate in local celebrations as well as contests between the various municipal music schools and … the school is most proud to announce its second place in the latest music contest! The orchestra is now actively preparing its participa-tion in a festival in Vitebsk, Belarus.

Our Projects Throughout the World

Music and Ludotherapy in Moldova

Report by Vice President-Projects, Catherine D’Arcangues

Above and Left: Making sweet music in Moldova!


Saturday 24 October 2015 10.00am - 5.00pm

2015 marked the global celebration of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations to honour the historic breadth of the Organization’s development, security and human rights work. The “UN70” celebra-tion also aimed to unite Member States, global civil society and the many individual women and men working in common cause to enable a strong UN to realize a better world. On 24 October, exactly 70 years since the Charter of the United Nations entered into force, an Open Day was organised at the Palais des Nations and the surrounding Ariana Park. Thousands of visitors came for this extraordinary event which brought together various UN agencies, funds and programmes, other international organizations, permanent missions and non-governmental organizations; many of whom made their own contributions to commemorate the United Nations 70th anniversary through stands, lectures, movie screenings, concerts and numerous diverse activities for both children and adults. As part of the Open Day celebration, the UNWG held its own stand to promote itself and the wonderful projects which it funds. Our sincere and grateful thanks to Genevieve Auroi who organised our stall and Eliane Riesen who organised the volunteers' database and the numerous members who volunteered on the day.

To celebrate the United Nations’ 70th anniversary, Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto chose a reconfiguration of the mathematical infinity sign called ’Rebirth’ (photo above) to convey UNOG’s intention to embrace a new path for diplomacy, to undertake a renaissance and symbolically commit to a new start.


This year we had around 960 schoolchildren walking laps around the beautiful UN grounds and more than 90 volunteers stamping laps into passports, offering refreshments and cheering on walkers. Donations were given from the following generous sponsors this year: Nestle, Aligro, UN Information Services and the UN Bookshop in Geneva, UN Federal Credit Union in New York, Vivian Landau in Zurich, and M J Ravi, Auxilium Printers in Chennai, India. We also relied upon, the ever fantastic input, from UN Security and Medical Services too. We thank the children, teachers, parents, sponsors and directors of the following schools which participated this year: the British School of Geneva, Collège du Léman, Geneva English School, Institut Florimont, International School of Geneva, La Châtaigneraie, the International School of Geneva, La Châtaigneraie, the International School of Geneva Nations Campuses of Saconnex and Pregny, Montessori, and last but by no means least, the Swedish School of Geneva. Special thanks to the core team comprising of Gita Sundararaman, Libby McCutchan, Manila Paktian, Margrit Hammarskjöld, Marit De Winter, Marie-Claire De Stickere, Kajori Massé-Basu, Vivien Nathan, Margaret Tomassi, Billur Koker and the UN authorities and numerous Guild member volunteers without whom the walk would not have been possible.

UNWG Children’s Walk Friday 2 October 2015

Great team , great children, great day!


UNWG International Bazaar Order of invitation cards Tuesday 24 November 2015, Palais des Nations, United Nation, Geneva. Dear Members, You, your family and your friends are warmly invited to the International Bazaar of the UN Women’s Guild that will take place on Tuesday 24

th November 2015. Be sure not

to miss this great event with its restaurant and craft stalls from more than 60 countries. As said, your friends and family members are more than welcome to attend. If they do not have a “Carte de Légitimation” or a UN Courtesy Badge, they will need an invitation card is-sued beforehand by the UNWG, in order to access the premises of the UN on the day of the bazaar. At the beginning of October, you will have received all the necessary information and electronic forms to place your

order. The invitation cards will be issued in November before the bazaar. Please take note that the UN security services need the following information from all invitees: Family name, name, ID (passport) number and nationality. If any of this information is not provided, your invitation(s) cannot be processed. Please inform your invitees about this. Remember that the annual bazaar is the biggest fund-raising activity of the UNWG. It makes it possible to fund projects in favour of underprivileged children around the world. So come, enjoy and participate! If you have any questions or enquiries, please contact us at:

[email protected]

Most sincerely, Monica Vermeulen Maysa Gayyusi


Lottery Ticket Sales - VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED!!! Our aim of making the Bazaar lottery another annual success, requires the help of ALL OF YOU!. Besides selling tickets to your friends and family, you can also sign up for selling lottery-tickets at an international or-ganisation. Every day at lunchtime we are allowed to sell tickets at the different organisations. For this, we need 4-8 helpers every day. You will not only be supporting the lottery ticket team but will also get the opportunity to meet other members of the UNWG. I am sure that with the help of all of you, we will sell plenty of tickets and earn lots of money for the numerous projects for children all around the world! If you are interested in helping us sell tickets, please contact either: Luzia Sebesta Schmid 022 765 61 18 21 (members only) or Brigitte Coianiz 00 33 450 40 56 27 (members only)


All clothing, books, jewellery, textiles, paintings and bric-a-brac which are in GOOD CONDITION can be donated to the Bazaar Guild Stalls. Please contact the person in charge of the Stall (see below) to arrange collection by appointment after Wednesday 16 September or at UNOG from Wednesday 28 October until the day of the Bazaar Don't forget to bring plenty of homemade cakes for our delicious Cake Stall on the day of the Bazaar! The lead coordinators for the donations are as follows: Cakes: Nadjia Kherad Bric-a-Brac: VACANT POSITION Clothes: Zohra Ahmadi Books: VACANT POSITION Jewellery: Farida Alan Tel: 022 917 33 86 between the hours of 15h00-17h00 Monday to Friday Email: [email protected] UN Security Instruction: We have been requested not to leave ANYTHING in the basement, entrance, ground floor, stairwell nor offices at the Villa. Thank you for your generosity and goodwill. With kind regards, The Guild Stalls Team


Tuesday 10 November Temporary Exhibition ‘Toulouse Lautrec und die Photographie’ at Kunst Museum in Bern For the first time ever, the Kunstmuseum Bern will be juxtaposing the work of the world-famous French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) with the photography of his time. It will be confronting his paintings, drawings, lithographs, and posters with contemporary photographs that contain the same or very similar motifs, often having in fact served the artist as models for his work.

Travel arrangements: Return trip to Bern: CHF100 full price/ CHF50 using demi-tarif season ticket. SBBCFF offers 20% discount for groups (a minimum of 10 persons). Exhibition: CHF20 full price/CHF16 seniors rate. We can get a 10% discount off the admission fee with the SBBCHF group discount. There is also a possibility of a guided tour in English or French. This depends on the number of participants. The total cost of the group guided tour is CHF180. Tuesday 15 December

Christmas Market in Montreux From the shores of Lake Geneva to the neighbouring mountain tops, Montreux Noël offers many activities centred around its traditional Christmas Market to please visitors of all ages. You can visit Santa who comes directly from faraway Lapland to his house at Rochers-de-Naye, discover an authentic Christmas Village in Caux, or stroll through the Medieval Enchantment within the walls of the legendary Château de Chillon. For 21 years, the Christmas Market delights some 500,000 visitors who come from all over Switzerland and around the world, and offers them a warm and friendly welcome in a festival of colours that create a magnificent atmosphere in the heart of the Montreux winter. More details to follow on this visit. Sign up for both November and December visits will held at the November Coffee Morning. Alternatively, call or email Latifa directly. Contact details can be found in the Membership Directory.

Visits & Culture Organiser: Latifa Amine


BOOK CLUB Organiser: Chouhrette Bunzl

No Book Club in November because of organisation of Bazaar 2015 On Friday 11th December 2015, at 2pm in the Villa, we shall be discussing our book of the month: Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson. Edgecombe St Mary is a small English village in East Sussex where the two main characters live: Major Ernest Pettigrew, the retired sixty-eight-year old widower who leads a peaceful life in his rural house covered in roses and the beautiful Pakistani widow, Mrs Jasmina Ali, the village shopkeeper who is ten years his junior. Major Pettigrew and Mrs Ali share the same passion for literature and especially for the work of the English writer, Rudyard Kipling. They also have in common a sense of duty as well as being proud, polite and courteous. Values that will bring them together and blossom into a romance. Will they be able to overcome the prejudices and racism of the communities around them? You can read about the books we have previously reviewed and discussed in our monthly Book Club meetings. Also you can view the list of books we will be reading and discussing in the coming months, at my website: All the best, Chouhrette

No Cookery Club for November nor December but watch this space for the next sessions in the New Year!

COOKERY CLUB Organiser: Ilona Mercz


Day Time Language Group Leader



Arabic French Intermediate & Advanced

Heba Mamish Room 1

10h00-11h30 German Beginners A1 Beate Boehm

11h00-12h30 Arabic French Beginners

Heba Mamish Room 1


French B1 Hassiba Oulhaci Room 3


French A2 Nadia Mehdi Room 2

14h00-16h00 French A1 Farida Serir (temporary) Room 1


09h30-11h30 French Conversation Maryse Nicora

10h30-12h00 English Beginner Karen Ransome Room 1

14h30-16h00 Spanish Intermediate Doris Murillo Room 2


09h30-11h00 Spanish Beginners Connie Castrillon Pilo-pas Room 1

14h00-15h30 Japanese Kyoko Ohkawa Room 2


09h30 - 11h30 German First hour Intermediate Second hour Beginners

Michaela Hajnoczi Room 2

10h00-11h30 English Conversation

Christine McLean

13h00-14h30 Intermediate English

Bilqueece Alimohamed Room 2

Fri 10h30-12h30 English Conversation Bertha Dubois

Room 3

Please refer to your copy of the Membership Directory for teachers’ contact details. To be eligible to register for any course or activity,

you must show your current membership card upon registration.

Bus: 5, 8, 22, 28, F, V, Z Tram: 15 Bus & Tram stop: Nations



Day Time Activity Group leader


13h45-17h00 Open Bridge at ILO Eda Bankowski Imogen Lewis

14h00-16h00 Handicraft & Quilting Manila Paktian Room 3


09h00 onwards Hiking Mahroughe Mary Kazazi Denise Maertens

Edith Mayer Wallin

10h15-11h30 Pilates at ITU Sibyl de Peic

1st, 2nd and 4th Wed

of the month 10h00-12h30

Painting & Artistic Techniques

Chantal Andersen Room 3

3rd Wed of the month


Painting & Artistic Techniques

Mojdeh Taleghani Room 3

12h30-16h30 Mah Jong Chantal Andersen Room 1

14h00-16h30 Painting/Artistic Techniques Vacant Position Room 3


09h30-13h30 Social Bridge Rosaleen Nassif Room 1


09h30-10h30 Fitness Training at WHO

Cornelia Schenck

3rd Fri of the month 09h30-11h30

Jewellery Making Nouzha Ottmani-Mersaoui Room 3

Last Fri of the month


Cooking Ilona Mercz Room 3

Last Fri of the month

14h00 - 16h00

Book Club Chouhrette Bunzl Room 3

Please refer to your copy of the Members' Directory for contact details of the teachers



The UNWG Kiosk offers visitors the opportunity to purchase very special gifts. All articles that are sold at the UNWG Kiosk are bought or donated by people representing our International Community. Visitors will find a variety of items from T-shirts to jewellery. Each item sold becomes part of a common contribution in raising funds for various projects particularly, to improve the education of disavantaged chil-dren around the world.

The Kiosk is manned by UNWG volunteers and we always need Guild volunteers to help in sales. No previous sales experience necessary, just a warm, welcome smile and a positive attitude!

The Kiosk is open most days of the week from 11.30 to 5:30 pm.

Contact Solange Alonso et Jean Goodship for details of how you can help. Contact details can be found in the Member-ship Directory.

Join the Kiosk Sales

Team and raise a smile

on a child’s face!

Above: Photographs of our UNWG Kiosk

ALKHAYYAT Aroub Jordan AUROI Geneviève Switzerland AZMY Hanane Egypt CATTIN Margarita Swizterland/Equador DIENG Ndeye Yacine Senegal EL BEDOUR Taroub Jordan FADLA BOUCHENGA Lamia Algeria FAST Monica Brazil FROMONT Marianne Switzerland/France GEHRIG MERCADO Amparo Switzerland HAFTENDORN Pauline France HOLLANDER Lia USA HWANG Jung Sook South Korea

KIDANE Sabe Sweden KIKUSHI Masako Japan LIU Yan China LUCANGELI SERRA Eleonora Italy NAKAMURA Rumi Japan OMINATO Noriko Japan PAGEL DE PADILLA Silvia Mexico PEAN MEVS Laurance Haïti QUINN Patricia Alison Australia SERIR Farida Switzerland TRUFFAULT Anne France VAN DER BORG Brigitte Julienne The Netherlands WIEST Shameera USA

We hope that you enjoy a rewarding membership with us!

A warm welcome to our new members who have recently joined the United Nations Women’s Guild


Tribute to Xiaojin Zhang at Saint Georges cemetery Xiaojin, dearest Xiaojin, When hearing your name, each of us can see your smile, can hear you talking to us in a very smooth, soft and gentle way. Over more than three years you have been part of our Executive Committee, you gave so much, so much, and your dedication to our Guild is beyond what one can expect from a volunteer. I remember - and most of us remember - your first visit to our villa when you arrived and told us: I just retired from ITU, I am willing to help at the Guild. From that day, over three years ago, you have been at our side, we could see you everywhere: EC, kiosk, Bazaar bank, annual lunches, lottery, as well as working nearby Eliane at the office and spending

so many hours with Jasmina. You worked so well and so hard, with such a great spirit, you were always available and happy to help. In the name of all members of the Guild, I can say that you have been for each of us a friend and a very good listen-er. You have shown us how we should work and how we should share our tasks as volunteers. We shall try to follow your steps, but this will be a great challenge because we surely shall not reach your standard. Everyone who met you during your lifetime is proud to have had that opportunity. We all have been lucky and privi-leged to have spent those years with you. Thank you so much, dear Xiaojin, for your wonderful and exceptional com-mitment and for your generosity. Next Friday, 2

nd October, the Children's Walk 2015 will be dedicated to you, dear Xiaojin, because you would have

been there and you will be with us in our thoughts. You were our treasurer, but I wish to say that you are a real treasure for all of us, a lady, an exceptional soul with a wonderful heart. Our deepest condolences to your family as well as to everyone who shared your life. Today and for ever you will remain in our hearts and in our prayers, All your friends from the Guild

Joyce Jett-Ali 1947-2015

Joyce Marie Jett-Ali, 67, passed away on 31 August 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. Joyce was born on October 19, 1947, in Yakima, WA. She developed an early and enduring love for the outdoors and travel. After obtaining her Masters, Joyce joined the Peace Corps serving on western Africa assignments and worked in par-ticular on a Nutrition and Health Education program for women in rural villages in Ivory Coast. In 1977, she married Omar Ali in Cairo, Egypt, and went on to work for USAID in Tunisia and Sudan. She moved to Geneva, Switzerland, in June 1983, and had lived there ever since. In Geneva, Joyce was active at the United Nations, representing various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for the past 20 years, acting as a civil society defender on numerous interna-tional issues such as women and health/family planning, female genital mutilation (FGM) and the rights of migrant women. Joyce was also the President of UNWG from 1992 to 1994. Upon personal reflection, Joyce wrote of herself: “I am who I am because of my early years growing up on an apple ranch on Naches Heights and by having good friends who share the same experience guided by common values and humanity – hard work, self-sufficiency, roots, security, optimism, family love and, for me, I guess I would have to add a healthy dose of curiosity and independence. That combined with a “can do” attitude toward life, I always wanted to see what was over the next hill. And during my life many hills I have climbed…” .



CONTRIBUTION DEADLINE for January/February newsletter

Please submit photos in .jpg format only and written text in both English and French in Word

format only, for editing purposes.

Email to [email protected] by

Friday 27 November 2015

All information received after this date will appear in the following edition.

Thank you for your kind understanding!

You are reminded to bring your membership card to

all course events and activities

offered by the UNWG.

To enter the UN or other international buildings,

you are required to wear your UNWG badge.

If you need a badge to enter the Palace,

please complete the necessary form at the Villa during the following times:

from Monday to Friday 9.30am - 12.30pm Monday and Thursday 2.00pm - 5.00pm

Our membership secretaries will prepare a letter for each of our members which will detail the necessary

information required to issue a UN pass.

Editor‘s Messages

Winter break starts on Friday 18 December but teachers can decide case on case to con-tinue their class for the following week if they wish. All classes will resume in the New Year from Monday 11 January but teachers may decide with their students to start the previous week.


President: [email protected] Newsletter: [email protected] Vice-President activities: [email protected] Public Relations: [email protected] Vice-President projects: [email protected] Recording Secretaries: [email protected] Treasurers: [email protected] Hospitality: [email protected] Membership: [email protected] Monthly Meetings: [email protected]

Do you have bookkeeping skills, qualified in accounting? Would you like to practice your acquired experience for a worthwhile cause? We have a vacancy for the Co-Treasurer’s position on the Executive Committee. If you are interested and would like further details of this position, please contact the Nominating Committee: Gertrud Attar (President), Beverley Antille, Elisabeth Kandem. Contact details can be found in the Members’ Directory.