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Socialist Republic of Vietnam Cộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam By: Novita Ristianti

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Socialist Republic of VietnamCộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam

By: Novita Ristianti

Located in the eastern and northern hemispheres• In the Tropic of Cancer• it is positioned in Southeast Asia• recognized geographical region of the Asian


Bordered by the Pacific Ocean• Gulf of Tonkin• Gulf of Thailand• South China Sea• the countries of China, Laos and Cambodia.

About 43.82 miles (70.52 km) northwest of Hue

Highest Point: Fan Si Pan 10,315 ft. (3,144 m) Lowest Point: South China Sea 0m Coastline: 2,140 miles (3,444 km) excludes islands Land Area: (land) 119,718 sq miles (310,070 sq km) (water) 8,162 sq miles (21,140 sq km) (TOTAL) 127,880 sq miles (331,210 sq km)

Cờ đỏ sao vàng ("Red flag with a gold star")

• Design by: Nguyễn Hữu Tiến (or Lê Quang Sô) in 1940

• used during an uprising against French rule in southern Vietnam that year.

• The background was inspired by the red flag, used by the international communist movement since the Paris Commune of 1871.

• Red symbolizes revolution and blood.

• The star represents the five main classes in Vietnamese society—intellectuals, farmers, workers, businessmen and military personnel

Emblem of Vietnam

• Red background and a yellow star in the middle which represent the Comunist Party of Vietnam, the revolutionery history and bright future of Vietnam.

• The Cog and crops represent the cooperation of agriculture and industrial labour

Motto: "Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc""Independence – Freedom – Happiness"


The Declaration of Independence on September 2nd 1945,

the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the first independent republic in Southeast Asia, was born. On January 6, 1946.

The first universal suffrage general election was held to elect the National Assembly, the supreme organ of power of the new Vietnam.

In November 1946, the National Assembly adopted the first Constitution of the Republic.

The Constitution clearly pointed out that "Vietnam is an indivisible and monolithic bloc

It is a democratic republic; power belongs to the whole Vietnamese people irrespective of race, gender, property, social class and religion.

National Anthem of Republic of Vietnam

Tiến Quân Ca

• The Tiến Quân Ca, pronounced [tjə̌n kwən kaː]. • Known as the "Army March" and the "Song of Advancing Soldiers“.• Both written and composed by Văn Cao in 1944. • The "Marching Song" was adopted as the national anthem of North

Vietnam in 1945.• Adopted as the national anthem of the new Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976,

• Following the reunification of both North Vietnam and South Vietnam at the end of the Vietnam War.

• Means “long dress”

• The other name for the ao dai is "cover everything, but hide nothing“

• Ao dai comes in different colors, the colouris an indicative of the age of the person wearing it.

• The ao dai costume is dated back to the year 1744 when Lord Vu Vuong of the Nguyen dynasty

Traditional Vietnemese ClothAo Dai

Politics of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

• Defined by a single-party socialist republic framework,

• The President of Vietnam of is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Vietnam is the head of of government.

• in a one-party- system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. Excecutivepower is exercised by the government and the President of Vietnam.

• Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Quốc hội).

• The Judiaciary is independent of the executive. The parliament adopted the current Constitution of Vietnam; its fourth, on 15 April 1992, and it has been amended once since then.

• The President (Chủ tịch nước) is elected by the National Assembly for a five-year term

• Acts as the commender-chief of the Vietnam People Armed Forces

• Chairman of the Council for Defence and Security.

• The government (Chính phủ), the main executive state power of Vietnam

• Headed by the Prime Minister, who has several Deputy Prime Ministers and several ministers in charge of particular activities.

• The executive branch is responsible for the implementation of political, economic, cultural, social, national defence, security and external activities of the state.

• The National Assembly is a unicameral legislative body.

• The National Assembly has 500 members, elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms.

• The legislature is, according to the constitution, the highest organ of the state.

• Its powers includes the enactment and amendment of the constitution and laws;

• The adoption of the government budget:

supervising the Government of Vietnam and other holders of public powers responsible to the National Assembly

appointing members of the judiciary.

• The Vietnamese constitution and legislation provide for regular elections for the office of the President of the Socialist Republic, the National Assembly and the People’s Councils.

Comunist Party of Vietnam (CPV)Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam

• Founded 3 February 1930 (as the Indonechinese Communist Party)

• The Founder is Nguyen Ai Quoc

• The founding and ruling political party of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

• Maintain a unitary government and has centralized control over the state, military, and media.

• The General Secretary is Nguyen Phu Trong

The state power is in the hand of the people.

The State is of the people, by the people and for the people.

The party is known for the advocacy of what it calls a ‘socialis-oriented marjet economy

The Highest institution of the CPV is the party’s National Congresses.

The State ensures and constantly promotes the people’s right to mastery in all fields and implements the policy of equality, unity and mutual assistance among ethnic groups.

The people use the state power through the National Assembly and people’s councils. These agencies are elected by the people, representing their will and aspiration

Socialist-Oriented Market Economy Kinh tế thị trường theo định hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa

• The current economic system in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

• It is described as a multi-sectoral market economy oriented towards the eventual and long-term development of socialism.

• The state sector plays a decisive role in directing economic development

• The socialist-oriented market economy is a product of the Đổi mới economic reforms

• Đổi mớ led to the replacement of the centrally-planned economy with a market-based mixed economy based on state-owned industry. These reforms were undertaken to allow Vietnam to integrate with the global market economy.

• The Doi Moi economic reforms were initiated by the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1986 during the 6th National Congress of the party.

• These reforms allowed for private ownership of small enterprises alongside state-run and collectively-owned enterprises.

• These reforms also introduced a greater role for market forces for coordinating economic activity between enterprises and government agencies.

• The economic reforms aimed to restructure the Vietnamese economy away from Soviet-type central planning.

• Towards a mixed economy intended to be a transitional phase in the development of a social economy.

• The goal of the economic system:

to improve the productives forces of the economy,

Developing a firm technical-material base for the foundation of socialism

to enable Vietnam to better integrate with the world economy

• The socialist-oriented market economy is a multi-sectoralcommodity economy regulated by the market

• consisting of a mixture of private, collective and state ownership of the means of production.

• The state sector and collectively-owned enterprises form the backbone of the economy.

• forms of ownership, including cooperative/collective enterprises, communal, private and state ownership models co-exist in the economy; but the state sector plays a decisive role.

• It is similar to the Chinese socialist market economy in that many The state sector and collectively-owned enterprises form the backbone of the economy.

• It is similar to the Chinese socialist market economy in that many forms of ownership, including cooperative/collective enterprises,

Compared with the Chinese model

• In contrast to the Chinese model (dubbed the socialist market economy), the Vietnamese system is not officially viewed as a form of socialism or market socialism.

• It is considered to be a multi-sectoral market economy in the process of undergoing a long-term transition towards socialism, with the view that socialism can only emerge once Vietnam's produvtive forces.

• Developed to a point where socialism becomes a technical possibility.

• The socialist-oriented market economy has aroused less controversy than the Chinese model.

• Its perspective government because private business plays a smaller role in the Vietnamese model.

• Most the means of production remaining firmly under either collective or state ownership and administration.[

Theoretical basis

• The Communist Party of Vietnam maintains that the socialist-oriented market economy

• It is consistent with the Marxist view of economic development, being a key step in achieving economic growth and modernization while being able to co-exist in the modern global market economy.

• Communist Party of Vietnam has re-affirmed its commitment to the development of a socialist economy with its Doi Moi reforms.

• This economic model is defended from a Marxist perspective.

• States that a planned socialist economy can only emerge after first developing the basis for socialism through the establishment of a market economy and commodity-exchange economy.

• The socialism will only emerge after this stage has exhausted its historical necessity and gradually transforms itself into socialism.

• Proponents of this model argue that the economic system of the former USSR.

• its satellite states attempted to go from a natural economy to a planned economy by decree, without passing through the necessary market economy phase of development.[

• Proponents of socialist market economies distinguish themselves from market socialists.

• The view of market socialism is that markets are a central feature of socialism, and that markets are the most feasible mechanism for a socialist economy.

Currency Đồng Vietnam

• Has been the currency of Vietnam since May 3, 1978.

• Issued by the State Bank of Vietnam• it is represented by the symbol "₫".• subdivided into 10 hào, which was

further subdivided into 10 xu, • Neither of which is now used

Vietnam GDP Per Capita

• The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Vietnam was last recorded at 1077.91 US dollars in 2014.

• The GDP per Capita in Vietnam is equivalent to 9 percent of the world's average.

• GDP per capita in Vietnam averaged 562.33 USD from 1984 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 1077.91 USD in 2014 and a record low of 262.95 USD in 1984.

• Until November 2014, FDI in Vietnam increases 9,407 valid projects with the total registered capital of 138.5 billion dollars processing and manufacturing industry.

• In 11 months of 2014, the total amount of newly registered capital and the increasing capital of processing and manufacturing industry in Vietnam reached 13.15 billion dollars.

• Accounted for 76% of the whole country. In which, the average capital of a processing and manufacturing industry's project is 14.7 billion USD, which is higher than the average size the country's FDI project.

Vietnam’s Proportion of FDI in Nov 2014

Samsung Vietnam Electronics

Source: Image from

Top 10 Major Commodities of Vietnam


• There were three layers of culture overlapping each other during the history of Vietnam:

1. local culture, the most prominent culture

2. the culture that mixed with those of China and other countries in the region,

3. The culture that interacted with Western culture.

The natural conditions (temperature, humidity, monsoon, water-flows, water-rice agriculture ...) exert a remarkable impact on the material and spiritual life of the nation.

The Vietnamese nation was formed early in the history and often had to carry out wars of resistance against foreign invaders.

which created a prominent cultural feature: a patriotism that infiltrated and encompassed every aspect of life.

• Most visitors to Vietnam are overwhelmed by the sublime beauty of the country's natural setting: the Red River Delta in the north, the Mekong Delta in the south

• Almost the entire coastal strip are a patchwork of brilliant green rice paddies tended by women in conical hats.

Vietnam also offers an opportunity to see a country of traditional charm and rare beauty rapidly opening up to the outside world.

• The country has managed to preserve its rich civilization and highly cultured society

Religious Beliefs and Practices

• Vietnam there are many religions and this diversity extends to the U.S.

• Confucianism underlies many Vietnamese traditions shared by people of various religions.

• This was the predominant religion in Vietnam

• Practiced by an estimated 90% of the population prior to the war.

• In Seattle, the majority of Vietnamese are Buddhist. There are two main forms in Vietnam. The southern Hinayana believe only monks and nuns can achieve enlightenment, while the northern Mahayana believe laymen can attain enlightenment as well.


• More a code of behavior than a religion.

• it emphasizes filial piety and obligation, altruism and the belief that man creates his own destiny.

• Music, respect for authority (including teachers), and social rites are very important.



• Introduced in late sixteenth century by Portuguese, Spanish and French.

• Catholics in Vietnam have intermittently suffered persecution.

• Before the collapse of South Vietnam, an estimated 2 million people (of a population of 17 million) practiced Catholicism.

• This is the religion of many first wave refugees.

Taoism• Founded by a Chinese philosopher, Lao-tzu

• this religion teaches that the goal of becoming an Ultimate and Unconditioned being can be achieved through thrift, humility and compassion.

• Taoists may worship many gods, and value simplicity, patience, and contentment.

• Taoist avoid confrontation and strive for harmony both between men and between man and nature.

• Some Taoist groups also worship deities or other religions.

• They have an organized clergy and temples.

• Though many Vietnamese do not practice this religion, Taoism has strongly influenced Vietnamese culture.

Other Beliefs/Sects

• Many Vietnamese practice animism (worship of spirits and natural forces), ancestor worship, astrology, and are very superstitious.

• Older refugees in the US continue these practices and beliefs, while many younger people in the community do not.

• Cao Dai and Hoa Hoa are both sects with little influence.


• The Vietnamese language which is spoken by the majority Viet population has regional accents (Northern, Central, and Southern).

• All are generally understood by most Vietnamese speakers.

• Vietnamese is a tonal language with six basic vowel tones.

• It is very different from English;

• verbs do not change forms

• articles are not used

• nouns do not have plural endings

• there are no prefixes, suffixes, or infinitives and no distinction among pronouns.

• Honorific pronouns are used to address people of different status or age.

• Many of the country's 54 ethnic groups have their own distinct languages, though only a few of the ethnic minority languages have their own script

Names, Naming

• Traditionally, Vietnamese people list their family name first,

• then their middle name, with their first (given) name listed as last.

• Family members use different given names (first names aren't passed down).

• The name reflects some meaning.

• Most names can be used for either gender.

• Many in the U.S. have adopted Western customs of naming or if naturalized, may adopt Western names.

• Each family member has a designated kinship term, and these are used when family members address one another.

• Birthdates are written as follows: Day/Month/Year. For example, May 14, 1992 would be written: 14/5/92.


• To address people formally, use Mr. or Ms. or a title plus the first name.

• There are also several other honorific forms when addressing people of different relationships in Vietnamese, but they are not used in English.

• Many may greet by bowing slightly.

• Usually, elders or higher ranking people are greeted first (the family head).

• New 2014: Phrases of Courtesy in Nine Languages: A tool for Medical Providers

• This language learning tool features videos of native speakers saying phrases of courtesy in nine languages, including Vietnamese.

• Phrases of greeting, introduction, acknowledgment, departure and for emergency situations in a clinical setting can be played at a normal speed and at a learning speed.

• The goal of this tool is to provide a jumping-off point for developing rapport in the interpreted health encounter.

Status, Role, Prestige

• Vietnamese culture is concerned more with status (obtained with age and education) than with wealth.

• If one were to rank them in their importance, education would likely come first, followed by age and then wealth.

• Thua (meaning please) is added in front of the honorific name to show respect to elders.

• To show respect, more traditionally minded Vietnamese will bow their heads to a superior or elder. The depth of the bow is not a factor.

• In Vietnam, professions that are high status include doctor, priest, and teacher.

General Etiquette

• Many will smile easily and often, regardless of the underlying emotion, so a smile cannot automatically be interpreted as happiness or agreement.

• Vietnamese often laugh in situations that other cultures may find inappropriate. This laughter is not intended as ridicule.

• Breaking a promise can be a serious violation of social expectation. It is very difficult to re-establish a lost confidence.

• When inviting a friend on an outing, the person who offers the invitation usually offers to pay to the bill.

• During social gatherings, Vietnamese will often arrive late so as not to appear overly enthusiastic.

• They are punctual to appointments in professional settings.

• When giving gifts, often the giver minimizes the value of the item, even though it may be great.

• The recipient of a gift is expected to display significant gratitude that sometimes lasts a lifetime.

• Some may be reluctant to accept a gift because of the burden of gratitude.

• Vietnamese may refuse a gift on the first offer, even if they intend to accept it, so as not to appear greedy.

• Speaking in a loud tone with excessive gestures is considered rude, especially when done by women.

• Summoning a person with a hand or finger in the upright position is reserved only for animals or inferior people.

• Between two equal people it is a provocation.

• To summon a person, the entire hand with the fingers facing down is the only appropriate hand signal.

Vietnamese Traditional FoodPHO

consisting of a salty broth, fresh rice noodles, a sprinkling of herbs and chicken or beef, features predominately in the local diet -- and understandably so. It’s cheap, tasty, and widely available at all hours.


This namesake alley is home to Cha Ca La Vong, which serves sizzling chunks of fish seasoned with garlic, ginger, turmeric and dill on a hot pan tableside.


Crispy crepe bulging with pork, shrimp, and bean sprouts, plus the garnish of fresh herbs that are characteristic of most authentic Vietnamese dishes.

To enjoy one like a local, cut it into manageable slices, roll it up in rice paper or lettuce leaves and dunk it in whatever special sauce the chef has mixed up for you.


This pork noodle dish from Hoi An is a bit like the various cultures that visited the trading port at its prime. The thicker noodles are similar to Japanese udon, the crispy won-ton crackers and pork are a Chinese touch, while the broth and herbs are clearly Vietnamese.


Some might call it river weed -- with good reason -- but that doesn’t stop the masses from scarfing down platefuls of morning glory, usually stir-fried and seasoned with slithers of potent garlic.


The crispy shell with a soft veggie and meat filling dunked in a tangy sauce gets the gastronomic juices flowing before a main course. In the north these parcels go by the name nem ran while

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