npa in banks-punit ganatra pg-fin

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  • 7/31/2019 Npa in Banks-punit Ganatra Pg-fin


    Project Name


    Submitted by:


    Guided by:

    Prof. V.S.DATE


    Yr: 2007-2009


    Institute: N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies & Research

    N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies & Research

    Shristi, Sector -1, Mira Road (E), Mumbai 401 104.


  • 7/31/2019 Npa in Banks-punit Ganatra Pg-fin


    N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies & ResearchShristi, Sector -1, Mira Road (E), Mumbai 401 104.


    This is to certify that the project titled


    Submitted by: Mr. PUNIT GANATRA

    To: N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research,

    Mumbai in the fulfillment of the course,


    During academic year2007-2009 this has been carried out by him under our

    supervision and guidance.

    Prof. V.S.DATE Prof. P. L. ARYA

    (Project Guide) (Director)


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    First and foremost, I would like to thank Prof. V.S.DATE & Prof.

    P. L. Arya for their guidance on the topic. I would also like to thank

    all my friends & other classmates who have helped me with their

    support and corrected me with their criticisms. I would also like to

    thank other faculty & staff members whose teaching & guidance has

    helped me in accomplishing this difficult task in such a short time.

    My acknowledgements remain incomplete without thanking my

    family members. I would like to thank my parents, sister & others for

    their wholehearted support in helping me complete this project.

    At the end I would like to thank all those who have indirectly

    helped me achieving my target & those whom I may not have

    mentioned in this acknowledgement.


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    The Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) problem is one of the foremost and

    the most formidable problems that have shaken the entire banking industry in

    India like an earthquake. Like a canker worm, it has been eating the banking

    system from within, since long. And like the dreaded disease AIDS, banks have

    not been able to find a reliable cure for this malady. It has grown like a cancer

    and has infected every limb of the banking system.

    At the macro level, NPAs have chocked off the supply line of credit to the

    potential borrowers, thereby having a deleterious effect on capital formation and

    arresting the economic activity in the country. At the micro level, the

    unsustainable level of NPAs has eroded the profitability of banks through

    reduced interest income and provisioning requirements, besides restricting the

    recycling of funds leading to serious asset-liability mismatches. It has inter alia

    lead to reduction in their competitiveness and erosion in their capital base as


    The problem of NPAs is not a matter of concern for the lenders alone. It is

    a matter of grave concern to the public as well, as bank credit is the catalyst to

    the economic growth of the country and any bottleneck in the smooth flow of

    credit, one cause for which is mounting NPAs, is bound to create adverse

    repercussions in the economy. Mounting menace of NPAs has raised the cost of

    credit, made banks more averse to risk and squeezed genuine small and

    medium enterprises from accessing competitive credit and has throttled their

    enterprising spirits as well.

    The spiraling and the devastating affect of NPAs on the economy have

    made the problem of NPAs an issue of public debate and of national priority.

    Therefore, any measure or reform on this front would be inadequate and

    incomprehensive, if it fails to make a dent in NPAs' reduction and stall their

    growth in future, as well.


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    No.1. Introduction to NPAs 01

    2. NPA Classification 043. Valuation of NPAs 08

    4. Factors responsible for NPAs 135. Statistics 16

    6. Implication of NPAs 20

    7.Committee on Banking Sector


    8. Measures to Recover NPAs 25

    9. Securatisation Act 4110. Management of NPAs 50

    11. Conclusion 52Bibliography 53

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    Granting of credit facilities for economic activities is the main raison detre

    of banking. Apart from raising resources through fresh deposits, borrowings, etc.

    recycling of funds received back from borrowers constitutes a major part of

    funding credit dispensation activities. Non-recovery of installments as also

    interest on the loan portfolio negates the effectiveness of this process of the

    credit cycle. Non-recovery also affects the profitability of banks besides being

    required to maintain more owned funds by way of capital and creation of

    reserves and provisions to act as cushion for the loan losses. Avoidance of loan

    losses is one of the pre-occupations of management of banks. While complete

    elimination of such losses is not possible, bank managements aim to keep the

    losses at a low level. In fact, it is the level of non-performing advances, which, to

    a great extent, differentiates between a good and a bad bank. Mounting NPAs

    may also have more widespread repercussions. To avoid shock waves affecting

    the system, the salvaging exercise is done by the Government or by the industry

    on the behest of Government/ central bank of the country putting pressure on the


    In India, the NPAs, which are considered to be at higher levels than those

    in other countries, have, of late, attracted the attention of public as also of

    international financial institutions. This has gained further prominence in the

    wake of transparency and disclosure measures initiated by the RBI during recent

    years. The Committee on Financial System, Capital Account ConvertibilityCommittee on Non-Performing Assets of Public Sector Banks has dealt with the

    subject of NPAs of Indian banks.


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    What is an NPA?

    To begin with, it seems appropriate to define Non-Performing Advance

    popularly called NPA. Non-Performing Advance is defined as an advance where

    payment of interest or repayment of installment of principal (in case of Term

    Loans) or both remains unpaid for a period of two quarters or more. However

    with effect from March 2004, default status would be given to a borrower if dues

    were not paid for 90 days. If any advance or credit facilities granted by bank to a

    borrower becomes non-performing, then the bank will have to treat all the

    advances/credit facilities granted to that borrower as non-performing without

    having any regard to the fact that there may still exist certain advances / credit

    facilities having performing status.

    The magnitude

    The NPAs in the Indian banking system have assumed astronomical

    dimensions. NPAs of scheduled commercial banks totaled Rs.70,904 cr as on

    March 31, 2002, which form 10.40% of our gross bank credit, about 15.75% of

    our annual budget and 3% of our Gross Domestic Product. It is equivalent to our

    annual defense budget. In absolute terms, NPAs have been increasing at the

    rate of about 5 to 6% every year. The staggering magnitude of NPAs is costing

    the public sector banks alone, more than Rs. 5,000 cr annually, by way of loss of

    interest income, apart from servicing and litigation costs. The malady of high

    level of NPAs eroding the profitability of banks is not confined to public sector

    banks alone, it is equally hammering the bottom lines of old as well as new

    generation private sector banks and foreign banks.

    Segmentation of NPAs

    NPAs cover a cross-section of industries such as iron and steel and

    related units like Ferro Alloys; Manmade textiles; Real estate / Civil and Project


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    related construction; Pharmaceutical; Leather / goods export; Garment export;

    Fertilizers and Chemicals; Cement and Cotton (fibres / textiles); Tea / Coffee;

    Jute; Sugar; and Jewellery / Diamonds.

    NPA in Indian Banks Vis--Vis other countries

    Comparison of the problem loan levels in Indian banking system vis--vis

    those in other countries, particularly those in developed economies, is often

    made, more so in the context of the opening up of our financial sector. The data

    in respect of NPAs level of banking system available for countries USA, Japan,

    Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia reveal that to ranges from 1% to 8.1%

    during 1993-94, 0.9% to 5.5% during 1994-95 and 0.85% to 3.9% during 1995-96

    as against 23.6% 19.5% and 17.3% respectively for Indian banks during these


    Notwithstanding this, some features relating to the NPA

    reporting/evaluation practices in other countries vis--vis those in our countries

    need, however, to be considered before reaching to any conclusion on the level

    of NPAs. In some countries, all or bulk of banks provisions are general

    provisions and identified losses are written off at an early stage. Banks in thesecountries carry very little NPAs in their balance sheets. The recovery measures

    are also very expeditious in view of stringent bankruptcy and foreclosure laws.

    The concept of gross NPA and Net NPA is not in vogue in these countries. In

    Indian banking, due to time lag involved in recovery process and the detailed

    safeguards/procedures involved before write-offs could be affected, banks even

    after making provisions for the advances considered irrecoverable, continue to

    hold such advances in their books which is termed as Gross NPA together with

    the provisions. The provision adjusted NPAs in Indian banking segment i.e. Net

    NPAs, constitute only 8.2% of the net advances of the banks as on 31 st March,

    1998 which no doubt are high by international standard but are not so alarming

    as Gross NPAs project.


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    NPA Norms across the world:

    The details and classification standards of non-performance vary from

    country to country, as the countries put in place norms as per the

    peculiarities/requirements of their banking systems.

    The practices with regard to these securities also differ. In certain

    countries, an advance is considered un-collectible and classified as loss asset

    only after it remains as past due or doubtful for a certain length of time, whereas

    in India, an advance is considered to be classified as loss the moment it isconsidered un-collectible. In certain other countries, the available securities are

    deducted from the doubtful advance to arrive at the net doubtful portion, whereas

    in India provision is required to be made even on the secured portion. In India,

    the provision required to be made in respect of the portion not covered by the

    realizable value of securities in doubtful advance 100% whereas in some

    countries, its 75% or even 50%. The concept of collateral also differs in as

    much as security of standby nature like guarantee of promoter/third party, net

    worth of the promoter/guarantor are not considered as security in India.

    Historical Conceptualization of Problem Loans in Indian Banking:

    Health Code System:

    A critical analysis of a comprehensive and uniform credit monitoring was

    introduced in 1985-86 by RBI by way of the Health Code System in banks, which

    inter alia, provided information regarding the health of individual advances, the

    quality of credit portfolio and extent of advances causing in relation to total

    advances. It was considered that such information would be of immense use to

    bank managements for control purposes. The RBI advised all commercial banks


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    (excluding foreign banks, most of which had similar coding system in their

    organizations) on November 7, 1985 to introduce the Health Code classification

    indicating the quality (or health) of individual advances in the following eight

    categories, with a health code assigned to each borrowal account:

    1.Satisfactory Conduct is satisfactory; all terms and conditions are

    complied with; all accounts are in order; and safety of

    the account is not in doubt.

    2.Irregular The safety of the advance is not suspected, though

    there may be occasional irregularities which may be

    considered to be as a short term phenomenon

    3. Sick-viable Advances to unit which are sick but viable under

    nursing and units in respect of which nursing/revival

    programmes are taken up

    4.Sick: non-viable/sticky The irregularities continue to persist and there are no

    immediate prospects of regularization; the accounts

    could throw up some of the usual signs of incipient


    5.Advances recalled Accounts where the repayment is highly doubtful and

    nursing is not considered worthwhile; includes where

    decisions have been taken to recall the advance

    6.Suit filed accounts Accounts where legal actions or recovery

    proceedings have been initiated

    7.Decreed debts Where decrees have been obtained

    8. Bad and doubtful debts Where the recoverability of the banks dues has

    become doubtful on account of short-fall in value of

    security; difficulty in enforcing and realizing the

    securities; or inability/unwillingness of the borrowers

    to repay the banks dues partly or wholly

    Under the above Health Code System, the RBI was classifying problem loans of

    each bank in three categories, which are as under:

    (a) Advances classified as bad and doubtful by the bank

    (corresponding to Health Code No. 8)

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    (b) Advances where suits were filed/decrees obtained

    (corresponding to Health Codes Nos. 6 & 7) and

    (c) Those advances with major undesirable features (broadly

    corresponding to Health Codes Nos. 4 & 5)


    In order to ensure greater transparency in the borrowal accounts and to

    reflect actual health of banks in their Balance Sheets, RBI introduced prudential

    regulations relating to

    Asset Classification An Asset is considered Non Performing in case if interest

    or installments of principal or both remain unpaid for more than two quarters and

    if it has become past due, i.e., 30 days after the due date.

    An Advance is to be classified as Sub-standard if it remains NPA upto a period

    of two years and will be classified as Doubtful if it remains NPA for more than

    eighteen months.

    An account will be classified as Loss, without any waiting period, where the

    dues are considered uncollectible or only marginally collectible.


    The basis of treating a credit facility as NPA is as detailed below:

    ASSET In respect of which interest has remained past due for six months.

    TERM LOAN Inclusive of unpaid interest, when the installment is overdue for

    more than six months/on which interest amount remained past due for six


    BILL Which remains overdue for six months.

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    OTHER CURRENT ASSETS The interest in respect of a debt/income on a

    receivable in the nature of short-term loans/ advances, which remained overdue

    for a period of six months.

    SALE OF ASSETS/SERVICE RENDERED. Any dues on account of

    these/reimbursement of expenses rendered which remained overdue for a period

    of six months.


    become overdue for a period of more than twelve months.

    OTHER CREDIT FACILITIES The balance outstanding including interest

    accrued made available to the borrower/beneficiary in the same capacity when

    any of the credit facilities become NPA.

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    NPAs are a by-product of most financial systems and the level of NPAs is

    an indicator of the health of the financial system of an economy. Valuation

    techniques should present the situation, which maximizes the overall interests ofall the concerned parties.

    The broad objectives of the valuation Framework are essentially:

    To set a sound basis for the selling bank/ institution to finalize the sale of


    To provide a basis for the fair market value of the assets,

    To promote transparency of the valuation processes, and, To comply with internationally accepted practices.

    The valuation of an asset or the pool of assets is a precursor to any restructuring

    exercise. Any valuation exercise shall attempt to address the following issues:

    The fair market value of the asset should represent the price at which

    market participants would undertake a restructuring.

    The transaction value should reflect the potential for income generation

    and return of principal, balanced against the applicable risk profile and

    market lending margins.

    The valuation Framework should allow for valuation of specific assets as

    well as a portfolio of assets (i.e. portfolio of loans to be acquired from a

    bank). In most cases, a single value will apply to each loan acquired. For

    larger loans, however, an element of risk/return sharing with the selling

    bank may be considered.

    I shall now discuss here the valuation approach in two parts i.e. (i) traditional

    approaches and (ii) unconventional approaches.

    Traditional Schools of Valuation Processes

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    There are various methodologies used to value the companies or their

    debt. Typically cash flows, assets or replacement values, or a combination of

    these, are considered when determining the value of a company or its debt. The

    matrix shows the risk profile of the NPA based on its cash flows and collateral.

    As shown, stronger the cash flows and collateral, lower the risk profile of the

    asset. Some of the widely used approaches towards valuation of an NPA by the

    valuation firms are detailed as under:

    Discounted cash flows

    Liquidation / sale of assets

    Earnings model

    Case specific valuation models

    Discounted cash flows

    One of the commonly used methods for estimating the value of the

    companys debt is the anticipated cash flows. The cash flow stream will represent

    the interest and principal payments expected to be received by the lender,

    primarily arising out of the internal cash flow generation from underlying business

    activities. Where the asset is a partly completed project, the cash flow stream will

    have to take into account whether the project will be completed and if so how it

    will be financed. If certain lenders decide to fund this through extended facility,

    this will be taken into account in the asset's cash flow stream. Essentially the

    decision on the projects financial viability will be determined by using an

    incremental cash flow analysis. Normally, the value of a healthy asset is

    computed as the discounted value of the expected future cash flows. However, acompany in distress or an NPA may have negative earnings (profit before

    interest, depreciation and tax) and may be likely to incur operating losses for the

    next few years. For such companies, the estimation of future cash flows is not so

    easy, as there is a strong possibility of bankruptcy (Damodaran, 1994). Under

    such a scenario the asset valuation is also based on subjective parameters. A

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    company under financial distress has some or all of the following characteristics:

    operating loss, inability to meet the debt obligations and high debt equity ratio.

    When dealing with such cases, the credit analysts need to evaluate the

    possibility and timing of positive financial performance of the company in future

    which may be dependent on the industrial scenario, possibility of infusion of

    additional funds and the overall macro economic environment. If the company is

    expected to improve its financial position in the future, the following discounted

    cash flow model may be used for the distress companies / NPAs.

    Liquidation value approach

    If the loan is in default with no or low expectation of it being serviced, the

    cash flow from liquidation of the asset and collateral will be the primary approach

    rather than the net present value of the cash flows. In this case, the take-out of

    the lender is primarily by way of exercise of their rights on the asset and attached

    collateral. The liquidation value of the company is the aggregate of the value of

    the assets of the company if sold at the market prices, net of transactions and

    legal costs. The estimation of the assets becomes quite complicated when the

    assets of the company cannot be easily separated like in a steel, textile or

    petrochemical plant. If such assets are sold individually, majority of the assetmay not fetch a price closer to their book value (or when they are sold as a

    bundle). Further, when such sale is to take place at a quick pace, the value of the

    assets further fall down, as it is more or less equal to forced sale of these assets.

    As a result of this forced sale, the seller has to accept a discount on the fair

    market value of such assets. In most cases, such a realization is not able to

    cover even the secured debt fully and hence the valuation of the debt would be

    limited by this realizable value. This approach has been widely used in countries

    like Thailand where a significant number of loans were secured by real estate

    and other marketable securities of various kinds.

    Earning model

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    In performing companies, the P/E ratio of the industry or other similar

    companies may be used as a tool for determining the market value of the assets

    of company. If the debt of the company is more than its assets, then a

    proportionate discount may be applied to the debt. The above approach,

    however, cannot be used for most of the NPAs, as they would have negative

    EPS. In such cases, the cash earning per share of the company and cash P/E

    ratio of the similar companies may be used to arrive at a market value of the

    assets. This shall enable the analyst to arrive at a reasonable valuation of the

    NPA debt.

    Case specific valuation models

    Depending on case to case, various models have been evolved and used

    for specific requirements. I shall discuss here one of such models to provide an

    idea as to how varied the models can be from the conventional approaches.

    Segmentation into buckets

    For a huge portfolio of small loans, different kind of approach may be used

    for arriving at the realistic valuation. One of them is categorizing the loans invarious buckets and then analyzing a sample picked from various buckets. Post

    currency crisis of late 1990s in Thailand, the price of real estate had declined to

    abysmally low levels and majority of the property-linked loans had become NPAs

    in the books of the local banks. One of the leading financial companies in the

    world was contemplating to purchase these loans totaling over 20,000 small

    loans. For arriving at the appropriate valuation, they had followed the following


    Segmentation of the assets in various buckets

    Selection of a sample out of each bucket

    Detailed analysis of each sample

    Statistical extrapolation of the sample to the entire bucket

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    Arriving at the final range of the valuation of the portfolio

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    The dues of the Banking sector are generally related to the performance

    of the unit / industrial segment. In a few cases, the cause of NPA has been due

    to internal factors (to the banks) such as weak appraisal or follow-up of loans but

    more often than not, it is due to factors such as management inefficiency of

    borrowal units, obsolescence, lack of demand, non-availability of inputs,

    environmental factors, etc.

    The main reasons for sickness and the factors leading to NPA are as under


    Diversion of Funds for expansion, modernization, setting up of new

    projects, helping or promoting sister concerns.

    Time / Cost overruns while implementing the project.

    Business failure like product failing to capture market, inefficient

    management, strike / strained labour relations, wrong technology,

    technical problems, product obsolescence, etc.


    Failure, non-payment / overdues in other countries, recession in other

    countries, externalization problems, adverse exchange rates, etc.

    Government policies like excise, import duty changes, deregulation,

    pollution control orders, etc.

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    Willful default, siphoning of funds, Fraud, misappropriation, promoters /

    management disputes, etc.

    Deficiencies on the part of the Banks, viz., in credit appraisal, monitoring

    and follow-up, delay in release of limits, delay in settlement payments /subsidies by Government bodies, etc.

    External factors like raw material shortage, raw material / input

    price escalation, power shortage, industrial recession, excess capacity,

    natural calamities like floods, accidents, etc.

    Contribution to NPAs by factors like siphoning off funds thorough

    Fraud/misappropriation was less significant in comparison with other factors.

    Incidence of NPAs on account of deficiencies on the part of banks such as

    delay in sanction and disbursement of funds whereby borrowing units are starved

    of funds when in need, and delay in settlement of payments/subsidies by the

    Government bodies was on the low side in proportion to other factors.

    Lack of effective co-ordination between banks and financial institutions in

    respect of large value projects does contribute to the emergence of NPAs even

    at the implementation stage. RBI had, in February 2000,drawn up certain ground

    rules in this regard in consultation with banks, financial institutions and IBA and

    circulated the same among banks and financial institutions for implementation.

    Susceptibility of the sanctioning authorities to external pressure, failings of

    the CEOs and the ineffectiveness of the Board to check his ways also

    contributed in no small measure to the unusual build up of NPAs in some of the


    One of the most prominent causes for NPAs, as often observed by RBI

    Inspectors, is the slackness on the part of the credit management staff in their

    follow up to detect and prevent diversion of funds in the post-disbursement stage.

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    Impact of Priority Sector Advances on NPAs

    There is a common perception that the prescription of 40% of the net bank

    credit to priority sectors have led to higher level of NPAs, because credit to these

    sectors become sticky. However, it has been observed that the proportion of

    NPAs in these sectors is lesser than the proportion of NPAs in the Non-Priority

    sector, although, the incidence of NPAs in the priority sectors is much higher.

    The gradual increase in the proportion of the NPAs in the Non-priority

    sectors indicates that NPAs are increasingly occurring on borrowal accounts of

    Industrial sector during the recent years.

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    The Non Performing Assets (NPA) of 27 public sector banks shot up toRs.56,608 crore in September 2001. NPA not only reduces the yield on

    advances but also reduces the profitability of banks. The huge NPA's of the bank

    is due to the debtor friendly foreclosure and bankrupt laws which allows

    customers to default with

    (Rs. In crores)

    Year Gross NPAGross NPA as % of

    Gross advanceNet NPA

    Net NPA as

    % of net


    1993 39,253 23.2% NA NA

    1994 41,041 24.8% NA NA

    1995 38,385 19.5% 17,567 10.7%

    .1996 41,661 18% 18,297 8.9%

    1997 47,300 15.7% 22,340 8.1%

    1998 50,815 14.4% 23,761 7.3%

    1999 58,722 14.7% 28,020 7.6%

    2000 53,066 13% 26,596 7%2001 56,608 13% 27,856 7%

    It will be also interesting to have a look at the movement of NPAs (gross

    and net), as a percentage of advances, group-wise over the last four years. This

    will give an idea of where banks, as different groups, stand in regard to their


    Percentage of gross / net NPAs to total advances as at end March

    Bank Groups 1998 1999 2000 2001

    Public sector banks 16.0








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    All private sector banks 8.7








    Old private sector banks 10.9








    New private sector banks 3.5








    Foreign banks 6.4








    All commercial banks 14.4








    Note: Figures in parenthesis denote percentage of net NPAs to net advances

    It may be observed that the malady of high level of NPAs eroding the

    profitability of banks is not confined to public sector banks alone, but it is equally

    present in the private sector banks too. While some of the foreign banks loan

    portfolio had been affected by a few large accounts turning NPA, it is a matter of

    concern that some of the new private sector banks, which started off, on a clean

    slate had acquired so quickly such a large level of NPAs.

    Share of NPAs in Net Advances

    Bank Group Number of


    Number of Banks

    with Higher Share

    Number of Banks with

    Lower Share in Assets

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    in Assets

    Public Sector


    27 4 3 4 16

    Old Private Sector


    24 11 4 8 1

    New Private

    Sector Banks

    8 8 -- -- --

    Foreign Banks 36 15 2 11 1

    Total 95 38 9 23 18

    In all forums of interactions the global multilateral institutions and rating

    agencies had with RBI and the Government, directed lending concept gets

    quoted as an important attribute and a contributory factor for the build up of

    NPAs in banks in India. It is a different matter that RBI and the Government areaccused of soft attitude towards banks which do not fulfill the prescribed targets

    for priority sector lending, particularly agriculture and small scale sector. The

    figures in the following table as on March 31, 2001 reveals information regarding

    the contribution by various segments of borrowers to the NPA stock of public

    sector banks: -

    Gross NPAs as on March 31, 2001

    Borrowing segment-

    wise distribution of



    Percentage to total


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    gross NPAs crores)

    Public sector units 1334.05 2.44

    Large Industries 11498.10 20.99

    Medium industries 8658.69 15.81

    Other non priority sectors 9516.62 17.37

    Agriculture 7311.40 13.35

    Small scale industries 10284.97 18.78

    Other priority sectors 6169.33 11.26

    Total 54773.16 100.00

    It can be understood that recovery of NPAs under priority sector advances

    particularly to agriculture and small-scale industries is sometimes hampered by

    externalities. Further, such NPAs are also spread over a large number of

    accounts and for small amounts. However, one fails to understand the reluctance

    of large borrowers to honour their repayment obligations. In many cases, failure

    of banks to take effective action against some of the defaulting large corporate

    borrowers was also noticed.

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    Supervisory action that may arise on account of high level of NPAs

    One of the trigger points in the proposed Prompt Corrective Action (PCA)

    mechanism [which was widely circulated by RBI through the public domain] is the

    level of net NPAs. When the trigger point under the mechanism is activated by

    the performance of a bank, the mandatory actions would follow by way of

    restriction on expansion of risk-weighted assets, submission and implementation

    of capital restoration plan, prior approval of RBI for opening of new branches and

    new lines of business, paying off costly deposits and special drive to reduce the

    stock of NPAs, review of loan policy, etc.

    Provisioning for NPAs Based on the Asset classification, Banks are required

    to make provision against the NPAs at 100% for Loss Assets;

    100% of the unsecured portion plus 20% to 50% of the secured portion,

    depending on the period for which the account has remained in doubtful

    category; and 10% general provision on the outstanding balance in respect of

    Sub-standard assets. Banks have been asked to make provision @ 0.25% on

    their standard advances.

    Other implications

    The most important business implication of the NPAs is that it leads to the

    credit risk management assuming priority over other aspects of bank's

    functioning. The banks whole machinery would thus be pre-occupied with

    recovery procedures rather than concentrating on expanding business.

    As already mentioned earlier, a bank with high level of NPAs would be

    forced to incur carrying costs on a non-income yielding assets. Other

    consequences would be reduction in interest income, high level of provisioning,

    stress on profitability and capital adequacy, gradual decline in ability to meet

    steady increase in cost, increased pressure on net interest margin (NIM) thereby

    reducing competitiveness, steady erosion of capital resources and increased

    difficulty in augmenting capital resources.

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    The lesser appreciated implications are reputational risks arising out of

    greater disclosures on quantum and movement of NPAs, provisions etc. The

    non-quantifiable implications can be psychological like play safe attitude and

    risk aversion, lower morale and disinclination to take decisions at all levels of

    staff in the bank.

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    The Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (CBSR) report suggests

    remedies to recover the NPAs as well their subsequent transfer as assets

    through fund management. Some of the critical points are discussed here under:

    - Where guarantees have been given by the central or state government

    and a demand thereunder has been raised by the banks, these demands

    should be honoured.

    - Banks must put greater reliance upon the recommendations of the

    Settlement Advisory Committee (SAC) in order to make better use ofcompromises for reduction of NPAs in their books.

    - The most effective way of removing NPAs from the books of the weak

    banks would be to move these out to a separate agency which will buy the

    loans and make its own efforts for their recovery.

    - The proper financial vehicle through which non-performing loans can be

    transferred would be that of the FRA-owned (government) asset

    reconstruction (ARF) managed by the independent private sector Asset

    Management Company.

    - The ownership of the assets will lie with the government and the

    management thereof with a separate private sector entity having the

    necessary expertise and organization.

    - The ARFs operations will be profit oriented and its aim will be to recover

    from the acquired assets (NPA) more than the price paid for it.

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    - The FRA and the ARF owned by it may be set up under a special act of

    the parliament which while protecting it against obstructive litigation from

    the borrowers could also provide for quick and effective enforcement of its

    rights against them.

    - The government will provide the fund needed for the ARF. The size of the

    fund needed will depend upon the size of business it handle. Presently it is

    proposed that the ARF may restrict its activities to the NPAs of the three

    identified weak banks.

    - The ARF should focus on comparatively larger NPAs. It would be

    desirable not to acquire assets value below Rs.50 lakh.

    - The payment in respect of the assets purchased from the weak banks

    may be made by the ARF by issuing special bonds guaranteed by the

    government and bearing a suitable rate of interest.

    - The bonds issued by the ARF in payment of the assets acquired as also

    those which it will issue for raising funds against the security of the assets

    it has purchased and which are in the course of collection may have amaturity of five years.

    - The ARF should purchase from the banks loans, which are NPAs as on a

    certain date say, 31.3.2000. In view of the foregoing it will be adequate for

    the ARF to have a life of not more than seven years form the date of its

    commencing business, say beginning 1.4.2000.

    - To begin with, the ARF may buy NPAs of only the three identified weak

    banks. However buying NPAs from other banks need not be totally


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    - If need arises, more funds could be set up later. Participation in these

    funds may be open to both public and private sector. These funds can

    facilitate growth of secondary market for loans in the country.

    - Price at which NPAs will be transferred should be arrived by mutual

    agreement and in a transparent manner.

    - In the ownership of the AMC while the government may have a share of

    upto 49 percent, majority shareholding should be non-government.

    Institutions like SBI, LIC, GIC, UTI and IFCI and parties form the private

    sector could be the other shareholders. The possibility of attracting

    participating of multilateral agencies like IFC or ADB should also be

    explored. The initial capital requirement of the AMC is not likely to be more

    than Rs. 15 crore.

    - Professionals such as bankers, chartered accountants, engineers, lawyers

    and valuers should man the AMC, which must have a lean structure, so

    that it has the desired expertise and is cost efficient.

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    Life Line of Banking: New RBI Formula for NPA Recovery

    Over the last few years Indian banking in its attempt to integrate itself withthe global banking has been facing lots of hurdles in its way due to its inherent

    weaknesses, despite its high sounding claims and lofty achievements. One of the

    major hurdles, the Indian banking is facing today, is its ever-growing size of non-

    performing assets over which the top management of almost each bank is

    baffled. On account of the intricacies involved in handling the NPAs the ticklish

    task of asset management of the bank has become a tight rope walk affair for the

    controlling heads, because a little wavering this or that side may land the

    concern bank in trouble. The growing NPAs is a potent source of worry for the

    finance minister as well, because in a developing country like ours, banking is

    seen as an important instrument of development, while with the backbreaking

    NPAs, banks have become helpless burden on the economy.

    RBI has announced the modified guidelines under the settlement advisory

    committee (sac) scheme vide its letter no bp.bc.11.21.01 040/99-00 dated 27 th

    July 2000. A specific time frame was also stipulated in the scheme, but due to

    various reasons the scheme could not make any sizeable dent into the problem.

    Therefore, realizing the obstacles in handling the NPAs and solving the issue in a

    meaningful, and realistic manner, RBI now have come out with a fresh set of

    guidelines under the modified sac schemes discussed hereunder.

    Laying stress on the timeframe, the scheme looks more definitive and

    decisive, as cut off dates have been fixed for the implementation of the scheme.Under the scheme, detailed guidelines have been issued by RBI to cover NPA

    with outstanding amount upto Rs.5 crore. However for outstanding amount above

    Rs. 5 crore, policy formulation for the settlement of the account is left with the

    concerned bank it is observed that majority of the NPA constitute accounts with

    outstanding amount below rupees five crores. Thus by following the provisions of

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    the revised schemes, the size of the NPAs can be reduced to a level acceptable

    as per the international norms. As per the guidelines, the scheme covers NPAs,

    which have become doubtful or loss assets as on 31.3.1997. Further the scheme

    also covers NPA classified as sub-standard as on 31.3.1997, but later on

    becoming doubtful or loss assets.

    NPAs with outstanding upto Rs. 5 crore

    In case of doubtful and loss assets as of 31.3.1997, through the modified

    schemes, the banks have been directed to follow up a settlement formula under

    which the minimum amount to be recovered, amounts to be entire outstanding

    running ledger balance as on the date the account was identified as NPA i.e. the

    date from which the interest was not charged to the running ledger, an analysis

    of the given formula shows that RBI has been very much generous in granting

    huge relaxation to the borrowers who were not coming forward for setting their

    overdue loans due to one or other reason. The scheme is of high practical value

    as it protects the borrowers who were having genuine problems in clearing their

    dues because the interest component constituted a multiplied amount of principal

    outstanding. On the other hand, the concerned banks were also finding in difficult

    to sacrifice the entire interest component, but outstanding in the dummy ledger.Now as per the provision to he scheme, they will be ready to grant such

    relaxation in favour of the borrowers. These guidelines have come as a windfall

    for borrowers who after a lot of negotiations, were almost ready to repay back

    their principal as well as a part of the interest component to settle their accounts,

    as under the modified scheme, they would be able to save the interest

    component. To that extent the concerned bank stands to lose.

    In the case of sub-standard asset as of 31.3.1997, the settlement formula

    as given in the modified scheme states that the minimum sum to be recovered

    must contain the entire running ledger outstanding balance as on the date of the

    account was identified as NPA. i.e. the date from which interest was not charged

    to the running ledger + interest at the existing prime lending rate of the bank from

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    1.4.1997 till the date of final payment. As per the modified sac scheme, the terms

    suggested for the payment of settlement amount of NPA are simple and

    pragmatic. As per the terms of the scheme, the settlement amount should be

    paid in lump Sum by the borrower. However in case of the borrower is unable to

    repay back in a lump Sum, the scheme allows sufficient breathing period to

    enable him to arrange the funds and clear at least 25 percent of the settlement

    amount to be paid upfront and the remaining amount to be recovered in

    installments spread over a period of one year along with interest at the existing

    PLR from the date of settlement upto the date of final payment

    It is observed that each bank is having a system of delegation of authority

    for the clearance of NPAs, so there should not be any operational problem in the

    implementing of the scheme as per the modified guidelines.

    NPAs with outstanding over Rs. Five crore

    For recovery of NPAs over Rs.5 crore, RBI has left the matter to the

    concerned banks and advised that the concerned banks may formulate policy

    guidelines regarding their settlement and recovery. The freedom, in such cases,is given to the banks, because the attending circumstances in each case may

    vary from the other. Therefore it was in the right direction that adopting a

    generalized approach was not thought appropriate.

    In cases, where the amount involved is above Rs.5 crore, RBI expects

    CMD of each bank to supervise the NPA personally. The CMDs of the concerned

    banks are advised to review all such cases within a given timeframe and decide

    the course of action in terms of rehabilitation/restructuring. OTS or filing of suits

    by 31st August 2000.It is also expected that in all such cases, the matter be

    placed before the boards of the concerned banks for finalising the course of

    action by 31.9.2000. Further it is also clarified that in cases where a legal suit is

    required to be filed, the same should be filed in all such cases by 31.10.2000 and

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    prospective, but it is successful implementation depends upon a number of

    factors as enumerated below:

    - The success of the scheme would be limited to the level of seriousness

    evinced by the concerned banks. If it is taken as a routine guideline from

    the RBI and disposed of without attaching the importance it deserves, it

    may end up as any other routine matter.

    - Looking to the gravity of the issue, the rate of success of the scheme

    depends upon the publicity given to the golden opportunity available

    among the defaulting borrowers. It is felt that the scheme must reach

    every nook and corner of the country as the disease reflected in the form

    of NPA is not restricted to a particular area or pockets in the country.

    - It is also required that the progress of the implementation of the scheme

    be assessed periodically by evolving an alert monitoring system by each

    bank. As the implementation of the scheme is going to decide the destiny

    of the concerned bank, it is absolutely necessary that an effective

    monitoring system is there to ensure successful implementation of the


    - It is also essential that while settling the NPA as a dispassionate and

    unprejudiced approach is adopted without any discrimination failing which

    the banks will not be able to weed out NPAs.- A multifrontal approach to the problem involving all the concerned staff

    members in the field as well as in the controlling points is another

    condition for proper implementation of the scheme. In the absence of

    teamwork involving a top management as well as everybody upto the

    grassroot level, the banks would not be able to root out the problem.

    Measures initiated by Reserve Bank and Government of India for reduction

    of NPAs

    Compromise settlement schemes

    The RBI / Government of India have been constantly goading the banks to take

    steps for arresting the incidence of fresh NPAs and have also been creating legal

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    and regulatory environment to facilitate the recovery of existing NPAs of banks.

    More significant of them, I would like to recapitulate at this stage.

    The broad Framework for compromise or negotiated settlement of NPAs

    advised by RBI in July 1995 continues to be in place. Banks are free to

    design and implement their own policies for recovery and write-off

    incorporating compromise and negotiated settlements with the approval of

    their Boards, particularly for old and unresolved cases falling under the

    NPA category. The policy Framework suggested by RBI provides for

    setting up of an independent Settlement Advisory Committees headed by

    a retired Judge of the High Court to scrutinise and recommend

    compromise proposals.

    Specific guidelines were issued in May 1999 to public sector banks for one

    time non-discretionary and non-discriminatory settlement of NPAs of small

    sector. The scheme was operative upto September 30, 2000. [Public

    sector banks recovered Rs. 668 crore through compromise settlement

    under this scheme.]

    Guidelines were modified in July 2000 for recovery of the stock of NPAs of

    Rs. 5 crore and less as on 31 March 1997. [The above guidelines which

    were valid upto June 30, 2001 helped the public sector banks to recover

    Rs. 2600 crore by September 2001]

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    An OTS Scheme covering advances of Rs.25000 and below continues to

    be in operation and guidelines in pursuance to the budget announcement

    of the Honble Finance Minister providing for OTS for advances up to

    Rs.50, 000 in respect of NPAs of small/marginal farmers are being drawn


    Measures for faster legal process

    Lok Adalats

    Lok Adalat institutions help banks to settle disputes involving accounts in

    "doubtful" and "loss" category, with outstanding balance of Rs.5 lakh for

    compromise settlement under Lok Adalats. Debt Recovery Tribunals have now

    been empowered to organize Lok Adalats to decide on cases of NPAs of Rs.10

    lakhs and above. The public sector banks had recovered Rs.40.38 crore as on

    September 30, 2001, through the forum of Lok Adalat. The progress through this

    channel is expected to pick up in the coming years particularly looking at the

    recent initiatives taken by some of the public sector banks and DRTs in Mumbai.

    Debt Recovery Tribunals

    The Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions

    (amendment) Act, passed in March 2000 has helped in strengthening the

    functioning of DRTs. Provisions for placement of more than one Recovery

    Officer, power to attach defendants property/assets before judgment, penal

    provisions for disobedience of Tribunals order or for breach of any terms of the

    order and appointment of receiver with powers of realization, management,

    protection and preservation of property are expected to provide necessary teeth

    to the DRTs and speed up the recovery of NPAs in the times to come.

    Though there are 22 DRTs set up at major centers in the country with

    Appellate Tribunals located in five centers viz. Allahabad, Mumbai, Delhi,

    Calcutta and Chennai, they have not been able to deliver as expected as they

    got swamped under the huge volume of cases (41,243) filed with them, since

    inception, out of which 35,871 cases were still pending as on 31.3.2002. Banks

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    could recover Rs. 2,947 cr only, which is less than 1% of the amount claimed

    through the DRT mechanism up to 31.3.2002.

    The banks should institute appropriate documentation system and render

    all possible assistance to the DRTs for speeding up decisions and recovery of

    some of the well-collateralized NPAs involving large amounts. I may add that

    familiarization programmes have been offered in NIBM at periodical intervals to

    the presiding officers of DRTs in understanding the complexities of

    documentation and operational features and other legalities applicable of Indian

    banking system. RBI on its part has suggested to the Government to consider

    enactment of appropriate penal provisions against obstruction by borrowers in

    possession of attached properties by DRT receivers, and notify borrowers who

    default to honour the decrees passed against them.

    Circulation of information on defaulters

    The RBI has put in place a system for periodical circulation of details of

    willful defaults of borrowers of banks and financial institutions. This serves as a

    caution list while considering requests for new or additional credit limits from

    defaulting borrowing units and also from the directors /proprietors / partners of

    these entities. RBI also publishes a list of borrowers (with outstanding

    aggregating Rs. 1 crore and above) against whom suits have been filed by banks

    and FIs for recovery of their funds, as on 31st March every year. It is our

    experience that these measures had not contributed to any perceptible

    recoveries from the defaulting entities. However, they serve as negative basket

    of steps shutting off fresh loans to these defaulters. A real breakthrough can

    come only if there is a change in the repayment psyche of the Indian borrowers.

    Recovery action against large NPAs

    After a review of tendency in regard to NPAs by the Honble Finance

    Minister, RBI had advised the public sector banks to examine all cases of willful

    default of Rs 1 crore and above and file suits in such cases, and file criminal

    cases in regard to willful defaults. Board of Directors are required to review NPA

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    accounts of Rs.1 crore and above with special reference to fixing of staff


    On their part RBI and the Government are contemplating several

    supporting measures including legal reforms, some of them I would like to


    Asset Reconstruction Company:

    An Asset Reconstruction Company with an authorised capital of Rs.2000

    crore and initial paid up capital Rs.1400 crore is to be set up as a trust for

    undertaking activities relating to asset reconstruction. It would negotiate with

    banks and financial institutions for acquiring distressed assets and develop

    markets for such assets. Government of India proposes to go in for legal reforms

    to facilitate the functioning of ARC mechanism

    Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR)

    Corporate Debt Restructuring mechanism has been institutionalised in

    2001 to provide a timely and transparent system for restructuring of the corporate

    debts of Rs.20 crore and above with the banks and financial institutions. The

    CDR process would also enable viable corporate entities to restructure their dues

    outside the existing legal Framework and reduce the incidence of fresh NPAs.

    The CDR structure has been headquartered in IDBI, Mumbai and a Standing

    Forum and Core Group for administering the mechanism had already been put in

    place. The experiment however has not taken off at the desired pace though

    more than six months have lapsed since introduction. As announced by the

    Hon'ble Finance Minister in the Union Budget 2002-03, RBI has set up a high

    level Group under the Chairmanship of Shri. Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor,

    RBI to review the implementation procedures of CDR mechanism and to make itmore effective. The Group will review the operation of the CDR Scheme, identify

    the operational difficulties, if any, in the smooth implementation of the scheme

    and suggest measures to make the operation of the scheme more efficient.

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    Credit Information Bureau

    Institutionalisation of information sharing arrangements through the newly

    formed Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd. (CIBIL) is under way. RBI is

    considering the recommendations of the S.R.Iyer Group (Chairman of CIBIL) to

    operationalise the scheme of information dissemination on defaults to the

    financial system. The main recommendations of the Group include dissemination

    of information relating to suit-filed accounts regardless of the amount claimed in

    the suit or amount of credit granted by a credit institution as also such irregular

    accounts where the borrower has given consent for disclosure. This, I hope,

    would prevent those who take advantage of lack of system of information sharing

    amongst lending institutions to borrow large amounts against same assets and

    property, which had in no small measure contributed to the incremental NPAs of


    Proposed guidelines on willful defaults/diversion of funds

    RBI is examining the recommendation of Kohli Group on willful defaulters.

    It is working out a proper definition covering such classes of defaulters so that

    credit denials to this group of borrowers can be made effective and criminal

    prosecution can be made demonstrative against willful defaulters.

    Corporate Governance

    A Consultative Group under the chairmanship of Dr.A.Ganguly was set up

    by the Reserve Bank to review the supervisory role of Boards of banks and

    financial institutions and to obtain feedback on the functioning of the Boards vis-

    -vis compliance, transparency, disclosures, audit committees etc. and make

    recommendations for making the role of Board of Directors more effective with a

    view to minimising risks and over-exposure. The Group is finalising itsrecommendations shortly and may come out with guidelines for effective control

    and supervision by bank boards over credit management and NPA prevention



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    Banks need to have better credit appraisal so as to prevent NPAs from

    occurring. However once NPAs do come into existence, the problem can be

    solved only if there is enabling legal structure, since recovery of NPAs often

    requires litigation and court orders to recover stuck loans. With long-winded

    litigation in India, debt recovery takes a very long time. But according to the new

    union budget of 2001-02 this problem will soon cease to exist

    Banks will get the teeth to salvage their stucky loans. Bad loans, which

    have dropped from 14 percent of total assets to 7.4 in the past decade, may now

    come down to the internationally accepted 5 percent level if the proposed

    foreclosure laws are enacted. Besides bankers said the decision to form seven

    more debt recovery tribunals will improve loan recovery. The proposed repeal of

    the sick industrial companies act will also prevent defaulting companies form

    taking refuge in the board for industrial and financial reconstruction.

    The setting up of additional tribunals, repealing of SICA and amendment

    of foreclosure norms will go a long way in helping banks recover non performing

    assets said Janki Ballabh, chairman SBI. Under the current system, banks have

    to file a suit and obtain a court decree to attach the property that is mortgagedwith them. The new foreclosure norms will allow lenders to directly take

    possession of property by giving a notice; said P S Shenoy, chairman Bank of


    According to bankers, bad loans are one of the reasons why banks have

    not been in a position to bring down lending rates further. With an average of

    over 7 percent of total amount lent not coming back, banks have to build in the

    cost of such delinquencies into their lending rates.

    Although the Finance Minister has not announced any specific measures

    for the three weak banks, the new foreclosure norms if implemented will go a

    long way in getting the weak banks back on track.

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    The BIFR was constituted with the intention of providing an opportunity to

    sick companies to get back on the rails by keeping lenders at the bay until they

    restructured their operations. Corporate have, however been misusing these

    provisions by making an application to the BIFR as soon as banks sent them

    notices to recover the loans.

    Banks are now working on developing debt recovery tribunals to solve this

    problem. The government has also mooted the suggestion of an asset

    reconstruction company, which will be a specialized agency set up for

    rehabilitating revival NPAs and recovering funds out of unrevivable NPAs

    Experts have also suggested the concept of narrow banking, where only

    strong and efficient banks will be allowed to give commercial loans, while the

    weak banks will take positions in less risky assets such as government securities

    and inter bank lending. One way of curbing NPA is a massive one-time write off

    bad loans in its balance sheet. This could be aimed at bringing down the net non

    performing assets closer to the targeted 5 percent from the present level of

    around 7 percent of net advances.

    A classic example could be that of ICICI which have written off its bad loan

    in its balance sheet for the year 2000-01

    ICICI net NPAs outstanding as on 31.12.2000 were Rs.4215 crore. The

    ratio of net NPA to net advances declined to 7.2 percent as on 31.12.2000 from

    7.6 as on 31.3.2000. Bringing down the NPA below 5 percent will help the

    institution obtain a clearance from the reserve bank of India for setting up a non-

    life insurance subsidiary.

    Bringing the NPAs down to 5 percent in one stroke will require

    provisioning of over Rs.1000 crore, going by the last figure. Last year (99-00)

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    ICICI had made enhanced provisions and write offs of Rs.690 crore (Rs.478

    crore in 98-99) and had earned a profit after tax of Rs. 1206 crore.

    RBI had earlier said that non-banking finance companies would need to

    contain their NPAs at below 5 percent to be eligible to promote insurance


    Resolution of NPAs in the Asian Context

    To understand better the way that can be used to resolve the issue of

    NPAs, case study of KOREA have been described below which show as to how

    this nation have tackled the issue through the setting up of Asset Management



    In resolving NPA problems, the Korean government relied on a centralized

    AMC approach. The government had in 1997, assigned the role of purchase of

    bad loans to the Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMCO). Also bank-based AMCs were created for the sale of bad loans of two major banks. KAMCO

    was established in 1996 for the foreclosure and sale of assets attached to for tax

    arrears, the liquidation of corporations and the NPA Fund, KAMCOs role was

    expanded to include the purchase of NPAs to assist in the rehabilitation of the

    financial sector. KAMCO became a bad bank and a non-performing asset fund

    was created to finance the purchase of NPAs. The government of Korea, Korea

    Development Bank and 24 banks are joint shareholders of KAMCO. Most of its

    funds come from bonds, which are issued for a period of 3 years and yield a

    quarterly interest applicable to the Korean Development Bank. The balance

    comes from the central bank, financial institutions and Korea Development Bank.

    The main goal of the KAMCO was to speedily dispose off NPAs to better the

    liquidity and soundness of the financial institutions, and this is to be

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    accomplished by 2003. To begin with, KAMCO paid for the bad loans partly in

    cash and partly in bonds but from 1998 onwards it was done through KAMCO

    bonds (Cooke & Foley, 2000). In the past, KAMCO had purchased NPAs from

    financial institutions in batches at fixed amounts up front, based on the expected

    recovery value of the portfolio. KAMCO had then engaged in due diligence

    process on each NPA, adjusted the initial price and then resettled depending on

    the nature of each loan and asset. In September 1998, there was a change in the

    acquisition method to a fixed purchase rate. KAMCO purchases were exempt

    from acquisition and registration fees but this did not carry forward for

    subsequent purchasers of the assets from the investor.

    KAMCO had planned recoveries though asset-backed securitization

    schemes or outright sales or workout schemes. In a December 1998 auction,

    Texas based Lone Star Fund purchased W 565 bn for W201 bn (a 64% discount)

    from KAMCO. KAMCO had acquired the debts collateralized by 1500 houses,

    buildings and factories from financial institutions for W204 bn. This was

    KAMCOs first sale of assets using an international securitization vehicle under

    Koreas asset backed securities law. KAMCOs strategies for recovery were debt

    restructuring (partial debt forgiveness, amended terms and debt-equity swaps),

    outright sales (loans sold individually or packaged in portfolios and offered toinvestors), asset-backed and equity partnerships securities. These assets were

    transferred to a SPV trust, which in turn issued debentures and bonds to be sold

    to institutional investors. KAMCO also went in for foreclosure auctions where

    they could dispose off the assets through court auctions and asset restructuring.

    KAMCO had issued CLOs and MBSs using the assets bought from banks and

    properties obtained through exercising collateral rights. These CLOs were

    guaranteed by KAMCO and carried a put option to sell the loan assets back to

    the banks in case the loan fell into default.

    The use of securitization to resolve NPAs

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    In recent times, securitization has been used by banks and AMCs to

    dispose off their NPAs. The securitization market has hence, assumed a role of

    specific importance in the context of NPAs (Kendall, 1996). Asset securitization is

    the conversion of assets or cash flows into securities, which are typically rated

    and called Asset-Backed securities (ABS). This has become popular for the

    disposal of NPAs as it brings with it benefits to both the issuer and investor. For

    issuers, it offers cheaper and more efficient funding for operations combined with

    greater balance sheet flexibility. For investors, securitization provides a broad

    selection of fixed income investment alternatives, most with higher credit ratings,

    higher yields, less downgrade risk than corporate bonds and more stable and

    predictable cash flows than other fixed income securities. Variants that have

    been introduced include Mortgage backed securities (MBS) and Collateralized

    bond and loan obligations (CBOs and CLOs). A CBO is an asset-backed security

    supported by an underlying portfolio of high yield bonds (Albulescu). They are set

    up to capture the arbitrage sometimes available from the yield differential

    between the high yield and investment grade debt markets. They are created by

    issuing multiple debt tranches to investors to finance the purchase of the

    underlying portfolio. The most senior tranche receives investment grade status

    by virtue of priority call on the cash flows from the high yield debt portfolio. The

    other tranches have junior priority rights to this cash flow. The most juniortranche is considered equity, which receives income after all the income spread

    after commitments to the senior tranches and expenses are met. This process

    can be used in the disposition of NPAs where the asset can be sold in this

    manner such that the claims on the cash flows would follow a pre-determined


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    All the measures mentioned before have been able to help banks recover

    a small fraction of their NPAs. But slippages of advances from the performing to

    the non-performing category has outstripped the recoveries of NPAs, as such,

    the problem kept on aggravating year after year and reached such a level that

    government was left with no option except to take drastic measures and

    promulgate the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and

    Enforcement of Security Interest Ordinance in June 2002 and repromulgation

    thereof again in August 2002. This Ordinance was later replaced by the

    Securitization Act in December 2002.

    Securitization Act is a fine, comprehensive and an extraordinary piece of

    legislation. It is a giant leap forward in the realm of financial sector reforms. It is a

    most reassuring sign of government's commitment to reforms. It fully addresses

    all concerns with regard to lenders' interests and all attendant legal aspects. This

    Act is revolutionary in the Indian context, as it gives sweeping powers to banks

    and financial institutions to seize the assets charged to them without intervention

    of courts and sells them off to realize their loans, which have become NPAs. The

    Act provides a framework for securitization of stressed assets. It provides a

    window to banks and financial institutions to deal with illiquid assets andstrengthens their right of foreclosure and enforcement of securities.

    Salient features of Securitization act

    The secured creditor has been vested with two options under the Act. It

    can either transfer the Security Interest to a Securitization or a Reconstruction

    Company or enforce the provisions of the Act on its own, without the intervention

    of the court. As per Section 35, the provisions of this Act override all other laws

    for the time being in force notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith

    contained therein. Further as per Section 37, the provisions of this Act or the

    rules made thereunder are in addition to and not in derogation of the Companies

    Act, 1956, Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956, the SEBI Act, 1992 (15 of

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    1992) and Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions, Act, 1993

    (51 of 1993) or any other law for the time being in force.

    i.) The Secured Creditor, may require the borrower (whose debt has been

    classified as NPA by the Secured Creditor), by notice in writing to discharge his

    liabilities in full within 60 days from the date of the notice, failing which the

    Secured Creditor can exercise all or any of the following rights under sub-section

    13(4) to recover his Secured Debt.

    a. Take possession of Secured Assets of the borrower including right to transfer

    by way of lease, assignment or sale for realizing the Secured Assets.

    b. Takeover the management of the Secured Assets of the Borrower including

    right to transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale for realizing the Secured


    c. Appoint any person as Manager to manage the Secured Assets, the

    possession of which has been taken over by the Secured Creditor.

    d. Require any person, who has acquired any of the Secured Asset from the

    Borrower from whom any money is due and payable to Borrower, to pay the

    same to the Secured Creditor, as is sufficient to repay the secured debt.

    ii.) In case a Financial Asset has been jointly financed by more than one secured

    Creditors, under Consortium or Multiple Banking Arrangement, no Secured

    Creditor will be entitled to any or all of the above-said rights conferred on him u/s

    13(4) of the Act, unless it is agreed upon by the Secured Creditors representing

    not less than 3/4th in value of the amount outstanding as on record date and such

    actions will be binding on all Secured Creditors.

    iii.) Where dues of the Secured Creditor, are not fully satisfied, with the saleproceeds of the Secured Assets, the Secured Creditor can file an application with

    the Debt Recovery Tribunal having jurisdiction or a competent Court of Law for

    recovery of the balance amount from the Borrower.

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    iv.) Secured Creditor(s) can proceed against the guarantor(s) or sell the pledged

    Assets without first taking any of the measures specified in clause (a) to (d) of

    sub-section 13(4) in relation to the Secured Assets, under the Act.

    v.) Secured Creditors can take over the management of the business of the

    defaulting Borrowers and appoint Directors where the Borrower(s) is a company

    or Administrator of the business in any other case, by publishing a Notice in

    newspaper in English and any other Indian language of the area, in which

    principal office of the borrower is situated.

    vi.) Once a Notice preparatory to repossession is received, the borrower cannot

    alienate the Secured Asset(s) in question.

    vii.) Banks can package and sell Loans via Securitization. Loans can be traded

    among Banks, like Bonds or Shares.

    viii.) Transactions to which the Act is not applicable.

    The provision of the Act shall not, inter alia, apply to

    a. Any Security Interest created in the Agricultural Land.

    b. Any Debt where the amount due is less than 20% of the Principal amount and

    Interest thereon.

    c. Any Security Interest for securing repayment of any financial asset not

    exceeding Rs. 1 lakh.

    d. Pledge of Movable assets within the meaning of section 172 of Indian Contract

    Act 1872.

    e. Any conditional sale, hire purchase or lease or any other contract in which no

    Security Interest has been created.

    ix.) Right of Appeal though flat powers have been conferred on the Secured

    Creditors (Banks and Financial Institutions) for taking possession of assets, right

    to appeal is also given to the borrowers against the steps like possession of

    assets taken by the banks. The aggrieved borrower can file appeal u/s 17 before

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    the DRT within 45 days from the date of initiation of steps, though 75% of the

    amount stated in Notice or such lower amount as DRT may direct, is required to

    be deposited with the DRT concerned. Similar right of appeal before DRAT within

    30 days is given u/s 18 to any person aggrieved by the order of the DRT. Thus

    the Act restricts frivolous or dilatory appeals. The Act ousts the jurisdiction of the

    Civil Courts and mandates that no Injunction shall be granted in respect of any

    exercise of rights conferred by or under this Act.

    Action taken by banks

    Banks and financial institutions have already started taking action under

    this Act swiftly. Notices have since been flashed to thousands of borrowers

    involving several thousand crores of NPAs. Borrowers, who never responded to

    the calls of the banks earlier and have been playing hide and seek game with

    them, have now seen the writing on the wall and have started responding

    positively. They are coming forward to settle their dues with banks. Settlements

    are being reached as per RBI norms and banks' own recovery management

    policies. Cash recoveries have started pouring in. Where the borrowers have not

    responded to the 60-day notices, the banks have tightened the noose and have

    started procuring Seizure Orders from District Magistrates (DMs) or Chief

    Metropolitan Magistrates (CMMs). Secured Assets have since been seized inseveral cases, which has compelled even hard-core defaulters to pay their dues.

    Never before the banks have received such an overwhelming response to any

    recovery measure taken by them earlier. Print media too is playing its part in

    building up the euphoria by giving wide publicity to the steps taken/being taken

    by banks. Despite initial hiccups, recovery of NPAs is gathering momentum.

    A dream act for banks and financial institutions

    In my view, it is a dream Act for banks and financial institutions. It can

    bring cataclysmic change in the financial sector. Borrowers will no longer be able

    to take banks lightly and simply walk away with precious funds of the public. The

    threat of taking over of the collateral assets and enforcement of loan covenants

    has already begun to show positive results. So far NPA recoveries are estimated

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    to be in the region of 20%. During next 3-4 years, the banks hope to recover 50

    to 60% of NPAs through such tough measures. Recovery of NPAs will

    substantially bring down weighted average cost of working funds. It will pave the

    way for lower lending rates and better bottom lines.

    This Act is an essential prerequisite for smooth operations. Banks have

    got a shot in the arm with this Act. This Act has created the much needed

    recovery climate. This has given major fillip to the banks to deal with defaulters

    and reduce their NPAs. It has instilled a sense of urgency in borrowers to settle

    their dues. This Act will not only help in improving the financial health of the

    country, but also our moral fiber as a society by enforcing the sanctity of the

    contracts. Indian economy has suffered immensely from the lack of legal

    machinery for contract enforcement and strong lenders' rights. Successful

    implementation of the Act will free massive misallocated resources, bring back

    into circulation the same funds that have been locked up in sick assets. They will

    simultaneously relieve the pressure for fresh investments and create an overall

    multiplier effect that would boost employment, industrial activity and asset build

    up, apart from more efficient use of new capital and loss of rent seeking. Banks

    got to declare total war on the NPAs as it warrants action, on a war-footing basis.

    Reality bites

    The scope of the Act is limited. The provisions of the Act do not cover small loans

    up to Rs. 1,00,000 and the unsecured loans. Security interest of the banks in

    agricultural lands is also not covered. The secured loans are estimated to be just

    30-35% of total NPAs of the banking industry.

    There are several limitations, weaknesses and shortcomings in the Act. Thefollowing issues need to be addressed at the earliest:

    1. Issues with regard to Stamp Duty chargeable for transfer of assets from

    the originators to Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC), has not been

    addressed in the Act. The Stamp Duty is a state subject; it would require

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    initiatives from the respective state governments. As a matter of fact,

    these banking assets should be exempted from the levy of Stamp Duty.

    2. The issue of pricing or fixing a realizable value on the assets is another

    question not addressed in the Act so far.

    3. Who will pay statutory dues like overdue sales tax, excise duty, income

    tax, electricity charges and other local tax arrears after the management

    takeover option is exercised by the Secured Creditor. Legal position in this

    regard need to be defined very clearly.

    4. The appointment of a manager for the management of the acquired

    assets, in consultation with the borrowers, whose assets have been

    seized by the banks, seems to be an utopian idea.

    5. The Act provides for appeal and for appeal over appeal, again a lengthy

    judicial process that may delay execution proceedings.

    6. In case of gone concerns i.e., concerns which have been closed down, the

    banks will have to go through the same rigmarole for disposal of security

    in possession of an official liquidator.

    7. The Act provides for concurrence of Secured Creditors representing three-

    fourths in value of the amount outstanding where there are more than one

    Secured Creditors. This concurrence especially in cases of going

    concerns may not come through.

    8. It is not clear whether the banks can use powers conferred under the Act

    to enforce the Security Interest simultaneously in cases pending with BIFR

    and or DRT or the Doctrine of Election will come to play.

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    9. Section 13(4) provides for management of Secured Assets only. Where a

    company has hundreds of assets, the management of isolated assets is

    how far feasible is difficult to decide and the Act is silent on this point.

    10.In law, one cannot do indirectly what is prohibited directly. In case of saleof seized assets, the seller and the beneficiary will be the same. The sale

    of Secured Assets by banks at value enough to cover their dues would be

    adequately self-serving, but may appear to be unfair to the stakeholders.

    11.In case of management control over the business of the defaulter(s), the

    Secured Creditor will have effective control over unsecured assets of the

    borrower as well, which contravenes the stipulated intent of the Act.

    12.It will be difficult for banks to sell distressed assets, as there will be few

    takers for such assets. The corporate(s) may gang up to prevent sale of

    assets by banks. Auctions may turn out to be farce.

    13.The Act empowers the banks to takeover the management of defaulting

    companies. Banks are not business tycoons, or jacks of all trades who can

    run any business activity with guaranteed success. Banks are not even

    custodians or merchants of commodities.

    14.The Act does not address the problem of lack of infrastructure and

    practical problems involved in sale of distressed assets.

    15.In case of certain specific industries where an industrial license, specific

    government approval or permission or special rights like mining lease etc.,

    is issued in the name of the borrowing company, will such

    license/approval/permission be automatically transferred to the name of

    buyer/bank/concerned or not?

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    16.Will intangible assets like patents, brands, goodwill be deemed to be

    automatically transferred to the banks/buyers and defaulter won't have any

    right, title, or interest in such assets, once he has been divested of the

    secured assets charged to the bank.

    17.The reason(s) behind exempting borrowers u/s 31 of the Act from the

    application of the Act, when amount due is less than 20% of principal and

    interest due thereon, is not understandable.

    18.Valuation of assets and bidding process can trigger legal cases. There

    can be lack of unanimity among lenders also, as all lenders holding at

    least 75% stake in outstanding dues are required to agree to sell the

    assets of defaulters.

    19.Borrowers might prefer objection on several issues before magistrates

    authorized to issue Seizer Orders and can transform into a potential

    enquiry into nature of Secured Assets, proper status, nature of liability and

    so on and so forth.

    20.Lenders are vulnerable to prosecution by compliance authorities on many

    issues, despite the indemnity given under the Act to persons exercising

    the rights of Secured Creditors.

    21.The Act provides for creating a Central Registry to record the particulars of

    transactions related to Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial

    Assets and Creation of Security Interest including electronic record of the

    same. It has not been clarified whether this registration would exempt

    ARCs and securitization companies from filing particulars with the State

    Registry simultaneously.

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    22.Last, but not the least, the extent to which a Secured Creditor can proceed

    against a third party acquirer of Secured Assets from the borrower has not

    been adequately addressed in the Act. It may open a Pandora's box of

    Legal proceedings with third parties for the Secured Creditors.

    With the enactment of this landmark Act, though a giant leap forward has

    been taken, yet there is a long way to go. NPAs are not a one-time phenomena.

    It is a continuous process. Until the root cause of NPAs is eliminated, they will

    continue to generate with a vengeance. It is important to know the extent of

    malady and the question of how large a hole has been created in our Indian

    financial system by the NPAs? With the euphoria and the media hype that has

    been created, it may appear that banks are having a party time, as they have got

    the so called sweeping powers to rein in the recalcitrant borrowers. The Act is not

    a financial TADA. It is a tool and not a weapon in the hands of the banks to shoot

    the defaulters. It is an enabling provision, an extra right, which will be used by

    banks very sparingly, as a last resort to nail the hardcore defaulters only.

    Bankers have never been and they will never be capricious. They have always

    been considerate and will remain so in future as well. Much of the initial delight

    expressed by banks on the positives of the Ordinance is nothing, but a good old
