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DD 4 "'1ne l9S4 RA hrtcmnel hl.1GiH 1. I st.ron&lJ' d1u.poM 'With llO meh ot \he draft nplT to the 080/0SD i.t.ter Oil pe1'IOnnll. pollo1H "1' JOUr !pee.lal b91mnt• u 00l'IC9ma ldlit&17/d.utan relatt.on.hipe (paraqaph 1) .. Paragraph 1 ...-.a to• to be mcouat..st.ent. m.thin 1t.1elt &d. not \o n1.'lact, :cur pollq u I underat..md 1t. Jae;to m wb-JJ&l"a&rai>h 1(10), whioh 1• aoell.llnt, the n. .... «IPNMed llOUld " mdorMd 'T, .,d receiw .upport IV' cmm.ctlm ,,_ eaJ¥ a Jl1por ... .,t or 1ftl' tllpl.oJ'wea and tM 1ntell.1gmce coL1wn1t7 u & vhol•• le I a bepetul that the ditt.lault7 11 -..ntiaUT .... ant1o, 111d that the IUll•a\ed all.emate draft attached, or a reuw.abl• taoailllle, wUl prove eat.Wa•tOJ7 t.o tmsm, and. wUl be QProv•.:l •JOU• J. - ..... I al• haft ..... -al au•lt.ed ablor •hlnl•• to t.h• &pecUl Affiltanta• draft, the attached dratt. S.. prepand u a aom;>ll!te paclra!9 vhieh % rec ;z 1u•uS be appl'Oft4.1 1n it• mt.iret.7. .,. eclassifi ed and a P. J. P.AT.l't!I Cb1&r, Ourrc\ o,iaratiou ll'anch n.-1• and Pollq Did.ton E.O. 1352

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DD 4 "'1ne l9S4

RA hrtcmnel hl.1GiH

1. I st.ron&lJ' d1u.poM 'With llO meh ot \he draft nplT to the 080/0SD i.t.ter Oil pe1'IOnnll. pollo1H ~ "1' JOUr !pee.lal b91mnt• u 00l'IC9ma ldlit&17/d.utan relatt.on.hipe (paraqaph 1) .. Paragraph 1 ...-.a to• to be mcouat..st.ent. m.thin 1t.1elt &d. not \o n1.'lact, :cur pollq u I underat..md 1t. Jae;to m wb-JJ&l"a&rai>h 1(10), whioh 1• aoell.llnt, the n. .... «IPNMed llOUld " mdorMd 'T, .,d receiw .upport IV' cmm.ctlm ,,_ eaJ¥ a Jl1por ... .,t or 1ftl' tllpl.oJ'wea and tM 1ntell.1gmce coL1wn1t7 u & vhol••

le I a bepetul that the ditt.lault7 11 -..ntiaUT ....ant1o, 111d that the IUll•a\ed all.emate draft attached, or a reuw.abl• taoailllle, wUl prove eat.Wa•tOJ7 t.o tmsm, and. wUl be QProv•.:l •JOU•

J. -..... I al• haft .....-al au•lt.ed ablor •hlnl•• to t.h• &pecUl Affiltanta• draft, the attached dratt. S.. prepand u a aom;>ll!te paclra!9 vhieh % rec ;z 1u•uS be appl'Oft4.1 1n it• mt.iret.7.


eclassifi ed and a

P. J. P.AT.l't!I Cb1&r, Ourrc\ o,iaratiou ll'anch n.-1• and Pollq Did.ton

E.O. 1352

. '

REF ID:A72423

·-IROADOM JUI. m IECDfARJ' or W'EISB M.rfl1 tes»ral Graw• a. lnkf.ne, tac: (Rn.)

IUNIC'la Jl6A l'wrecmnel Problems

a.tenacea ~am JllllO t~ J>lr~, SA, IUbJect .. above, ae:d.A1 A aolt.70, 16 ;.pr ,,.

1. l w~ ti. CG1'01"twit,' attordc4 ._JOU!" m 1wcmt!uaat16 April

to nTS.w our JNGl'U• ...,_ to U.cues 8G:ID cf the ~l. prdb1ca ~ina

tld.I Aaf/AOY ill ~ tR'd5 tu ••'gned ld.HS.Clll8. 'l'baae JS'Oblas are =' .alue1Ye \0 'tJla C..:m!ce.tS.oaa IateUJ,gonce n.eia. t!be¥ allO occur to a

••'tlttnl.'ble 4-F• la Cc m1cat1cm Seaur1t;v. NJ t!Q1m»cnta :la wwr to 10Ql'

---4ta:a vs.u awtt V1th ....,.1 fer;:e '°'both se;muts ot tbe C7Jtolev1o


•• M JCN JOlnt mt 1 GD8 ot tbo 9CIDt ilprtant al t!=so :problem 19 ~

et ~ 1'bo OU'"1" AQecte ~ the arntol.as1c ettw,,, M ~ 'both

ef:d.U. ead Clitar,y JMll'ICllDCl, 11114 VS.WA \be Ac•DC:Y u wU u 1Nta14.e it

ID tba ~area or n.us ~· I• cmv:IDce4 •t iroteaaiCXIBllm u -ezftla1 to 0t.i:r ~ aw:ccsa !A u.o CQPtoloetc ettcn. l'rofeastaml.1ma b

••at~ a. &"tt«!" et 4nelop1na u4 Ntetm.n& s.liYSduala Vbo are proteaaS.QDe.J.e •

• *!D-o:d.S'tenc1 or - ~. om:K'rclal, ar aae.dco ~ In

~o ~ u iii bu doveloped !n 1ov-erment eer11loe .uea it '-°'•1l>l.e 'tO obta1D p-otapof(m[ll.11 ucept b7 atabliebiD.s atrtrnotive ..i •tS..f)izta

..,..... tui:- JG"Wl vtthia ilhG eovemcn' apno1n ccmtribut~ to oq,ptol.Q:!ll

Jl'Oduct.ic:n. lbe »eeea•it;, tor this 1a taro•~ pd.nt::d oat 1u ~ B~aoo

IQol•t, .tlt1e4 "Pvtemt:t.aU•ln ot CQCD'l' t'f;lr 8Va\e&1c ~,• QODGOl"ed 'b7

ti. SA Sof.em1t1c A4v1"r,r aoard, ad prov~ to JOU with era 0001991 6 baaber

1153, aa ...U. u 11l this Jro.ID3U Rqort. lec$.use ot -.y ..-Vi¢Uon 1D We napeot

% ba-v• 4"ote4 much ettort .SWSJ2; t!le »at tm:-ee 7eara ia p:romot~ a Q1r1t ot

1Nf'ua1=o.liao lr1 IS~\"

REF ID:A72423

Rllf'!! J.. ? )Mi-ye \be to11ov:b:Js OCliD;.."Ute cm the !tcm111 -=.'tiot.., lD ~I

\or the ntcenc•J JOtJr ·~j,ih le'tt~ app11ut \

•• SA Civilian -vii1lJJ7eet; sbcr..dd 1De »lace4 b a sore ta;,orable

J111f.tice !uof'iar .. ortrHU ht7 la ecmcenlO(t. \'ha aMUtr to make c<mdtmenta

_. ec»~urr&t tr.nel .r &r,pen4enta, troe ud ~te ..Uoe.l ee:ntee, trw

Uta lzLNreace tdJere l:w.r.ard8 alat, tnm&lper'ta.tion by aam:r~!rll. carrier, _..a ...

-.t ot -."\bold po!!.• ua4 automobiles, ~flt ri&\lari allwallcee, robblra•­

..m tear -.,-sea (a'\al"eige, -'o.) l'tHNlting f'L"Cl:l crrenea.u mvewi.t, ava1labllit7

ot cmdesar:r. ft, lio.uor .... , ud. •hab prlvSlegea, Gld ihfl UU ~IP hZ'

ton.r4 9'1vtqs CNr ext.ting Jll'Q'blema. eptctt1a 1.egielattQn SQ' be nuce1111Ai7

to .. tur6 IOna of '1lelle pi.vil.ep•J ~tiva ~!GD b;r the ~ ~

Wem• oou1i! probabl.J' obtd.a other&. 1" l• apprec1ate4 ti¥t.t eaplo:(ee co:rd.1-mta

w accept cwuscaa aa•Sgmio--nts OD ~·' 97 'bo ~~ u4 no ~

tiffl.csult!ee an Bat1c1pated 1D thia na,peat.

'· !!lo ue ot d:dlJ.u Sanercept cpcru.tora b.a8 'becl af.ven Hriol.\e

'\hon.pt v.lth a Yin to anr~ ac:as ol \M curiat ~D oaued bJ'

ftf14 turnover in 111.Uta.rJ mtercept ar-ra~a ~ tbe 1Dlri1~e1~ t•ohn1eal

Wftculilee in ~!ng ccmplez \JlH!B of Vol.llmi•&iott. Jlu.t e!vU.ieA

!&Rercqit clec.rl..y oarmat be rep.r4od u a. mver81.r.l pmue.i. tor our COUBr

tellectlon dlmm;ta. ~en the TJE, wtd.cb b4a a veU ..-.'blte'h€4 alvilian

oo'11eatim pr: qp a::, 1:=.e cie:ounterad aerloWJ Utticu1.i:;:lee, althouub tboir

dtuation t. mich JKll"Q tnvora.'ble tM.n tlult of' 'tida eountr¥ b •'t leeR ao

-.1or nepeot&t tbD eraorJDQUaly gree.ter ~rcent~ of tb:dr t.ateraept J011ittcaa

. *'lcb caa be, 8114 an, looatecl n 1aaes aa4 the nlattvel.J area.tor nature and.

.awu.t&&es crl drll Hl"Vice aa & )ll'GfeaaSon 1D tM V.K. X = llolleva- tU:Sna

"'° exploratory aotloDe 1

- ------REF ID:A72423

TOP SEGRE' r (1) I • 4iacue•ina a po,poas.l tcr i=i"ea.Hd CIA JU"1;1o!pr.t1on

ID \be m.t!cmai CSG11.ection. eftort with \hit ~otor ot

CGtral lnteUta;eneo.

(a) :rm •1r1ns plem8 for tbe ~1 ccmYl!J!'a1on at a

Ml'Vlae-opa"ate4 llltercept station to ciivilhz:a. opua.tian by llSA.

•-. fto Hatrl.ctifllll 1mposcd b)- pernmcnt HQ'Ul"!t.y r~dattau vtd.ch

.thct the recru!taem ot otherwise h!Pl-7 q,ualltte4 Jlll'•O!lne1 ~tall

IDto ho -1A catesax-1ea1

(1) MDIV° pltftelt •PPliCV-!Jte 1 JC:"tieular'l1" b the Uztpistic

ftol.4. _.. •11.,e or ncetly Da'tutalized u.s. cittzene, ar

lla.TO izat!ate tan1p ea=eeticme. ft1a is ~ fQ't1cu1ar)¥

ftlr-~· hmil:l.«P with~ m c:rltteel ortenta1 d

ldatne-eaatcrA ~. ••e ~a au 'be vaivecl a ., dilern!on, but -.oh cue DU1t be ~ ao tts la41Y!4ual

..-t.t11, ~ *8 QPeN.tlom".1 lllM4 v!th Uao ruulte or

(2) 0caaa1.clllolly f.' U f"c.wmd tkt Vlp-1e'fe1 GcientiJJ1;1 in ftelh

b vtdcb llS". ta dMll.¥ iDtereatet! have l"9COl'da of aft1Ua1'ion

&a 'ft2"11nl clqra~• vtth queetiono.ble, c:o=aun:tet•illspired or

!dit.tratcd, ad wen ei~ orsm1r.aticns.

9lia Mlect1cn and 1Dveetiptt_,ll ·~ tit t1SCIB Direot1Ye So. ' l1l llCll8

"9,.at• ll1'V 11C11N !'HVt«RiYe tbaa 'be p:rovta!ou or 1,0. 1.0li.,o. fhe

...-1at1cna of ael tber an aanaidc-ed unreaacaP.bl• .m l ao mt necuoend

tha' thaf 'be rebae4 .- t.ho.t •Gthorit)t lMI ~ to W3ko- c6eptima other

tbaJl t;M.t DCN in e~ste:nc•" Cli. W a ac:aevbo.t 4.iftorent problem_. ill --~

Mrtata aatemcnta cc.u be 1\11.ftlled cml7 bJ" 111M1ett'to !Dlividval e wt.th 4-t.lnito

I ,, ' ' - I

-- - .. . REF ID:A72423

. JP !lft!

'l"OP Sl!CRE I' ~ Id. tp.1.Uftoattona vb!cll ta Ul=saclftl ..a.a &Up-:iUf7 • IDM:vUual

a. CGiDfi ~. _,

&. • ~ ot at.dl:l.lm eareer JOUclu _, lie 1Uba!vYect Sato

~ IN'bc~ .. , (1) avers~~ (dlacuM! in iNb;p:r;r-'1P'll»b a, abcw•)J I

(2) tbll status ot t1m d.nl ~ Sa tbe u.1. Tb-c.-rta etbr.r oa~111ma

(*8 la 1HS fa'Yarati1a ~ t voaU 4ellir• Wt l ocmt4e tho problm ...

..,_.tide tia~alan)J (3) Nla1i:lanllhtpa bet'lilecm ld.11~ 11114 ddlian •1 1 :uta

f!I .A (4i1t~r.D4 !n ~ &b ltelov)J aa\ (Jt.) UM bfttermcmt ot tho

d.t..tf.an ot ibe ct"fil!en GQ101'oa ot EA ~er• dthiri eD1;abl18he4 d.Yll

....S.ce ;fOUci•e. ta t1d.• lat WI' t'1e14, P"'!=t ll'tirUell bave lJeeD m4e :bl tbs

IUt three ,.rl u illU.O{,tecl. 'bf tbt tlaa.rta tllll1 •18m'ies att&.cbe4 aa J'llaleauft 1.

Ila tlM!tS.aa, aattcm wt.Ube taken to reee1l • ~e!:!J!!!Dt VS.th tbe lld.Ute.17 wnto­:LQslc epae.te. ~ a ~ ~o flt driliaa _,,loJwc is »0eaib1a la •

~career le'fe'lopmat J!rOF'Q1a• .a apney vouia bit a ,_.sea '1:ae

--- of !ta •1.ofee - .. OC11»1.etton ot .... flt .., vPk ..u.er ....,.. 11&61 ot :aurse, nm:h•• to be Claae, -4 t ,_l tllat ODO ol tbiJ •Jor p:oblw

.taioh 1Q!l Cf11! ~in llOld.ng Sa '1le eeteltU•~ til etJti~:l.cmal av.pezt•gr&ba, ~~~

~~~~~~ -' '9U.eve ti.t a·'-111aou14 .,.rate \1ldor nlee fDr '11&

~;.~·~.Y°~leaae flt "iaml.vo04• JCIODMl a.tterlna IA ..,,. •\erS&l reepect f#iQll ._. \ .. rr -.f. _,, ~~.~ 1!'.r •.:!:._~ ~~ ~.!!'~. ~ tlm aonmuent IWt1ooa u •,,.lo., ~

) .,.Sst!na ~t~ •• ..aeQW.te~tbouch tlMI awU•ttaa or m..tbg N&Ulatlca

W ~ ji'1'80»iel 911' DDt J9t lie ~) l .... at a ecmt.SDdng S.cw••

- ID "1all p.lit7 -4 ~· f# lllfl' ~a .. a nnlt t6 the WU•

llhaDce4 ..._,.nt blprovemerzt .. mcutlva &rre1c:pwa\ ptopw o.f SA. B8'Wr

... er lfttleble Jl'OCec!.vrea ,.. raleaae ~ •4edlfao!" p:reormel ls ~ ..


t. (1) e. Med aJcr ~t.ion ot tbo te.jor.S.ty BQort of the

lobt eGqsrqaioanl. ec.atttoo OD '\Jae IJne•\i&at1cm ot ~ "tta.ck cm. Peu'l

Sar'bor wu ~1i tba .tU:te.ey Mr'Vloea ;prococ4 ~th to prvvldo 'tbat (». 2'3)1

•.,. ottko:ra be .. leCW\1 'lw saatelUeence vcrJl vbo pobesa "1la

ltWrvcuod1 pmch&nt, u4 capMl'ltJ' tor IR1d1 W'QlrlO a4 tbe.'C ~

'911 ~ SA "1:le work tor • ~c:d JCiod ot 'tiae ln

~ t!Mlt tbey ~ '-CCIDB Reep!d in tJao na1.ticat1cm Gl1

ftftDemeuts f1f tbe1r ttel4 ••. • m'ttctent 1Dtellipnoe

....,icea _.. JuSt u uaential Sa tima ~ peace q tD wr,

.a th1a llnDch or ov U'llld. 1e&"flns .-t &l.WJS 'be aocat'de4

b UQ;la:rtant role vldcb it 4e1ervoo.•

(2) !!as ~~"'01- ncca::or+tiou-. npeat~" a.i uwUfted

REF ID:A72423

TGPSECREf' tllll Jer1oc! ot. w'-.;•oMt!t to •uch work, aong other tbfpp. De OCllSdt'ffe bu recef.yed 'the 4ilt1D.c~ ilu?r•G•ioa. lba.t t.1aero _, a ffar.ienC7, a,tb,:r realized or »'°', to Zoel.ea&t• lateUipnc:e to a J'OlM ot ~ lmportan:e.

u • bxtezrated platwe, tbe he.rl B3J'bor lmeat1p.t!cna p Jtt!co.U~ IQl"trar \hu't.mpe.raUvo mceaatv, ta tile War -4 9t.vJ l>Qcri.::suts, {1) tor Mleat:lon ot ma for illtt!ll!gence 1'Cll1t. ~c~= tbo bLok;;round, oapaclty, ... rmcb&J:lt for iNCh workJ i~ tvr maillta1nt.ng tha SA tbo work mer Nt. ~ .-1oc1 or t tn arda' tmt tbe7 '157 'be&o:l:! .wa~ iD tbe Ndtica•iooa d. reftnmam:its o1 tbeb- ttel.4 u4 •1o.r W. naervo11" ot ~ledtle Sia nal.uatq Ga.ta r"ceiYedJ GM1 (3) ff# \lie oatrillsu1.1oo of l'e9];l(al.Si'biU1.,y fer bcmdliJIG 1ntelUge&\C'e to &YOid au of ~ pitfalls of dirld.eli r~ibU1ty 'Wldch u;per!.cm:o bu ede 10 abumb.ntl.y •wirmt.

Zit. -.he UGht ot' "'•h: tarego1ns recCJmD-~tiona, I do 'DOt cou.i!-"'r ... t 1ibe

atli~ ~olo~lc career pr~ ot tb_j .~ Be:"'viG't• are developing. '

~ t>ao ecmtrf.X}·, 1;M ~ FOGl":J:i aee:m to be·~ ud the le~ proaraa n•

t:ro.;t'QSlizl&. The f.J\11t d®s nQt Utt pri•rlly with tbe Hrvic~ Ol')'Ptol.o61c

..-C!ee 1 1lid.cb appu.r to 'be 1"tl.l awre ~ 4efld.=c1es amt the aotion to be

1:aUn "° corre-::t the=• 'Jbe1' ta:"m1 hova'nr, a ftley -11 ~t of the eut!re

lltli~ Mta'blinh:Dent, vh:lch :U 4-inated 'bJ" "Uno~se• to tueh ea

uttnt \&t qeas.Misat1cn 1e proteasio=.117 PG&U&ec!• thtei i• 11elt..por:petuattn;a

~ llOt CJDl1' tloaa the Qecie.U•' f.n \1ll1for.z :ru~ riae \o ..-rat _. n.ac r&Dk,

-.m those vbo ao are rarely -Sped to JIQS1ticma where *7 oaa exerolae &

cor.reot1.,o iutlwmec - w. nate ot Id.ad. Gile -..1cr ccm:t1butlCIQ to aoluttm

• f//l Wa ;prdllSL waa14 'be~ ate.'bU1b!lent at •U paral (tlas) offic:e bUlota

,.. crntotogte ~a I ""° tor -.ch nrdce' or wtd.ch Gne -.ch VCIQ14 be ID

tM lenie9 ar;rptot~ic aRivit)' a4 ono ill EA. It will be 4e•Sra.ble on occasion

to ftU ecac rd tb9ae 'bUleto 'bJ' m:a-can!JX'iatJs, 1D which cruo 'Wle o:cyptoloa;1.o

aearal {~) ottieer11 110 dilplaoed Uould be aeeipe4 NQc:ttU%'!1)" to related

ftelde noll u lzrtel~e Ul4 oomnn1cet1QDS. Alone vlib th1•1 •leat1c:m

- - -- --- _ _.____ -~-

REF ID:A72423

~ea 1bouh'I \le 10 •de.'bU.beC. t=t cr:rntoloc1e aucer oft'ieen vlU -'

'- JJID'lJ wt lq cbo1ce ot W• ~ fleU ia p!"ClllOttcaa tbrCIQlla tbD sr114e ot

M. Sa a441t!cn to. eakbliBhMlnt or .. otttcu Gl'1Pto1oe1e eareez" Jl.'Qlbia,

'1111 help.tlm a'l the-., a.Ndt7 Jpo:rs d \1ae • ..,. aea.i'Q' 0rou;p u mJor

Nntce GO•:nrll!:J .a.a "9 .A•antapr:ND. t tee1 that '1le AIBS 1'1sS.cb b ao

leaipa~e4 ha• a eesiaer;:i.'ble .Avaatap anr. other 1A10 1e%"rl,oe armoioeto

..-et••· ! • em:LCft'Md~ al.lo. ore.r tbs attt:tude wbii=h % luw• eaaee.. at 1eut.

u ftPl"4a aae •llr'Tlce, t!&t 8SA 11 eataHe fl! a4 for:•!.&1l ta tbe JdUtazT oomwntv,

ID1. tm1i otrt.ce:ta wtlo Ila.Ye ~ a lO:laU:r•JO'l"rar.m4 Wl.11' tr 4'lt7 vf.th tho

,,._C7 Sift a.oraat'l'o.ta '1lelr "4a-IG>.ttSi-"1cn" F!ar: to Ml. aoaeptmico '8ok

bto tJaelr JllND\ :allttUJ" Ml"dce. '1le 41Hn ettect viWD EA or -u. tat.lun

et ta. mf.Uteq Hrrl.ce• to e.V.b1.lmh an« ptCaoto crptoto:ic profti•laae.lt.a

u • .U.StQ")' oaner Sa \bat :t lo mt lle..re a ntftct._. IUt>ar at "1811tle4

u4 t11QWlm::4t offtcca.

(3) MOtber -.1-.11'r ~t &Qeot ot *8 .t.U.t11r7 career

po1>1.es ill ta..t ot tbl Glistac! teebldcier... I ea tSl'la\r eG:-".v!Dccd tbe.t -U. m.3or

~ton \o tJw IOlutian o1' our fteld coll.el.!'t!cn -5 ~"B1• pro'blc lie•

in tbl dlneloi,'lilent ~ reti:nticm or prote11a1cml CCIGlft ..U.e·ted :per~l, SA

11119 ... VllJ' ..S. U '1la maac te.;ree tlaeR )ftfe:s•ional. alvllh.ns aro reqtdl'ed to

IOlve tho teclmicel OCIG1R PTo'blw ~the baa4~er9 .-tabU.ehnent. .Al'Uaauch

ta.ta u to 0. Nte ot CCIURl re-enlls~e VII mt; natll!'bie, the OY9J'-all !a

Jlt0ba.'b17 below 20 Pll"Cent re.. aU three Se"Ylc:es. n b a •ludtCJWJ ra.i:t that

tlle N-CD.l!stamtt :rate ot lft{f' tmercept apemt:arn at JNMA't 18 le•• 1iban one

,.-cm.. la • Clldzdon, the •~le major nep wt· li•ly to caatribu.te •terf.all.7

to the .0\'1°t1cm o£ W.. :problem l8 'the eef;Gbll•iamt of •.JP.etitia c:rntOlo...."'10

-------- - ~ - .- -- -= ..... ":,.- -...:;----, -1 .. ---

" ... ~ .. t - ..,. r,

REF ID:A72423

ea.'I. Jl"op'•se1r.,c itbrough a Tan!. ll 1~~ftllkotV1'. t'• MM1Qe '"1mlcie.na11

Iba 'tecbPS"tan pt&de atruet\lre ot ee.eh BC'Yit:e ~o epn~ Uoul4 I

.... embl.it .cr.u laffrte4 ;wram14 or eul.istcd ~, QD W» ot niJ:b ·~ • ...Uer

ptremld or V!WTr-.nt ott1cer pad.es, •SaSJArly 111vertecl and lalanced. l4M11¥,

"1le 11\Dber ot a T ma • 6 techniaiawt iza the camtr tiel.4 lhol.11.d vaatq acffd

tbe Dlll'ber of I l'e and B 2'•· .-&nmcement aboult! &!pend -.tire~ en taliv1cb:llll.

aldU:t7, liOt a:i T&.CeDC1aa. r:et the B T nutt;, ou.t.tNading taaUv14Wll.1 woul.4

"be l!!f'de YUr.:;;JJ\ oft'L:ers. 1lerc again, dnnae;:mrt '2lrou&h th:t WO srade• W'OUld

~ sole!)- on 4emonatrated e<iapetenee, not uceneiu. 'l'Ja,e tdoe.l nwl:t vou.1.4

lte ~ _.. :e 1 1a WD. B 1'•1 tl'tf1r a per!od ot tt.e. tt la a6Utioa '\o th1a

pa4o ~tur.,, the lS.·11n{; aoc«"''~tions And nereatiGM.l. tad.Utien aecar4e4

mr t.ecbn1oicna ft'l"<I ill;p:'O'l~! .... mer11e f\m....~ or 1lhc -4e111ira.bil1t7

.r '1la loca:tico to vbieb 'bcJ' are uaiped, !1114 V.vel ot falliea nre

tacillte.ted to 'tbEJ 1N1-t•11t J(ms:lble a.gr.a, tt; i• telt that a llQCb. IJ"Uter

4e;ree of pl'Cltusionali• could lie cMdMd over a perio! - ~a. I plan to

tab tlda stter • tllroup tho hrYtee ern6'..ologtc acencte• q an -.rl:y la.te,

M4 _., reque.at 7fNZ &Hutance 1D Kk.bU..h:11tc im"erted ~4 pade .vuct\D."tl.I.

I beli'"o ~t nD':h a Jll'OCl"WI oaa be nrrl.od CNt VS.th.out 4ml'opt1on to otbe.J:i

.._,. 1D 'lb:lch 't/t .- TO• K tno arpniP.t1ona, wt.'11 ~ ~ pq vbere

llRfl"Opr:t.ate 1 CUI eQ.Ui kb~ ooat:lllue.

•• T.our pstions 1mder W.. aateaorY an ~tic ot \IAaic 9.U61110ll8

flt JOli=J lilb1ob bn.ve Jtlag\lcd the arn;toloztc Hl"Ticu •Uce wrare W•l.4 Wta II, • .,..,.,. f

(1) ~""'ll).9, la ~ed 'b;r GM ataieraent,Vbleh, % \ellne,

-wtatne ~ h•ai.4ent 1a motba.~1cm SA trt1~ tbs action vbic(h W to crea.tlm

ta their :proaGD:t t.... ~ the Speoial Cca:d.tte~ tar OCllXlft, USCIB e.nO. Ef,• tM

.... nat•am s. • .. •. \bat \be co:::.m1 cc..'ticaa s.=eUtgwa (camrr) aati•ltin

f8 ~ 11Alte4 Stat• an a ..Uom1. Pe11PQR1l'b11it;r, ad 'til•:li ....., llU\ be 10

•Pld-4 ol ~ 88 to 9Q1oS:it to tbs 'IDZ'blt11 ...... available n&O\ll'Ca t.n

au. l*ft!ot.i-tSnc lepo11aaate d aaeneta d '° 1&Uaf) Ula l.egit'lmte

· latelltpn~c ftllU!raamt• ot an .uah ~· Ull apno!•• • • ... ...._ ti•

z ._ .. 1u4e ~t tbe OYGT!4hg o-..sidenltim ta tw4at!Qg • E.il pmrammel

,.U.07 wuat 'lie to !m1lrG aa cr,enn!•tS.a'l or auim• 4lf'l'Hti,•e111. • orpn1nt1c:D

t4 •d""'1 aftecttreneae Hf111.'lre1 ecJilllP'R:mt Pll"BClllnel 1a -21 laitPott!.llt ~Oba• I

.~ .. % • Qla':.\~ an~ Jillf!Dcll'l•• ete., ft'oal. ~- £ (10). ,

(a) tbDrv &"N amdbe'l:11 or .,. ...,,,r.atlan i6il 'th') Siltellif:enee

..,.,,,.tr "'° W ftl'lowsb' tlwt Et- le a ldl.lta.q- c&opn1.s.ttim, *'' !t S.

a d'ri1:!aa --.zat.1cm1 .- Cat tt asat 'lie errtabliahe« 11!dcb 11i ta. J: bol.4 DO

lid.et tor .._, ot 'Uaoae Ylew. P.rCD a ll°t'1tl:r of imc:JD.-9 .. • nructure flt the

lledal Olllld.ttee ml WCD, % aeoltl4e that' m.-. !••_..mutton oa:asimeee ~ 'b,J a S-t. ~1 ~ establt•hed vt~ldn ~ ~ ot De!llnse.{~ ia ..U

/ 9'1-r r-.oeots 11 to h Wl.anced .. pte~t•el.1' ae JOl•t'ble 1~t tJl9 .U·pcd.nt

1anveen 111U.tuy ad d:fil1~n atc'td&. ID vlev ot tld.s 1 wr JIOlic:t outlined a'bcn'e

mat "8 ~ ., rGQ.u!rE: tlm.t, to the f\lllect (\agree e~t:tble v!th tho

Nleo'tio:a at eCllp!tmt ~ol rm- all .!ObB. an wen ba1mee 1boU14 be ~

111*.men lld.Utu"y ~ et~ mp'J.QJeca tn JO'bs ot all fi1pce ml a1l all. lrtela In "

SA. Also, wbel\uvc:r 1'-111t'bte, a .S.litL"":r/•tvf.liaD f# c:d.nl:lan/1d.U.tar.r pdr

91aou1A act .. ~l cm! a~:r tn eti'lh ~ p:isttioa.. 'for W• nuon,

tllll slliiia..""':f ~.itlvtUa ltctul er ocn!S.dates rm:- a 9UlllZq ill otten an ~ ~~~in 1e1e°'tan.

(3) t v1u. ~ e.rtm tlx.n not., Hl.ect a 1111-iMr:r oane:s.date :!'.rm

• IN'Q) of etp:lll.J p:.lifl.ed JCC:Ph airatlabl.e to ftU mQ" atwm ,,.~. t'hlll t.a

~ .. .; ·.: .;:;:.:_ -- -

REF ID:A72423

........ ..,..tnhr~ trlli3 1dJl:m, at thole eque.117 p1:t~.a, w la N!.17 pl!tted.

hr '\be TaoCDey. JD datton, 'lt bee pon.~ aeceaM17 m oaaaat• to ft11.

~tea, ~ wtd.ch m fa117 p.U.1'1ed :pe:r:aan t1 nat.la"ble, rith a ldU_.,.

Jl1'tJOll "'*1 a lllnter plif:!.114 d-dlien m;rlOJU is a-mili:.'ble. t V18h w ~"i&e, ~, t1l1t I bave .,,._. ~ 1elected a ln• nll -.,un..a military JllNOD to fSU a ft.eaDCJ' for vld.ah & Ml.i' ~- oldliu ~

_. aT&dl.;i'blA. l to mt ccm.stder tbc:.t tboca utS.otaa 1ddch ..,-~ 'biuecl ID

taVGr or 111lJ:t=T :p!JClp].9 ... emtr=.4!ctCl1"i' vi th 111' upz ea•cc1 paliCJ. an * I

~' t .feel t1:lq' are aeeese::-"'7 :la recQGl1'1ttcm ot und.D JN.Ctiecl

easl4er&.\iana v'h!ch :! mat f'aae up to&

(~) leoaus• ot 1i11e1:r mcJa l.ua ~ ftltattcm. to ftal4

bttee, drill~-n ellG'lOJeO• (1) _.. sin•ent Whan vacmcie•

eecm" in !BA em'C ~l:f than ~ble atlitaJ7

l'e'ftomlel. (2) JUl.ve a~ ano:rt1\1Dl\7 to p1.1f7 b

• •&eumetea 1daleh occur, d (3) ba•e • ~ _..

J• Miit 3o'b tmmr= In duttee to vblah they an ••Sped tllam ao eowpa:r::.ble llLU.""7 P19.Ple.

(b) t1!Q11ke cs1vllian mpl.a:fees, a taliYic1m.lla mtlitaey n.llJt '

._. mt :i.IJcrefiee u a l'aault fJf eeleattoa ts a .job

'fU&1M!J' ill ... \.

(a) •GUI• ~ Hmlra &Ill nu ccme!4e:rr..t1cna Cftltltaea abcml,.

'1111 .,,, .. -..e4 •o tbe orpnl&~'s.an b7 a ldlitar;y

a1N1tsa=cnt ta er4izl;;;.r~ lei• •et'1cnla ul4 lea• adurSzra

t!lm& t!lc:t came4 1'7 a ldaUlce lD Hleet:lcc ot a d:d.lian

for' 8ll ~t .iob.

"-::""' ..... --- .... : .. •-,~ --·~---

REF ID:A72423

(4) :tn b.Plenc-rittft!on ot tbe JOllq Mlined ta ~pla

c (1), evm ~ea u it S. bJ' '11.e o1>eena.tS.cm a4e ia

~~.:;-.h s (~), '11ere a:lriJI a ~ llmc-r""YllP

tdeac;r ~ a large .-J•l"Q" er ~t 3dba beiDf:

ftUed ~ d:rtli:m eillPlo:f•ee. !Id.a tendenCJ" _., '- O».P01e6

a4 •lcr.rG4 to the 4egroe CCllll!&teuf; with 9elec:t1cm or CQll­

patent Ji40Ple.

'-• ahm" ~ ccmaUeratt.ons relat:ln.1 to tld.a FZ1£i~::.l JrOblem _..

itml•ed 'belows

• ,. '°" ue aare, 1dlell 08A 11111 ... w b.r tl=t _..gar or a•. ud

«BA-~ ~1~ of lflt9 (~Ans alOt then~ ext.tine), ilJA operaticm.I

wwo ~ ent!...~11' '9' a!"lil1an mc-l.O)'ceo, vblle tbe rnene •• ~ ot

tu. .. rdtdt of tJd.9 W8 tlla QA 3ockqing fm' l*J!tim llfttf'*1 e.pncf.H

• fllllll tta. or '1lle a11pr CUT1er! Yltb :lt tbl 1..a. or a .-t ~ .ut.~ wcnwa

d'tll!aa c0nte£t v!d.cb ma DOt pt be-. eHni mtect. MA, -'fell tl.l.ll.ncce11SfUUJ'

ac:tt.W ff# \he ml"SCZ', .. cmtant a mt er. ''Id.I dctor; ..a. to o'btwl.ta tW

I~• -.pl~I e. ,_,., .. 1"01e !a an-1 a,e:rc.tions "'7 ftUb\(S a atJorit;y ~tho

,..S.t!CllUI wlwN1.ll ~ ~ & COC1ft otere.tinr; u:d.t CR" t-CIE-J.'C QI:' llcseU"cJl

al Drrelov.3ent !\m..-.iion was 1m'olved. OBA, ID t\111l1 1'1Uin:l.;f ofJd.ee a -JQZ'iis7

~ hCli oper.!ticmr.1 .jobn tD ret\Jrn tar a -.1cr lbe.nl at tOR·l~vel apeoe.Uon:11

.-...-ntl (icrt1c:u.larl.y cactft) ~ pollq bill.et•. Dae Me'bcla:t~ whtab renlte« ~ ~ .

• the Nft:ral ievei. ot ~ ft iot;,. eo.ay to CO!'ftat In a nort. JCJ:iol! or

Um_. ocntbmea 1d:t;h us to a a .. lderu.bla 4egree,,..,., ~..,, 11114 Air

fal'ce ottt..ers Jvr:ve ntatnea c J109SU.cm of &~t• ~lit)' 'bJ" nliet 0:

... 1 otrioe=a :ln a. rat.r or .10ba or!gSm.111 11814 lr/ • car~ e~. '1'ld.9

-- . --~ . -

:=--.... --=--=-f:S'- ; ----- -·-·~-- .~--


ME!!! U.'balr·nce :S.. la mlliUm to thn-t vt:d.a1' r111ulta frGll otbar aouideru.\:l.cma

CNtUll04 1D ~.r:.&r"iib I (3), abo"lo, "1.

-· Oltlt&llc!h61 ~ ot£:1.cera or o.., ma. M nult,, ,llCIZ'ticn4ar~

1ib11 l.e.tter1 t4lo .-a Ubl.tr cui!iEJ~t~o !or ~a.l GI." nae ..ct, SboUld 'be ./

'broufiiht 1D 1a1ll ~a tor tllrac pc tours. ftcue mn vtll be 'tlrmde!Dea

'bJ' the a.1a•uw 111t, d.ll "brin;i IS.:'. !...1'1 a.':I~ of en1ce o,pi::n;.tior:m.l p:oblema .

a4 aoacepta, &ma. DIM.IL uain !n ae~ It: kter in 'tho1r coroc1.

c. Odia\umfill.i;i CCHDll' ot:f.'icarc of all pd.ac llhauld HT'V• nplar ./

tom'B of 4'itJ' vt+,h apcr.:.tion..,l ccm;nni!s aa well Ul in. ..niaG intoll.1genae &Jtlea

11111! Ct'Jtl!fr tie let •t~t:!.cme, 'f~ the .... ·l'GUon.a aa :la a, a'bov'•. 4.. eetGetct junior ott!.cer:: ~ ti= MWorul. eervlcea, a;,erLmced !a

..a...nco, ~ice, ctCl1Qlm1oat!an::J, SDtcUS£=qa1 c:crilllter•!.zl'tel~-..mco, etc., eboul.d 'be a.a1:1p.cc! to im:~ far the benen.t to bl pSZU"d bJ' tb':!r ~-muxt u J hchutcc.l e'IYSJlcrs 1• rovera 1 1.c., t~bn!co.l a,..-t. ta a puce ot m:lU'1it!.r7

ll&=vor a4dscrJ '° CGU.I! teclm1i::ians ~ opcra.t:lano.1 prt0blelu,

•• 'ft'01cmcct!. toa:-a u4 trdaS.ric p-ogrc.ma alJo tU 'be 1$..~uled in 1IBA

_. Gtttcara *°8e ccd.or!t7 'WN1d. othcniee dtnate bir uaipmcmt "o 1-1'

~· far ldla'1i \bq &Te Hcdmic::c.l~ 111MJ.UQ.l1tic! em4 ta wtdch U.h ~ 111

'11erctore le\rlmemnl to the JcfllJq. Bacso aey1eea eaable tbe ut1U1a:tato.n 'b7 mA.

ot 8UOh offlc:l!l'e vi'bhou.t 4etd.=cnt a iihtir 1entce a.ner:s or Ille Jcen..'"7•

f.. Oont1n1iec! prorl.•1oa ... t be -.ea fer Jl1'QllO!ion tso \he lf.pn

o!Y!Uan sraaea r:sr mt8'8n411J8 ~ec'!m1e1eas •Yins •kllla ~~ital~

w 1llA "mt 1lllO ce ~fled trr 1eD1ar JOliOJ' or ~at J09f.ticms.

I• !he nar :pesent tendency~..!\! Camtr tmiea'Var tar its on ,..... ..- 11111t be oaa'ba.ted b7 W• t.ater-u~1pwnt of parr&IClmtal vitb '1lo !atalligenee

aentcee 8ld operational ca::r:nds so \mt 1lbe o'bJectiYo ot tlll orsmt:n.ttan, .i.

Jft)4ucticn ot that e\ ,ro4uet wb:lr.h ts llH4ed 111 tha ~, S. alwJa ~ eleu~

f.a ldn4.

REF ID:A72423

.•• 1¥! TOP SECllUL 1-,. I ao not feel that ~a !A ldllt:lrJ-Cl'Yil"eza nla.t1a=hipa la

a ue ~nb1·~, ml ao co\ rc ... o;a.:cd a oblaee la .nAU.t~ JOUct.ca. S

.. teel Oat "-" RO!!d.e& ooulr! .. llet;ts ~.a, .. vtU .... .snue - skc fte1:7 eft'ort \o this d. 'Iba ji1"11:¥:Spll ectt.mdng oltBf"..acl• which J:

taae, S-ev01"1 h e !Dsuf'~cieac,:r ot tvl.3'r p;ltf'i~ ;tr:ORlo tit. all t.nma

a! ;r:Mt•, W'h d.Ut&i.."7 u4 cl.Yl~•n,

'• Ole f\u: t1w:t St.ml ot ~a ta a.=ldevl»i(; G'JP'Ol.o~i~ )11'Ci" ... t.ow..U•

wtd.aJi we Ids mnH.Ol'lltld ID JOiZr ~ relatea te U. IMV4" 2-a .tace4 'bT

~ arntotastc apn~f.ec la ~ ~a ot no-utar slUtu7 ortlcel'u, ~

a perr .a pea•&JNnent. ._. ot *- wtll llno • Sm-Jmble "bclclc;rouaA ot 1IJ

to \WWWLlf 1tWfl m;perlonc~ ia Cl'l'Jl'Wl.oisi~ oreratleae. IQedal'l: la ~ _,. ot ~

•- attlcwe '1'! o-6 ra.mt =ho ..t retue tar DL'IE1·~1cn .ner Zo • ~ ,._.

ot Mtive oatllduimael'l Bff'IS.09, fallo;f l'ClfP"••e:!t a ~lal. liblch llhau14 1M! ma!ble1

al 16 ~t ru-1.~. to W.. ,,.._.,.,.,,..._ ' ~ of J9IZ'9 to acme. t • •'

lfllm\ \D'!bte to ~ttn.wt tma 1'.J sn err~· or etnJtrm. ~. Ev= 1IQlai

'1R p: o;oceft. i.st.elaU.011 vldcll U'\lQl"'i.Uzn l"lbllc: lmra al 1 1 1

..Woll, U ~" Wlllld JWZ!t. tbea \G waive retired pq me! ~ tull dv11

IMft1oe N, Qa ~.1 ear-:-:enrntiOi\ thus .t.1'or<t~ W'Cftll.4 mot be Atftc1~1.y

..... *n 't'fMllr retired PY &1ca to -~ tbcl. ~- IO'luttca to w.. ll'db1-1 'wldGh AA~ at.ts I ad will Jw l,erSft' D t.hi ftlll ZC:1 VQ1.h! be of

•1eone ~·

T. !Ill! tar•~• &1'1DJCh l.eft!thy.. s.a O!l1J a *4Cfti; kt trct:rant ~

.... it.m '1bich :IV" ~~ • l -.U JD.."'J) Jiil' lnrw:u:t! flt tiaVlilD.-COJltl a1q

tlda UM. 1 paatl.:711&1"Mbte JQ1!' lr...eroet ta tAao poU.crr. .e Tl/fir~ • udatm:e. l 12lo11 aell Jal1I" w~ Inc tt. to t!n:'l QD. D;i.ta1-"'!.c ~

~ .,.. 1-Jca! :tiP' ,.,_ to aotvo.

- -----=-=-- .......... ---... - ---=-- ,__ --- ......... ,~-....... -~~