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NSP Network Services Platform Release 18.3 Installer Reference 3HE-14102-AAAA-TQZZA Issue 1 March 2018

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NSPNetwork Services PlatformRelease 18.3

Installer Reference


Issue 1

March 2018

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About this document............................................................................................................................................4

1 NSP Installer overview...................................................................................................................................5

1.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................5

1.2 NSP Installer host platform requirements............................................................................................6

1.3 NSP Installer software components and configuration........................................................................7

1.4 Workflow to deploy NSP modules using the NSP Installer .................................................................8

1.5 To provision the NSP Installer host network bridge.............................................................................9

1.6 To install the NSP using the NSP Installer.........................................................................................11

1.7 To enable vCPAA management and operation .................................................................................14

1.8 To enable VSR-NRC management and operation ............................................................................16

1.9 To remove the NSP Installer OS packages and configuration archive..............................................19

A NSP Installer host system BIOS and RAID settings .................................................................................21

A.1 Nokia Airframe system BIOS and RAID settings...............................................................................21

A.2 HP ProLiant system BIOS and RAID settings...................................................................................21

Contents NSP

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About this document


The Network Services Platform Installer Reference provides information about using the NSPInstaller to deploy Network Services Platform modules.

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1 NSP Installer overview

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Functional description

The NSP Installer orchestrates the deployment of NSP modules as guest VMs on one physicalhost. The NSP Installer supports the following deployment types:

• initial installation of the complete NSP product

• installation of the NSD and NRC modules and one or more of the following:− Network Functions Manager - Packet, or NFM-P

− Network Functions Manager - Transport, or NFM-T

− Virtual Service Router - Network Resource Controller, or VSR-NRC

Note: You cannot use the NSP installer to deploy the NRC-X.

Note: NSP deployment using the NSP Installer is supported only in a lab or trial environment.

Depending on the deployment type, one or more of the following are also instantiated duringinstallation:

• virtual Control Plane Assurance Appliance, or vCPAA

• NSP Flow Collector, or Flow


The NSP Installer uses a KVM hypervisor and qcow disk images to instantiate modules in separateVMs according to operator specifications. During a deployment, the installer automatically:

• enables secure communication among the modules using an auto-generated, self-signed SSLcertificate

• applies the appropriate license to each module

• performs the required post-configuration tasks on each module

• initializes each module

The NSP Installer also performs the configuration actions on a module that is added to an existingNSP system, if the system has been deployed using the NSP Installer.

Note: You cannot use the NSP Installer to add a module to a manually deployed NSP system.

Deployment restrictions

NSP module deployment using the NSP Installer has the following restrictions.

• NSP Installer use is supported only in a lab or trial environment.

• Each module is deployed as a standalone system; module redundancy is not supported.

• The components of a module, for example, an NFM-P main server and database, are collocatedin one VM; distributed deployment is not supported.

NSP Installer overviewIntroduction


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• The NSP Installer supports only IPv4 inter-module communication; IPv6 is not supported.

• The NSP Installer performs module installation only, and cannot upgrade a module.

1.2 NSP Installer host platform requirements

1.2.1 Hardware requirements

Deployment using the NSP Installer is supported on the following platforms, which use Intel XenonE5-2650 v4 CPUs at 2.2 GHz. Each platform has 2 sockets that each accommodate 12 CPU cores,for a total of 24 cores.

• Nokia Airframe

• HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen9

Each platform is listed in the Nokia product catalog, and satisfies the requirements for thedeployment of all supported modules and VMs on one host. The actual number of CPU cores andamount of RAM required depend on which modules are to be installed.

Each platform type requires specific BIOS configuration, as described in 1.4 “Workflow to deployNSP modules using the NSP Installer” (p. 8).

The NSP Installer host and NSP modules require a minimum set of system resources, such as CPUcores, RAM, and disks. Table 1-1, “NSP resource allocation, by module” (p. 5) lists the resourcesrequired for each NSP VM.

Note: The required disks are allocated to one virtual drive in a RAID 1+0 configuration.

Table 1-1 NSP resource allocation, by module

Module CPU cores RAM (Gbytes) Disk space (Gbytes)

NSP Installer host 1 16 100

NSD and NRC 4 28 146

NFM-P 4 43 400

NFM-T 8 36 420

vCPAA 1 4 1

VSR-NRC 2 4 5

Flow 4 16 150

Total 24 148 1146

1.2.2 Host OS

The NSP Installer requires that KVM is installed, configured and running on the host OS. After youinstall the host OS using a specific RHEL OS ISO disk image, you must do the following:

• Provision the interfaces, addresses, and other elements required for basic network connectivity;see the OS documentation for information.

NSP Installer overviewNSP Installer host platform requirements



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• Provision a KVM network bridge for NSP inter-module communication.

See 1.4 “Workflow to deploy NSP modules using the NSP Installer” (p. 8) for more information.

OS configuration for VSR-NRC deployment

In order to deploy the VSR-NRC module, the host system must be configured to support 1GBhugetlbfs memory backing. See the Virtual Service Router document Virtualized Service RouterInstallation and Setup Guide for configuration information and the minimum required memory pageallocation.

Note: A hugetlbfs configuration does not persist through a host reboot unless additionalconfiguration is performed, as described in the Virtual Service Router document VirtualizedService Router Installation and Setup Guide.

Note: The host FTP server must be enabled to provide VSR-NRC access to the license file.

1.3 NSP Installer software components and configuration

1.3.1 Software components

The required NSP Installer software components are the following:

• NSP Installer host RHEL OS image

• NSP Installer software

• OS and product images for each NSP module to be installed

• NSP license bundle

Note: In order to obtain an NSP license bundle, you must provide a unique hardware ID foreach NSP module VM that is to be deployed. See 1.4 “Workflow to deploy NSP modulesusing the NSP Installer” (p. 8) for information.

1.3.2 Configuring an NSP deployment

A file called config.yml contains the NSP module deployment parameters, which include thefollowing:

• modules to install

• qcow image locations

• NSP licence bundle file location

• network settings

An operator must configure a config.yml file using the parameter values for a specific deployment.To facilitate the configuration, each section header in the file includes a definition for eachassociated parameter. The examples directory in the NSP software bundle includes an exampleconfig.yml file that you can use as a template.

1.3.3 vCPAA and VSR-NRC post-installation configuration

After you install the vCPAA or VSR-NRC module:

NSP Installer overviewNSP Installer software components and configuration


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• The module VM requires the configuration of additional network interfaces.

• The module requires commissioning to enable the following:− communication with the managed network

− management by other NSP modules

− for the VSR-NRC, which is deployed as a 7750 SR-c12 chassis, a specific card configuration

See 1.7 “To enable vCPAA management and operation” (p. 14) and 1.8 “To enable VSR-NRCmanagement and operation” (p. 16) for configuration information.

1.4 Workflow to deploy NSP modules using the NSP Installer

1.4.1 Stages


Set up the NSP Installer host platform according to the specifications in 1.2 “NSP Installer hostplatform requirements” (p. 6).


Configure the required system BIOS and RAID settings on the installer host platform. SeeAppendix A, “NSP Installer host system BIOS and RAID settings” for information.


Deploy the NSP Installer host OS on the installer host station.

1. Download the following package from OLCS:• NSP Installer Host RHEL V.v OS

2. Install the package using the Virtualization Host option in the RHEL installation utility.


Obtain and record the module hardware IDs required for generating the NSP license bundle.

• For each module other than the NFM-T, obtain a unique UUID for each VM from your networkadministrator, or use an online tool to generate a UUID.

The required UUID is a string of hyphen-separated groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 hexadecimaldigits, as shown in the following example:


Note: Each alphabetic digit must be an upper-case character.

• For the NFM-T, obtain a unique MAC address for the primary network interface of the NFM-TVM from your network administrator, or use an online tool to generate the MAC address.


Request the NSP license bundle using the recorded hardware IDs.

NSP Installer overviewWorkflow to deploy NSP modules using the NSP Installer



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Provision the network objects that the NSP Installer host requires for basic connectivity, such asinterfaces and IP addresses; see the OS documentation for information.


Provision a KVM network bridge for NSP inter-module communication, as described in 1.5 “Toprovision the NSP Installer host network bridge” (p. 8).


Use the NSP Installer to deploy the NSP, as described in 1.6 “To install the NSP using the NSPInstaller” (p. 11).


If you install a vCPAA, commission the device and add the required network interfaces to themodule VM, as described in 1.7 “To enable vCPAA management and operation” (p. 14).


If you install a VSR-NRC, commission the device and add the required network interfaces to themodule VM, as described in 1.8 “To enable VSR-NRC management and operation” (p. 16).


Optionally, as a system cleanup function, remove the NSP Installer rpm packages, which arenot required by the installed modules; see 1.9 “To remove the NSP Installer OS packages andconfiguration archive” (p. 19).

1.5 To provision the NSP Installer host network bridge

1.5.1 Description

Perform the following steps to create and configure the network bridge required by the NSPInstaller.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you perform the procedure using the local console orthe ILO interface. Using a local session connection ensures that the connection continues tofunction in the event that a misconfiguration isolates the NSP Installer host from the network.

Note: You require root user privileges on the NSP Installer host station.

Note: Command lines use the # symbol to represent the RHEL CLI prompt for the root user.Do not type the leading # symbol when you enter a command.

1.5.2 Steps


Log in to the NSP Installer host station as the root user.

NSP Installer overviewTo provision the NSP Installer host network bridge


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Open a console window.


Enter the following commands in sequence to stop and disable the NetworkManager, and toenable and start the network service:

# chkconfig NetworkManager off ↵

# chkconfig network on ↵

# systemctl stop NetworkManager ↵

# systemctl start network ↵


Ensure that the RHEL Firewalld, iptables, and netfilter configurations allow traffic to and fromthe network bridge; see the OS documentation for information.


Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:


where interface is the network interface that the host is to use for connectivity as a bridgemember, for example, eth0


Locate the following line and assign a network bridge name by setting the bridge_nameparameter:



Record the bridge_name value that you specify; the name is required for subsequentconfiguration activities.


Create the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:


where bridge_name is the network bridge name specified in Step 6


Enter the following as the file content:





NSP Installer overviewTo provision the NSP Installer host network bridge



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bridge_name is the network bridge name specified in Step 6

n.n.n.n is the IP address of interface specified in Step 5

mm is the interface subnet mask

g.g.g.g is the gateway IP address

d.d.d.d is a DNS server IP address

domain is the DNS server FQDN


Save and close the ifcfg-bridge_name file.


Enter the following to instantiate the network bridge:

# brctl addbr bridge_name ↵

where bridge_name is the network bridge name


Enter the following to restart the network service:

# systemctl restart network ↵


Close the console window.


1.6 To install the NSP using the NSP Installer

1.6.1 Description

The following steps describe how to use the NSP Installer to deploy NSP modules.

Note: Before you attempt to perform the procedure, you must configure the host OS asdescribed in 1.5 “To provision the NSP Installer host network bridge” (p. 9).

NSP Installer overviewTo install the NSP using the NSP Installer


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Note: You require root user privileges on the NSP Installer host station.

Note: Command lines use the # symbol to represent the RHEL CLI prompt for the root user.Do not type the leading # symbol when you enter a command.

1.6.2 Steps


Log in to the NSP Installer host station as the root user.


Download the following from OLCS to the NSP Installer host station:

• NSP Installer Software Bundle

• as required for each NSP module to be installed:− Module OS Image

− Module Product Image


Transfer the NSP license bundle file to the NSP Installer host station.


Open a console window on the NSP Installer host station.


Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded NSP files.


Enter the following:

# tar xvf NSP-Installer-R.r.tar.gz ↵

where R.r is the release identifier, in the form MAJOR.minor


Enter the following:

# cd NSP-Installer-R.r ↵

where R.r is the release identifier, in the form MAJOR.minor


Enter the following:

# cp examples/config.yml . ↵

The NSP Installer example configuration file is copied to the current directory. After youconfigure the parameters in the file, the NSP Installer uses the parameter settings to deploy thespecified modules.

NSP Installer overviewTo install the NSP using the NSP Installer



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Open the new config.yml file using a plain-text editor such as vi.

Note: As you edit the file in subsequent steps, you must ensure that you do not alter thelead spacing of elements in the file. The NSP Installer cannot use a config.yml file inwhich the lead spacing is altered.

Note: A file location that you specify in the config.yml file is an absolute file path on thelocal file system.


A section name is a left-justified line in lower-case characters, for example, nfmp. A sectionheader lists and describes the associated parameters.

Locate the section that begins with the following line.



Set the nsp_license_file parameter to the location of the NSP license bundle file.


Set the rootca_store_password parameter to the password that you want to apply to theSSL artifacts that the installer generates and distributes to the modules.


Configure the parameters in the nspos section.


Configure the parameters in the individual module sections, as required.

The following are the mappings of section names to modules:

• sdn—NSD and NRC

• nfmp—NFM-P

• nfmt—NFM-T

• vsr—VSR-NRC

• cpaa—vCPAA

• nfc—NSP Flow Collector

Note: The qcow2_image_source value in the sdn section must match theqcow2_image_source value in the nspos section.


Configure the parameters in the network section using the network information specified in1.5 “To provision the NSP Installer host network bridge” (p. 9).

NSP Installer overviewTo install the NSP using the NSP Installer


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Review and verify the configuration.


Save and close the config.yml file.


Enter the following:

# ./install.bash ↵

The modules specified in the configuration file are installed.


Close the console window.


1.7 To enable vCPAA management and operation

1.7.1 Description

Perform the following steps after you install the vCPAA module using the NSP Installer tocommission the device for management and configure the connection to the managed network.

Note: You require root user privileges on the NSP Installer host station.

Note: Command lines use the # symbol to represent the RHEL CLI prompt for the root user.Do not type the leading # symbol when you enter a command.

1.7.2 Steps


Log in as the root user on the NSP Installer host station.


Open a console window.


Open a CLI session on the vCPAA device.

1. Enter the following.

# telnet device_IP port ↵


device_IP is the nsp_installer_host_ip value in the cpaa section of config.yml

port is the telnet_port value in the cpaa section of config.yml

NSP Installer overviewTo enable vCPAA management and operation



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2. Enter the default user credentials when prompted; the credentials are available fromsupport.


Enter the following to configure one or more static routes, if required:

bof address management_IP/mm ↵


management_IP is the vCPAA management IP address to assign

mm is the subnet mask to assign


Enter the following to configure a static route, if required:

bof static-route network_IP/mm next-hop next_hop_IP ↵


network_IP is the destination network IP address

mm is the subnet mask

next_hop_IP is the IP address of the next hop in the static route


Enter the following in sequence to complete the BOF configuration:

bof persist on ↵

bof save ↵


Enter the following:

configure router interface system address system_interface_IP/mm ↵


system_interface_IP is the vCPAA system interface IP address

mm is the system interface subnet mask


Enter the following in sequence to complete the device commissioning:

configure system snmp no shutdown ↵

configure system snmp packet-size 9216 ↵

configure system security snmp community private rwa version both ↵

admin save ↵

admin reboot now ↵

The vCPAA reboots. After the reboot, the NFM-P can discover the vCPAA


NSP Installer overviewTo enable vCPAA management and operation


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Close the console window.


For managed network connectivity, and to establish peering sessions, the vCPAA VM requiresvirtual network interfaces, or vNICs. The first vNIC, which the NSP Installer creates, is mappedto the CFM-A management port.

Depending on your network architecture, you may need to provision additional vNICs, create anadditional network bridge, and bind the vNICs to the bridge.

Note: The second provisioned VSR-NRC interface is reserved for CFM-B. AdditionalvNICs that you create are sequentially assigned as network ports 1/1/1, 1/1/2, and so on.

If required, perform the following to create additional vNICs; see the RHEL OS documentationfor more information.

Note: You must choose “virtio” as the Device model for each interface.

1. Open the RHEL Virtual Machine Manager, or virt-manager, tool.

2. Use the tool to add virtual network interfaces, as required.

3. When the creation of all interfaces is complete, restart the vCPAA VM.

After the VM restarts, the provisioned interfaces are shown in the vCPAA configuration as ports.


Close the console window.


1.8 To enable VSR-NRC management and operation

1.8.1 Description

Perform the following steps after you install the VSR-NRC module using the NSP Installer tocommission the device for management and configure the connection to the managed network.

Note: The NSP Installer deploys the VSR-NRC as a 7750 SR-c12 chassis.

Note: You require root user privileges on the NSP Installer host station.

Note: Command lines use the # symbol to represent the RHEL CLI prompt for the root user.Do not type the leading # symbol when you enter a command.

1.8.2 Steps


Log in as the root user on the NSP Installer host station.

NSP Installer overviewTo enable VSR-NRC management and operation



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Open a console window.


Open a CLI session on the VSR-NRC device using one of the following methods.

a. Use a Telnet connection.

1. Enter the following.

# telnet device_IP port ↵


device_IP is the nsp_installer_host_ip value in the vsr section of config.yml

port is the telnet_port value in the vsr section of config.yml

2. Enter the default user credentials when prompted; the credentials are available fromsupport.

b. Use an SSH connection.

1. # ssh -l admin device_IP ↵

where device_IP is the primary_management_ip value in the vsr section of config.yml

2. Enter the default user password; the password is available from support.


Enter the following to configure a static route, if required:

bof static-route network_IP/mm next-hop next_hop_IP ↵


network_IP is the destination network IP address

mm is the subnet mask

next_hop_IP is the IP address of the next hop in the static route


Enter the following in sequence to complete the BOF configuration:

bof persist on ↵

bof save ↵


Enter the following to configure the VSR-NRC system address:

configure router interface system address system_interface_IP/mm ↵


system_interface_IP is the VSR-NRC system interface IP address

mm is the system interface subnet mask

NSP Installer overviewTo enable VSR-NRC management and operation


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Enter the following in sequence to complete the device commissioning:

configure system snmp no shutdown ↵

configure system snmp packet-size 9216 ↵

configure system security snmp community private rwa version both ↵

configure card 1 card-type iom-xp-b ↵

configure card 1 mcm 1 mcm-type mcm-xp ↵

configure card 1 mda 1 mda-type m60-10/100eth-tx ↵

admin save ↵

admin reboot now ↵

The VSR-NRC reboots. After the reboot, the NFM-P can discover the VSR-NRC.


Close the console window.


For managed network connectivity, and to establish peering sessions, the VSR-NRC VMrequires network interfaces, or vNICs. The first vNIC, which the NSP Installer creates, ismapped to the CFM-A management port.

Depending on your network architecture, you may need to provision additional vNICs, create anadditional network bridge, and bind the vNICs to the bridge.

Note: The second provisioned VSR-NRC interface is reserved for CFM-B. AdditionalvNICs that you create are sequentially assigned as network ports 1/1/1, 1/1/2, and so on.

If required, perform the following to create additional vNICs; see the RHEL OS documentationfor more information.

Note: You must choose “virtio” as the Device model of each interface.

1. Open the RHEL Virtual Machine Manager, or virt-manager, tool.

2. Use the tool to add virtual network interfaces, as required.

3. When the creation of all interfaces is complete, restart the VSR-NRC VM.

After the VM restarts, the interfaces are shown as ports in the VSR-NRC configuration.


Close the console window.


NSP Installer overviewTo enable VSR-NRC management and operation



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1.9 To remove the NSP Installer OS packages and configurationarchive

1.9.1 Description

The NSP installer installs RHEL OS packages on the host station that are required only for an NSPdeployment, and saves an archive copy of the deployment configuration.

As a cleanup measure after a successful NSP deployment, you can use a script to uninstall thepackages and delete the deployment configuration, as described in the following steps.

Note: Performing the procedure does not remove or otherwise affect any installed NSPmodule.

Note: You require root user privileges on the NSP Installer host station.

Note: A leading # symbol in a command line represents the RHEL CLI prompt for the rootuser. Do not type the leading # symbol when you enter a command.

1.9.2 Steps


Log in as the root user on the NSP Installer host station.


Open a console window.


Navigate to the directory that contains the NSP Installer files.


Enter the following:

# ./uninstall.bash ↵

The script removes the NSP Installer OS packages and configuration archive.


When the script execution is complete, close the console window.


NSP Installer overviewTo remove the NSP Installer OS packages and configuration archive


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A NSP Installer host system BIOS and RAID settings

A.1 Nokia Airframe system BIOS and RAID settings

A.1.1 Description

The AirFrame BIOS configuration utility, IntelRCSetup, and the AirFrame RAID controllerconfiguration utility are accessible by pressing a hotkey during system initialization. See the NokiaAirFrame documentation for information about invoking a utility.

Note: The menu options and parameter names in the following tables may vary, depending onthe BIOS or RAID controller version. See the Nokia AirFrame documentation for detailedconfiguration information.

Table A-1, “AirFrame system BIOS settings” (p. 21) lists the Nokia Airframe system BIOS settingsrequired for an NSP Installer host.

Table A-2, “AirFrame RAID controller settings” (p. 21) lists the Nokia Airframe RAID controllersettings required for an NSP Installer host.

Table A-1 AirFrame system BIOS settings

IntelRCSetup menu option Parameter Setting

Processor Configuration Hyper-Threading [All] [Enabled]

Pwr/Perf Profiles High Performance Enabled

Table A-2 AirFrame RAID controller settings

Parameter Setting

RAID mode 1+0

Number of disks Varies, depending on the disk requirements forthe modules to be installed; see Table 1-1,“NSP resource allocation, by module” (p. 6)

A.2 HP ProLiant system BIOS and RAID settings

A.2.1 Description

The HP ProLiant BIOS configuration utility, and the RAID configuration utility, HPE Smart StorageAdministrator, are accessible by pressing a hotkey during system initialization. See the HP ProLiantdocumentation for information about invoking a utility.

NSP Installer host system BIOS and RAID settingsNokia Airframe system BIOS and RAID settings


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Note: The menu options and parameter names in the following tables may vary, depending onthe BIOS or RAID controller version. See the HP ProLiant documentation for detailedconfiguration information.

Table A-3, “ProLiant system BIOS settings” (p. 21) lists the system BIOS settings required for anNSP Installer host on an HP ProLiant server.

Table A-4, “ProLiant HPE Smart Storage Administrator settings” (p. 22) lists the RAID settingsrequired for an NSP Installer host on an HP ProLiant server.

Table A-3 ProLiant system BIOS settings

System Options menu option Parameter Setting

Virtualization Virtualization Technology Enabled

Processor Options Hyperthreading Enabled, if the systemsupports CPUhyper-threading

Power Management Power Profile Maximum Performance

Table A-4 ProLiant HPE Smart Storage Administrator settings

Disk Array parameter Setting

RAID mode 1+0

Size of drive Varies, depending on the disk requirements forthe modules to be installed; see Table 1-1,“NSP resource allocation, by module” (p. 6)

Cache Ratio Default

Enable Write Cache When Battery/CapacitorNot Present or Not Completely Charged


NSP Installer host system BIOS and RAID settingsHP ProLiant system BIOS and RAID settings



Release 18.3March 2018

22 Issue 1