nueces county letter to attorney general greg abbot

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  • 8/14/2019 Nueces County letter to Attorney General Greg Abbot


    ALISSA A. JACKSONChiefofLitigation


    --the-ltonorableGregAbbottAttodbY{Pneral,State f TexasPostOfficeBox 12548Austin,Texas787 I=25{8


    January 5,2009

    m Acth

    BELINDA HINO JOSA.PERSOChief fAdministrativeervtce

    Dear AttorneY GeneralAbbott:Thefo l low ingt imelysubmiss ion ismadepursuant toSec t ion552 '30 lo f theTexasGovernment Code, entitled ..Requestfor Attomey General Decision.,, The attachedrequestforPubliclnformationfromJenniferPeebleswasreceivedbytheNuecesCountyJudge,soffice "" ;;;;;; i, z.o0g .p1*;; note that the Nuecescounty courthousewillbe closedon January 1g,200gi., oUs"*u"ce of Martin Luther King Day' Ms' Peeble'srequestseeks:

    o D o c u m e n t s s h o w i n g t h e a m o u n t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n r e c e i v e d b y a l l N u e c e scounty employeesrom Ja'nL., 20(;7 o Jin. 1, 2008. specifically' I requestd o c u m e n t a t i o n t h a t , n o , , , e a c h e m p l o y e e ' s n a m e , j o b t i t l e , t h edepartment/ffice/agencywh-ichemploys hem, their basepay' their overtimepay and theii total compens;attoniom the city. I request his information beprounni'in-an electronicformat,as assumet is ma:intainedn suchaformat-bythe county or itsownrecord-keepingurposes'

    o copies"";f k; personal fi.nancial disclosure orms for calend-ar ear 2007f f i | e d 2 0 0 8 ) f o r y o , , , n r y a n d a l l t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e N u e c e s C o u n t yCommissioners ourt'

    I Seeattachedemail from JenniferPeebles eceivedon 16109..

  • 8/14/2019 Nueces County letter to Attorney General Greg Abbot


    Someof the information will be released o the requestor. The NuecesCounty Judgewishes to withhold someof the information requestedbecause he information fallswithin recognized exceptions o public disclosure.We believe that the followingexceptions o public disclosureapply to Ms. Pebbles's equest. We arerequestinganopinion under the Texas Public Information Act ("Act") as o whether portions of therequestedmaterials are excepted rom public disclosureunder:

    5552.101 of the Texas Government Code, titled Exception:Confidential Information :A cqpy of this written communication s beingdeliveredcontemporaneouslyothe requestor.

    We further contend that this govemmental body is not prohibited from requesting adecisionpursuant o paragraph552.301(f)of the TexasGovernmentCode because:(1) we have not previously requestedand receiveda determinationfrom the attorneygeneralconcerning he precise nformation atissue;and(2) the attomey generalor a court hasnot determined hat theinformation is public information under this chapter.

    Pleasebe advised hat this submissionwillbe supplementedn accordancewith therequirements nd ime tableestablishedn $552.301of the TexasGovernmentCode.Respectfully submitted,

    Enclosure:1) Public nformationRequesteceivedrom Jennifer eebles n Jan.6,2009.Cc: JenniferPeebles

    TexasWatchdoe5535MemorialDrive. #601Houston, exas77007

    raGarzaJimenezNueces County Attorney


  • 8/14/2019 Nueces County letter to Attorney General Greg Abbot



    ,iftnrusrrlttssloNRRoR.' From:Laura imenezSent:TuesdaY,anuary 6,20093;00PMTo: Belinda inojosa-Persohn;oseM. Harrisonsubject: Fw:TexasPublicnformation ct requestor Nuecesounty

    From:ClaudiaobellTo: Laura imenez; am saacsonCc:MarieN, CarralesSent:TueJan06 L4:57:48 009subject: FW:TexasPublicnformation ct requestor Nueces ountyHEADS P!From: Jennifer eeblesmailto:jennifer@texaswatchdog'org]Sent:TuesdaY,anuary 6,20092:46PMTo: Claudia obellsubject: TexasPublicnformation ct requestor NuecesountyJenniferPeeblesTexasWatchdog5535Memorial Drive, SuiteF, #601Houston,TX77007Jan.6,2009TheHonorableSamuelL. Neal, Jr.County Judge,NuecesCountY901Leopard,Rm 303CorpusChristi, TX 78401DearJudgeNeal:This request s madeunder the TexasPublic Information Act, Chapter552, TexasGovernmentCode,which guaranteeshe public's accesso information in the custody of governmentalagencies' I,.rp..tlfrl1y requestcopiesof the following information:. Documentsshowing the amountof compensation e{ved by al] NuecesCounty employees romJan.1, 2007talan. 1, 200g.specifically, I iequestdocumintation hat showseachemployee's ame, obtitle, the department/office/agencywfrich .-pioyt them, their basepay, their overtime pay and theirtotui.o*pensation from theiity. I request his information be provided in an electronic format, as Iassume fis maintained n suchia ormat by the county for its own record-keepingpurposes.. copies ortrre fersonal financial disclosure orms ior calendaryear 2007 (filed 2008) for yourself andall the memb"rs of the NuecesCounty CommissionersCourt.In the interestof expediency,and to minimize the researchand/orduplication burden on your staff, Iwould be pleased o persotrailyexamine he relevantrecords f you would grant me immediate accessothe requestedmaterial. Additibnally, and since ime is a factor,pleasecommunicatewith me bytelephoneather hanby mail. My trirpt on. number s 615-406-8835.Disclosureof this information is in the public interestbecauseproviding a copy of the information


  • 8/14/2019 Nueces County letter to Attorney General Greg Abbot


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    y benefitshegeneral ublic. I thereforeequest waiverof all feesandcharges ursuant o552.267 f theact.shall ook forward o hearing rom you promptly,as specifiedn the aw. Thankyou for yourcooperation. hardcopyof this letterwill follow via u.s. Mail.

    Sincerely,[email protected]
