nuggets of gold, volume 2

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  • 7/29/2019 Nuggets of Gold, Volume 2


    Truth Seekers Ministries presents

    Nuggets of GoldVolume 2

    A Tribute to the life and mind, of Dr. Gene Scott

    In this second letter of this series, I will continue to present an insight, into surely one of the greatest minds

    and scholars in modern history. Dr. Scotts impact on Christendom may not be fully understood in the here

    and now, but will be known soon. Every 500 years or so, God will send someone, whose purpose is to straighten

    out the Church, to get it back on track. Dr. Gene Scott was, One whom God has sent, for that verypurpose.

    If youre going to be a Christian...then, BE ONE !...

    Doc continues on the Saints..

    God looks at us...through the Spectacles of Christ..

    When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher VF-273

    Once you give your life to God, its harder to get out of His Will, than it is to stay in it VF-544

    Faith, is the substance of things hoped for, Not Fact!...When that which is hoped for becomes fact, Faith by

    its very nature ceases to operate VF-546

    The Faith connection, can be renewed after 10,000 stumbling. But that Faith connection must be maintained

    in order for eternal life to be there VF-546

    We are tethered to a stake of sin VF-546

    There are two deaths for the unsaved...the physical and the eternal VF-546

    Trying to conform to be a will worship VF-546Theres nothing more important in this life, than ever increasing Faith VF-546

    God treats us like we are just like Jesus. He gives us eternity, the presence of His Son, our

    inheritance..seated with His Son in heavenly places...every time we engage Faith action VF-546

    The calling of God...makes us Trustees VF-554

    When you give your life over to God, you..Saint yourself.. VF-554

    We become the habitation of God, through the Spirit VF-555

    We do not have Saving Faith, if the outward man dominates our perspective.. VF-555

    If we take a step towards God, He will meet you before your foot hits the ground.. VF-566The born again experience, is the replacement in us, the regeneration in us, of a living substance. And that

    substance is Gods own life that He gifts to us because we do something he wants, and theres a condition for

    that gift...Faith or Trust in Him VF-589

    The Lusts of the Flesh, and the Indwelling Spirit, are at war in us.. VF-589

    Holiness, is about Commitment posture, not right deeds.. VF-589

    Once God has laid His call on you, there is no neutral territory VF-662

    The greatest weapon Satan uses, is to come disguised as an angel of light. And if he cant keep you from

    listening to God, he will come and confuse the issue by intruding distortions of what God said.. S-2817

    In my experience, it is much easier to be abased than it is to abound. Theres much greater spiritual danger inprosperity, than poverty. Its much easier to get interested in Gods rescue efforts when you are down, than

    to get interested in Gods training efforts when you are up VF-567

    If the devil cant beat you down with guilt, hell do it with offended innocence.. VF-567

    Cheer up Saints...Its going to get worse.. VF-567

    Christianity is not primarily a religion of feeling,...we need to think.. VF-631

    Testing, trials, and pressure, is part of the state of mind that faith produces.. VF-634

    Tribulation comes from the word, Tribulum, which is the word for the Rod used to beat the wheat from

    the chaff.. VF-634

    Sacrificing self, is the first element of Bearing our Cross.. VF-641

    Supernatural, simply means..More natural. Were just getting closer to God as we go along VF-970The principal of Jeremiah 18, is the Potter is in charge, and He is going to do what He wants to do.. VF-989

    The purpose of Jeremiah 18, is for the perfecting of the Saints VF-989

    The process of Jeremiah 18 is, the potters field is where all the rejected pots are thrown. Christ paid for

    this field with His life VF-989

    When you put an offering on the altar and turn loose of it, you have Sainted it. Thats where the word

    comes from. Its not about perfection, its Commitment Posture VF-989

    Without freedom, theres no trust. Without freedom, theres no love. And God wants trust, and love freely

    given, and to get it He unleashed a monster called, Freedom VF-989

    Theres no one deed that is the Unpardonable Sin. Its a state of mind that produces a condition of no

    conscience. When someone turns away from what they formally approved VF-944

    Hardening of the heart, comes from the deceitfulness of sin VF-944

    The hardening process goes forward until at last, the condition of hardness is reached. It is the result of

    refusing to listen to conscience, and not faithing VF-944

    If the pressure is between you and God, it will destroy you. If the pressure drives you to God, it will make

    you VF-966

    When the Word of God, is grafted onto us, we become Living Epistles.. LFH-104

    Spirituality leads to cross bearing. Cross bearing does not lead to spirituality LF-110Christianity gets tougher..not easier.. LF-110

    The Faith God wants, is Tested and Tried Faith VF-634

    Satan tries to twist the truth of the Word, just enough to deceive VF-941

    Satan will say, You can serve God and still keep ourselves first...THATS A LIE!...VF-941

    Now, I want a show of hands from all those that have experienced Scott first hand. How many of you did he

    just drive crazy sometimes? Come on, go ahead and admit it. Raise them hands up. When the Doc would have

    you on the edge of your seats, in anticipation of the next line, and then he would just quit. Id get so damn

    mad at him, my dad and I both,.. mother was calm about it but we werent.Come on Scott, finish thestory!! Now if you only saw the Sunday services, you didnt experience this often, but during the week, on

    festivals, he seemed to love doing this. He was the worlds worst dangler, or I should say the worlds best

    dangler. Hed make you laugh, hed make you cry, or hed make you giddy with anticipation, and then hed leave

    you hanging. And sometimes then, he would just leaveyou would have to tune in the next time if you wanted

    to hear the rest of the story. Or sometimes, he would repeat the same line over and over, leading up to a

    climax, and he seemed to never get there...and then when he finally did, he would read right past the climax,

    very quickly, making no big deal of it. This was a teacher, unlike any other in the world. He peaked your

    curiosity, he grabbed your interest, and he caused a desire to learn, to well up within each person that was

    listening to him, A true man of God. His Faith shined forth for all to see, which in turn, caused us to live ours

    in like manner.

    Doc continues on Christ

    Moses wasnt allowed to enter into the promised land, because he interfered with Gods plan. He struck the

    rock twice, and the Rock is a type of Christ.. VF-587

    Here, Scott proved to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the body of Christ, all true Christians, would not

    suffer the wrath of God, that would be like God striking Christ again, which He wont do. We will have

    oppression, sometimes an even overwhelming ammount, by forces of evil, as we stand up for Faith and Truth.

    But when Gods wrath is poured out, it will not be on those that are in Christ through Faith, we will beprotected.

    Every sin...past, present, and future, was laid on Christ VF-588

    Christ specified, he would be in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights VF-631

    Christ died Wednesday at sundown, and arose on sundown VF-631

    There are 3 messages preached by the disciples...1) He Arose, 2) He Ascended, 3) The tomb was empty VF-


    Christianity claims that you meet God, in the person named Jesus, who simply put on a garment of human

    flesh, and made claims that only a God could make VF-970

    The Tomb of Jesus was lost to history, because there was no body in it. There was no interest in it.. VF-970

    Christianity is about a person, JESUS CHRIST !.. VF-970

    Scotts resurrection message, proved to me and any other listener, the fact of the resurrection, which is the

    only basis for true Faith in Christ. This was my foundation...Christ resurrected from the dead,... and now I

    have the assurance of eternal life,... and the fear of death, no longer had a hold on me.

    The fundamental text of the New Testament is, This is life eternal, that a man may know the one true God,

    and Jesus Christ who He has sent VF-970

    In Mark 6:32, the crowd only wanted to make Him king after He fed them, not after He taught them.. VF-

    1011Jesus is the Proof Coin, and He offers that Coin to cover our sins VF-1011

    Jesus never prayed the Lords Prayer.. VF-1154

    He said, When ye pray...Jesus prayer is in John 17

    You must either view Christ as one who considered Himself of the order of a poached egg, or you take Him

    for what He says He is. And, if He is God, then He is perfect, and authority does rest in Him, and He is the

    center of the religious universe, and He did have the qualities necessary to die as a ransom for the whole

    world, He did have a knowledge of eternity, and He will (and did) rise again. You cant put Jesus in the Good

    and Wise bland teacher package and forget about Him. He is either a nut, or a fake, or...He is what He

    claimed to be

    Doc on Gods Ways

    God didnt let Joshua have anything in Jericho, but He let them have all the spoils in AI. Dont put God in a

    box. Gods ways are not our ways LFH-65

    God can conquer a city of people with 2, or if you mess up His program, he can send 521,000 to knock down 3

    people. He may drop an Atom bomb on a mushroom, or just kick down a wall. Dont box God in. Come to the

    Lord and let Him lay the plan LFH-65

    If you want God talking to you, keep that hearing aid on when He isnt saying anything. Keep stopping in the

    midst of your activities and scurrying around, and say, Lord, here I am! If He doesnt talk, you arent to

    blame. But if youre not listening, dont get mad because He doesnt knock you down to get your attention


    Another symbol.., The Lord said to Joshua, Stretch out thy spear that is in thy hand toward Ai. This is a

    symbol of the one that stays in touch with God. In a symbol like Moses, where Aaron and Hur held up his

    hands. In this case, Joshua does it alone, and didnt lower his spear until the city was destroyed.. LFH-65

    Principal of Bible interpretation: Never change the certainties of Gods book, because of an uncertain

    passage. Instead, give meaning to the uncertain passage, by what is certain LFH-40We dont need to discover any new truths, we need to rediscover the old truths LFH-43

    God warns us in His book over and over, Dont be dull of hearing LFH-43

    Holy, means Possession, not Performance LFH-43

    All of the responsibilities are not on the sower. The kind of soil on which the seed falls, determines in part,

    the fruit LFH-44

    The Parable of the Sower, is the key that opens the door to all the parables LFH-44

    God warns us, to not be Slothful LFH-44

    Faith, is a growing reliance on God Himself and His Word, rather than the phenomenon.. LFH-65

    If you want a war to break out, line up with Gods Word... Its War., if youre doing what God wants you to

    do. We fight against powers that are beyond flesh. Put on the Whole Armor of God LFH-65

    Am I boring you ?...

    I first started listening to Doc in the early 80s, because my mother found him on her big dish and then got

    my dad and I to start watching. As a twenty year old, this guy blew my mind, and I was immediately drawn to

    this cigar smoking, hat wearing, and even cussing teacher. He was nothing like the stiff necked, somewhat self

    righteous, preachers I had been listening to. I just loved him, and then I hated him, not a true hate mind you,

    but he just drove me crazy. I sometimes wished I could reach through the TV, and shake him, and make him

    get on with it. But all the while, I was so attracted to his persona, this true man of God, who knew more about

    most anything, than any other teacher I had ever heard from, or had heard of before, and who literally drove

    me to Faithe. After I got married, my wife and I moved to our current home in Griffin, and I finally had myown big dish. I had to work on it, but made sure I had it running, for the sole purpose of picking up Scott. My

    tracking motor quit once, and I went out, in the cold mind you, took it apart, and manually turned the motor

    gears, aligning my dish with Scotts satellite. All this was just so I could pick up the Doc, and there my dish

    stayed. He wasnt on regular TV here, back then, nor on any cable channel here that I knew of, so the dish was

    the only way that I found to... Get My Gene on.

    Theres only one choice with faith, you will either hang on Gods Word no matter what, or you will orient your

    being in some other direction.. LFH-83

    The book of Hebrews, says that, Faith in Gods Word, until you release it, the happening will not occur.. LFH-


    The Heroes of Faith, are nothing but ordinary men, willing to make a choice, to fasten and hang their bodies

    on Gods Word LFH-83

    The only revelation of Gods substance, is Jesus. And the book of Hebrews says Jesus was the creating

    agency, He was the Word that brought forth Gods concept and Gods spoken declaration into being. He

    formed the worlds, and in the early chapters of Hebrews, it says, from nothing, came everything, by the

    Word of God LFH-83

    That which saves a man is not his performance, but his response in faith to Gods Word LFH-83

    Cain, tried to improve on Gods ways. Able did what God said LFH-83

    Your career, working situation, family, anything down here, cannot interfere with that spiritual destiny. Noah

    saved his house, by keeping his anchor and his compass in the right place. There are priorities. We need to

    stay at the job of boat building...Thats what Faith is LFH-83

    You will never find the Unknown will of God for your life, until you are acting on the Known...LFH-84

    God has a right to anything He wishes to claim LFH-89

    God is not someone that can be added onto our life, He consumes our life LFH-89

    The only way that faith is brought forth, is through the trials LFH-89

    1 Peter 1:6,7. Peter said, youre going to have persecution, but the trial of your Faith will bring forth, that

    which is more precious than gold LFH-89If you lift God up, Hell lift you up LFH-89

    In Hebrews 11, God says himself, There are people of which the world was not worthy. Yet looking at most

    of their lives, they probably wouldnt even be considered for a church membership application LFH-92

    There should be a lot more chapters written about all the great things that Joseph did., but God only chose

    one act of Faith in Gods Word, to put him into Hebrews 11 LFH-92

    Faith is counted as Righteousness LFH-92

    We know Gods Will, by knowing Him, or His Word LFH-104

    If youre in doubt about your next step being in Gods Will according to His WordDONT MOVE LFH-104

    The best way to read Gods book, is to believe exactly what it says LFH-104

    Unspiritual minds, only look at the effects, and never come to know His ways LFH-108

    Trouble comes, when we put our will in place of Gods Will LFH-108

    Gods book, is like a window to Gods nature. Likewise, Gods Word becomes a point of contact between us and

    Him LFH-114

    The Experience can happen without the ministry, but the Ministry, cannot happen without the Word LFH


    God has to be careful what He says. When He speaks...He speaks things into existence.. LFH-114

    Its going to get worse, the more mature the Saint gets in Gods Word LFH-125The toughest test for Jesus, was at the end of His ministry. Everything before that, got Him ready for it


    We glory in tribulation.tribulation brings endurance.. LFH-125

    Miracles dont mean anything, if they dont line up with Gods Word LFH-125

    Every promise to Israel, in the Spiritual Meaning...the Church can claim today LFH-129

    Believe in the Unseen...because Gods Word says it LFH-151

    There are times in our walk, that God will back away and not let us feel His presence LFH-151

    God let Moses stand on the Mount of Transfiguration, even with all his shortcomings LFH-151

    There is a clay...Us, being shaped on the wheel by the potter...God VF-40

    Gods the Boss, and has the right to do whatever He wants with the clay VF-40

    Does the clay have the right to say to the potter, Hey...what are you doing? NO...the clay has no rights VF-


    In the potters house, we come face to face with the truth...God is the Boss.. VF-40

    Gods not going to change one iota, because of the belly-aching the clay is doing, about what God is doing to

    it. God is the Boss VF-40

    We are hurled into space with the freedom to make a choice. Do we approve what God wants, or do we want

    God to approve what we want?.. VF-40Heaven is full of people that are programmed to do just what He wants. He wants someone like Himself, that

    will choose to say, Here me over.. VF-40

    In the new covenant, He paid with His life, to start over and over again on all the broken, rejected vessels. He

    bought the whole field to get the treasure out of it.. VF-40

    God wont quit on us.if we keep letting Him put us on the wheel.. VF-40

    We, as Gentiles, are grafted onto the trunk of faith that flows out of Abrahams lineage. We become the

    recipients of all of Gods promises.. 2 Corinthians 1:20 VF-41

    We have to position ourselves correctly through prayer and submission. But the starting point, is

    Helplessness in the Natural.. VF-41The day you gave your life to God, you not only became His in the sense of turning yourself loose...You became

    His in the sense that He took you!.. And you know, you only hide what is valuable. God does hide!! And because

    He hid you, its His doing. And because He hid you, only He can allow the finding. And because youre His that

    He has hid, Hell take care of you in spite of what things look like around you...The battle is not yours, but

    Gods !!.. VF-41

    When God was forced to choose between Martha, and her sister Mary... Jesus said that Mary has chosen the

    better part, and it shall not be taken from her. She was in the inner court VF-60

    God is faithful to Himself...despite of how we let Him down VF-94

    God is the most repetitive preacher in the world. All over Gods book, Hes saying the same thing...Hes justmaking it look different.. VF-140

    We will miss heaven if we try to bargain the Weeping Valleys out VF-142

    Our valleys teach us His ways.. VF-142

    Isaiah 50:11...There is, in learning the ways of God, an inbuilt mechanism that must be established. And thats

    a distrust of the flesh, and the hesitancy to use it, until the time has been given to look at Gods way first.


    Gods Way, is trusting in the name of the Lord.. VF-143

    The names of God, are nothing more or less, than the specifying of Gods expressive nature to His people VF


    If you are in darkness...instead of striking matches, grab hold of Gods Word, and what He said VF-143

    The Holy the Ultimate Servant.. VF-159

    If nobody hates you...Id get nervous.. VF-164

    Gods Will, does not escape the wrath of men, but Gods Will provides a way of escape VF-164

    We have to be willing to do nothing for a while...if God wants VF-164

    When youre in Gods Will,...the hatred and the opposition is from those who are under the devils control and

    want to stop you. It will not go away or stop with time, and there is nothing you can ever do to turn that off

    VF-164As you learn Gods ways...youll be able to pass them along.. VF-164

    God wants us Humbled VF-165

    We are on trial, by God VF-165

    God wants to find out what is in thy heart, by putting us in the wilderness VF-165

    There can be no desire to come to God, without the Holy Spirit drawing us VF-166

    An altar, in Gods book, is always a place of death. Its always a place of sacrifice. Its always a place where

    adjustments are made to God. Its always a place where Gods rights and Gods nature are recognized, and

    where mans lack of rights, and mans need of God is testified to. Its always a place of adjustment, its always

    a place of new beginning VF-172

    Christianity is not green pastures and still waters only...Its not tender grass and soul restoration only. He

    drives us, for His names sake VF-184

    The church, are those that He has chosen out of the world, on whom He will inscribe His name.. VF-184

    Gods Driving, brings us into the valley where the Shadow of Death looms.. VF-184

    In Psalms 23:5, the Hebrew for, You anoint my head with oil, means..You make my head fat with oil. A

    Spiritual Fat Head.. VF-184

    The scripture teaches, that when God lays His hand on a saint of God, he enters into a circumstantial mess

    immediately thereafter VF-187

    God is totally unmoved by prayer not mixed with faith.. VF-194

    Saving Faith, is that faith that responds to Gods Word and begins to act on it. Eyes see, and ears

    understand, and with confidence, that God will back His Word. Your life hangs on it in spite of everything else

    you see. And, Faith like this...Saves.. VF-555

    The tabernacle and the wilderness, are Gods roadmap and symbol of God and man in restored relationship

    after Adams sin.. VF-587

    In the wilderness..the Israelites camped in the sign of the cross.. VF-587

    The Christian is a channel, not a depository.. VF-588

    Theres no graduation from the schooling called Christianity down here. The Sabbath rest happens up there,not down here.. VF-634

    We can transcend ourselves with our memory, but our bodies tether us to the physical world.. VF-941

    Sacrificing Self, is the first element of bearing our cross.. VF-641

    God the Father, draws us into a position, that the only thing that can help us, is Gods Word. Gods Word is

    the most important thing in life.. VF-944

    Gods Word, is the Bread of Life.. VF-944

    When David was anointed with oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, trouble followed.. VF-974

    Hebrews 12, God chastens those He loves, means to Child Train, with the goal to strengthen.. VF-974

    Submit to God, and be God Governed.. VF-1012

    The same life that raised Jesus from the tomb, comes into us.. LFH-44

    We make void the Word of God, by our traditions.

    God views our sinful nature as already dead, all we have to do is stop him from acting like hes still alive and

    king LFH-44

    Were saved by Grace, and known by our works LFH-44

    To who much is given, much is required LFH-44

    Facts in the Old Testament, always symbolize spiritual truths in the New Testament LFH-45

    The Old Testament was based on Obedience, the New Testament, is based on Promise LFH-78

    Go on to perfection,..were related to Him now, Follow Him.. LFH-104

    The manifestation of His Presence, comes according to the Laws of His Word LFH-104

    The best way to read Gods book, is that it means exactly what it says LFH-104

    The price tag on Salvation, Lordship LFH-110

    Jesus went on to do His job,...alone.. LFH-110

    The toughest part for Jesus was at the end of His ministry. Everything before that got Him ready for it


    Paul said, I Die Daily,... thats how we come to rest at the Altar.. VF-142

    The Test of Faith, is when He leaves you, and you dont feel Him anymore LFH-125

    Romans 8:28, God works together all things...Romans 8:29, That we might all be conformed to the image of

    His Son VF-40

    Doc on the Tabernacle

    God told Moses, to build a tabernacle, that would be his dwelling place, to the exact specifications He would

    show him VF-182

    Every item in the tabernacle, every element, every measurement, every detail, every piece of equipment, was

    designed by God to speak eternal and spiritual truths VF-182

    Everything God told Moses, about how to build the tabernacle, for His dwelling place, laid down the principles

    of what ought to occur in our life of progress, as the habitation of God, through the Spirit VF-182

    Looking at the Tabernacle, the first thing you would see is a snow white lined fence. Seven and a half feet

    high, completely encircling the tabernacle area. This fence was to separate Gods presence from the sinful

    nature of man VF-182At the bottom of the fence, protruding out, were oblong blocks of brass. And from the top of the fence to

    the ground, were chains of brass. Brass in the Old Testament, meant Judgment. As long as you were outside

    the fence, judgment was your lot VF-182

    Crowning each of the tips of the posts, hidden behind the fence, were silver. And a Silver chain running from

    post top to post top all the way around the fence VF-182

    The Silver Chains, lead to one door. Silver is the symbol of Redemption VF-182

    The One Door, had colors of White, Blue, Purple, and Scarlet. The four colors are spoken of in the four

    gospels. 1) Luke wrote of the perfect man which is white. 2) Mark wrote of the gospel of the suffering

    servant. This is the scarlet color which came from crushing a work that exudes as scarlet color. 3) Johnwrote blue is the symbol of His eternal nature. 4) Matthew wrote of Jesus the King, which is the Kingly robe

    of Purple VF-182

    When you walk through the door, you have in front of you, the Altar of Burnt Offering.. VF-182

    Redemption, is through a substitute sacrifice.. VF-182

    You cant come into Gods Presence, without the penalty of your sins being paid VF-182

    In the Old Testament, the sacrifice at the altar was an animal. In the New Testament, Christ is the sacrifice.

    Entrance into Gods presence, is only made possible by the substitute sacrifice Jesus made for us all VF-182

    Christ is payment in full, for the sins of the world VF-182

    God would kill anyone, who bypassed the altar and went into His presence.. VF-182

    Past the Altar, was the Laver of Cleansing. A Fount of flowing water that was made from the mirrors of

    the Israelite women VF-182

    The white fence, symbolizes His Righteousness VF-182

    The Laver, Christ.. VF-182

    Past the Laver, inside the Holy Place, was the Candlestick. Seven stems, all gold, typifying Gods Nature.

    With a cup and a wick at the top of each candlestick. Every morning, under the penalty of death, the priests

    were to trim the wick and fill the cup with oil until it overflowed. The Oil, is a symbol of the Holy


    We are the Candlestick, that is to shine the Light, by the Oil of the Holy Spirit. We are a constant Light

    of Witness VF-182

    The Ark, typifies Christ LFH-33

    The Ark was made of two elements. Black Acacia wood, and Gold, Black Acacia wood, typifies the Humanity

    of Christ. The Gold, symbolizes the Divinity of Christ LFH-33

    Wherever the Ark was, it symbolized Gods Presence LFH-33

    The Acacia wood was covered with Gold, just like His Divinity covered the humanity by which he moved into


    The Mercy Seat, is a type of covering of Gods standard, and was between Gods standard and the peoplesrepresentative VF-586

    On the top of the Ark, was an oblong block called the covering atonement, made of pure Gold. The Cherubim

    were part of this block LFH-33

    Inside were tablets of stone, symbolizing Gods righteous judgment, or standard LHF-33

    It was carried by staves LFH-33

    To the right of the Candlestick, is the Table of Shewbread. There were twelve loaves of bread, one for

    each tribe. Fifteen tons of Manna rained down from heaven every dayVF-182

    Leviticus 24:9, the Shewbread, is the most holy to God VF-584

    God wanted an offering first, before he wanted the sanctuary built, second VF-586The Table of Shewbread, is the life of continued giving back to God out of what He has given us, with a

    cheerful heart VF-182

    In front of the Holy of Holies, is the Altar of Incense, which is our life of Prayer and the life of Praise.. VF-


    When God says something more than attention.

    You can have obedience without faith, but it is impossible to have faith...without obedience..

    Living by Faith, is harder than trying to be good, since most people get to a certain point of achievement that

    seems good to them, and then stop. E.G. I dont cheat on my spouse. But do you look at another, no matter

    how surreptitiously? Living by Faith, will, over time, change you more and more into a man or woman who not

    only doesnt cheat on their spouse, but deep inside the lust that used to control you goes away, and youll want

    to cherish your spouse moreThere is but one reason for this message youre reading today, and that is to Inspire Faith

    There is no better purpose, a witness/preacher/teacher, can have, than inspiring faith in God through His

    Word. For Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. As I weave this pattern, some old, some

    new, there is but one goal and that is for you to come to an understanding, that God really does care for,

    watch over, fulfill His word. You should be able to say to yourself, God is the same in His promise to me,

    despite my unworthiness. It is just as important to God that He hasten it to perform it, as these words of

    promise, to obviously unfaithful people, over and over again

    Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven

    One of the most important things that Dr Scott did for me, was that he made me feel that I didnt have to go

    to a local church, that I may feel uncomfortable in, in order to be saved. I didnt have to be bound by their

    traditions. That where two or three are gathered together, Christ is truly in their midst, and we can have

    church in small groups. After learning from Scott, there werent many churches that I could go to, and feel

    truly at ease. There were some nice ones, but even with them, I couldnt talk about the things that I was

    learning from Scott. Their traditions, that I have now been enlightened on by the Doc, made me want to speak

    out against them. And I did on a few occasions. Im sure that I upset a few local preachers coming against

    their teaching on Easter and Christmas. I didnt however want to be a stumbling block to other established

    Christians, so I just quit trying with the local churches, and Docs teaching made me feel at peace with that

    decision. He was now my Domata, and my support now went to him. So I started teaching one on one,

    whomever God would send my way, and He did send people from time to time. In 1999. I started a website to

    share the things I was learning, in hopes that I could have some impact on not only more people here locally,

    but now I could reach people worldwide. Now I often feel like a lone soldier, on a quest to spread truth, and I

    am sure that most of you that have learned from the Doc, feel as I do, these days especially. But Truth shall

    prevail, and Damn the lies of the devil. We have been given much, and much is required of us. Now I am of no

    huge impact as one man, but if every person that has learned from the Doc, taught these truths to a few or

    many, and they in turn share what they have learned to others, then onward and upwards it goes. Then, Dr.

    Gene Scott truly lives on through his followers and students. We can have an impact on this world even

    greater than his own, which can be considered, truly, in the Here and Now,... Fruits of his work. Rest inPeace Dr. Scott, and my prayer is that every word spoken by this man, this teacher, be preserved for

    posterity, that all mankind can learn from him as they have been able to, from all the greats, including Martin

    Luther, Paul, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Satans forces are arrayed against us, but we know the endgame.

    Time is surely running out, as woman in travail. So we must be racing to win, being steadfast in our faith,

    showing our Lord that He will find faith when He returns. COME LORD JESUS, QUICKLY.

    With Love in Christ,

    Patrick Robinson, Minister

    Truth Seekers Ministries

    Email me at: [email protected]


    The Creed To the Called Ones In the Beginning The Rapture GATT - Giving

    Antichrist TotalTyranny

    Dreams and Visions Communion Easter and


    History of the

    English Bible

    The Great Pyramid

    The Stars Speak Some Poems Dr. Gene Scott Grace and Faith Resources

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    The Mars


    Links Revelation My Bio

    Atlantis, Fact orFable Scam warning forChristians The Celts, Who arethey Really? Downloads The Resurrection,Fact or Fiction

    Sin and Redemption The Truth about


    The Problem with


    Angels and Demons Heaven and Hell

    What about...GOD? Rants and

    Ramblings of a


    The Alabaster Box The Mystery of



    Mystery, Babylon

    the Great

    So,..How deep is

    your valley? Lesson

    on Psalm 84

    Email Questions and


    Email Questions and


    Email Questions and


    The Truth


    Friday to EasterSunday vs Passover

    and Firstfruits

    The Potters House My Brother, My

    Friend, and My


    The Saturnalia, or

    what we call


    Nuggets of Gold Nuggets of Gold

    Volume 2