numerical relativity in fundamental physics · 2019. 11. 15. · numerical relativity in...

Numerical Relativity in Fundamental Physics Ulrich Sperhake DAMTP University of Cambridge Gravity@Malta COST action University of Malta, 23 Jan 2018 1 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 690904, from H2020-ERC-2014-CoG Grant No. ”MaGRaTh" 646597, from NSF XSEDE Grant No. PHY-090003 and from STFC Consolidator Grant No. ST/L000636/1.

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  • Numerical Relativity in Fundamental Physics

    Ulrich Sperhake

    DAMTP University of Cambridge

    Gravity@Malta COST action University of Malta, 23 Jan 2018


    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 690904, from H2020-ERC-2014-CoG Grant No. ”MaGRaTh"

    646597, from NSF XSEDE Grant No. PHY-090003 and from STFC Consolidator Grant No. ST/L000636/1.

  • Overview⚫ Motivation

    ⚫ Particle Laboratories in Outer Space

    ⚫ Boson Stars

    ⚫ Compact Objects in Modified Gravity

    ⚫ High-Energy Collisions of Black Holes

    ⚫ Fundamental Properties of Spacetimes

    ⚫ Concluding Remarks

  • Motivation

  • A Tale of Two Pillars

    ⚫ Successful: pp Collisions, Solar System, Cosmology, GWs,…

    Rotation Curves, Grav.Lensing, CMB, X-Ray Obs. of Halos

    Not explained by Gravity of visible Matter

    Dark Energy, Dark Matter and/or Modified Gravity

    Cosm.Constant Problem: Why is so small and why

    Hierarchy Problem: Why is Gravity so feeble?


    ⇤ ⇢dark ⇠ ⇢mat

    SM of Particle Physics General Relativity

    ⚫ And yet: QM and Gravity not compatible + Problems or Gaps:


  • Particle Laboratories in Outer Space

  • Dark Matter Searches⚫ DM Candidates: Primordial BHs, LIGO BHs, WIMPs, WISPs,…

    ⚫ Many particle searches under way at LHC,…

    ⚫ Ultralight fields (WISPs):

    Axions, Dark Photons, Q-balls, Bosonic Condensations,…

    Compton Wavelength:

    ⚫ No-hair theorems limit BH-fund.field interaction, but:

    Long-lived states of scalar/vector fields, Hairy BHs, super radiance

    Okawa et al 1401.1548, Herdeiro & Radu 1403.2757, Zel’dovich 1971

    Runaway instabilities: e.g. BH bomb Press & Teukolsky 1972

    ⚫ BH as atom

    ⚫ Search for DM through GW observations!

    m ⌧ 1 eV

    m ⇠ 10�10 . . . 10�20 eV ! � ⇠ 1 km . . . 102 AU


  • Superradiance⚫ Amplification of field if

    akin to Penrose process

    ⚫ BH spins Constraints on photon mass

    Pani & Cardoso 1209.0465

    ⚫ Superradiance also amplifies GWs East et al 1312.4529

    ⚫ Floating orbits Press & Teukolsky 1972

    ⚫ Nonlinear study of Proca field East & Pretorius 1704.04791

    of BH mass extracted; saturation when

    ⚫ TODO: GW signature of fundamental fields in BH mergers?

    ⚫ Fund.fields can also pile up at centre of stars Brito et al 1508.04773

    ! < m⌦BH


    ! > 9% m⌦BH & !

  • Boson Stars

  • Basic properties⚫ EM solitons: Geons Wheeler 1955 but unstable!

    ⚫ Self-gravitating complex scalar field: Klein-Gordon Geons

    Kaup 1968 Now called Boson Stars

    ⚫ Mini Boson Stars:

    diagram; cf. Neutron Stars

    Scaling with :

    ⚫ Self-interaction wider range of models

    E.g. :

    ⚫ Rotating BSs: angular mom. per particle number = Integer

    Quantum nature

    ⚫ Oscillatons: localized, oscillating real scal.fields

    � / ei!t , V (�) = m |�|2

    Eby et al 1511.04474

    M �RM


    = 0.633M2Planck



    � |�|4/4 Mmax

    ⇡ (0.1GeV2)M��1/2/m2 Colpi et al 1986


    Seidel & Suen 1991

  • Boson star inspirals⚫ Potential (“nontopological solitonic BSs”):

    ⚫ Superpose two single BS solutions; conformal

    ⚫ Phase shift : Stars almost completely annihilate

    Otherwise: Rotating bar relaxing to a non-rotating BS

    Bezares et al 1705.01071

    ⚫ Inspiral waveforms

    ⚫ TODO: systematic

    waveform modeling

    V (�) = m|�|2 + �|�|4

    BH formation or…

    Oscillating BSs

    Palenzuela 1710.09432


  • Compact objects in modified gravity

  • Range of theories⚫ Classify theories through Lovelock’s theorem

    ⚫ Prerequisite: Well-posed initial value formulation!

    Most NR work restricted to scalar-tensor theory

    Berti 1501.07274

  • Scalar tensor theory⚫ Spontaneous scalarization:

    Consider equilibrium NS models

    Abrupt increase of scalar charge for some parameter range

    Palenzuela 1710.09432

    Damour & Esposito Farese 1993, 1996

    ⚫ Generates scalar GWs in stellar collape

    Novak+ 1990s, Gerosa et al 2016

    ⚫ Constrains massless ST theory!

    �6 �4 �2 0 2 4 6�0






    PSR J1738+0333



  • Massive ST theories⚫ Massive fields: short range!

    constraints only valid up to

    ⚫ Quasi-monochromatic signals lasting months to centuries

    US et al 1708.03651

    ⚫ Suitable for LIGO

    ⚫ Historic SNe!

    � =h

    mcm . 10�16 eV

  • Compact binaries⚫ BH binaries in ST theory: Constrained by no-hair theorems!

    But: scalar radiation for non-trivial BCs or potentials

    Berti et al 1304.2836, Healy et al 1112.3928

    ⚫ NS binaries in ST theory: Dynamical scalarization

    Palenzuela 1310.4481

    ⚫ BH binaries in dyn.Chern-Simons theory

    ⚫ TODO: smoking guns; parametric models

    Well-posedness questionable

    Delsate et al 1407.6727

    Pert.approach around GR

    Scalar signal

    Okounkouva et al 1705.07924


  • High-energy collisions of BHs

  • Motivation: TeV Gravity

    ⚫ Particle collisions may form BHs E.g. Dimopoulos & Landsberg ‘01, Giddings & Thomas ’01

    ⚫ Provide data for LHC event generators

    ⚫ Collide BHs in dimensions

    ⚫ Gravity other forces

    ⚫ Gravity not measured below . Diluted due to

    Large extra dimensions Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali ‘98

    Extra dimensions with warp factor Randall & Sundrum ‘99

    ⇡ 10�39⇥

    Cross section for BH formation

    Loss of energy and any.momentum in GWs

    D > 4

    ⇠ 0.1 mm

  • Does matter matter?⚫ Hoop conjecture kinetic energy triggers BH formation

    ⚫ Einstein + minimally coupled, massive complex scalar field

    “Boson stars” Choptuik & Pretorius 0908.1780

    ⚫ BH formation threshold

    ⚫ Model point particle collision by BH collisions

    ⚫ Similar results for collisions of perfect fluid balls

    Rezzolla & Takami 1209.6138, East & Pretorius 1312.4529



    = 2.9± 10% ⇠ 1/3 �hoop

  • Grazing collisions in D=4⚫ Spins: aligned, zero, anti aligned US et al 1211.6114

    ⚫ : spin effects washed out as bscat, Erad v ! c

  • Scattering threshold in D=5⚫ Numerical stability still an issue…

    Okawa, Nakao & Shibata 1105.3331

  • Head-on collisions from rest in D=4…10⚫ strongly suppresses in higher

    Cook et al 1709.10514

    Erad D

    4 5 6 7 8 9 10






    d /



    Fit: a0 (2π)

    β/ Γ(β), β = (D-a

    1) / a


    Fit: b0 2 π

    β/ Γ(β), β = (D-b

    1) / b


    ⚫ But: No suppression for high mass ratios!

    likely due to new length scales in high

    ⚫ TODO: High velocity in

    D Emparan et al 1302.6382

    D > 4

  • Fundamental properties of BHs

  • Motivation: Fundamental BH properties⚫ Cosmic censorship Lehner & Pretorius ’10, Figueras, Kunesch, Tunyasuvunakool et al. ’16, ’17

    ⚫ Stability of AdS Bizon & Rostworowski ’11

    ⚫ Stability of Hairy BH solutions of

    Herdeiro & Radu 1403.02757

    Herdeiro et al 1603.02687 ???

  • Summary of main open tasks⚫ Simulate signature of ultra-light fields in BH waveforms

    ⚫ GW templates from Boson Stars and other ultra-compact objects

    ⚫ Smoking gun signatures and waveform catalogues for GW sources

    in alternative theories of gravity

    ⚫ High-energy collisions of BHs in

    ⚫ Stability and dynamics of Hairy BHs

    ⚫ Numerical relativity in other areas

    > D

    Nonlinear cosmology


    Critical phenomena without spherical symmetry