nurse and midwifery career long eportfolio summary guides ... · nurse and midwifery career long...

1 Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides: 1) Key functions: Getting started, logging on and moving around Getting started In order to log on to the ePortfolio you will need your username and password. This will be provided by a Nurse and Midwifery ePortfolio Administrator. email [email protected] with your name, email address, profession(s), and where you currently work in Scotland. Indicate if you mentor pre-registration students and you will be given an additional section for annual updating and triennial reviews if you want it. You will either receive a user name or password directly from the administrator or via an automated email. Logging into ePortfolio Open your internet browser i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox etc. and enter in the address bar. On the right hand side of the screen a user login box is displayed - enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. Once you have filled in these details select the ‘Log In’ button. When you log in to ePortfolio for the first time you will be prompted to change your password (you will also be prompted to verify that your e-mail address is valid). If you want to change your password again at a later date, you can do this, by clicking on the ‘Profile’ drop down menu and selecting ‘Personal Details’. Enter your old password in the appropriate field and then enter your new, memorable, password twice in the appropriate fields.

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Post on 18-Jun-2020




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Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

1) Key functions: Getting started, logging on and moving around

Getting started

In order to log on to the ePortfolio you will need your username and password.

This will be provided by a Nurse and Midwifery ePortfolio Administrator.

email [email protected] with your name, email address, profession(s),

and where you currently work in Scotland.

Indicate if you mentor pre-registration students and you will be given an additional

section for annual updating and triennial reviews if you want it.

You will either receive a user name or password directly from the administrator or via

an automated email.

Logging into ePortfolio

Open your internet browser i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox etc. and enter in the address bar. On the right hand side of the screen a

user login box is displayed - enter your username and password in the appropriate

fields. Once you have filled in these details select the ‘Log In’ button.

When you log in to ePortfolio for the first time you will be prompted to change your

password (you will also be prompted to verify that your e-mail address is valid).

If you want to change your password again at a later date, you can do this, by clicking

on the ‘Profile’ drop down menu and selecting ‘Personal Details’. Enter your old

password in the appropriate field and then enter your new, memorable, password

twice in the appropriate fields.


Getting around: An Introduction to Navigation

The site is divided into six sections and there is a drop down menu for each one. If

you click on the menu header i.e. Profile, you will be taken to that section where you

can see all items within that menu and a description of what each one is used for.

Alternatively, you can simply choose the item directly from the drop down menu.

The breadcrumb trail

If you move away from your home page a trail will appear that tell you how far you

have moved away from the home page as shown above.

The grey title is the name of the page you are currently on – in this case the ‘Support

and Supervision’ page. If you click on of the blue page titles it will take you to that

page. For example clicking on ‘Home’ will take you back to the home page.


Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

2) Key functions: Updating personal details

The ePortfolio holds a page containing your personal details. If any of these details

are wrong you can update them.

To start, log into the ePortfolio and navigate to the ‘Personal details page’.

To edit any of the details, click the ‘edit details’ button at the bottom of the page. This

will take you to a new page where you can edit you details. Change or add any text to

the page and click ‘save changes’ to save the changes. Click ‘cancel’ to discard the



Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

3) Key functions: Using the personal library

The ePortfolio holds a page called the personal library where you can store various


To start log into the ePortfolio and navigate to the ‘Personal Library’ page.

You can upload files to your ePortfolio account via the Personal Library. Here you

can create folders to help organize your uploaded files, and you are able to Link files

to other evidence and curriculum items stored within your account.

The types of items that can be uploaded to your Personal Library include scanned

paper documents, PDFs, images or other items to include in your ePortfolio and you

can associate them as evidence against competencies. The maximum upload limit per

user is 40MB so try to optimize or shrink large files by zipping them, compressing the

size of images etc. Your local IT provider may be able to help you with these actions.

Select the file you want from your computer, add a description if you wish, and press

“Upload File”.


To perform an action on the uploaded file, click on the file. You will see that the file

is now listed on the right (with red icon) in a grey box:

Clicking on the file name in the right box will allow you to download it, or clicking

the blue ‘Edit’ link to edit details such as description shown in this box.

Clicking on the ‘Delete’ link in the grey box will enable you to remove a file that you

no longer need form your personal library.


Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

4) Key functions: Completing an electronic form yourself

You can record a variety of evidence in your ePortfolio using form templates to help you

think through what you want to write.

The forms available have been split into four categories, these are;

• Record of learning activity

• Reflective accounts

• Support and supervision

• Feedback from others

To create new forms select the ‘Add new……’ button on the relevant page and click

the ‘create’ link (as indicated on the screenshot below using the ‘Record of learning

activity’ as example).

First click on the ‘add new learning activity button’ -

Secondly click the ‘create’ link -

This will bring up the empty form that can then be completed.


Once filled be sure to press the ‘save’ button at the bottom of the form.

The form will then be entered into the summary table found on the first page.

To open or edit a form, click on the blue underlined ‘form name’ link.


Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

5) Key functions: Asking others to fill in electronic forms (ticketing)

Most of the time in the Nurse and Midwifery career long ePortfolio you will be

entering evidence yourself using the various electronic forms available.

However sometimes, you may wish to request that someone else fills a form in and

saves it into your ePortfolio. The ePortfolio has a special system in place to allow to

you to do this – we call it the ‘ticketing’ system.

At present there is only one for available to you request in this way, the ‘Feedback

from others’ form, but in the future there may be more options available.

To begin the process, navigate to the ‘Feedback from others’ page that is found in the

‘Forms’ menu.

Click the ‘Request External feedback button’ to begin. This will take you to the

‘ticket requests’ page.


By performing a ‘ticket request’ you are creating a unique code so that an external

person, who may not have an ePortfolio account, can access the system allowing them

to complete forms for you in your portfolio. You can also view previously generated

codes by inputting a date range on this page. Note: If you delete a code and the

assessor then tries to use it, they will not be able to. You will need to create a new


To start click on the Request New Assessment button, you will then need to

complete various forms and click on next after each section. Note: You are

responsible for inputting all of the correct details on the form (however, the recipient

will have the opportunity to review and amend any mistakes if necessary).

Firstly you will have to confirm which ‘portfolio’ you want the form entered into,

then you need to select which electronic form you wish the external assessor to

complete from the list that will appear (as shown below), before clicking Next.

The next step is filling out the recipient’s details. Start by inputting their e-mail

address if you have one and clicking ‘Next’ again. If this address has been used

before the next table will automatically complete. If the email address is new then

you will need to fill in the recipient details fields yourself before hitting Finish. If you

do not have an email address you can leave this box blank.

You will then be given a unique login code for your external person to use. They need

to go to and enter their code in the Assessors box to submit

their form into your ePortfolio.

If you opted to send an e-mail to them, the e-mail contains a direct link which they

can click on. This automatically enters the 10 digit code, taking them straight into the

form. You alternatively may choose to print this page and give it to your assessor in


Once the recipient of the ticket fills in the form, you will see it appear in your



Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

6) Key functions: Using the Personal and Professional Profile

The Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio contains a personal and

professional profile which can be used to store information about employment, career,

academic and professional achievements.

The information can be built up over time and extracted when needed, be that for

curriculum vitae, job application form or any other reason.

To start, go to the ‘Personal and Professional Profile’ page of your ePortfolio.

Part one: Setting up your profile

The first thing that you have to do is to enter your ‘profile items’. The represent small

chucks of information about you. They can be jobs you held, education you

undertook, details about you, references and many other things. First select the type of

profile item you want to create:


You will be presented with a form to fill in that corresponds to the type of profile item

you have chosen (below is an example of the ‘education and training’ form). At the

top of the form is an area for you to enter a title and description of the profile item so

that you can find it again and distinguish it from other profile items of the same type.

The rest of the form allows you set out your achievement, qualification, etc. After

completing a form hit the ‘save’ button and it will be entered into your profile item

list as demonstrated below.


Part 2: Generating a PPP

Once you have set up your list of profile items, you can use some or all of them to

generate a ‘Personal, Professional Profile’ document (a PPP). Start by clicking the

‘create new PPP’ button on the Personal and Professional Profile’ page.

You will need to give your PPP a title and then select which items you wish to include

in this PPP from a list of available items. To select an item check the tick box next to

the item and click the arrow between the two boxes to add it to the right hand box.

Once all the items that you want to include in your PDF are in the left hand box, click

the Create PPP button to generate the PPP.

This will save the PPP into your list of saved PPPs.

= From this list you have three further options; you can Delete or Edit the PPP by

selecting the relevant link. Editing the PPP will give you a chance to change the title

of the PPP that appears in the ‘Description’ box.

You can also select to View the PPP, this will download and open the PPP in a new

window using your computer’s standard PDF viewer.


Nurse and Midwifery Career Long ePortfolio summary guides:

7) Key functions: Printing your ePortfolio contents

You can download and save a PDF containing a snapshot of any ePortfolio

information you select, at the time you create it. You could then use this as evidence

for interviews/assessment, for example.

To begin navigate to the ‘Download’ portfolio page in the ‘profile’ menu of your


Next click the ‘Select items from my ePortfolio to make into a PDF’ link.

You can then select which parts of your ePortfolio you wish to download from a list

of available items (you will have to select your current portfolio from the drop-down


menu to view items). To select an item check the tick box next to the item and click

the Add Item arrow between the two boxes to add it to the right hand box. You can

also click the Select All link to move all the items at once.

Once all the items that you want to include in your PDF are in the left hand box, click

the Make PDF button to generate the PDF.

Once generated the PDF will be added to your list of PDFs Available for Download

(see below). The list will include details such as the date that the PDF was created.

From this list you have three further options; you can Delete or Edit the PDF by

selecting the relevant link. Editing the PDF will give you a chance to enter a title that

will appear in the ‘Description’ box.

You can also select to View the PDF, this will download and open the PDF in a new

window using your computer’s standard PDF viewer.