nusantara magazine 9th


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9th edition


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Gimnastik (Senam)









Lompat Tinggi

High Jump

Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Sport (Olahraga)




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Olahraga Anggar

Angkat Besi





Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Sport (Olahraga)





(Famous in Australia)

Weight Lifting

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Bulu Tangkis



Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Sport (Olahraga)






Wrestling Horse Riding




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Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Sport (Olahraga)




Scuba diving



Water Skiing

Ski air

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Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Sport (Olahraga)


Relay Race

Sepak bola





Archery Voli


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(Jenis Jenis Bola untuk Olahraga)


Learn Bahasa Indonesia



Golf Soccer



Sepak Takraw

(Kick Volleyball)

The Types of Balls for Sport

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Club = Klub

Ball = Bola

Tournament = Turnamen

Match = Pertandingan

Winner = Pemenang

Exercise = Latihan

Spectator = Penonton

Olympic = Olimpiade

Medal = Medali

Prize = Hadiah

Player = Pemain

Coach = Pelatih

Referee = Wasit

Reserve player = Pemain


Supporter = Pendukung

Team = Tim

Rival = Lawan

Win = Menang

Lose = Kalah

Draw = Seri / Seimbang

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Introducing Ourself

Halo, Saya Lisa. Saya lahir di Bali pada tang-

gal 12 Mei 1990. Saya adalah mahasiswi juru-

san akunting. Saya senang memasak dan

berkebun di waktu luang saya.

Hello I’m Lisa. I was born in Bali on 12 May

1990. I am a college student majoring in

accounting. I love to spend my spare time

cooking and gardening.

Halo Lisa. Saya Toni berasal dari Papua. Pekerjaan

saya adalah polisi. Saya ahli dalam olahraga

terutama sepak bola.

Hello Lisa. My name is Toni and i come from Papua.

My job is a police officer. I am good at sport especially


Ow.. begitu. Ngomong ngomong, Saya

mempunyai impian untuk memiliki sebuah

kafe. Yang ramah lingkungan tentunya. Jika

kamu punya waktu, datanglah ke rumah.

Saya bertaruh kamu pasti suka kue buatanku


Ow..i see. By the way i also have a dream to

open my own coffee shop. The eco friendly

kind. If you have time, stop and come by to my

home. I bet you will love my cookies Toni.

Terima kasih. Tentu saja. Saya juga akan

menceritakan pengalaman berwisata saya.

Sampai bertemu Lisa. Senang bertemu


Thanks. I would love too. I will also tell you

about my travel story. See u soon Lisa. Nice to

meet you.

Sampai bertemu kembali Toni.

Bye. See u soon Toni.

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About Indonesia

West Sumatra Capital City : Padang

West Sumatra is located on the west coast of Sumatra. Much of its

highland is formed by the Bukit Barisan Mountain range. The local

people called Minang people have spicy hot dishes such as Rendang

which is nominated as the most delicious food in the world. You can

easily try it in Padang restaurants in all major towns across


Source : Visit Indonesia

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Introducing The Culture of Papua

“The East Paradise”

Papua is the largest province in the east of Indonesia which is rich with its unique

culture. Therefore, it is more well-known as “The east Paradise.” There are more than

268 native languages in Papua, and there are still more of them which are still

unrecorded in several remote areas of Papua. Separated by the mountains and valleys,

the lands of Papua are rich with thousands unique culture, making it one of the most

special provinces in Indonesia.

The Tradition of Burning Rocks

One of the uniqueness of Papua’s culture which is still conducting up to now is

“BakarBatu” or Burning Rocks. This is one of the most important traditions remarking

the happiness of birth, death, or for gathering the warriors for facing the war. At the

beginning, this tradition was conducted by one of the indigenous people in Papua, Dani

tribe in Baliem valley. However, over the time, this tradition came to have a special

meaning for most tribes. For example, Paniai people in Nabire call this “Grapia”,

Wamena people call this “Kit Oba Isogoa”.

On the day of this tradition, the tribes present pigs which have been killed using arrows

by the chiefs of the tribes alternately. It is believed that if the pigs die immediately by

the arrows, then the ceremony is to be successful and vice versa. Afterwards, the

women of the tribes will prepare rocks, vegetables, root vegetables, and wood to be

burned. They make this by making a big hole on the ground and put the rocks inside.

After that, they put the wood on the top and burn them down. At last, they insert the

pigs wrapped by some leaves and vegetables. On the top, they put again some of the

burned rocks and root vegetables covered by the leaves.

Story & Picture by : Florensia Lantang

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Thanks to :

Ambassador of Indonesian Culture and Tourism

The Tradition of Cutting Fingers

This unique tradition comes from Dani tribes in Baliem valley. As they believe, the fingers

are the symbol of harmony, unity and self-strength especially in the family. Their life

principle is “Weneopakimadapulikwelaikarekmekehasik” means we are one tribe, one honai,

one custom, and so on. The togetherness in life is very important for the people in central

mountains area of Papua. The deep sadness due to the death of a member of the family can

be healed if the wound on the cut-fingers are already fine. Therefore, the tribes there will cut

the fingers when a family member passes away.

The Baliem Valley Festival “The War of Tribes”

Before this tradition became the

annual festival, in the past this

tradition was a battleship of Dani

tribe, Yali tribe and Lani tribe in

central mountains. War would begin

if there is one member of the tribe

got killed by another tribe, if there

was invasion to other tribes’ farming

or due to the abduction of member of a tribe carried out by the other tribes. This festival

enlivened with ground-cooked pigs party, along with music, and traditional dances. There

are lots of handmade souvenirs displayed and for sell. If you are interested to see this annual

festival, you should come in August. Baliem valley festival also gives local and foreign

tourists an opportunity to act like the tribes fighting and wearing the same attire, equipment

and mud-painted body.

Source : Irfak (2011)

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Indonesian Folklore

Putri Gading Cempaka

Years ago, in Bengkulu there was a kingdom called Sungai Serut Kingdom. The founder and the

King of the kingdom was Ratu Agung. He was a wise and prudent king. He was honored and re-

spected by his people. Ratu Agung had six sons and one daughter. His sons Kelamba Api or Raden

Cili, Manuk Mincur, Lemang Batu, Tajuk Rompong, Rindang Papan, Anak Dalam and the youngest

and the prettiest was Putri Gading Cempaka. Her beauty was very famous. There had been many

princes who asked for her hand, but all were rejected by Ratu Agung. He thought that his daughter

was not old enough to marry.

One day, Ratu Agung was became seriously ill. He felt that his life was near to

death. Then, Ratu Agung asked his children to be told about his last will.

"My beloved children, I have a short time. I will entrust to you my last two

wills. First, I bequeath the throne of Sungai Serut Kingdom to

Anak Dalam. Second, if the kingdom goes to disaster and it can not

be sustained anymore, all of you should get out to Gunung

Bungkuk. Later, there will be a prince who loves my daughter, Putri Gading

Cempaka. He will bring the kingdom into piece. And the most impor-

tant, you all must stick together through good and bad times. ".

The wills were received by them without envy to others. Anak

Dalam became the King. Then, the name was named Bangka-

hulu Kingdom. Anak Dalam was also a wise King. The people

lived in harmony and peace. One day, a prince from Aceh, Raja

Muda came to woo Putri Gading Cempaka. The prince

sent his people to convey his proposal.

"Your Majesty, I come as messenger from our

prince, Raja Muda Aceh. He wants to entice

Putri Gading Cempaka to become his wife," he said. As the King, Anak Dalam was confused. He

then consulted with his brothers. Anak Dalam told of their decision.

"We thank you for your Prince’s proposal. We are sorry. We can not accept the proposal."

Then, the messenger delivered it to Raja Muda Aceh. He got so angry. "What? They refused my pro-

posal. They have lowered my dignity. It can not be tolerated. I do not receive this. They will suffer

the consequences."

Story by : Ade Susilo

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Indonesian Folklore

A great war was inevitable. Raja Muda Aceh and his army forced the Bangkahulu Kingdom. It was

not safe anymore. At the time, Anak Dalam remembered his father's will. Finally, they went to

Gunung Bungkuk. Meanwhile, Raja Muda Aceh returned to Aceh without a good result.

After being left by their King, Bangkahulu kingdom was into chaos. The kingdom struggled by four

noblemen from Lebong Balik Bukit. A rebellion broke loose. Finally the conflict was solved by

Maharaja Sakti from the Pagaruyung Kingdom. Then, Maharaja Sakti became the king. When the

coronation of Maharaja Sakti was carried out, suddenly the sky became dark, and a storm came with

heavy rain and wind. The ceremony was postponed. However, until the evening, the storm did not


At night, the Maharaja of Sakti dreamed. He saw a fairy dancing in the rain storm. But, her body was

not getting wet. Then, he saw her go to Gunung Bungkuk. The next day, Maharaja Sakti told his

dream to the four noblemen. They asked an oracle about the dream.

"My King, the beautiful fairy is Putri Gading Cempaka. Today, she lives in Gunung Bungkuk with

her six brothers. If you can bring her back here, this kingdom will be at peace and it shall be

prosperous once more," said the Oracle.

After that, the Maharaja of Sakti was eager to woo the princess. He sent four noblemen to go to

Gunung Bungkuk. "We are the messengers of Maharaja Sakti. He has asked us to collect

Putri Gading Cempaka and her brothers. He intends to marry Putri Gading Cempaka, then she shall

become the lady in Bangkahulu Kingdom" said the messenger.

Anak Dalam and his brothers accepted the proposal. Finally, Maharaja Sakti married Putri Gading

Cempaka. The ceremony was held in Bangkahulu. Then, they built a magnificent new palace in

Kuala Sungai Lemau. So, the kingdom was renamed the Sungai Lemau Kingdom. The Kingdom was

happy and prosperous once more!

Source : Visit Indonesia

Nowdays, Bangkahulu is known

as Bengkulu Province located in

Sumatra Island. More about

Bengkulu will be in next edition!

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Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

Putri Gading Cempaka

Dahulu, di Bengkulu berdiri sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Kerajaan Sungai Serut. Pendiri sekaligus

raja di kerajaan ini bernama Ratu Agung. Beliau adalah raja yang arif dan bijaksana. Ratu Agung

dihormati dan disegani oleh rakyatnya. Ratu Agung memiliki enam orang putra dan seorang putri

yang sangat cantik. Keenam putra tersebut adalah Kelamba Api atau Raden Cili, Manuk Mincur,

Lemang Batu, Tajuk Rompong, Rindang Papan, Anak Dalam dan yang paling bungsu bernama Putri

Gading Cempaka. Pesona dan kecantikan Putri Gading Cempaka sangat terkenal. Sudah banyak

pangeran yang meminangnya, namun semuanya ditolak oleh Ratu Agung karena Sang putri masih

belum cukup umur.

Suatu hari, Ratu Agung yang semakin tua, sakit keras. Ia mendapat firasat

bahwa ajalnya sudah dekat. Maka Ratu Agung mengumpulkan ketujuh

anaknya untuk menyampaikan wasiat. "Anak-anakku, Ayahanda takkan lama

hidup di dunia ini. Ayahhanda akan menitipkan dua wasiat kepada

kalian. Pertama, aku mewasiatkan tahta kerajaan Sungai Serut kepada pu-

traku Anak Dalam. Kedua, sekiranya negeri Sungai Serut ditimpa musibah be-

sar dan tidak bisa dipertahankan lagi, menyingkirlah kalian ke Gunung

Bungkuk. Kelak disana akan datang seorang raja yang berjodoh den-

gan anak gadisku tercinta, Putri Gading Cempaka. Dan yang ter-

penting, kalian semua tetap bersatu baik dalam suka maupun


Wasiat itu diterima oleh Anak Dalam tanpa ada rasa iri hati dari

yang lain. Anak Dalam kemudian dinobatkan menjadi raja

menggantikan ayahnya. Namun, nama kerajaan itu

kini bernama Bangkahulu. Anak Dalam juga adalah

pemimpin yang arif sehingga negerinya hidup

rukun dan damai.

Suatu hari, datanglah Pangeran Raja Muda Aceh yang berasal dari kerajaan Aceh untuk meminang

sang Putri. Sang pangeran mengutus beberapa orang untuk menyampaikan pinangannya.

"Ampun baginda, hamba utusan Pangeran Raja Muda Aceh. Saya datang untuk menyampaikan

pinangan tuan kami kepada Putri Gading Cempaka". Setelah bermusyawarah dengan semua sauda-

ranya, Raja Anak Dalam menyampaikan keputusan mereka. "Maafkan kami, pinangan Tuan kalian

belum dapat kami kabulkan". Utusan tersebut menyampaikan hal tersebut kepada Raja Muda Aceh.

Story by : Ade Susilo

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Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

"Apa? Mereka menolak pinanganku. Mereka telah merendahkan martabatku. Hal ini tidak bisa

dibiarkan. Aku tidak terima. Mereka akan menerima balasaanya."

Perang besar pun tidak bisa dihindarkan. Kerajaan Bangkahulu tidak aman lagi. Saat itu Raja Anak

Dalam teringat wasiat ayahnya. Akhirnya, mereka pergi ke Gunung Bungkuk. Sementara itu, Raja

Muda Aceh kembali ke Aceh tanpa membawa hasil.

Sepeninggal para pemimpinya, Kerajaan Bangkahulu menjadi kacau. Kerajaan itu menjadi rebutan

empat bangswan Lebong Balik Bukit. Terjadilah pertikaian dan akhinya pertikaian itu dapat di

damaikan Maharaja Sakti yang merupakan utusan dari Kerajaan Pagaruyung. Ketika upaca penobatan

Maharaja Sakti akan dilaksanakan, tiba-tiba langit menjadi gelap lalu turunlah hujan yang sangat deras

disertai angin kencang. Dan atas kesepakatan bersama, upacara itu ditunda sambil menunggu cuaca

cerah. Namun, hingga malam hari, hujan tak kunjung berhenti.

Pada malam itu, Maharaja Sakti bermimpi melihat seorang bidadari menari-nari di tengah hujan

badai. Namun, tubunya tidak basah terkena air hujan. Lalu, bidadari itu menuju Gunung Bungkuk.

Keesokan harinya, Maharaja Sakti menceritakan mimpinya kepada keempat bangsawan yang

kemudian memimta seorang peramal untuk menafsirkan mimpi tersebut.

"Ampun baginda, ternyara bidadari cantik tersebut adalah Putri Gading Cempaka. Kini, beliau

tinggal di Gunung Bungkuk bersama keenam saudaranya. Jika baginda bisa membawanya kembali ke

sini, maka negeri ini akan kembali berdiri dan kembali makmur."

Setelah itu, Maharaja Sakti pun berhasrat meminang sang putri. Lalu, beliau mengutus keempat

bangsawan untuk menjemput Putri Gading Cempaka di Gunung Bungkuk. Setiba disana, mereka

menghadap Raja Anak Dalam dan saudaranya.

"Kami adalah utusan Maharaja Sakti. Beliau meminta kami untuk menjemput Putri Gading Cempaka

dan tuan - tuan sekalian. Beliau bermaksud untuk mengangkat Putri Gading Cempaka menjadi

permaisuri di Negeri Bangkahulu" ungkap utusan tersebut.

Raja Anak Dalam dan saudaranya pun meneriam pinangan Maharaja Sakti sesuai dengan wasiat ayah

mereka. Akhirnya, pesta penikahan Putri Gading Cempaka dengan Maharaja Sakti dilangsungkan di

Bangkahulu dengan sangat meriah. Setelah menikah, dibangunlah istana baru yang megah yang

terletak di Kuala Sungai Lemau. Maka kerajaan itu berganti nama menjadi Kerajaan Sungai Lemau.

Kerajaan itu kembali makmur dan bahagia.

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If you have experience about Indonesia, why don't you tell us? Send

your story and photo to nusantaramagazine

From Reader

Pura Vida Everyone*,

My name is Karla Romero. I am 29 years old and I am from Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a small

country located in Central America. A few years ago, when I was studying English teaching,

my English teacher and I were talking about traveling. While she was broadly experienced

in traveling the world, I on the other hand, had never step foot outside my country. At some

point she said: “Did you know I lived in Bali for 3 years”.

I knew Bali was located in a place called Indonesia, 17840.91 kms (11085.83 miles) apart

from Costa Rica; exactly on the other side of the world. But I knew close to nothing about In-

donesia as a whole back then. However, at the point, the only thing that mattered to me was

the face my English teacher had when she was telling me about her experience living in Bali

and travelling around Indonesia. Her face lit up and her eyes were all watery. Her voice was

sweeter and it was as if her soul filled with great emotions and memories when thinking

about Indonesia; she was full of joy. This happened every time we talked about Indonesia.

*Greetings in Costa Rica

Indonesia’s Calling

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From Reader

I was so impressed by this that I decided I wanted to visit Indonesia. I too, wanted to be

filled with joy by such a magical place! Ever since then, I have read and learn everything I can

about Indonesia. And being a language lover, last year, I decided I would learn the language. I

believe learning the language of a culture lets you learn further more about its richness. Not to

mention, I want to be prepared for when the time comes for me to finally visit Indonesia, I want

to be able to get to know the people, to make new friends, to speak and interact with Indonesia

as much as I can!

At the time, I am learning Bahasa Indonesia on my own. I found podcasts, online lessons and

Nusantara Magazine! I was thrilled to find Nusantara magazine! It is perfect for me, a beginner

eager to learn and take in as much as I can from such a beautiful language. Actually, it was a

friend of mine who gave me the link for the magazine. He knows I am learning Bahasa

Indonesia so he passed on the link to the magazine's first edition. I was so excited! I even

participated on the cross-word game included in this edition and I was one of the winners! My

photo is included in the second edition! Can you believe this? A woman from a very very far

away country having the honor of being a part of a great beginning! Lenny (The Founder of

Nusantara Magazine) was kind enough to let me into the magazine and into this wonderful

project. And this is how I came to tell you my story.

“Sampai bertemu di Indonesia!”

“Distance is never a barrier”

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Got some photos? Send it to [email protected]

Suramadu Bridge — Surabaya (By : Ahadin Fahmi)

Sate Padang

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Si Gundul (The Bald Headed) is a young Indonesian boy. The comic trying to give you

an insight of Indonesian daily life. Of course, In a fun way . Enjoy Laughing!!

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Arrange the words in Bahasa Indonesia Hint : Sport


1. O - L - B - A

4. S—P—K—B– L—E—O—A—A

5. L– O—G

6. W—S—A—T– I

7. A—R—H—A– L—O—G—A

8. G—O—F—L

9. L—A—A– I—P

3. L—I—A—R

2. K—S—B—A– E—T

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Me & You

Nusantara Magazine

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