
Nutrition Aishath Jazlee 8-C 5636 Thaajuddeen School

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Page 1: Nutrition


Aishath Jazlee



Thaajuddeen School

Page 2: Nutrition


• Introduction• Classification of food groups• Balanced diet• Malnutrition

Page 3: Nutrition


• This is a project about nutrition's. In this the classification of food groups, balanced diet and malnutrition will be included and each of these parts will be explained.

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Classification Of Food Groups

1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are one of the main types of nutrition's. They are the most

Important source of energy for our body. Our digestive system changes

Carbohydrates into glucose. Our body uses this sugar for energy for cells

tissues and organs. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally.

Foods such as fruits, vegetables & diary products. Complex Carbohydrates

include whole grain breads and cereal, starchy vegetables and legumes.

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• Proteins

Our body needs protein to repair and maintain itself. The basic structure

Of protein is a chain of amino acids. Every cell in our body contains

Proteins. It is a major part of the skin, muscles, organs & glands. We

Need proteins in our diet to help our body repair cells and make new

Ones. Protein is also important for growth and development during

Childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. When proteins are digested,

Amino acids are left. The human body needs a number of amino acids

To break down food. Amino acids need to be eaten in large enough

Amounts for optimal health.

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• Fats (lipids)

Fats provide a source of concentrated energy as well as the fat soluble

Vitamins A, D, E & K. Fat transports these vital nutrients around the

Body. Fat is also needed for hormone metabolism, healthy skin and hair,

tissue repair, protecting the internal organs and to prevent excessive

Loss of body heat. Some of the products which we get fats is meat,

Butter, cheese etc…

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• Vitamins

It is substances in our body which needs to grow and develop normally.

We can usually get all our vitamins from the foods we eat. Each vitamin

Has specific jobs. If you have low levels certain vitamins, which develop

A deficiency disease. For example if we don’t get enough vitamin D we

Could develop rickets.

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• Minerals

Our body uses minerals for many different jobs, including building bones,

Making hormones and regulating our heart beat. The best way to get

Minerals is by eating a wide variety of foods. Some of the sources which

We get minerals are cheese, milk, and green vegetables.

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• Water

Our body is estimated to be about 60 to 70% of water. Blood is mostly

Water and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Water

Is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for

Nutrients to travel our organs and tissues. It also transports oxygen to

Our cells, remove waste and protects our organs.

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• Fiber

Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate which is completely absorbed in humans

And some animals. Dietary fiber consists many cellulose. There are many

Health benefits of a high fiber diet. Such as reducing the chance of

Gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea by increasing

The size of stool and softening it. Fiber would be found in wheat, flour,

Nuts and vegetables etc…

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Balanced Diet

Balance diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods &

Drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues

& organs, & for normal growth and development. Balanced diet provides

Natural disease prevention, weight control and proper sleep without any


• Disease prevention

Eating a balance diet is the easiest way to protect yourself from many of

The diseases associated with ageing, including diabetes and heart


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• Weight control

If you are overweight, eating a balance diet can be an important first step

Towards weight loss. Many people who are able to loose weight through

Being part of fat diets gain the weight back when they return to their own

Eating habits. Eating a balance diet can help to maintain weight loss in

Out body for a long term.

• Proper sleep

Eating too much of a certain kind of food can cause us to be unable to fall

A sleep. Eating a balanced diet will enable us not only to sleep better

Without the use of sleeping pills but also feel more rested when you wake


Page 13: Nutrition

Malnutrition• Malnutrition is the condition that results from taking an unbalanced

diet in which certain nutrients are lacking, in excess (too high an

intake), or in the wrong proportions. Some of the causes of malnutrition

Can be famine due to drought or flood. Kwashiorkor is an example of

Protein energy malnutrition.

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