nutrition exercise presentation

Nutrition and Exercise Emily Bachinsky Alex Lopez Jacob Lopez Luke Pederson Rob Wolff May 15, 2013

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Page 1: Nutrition exercise presentation

Nutrition and Exercise

Emily BachinskyAlex Lopez

Jacob LopezLuke Pederson

Rob Wolff

May 15, 2013

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Research Objectives

The research was designed to address the following:1. To determine if age has an impact on the frequency of

eating fast food. 2. To determine if age has an impact on frequency of

exercise.3. To examine the relationship of fast-food consumption

and exercise. 4. To examine the relationship of a healthy diet and

exercise.5. To report which types of exercise people engage in the


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Field Dates March 28-April 10, 2013

Population Sacramento Area Residents and CSUS Students

Screening Criteria

Over 18 years oldArea code

Sample Size 100 interviews completed of adults over the age 18

Sampling Error Less than +/- 9.8% (at the 95% confidence level)

Research Method: Multi-modal

• Telephone sample from COMS 171 list of friends and family

• Intercept (Self-Administered) on CSUS campus

• Intercept (Interview) on CSUS campus• Online Self-Administered from COMS 171 list

of friends and family

Unit of Analysis


Average Interview Length

3:47 minutes

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Our most notable findings were:1.55% of the sample said they ate fast-food 1-2 times per week2.Age does not determine the frequency people eat fast-food.3.Age does not determine the how often people exercise.4.Surprisingly, there was no relationship between the frequency someone exercises and the frequency someone eats fast food.5.There is a relationship between healthy eating habits and exercise.6.The most frequent form of exercise is walking.

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Objective 1: To determine if age has an impact on the frequency of eating

fast food.Questions that addressed this were:

Which category best describes your age?

On average, how often do you eat fast food (generally, fast food can be considered anything with a drive-thru)?

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Results: Frequencies

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There was no statistically significant relationship between age and the frequency someone eats fast food.

The .508 significance level makes this relationship insignificant because it is greater than .05

Results: ANOVA

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Even though there was no significant

relationship between age and frequency of

eating fast-food…

How did people respond?

Results: Cross-tabulation

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Objective 2: To determine if age has an impact on frequency of exercise.

Questions that addressed this were:

Which category best describes your age?

How often do you do the following? •Recreational sports•Walking•Running•Swimming•Cycling

• Circuit Training• Free-Weights• Weight Training• Group Classes• Body Weight exercises

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After running a one-way ANOVA test, there was no statistical significance between age and frequency of days of exercise.

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The chart indicates that of all who participated in the survey, the largest group who said they exercise at a frequency of of 3-4 times per week were respondents ages 25 to 34.

Interestingly, the data showed that people of all ages exercise as frequently as 7 days a week.

Even though there was no significant relationship between age and frequency of exercise…

How did people respond?

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Objective 3: To determine if there is a relationship between how often one

exercises and how often they consume fast food?

Questions that addressed this were:

On average, how often do you eat fast food?

On average, how many days per week do you typically exercise?

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Results: Frequencies

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We re-coded and grouped people based on the frequency of their exercise habits. People that exercised 0-2 days per week were considered non-exercisers while people who exercised 3-7 days per week were considered exercisers.

} 38 Non-exercisers

62 Exercisers

Results: Cross-tabulation

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There was no statistically significant relationship between the frequency someone exercises and the frequency someone eats fast food.

Interestingly, we found that:


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Questions that addressed this were:

How often do you do the following?a. Eat Whole Grainsb. Eat a variety of Fruitsc. Eat a variety of Vegetablesd. Limit Fat Intakee. Avoid Unnecessary Snacking

On average, how many days per week do you typically exercise?

Objective 4: To determine if there was a relationship between healthy

eating habits and exercise.

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Results: Means 3.50 3.44 3.41


Q6: Self-Reported Healthy Eating Habits

Pictured below are the means from the reported data on a 1-5 scale regarding how often each person participated in healthy eating habits.

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Eats Fruit EatsVeggies

Limits Fat AvoidsSnacks

2.95 2.97 3.05

2.32 2.29

3.69 3.73 3.773.39


Exercisers vs. Non Exercisers Eating Habits

Non Exerciser


All responses are statistically significant

Across the board, exercisers(those who reported exercising at least 3 days a week) report more healthy eating habits than non-exercisers

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Objective 5: To report which types of exercise people engage in the most.

How often do you do the following? •Recreational sports•Walking•Running•Swimming•Cycling

• Circuit Training• Free-Weights• Weight Training• Group Classes• Body Weight exercises

Questions that addressed this were:

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Results: Frequencies

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Results: Frequency

When it comes to frequency, 78 people out of 100 said they walk at least 1 time per week.

The mean of walking was the highest it was 4.12.

28 people said they walk 7 times a week.

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• What we learned• What we would do differently