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  • 8/10/2019 Nutrition Question Bank


  • 8/10/2019 Nutrition Question Bank



    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 2

    11.What precautions will take in quantity food production to retain maximum nutritive value

    of food?

    Ans Pg no: 63-65.

    12.Define BMR and Describe the factors affecting BMR.

    Ans: Pg no: 5- 6.

    13.Dietary fibre is essential in daily life. Why?

    Ans: Pg no: 11-12.

    14.List the methods to improve protein quality of food.

    Ans: Pg no: 28-29.

    15.Define Health and Nutrition. Discuss the importance of food.

    Ans: Pg no: 1 -2.


    Write short notes on the functions of following nutrients:

    a. Niacin


    Vit K

    c. Calcium

    d. Iodine

    e. iron

    Ans: Pg No: 40, 38,45,48,51


    Classify food groups on the basis of their functions. What consideration will you keep inmind while planning a meal for your sportsman guest?

    Ans: Pg No: 55

    18. Explain the role of water in maintaining the water balance of the body.

    Ans: Pg no:32-34

    19.Explain in detail the various factors affecting planning a balanced diet.

    Ans : Pg no: 52,53.

    20. Classify lipids . list down the functions of lipids.

    Ans : Pg no: 14,15 and 17

    21. How do you classify carbohydrates? Explain giving example of each.

    Ans : Pg no: 12,13

    22.What is BMR and explain the factors affecting it?

    Ans : Pg no: 5,6

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 3

    23.What are fibres? Give their significance in the diet along with dietry resources.

    Ans : Pg no: 11,12

    24.Classify vitamins and explain the function and source of vitamin D and vitamin C.

    Ans : Pg no:36-41

    25.Explain concept of RDA and the factors that influence it.

    Ans : Pg no: 53-55

    26.Name the condition that leads to obesity and explain the factors affecting meal plan.

    Ans : Pg no: 8 and 58,59

    One mark questions

    27.Fluorosis is caused due to the excess of Fluoride in water


    Amla is the rich source of Vitamin C.

    29.Anemia is caused due to the deficiency of iron.


    Pellagra is a deficiency disease of Vitamin B12.

    31.Night blindness is a sign of Vitamin A deficiency.

    32.Sunshine is a source of Vitamin D.

    33.Bowed leg in children is a symptom of Rickets.

    34.Deficiency of iodine in the diet causes Thyroid.


    Delay in clotting of blood is due to deficiency of vitamin K in the diet.36.Angular stomatitis is caused due to deficiency of vitamin in the diet.

    37.Protein requirement of adults is 1gm/kg of body weight.

    38.Loss of water and electrolyte leads to Dehydration.

    39.Amino Acid are the building blocks of proteins.

    40.Night blindness is caused by deficiency of Vitamin A.

    41.Niacin deficiency causes Pellagra.

    42.Each gram of fat supplies 9 Kcal.


    Simple lipids are fats and oil.

    44.Lactose sugar is found in milk.

    45.Iodine deficiency leads to Goiter.

    46.Egg is called the reference protein.

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 4

    Match the following

    47.Vitamin A -------- Retinol

    48.Food labeling -------- Nutritional factt

    49.Sweat --------- Glucose

    50.Polysaccharide ---------- starch

    51.physical activity ---------- Negative energy balance

    52.Sodium ----------- Hypertension

    53.Building block of proteins ----- Amino acid

    54.Menu planning ----- Blanced meal

    55.Under weight ------- Energy requirement factor

    56.Vitamin E ----- Refined oil

    57 .Discuses about the function of water in our body? What are the visible &

    invisible sources of water?

    An important nutrient .75 to 80 percent of our total body is water. It is a structural

    & functional unit of our body. The total body fluid is distributed among two major


    Extracellular fluid contain sodium

    Intercellular fluid contain potassium& this two ions needs to be maintained all time.

    Water is made up of hydrogen & oxygen the ratio is 2:1. We lose water daily

    through sweat, urine, faeces etc. Deficiency of water causes dehydration, so we

    have to maintain the water balance of our body.


    Water quenched our thirst and is the most refreshing & cooling of all liquids.

    It is a structural component of all cell

    Water is a medium in which all chemical reaction takes place

    It is an essential components of all body fluid such as blood, cerebrospinal

    fluid, bile, digestive ,fluid, urine

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 5

    It acts like a lubricant & helps us to swallowed food or to digest food.

    It acts like a solvent for the products of digestion & help in transporting this

    product in di ff erent pare of body.

    It regulates the body temperature.

    It helps to throw the waste product from the body.

    Sources visible & invisible water.

    Visible water that we can see are- plain water, fruit juices, tea, milk, coffee etc

    Invisible water that is inside the food s & metabolic water.

    Fluid we take in different way 2,200 ml/day

    From metabolism 200 ml/day

    58 .

    Classify vitamins on the bases of its solubility. What are the sources of

    vitamin A & Vitamin D in our body?

    The term vitamin comes from the words vital amine. This chemical is vital for

    life.Vitamines is known as microelements. Its required in a very little amount, but

    it is very important for us. Vitamins are also an organic compound like

    carbohydrate, protein, fat. Though it required in a very little amount but have a

    specific function such as regulation, maintenance, growth & protection. Many of

    them cannot be synthesized by our body but & must be obtained from the diet.

    Vitamins are grouped according to their solubility in either fat or water.

    Fat-soluble vitamins - the vit that easily soluble in fat. They required fat for

    absorption & can stored in our body. They are Vitamin - A,D,E,K.

    Water soluble Vitamins the vitamin that easily soluble in water .Being water

    soluble they are easily absorbed in our body but not stored, they excreted through

    urine. They are Vitamin B complex B1 Thiamin/B2 Riboflavin/B12

    Cynocobalamin/ Niacin/Folic acid / Vitamin C etc.

    Vitamin A & Vitamin D both are the fat soluble vits.

    Vit A helps to maintain the normal vision in dim light. It A found in a group of

    compound called retinol & retinoic acid. These are only found in animal. i.e., egg

    yolk, oily fish, fish liver oil, milk & milk product, butter, ghee are the rich source.

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 6

    Plant food contains yellow, orange, red colored pigment called carotene.

    Carotene pigments are converted to Vitamin A in the boby. It is the proVitamin of

    Vitamin A.

    Sources of Vitamin in plant all yellow ,orange, red color fruits & vegetable,

    such as carrot, mango, pumpkin, papaya, all green leafy vegetable, etc are the ri ch

    source of Vitamin A.

    Vitamin D It is a fat soluble Vitamin. Two important form of vit d are D2 (

    argosterol ), D3 (7-dehydrocholesterol).Sun light is the main source of Vitamin D.

    Vitamin D 3 is produced when 7 dehydrocholesterol in the skin is exposed to the

    UV ray in the sun .It is also found in fish lever oil, fortified milk, vanaspati & also

    some sun dried food like bari, dry fish etc.

    59 . What is the role of thiamin in our body? What are the deficiency diseases

    of thiamin?

    Thiamin, B1, is an organic compound & also a water soluble Vitamin .The chemical

    structure contains a pyramiding ring & a thiazole ring. It is readily soluble in water

    & slightly soluble in alcohol. It is absorbed through duodenum& jejunum &

    circulate in blood as free thiamine. There are different role if thiamin in our body -

    It works mainly as a co-enzyme.Thiamin exists in tissues mostly in the form of thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), which

    is required in the breakdown of glucose to give us energy.

    It helps to maintain the healthy nervous system.

    It is required for a normal appetite &digestion.

    The daily requirement of thiamin is 0.5mg/1,000kcal/day. For an adult who needs

    3,000 kcal would require 1.5mg of thiamin per day.

    Deficiency of thiamin

    The symptom of deficiency occurs because the tissue cells are unable to

    receive sufficient energy from glucose. Therefore, they cannot carry out their

    normal function. The gastrointestinal, cardiovascular & nervous systems are

    specially affected.

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 7

    The severe deficiency causes beri-beri, this is of two type

    Dry beri-beri inflammation of the nerves, numbness of the leg, muscle weakness

    & cramps are the main symptoms.

    Wet beri- beri Severe oedema, enlargement of the heart, palpitation& increase in

    rate of heart beat.

    It is also known as rice eaters diseases because it is seen in people whose chief

    diet consists of polished rice.

    60 . What are the factors affecting menu planning? Plan a low cost dinner

    menu for your hostel & find out its nutritive value.

    Menu planning is a process of planning & scheduling intake of meals for a

    general or specific individual requirments.To plan a menu we have to follow certain


    Meeting nutritional requirement: A good menu is one which will not only provide

    adequate calories, fat,& protein but also minerals , vitamins essential for the

    physica l wellbeing of each members . In a prope r di et the rat io of energy

    distribution from carbohydrate, protein & fat would be 7:1:2respectively. The diet

    should contain from basic Five Food Groups.

    Meal pattern should fulfill the family needs: A family meal should cater to theneeds of the different members. A growing adolescent boy may require rich food to

    satisfy his appetite; whereas young child may need soft & bland diet. Nursing

    mother needs more green in their diet. A heavy workers required more calories than

    other members. Meal pattern varies with age, occupation,& life style of the family


    Meal planning should give maximum nutrients: Losses of nutrients du ring

    process ing, cook ing shou ld be min imized . Sprout ed gr ams, malt ed ce real s

    fermented food enhance the nutritive value. God quality protein should be

    distributed in all meal. Pressure cooker can be used to conserve the nutrients.

    Meal pattern should save time & energy: Planning of meal should be done in such a

    way, that the recipes should be simple & notorious. Labor & time saving device

    should be used. Using convenience foods save time & energy.

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 8

    Economic condition: Any meal that are planned, if do not satisfy the budget of the

    family, it cannot be put into practice. The cost of meal can be reduced by bulk

    purchas ing & using season al frui ts & vegetables.

    Consideration for individual likings & disliking: The meal planned should not only

    meet RDA but also individual preferences, particularly vegetarian & non vegetarian

    prefe rences. Food hab it & di etary pa tt erns should al so be considered. Rel igion,

    traditions& customs of an individual should also be considers while planning a


    Planned menu should provide variety: If meal is monotonous it cannot be excepted

    .Varity can be introduced through color, texture & taste, by using different kind of

    cooking methods.

    Availability of foods: Menu should include locally available foods. The wide

    variation in dietary patterns throughout the world depends largely upon the

    available food supply.

    Type of food service: Menu should be planned in relation to the type of food

    service, whether it is cafeteria, seated service, buffet, etc.

    Equipment & work space: The menu should be planned keeping the available

    equipment & work space in mind. Deepfreezes, refrigerators, grinders, dough

    kneaders, deep fat fryers etc should be adequ ate.Leftover food: An effective manager should consider as to how leftovers could be

    rotated to obtain maximum profit. Adequate storage space & hygienic standards

    should be ensured to minimize the risk of contamination & spoilage of food.

    Meal frequency & pattern: The meal timings & number of meal consumed in a day,

    whether meal are packed or served in a table, also influenced the selection of food

    items on the menu. The age, activity level, physiological state, work schedule, &

    economic factors need to be known before planning meals for institutional catering.

    To plan a low cost dinner menu of a hostel few things we have to keep in mind,

    we have to provide them the food selected from food pyramid ,

    that will provide them energy,

    bod y bui ld in g & maintenance,

    regulation of body processes & protection against infection.

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 9

    To plan a balanced meal we have to follow few steps

    Collect information regarding the customer with respect to



    Activity level


    Socio-economic background

    Food habits

    Check the RDAs for energy & protein

    Prepare a food plan, i.e., list number of serving from each food groups to meet the


    Decide number of meal

    Distribute serving for each meal

    Select food & plan the menu

    Menu for a day

    Cross check to ensure that all food groups are included in required amount.

    Plan a low cost dinner menu of a hostel

    Basic information

    Age : 18+Gender : Male/ Female

    Activity : Moderate

    Religion : Mixed

    Back ground : Urban, middle income families

    Food Habits : Cosmopolitan

    RDA (according to ICMR)

    Calories: Male 2,640 / Female 2060

    Protein : Male 78gm / Female 63gm

    Low cost dinner food plan for - Adult male (moderate)

    [Cereals 475 gm(veg) 475gm(nonveg)

    Pulses 80 65

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 10

    Green leafy veg 125 125

    Other veg 75 75

    Fruits 30 30

    Milk 200 100 {depending on the marks

    or Q

    Fat &oil 40 40 otherwise not required

    the [ ]

    Sugar & jiggery 40 40 portion}

    Meat &fish _ 30

    Egg _ 30] (ref - Swaminathan ,vol-


    For dinner / for 1 student

    Menu - Soya nugget & potato curry

    Backed bringel

    Green salad (Cucumber , tomato, onion)

    2 chapatis

    Rice (cooked ) cup weight 100 gm (if it is 1cup then wt 200gm)


    (Ref Nutritive value of Indianfood, 2007)



    STUFF (g) (g) (g)


  • 8/10/2019 Nutrition Question Bank



    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 11

    Rice 6.4 0.4 79.0


    Wheat 12.8 1.7 69.0


    Bread 8.8 1.4 49.0


    Egg 13.3 13.3 _


    Milk (cows) 3.2 4.1 4.4


    Curds (cows milk) 3. 1 4.0 3.0


    Soya bean 43.2 19.4 20.9


    Rajhmah 22.9 1.3 60.6


    Potato 1.6 0.1 22.6


    Brinjal 1.4 0.3 4.024

    Onion 1.8 0.1 12.6


    Tomato 1.9 0.1 3.6


    Cucumber 0.4 0.1 2.5


    Butter _ 81.0 _


    Oil (sunflower) 19.8 52.1 17.9


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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 12

    Sugar 0.1 _ 99.4


    Banana 1.2 0.3 27.2


    Apple 0.2 0.5 13.4


    61 .What is RDA?

    RDA is defining as the nutrients present in the diet which satisfies the daily

    requirement of all individuals in a populations.

    RDA of an individual depends on many factors like age, gender, physical work,

    physio logical st res s.

    AGE An adult required more calorie then a child due to large size of body &

    increased activity. A growing child required more calorie & protein per kg of body


    Gender female requires less calories then male as BMR is lower & size of body is

    smaller.Physical work Sedentary workers required less calorie & vit B than hard working

    per son.

    Physiological stress During special condition the nutrients requirement are


    RDA for an adult man & woman (ICMR)

    Nutr ients Sedentary men Moderate men Heav y men

    Energy (kcal) 2425 2875


    Protein (gm) 60 60 60

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 13

    Calcium (mg) 400 400


    Iron (mg) 28 28


    Vit A

    Retinol (mcg) 600 600


    Thamin (mg) 1.2 1.4


    Riboflavin (mg) 1.4 1.6


    Niacin (mg) 16 18


    Folic Acid (mcg) 100 100


    Vit B12 (mcg) 1 1


    Vit C (mg) 40 40

    40(ref dietetics, Srilakshmi)

    Nu tr ients Sedentary women Moderat e women Heavy women

    Energy (kcal) 1875 2225


    Protein (gm) 50 50


    Calcium (mg) 400 400


    Iron (mg) 30 30

    30 Vit A

    Retinol (mcg) 600 600


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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 14

    Thamin (mg) 0.9 1.1


    Riboflavin (mg) 1 .1 1.3


    Niacin (mg) 12 14


    Folic Acid (mcg) 100 100


    Vit B12 (mcg) 1 1


    Vit C (mg) 40 40


    (ref dietetics, Srilakshmi)

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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 16

    62 .What do you mean by balanced diet? Plan a balanced diet menu for a man

    doing moderate work. (Write only that portion from the chart that is asked in


    Balanced diet is one which contains different types of foods in such quantities

    &proportions so that the need for calories, protein vitamin &other nutrients are

    adequately met. In addition a balance diet should provide dietary fivers,

    antioxidants water which will give positive health benefits. A balance diet the ratio

    of energy distribution from carbohydrate, protein & fat would be 7:1:2respectively.

    The diet should contain from basic Five Food Groups.

    Balanced diet for Adult male (gm/day) V&NV (ref Swaminathan, vol II)

    Food stuff sedentary workers moderate workers heavy work ers

    V NV V NV V


    Cereal 350 350 425 425 600


    Pulses 70 55 80 65 80



    Leafy veg 100 100 125 125 125125

    Other veg 75 75 100 100 100


    Roots & tubers 75 75 100 100 100


    Fruits 60 60 60 60 60


    Milk 600 400 600 400 600


    Fats & oils 35 40 40 40 50


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    NUTRITION QBANK 2014-2015 Page 17

    Sugar & jaggery 30 30 40 40 55


    Meat & fish - 60 - 60 -


    Egg - 30 - 30

    - 30

    Ground nut (roasted) 50 50 50 50 50
