nycu newsletter 15

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014 1 NEWS YOU CAN USE USE Happy Birthday News You Can Use!!!! Celebrating 2 years of sharing Christ Dear Friend, I cannot say enough how thankful and blessed I feel to have this opportunity to touch so many lives with my writing and with God’s truth. You have encouraged me more than you know to continue to minister the Gospel as the Lord leads. My greatest desire is to glorify the Lord in all that I do and to be an example to all believers in the way I live, in my love, my faith, and in my purity (1 Timothy 4:12 NLT). My prayer is that you have been encouraged to live for Jesus and inspired to step out and do what He has called you to do. Love you all! ~Raven In this issue: Can You Fill My Cup?!? If You Remain Silent 2 3 5 6 In the morning where do you go to fill YOUR cup? You may have good plans, but God’s plans are GREATER. You were not called to be silent! You were called to live out loud! ’GO’ He said. And so she went. ‘Speak’ the Lord whispered, and so she did! “Mauris non erat. Integer dolor metus, hendrerit a, convallis vel, vehicula in, enim.” Our Plans vs. God’s Purpose What’s Next For NYCU?!?!

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014



News You Can Use!!!! Celebrating 2 years of sharing Christ

Dear Friend,

I cannot say enough how thankful and blessed I feel to have this opportunity to touch so many lives with my writing and with God’s truth. You have encouraged me more than you know to continue to minister

the Gospel as the Lord leads. My greatest desire is to glorify the Lord in all that I do and to be an

example to all believers in the way I live, in my love, my faith, and in my purity (1 Timothy 4:12

NLT). My prayer is that you have been encouraged to live for Jesus and inspired to step out and do what He has called you to do. Love

you all!


In this issue:

Can You Fill My Cup?!?

If You Remain Silent





In the morning where do you go to fill YOUR cup?

You may have good plans, but God’s plans are


You were not called to be silent! You were called to

live out loud!

’GO’ He said. And so she went. ‘Speak’ the Lord

whispered, and so she did!

“Mauris non erat. Integer dolor metus, hendrerit a, convallis vel, vehicula in, enim.”

Our Plans vs. God’s Purpose

What’s Next For NYCU?!?!

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014



It's 6am; you're up and ready to tackle the demands of your day.

You may be the person who goes on a 3 mile run, or the person

that says, "All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus," or maybe you are

the person that pushes the snooze button at least 5 times....later

regretting doing so because you find yourself running late to

work/school/etc. I can admit that I have been all three of these

people. In college, I was definitely the girl who loved her 8am classes, but at the same time

was not much of a morning person. Maybe you can relate?

Whatever person you are, I have a question for you:

"Where do you go to fill YOUR cup?"


Before some of us even get out of bed we go to the phone and check our messages. If we are a social media person, we run to our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.....inadvertently looking for someone to fill our cup. Once we find that it did not really satisfy, throughout the remainder of the day we go to the people in our lives. We run to parents, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc., hoping that their presence, validation, and affirmations will somehow fill the void in our hearts....but THEY DON'T....better yet, THEY CAN'T! Listen friend, the people in our lives, if ordained

Can You Fill My Cup?

"You can drink from all sorts of wells, but unless the source of your water

is the Living Water Himself, you will never

be satisfied."

If You Remain Silent

Right now is the right time to live for Jesus and to do what He has called you to do!


Continued on page 4

Continued on page 5

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014



Once you have surrendered your life----dreams/plans----- to Christ, He then gives you an assignment. This assignment was ordained for you before the foundation of the world and only you can fulfill it because only you were anointed for the job. This assignment is unique, special, glorious, life changing, and fulfilling. But this assignment at times can be uncomfortable, "impossible," and outside of your comfort zone and natural ability. Why? Because it is in you that He wants to do a new thing, it is through you that He will do the impossible and get the glory, and it is for you so that you will reach your expected end. "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). No eye has seen? No ear has heard? No mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him? No one can testify this truth as well as Mary. Minding her

"We humans keep brainstorming options and plans. but God’s purpose prevails."

Proverbs 19:21 MSG


business in Nazareth, as many of us are doing (or trying to at least) when God lays something on our heart to do. She was what many would call, "ordinary," but one thing that I have learned in life is that the people that everyone thinks are so ordinary are usually the ones who God calls to be extraordinary and do the extraordinary. She was a virgin, engaged to be married when one day, "Gabriel appeared to her and said, "Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28 NLT). Mary responded as many of us do when God calls us out, she became extremely confused and fearful. She probably looked around her and saw "just" a village in Galilee. She also probably put together a mental note of all of her accomplishments and failures and thought...."What do you mean the Lord is with me?" But in the midst of her deep


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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014



thoughts and confusion, the angel of the Lord said, "Don't be afraid. For you have found favor with God" (Luke 1:30 NLT). Following this calming truth came her purpose. You see, her plans were to be a good wife to Joseph, a homemaker, and have some babies in the future but she learned what many of us must learn and that is that although, "we humans keep brainstorming options and plans; God's purpose prevails (Proverbs 19:21 MSG). Her plans were "good," but God's purpose was greater! I wonder what "good" plans you have? God's purpose for Mary was not just to be a wife and homemaker, but to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a world changer. I wonder what it is the Lord has impregnated you with? I wonder what is it that the Lord has called you to give birth to? I also wonder if you have accepted His purpose for your life or have you constantly doubted, questioned, and walked in fear of it?

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by God to be in our lives, are truly a blessing from the Lord, but they cannot satisfy us or fill our cups. Imagine an empty cup, now think about all of the things and people that are a part of your life and yes I do mean "things." Now imagine putting all of those things and people in this cup. Sure, the cup would be "full," but there would still be some spaces left opened. Those spaces my friend, are spaces that only the Living Water Himself can fill. Now imagine that instead of running to your phone, computer, people or whatever else, that the first thing you do in the morning is run into the presence of the Lord. Matter of fact, we should be so hungry for the presence of God that we absolutely will not go out of our house or tackle any kind of project until we have spent some time with Him because we know that we can drink from all sorts of wells, but unless the source of our water is the Living Water Himself, we will never be satisfied.

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(Continued) Can You Fill My Cup? ((Continued) First Post


What Is In Your Mouth?!?

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Feed the Spirit; Starve the Flesh

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Most Popular


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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014



"….Do not think that because you are in the King's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For IF YOU REMAIN SILENT at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another

place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" Esther


For my whole Christmas break (2012) I studied the book of Esther and I must say although I have read this book many times, this time this book has taken on a whole new meaning! In the past when I heard the story of Esther, "For such a time as this" was what always stuck out to me and if you were to be

honest……it probably stuck out to you too! But now after going chapter by chapter, four words have

stayed in my spirit and they are, "IF YOU REMAIN SILENT!"

Friend, I believe that this will be the year of great

manifestation for those who know God and belong to Him, but you cannot afford to remain silent. You see, God has called you for such a time as this to

make a difference! You my friend have been chosen to set the standard that will lead many to

Christ and cause many to be set free. For you, ways will be made out of no way and doors will be open that no man can slam shut (Revelations 3:8). I don't know about you, but I am so glad that we serve a

God that not only opens doors.....but creates them for His children! Praise the Lord!

Now in order to do the extraordinary things that

Christ has called you to do...... you cannot afford to remain silent! The word says to let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO! (Psalm 107:2) You see, just like Esther you have been called to do a great work for

Christ! Just in case you are not familiar with Esther's story....I'll give you a quick summary. Esther was

appointed as the new queen of Persia. Esther at first was advised to keep her true identity as a Jew a

secret and she successfully did just that, until one


day a decree was made by the King's right hand man to kill all of the Jews. Our text for today (Esther

4:13-14) meets us right in the center of this deadly threat; Mordecai has now summoned Esther to go

before the King in order to save the Jews. Here are a couple of things you should know:

1. In those times a person, not even the King's wife could go before the King without being summoned

to do so. (Esther 4:11) 2. Esther had not been summoned for 30 days.

(Esther 4:11)

Notice Esther did what many of us still do today when God calls us to do something that makes us

feel a little ‘uncomfortable’...she MADE EXCUSES. (Esther 4:11) But just like God does to us

sometimes, Mordecai did to Esther in our text for today.....he told her to do it anyway.....for, "who

knows if perhaps you were made queen for such a time as this!" (Esther 4:14) I say to you the same

thing my friend, who knows if perhaps YOU were called for such a time as this!

From the story of Esther, here are a few notes that

we can take: 1. The great work that Esther was called to do would

cause her to identify who she really was. (A Jew called by God to set the captives free)

2. This great work that Esther was called to do was going to cause her to step outside of her comfort

zone. (Going before the King even though she was not summoned)

3. This great work that Esther was called to do could have possibly cost her everything.....even her life.

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If You Remain Silent (Continued)

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Restoring a Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014

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"Go," He said. And so she went.���"Speak," the Lord whispered���.......and she did.

It’s 8am, you’re running late and you don’t have time to sit and read a post? Well, don’t

panic…starting in June; News You Can Use Podcasts will be available. The Podcasts will feature

a song of the month, prayer, and an encouraging message! Thank you for all of your support these past two years! I am excited about what God has

done, is doing, and will do! ~Raven

What’s Next?

Page 7: NYCU Newsletter 15

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014


Book of the Month:

Be Anxious For Nothing By: Joyce


Song of the Month:

Yield My Heart By: Kim

Walker Smith

Joke of the Month:

This is


Scripture Memory Challenge Verse 5

"Study God and his strength, seek his presence day and

night." 1 Chronicles 16:11 MSG

Scripture Memory Challenge Verse 6

"Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy;

no shadow of shame will darken their faces."

Psalm 34:5 NLT

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations Issue #15, May 21, 2014