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The Price of The Price of Peace Peace flections on what happened in Hiroshima flections on what happened in Hiroshima

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Post on 29-May-2015




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Page 1: O Preço da paz

The Price of The Price of PeacePeaceReflections on what happened in HiroshimaReflections on what happened in Hiroshima

Page 2: O Preço da paz

The price of peace was a city’s destruction, countless deaths of strong youths on the battle field and the dark memories on the people of the nation.

~ Haichen

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Wars just destroy human civilization as well as economy. Sciences and technology are developing but weapons should only be used to protect peace, not the other way around.

~ Kurt

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After the war, nothing is left except the ruins everywhere.After the war, nothing lasts but the sufferings of countless refugees.

~ Eric

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The world will never have lasting peace as long as men make wars. Just as someone said, “You can murder a murderer, but you cannot murder the murder,” wars can only lead us to a world without peace.

~ Zoe

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This is the price of peace, which seems a bit too high. So many innocent people were gone forever within seconds. Those were human lives which were no more different from you and me.

~ Ashley

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If we had suffered so much from war before we can get peace again, why should we start a war? Peace can be very easy to keep, but can also be very difficult to regain. Don’t start a war.

~ Robert

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Temporary peace has been pushed onto the stage by the power of the atomic bombs although the misery in the two cities has just begun.

~ Wendy

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War does nothing but destroys people’s lives. The invention of weapons of mass destruction is a curse. I hope that a war will never happen and weapons of mass destruction will never be used again.

~ Hazel

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The price of peace is the pain that the people suffered in the war and the pain left to the people after the war.

~ Peter

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At the moment I saw the ruins after the bomb, I forgot the evil the Japanese had done to us. I suddenly became aware that common people are not responsible for wars and invasions.

~ Cass

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Wars can never have a win-win ending. ~ Vivian

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WMD are very dangerous to people all over the world. They threaten the world's security. We should try our best to stop the use of WMD.

~ Apple

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We got peace at last by the death of millions of people. ~ Crystal

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I advocate a world of peace. Although we cannot forget the huge hurt the Japanese had done to us, we can have a grateful heart to face this issue.

~ Betty

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