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Section A - Council of Europe Human Rights Main Instruments(Including Rights of Minorities)

Section B - Council of Europe Instruments relating to the Protection of ParticularCroups (Children'S' Right, Protection of Victims, Rights of Refugees)

Section C - Council of Europe Instruments concerning Specific Issues(Biomedicine, Data Protection, Terrorism)

Section J) - European Community / European Union InstrumentsSection E - CSCE / OSCE related Instruments


Section A - Main International Human Rights Conventions and ProtocolsSection B - Other United Nations Human Rights and related ConventionsSection C - Conventions of the International Labour OrganisationSection D - Conventions of the United Nations Educa tional, Scientific and

Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)Section E - Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International LawSection F - Geneva Conventions and other Treaties on International

Humanitarian Law




3. Optional Protocol to ICCI'I{, concerning individual petition, 1966Ratification: IS April 1992 - Law No. 17(111)11992

Objection by Cyprus dated 26 November 2()03, with regard to the declaration made byTurkey UpOIl ratification:

..... the Government ofthe Republic IJ/C)'Il/·uS has examined the declarution Illude by theGovernment ofthe Republic oflurkcv /0 the international Covenant Oil Civil and PoliticalRighls (NeH' York, In December N66) 01/ 23 September 2()()J, in respect oftlu­implcmcntution ofthe provisions ofthe Convention only to the Statc:»Puriles which itrecognizes and with which it has diplomatic relations.

In the vie\V ofthe Gu)'emI11L'1I1ofth« Republic ofCyprus, this declaration ({IIIUUlltsto areservation. This reservation creates uncertainty as to the Stull'S Parties in respect ofwhichTurkey (II' undertaking the obligations in the Covenant, and raises dUI//J1 (IS to th« commiuncntoj Turkey to the object and purpose ofthe said Covenant. The Government ofth« Republic ojCyprus therefore objects 10 the reservation made by the Government of the Republic oj Turkey10 tlu: International Covenant Oil Civil and Political Rivh!».

TIns reservation or the objection to II shalf not preclude the entry intoforce ofthe('O)'C'l1Il11tbetween the Republic ofCvprus and the Republic ofTurkey. "

2. International Covenant Oil Civil anti Political Rights (ICCPR), 1966Ratification: 2 April 1969 Law No. 14/1969

Objection duted 26 November 20tH with regard to the declarations IIIl1deby Turkey UpOIIratification:

..... the Government ofth« Republic ofCyprus wishes to express its objection with respect tothe declarations entered by the Republic afTurkey UpOI1 ratification Oil 23 September 2()()J, ojthe lnternationul Covenant Oil Economic, Social 0/1(1 Cultural Rights, Nell' York 16 December11)66.

The Government ofthe Republic ofCyprus considers that the declaration relating to theimplementation ofth« provisions ofthe CO)'CI1{lIltonlv to the States with which the Republic ojturkey has diplomatic relations, and the declaration that the Convention is "ratifiedcvclusivcly with regard to the national territory where the Constitution and the legal andadministrative order ofthe Republic ofTurkey lire applic«!" (1111011111 to reservations. Thesercscrvntions create uncertainty as 10 the States Parties in respect ofwhich Turkey isIInderlukillg the obligations in the Covenant, and raise doubt 11.1'10 the commitment ofTurkevto the object and purpose ofthe said Covenant.

The Government of the Republic ofCyprus objects 10 the said reservations entered hy theRepublic 0/ Turkey and states that these reservations or the objection to them shall 1/01preclude the entrv intoforce otthe Covenant between the Republic. o(()'prus and theHe/Jllhlle oj Turkey. ..

I. International Covenant Oil Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 1966Ratification: 2 April 1969 - Law No. 14/1969

A.1 Cyprus is a Party to the following Conventions.Information on Reservations and Declarations are provided where applied:

Section A - Main International Human Rights Conventions and Protocols



6.1 Amendment to article 20, paragraph 1 of CEDA W, 1995Not yet in forceAcceptance: 30 July 2002

Reservation in respect of Article 9(2) ofthe Convention:On 28 June 2()()O, the Government ofCypr«: informed the Secretary-General that it haddecided 10 withdraw its reservation 10 article <)(2) Illude upon accession. The text ofthereservation reads asfollows."The Government ofthe Republic o/()PI"lIS wishes to enter (/ reservation concerning thegranting to women OJ"C(IIIII! rights with men with respect to the nationality of their children,mentioned in article <),paragraph 2 ofthe COlll'OIIIOfl. This reservation is to be withdrawnupon amendment ofthe relevant 1(/1\'...

6. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Womcu(CEDA W), 1979Accession: 23 July 1985 - Law No. 7811l)S5

5.1 Amendment to article II of ICEH.D, I(}92Not yet in forceAcceptance: 28 September 1(1)g - Law No 6(111)/1995

Objection dated 5August 20{)J with regard to the reservation made by Turkey uponratification:..... the Government ofthe Republic oj'C)'/11'11.1' has examined the declaration made by the(/OVCI'/lIIICllt ofthe Republic ofTurkcv to the international Convention 011the Elimination UII

all Forms ofRacial Discrimination (New York, 7March j<)(J6) Oil 16 September 2()()2 inrespect ofthe implementation ofth« provisions ofth« Convention only to the States Partieswith which it has diplomatic relations.In the I'iew ofthe Government ofth« Rcpub!!« oj'(l'I)/·II.I·.this declaration (1/110/1111.1' to {/reservation. This reservation creates uncertainty as 10 the States Parties in respect ofwhicl,Turkey is undertaking the obligations in the Convention. The Government ofthe Republic oj"Cyprns therefore objects 10 the rescrvation nuidc hy the Government ofIhc Republic 0/Turkey. This reservation or the objection to it shall not preclude the entry intoforce oftheconvention between the Republic (lj'( 'yprus and the Republic ofTurkcy"

Declaration under Article /4(/) recognizing lite competence of lite Committee on theL..."limination of Rucial Discriminution:"The Republic oj"C)'IJrU.I·recognizes the competence ofthe Committee on the Elimination 0/Racial Discrimination established under article 1-/(I) o/Ilhc Conventionl to receive andconsider communicationsfrom the individuals or groups ofindividuals within itsjurisdictionclaiming to be victims ofa violation by the Republic ofCyprus ofany ofthe rights setforth inthis Convention. "

5. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination(ICERD), 1965Ratification: 21 April 1967 - Law Nos. 1211967, 1111992 and 28(111)11999

Declaration:On 20 June 2003, the Government ofCyprus informed the Secretary-General that it haddecided to withdraw its reservation made IIpon accession to the Optional Protocol. TheReservation reads asfollows:..... The Republic ofCyprus in accordance with article 2.1 ofthe f...j Protocol reserves theright to apply the Death Penalty in time ofwar 1)111'.1' II(//1t to a conviction ofa most seriouscrime ofa military nature committed dllung wartime ...

4. Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR, concerning the abolition of the death penalty, 1989Accession: 10 September 1999 - Law Nos. 12(111)/1999 and IO(IIJ)/2003


UPOII ratification of the Optional Protocol, Oil 6 April 2006, the GOl'I'TII/IIelll of ()PTII.I·stated the following: "The Government ofthe Republic ofCyprus wishes 10 reiterate itsobjection u/121h August 2()OJ, with regard to the declaration made Ily Turkey uponratification. "Till' objection reads asfollows:"...The Government ofthe Republic' 0/(\'/)1"11.1' has examined the declaration made hy tlu:Government ofthe Republic ofTurkey IIpOI1 mll/j'ing the Optional Protocol to tlu: C 'onvcntion0/1 the Righ;« ofthe Child on the sale ofchildren, child prostitution and child pornography Uti

II) AlIgllsI2()()2, in respect ofthe implementation ofthe provisions ofthe Convention only Inthe States Parties which it recognizes and with which it has diplomatic relations.In the view ofthe Government ofthe Republic of: )PI"IIS, this declaration amounts II!(/reservation. This reservation creates uncertainty as 10 the States Parties ill respect ofwhichTurkey IS undertaking the obligations in the Convention and raises doub! as 10 thecomnntmcnt ofTurkey 10 the object aru!purpose ofthe said Optional Protocol. TheCiovcrnmcru ofthe Republic o/CVPI"IIStherefore objects 10 the reservation made hy tlu:Government ofthe Republic ofTurkey 10 the Oillionol Protocol to tlu: Convention ofth«Rights ofthe Child on the sule ofchildren, child prostitution OI/(l child flo/"l1ogmphyThis reservation or the objection 10 it shall not preclude the entry intoforce ofthe Conventionbetween the Republic 0/('\'/)1"11.1' IIlId the Republic ofTnrkcy. "

II. Optional Protocol to thc CH.e on thc salc of children, child prostitution and childpornography, 2000Ratification: 6 April 2006 - Law No. 6(11l)/200(J

11).1 Amcndmcnt to Article 43(2) of CRe, 1995Acceptance: 20 September 2()0 I

III. Conventiun un the Rights of the Child (CH.C). 1989Rati ficarion: 7 February 1991 - Law Nos. 243/1990 and 5(111)12000

9. Optional Protocol to CAT, concerning regular visits by national and intcrnationalinstitutions to places of detention, 211112Ratification: 29 April 2009 - Law No. 2(111)/2009

8.1 Amendments to Articles 17(7) and 18(5) of CAT, 1992Not yet in forceAcceptance: 22 February 1994 - Law Nos. 35(111)/I993 and No. 36(111)/2002

Declaration recognizing the competence ofthe Committee against Torture, III1t1erArticles21 IIlId 22 ofthe Convention (10 receive IIlId consider communications by one state partyagainst another or presentedfront or Oil behalfofindividuals, dated 8April 1993:"The Republic o/C)'PrIIS recognizes the competence ofthe Committee established 1111111'1'article 17 ofthe Convention [. ..j:1. 10 receive and consider comnutnicationsto the effect that a SI(/Ie Party claims 11/(/1 anotherState Party is notfulfilling its obligation» underthe Convention (uri ide 21), and11. In receive and consider conununicationsfrom or 011 behalfofindividuals subject to itsjurisdiction who claim to he victims ofa violation hi' a state Party ofthe provisions oftheConvention (article 22) ...

8. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment orPunishment (CAT), 1984Ratification: IS July 1991 - Law Nos. 235/1990, No. 35(111)/1993 and 36(111)/2002

7. Optional Protocol to CEDA W, concerning individual complaints and inquiryprocedures, 1999Ratification: 26 April 2002 - Law No. 1{l11)/2002


Objection (Originul. English)."The Government uf Ihe Repuhlic oj" (:)'pms hus exumilled Ihe dec/amtioll //lucIe hy IheCOl'cm/l/elll o/Ihe Repllhfic ()j i'/(/"key 10 the UeliulI({1 Proloc()1 10 Ihe COIll'l'Illioll Oil IheRighls 0/ the Child Of] Ihe Inl'o/l'('//IC/ll oj" Children in Ar/l1ed Con/liel, New York, 25 t.ICly200(), Oil -I ivlay 20{)-I, III re,\jJeCl oj Ihe implemelllulion oj Ihe provisions (i/lhe Opliollal/'rulocol (111)' 10 the Stales Purties lI'hich il rec'oglli::es und lVith which il has diplomulicrelations.In Ihe vie\l' (}j" Ihe Cilll'e/"/l/l/CIII oj Ihc Rc!}//blic oj ()'/)I"IIS, IllIs i/ec/uralioll (//11011111.1'10 (/

r£'sel"l'({lioll. TIns reservaliull crcull'.\" III1('eI10illl), a,\"10 Ihe Slates /'urlie.\' in respect o/Ivl/leliJilrkey is IIl1derlaking tlie ohl(;;ull(}I/.\' ill Ihe Protocol ulld l"Ulses dOllht liS 10 the cO/llmillllenlul Turkc_v 10 Ihe oil/ccI and p/lrpose ojlhe ('olll'cn/ion Oil Ihe Rights oflhc Child lind ojlhe.IWeI Prolocul. '1hc Gove/"/llllcni oj"lhe HeplIhlic u/C)'prlls Ihaeji)/"e objects 10 the re.l'(,/"l'iI/iu/1

The jill/owing objection 10 th« dcclanuion nuulv hy Turkcv UpOIl raufication \t'1I'\" mad« hyC)'prus II!JOIIsignaillre a//(I cOllfin//ed IIIJOIIl"ull/leullO/I.

The above understanding is all the more IIL'CCSSW)' under the circumstances f!/"('l'wlm:s/I0\ vadavs in the Republic o/C)'PI"II.\' as a result ofthe continued i//cgul military occupution oj37% ofits national tcrritorv hy aforeig» State, Purl)' 10 the Optional Protocol.

Declaration (Original: English}:Pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2, ofthe Optiona! Protocol 10 the Convention Oil the Rightsofthe Child on the involvement 11/Children in Armed Conflict. done at New York on 25 May2()()O, the Republic ofCyprns declares:

I. The National Guard l.aw No.2() 0/196-1, £1.1' variouslv UlIIem led, IIIUS! recently in ]()06,hereinafter "The National Guard l.aw ", provides that the obligation 10 militaryservice, in limes ofpeace, hegins Oil 1 January ofthe year the citizen becomes 18 yccu»old. Although military service is conipulsoryfor ill! Cypriot citizens, IVO/llen and somecategories ofmales (e.g. clergymen) are exemptedfrom military service in times 0/peace.

2. The National Guard Lilli' also provides for the voluntary enlistment 0/ citizens under18 years ofage who have attained the age 0/17 hy 1171' date oftheir recruitment in thearmed forces. The ucccptuncv 0/ volunteers 10 Military Service requires specialauthorization from th« Minister o] /),:/L'I/.I'C Volunteers IIIlist have recent writtenconsentfrom their parents or legal guardians.

3. The recruitment, Oil a voluntary basis, by the armedforces ill the minimum age u/17years shall continue II) he permitted under the conditions and with the safeguardsprovided in Article 3, 1){/I'ugralJh 3, ofthe Optional Protocol.

-I. Pl'O%lage prior to recruitment is presented through the application ofSection -IA 0/the National Guard Law providingjcn tnandatorv registration [or all citizens with theappropriate authorities ill th« District oj" their normal residence OIlCCthey reach theage ojl6. Section ·IA oftlu: Law specifies that the data IIII/S( he submitted in a written[onn and include, amons; others, del ails Oil the plac« and dale 0/ birth. II is apunishable offence 10SIl!J/III( erroneous data at the lillie ojl"cgislra(ioll .

.5 The Republic ot' Cyprus understands that Artic!« 1 ofthe Uptionct! Protocol would 110/

prevent members otits annc.Iforc«: 10 he dC!Jlo)'ei/ where:a. there is a gcnuin: military need 1(1deploy their unit to WI area ill which hostilities arc

laking place. (/1/(1

h. By reason ofthe nature and III"gCIICl'ofthe situation.(I) il is 1101practicable to \I'U//(//'(/\I' such persons before depl oyment, or(ii) 10 do so woukt undermine th« operational effectiveness oftheir unit, (///(I

thcrcbvpnt (/1 risk the successful conduct ofthe mil itarv mission and orthe su/cly oiother personnel.

12. Optional Protocol to the eRe on the involvement of children in armed conflict, 2000Ratification: 2 July 2010 - Law No. 9(111)/2010

6, Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967Accession: 9 July I96X - Law No. 73/196X

Declaration other tltan those IIIl1de II II tier Section /J article I:With confirmation ofthe reservations made by the Government ofthe United Killgdolll IIpO/luppliccnion ofthe Convention (0 the territory oj ()IPI'II.1'

.5. Convcntion rclating to thc Status of Refugees, 19.51Confirmation of succession: 16 May 1963

4. Convcntion 1'0.' the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of thc Exploitation of theProstitution of Others, 19511Accession: 5 October 198] - Law No. 571l9X]

3. Supplementary Convcntion on thc Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutionsand Practices Similar to Slavery, 19.56Confirmation of succession: 11 May 1962

2. Slavery Convention, signed at Gcncva on 2.5 September 1926 and amcndcd hy thcProtocol, 19.53Confirmation of succession: 21 April 19X6

Oil 18 111ay 1998 tile Government ofCyprus notified tile Secretary-General ofthefollowing:"TI/(' Government ofth« Republic ojC)IPI'IIS has taken note ofthe reservations IIIlIde bva1I11111herofcountries when acceding to the [Convention] and wishes to stat« !f1U1 ill its viewthese II/'e not the kind ofreservations which intending parties 10 the COlII'CllliOI1 have the rightto make. Accordingly, the Government oftlu: Republic ofCyprtts does 1101accept (/1/.1'

/,C,\'CI'l'lIliOI1Sentered by WI)' (JovemI/JCII( with rcgard 10UIIYofthe Articles ofth«('Ul1vc)J(/()/I. "

l. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of thc Crime of Gcnoddc, 1948Accession: 29 March 19X2 - Law Nos, 591l9XO and 26(111)/2011

B.l Cyprus is a Party to the following Conventions. Information on Reservationsand Declarations are provided where applied:

Section B - Other United Nations Human Rights and related Conventions

International Convention on the Protcctiun of the Rights of All Migrant Workers andMembers ofThcir Families (ICMW), 1990

1\.2 Cyprus is not a Party to the following Convention.

made hv the Government ofthe Republic ofTurkey to the Optional Protocol 10 the Conventionon the Rights ofth« Child 011 the lnvolvcmcnt ofChildren ill Armed Conflict.TIlls reservation or the objection to it shall not preclude the entry intoforce ofth« ConventionOil the Rights ofthe Child or the future entry into force ofth« SUI£! Protocol between theRepublic ofCyprus and the Republic ofTurkey. "The Protocol entered intoforcefor ("III'IIS Oil 2 //lIgll.l'1 20]0 in accordance with its article ]1)(2) which reads asfollows"For each Stale ratifying the present Protocol or acceding 10 il after its entry iuto iorce, thepresent Protocol shall enter into force one month after the dale oftln: deposit ofit» OW/I

instrument ofratification or accession. "


2. Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, 11)6I

1. Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 195.t

B.2 Cyprus is not a Party to the following Conventions:

lnstrument with II Dec/aratio II of competence by tile EC (Mixed)

II. Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and TraflirJ,~ing in Firearms, Their Partsand Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Conventionagainst Transnational Organised Crime, 20(HRatification: (J August 2003 - Law No. 11(111)/2003

Instrument with II Declaration ofcompetence by the EC (Mixed)

10. Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants hy Land, Sea and Air, supplementing theUnited Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, 20()ORatification: (JAugust 2003 - Law No. 11(111)/2003

Instrument with II Declarution of competence by the He (Mixed)

9. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafflcking in Persons, Especially Women andChildren, supplementing the United Nations Convention against TransnationalOrganised Crime, 2000Ratification: 6 August 200J - Law No. 11(111)!2()OJ

Instrument with II Declaration I!l competence by the EC (1\1ixed)

8. United Nations Convcntion against Transnational Organised Crime (lJNTOC), 2()()ORatification: 22 April 2003 - Law No. 11(111)/2003

nIL' Amendments will enter intoforcefor ( 'yprus OJ] 25 September 2{) 14

7.2 Amendments on the Crime of Aggression to the Rome Statute of the InternationalCriminal Court, II .June 20WRatification: 25 September 2013 - Law No. 13(111)/20IJ

The AIIIendmc 11/ will enter intoforcefor Cyprus on 2 5 September 1014

7, I Amendment to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,2010Rati fication: 25 September 2013 - Law No. Il( 111)/20 I J

Notifications made under article 87, paragraphs / and 2:"I. Pursuant to article 87 (I) ofthe Rome Statut« ofthe International [Criminal] Court, theRepublic ofCyprus dec/ares that requestsfrom the Court may a/so be transmitted directly tothe Ministry ofJustice and Public Order.2. Pursuant to article 87 (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, theRepublic O/(I,/JI"lIS dec/ares that rcqucstsfnnn the Courtfor cooperation and any documentssupporting them shall he trunsmincd a/so ill Fnglish, which is one of/he working I(/nguages ofthe Courl."

7. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998Ratification: 7 March 2002 - Law Nos. 8(111)/2002 and 2J(III)/200(J


10. Convcntion concerning Weekly Rest in Commerce and Offices, 1957 (ILO 11)6)Ratification: 20 December 1966 - Law No. 72/1966

9. Convcntion concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour, 1957 (11,0105)Ratification: 23 September 1960

()'PI"IIS has accepted Parts III, IV, VI, IX lind X. Part IV is no longer applicabl« as a res lilt ojth« rut fication ofConvention ILO 121. Bv ,'atl/..i'ing IU) CONvention No 128 ani! !J III"S1111lit toArticle ./5 ofthat Convention Part X ofth« Convention is no longer anplicabl«

8. Convcntion concerning Minimum Standards of Social Security, 1952 (11,0 1()2)Ratilication: 3 September 1991 - Law No. 158/1()91

7. Convention concerning Equal Rcmuncration for Mcn and Womcn Workers for Work ofEqual Valuc, 1951 (ILO 1(0)Ratification: 19 November 1987 - Law No. 21311987

6. Convcntion concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and toBargain Collectively, 1949, as modified by thc Final Articles Revision Convcntion, 1961(ILO (8)Ratification: 24 May 1966 - Law No. 1811966

Excluding provisions of Annexes I to III

5. Conventiou concerning thc Migration for Employment (Revised 1(49), 1949(ItO 97)Ratification: 23 September 1960

4. Convcntion concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of thc Right to Organise,1948 (11,0 87)Rutification: 24 May 1966 - Law No. 1711966

3. Protocol to the Convention (ILO 81) concerning Labour Inspection in Industry,1995Rati fication: 21 January 2000 - Law No. 30(111)11999

2. Convcntion concerning Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce, 1947(ILO 81)Ratification: 23 September 1960 - Law No. 31 (111)/1999

I. Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, 1930, as modified by the FinalArticles Revision Convention 1946 (I LO 29)Ratification: 23 September 1')60

C.l Cyprus is a Party to the following ILO Conventions:

Section C - Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)

8. l ndcgcnous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries Convention, 19SI)(11.0 169)

7. Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment for Men and Women Worl{crs: Workerswith Family Responsibilities Convcntion, 19S1 (11,0 IS6)

6. Holidays with Pay Convention, (Revised), 1970 (11,0 132)

S. Minimum Wagc-Fixing Couvcution, 1%9 (11,0 131)

4. Lnbour Inspectiou (Agricultul'c) Convcntion, 1(1) (11,0129)

3. Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convcntion (ILO lIS)

2. Migration for Employment Rccommcudatiou, 1949 (11,086)

I. Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (11.0 14)

C.2 Cyprus is not a Party to the following ILO Conventions:

19. Migrant Workers Recouunendntiuu, 1975 (11,0 I{ISI)Incorporated in Cyprus Legislation since 1977

18. Convcntion concerning thc Revision (If the Matcl'llity Protection Convention (Revised),2000 (11.0183)Rati fication: 12 January 2005 - Law No. 54(111)/2004

17. Convention concerning thc Prohibition and Immcdiatc Action for the Elimination of theWorst Forms of Child Labour 1999, (I LO 182)Ratification: 27 November 2000 - Law No. 31 (111)/2000

16. Convention conccrning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment,1981 (lLO 155)Ratification: 16 January 1989 - Law No. 242/1988

15. Convention concerning Protection of thc Right to Organise and Procedures forDetermining Conditions of Employmcnt in thc Public Service, 1978 (I LO 151)Rati fication: 6 July 1981 - Law No. 6511980

14. Convention concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equalityof Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers, 1975 (ILO 143)Ratification: 28 June 1977 - Law No. 3611977

Minimum age specified: 15years

13. Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employmcnt, 1973(11,0 138)Ratification: 2 October 1997 - Law No. 17(111)11997

12. Convention concerning Employment Policy, 1964 (ILO 122)Ratification: 28 July 1966 - Law No. 39/1966

II. Convention concerning the Discrimination in Employment and Occupation, 1958 (ILOIII)Ratification: 2 February 1968 - Law No. 311968


[ March I C)1)5I March I C)1)5I Fcbruurv /1)1)5I IlpI"I1 11)1)5I AILlY 11)1)5I June I (N5

711<'Kingdom ofthe Netherlands (fill" the Kingdolll in Europe)the United States ofAmericathe United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern IrelandIAlxem!JI)l/rgGenu.Illy1\1//(111/11

In accordance with article 38, pa/'agr(//III ./, accession wil! have ef/ee! only us /'egilldl" therelation» between an acceding Stille and such Contracting Stales as will have declared theira("('('/II(//ICe ofth: accession. EIII/')' into force !JL'lII·'('C/1 Cyprus lind:

2. COIIVl'lItiOIl on thc Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague XXVIII), 19110Accession: 4 November 1994 - Law No. 11([11)119<)4

Reservation: " ... the Government ofthe Republic' 0/ ()'PI"llS reserves tlu: rigill under pura (I)ofArticl« II) to refuse /0 recognize II divorce or legal separation between two SI)Olises who, atthe lillie ofthe divorce or legal separation, II'(,/'C both citizens oftlu: Republic ofCyprus and o]110 (l11I('/"Siale and II law other than that indicated by the rules ofI'riva!« tntcrnational 1.1111'

ohluining in ()'I'I"lI.I' IVas applied, unless the result reached is the sante as that which 11'(1/Ih1

have been reached hy upplying th« law indicatcc! by those rules. "

,<,'11-edc 11 23 September 11)83Switzcrlanc! 1-1November 11)83l-inlanc! 3() January II)/')-I1I1IIy 2-1 Allgl/st 1980N()/")I'lI), 10 December 11)86rlll"CIII/Jollrg 26 May 11)1)II'o/"tllgul 1-1October NI) I:11/.1'1ralia 25 .lanuarv NI) 3Polanc! /., .lanuarv /1)1)7The United Kincdtnn oj Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also illrespect ofthe Bailiwick oj Jersey, the Bailiwick ofGucrnsc», theIsle ofMnn; Bernuida 0/1(1 Ciibrultar 25 May /1)1)7China, Peoplc« Repllhlic o/Cji)r//ong Kong) 25 May 11)1)7

3 111uy I V?!321 May 19836 A ugust 19836 !ll/gl/st 1983

The accession 11'/1/ have effect only us regords the relations between the acceding State OI/(lsuch Contracting States a» will have declured the acceptance ofthe accession.Entry intoforce between Cyprus and:The Kingdon; ofthe Netherlands (for the Kingdon: ill Europe)DenmarkCzcc]) RepublicSlovakia

Declaration :

I. Convention on the Recognition of Divorces and Lcgal Separations (Hague XVIII), 1970Accession: 13 January 1983 - Law No. 63/1982

E.l Cyprus is a Party to the following Conventions:

Section E - Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

Convcntion against Discrimination in Education, 1960Acceptance: 9 June 1970 - Law No. 18/ I<)70

Section D - Conventions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganisation (UNESCO)


/ September 20()3I November 2003I ApriI20{)-II April 2(}O-lI AWiI2{)()-I/ April 2011-1I /lpnI2(){)-I/ ApriI211()-I/ April 2011-/I April 21111-1/ ApriI20{)-II ApriI2{)()-I/ April 20{).jI April 2(J()-II AII/'il 2(){1-II //priI2{)(),// April 2()O-l/ ApriI2()(}-II July 200-1I September 2()()-II November 200-1I February 2()()5I JIIl_y 20()5I July 2()()5I July 2(}()5I July 2(}()5I July 2(}()5I July 2{)()5I July 2{)()5I July }O()5

I October 1995I October 1995I November 1995I November 1995I December 1995/ January /91)(5/ May /996/ August 1996/ August /996/ December 1996/ August /996/ January /997I Januarv /997/ JUl/lIi11Y /997/ April 1997/ April /997/ May 1997/ May /997/ June /997I September 1997I October 1997I January 1998I A ugust 1998/ February 2(}() II January 2()()2I A/arch 20()2/ May 2{)(}3

SwedenFranceAustraliaNell' Z('(lI(I//(1MexicoIsraelChileColombiaZimbabweArgentinaGreeceIrelandNorwayPolandHungaryItalySwitzerku I( 1FinlandSpainVenezuelaDenmarkCanadaCzech RepublicSlovak RepublicPortugalII list riaBelgiumChina, People '.I' Republic o](For {/1L' Special Administrative Rcgion ofMucao onlv)SerbiaSout h AfricaBelaruslsrazilCostu RicaEI SalvadorI"iiiGeorgiaIcc/andMaltaMO/dOl'CI, Republic ofNicaraguaParaguayTrinidad and TohagoTurkmenistanI JruguuyUzbekistanBelizeSloveniaRomaniaCroatianillgariaEstoniaGuatemalaLithuaniaLatviaPeruThailandSri Lanka


DeclurutionsI. ( ..J in accordance with Article 13 ofthe Convention, the Republic ulC)'Prus dcsignutcs theMinistry ofLabour and Social insurance as the Central Authority to discharge 111/ duties andresponsibilities imposed by the Convention. ltfurthermore accredits the Director oith«Dcpcntment ofSocio! Welfare Servici:» as the competent authority to act as sllccilicd ill tlu:Convention including the certification required by Article 23.2. The Ministry 0/ Labour and Socia! Insurance will act as the sole u,'.!,elllli)l'th«implementation ofthe Convention and itsfunctions will include ([II aspects ofintercountry.uloption us provided by the Convention3. Specifically, thefunctions ofthe aforesaid competent authority include thcfoll owinv,(i) To I)/'(} vide cure and protection 10 chil drc». The Department ofSocial WellurL' .','en'IL'C,1 ISthe officia! agency ofthe Ministry responsiblefor children's welfare and protection.(ii) To take all measures necessaryfor tlu: implementation 0/1"" UN Convention Oil the Righlsotthe Child which wus ratified by the RL'I}/(/JlicofCyprns.

-to Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of IntercountryAdoption (Hague XXXIII), 1993Ratification: 20 February 1995 - Law No, 26(111)11994

,·1u r hority.I. Republic ofCyprus dec/ares that the competent u/ll/wril)' des/gnuled in accordance withthe provisions ofthe Convention is.'The Ministry ofJustice and Public OrderPostal Address.' 125, Athalassa /II-en/le, Nicosia, CI'j)I'IISTel. No .. I 357228059111';Ix No. U57225183562. The Rcpubl«: ofCyprus declares that the documents sent to its Cc)/I/'(/IAuthontv inav hcd),(/1I'11lip or translated in Greek [Article 2,1)

Ileservations:I. The Republic ofCyprus reserves the right to exclude the application ofparagraph 2 of'Article 13 (IS regards the grant ollegal aid without examination ofthe circumstances ofth«IJerSOIlseeking endorsement or recognition u/ujlldglllenl2. The Republic ofCyprus reserves the right to cxcltulc the application ofChupter /I usregardsthe non-requirementfor securityfor costsfor persons who are habituallv resident in aCOlllrucling St ate and who fire plaintiff» or parties in proceedings in another ContructingState.

3. Convention on International Access to Justice (Hague XXIX), 1980Accession: 27 July 2000 - Law No. 4(111)/2000

357-22-161-127"Fax No.

"In accordance with Article 6, first paragraph, Cyprus has designated £IS the CentralAuthority:The Minister ofJustice and Public OrderAddress 12 Hclioupoleos Street

Nicosia, Cyprusr-t. No. 357-22302127

I A ugust 2005I February 2007I February 20mI July 2()()7I December 2()07I October 2010I October 2010I October 20 I ()I OUohL'J' 20/()

BahamasUkrainel IotulurasMonacoSail MarinoIIIbantaA rnicntaMoroccoSevchclles


Declarations / Reservations IIIl1de 011 24 March 20/ IArticles 23, 26 and 52 ofthe Convention allow Contracting Parties a degree offlexibility inorder /0 lIpply a simpl« and rapid regimefor the recognition and enforcement of/lli/glllL'll/s.The ('OIl1I11/1l1i/yrules providefor II svstem ofrecognition and enforcement which is at least as[avourable as the rules laid down ill th« Convention. Accordingly, aj/l(~!',IIICIIIgiven in a courtula MClllhcr Siale u/lhe /~U/,()!)CllllUllioll, ill respecl o/ulllu/ier relaling 10 Ihe CUll veil Ii011,

Declarations / Reservations made Oil 2/ 1,,/.1'20/ ()1'1/1'.1'1/(1/1/ /0 Article ,15,{iuragn/!Jh 2, ofthe Convention (...), the Republic ofCyprus declaresthat requests [under] Article 3-1,paragraph I, shall be communicated /0 its authorities onlythrough its Central Authority.Pursuant /0 Article 60, paragraph l , ofthe Convention, the Republic (Jj'()'PI'IIS makes (/reservation providedfor in Article 5-1,that lilly communication sent 10 the Central Authority ojthe Republic ofCyprus .1'17111/ he in the original lungllagc and shall be accompanied by atranslation into EnglishI'III'Sl/lIlI/ 10 Article 60, paragraph I, ofthe Convention (...), the Republic ofCyprus reservesthejurisdiction ofits authorities /0 take IIICl/SllrC.l' directed to the protection ofproperty ofachild situated Oil its territory and reserves the right IlO/ /0 recognize any parentalresponsibility or /J/C{/S1Ire ill so far as it is incompatible with any 1II(,(/SllrCtaken by itsauthorities in relation 10 that property, cts it is provided in paragraph I ofArticle 55 ofthe( 'onvention.

S. Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co­operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection ofChildren (llaguc XXXIV), 1(1)6Ratification: 21 July 2010 - Law No, 24(111)/2004

Central Authority (Art, /3) 111/11Competent Authority (Art. 23):Ministry ol Labour and Social InsuranceDirector ofthe Social Wclfar« ServicesProdromou 63, Strovolo»1-168NIC()5,'IACyprusNIIIII(;ro de telephone/Telephone 1I111/1/Ja' (1357) 22 '/(}()()02NI/II/ero de tclccopie/Telcfax number. (+357) 22 M7 f.}07Courriel/e-mail: central. ,1'11'.1'1atsws.mlsi. go\'. Cl'

lnternet ht IP/111'1vw.mls i.go)'. ('vi

(iii) To take all measures necessaryfor the implementation ofthe Convention on Protection ofChildren and Co-operation in Respect oflntercountry Adoption, (/1.1'0 ratified by the RepublicofCyprus.(iv) To provide administrative and supportive services necessary /0 implement all lull's andconventions relating to children's rights,(v) To provide care (//1(1protection 10 childrcn ill ncci] through a Fosler Care Scheme andthrough Institutional and Guidance Services.(vi) To provide programmes and servicesfor the prevention and the treatment ofdelinquentbehavious ofchildren.(vii) To provide servicesfor the prevention and treatment ofchild abuse, violence and neglectof children.(viii) To provide in co-operation with other authorities day care services /0 children o]working parents and to regulate the standards ofsuch services runned by individuals or theCOJ11m/Inil ies.(ix) To regulate the adoption ofchildren.(x) To provide consul/a/ion services on parental care.(xi) To initiate research programme,I' 011 children.(xii) To provide and promote training ill 01/ aspects concerning child care.(xiii) To promote international co-operation Oil children matters and on ill/('f'COIIII/IYadoption. tr


L Gencva Convention for thc Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded and Sick inArmed Forces in thc Field (First Gencva Convention), 19...9

Cyprus is a Party to the following Conventions:

Section F - Geneva Conventions and other Treaties on International HumanitarianLaw

9. Convcntion on the Law Applicable to Succession to thc Estates of Deceased Persons,1989

8. Convcntion on Cclehration and Rccognirion of thc Validity of MalTiages, 1978

7. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions rclating to MaintenanceOhligations, 1973

6. Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations, 1973

5. Convcntion on .lu risdiction, Applicahlc Law anti Recognition of Decrees rclating toAdoptions, 1965

.... Convcntion concerning the POWCI'S of /\lIthoritics and thc Law Applicable in respect ofthc Protection of Infants, 1961

3. Convcntion concerning the Rccognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating toMuintcnance Obligations towards Children, 1958

2. Convention on the Law applicable to Maintenance Obligations towards Children, 1956

I. Convention relating to the Settlement of thc Confllcts between the Law of Nationalityand the Law of Domicile, 1955

E.3 Cyprus is not a Party to the following Conventions:

Convention on the International Protection of Adults, 2000Signed: I April 2009

K2 Cyprus has signed the following Convention, ratification pending:

Cyprus - Central A IIthorityMinistry ofJustice and Public OrderInternational Legal Co-operation Unit125 Athalassas Avenlle1-161NicosiaC) 'PI'IIStcl.. 1]57 (22) S05 955[ax. 1357 (22) 518 356e-nutil: rcgistryunmjpo. gov. (T

shall be recognised and enforced in the Republic 0/( 'yprus hy application o] the relevantinternal rules ofCotnmunity law.(.) in accordance with Article (lO,paragraph 2, ofthe said Convention, the withdrawal oftheReservation submitted by Cyprus ut the time ofratification ofthe Convention pUrl'lIi1111 10

Article 60, paragraph I, The withdrawal ofthe Reservation ( .) concerns the Reservationsubmitted hy (V[!I'IIS at the time ofrcuification in relation to Article 55 ofth« Convention.


7. Convention on thc Prohibition of thc Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti­Personnel Mincs and on their Desu-uction, 1997Ratification: 17 January 2003 - Law Nos. 37(111)/2002 and IO(III)1200S

6. Protocol Additional to thc Gcncva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and rclating to thcProtection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), with Annexes,Final Ad and Resolutions, 1977Accession: IS March 19% - Law No. 7(111)/1995

Declarationforeseen by Article I)() of ProtocolI (concerning the acceptance of theIntcrnutionul Fact-Finding Commission)Elltered ill to force, 25 JUlie 11)1)Inee/ural ion of / -, October 20m by ('1'/)/"//.1'.

"The Government ofth« Rcnubli: of; 'vprus declares that it recognizes ipsofacto and withoutspecial agreement, ill rclation t o uny other }figh Conlracling Party accepting the sumcobligation, the competence ofth« lntcrnational Fact-Finding COli/mission 10 (,1I11"ireintoa!/egulioll.\' by such other Party, us uuthorizcd hy Article 9(JofProtocol / Addition 10 theGeneva Convent ions o//ll1gllsl /2'10, / lJ.{'J, adopted III UCIICI'(/ Oil June S'", /977, relat iJlg 10the Protections ofVictims ofInternational Armed ('oll/licts "

5. Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to thcProtection ofYictims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), with Annexes, FinalAct and Resolutions, 1977Ratification: I June 1979 - Law No. 4311<)79

4. Geneva Convention relative to the Prutectiun of Civilian Persons in Time of War(Fourth Geueva Convcntion), 1949Accession: 23 May 1962 - Law No. 40/19M

3. Gcneva Convention relative to the Trcatmcnt of Prisoners of War (Third GenevaConvention), 1949Accession: 23 May 1962 - Law No. 4011966

2. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sid, andShipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea (Second Gencva Convention), 1949Accession: 23 May 1962 - Law No. 40/1966

Accession: 23 May 1962 - Law No. 4011%6


Declaration made /II lite lime ofsignature, Oil 6 October 1988, ((1111confirmed III the time ofdeposit ofthe instrument ofratification, Oil 3 October 1989 - Or. Engl.The Government ofthe Republic 0/( 'yprus adopts the position that, according to a pro/Jcrintcrprctanon ofthe provisions oj AUiele -I ofthe l'rotoco]. they {Ire not iI/)/)lic((ble to aliensunlawfully in the Republic ofCyprus us a res II/I ofthe situation created by IIi(' continuins;invasion and military occupation ofpan ofthe territory ofthe Republic ofCyprus bv Turkey.Period covered: 03/10/89 -Th« preceding statement concerns Articlcts): -I

5. Protocol No.4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in theConvention and in the first Protocol thereto, 1963(CETS No. 46)Ratification: ] October 1989 - Law No. 52/1989

4. Protocol No.3 to the Convention for the Protection of 1IIIIIIan Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, amending Articles 29, 30 and 34 of the Convention, 1963(CFTS No. 45)Rari Iication: 22 January 196<) - Law No. f18/ 1968

3. Protocol No.2 to the Convention for the Protection of lIuman I{ights and FundamentalFreedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to giveadvisory opinions, 1963(CETS No. 44)Ratification: 22 January 1969 - Law No. 118/1 968

Convention and Protocol linked to the FU acquis throllgh Article 6 EU oltlu: IX' Trcutv.

2. Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, 1952(CETS No.9)Ratification: 6 Octo her 1962 - Law No. ]9/1%2

Declaration of29 December 1997:Further 10 the Declarations concerning Articles 25 and -16 oj the Convention for theProtection ofHuman Rights and Fundamental Freedoms datcc! 1 ./(/1111(//), 1995 and 2-1January 1995, and to the Declaration dated 21 November 1995 concerning Articl« 6,paragraph 2 of Protocol No. -I to the Convention for the Protection ofHuman Rights andFundamcnta! Freedoms, [ have the honour to declare that the Republic oj C)I)I'l/.I'renews theaforementioned Declarations for the remaining period until the entry Into force of ProtocolN(). II to the Convention -. Dr. loannis Kasoulides, Minister 0/ Foreign Affairs

1. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950(CETS No.5)Ratification: 6 October 1962 - Law No. ]<)11%2

Section A - Council of Europc Human I{ights Main Instrumcnts





Communication contained ill a Note Verbalefrom Cyprus, dated II November 1999,handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit ofthe instrument ol ratification, Oil/9 Junuury 20f)() - Or. Engl.II is hereby communicated, in accordance with Article 2 ofthe Protocol, that the death penaltyis retainedfor thefollowing ofli'IIC£.'sIInder the Militarv Criminal Code and Procedure Lawno . ./() 0/1 ')6./ as amended.- Treason (section 13)- Surrender ofcntrustei! post h)' military commandcr (section 1,/)- Capitulation in open plac« hy officer ill COIlIIl1(/nti(section 15) (a)- Instigating or leading a revolt within the armedforces (section ,/2 (2))- Transmission ofmilitary secrets 10 aforeign state, spy ofagent (section 7() (I))- instigating or leading a revolt among IvaI' prisoners (section 95 (2))An English translation ofthe provisions ofthe above offences is attached us Appendix 110 this( 'onnnunication.II isfurther communicated that hy virtue oftlu: provisions ofthe Military Criminal Code lindProcedure (Amendment) /.£111' nil. I)I (I) o] I 1)1)5,the death penalty, wherever providedfor illthe principullaw, is imposed onlv when the of/i'nce is commiucd in time ofwar. According IIIthe sante provisions, the death pCl/ally is 110/ (/ mandatory sane lion, but //10)', on the discretionofthe Court, he substituted by imprisonnicntfor lif:' or/iii' a shorter period.All English translation ofth« provisions ofth« Military Criminal Code and Procedure(/Imendmcnt) Lilli' IIU, 91 (/) 0/1995 is attached (/.1' Appendix IrAI'I'fND/.'( 1- Translation intn /~lIglish otth« provisions ofthe offences underthe Milil1l1)'Criminal Code and Procedure IAII I·' 110. -If) (Jj'1964 carrying the death penaltyTreason - Sect ion 13- A member oft]«: armedforces who in time ofwar II/' armed revolt orstate ofemergencyct. takes arms agoills/lhe Rcnublic;h. volunturily IIl1de/'/(Ik('.I'any military service with the en(,IIIY:c. surrenders 10 the enemy or 10 another, III the interests ofthe eI1CI1/Y,either the forcecommended by him or IIie1i1l'1ofother ntilit arv post or 100vn entrusted 10 him, or arms or anymeans ofwar or ammunition or SIIPIJlil's ofth« anny infood .1'1 lilli' lind materials otal! kindsor money;d. comes 10 terms with tlic enemyfor the p"r/)ose u/helping the operations thereof;c. knowingly acts in a 1I1(/I1I1C/'capabl« u/hel1elilillg the military operations ofthe enemy or 0/dUll/aging the operations otthc 0/'111)',

[. causes or participates ill (Ill ogreclI/elll pIII'I){)rtillg to compel the commander ofa he,I'lcgedposition, 10 surrender or conic to tC/'II/S:g C({IISCSthe army in theface oftho enemy 10 lake toflight or obstructs the rcasselllblingthereotor in any way tries to inspirefear il1lhe orlllY:Ii. £lltclllpls anything whicli IS ('apI/hie ()/eni/ungering the Ii/e, ('01])(11'(11 inlegrity or Ihcpersu//al Iiherly o/Ihc COII/III({IIc/er,is gllilly (I/aldony and is pllnishahle wilh dcalh undclegrm/ot ionSlIrrender o/cnlms/ed post hy lIIili/Clty cOIl/ll/(mder - Section 1,1- A mililillY COIIIII/(//u/er or garrison (/()/'Ircss) commonder, who hCls cotlle 10 Ici'lI/s H'ith Ihec/Jell/y lIm/surrc/Jdered thc post enll'llslcd 10 hill/ wit/lOul haVing exhulisled all Ihe possihlelI/eUIlS o/de/c/7ce (lnd wilhollt havillg per/emlled all the ohligaliolls ill/poscd IIpO/7him hy thelIIilil(//y cll/ty olld honour, is gil illy u/a/eloIlY unci is /JlI/lishable Il'illi clea/h ({lid dcgradatiunCupit Illation in open place liy ol/ieer III cU/IIlI/(//ld - Scctioll 15- II COllllllwlller u/u// w'lIled IIIi1itlll), 111/11.1' who, ill (/1/ OIJcnplace COIIIC,I'I() /('1'11/.1' is gllilty u/u

7. Protocol No.6 to the Convention for the Protection of lIuman Rights and FundamentalFreedoms concerning the abolition of the Death Penalty, 1983(CETS No, 114)Rati fication: 19 January 2000 - Law No, I 1(111)11999

6. Protocol No.5 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, amending Articles 22 and 40 or the Convention, 1966(CETS No. 55)Rati tication: 22 January 1969 - Law No, I lSI 1968


10. Protocol No.9 to the Convention for thc Protection of Human Rights and FundamcntalFrecdoms, 191)()(CETS No. 140)Ratification: 26 September 1994 - Law No. 25(111)11992

9. Protocol No.8 to thc Convcntion for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFrecdoms, 1985(CETS No. 118)Ratification: IJ June 1986 - Law No. :1511986

8. Protocol No.7 to thc Convcntion for thc Protection of Human Rights and FundamcntalFreedoms, 1984(CETS No. 117)Ratification: 15 September 2000 - Law No. 18(111)/2000

6. (defines what constitutes military secrets).Revolt among prisoners or war - Section 95I. (defines state ofrevolt among prisoners ofwar)2. The inciters and those who led the revolt as well as the officers and non-commissionedofficers, are guilty ofafelony and (Irepunishable with death and the others with inuwisonment1I0texceeding fourteen years.JAPI' lINDIX II - Number 91(I) of I <)<)5 - II '-(1\1' to amend theMilit arv Criminal Cod«amiProcedure.The House of Rcpresentat ives enacts asfollows:J. This l.aw may be cited as the Military Criminal Code and Procedure (Amendment) Lull' 0/1<)95and shall be read (ISone with the Military Criminal C 'ode and Procedure oj' I <)(1-1 to1993 (hereinafter referred 10 as "the principal law") and the principal law and this Law shalltogether be cited as the Military Criminal Code and Procedure 0/ 19(j-lto 1995.2. Thefollowing new subsection is substitntedfor subsection 2 ofsection 7 otthe principallUII':"(2) The death penalty wherever provided in this /(/\1' is imposed onlv when the ofli'lice iscommitted in lillie ofwar, without prejudice to the right of the Court to impose lifeimprisonment or imprisonmentfor a shorter period oftime where the circumstances sojustify".Period covered, ()!/02/(}() -The preceding statement concerns Articlcts): 2

felony and is punishablea. with death and degradation, ifas a result ofhis coming to terms hisforce has laid down thearms, or ifbefore negotiating orally or ill writing, he did notfulfil the obligations imposed onhim by the military dilly and honour;b.Revolt within the armedforces - Section -12I. (defines revolt)2. The instigators and the leaders ofa revolt (/.1' well as the officer superior in rank, are guilty(I/, afelony and are punishable with death and degradation. The other rebels arc guilty ofafelony and are punishable in time ofpeace with imprisonment not exceeding seven years, andin lillie ofwar, armed revolt, slate ofemergency or mobilisation, with death3.Transmission ofmilitary secrets - Section 70I. A member ofthe armedforces ofany person, ill the service of the army, who IInlllll'/itllyand intentionally delivers or makes known to another or 01/011'.\' to come 10 the possession orknowledg): of allother documents, plans or other objects or secret information % militarvsignificance is guilty ofafelony and is punishabl« with itnprisonmcnt not exceedingfourteenyears and with death and degradation ifhe delivered them or made the III known to aforcig):State or spy or agent thereo/


Declarution nuule lit the lillie ofsignature, Oil 22 MIIY 1967, IIl1d contained in theinstrument ofratification, deposited Oil 7 Murcl: 1968 - Or. Engl.The Republic ofCyprus undertakes to pllrsue and ('(//'1)' outfaithfully the stipulationscontained in Part I of the Charter ami also, in accordance with the provisions ofparagraph I(h) and (c) ofArticle 2IJ,the stipulations contained in thefollowing articles ofPart I! oftheCharter.1I. in accordance with the prm'lslolIS ofparagruph I (h) ofArticle 2().Article» I, 5, 6. 11 and 19.h. in acconlancc with the provisions u/I!uragl'U/)h I (c) ofArticl« 21!.·Articles 3, 9, II, 1-1and 15.Period covered: 06!04!68

17. European Social Charter, with appendix, 1961(CETS No. 35)Ratification: 7 March 1968 - Law Nos. 64/1967, 511C)75 and 20311991

16. European Agreement relating to Persons participating in Proceedings of the EuropeanCommission and Court of Human Rights, 1969(CETS No. (7)Ratification: 23 November 1970 - Law No. 7611970

Protocol No. 15 amending the Convention for the Protection of 11111111111 Rights and1"111/(111IIIell 1111Freedoms(('E'IS No. 113)Si:J,lIed'2-1.!l1l/e 2013

.\'ilflled ""11101 ralified (11.1 or I 7. 12.2(13)

15. Protocol No. I ... to the Convention for thc Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, amcnding thc control system of thc Convcntion, 200 ...(CETS No. 1(4)Ratification: 17 November 2005 - Law No.3 1(111)/2005

I.... Protocol No. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances, 20()2(CETS No. 187)Rati fication: 12 March 2003 - Law No. I (lJI)/2003

13. Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, 2000(CETS No. 177)Ratification: 30 April 2002 - Law No. 13(IIJ)/2002

Protocol No. II has replaced Protocols No.1. 3, 5, 8, I) (//1(/ 10.

12. Protocol No. II to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, restructuring the control machinery established thereby, 199 ...(CEl'S No. 155)Ratification: 28 June 1995 - Law No. 8(111)/1995

This Protocol has lost its pu/'pose as [rom the date 0/ entry into force 0/ Protocol No. II((,EIS No. 155) on I November 1998.

II. Protocol No. 10 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms, 1992(CETS No. 146)Ratification: 8 February 1994 - Law No. 41(111)/1993


20. European Social Charter (revised), 19%(CETS No. 16.1)Rati fication: 27 September 2000 - Law Nos. 27(1 I1)I2()OOand 17(111)/20 I I

19. Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of CollectiveComplaints, 1995(eEl'S No. 158)Ratification: 6 August 1996 - Law No. 9(111)/1<)()6

18. Protocol amending the European Social Charter, 1991(eETS No. 142)Not yet in forceRatification: I June 1993 - Law No. 1()(III)/I()()3

Denunciation contained ill a Note Verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs oftheRepublic ofCyprus, luuuled to the Secretary General at the time ofdeposit ofthe instrumentofratificutiou ofthe revised Cliartcr, Oil 27 September 2()()(J- Or. Eng].In accordance with Article 37 ofthe Charter, the Republic o/Cv{mls gives notice ofitsintention to denounce Article 2, paragraph 3, ({1It1.irticl« 7, 1)£lr(/gl'£lI)1I7, oltlu: Europeu):Social ( 'hurler.Th« denunciation is nuulefor purclv tccluuca] reasons so 117011111:ratification olthc Revise»!Charter IFill he possible. The denunciation will III I/O 1\'0)' constiuue (/ l'egrcsswJI In 111l'protection (!lliJ/'(1cd II) workers us the exislillg legislation safeguart!» the righ! 0/01/ cntployccs10 three weeks W71111L1/ holiday with pay. The liuropean Committee ofSocia! Rights has ill itsconclusions confirmed the compliance ofthe situation in C)pI'IIS with tlu: aforesaid provisionsofthe Charier.Period covered: ()71041()/ -The preceding statement COlleeUIS Article is] 2, 7, 37

Declaration contained ill a Note Verbalefrom the Permanent Representation (If Cyprus,dated / () February /992, registered at the Secretariat General Oil /2 February J 992 - Or.Ellg/.According to Article 20 paragraph 3 ofthe European Social Charter, the Government oftheRepublic ofCyprus considers itselfhound by thefollowing numbered paragraphs ofl'urt " 0/th« Charter.- paragraph / ofArticle 2. reasonable dailv and weekly working hours- paragraph I ofArticle 7: minimum agefor admission 10 employment- paragraph 3 ofArticle 7. safeguarding thcfutl benefit o/eolll/JIl/sOr)!education- paragraph I ofArticle 8. maternity leave.Period covered: }1I()3192 -The preceding statement concerns Articlcts): 2()

Declaration contained ill a Note Verbulefrom the Permanent Representation of Cyprus,dated 2()October /988, registered at the Secretariat General Oil 25 October /988 - Or. Engl.According /0 Article 211paragraph 3 ofthe EIII'OllL'WI Social Charter, the Government oftlu:Republic ofCyprus considers itselfbound by thefollowing II II III bcrcd PlIl'ugl'uphs ofl'urt ll ojthe Charter:- paragraph 3 ofArticle 2: (111111101 holiday with pay- paragraph 5 ofArticle 2: weekly rest period- paragraph 7 ofArticle 7: annual holiday with pay to employed persons under 18 yearso/age- parugrap]: 8 ofArticle 7: lIighf work ofpersons under 18.1'('(/1'.1'o/ugc- paragraph 2 ofArticle 8: UIIIUII'/id notice ofdismissa! gi1'clI /0 a IVO//IWI dllring her absence(III maternity leave.Period covered: 241/1/88-nil' preceding statement concerns Articlets). 2{)

The preceding statement concerns Articlcts): 2{)


Declaration contained ill a letterfrom the Charge d'Affaires a.i. ofthe PermanentRepresentation of Cyprus, dated 3 .·llIglIsl 2(}05, registered at the Secretariat Gencrul Oil 4August 2(}()5 - Or. Engl.In rallji'illg the European ( '!/(/I'ICl'ji)1' Regiotlal or Minority Langllages, the Republi: or()'/)/'lIS deposited Oil 26 AlIgllsl 2{}(}2, a declaration which appcal's 10he incompatible with I!Je

24. European Charter for Regional or Minority Languagcs, 1<)<)2(CETS No. 148)Ratification: 26 August 2()02 - Law No. 39(111)/199]

23. Protocol No.2 to thc European Convention for the Prevention of' Torture and Inhumanor Dcgrading Treatment or PunishmentStrashourg,4 November 11)<)3(CETS No. 152)Ratification: 10 September 1997 - Law No. 8(111)/1997

22. Protocol No. I to the European Convcntion for thc Prevention of Torture and Inhumanor Dcgrading Treatment or Punishmcnt, 1993(CFTS No. 151)Rat ification 10 September 19<)7 - Law ND. 8( 111)/1997

21. European Convcntion for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or DcgradingTreatment 01' Punishment, with Annex, 19S7Strashourg, 26 November 19S7(CETS No. 126)Ratification: ] April 1989 - Law No. 2·+11 ()89

Declurution contained ill a letterfrom the Minister (!f Foreign Affairs 0/ Cyprus, dated 7September 2() II, registered at tlte Secretariat General Oil 5 October 2(JII Or. Engl.In conformity with Part ll l, Articl« /1, paragruph 3, ofthe Charter, the Republic ofCyprusconsiders itselfbound hy thefollowing. paragraphs and articles of the Charta,'Paragraphs 3 and 6 ofArticle 2,Paragraph 5 ofArticle -I,Paragrap}: 7 ofArticle 7,Parugraph 5 ofA 1'1iclc 8,1'/11'1 (h) ofArticle 22,Paragraph 2 0111rt icli: 27,Article 25,Article 29,Period covered. 1112I20fl -The precedillg statvment concerns Aniclcts) A

Declaration contained ill II Noll' Verbalefrom the Permanent Representation (~f Cyprus,luuuled 10 the Secretary General at the lillie of deposit ofthe instrument ofratification, Oil

27 September 200()- Or. Engl.In accordance with Part Ill, Article A, ofthe revised European Social Charter, the Republic oj'CvprllscolIsii/ersilseljholilldhyArtic/es f, 5, 6, 9, fO, t t. f2, u. is. t», 20, 2-1and28 £IS

well as hy thefollowing paragraphs:paragraphs l , 2, 5 and 7 ofArticl« 2,paragraphs t, 2 lind 3 ofArticle 3,pu/'{/graphs t, 2, 3, -I, 6, 8 and II) ofArticle 7,paragraphs I, 2 and 3 ofArticle 8,pal'Ugraphs 2 and 3 ofArticle ts.paragraph -I ofArticle l R, andparagraph 3 ofArticle 27.Period covered: OIIII120()O-The preceding statement concerns :1rliclc(l'j. ,·1

I. European Convention on thc Lcgal Status of Children horn out of WcdlocJ.;, 1975(CETS No, 1l5)

Rights of Children

Section B - Council of Europe Instruments relating to the Protection of ParticularGroups

28. Additional Protocol to the Convcntion on Cyhcn:rimc concerning thc Criminalisation ofActs of a Racist and Xenophobic Nature committed through Computer Systems, 20()3(C:ETS No, 189)Ratification: 23 June 2005 - Law No, 26(111)/2004

27. Sixth Protocol to the General Agrcclllcnt on Privileges and Immunities of the Council ofEurope, 19%(CETS No. 162)Ratification: 9 February 2000 - Law No, 27(1 II)! I<)()()

26, European Agrccmcnt rclating to Persons participating in Proceedings ofthc EuropeanCommission and Court of Iluman Rights, 1996(CETS No. 161)Ratification: 9 February 2000 - Law No. 26(1l1)/Il)l)<)

25. Framework Convcntion for thc Protcction of National Minorities, 1995(CETS No. 157)Ratification: 4 June 1996 - Law No. 28(111)11995

Declaration contained ill a Note verbulefront the Permanent Representation oj Cyprus,dated S November 2008, registered lit the Secretariat Genera! Oil 12 November 2008 - Or.EII!:I.Further 10 its Declaration 0/3 Angus! 20()5, the Republic: 0/( 'vprus declares that the Cyprio!Maronite Arabic is a language within the meaning ofthe European Chanerfor Regiona! Oil

Minority Languages, 10 which it will apply the provisions ofPart /I ofthe Charter inaccordance with Article 2, paragraph I.111doing so, the Republic 0/Cyprusfurther declares that, since the Cypriot Maronite Arabic isalso used in the village ofKormakitis, cradle ofthe said languagc, sit uatcd ill (//1orca ofth«territory ofthe Republic ofCyprus I/IU/U' Turkish military occupation since 197-1ill which tlu:Republic dol'S not exercise effcctiv« control, it escliulcs lilly interpretation ofthe Charter'sprovision in this regard thot would he contrary 10 it, porticulurlv 11.1' Articl« 5.l'criod covered. 121111200S-The precce/ing statement concerns Al'lic/e(s). 2, 5

provisions ofthe Charier on undertakings 10 be applied by II.In order 10 remove uncertainty and clarify the extent ofthe obligalions undertaken, theRepublic ofCyprus hereby withdrawsthe declaration 0/26 Augnst 2(}()2 and rcplctccs it withthe following:The Republic otCyprus, while reiterating its comminnent 10 respect the objectives lindprinciples pursued hy the European Charterfor Regional or Minority l.anguuges, dec/aresthat it undertakes 10 apply Part ll ofthe Charter in accordance with Article 2, paragrupl: I, 10the Armenian language CIS a "non-territorial" langllage defined in Article / C ofthe Charter.The Republic ofCyprus would furtherlike 10 state that its Constitution and 10\\'.1'uphold (//1(1safeguard effectively the principle ofcqualitv and non-discrimination on the grollnd ofaperson's C0111 munity, race, religion, language, sex, political or oilier convictions, national orsocial descent, birth, colour, wealth, social class or 1I1l)' ground whatsoeverPeriod covered 41S120()5-'file preceding statement concerns Articlcts): 2


Declaration contained ill the instrument ofratification deposited Oil /7 January 20{)J - Or.Ellgl.Under Article 3 ofthe Convention, Nationals ofother countries are considered 10 he"permanent residents" within the meaning ofArticl e 3(h) ofthe Convention if:a. Ihey have resided in the Republic of Cyprusfor a continuous period offifteen years, )11.1'1beion: th« pcrii«! 0/1 (J August I ()(>(), occonlins; to Regulalioll J oitlic "Aliens and1111111 igrat iUII Regtdot ions " of I v 72- I 9<)(J:h. they lire ill possession oiun Immigration Permit, acco/'ilillg 10 Regulalion 5 and Regliialiotl

J. European Convcntion on the Compensutinn of Victims of Violcnt Crimes, 191;3(eETS No. 116)Ratification: 17 January 20DI - Law No. 2(111)/1997

Protection of Victims

Council ofEurope Convention Oil the Protection of Children against Sexuul Exploitation1I111iSexuut Abuse, 20(}7«ets No. 21J I)Signed: 25 October 201J7

Convention 011 COIIIIICI concerning Children, 2()()3(Un:(,;No.192)Signed 15 /v/ay 2{)(}3

Siglled hilI 1101rlili/ied (III (It' 17. /2. 2()13)

.... Convcntion on Cybercrime, 2001(CETS No. 185)Ratification: 19 January 2005 - Law Nos. 22(111)/2004,12(111)/2010 and Law No.14(111)/20]]; OJ L6<), 16.03.2(0), p. 67; Council Framework Decision 2005/222/J IIA,24.02.2005

Declaration IIIlIde ill accordance with Article /, paragraph 4, of the Convention:The Convention will apPZI'10 three categories offamily cases before a judicial authority,namely: (/) Custodv, (2) Adoptions, lind (3) Protectionfrom maltreauncnt and cruelbehavionr.

3. European Convcntion on the Exercise of Children's Rights, 1996(CETS No. 160)Ratification: 25 October 2005 - Law No. 2J(1l1)/2005

Decluration contained ill the instrument ofrutification, deposited Oil /3 June /I)SfJ - Or.Engl.The Government ofthe Republic. ofCyprus appoints, ill accordance with the provisions (i/Article 2 ofthe Convention, the Minister ofJustice, Ministry ofJustice, Nicosia, as the CentralAuthoritv.Period covered: ()/I/()ISfJ-Tlic preceding statement concerns Articleis) 2

2. European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custodyof Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children, 19S0(CETS No. 105)Rati fication: ]] June 1986 - Law No. ]611 <)86

Ratification: II July 1979 - Law No. 50/1979


Statement:clNNEX I - Social Security Schemes to which the Agreemellt applies.Social Insurance Lilli' and the Regulations niacle there under which establish a schemeproviding benefits ill respect ofuld-age, invalidity owl benefits pavablc to survivors (widow'»pellSlU1lani! orphan's benefit).7/IC scheme is ofa contributory nature/Note by the Secretariat: Last upc/a/ing contained in II letterfront the PermanentRepresentation o/C)'/JrIlS, dated 6 April 1973, rcgisterec! at theSecretariat General on 9 April 1973/Period covered: 09104173-The preceding statement concerns Articlcts): 7ANNEX Il- Bilateral und Muttilateral Agreements III which the Agreement appliesII Agreement on Social Insurance between the Government ofthe United Kingdom ofGreatBritain and Northern Ireland and th« Government oltlu: Republic. o/(l'I'I'lIS, da/ed 6 October1969.h. Agreement 011 Social Security between the Government oftlu: Rcnubli« ole 'yprus (/1/(1theGovernment oftlu: Hellenic Rcpnbli« dated 1 Jul» 1979.

I. European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidityand Survivors, with Annexes, 19S3(CETSNo.12)Ratification: 14 March 197:1- Law No. 10/1973

Rights of Refugees

Council of Europe Convention 011 the counterfeiting ofmedical products IIl1dsimilar crimesinvolving threats to public health«rr:No. 211)Signed' 28 October 20 II

,S'iglled bl/t 1I0t ratified (liS of'17.12.2(13)

2. Council of Europe Convention Oil Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, 21lllS(CETS No. 197)Ratification: 24 October 2007 - Law No 38(111)/2007

Declaration contained ill the instrument ofratification deposited Oil 17 JIIIII/ilry 20()J - Or.1'..'lIgl.71n'Government of Cyprus, in pursuance ofArticle 12, designu/es the Department ofSoci«!II1SlIrUI1Ce ofthe Ministrv ofLabour (//1(1Social insurance {IS the central autlioritv.Jill' address ofthe aforesaid Department is asfollows: .Department ofSocial lnsnrance,Ministry ofLabour and Social Ins 111'111Ice,

Byron II ve. No.7,I ()96 Nicosia -- (:)I/)/'//,\'r-t.. t 357223071 3()Fax. 13572267298-1E-lIIa il: soc. ins. (ii)cytanct.COlli. C)'Period covered: OJIOs/OJ -The preceding statement concerns Articleis). 12

6(2) ofthe "Aliens and Immigration Regulations" 011972-1996,c. they are dependent on personsfalling under sub-paragraphs (II) and (b) above, acccnrlins;10 NegIllation 8 ofthe "Aliens and Immigration Regulations" ujI972-1996.Period covered: OJIOSIOJ -The /Irccedillg statement concerns Articlct»}: 3


.t. Protocol to the European Interim Agreemcnt on Social Security other than Schemes forOld Age, Invalidity ami Survivors, 1953(eETS No. 131\)

Statement..:INNl::\: I -Social Security Schemes to which tile r tgrecment apptiesSocial Insurance l.aw and the Ncglllalio/ls made thereunder which establish a scheme/Jrovidillg unemployment benefit, sickness and maternity benefits (cash benefits), death grullland benefits ill respect ofpersona! injurv hi' industrial accidents (//7(1prescribed diseases.nil! scheme is ota contributorv nature.f Note by the Secretariat: /,asllll)(/uling containcd in a lctterfroin the PcrtuancntRepresentation ofCyprus, datc«! 0.'11)1'11/9.73, regislered at the Sccrcturiot Genera! Oil 9 April/973jPeriod covered: ()1)/04/73 -TIll' /)r('ccdillg statement concerns Arlic/e(s) 7

/(NNEX 1/ - Bilateral alit! Multilateml Agreements to which the Agreement applies:ct.;lgrcclllcnl Oil Social Im'IIIWICt' bctwvcn the Government oitlu: United Kingdotn otGrentBritain and Northern lrcland atu] the t iovcrnnun: oitlu: Republic ot; )'IJrIlS, dUled (J (}cloher1969.h. /lgreel//('1I1 Oil Social Secllrity between the Ciovcnnnent ofthe Republic ofCyprus and theGovernment ofthe Hellenic Republic datec! I .Inlv 1979.INote by the Secretariat: l.ast updatins; contained ill a letterfrom the PermanentRepresentation ol! 'vprus, dated 0 .Inne 1983, rcgistcre« lit the Secretariat General Oil 0 Jun«/9SJjPeriod covered: ()1)/04/73 -the prcccdillg statement concerns Articlcts): 8lnterpretation ofthe terms: "nationals" alit! "territory":a. Nationals: Persons having at I December /90S acquired or being entitled 10 acquire,cillZL'lIshil) ofth« Republic of; :1'/!rIIS, ill occordanc« with the provisions o/AIII/ex /) to tlu:Treuty ofEstahlislnnent, or those who ucquuc that citizenship in accordance with theRepublic's Nationality Ad, /9(J 7h. Territory The territory ofth« RCI)lIblic oj( )'/)/'IIS.Period covered: ()1)/04/73 -The preccdillg statement concerns Articlcts). 2

3. European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age,Invalidity and Survivors, 1953(CETSNo. 13)Ratification: 14 March 1973 - Law No. ()1l973

2. Protocol to the European Interim Agrcemcnt on Social Security Schemes relating to OldAge, Invalidity and Survivors, 11)53(eETS No. 12;\)Ratification: 14 March Jl)73 - Law No. 10/[973

{Note by the Secretariat. r(/stllpdatillg contained in a letterfrom the PermanentRepresentation ofCyprus, dated 0 June 1983, registered at the Secretariat General Oil ti Juni:1Y83JPeriod covered: (J1)/(J4/73-The preceding statement concerns Articlcts}: 8Interpretation ofthe terms: "nationals" alit! "territory"a. Nationals: Persons having at I Dcct'III/JL'J'1908 ucquircd or being entitled to acquire,citizenship ofthe Republic of; 'yprus, ill accordance with the provisions ofAnnex lJ 10 thehealy ofEstablishment, or those who acquire that citizenship ill accordance with theRepublic's Nationality Acl, 1967.h. Territory: The territory ofth« Republi« O/C:I'/JrlIS.Period covered: ()1)/04/73 -1/1l' preceding statement concerns Articlcts}: 2

26I. European Convcntion on the Suppression of 'I'errnrism, 1977


2. Additional Protocol to the Convention for thc Protection of Individuals with regard toAutomatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities andtranshonler data flows, 2()OI(CETS No. 181)Ratification: 17 March 2004 - Law No. JO(III)/200J

Declaration contained ill the instrument ofrutiflcution deposited Oil 25 Februury 2(}(}2 - Or.Eng].In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 2, oftlu: Convention, the Republic ojC)'pr/lsdeclares that the designated authority is the Commissionerfor Personal Dcua Protectionwhose (provisional) address is:Lull' Office ofthe Republic ofCvpru»I-t03 Nicosia, CyprusTel' ()()357 22889131Fa» Oil 357 ]2067-/981:'-/)/(/ il: roc-las 1'(({ic)'1anet,COlli Cl'

Period covered: O/I(}(JI02~The preceding statement COIICL'/'II.\' Articlets). 13

Data Protection in the Schcnven AgreL'IIIL'1I1 (Art. 115) is bused on the above Convention.

I. Convcntion for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing ofPersonal Data, 1981(CETS No. 1(8)Ratification: 21 February 2002 - Law No. 2S(III)/2001

Data Protection

Additional Protocol to the Convention Oil Human Rights IIl1dBiomedicine, concerningBiomedical Research, 2005(Cl,"IS No, 195)/)'ig/Jed C) June 201 ()

Si/.!lled, 1I0t ratified (IU or /7./2.20J3)

2. Additional Protocol to thc Convcntion for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignityofthc Human Bcing with rcgard to thc Application of Biology and Medicine, on thcProhihition of Cloning II lillian Bcings, 1998(CETS No. 168)Rat ilication: 20 March 2002 - Law No. J I (111)/200 I

I. Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Dignity of thc Human Bcing withregard to the application of Biology and Medicine: Convcntion on Human Rights andBiomedicine, 1997(CETS No. 164)Ratification: 20 March 2002 - Law No. JI(III)/2001


Section C - Council of Europe Instruments concerning Specific Issues

Ratification: 14 March 1973 - Law No. 9/1973


Declaration contained ill II Note I'crbule [rom the Permanent Representation 0/ Cyprusdeposited with the instrument ofratification Oil 27 March 20()lJ- Or. Engl.

Declaration contained ill II Note Verbule front the Permanent Representation of C) 'I'ru ,I'

deposited with the instrument ofratification Oil 27 March 2(J09 - Or. Engl.III accorclancc with Article 3, Ihll'ugrul)h 2, otthe Convention. the Republic o/C)'{!I'IIS declaresthat Article 3, paragraph I, shall lIflJi!Y only ill so far as the of/ellce is punishable bydeprivation ofliberty or a detention orderfor a maximum ofmore than one year,Period covered 1/712()()9-The preceding statement concerns Articlcts): 3

4. Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of theProceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism, 200S(eEl'S No, I (JS)Ratification: 27 March 200<) - Law No. 51(111)12007

3. Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of TerrorismWarsaw, 16 May 2(H)S(CETS No, 1(6)Ratification: 2] January 2009 - Law No, 22(111)/2010

2. Protocul amending thc European Convention 011 thc Suppression of Terrodsm, 2003(CEI'S No, 1(0)Not yet in forceRatification: (1 August 2004 - Law No. 18(111)/2004

Declurution contained in the instrument of ratification deposited Oil 26 February 1979 - Or.EII!:I.The Ciovernmcnt ofthe Rcpublii: of ()'/)I'II.I' wishes 10lIo/iji' that its reservations anddcclarutions made Oil 22ml January 197I when depositing its instrument 0/ Ratification withregurd 10 lire European Convention on Extradition of 13/h December 1957 are still Vi/lidPeriod covered: 2710S179-The preceding statement concerns Articlets). 7

Declaration contained ill the instrument ofratification deposited Oil 26 February IlJ79 - Or.Engl.With respect 10 Article 7 ofthe Convention and P11/'.1'uant 10 the Republic ofCyprus theExtension ofJurisdiction 0/ National Court: with respect to certain Terrorist Offences Law 0/1979 which has been enacted hy the House ofRcprescnuuivcs ofthe Republic O/C)iIJl'I/S Oil

the 181h.IWllliIIY 1979, the national courts ofCyprus call prosecute a person suspected tohave committed U/1 offer«:«mentioned ill Article I ofthis ConventionPeriod covered: 2710S17lJ-The preceding statement concerns Articlets}: 7

Reservation contained ill tile instrument ofratification deposited Oil 26 February IlJ79 - Or.Engl.When depositing this instrument ofratificution. tlu: Permanent Representative dedi/res thatthe Republic ofCyprus makes thefollowing Reservation in accordance with Article 13.1 o]this Convention: "The Government ofthe Republic ofCyprus reserves the right to refus«extradition ill respect oj any offence mentioned ill Article I which it considers /0 be a politicaloffence "Period covered: 2710S17lJ-nil' preceding statement concerns .trticlcts):

(CETS No. (0)Ratification: 26 February 197() - Law No. S/197()


I. Treaty concerning the Accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, thcRepublic of C'YPnlS, the Republic of Latvia, thc Republic of Lithuania, the Republic ofHungary, thc Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, thcSlovak Republic to the European Union, 2003

Section () - 1':uropcHn Community / European Union Instrumcnts

Unitfor Combating Money l.aundcring (M( ),,"/LI,')/'.0 /]()X. ]37M!1686 NicosiaCyprusEntail: mokastaimokas.law.gov. cyPeriod covered /17/2()O1)-The preceding statement concerns .trticlcts) -16

Declarution contained ill a Note Verbule .Ii·()/II the Permanent Representation of Cyprusdeposited with the instrument ()l ratificution Oil 27 March 20()9 - Or. Eng},111accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, oj the Convention, the Republi« (1/ (vPI'IISdeclares that the central anthorities dcsignate«! ill pllrsllullce o/purugn11)h /I/I't':

- Tlu:Ministrv ofJustic« and Public OrderPeriod covered- 1/7/20{)9-lite preceding statement concerns Articlets). 33Declaration contained ill a Note Verbale from the Permanent Representation 0/ Cyprusdeposited with the instrument (if ratification Oil 27 March 2()()9 - Or. Engl.In accordance with Article -16, l}((mgm/!h I 3, o] tlu: Convention, the Financial IntelligenceUnit designatedfor the Republic ofCyprns is

Declarution contained ill a Noll' Verbale /1'011/ the Permanent Representation of Cyprusdeposited with the instrument ofratification Oil 27 March 2()()1)- Or. Engl.In accordance with Article -12,paragraph 2, oj the Convention, the Government oj Cyprusdeclares that information or evidence provided by it under this Convention may 1101, withoutits prior consent, be used or transmitted by the authorities ofthe Rcqucstin.; Partv illinvestigations or proceedings other than those sj!ccljicd in the 1'L'IIII('slPeriod covered: 1/7/20(}9-711e preceding statement concerns AI'IIc/e(s)" -12

Declaration contained ill a Note Verbalefrom the Permanent Representation ()l Cyprusdeposited with the instrument ofratification Oil 27 March 20(}1)- Or. Engl.In accordance with Article 35, paragml)h 3, o] the Convention, the Government oj Cyprusdec/ares that requests and annexed documents should he addressed to it accompanied hy atranslation in English.Period covered 1/7/20{)9-The preceding statement concerns Articlcis), 35

Declaration contained ill II Note Verbalefrom tile Permanent Representation of ()'Pm.I'deposited with the instrument ofratification Oil 27 March 20(1) - Or. Engl.In accordance with Article 2-1, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Republic o] C)'IJI"IISdeclares that Article 24, paragraph 2, shall apply subject to Cyprus's constitutional principlesand If) the basic concepts ofthe Cyprus leglllsvslelll.Period covered- 117/2(J09-The preceding statement concerns Articlets): 2-1

In accordance with Article 9, paragraph -t, ofthe Convention, the Republic ofCyprus dec/aresthat Article 9, paragraph I, shal! apply onlv in so jill' (is the offence is punishable bydeprivation ofliberty or a detention orderfor a maximum ofmor« than one year.Period covered: 117/2()09-The preceding statement concerns Articlets), 1)


7. OSC:E Institutions concerned with Human Righfs protection:• Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights• Office ofthe Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human

Beings• OSCE Representative Oil Freedom ofthe Media• lligh Commissioner on National Minorities

lnaddition II) the above IIISInIlIll'lIls (Helsinki il.)75 (//U/ 11.)92, Paris 11.)9(), Budapest 191.)4,Lisbon 11.)90, istanbul /i)1.)1.)) references to human rig his, specific issues ofhuman rights and II)the protection o//hlrtlcll/lIr gl'Ol//'.I' may befound /1/ thefollowing CS'CE/()5;C'/·;documents usu!decisions:Belgrade ('oile/lidillg DOC/lIIICllt /977, Madrid Concluding DOCl/lIICllt 1983, ViennaCOIlc/lidillg Document i9/11.), Helsinki Decisions 1992, Budapest Decisions 1994, UI'/JonDocument 11.)1.)6and Istanbul Document 1999.

6. Charter for European Security. Istanbul Summit Declaration. Istanbul Document, 1999

5. Lisbon Document, 1996

4. CSCE Budapest Document. Towards a Genuinc Purtnership in a Ncw Era, 1994

3. (,SeE Hclsinki Document 1992. The Challcnges of Change. 1992

2. Charter of Paris for a New Europe, 1991l

I. ConfCI'CIH'Con Security and Coopcration in Europe Final Act, 1975

Section E - CSCE / OSCE related Instruments

4. Treaty of Lisbon amcnding thc Treaty on European Union and the Tl'caty establishingthe European Community, 2007Ratification: 26 August 2008 - Law No. 17(111)/2008;OJ ('306,17.12.2007, Cl l S,09.05.2008, C81, 29 0320 I0, ('83, 30.03.20 I()

3. Council Regulation (EC) No. I ()35/97 01'2 June 1997 establishing a European MonitoringCenter on Racism and Xenophobia, as amended by Regulation (EC) No. I652!2()()3 of 18June 2()()30.1 L 151, 10.06.1997, p. I, L245, 29.09.2003, p. 33 and C 19,26.02.2006, p. 36

2. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 20000.1 C83, 30.03.2010

Se« Articles 6 and 7, II and -II.)

B. The Treaty Oil European Union (EU Trellty), I 9920J C325, 24.1 2.20f!2, Consolidatedversion of the Treaty

See Articles IJ and 177

/1. Treaty Establishing tile European Community (EC Treaty), 1957OJ e325, 2-1.12.2002, Consolidated version ofthe Treaty

Throngh its accession to the European Union, C)'III'IIS has adhered to the/i)l/owing Treaties

Ratification: 6 August 2003 - Law No. 35(111)/2003; 0.1 L 236,23.09.2003 and OJ C 227E,23.09.2003


Compiled by the Office of thc Law CommissionerNicosia, Decem bcr 2013