obama - leader for the 21st century


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Some great pro-Obama propaganda by Victoria C. DePaul. In retrospect, this book could be sold in the comedy section of bookstores as this book was written at the height of the "Brand Obama" media/presidential campaign. 




Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

“I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington ... I’m asking you to believe in

yours.” Barack Obama

On July 27th, 2004 I busied myself around the house, lost in my thoughts as I completed

household chores. In the background the TV droned on, tuned in to the Democratic National

Convention. A man that I had never heard of caught my attention. He introduced himself as

Barack. “Was that a first name or a last name?” I wondered.

I ceased what I was doing, sat down, immersed in his address.

There was an energy– a passion, in this young man that was very different than other

politicians. He was direct, purposeful, sincere— dare I say— authentic— in his remarks. He

conveyed integrity, enthusiasm and commitment. I was riveted, barely able to move. “Who is

this man?” I repeatedly asked myself. It was in those moments that I knew that I was looking at

a future president.

What is remarkable was that I was not alone. The next day at work, Barack Obama was the

topic of conversation. I was not the only one replaying his speech on the internet. I was not the

only one who believed that a distinguished leader had emerged. Others felt the same energy. I

hadn’t lost my mind. The journey that we are now on, what Barack labeled, the audacity of hope,

began for many of us on that day in Boston, on July 27th, 2004.

It is now the fall of 2008. Our journey moves forward to the Democratic National Convention

of 2008. This time Barack Obama does not deliver the keynote address. He does, instead, offer

his acceptance speech as the Democratic Candidate for the Presidency of the United States. I

have no doubt that on January 20th, 2009 he will deliver his first speech as President of the

United States of America. This comes as no surprise to many of us who first heard his 2004

keynote address. We understand that this is the inevitable next step for a man who has already

claimed his place in history.

In the past eighteen months we have watched as Barack Obama has inspired and motivated

millions throughout the United States and across the globe. This inspiration has been the

backbone of a grassroots movement previously unseen in our political history. Citizens of all


Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

ages, religions, races, economic status and gender have claimed a of July 31, 2008 the campaign

has raised 390 million dollars with over two million donors. Barack Obama has launched a

successful primary campaign by mobilizing first time voters through nation-wide voter

registration drives. He has demanded our attention with promises of change and has restored the

legacy of hope in baby boomers, long lost in the cynicism of the late 60’s and 70’s.

The pages that follow describe how Barack Obama has etched his place in American history.

Here you will find essays, anecdotes and quotes on leadership, contribution and change

management. Leadership experts will offer their perspectives on how Barack Obama and Joe

Biden serve as sterling examples of some of the emerging leadership strategies of the 21st


Some of the words will come from Obama himself but most from ordinary citizens who have

been moved from complacency to action. This book, this chronicle, indeed this story, is a

historical event– not just the story of one individual but the collective voice of a nation. This is

not a book of facts and numbers but an attempt to document a movement of empowerment,

change and personal accountability, the true essence of leadership, as you shall see.

As I spoke with hundreds of citizens and people from across the country and abroad I was

moved to tears by many of the stories of hardships that people are faced with in these current

times. I heard countless stories of foreclosures, health care calamities, joblessness and concerns

for education and energy reform. There has been a quiet, hidden desperation in America as

citizens without a voice and nowhere else to turn retreat in despair. Household budgets have been

stretched beyond the limit. Far too many of us are denied affordable healthcare. Our schools are

underfunded, overcrowded and understaffed. Jobs are being lost to an overseas market and the

insecurities of the Middle East crisis make us wonder if world peace can ever happen.

And yet as I heard story after story I also heard the voice of hope. For the first time many

Americans are hearing– and speaking– hope. For many hope means change. Obama has

mobilized a grassroots movement that spans all ages and generations. And from this hope comes

passion– a passion to do more, to have more, to BE more. It is this passion that drives any

organization. It is this passion that drives any individual. It is this passion that drives America.

This is the catalyst of both the entrepreneurial spirit and the intrapreneurial1 spirit that is the

hallmark of our success as a nation. In recent years we have seen an increase of jobs and labor

1 Intrapreneur: An individual who works as an entrepreneur within an organization, group or team. The qualities of an intrapreneur include passion, commitment, resourcefulness, creativity and initiative. Intrapreneurs are risk-takers who see problems as opportunities and assume direct responsibility for tasks and outcomes.


Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

moving to foreign markets. Our current government continues to feed us a daily diet of

negativity based on any number of fears– terrorism, the failure of our economy, lack of

resources, etc. And yet for just as many and more, the challenge of the status quo has begun.

Barack Obama, as an Energytic Leader, has challenged us to BE and FEEL our intrapreneurial

spirit. We are called to reach deep into ourSelves and call forth our innate positive energies of

enthusiasm, ambition, hope and desire.

“But I stand before you tonight because all across America something is stirring. What the nay-sayers don't

understand is that this election has never been about me. It's been about you. For eighteen long months,

you have stood up, one by one, and said enough to the politics of the past. You understand that in this

election, the greatest risk we can take is to try the same old politics with the same old players and expect a

different result. You have shown what history teaches us - that at defining moments like this one, the change

we need doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington. Change happens because the

American people demand it - because they rise up and insist on new ideas and new leadership, a new

politics for a new time. “ Senator Barack Obama- Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention,

August 28, 2008

As you read through these pages dominant themes will become apparent. These themes are all answers to the original questions– what makes a superior leader? What makes Barack Obama a superior leader? The leadership traits identified by voices from all across America and shared by leadership and business experts are:

1) Understands the Energy of the Human Spirit – The Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial Spirit: Each of us is an energy system with a level of accountability, integrity, tenacity, honesty, and creativity. Our results in work, play, relationships, even our politics, is dependent upon the extent to which we infuse our spirit, our Selves, our passion– our Energy into all that we do.

2) Ingenuity: The creative ability to come up with new and innovative ideas and cherish the opportunity to implement them.


Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

3) Commitment: Once the vision is defined, resiliency is the necessary ingredient to stay focused on the end result.

4) Autonomy: The ability to take a lead on a project, working independently if necessary, and allowing others to do the same.

5) Risk: Is comfortable taking risks and accepts all possible outcomes understanding that falling down isn’t failure, but staying down is a show-stopper. Comfortable with risk, works to create an environment that is safe for others to take calculated risks based on analysis and sound judgment. All new thoughts, growth, and ideas can only originate within the context of risk.

6) Situational Analysis: The ability to analyze and evaluate data independently in order to make effective and accurate decisions. From analysis comes the knowledge and confidence to devise and implement effective strategies to manage and locate available resources.

7) Empowerment: As leader, the ability to instill the vision in all members of the organization. Managers prioritize; supervisors direct; successful leaders will call forth the positive internal energies/passions to move the organization to the fulfillment of the vision.

8) Relational/Communication Skills: An ability to be an effective two-way communicator of ideas, instructions and enthusiasm. People are the greatest asset of any organization, group, and team of any size. People are the source of power of the organization. Success depends on a leader’s ability to communicate the vision and move people to act toward achieving established goals.

9) Can Embrace Diversity: People are the power of any organization. Positive results come from the willingness and ability to work together and support each other.

10) Vision: A vision begins with objectives and a plan for accomplishing them with discipline, organization and prioritization.

Pay close attention to the words of our citizens. These are the voices of hope, idealism and possibility – The American Dream. More than the voices of experts, the voices recorded here are of experience– of life experience– the only experience that really matters.

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century





“For alongside our famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the

American saga– a belief that we are connected as one people. If there's a

child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if

it's not my child. If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her

prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes

my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother. If there's an Arab American

family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that

threatens my civil liberties. It's that fundamental belief - I am my brother's

keeper, I am my sister's keeper - that makes this country work. It's what

allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single

American family. "E pluribus Unum." Out of many, one.”

~ Senator Barack Obama ● July 27, 2008 ● Boston, MA

“Regarding the question of

Barack Obama's "lack of

executive experience,. I think it's

time that someone pointed out

the obvious. For about two years

now Senator Obama has been

running a national organization

comprised of millions of people,

capable of producing tens of

millions of dollars a month, and

is able to send millions of

volunteers, at a moments notice,

to any location in the U.S.

without government assistance.

The organization is well focused

and organized and will be studied

in political science classes for

generations. No one in the

history of the United States has

been able to wield such a

powerful movement and Obama

is the executive

director…Whether he is elected

or not, at this moment, he is one

of the most powerful people in the

United States. He is using

innovative technology texting on

cell phones and the Internet

much as Abraham Lincoln used

the telegraph and newspapers, as

Franklin Roosevelt used radio,

and as presidents of the20th

century used television. It seems

to me his executive experience

has been demonstrated , and his

abilities, are approaching genius.

My question is why hasn't

anybody noticed?”

~ Gary Gagne ● Charlotte, NC

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

So how did a skinny boy with large ears and a funny name find

himself at this place, at this time? How did a boy who defines

cultural, racial, religious and international diversity find himself

poised to become leader of the most powerful country on the planet?

He did it by following the principles of Energytic Leadership. To

begin to understand Energytic Leadership re-read the quote at the top

of this page.

Energytic Leadership begins with the power that exists within each

of us. It continues within the ‘synergy’ created when people are able

to work together to achieve a common goal. Synergy is the alignment

and collaboration of individuals to increase power and effectiveness

to produce results that would otherwise be improbable. Energytic

Leadership is the result of the synergy of human energies.

Barack Obama knows this energy, this power, well. He

understands how these universal principles are at work, not only

within him, but within others as well. To become an Energytic Leader

you need not read another word here. You can simply observe Barack

Obama in action. I have nothing new to offer. All I can promise you

is documentation on what is unfolding right in front of you. I will

present the universal principles of human energy systems that I have

also used with enormous success. Often I am asked, “But do these

“A few years ago I was getting

ready for work and I happened

to turn the TV on and there I

saw a young senator from

Illinois speak. He was speaking

about the war in Iraq and how

we should not send more troops

over. Obama spoke with so much

passion and truth that I listened.

I am a veteran, I support my

fellow service men and women,

but this war is a no go, and to

my surprise finally someone in

congress agreed. Then this past

year I saw that same senator

announce he was running for

president. I didn't know if he

was ready until I began

watching the debates, and

reading what his goals are. He

isn't saying "his goals" but our

goals". This is our country,

Obama our voice. That is what

a President is– our voice. We

want someone in office who will

stand up for us. Our freedoms

are to be cherished. We can’t

throw away the meaning of

what our country was founded

on. … Change is not something

to be feared. Change is to be

embraced and Obama has

shown me that he is indeed the

right person to help lead us in

that direction.”

~ John W. King Buckeye, AZ

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

principles really work?” To which I now reply, “Don’t take my word

for it. Just ask Barack Obama.”

To further define Energytic Leadership let’s begin with

Leadership. Leadership is the activity or intention of directing or

influencing the behaviors and thoughts of people in order to attain a

goal. It is the deliberate use of power to achieve the desired results. It

is critical to your success that you understand that it is not power over

people that allows you to achieve your goals; it is power with people

that you achieve positive results. In order to accomplish this you must

understand the concept of ‘energy’.

Let’s be clear. Here ‘energy’ describes that inner, nonphysical

source of ‘power’ that drives all of us. We consist of two distinct

energy systems. Each of us is an energy system made up of two sub-

energy systems, the first of the body, the second, of mind and spirit.

The first, the physical energy system, includes the five senses. While

the physical energy system of the body is important, it is the second,

nonphysical human energy system that is the primary power of each

individual and of each group or organization.

“Obama is the right choice for

president, I am convinced. I

have watched all the debates,

tracked his public appearances,

and read his book, The Audacity

of Hope. The vivacity of his

vision for effective leadership in

politics is appealing, as is the

balance he presents in

contemplating the issues. He is

not afraid to be truthful, even if

it means challenging popular

perceptions. Senator Obama has

intelligence and astuteness that

will provide a foundation for

thoughtful decision-making.

The political horizon seems

fresh with him. As a matter of

record, I have never before

displayed my political stance

with a bumper sticker or via

participation in a Blog. This

election year I feel strongly that

the public needs to see my hope

for a renewed America in his

voice for responsible, forward-

thinking change.”

Bernhard Steinbach● Charlottesville,WV

“If you have the heart and the

determination to inspire and

motivate others into action only

then can you call yourself a


~Jeremy Everett ● Tripoli, IA

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

Life is about energy. Your results, your power, in life are

dependent on how you use and control energy. As a leader, you must

understand that your results are dependent upon your use and control

of organizational energy. While energy exists in many different

forms, your primary concern as a leader, is the energy of the

individual, the nonphysical, human energy that exists within each of

us. These are the energies that fuel our thoughts, passions, emotions,

ideas, motivations, and self-esteem.

“Energy” is classified as life energy when it cannot be

produced by physical means or measured by scientific instruments.

Such energies are life energies; they are produced, perceived, and used

by people – life entities. You can’t go down to the local hardware

store and say, “Give me a pound of love, a quart of intelligence, and a

bag of happiness.”

The forms of human energy, life energy, include will,

consciousness, mental energy, emotional energy, human

communications, and relationships. The sounds or the words on paper

that we make to communicate are physical energies; but what we

communicate— information, ideas, feelings, beliefs, values, desires,

and needs, are nonphysical, human energies. Likewise, information,

knowledge, intelligence, creativity, and intuition are also human

“Obama speaks, and I cry. Who

in their right mind could ever

argue that "Words don't

matter"?His words have

motivated millions to aim for a

better, more empathetic and

proactive existence. We are the

change we have been waiting

for is absolutely true. It's MY

ass that gets off the couch to

help mentor my kids friends in

need or conserve energy. It's his

words, and inspiration that

moves me (literally) into action.

In my opinion, Barack Obama

has already won the election.

He has become my President

with or without the "office" and

for that, he will continue to be a

source of inspiration

throughout the rest of my life.”

Stephanie Fitzharris ● Austin, TX

“I believe Barack Obama has a

vision that he is able to give

voice to that is based on his

personal values, experience,

maturity, wisdom, and

knowledge, along with a respect

for those same qualities in me

and others.”

~Marla Turner ● Las Vegas, NV

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

energies. Information may be represented physically with letters on

this page, or 1 and 0’s in a computer memory, but the information

itself is mental energy. You operate on energy. At the end of the day

you are usually tired, of low-energy, and sleep to recharge your Life

Energy. You awaken in the morning full of energy for a new day, or

charged with negative energy if you are unhappy with your life

situation. You may think that is a purely physical, biological recharge,

but sleeping is much more than that. It also recharges your life

energies. Your mind operates with energy. Every thought, idea,

datum, memory, image, or vision is an energy form, molded by your


Your emotions are energies. Joy, passion, love, enthusiasm,

satisfaction, monotony, indifference, anger, fear, anxiety, rage, worry,

guilt, resentment, hate, sorrow, loneliness, sadness, grief, desperation,

and depression – all of these are energies. Pain and suffering; love and

happiness are all energies. Understanding that the most important

energies of all are the human life energies within the individual –

mind, feelings, and your interactions with others – is critical to your

power in life. These are the energies that most affect and control the

individual, family, groups, and organizations. The human energies are

the most powerful energies that exist. Power is the ability to produce

“The challenges and

opportunities that face us in

these complicated times cannot

be met by using divisive smug

sarcasm or sardonic humor.

The politicians that are seeking

leadership positions in The

United States should not stoop

to such tactics in these times. I

find it impossible to imagine

Abraham Lincoln, Franklin

Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy

wasting valuable time plotting

ways to insult or injure rivals

when the most important issues

of their time were facing them.

Lord Kames of England said

that no person did a designed

injury to another but at the

same time did greater to

himself. Honesty and humility

are qualities that are in short

supply. They are character

traits that we must demand in

this political season. Our new

leaders will guide us through

the storm or allow us to perish

in its’ wake.”

Robert Jones ● Westminster, SC

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

the desired results in any area of life, and for any person or any group.

As human energy is the most powerful of all energies, power in life

depends on the ability to control human energies.

Take a look at your family. Is there much negative energy in

the form of sadness, fear, anxiety, blame, resentment or depression? If

so, than more than likely you have kids in rebellion, arguments,

reduced financial flow or strained relationships. It is the negative

human, nonphysical energies “inside” of people that cause negative

energies and poor results in life. Now, let’s go further, take a look at

the national situation. Is there much negative energy happening here?

How much negative energy, in the form of sadness, fear, anxiety, or

blame can you find here? You do not have to operate with negative

energy within you, your family, your community, or your

organizations. By understanding how it is generated, as part of the

human energies of the human being, negative energy can be


Energytic Leadership begins here: understanding that positive

results depend on the ability to understand the human energies of

people within organizations. The results of any organization (human

energy system) depend on whether people and teams are operating on

positive or negative human energy. A human energy system can be a

“Senator Obama represents this

country because he can relate to

all races and walks of life. He

does not favor rich people or

poor people. He does what is

just. Obama is a shining

example of how the system

despite its flaws does work if you

work within it. He rose from

humble beginnings and did not

let race stop him. He relates well

with all Americans and shares

our core spiritual and family

values. Obama inspires all to go

for their highest dream of

success. Yet he does so without

resorting to negative attacks.

We need a leader who is

diplomatic b/c the world needs

more level headed leaders, not

ones who act out of fear. He is

strong and brave. Obama does

not let negative attacks and

threats to his life deter him. His

policies show that he has this

country’s best interest in mind

and will stand up for what is

right for us all.”

Karen Walton ● Fort Lee, NJ


Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

family, a neighborhood, a city, or a nation. The end results produced

by any human energy system depend upon the collective energies of

the people that make up the energy system.

In short, the nonphysical, spiritual Self, includes three major areas of

energies: 1) mental, 2) emotional, and 3) motivational-behavioral.

1. Mental phenomena includes your level of cause and

responsibility, ideas and intuition, intelligence and creativity,

beliefs and values, knowledge and memories.

2. Emotional energies include all emotions and feelings, both

positive and negative: joy, enthusiasm, like and dislike,

interest, happiness, anger, worry, fear, hate, resentment, guilt,

sadness, grief, depression, etc.

3. Motivations and behaviors, including your relationships with

others, are always energies and include such factors as

principles and integrity, communication and affinity,

negotiations and agreements, and service and love.

All of the important experiences of life– intelligence, creativity,

personal power, good relationships, joy, love and happiness, etc. – are

your nonphysical, spiritual expression of Self. Your ability to lead, to

“There are many reasons why I

believe Barack Obama is a great

leader. His honesty, tenacity and

hopeful nature are but a few...

However the most compelling

reason for me is his desire to

empower others. I have been

working on political campaigns

since I was 12 and I haven't

seen the like. Obama's

campaign setup a community

organizer training program

during the primaries. I took part

in this program. I have never

felt more effective politically. As

a GenX cynic - I never thought I

would have "hope" for a

politician. He has already left a

great legacy - regardless of the

results of this election - with the

army of politically aware people

he has left behind. He has

reawakened something in me -

and many others. I feel proud of

my country, for the first time in

a long time. Go Obama!”

~Sarah L. Gerhardt ● Portland, OR


Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

direct change, begins with this experience of Self and your

relationship and ability to control these nonphysical energies.

Barack Obama, in a full embrace of Energytic Leadership, has

initiated and demonstrates a powerful strategy of leadership for the

third millennium. While his opponents would diminish his success by

explaining that it’s all ‘talk’, he’s just delivers a good speech— there

is far more to it than that. Yes, Obama is motivational with a powerful

ability to inspire but as any supervisor, manager, or parent knows,

motivation and inspiration do not last for long.

And yet, Obama has moved and grown this movement for

almost two years. Enthusiasm, passion, and commitment remain high.

He continues to add more numbers to his grassroots movements as

individuals provide whatever resources they can. Some of his most

ardent supporters are unemployed, have lost homes, have out-of-

control healthcare costs, are living paycheck to paycheck– and still,

they squirrel away some money to donate to the campaign

Barack Obama has catapulted himself to a place in history by

his ability to first harness, and then unleash the positive human life

energies of millions, worldwide. He has transformed the internal

energy systems of individuals from negative energy to positive

“What makes a leader? Is it the

amount of time they have spent

in positions of power? No, it

isn't. Is it that they never

change their original strategy,

for fear of "losing face"? No, it

isn't. Are you automatically a

leader because you've been in a

war? No, you aren't. What

makes a leader is a true

understanding of the issues at

hand, not only how they affect

people right now and right here,

but their long-term

ramifications and their affect on

the world, as well as the affect

of any solution for these issues.

What makes a leader is bringing

people together is moments of

crisis and uniting them for the

better good. What makes a

leader is having passion for

always doing the right thing,

regardless of the pressures to

take an easier road. What makes

a leader is inspiring that same

passion in others.... Barack

Obama is a true leader. History

will find him to be one of the

greatest leaders ever known.

With all the hard times,

hypocrites, and skepticism in the

world today, the fact that

Obama can still infuse that kind

of faith and hope in me, and

countless others, and where he

can take this country –now that

is a true leader.”

Jessica Smith ● Amesbury, MA

Chapter 1 

Energytic Leadership Defined 


Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century

energy. The hallmark of his grassroots campaign is the high level of

personal empowerment that participants enjoy. This increase in

personal power results in a high level of creativity, resourcefulness and

initiative. People are encouraged and invited to participate at whatever

level they can. In a state of personal empowerment individuals enjoy

an experience of positive energy. From this state of empowerment

individuals become innovative thinkers. Innovation is the foundation

of our culture, the hallmark of the American Dream as further

explained in the next chapter.

“The reason I think Obama is

such a great leader is because

of his ability to command an

audience with such an air of

respect and grandeur but at the

same time he has such a sense

of humbleness. That is a

quality you don't see a lot of in

politicians if at all these days is

the act of being humble yet still

having respect for yourself and


Kathy Wilson ● Bowie, MD

“I have been waiting to see who

Senator Obama would choose

as Vice President and was not

disappointed. I don't have much

to add to Senator Biden's

speech today; he basically said

it all: courage, wisdom and

pragmatism is what a leader

needs. The fact that the Senator

chooses his team so wisely is

tantamount to a leader. The

responsability of power which

the position of President entails

should not go into frivolous

hands. Ultimately, the defining

and ultimate decisions will be

the leader's. I have nothing but

good feelings about Senator

Obama's sound judgment, open

mind and willingness to

question himself.”

~Simone Suter ● Geneva,


For too long, our country has been seized by fear and division which has

polarized our electorate, has threatened civil discourse and discouraged

constructive dialogue. I believe that Barack has a unique ability to inspire,

to help us to find the best in ourselves and to begin to bridge the divide

created by current destructive, self-serving partisan politics. Such integrity

and leadership will be crucial as we collectively face the shared challenges

and sacrifices that will be necessary to support our beloved country, our

world and the future of our children.

~David Loewenstein PhD ● Miami, Florida

Chapter 2 Innovation 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Ingenuity: The creative ability to come up with new and innovative ideas and cherish the opportunity to implement them.

Powerful leaders know that the nonphysical energies that

reside within us are the most powerful energies that exist. Since

power is the ability to produce the desired result in any area of life,

and for any person, group or country, effective leadership is

dependent on how well human energies are coordinated and focused

on a single goal, objective or vision. Powerful leaders understand

that the ultimate motivation of every person is to experience more

and more positive energy, and less and less negative energy. This is

the ultimate motivation of individuals, families, businesses, and

countries. Our reactions to our current national circumstances

reflect the collective energies of our citizens. Any group of people,

whether it is a family or a city or a country, is a complex energy

system, where the basic unit of power is the individual. Each

individual is a unit of energy, life energy. While our energies can

fluctuate between positive (happiness, enthusiasm, satisfaction,

collaboration, etc.) and negative (anger, fear, anxiety, rebellion, etc.)

each of us has a chronic state of emotional experience that we return

“Obama's ultimate goal is to

effect true, concrete and far-

reaching change in this country

on so many levels. I believe that

Obama has a very clear focus

on where he wants to direct

America, domestically and

internationally; If that really is

the focus, first he must get

elected and, then and only then

can he work to effect sweeping

change on the most basic,

fundamental issues regarding

not just the United States, but

also this globally interdependent

world of ours. He certainly is

not going to let minor side

issues or idiotic squabbling get

in the way of his that ultimate

goal. I don't, by the way, view

this as politics as usual in the

negative sense; I view this as a

very shrewd and utterly

necessary means to a

desperately needed end. To

rebuild the tattered remains of

the United States after the

disgraceful and reckless actions

and inactions of Bush, Cheney,

Rice, Rumsfeld, et al.”

~ Christina Marlowe ● Summerland, CA

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

to. In the fall of 2008, for many Americans, that emotional

experience is negative.

Leaders who are able to create a climate that allows people to

experience their innate, natural expression of curiosity, creativity,

and resourcefulness establish a population that is self-motivated. In

turn, people raise their chronic levels of energy from primarily

negative to a chronic state of positive energy and experience. The

synergy of the system becomes greater than the whole, creating the

positive results that individuals, organizations, and our country

seeks. Successful results are the end product of Energized

participants. It is time for leaders to challenge the status quo of our

current definitions of leadership to accept the larger, holistic role that

they play in the lives of the persons that they lead.

Barack Obama has created one of the most successful

grassroots organizations ever by tapping into our nonphysical energy

system of mind, emotion, behavior, motivations, ideas and more. It is

from this nonphysical energy system that our ingenuity and

innovation arise. We were born with the innate characteristics of joy,

ambition, enthusiasm, success, confidence, personal initiative,

tenacity and flexibility. These are the energies that we called forth to

take our first step and utter our first sentence. There are those that

would say that Barack Obama is a charmer– a man with a little

“The world is changing, and some

people think that under George

Bush it has passed us by. Every

tenet of effective leadership has

been broken by George Bush. He is

a case study in how NOT to lead.

In contrast, Barack Obama reflects

the future. As a nation we are

increasingly diverse, global, more

technology and education

dependent, and interdependent

globally. We have watched the rest

of the world "get it". In my travels

abroad, I have been saddened to

have colleagues and strangers

approach me to ask what happened

to the US? Why have we permitted

such a government, such a poor

leader, to represent us? I have

sadly replied that America has lost

its way and hopefully, someday,

will find itself before it is too late.”

~Charles Christiansen ● Rockville, MD

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charisma who talks a good game. I suggest otherwise. Barack

Obama understands passion. He understands that negative energy is

what destroys an organization and positive energy is what grows the

organization. The same principle applies to the organization that we

call the United States of America. Leaders who understand this

principle are armed with the knowledge that will allow them to

devise methods and foster environments that lead to self-

empowerment, a necessary counterpart to ingenuity. The following

essay on Innovative Leadership from David Gliddon, PhD, further

illustrates these ideals.

“I am 18 years old, a Christian

and a first generation, Ghanian

American female from a traditional

family. Barack Obama has

instilled in me that the American

Dream is still possible, and that we

must seriously come together,

beginning in our homes, pouring

out into our communities, towns

and cities, and finally reaching into

the White House, to fight and

demand change. We need to

change our 'me' society into a 'we'

society.” ~Joanna Siaw ● Morrisville, NC

“What I have learned about

Obama during the primaries is that

any time he did not get the results

he hoped for, he sat with his

support team to determine how

they could do better the next go

round. No blame, just common

sense. This is the person we need

at the helm of our Country.”

~Louis Burwick ● Worcester, MA

“I had the amazing joy of working

a Town Hall meeting, as a

volunteer at the Dunsmore

Community Center near Scranton

on April 1, 2008. This was a lead-

up to the PA primaries. Besides

canvassing and phone-banking I

drove voters to the polls…we were

a gloriously representative gang.

Black, white, hispanic, old, and

young. All this in Millford, PA!” ~Catherine Sebastian ● Millford, PA

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

Barack Obama: America’s Innovation Leader

Dr. David G. Gliddon

Barack Obama represents “the dream” that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so passionately

defined in his historic speech on August 28, 1963. On this same day, forty-five years later, the

American people witnessed this American dream come to fruition. The Democratic Party has

nominated Barack Obama, an innovation leader that inspires pure American ambition and will

work diligently to renew the integrity of our nation as a bastion for civil rights, a model for

economic prosperity, and enact a plan for peace on our streets and in our foreign affairs. Barack

Obama leads a unique, historic, multi-year movement for change based upon our strongest

American values. It is not a campaign designed with the sole purpose of electing Barack Obama

and Joe Biden. It is not a celebration of a single political party. It is an inclusive, multi-cultural,

bipartisan organization of people filled with hope for the future. It is an organization that has

transcended traditional politics by adopting a new, more effective leadership strategy that

recognizes that the needs of citizens are defined by citizens, that the goals of Americans are the

goals of America, and that a unified America can far surpass the past failures of a divided

America. The Obama campaign demonstrates and utilizes innovation leadership theory.

Innovation leadership theory is defined by the premise that an innovation leader, such as

Barack Obama, collaboratively interacts with followers to encourage new ideas (innovations)

and inspires them to share these innovations if they are beneficial to society. Innovation

leadership is a fundamental theory necessary for forming any successful organization that fully

acknowledges its purpose and vision in American society. The interaction between the

innovation leader and followers is one of goal-oriented collaboration that inspires progress in an

organization through the development of its member’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. Unlike

traditional leadership theories that create fear, oppression, decisive disinformation, and autocracy

by being grounded in a few limited alternatives or perspectives, decision-making in innovation

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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leadership theory embodies liberty and independence through collaboration to create a more

accurate and specific basis for judgment that represents, in primacy, the opinions of American

people about the true direction of their nation, not the direction defined by the narrow desires of

a corporate, militaristic, or idealistic agenda. As an innovation leader, Barack Obama has

discussed the dangers of stereotyping or narrowly labeling Americans in this fashion because it

marginalizes and limits their independent thought and represses their personal ambitions. The

message of an innovation leader is one of individual opportunity, creativity, and change through


Innovation leadership in the American economy

The American economy is based upon revolutions of societal-level innovations that are

born as ordinary citizens generate these innovations for products and services and then embark

with hope and a strong business plan to strive for success in a competitive market. As suggested

in 2006 by the US Department of Treasury, Americans that utilize innovation leadership theory

in their businesses can increase the overall growth of the American economy. The core economic

issue haunting American life is energy, more specifically, our dependence on and addiction to

foreign oil. The American economy is driven by energy; the more energy we have available to

use, the more we as Americans can utilize technology to be productive on the job or start new

businesses and ensure the successful the growth of our economy.

Our current system of taxation benefits those that contribute the most volume to the

economy placing the burden on individual working families for its core funding. This system of

taxation stifles American innovations because small businesses cannot achieve scalable financial

resources to enter a market crowded almost exclusively with corporate interests. These interests

lie in each segment of our market with a natural tendency for self-preservation through

monopolization. American small businesses and workers are left marginalized with little support

to complete in a free market that is made less free through tax loopholes, lobbying activities,

unethical businesses, and a misdirection of American economic prowess.

As previous American leadership teams chose to indebt our country to purchase oil from

foreign sources without diplomatic discussion or an actionable investment to create innovations

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

for domestic energy production or conservation, we have learned that our country’s destiny may

be unending war if we continue in this direction. War undercuts the progress and growth made in

our economy as an unnecessary opportunity cost that could instead easily be reinvested in

societal-level innovations in energy production, creating well-paid jobs, and directly increasing

our domestic energy production. It’s a change in the American economic system, and change that

represents fiscal responsibility, independence, and the inspiration of American ingenuity.

Innovation leadership in foreign policy

As an innovation leader, Barack Obama recognizes that the threats to American security are not

fabricated delusions of evil powers; they are real foreign leaders with competing financial,

idealist, and energy interests that will bring war when the necessary fundamental diplomatic

dialogue is removed from American foreign policy. This diplomatic dialogue is an ongoing

dignified conversation that ensures that our nation continues its role as the respectful leader of

the free world. The dialogue should maintain, as a fundamental principle, a collaborative effort

to generate innovations that improve the lives of Americans while defining a path for America’s

role in global affairs. American assistance and participation in global programs that promote

humanitarian efforts such as disease prevention, disaster assistance, scientific discovery,

education, food for developing nations, and military support for crises such as the genocide in

Darfur define how our nation can strive to establish peace and prosperity in all nations.

Climate change is a historical and scientific reality that Americans will face. We are a

large mass of people living on a continent surrounded by two beautiful oceans. As the Earth

naturally warms because of the heating and cooling cycles of the sun with some level of

contribution from American society, we face, in our very existence, an ethical dilemma. Namely,

why can we not keep this country’s beautiful lands pristine? It is our home, why can we not

create an entire sector of the economy and create jobs to help keep it clean and prepare for

climate change? This is the economic innovation that will drive the next successful shot in the

arm to the American economy. We need to train workers and create businesses to create

environmental entrepreneurism. We can then share this economic solution to climate change

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

with other nations by training teams of American environmental consultants to provide

assistance throughout the world. This is an economic foreign policy innovation that needs

immediate and thorough research and evaluation. Specifically, how many green jobs might it add

to the economy? This is the first foundation of innovation leadership in a global economy.

The second, we need to find a way to transport ourselves and our goods that doesn’t use

oil. This innovation needs clean, American generated electric energy, a strong plan to rebuild the

world’s power grid to handle the new power needs, and a team of American auto designers and

engineers to ready the road for a true classic, the American ecar. Yes, ecar; from the folks that

brought the world the internet, email, the space shuttle, radio, TV, smart phones, mp3s, and

Apple pie. America is historically a trendsetting innovator in new technologies; it has been our

greatest impact on the global economy. Within Barack Obama’s speeches are these plans, and

truly this is much to take on to challenge our nation, but with guidance from an innovation

leader, our nation will have the direction it needs to a new renewable prosperous future. One

where we create a surplus of electric energy, and the highest quality products and services that

use it. Innovations made in America boost our economy, as we diffuse them throughout the


These two foreign policy initiatives combined with investment in supporting businesses

that produce and market American-made consumer products creates more American jobs

domestically, more conservation potential, increase the urgency of the mission of the US military

as a humanitarian protectorate, provide a strategy to combat climate change, provide growth to

the US economy, reduce energy prices, and create a new climate in American business for

entrepreneurism in a developing global market. As an innovation leader, Barack Obama has

recognized that our system of governance was built on a constitution that provided a fundamental

ability for all of its citizens to innovate. The constitution is built inherently for change, as its very

designers, our founding fathers, had created it to.

The most organized political campaign in history

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

During the movement for change, led by Barack Obama, innovations were created and

utilized by ordinary citizens to organize for change in their communities. The campaign

understood that if people are given the tools, training, leadership necessary to organize, there is

no limit to the accomplishments that could be made to change and involve more citizens in the

American political system. The vision of the campaign was clearly conveyed in speeches by

Barack Obama and the effective innovative strategies that it employed. The movement for

change was an active recruiter that found members of all walks of American life with similar

beliefs and unified the aspirations and called these Americans into action. Obama supporters had

direct input into the crafting of each of the plans for change. The campaign, although supported

by the Democratic Party, was highly bi-partisan in membership, representing a wide range of

American values.

The discussion and activity generated in the campaign has empowered Americans; from

grass roots organizing, to canvassing, to fundraising, to policy formation. This campaign

experience has created a new generation of leadership for our country based upon leading

innovation. The campaign has sponsored a wide variety of community and national events that

have demonstrated the character and integrity of Barack Obama. The core message of the

campaign is belief in change; an acknowledgement that when we identify a problem in our

society, it is something that can be fixed and it is our duty as Americans is to help out and

prevent that problem from happening again.

As we move through this period of change in our history, we are establishing more

security and stability for our children and their future families. We must ask ourselves, what

have we learned as a nation? How will we grow? Are our policies fair to all Americans? Have

we made decisions that encroach on our own freedoms? The movement for change has discussed

these issues and has shared the perspectives that helped to formulate Barack Obama’s vision and

plan for change. The campaign is unified demonstrating our strong American patriotism and

respect for our fellow citizens. The movement for change itself has already suggested new

national security policies that, even before the general election, have provided actionable

solutions to our nation’s foreign relations challenges.

The O3: The Obama Oval Office

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

The leader and strongest supporter of the movement for change is Barack Obama. His

personal story, character, judgment, integrity, education, and inherent love and patriotism for our

country fully qualify him to become President of the United States. From his early historic

speeches about unity, civil rights, American values, economic challenges, and diplomacy to his

historic speeches in Berlin and Denver, Barack Obama’s message of change has demonstrated

innovation leadership. Barack Obama’s personal challenge is no different than our own, to wake

up everyday and help to generate ideas to create a more perfect union.

The movement for change embraces the broad variety of needs expressed by the vast

constituency of the United States. It encompasses all people of all ideologies in a dialogue that

creates strong relations between people, not categories by which they can be targeted. We have

aimed to establish a political system based on equality. There is not one voice in America that is

louder than another. Instead, the movement for change speaks with one united voice, after we

have discussed and encouraged input from all who would like to contribute their thoughts. This

is the political system that represents the change we believe in; a political system that directly

addresses the challenges of America.

The courage and inspiration to facilitate this discussion has come from Barack Obama.

Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has demonstrated his ability to listen and suggest

practical solutions that demonstrate his unique experience. His story is filled with hope, and as

an innovation leader this hope is a positivity that progress can be made while ensuring that our

nation’s oldest values are not overwritten. Barack Obama’s academic credentials and choice of

advisors are second to none in expertise. He is highly educated, and has shown commitment to

service rather than personal profit as the nation’s foremost expert on constitutional law.

He is intrinsically motivated to use this expertise to mold our country as it was by our

forefathers. His statesmanship is similar the patriotism of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln,

Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. If Ronald Reagan was known as

“the great communicator” Barack Obama may be known as “the innovation leader.” It is not only

that Barack Obama can communicate very effectively, but that his words have practical meaning

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

to the daily life of all Americans. This demonstrates his critical thinking abilities to not only

engage his constituency, but to inspire it. A leader is defined most centrally by this ability; to

inspire followers. As one of the greatest American speakers, Barack Obama has shown

conviction, resolve, and an enthusiastic love for the American people. It is how he personally

views the people of our country that matters most. Barack Obama understands that altruism, as a

foundation for innovation leadership, states that the needs of our citizens outweigh special

interests that lobby relentlessly to undermine our constitutionally defined equality. It is Barack

Obama’s vision of the inherent potential of the American people that allowed the movement for

change to begin to revitalize the American spirit.

A new American security

In recent American political history, our leaders have defined American security in terms

of a forbearance of our own civil rights in the face of terror and military mobilization to protect

our oil interests. But this security policy has Americans feel less secure in their daily lives.

Around our kitchen tables, we discuss health care expenses, taxes, gas prices, food prices, home

heating prices, and the opportunity to find a better job to secure our American dreams. Although

we may be protected from terrorists, we are not secure in our health, employment, and housing

needs. These are fundamental human needs that have largely been ignored or monopolized upon

by special interests that ignore the fear in our society that a lack of these basic services create,

instead focusing on the growth of profit that can be made by perpetuating this fabricated fear.

At the core of this dilemma is a fundamental argument; are these corporate-backed

strategies for increased profit more valuable than human rights which they violate? How could

we abandon the security of veterans and seniors when their sacrifices for our country’s

international security have been so admirable? A corporation as an entity would argue

vociferously for their profit, but would the individual members and shareholders of that

corporation be too afraid to suggest lowering costs and providing more efficient services to more

customers might be beneficial to society? Would they tell their executives that obsession with

accumulation of unneeded extravagant wealth harms not only their organization’s sustainability

but also the shareholders and customers who continue to invest in its future progress? Would

they be afraid to tackle the inefficient and wasteful network structure of most coordinated health

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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services? Would they seek standardized ethical lending practices? Would they understand that a

corporation provides for its employee’s lives and should not place their employee’s lives in

jeopardy over reckless business decisions? These questions go beyond the boardroom but return

at the kitchen table. Americans think; why can’t we change to relieve these burdens from those

who prevent Americans from getting the necessities of life? Other countries have successfully

changed to a more domestically secure way of life for their citizens creating better, all-

encompassing health care coverage and educational opportunities that raise the standard of

American life.

A smart choice

American educators believe in life-long learning. As life changes, our ideas, policies, and

perspectives adapt to what we discover about our world. Our education system teaches

fundamental critical thinking, writing and mathematics skills, preparation for the workforce, and

encourages research in all areas of life to discover how we may improve American life. Barack

Obama has demonstrated and encouraged a commitment to education providing opportunity for

all Americans to learn and forge new ground through innovation. To study and become

tomorrow’s greatest leaders, to create a more informed society that does not embrace ignorance

and defensiveness. Barack Obama understands that academic rigor is based upon mutually

beneficial discussion, rather than argumentative decisiveness.

Our schools need teachers who are more inspired to commit to the learning of their

students. We need standards that are not designed to eliminate students from opportunities, but

that show specifically where they need improvement to be successful. Teachers need to more

clearly convey the importance of education as not only a means for a better and more enriching

life, but also a means to transfer what students learn into business and industry. A stronger focus

should be placed on career and workforce development through experiential community service.

Community service means committing to complete a task because a person believes in

the task, derives meaning from completing the service, and is able to then lead others to

understand that every contribution to improvement through innovation will make a difference in

the lives of others. Community service is typically without pay, but the opportunities provided to

network and connect with fellow citizens provides a free educational experience that allows

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

students to test their knowledge, skills, and abilities beyond the classroom. Education is our

future and innovation leaders will contribute and help to create a more prosperous America.

Born in Scranton: Joe Biden and innovation leadership

The author of this article was born and educated near Scranton where Vice Presidential

candidate Joe Biden was born. Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania was a previous center for

coal production in the United States. Because of a disaster that flooded Susquehanna River into

the far reaches of local mines, the local industry became sparse and jobs became few. As land

was reclaimed in the 1970’s and 1980’s, local industry was prime for development but with such

little investment in business, times rarely changed. Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania is

fond of its elderly population, musical and artistic talent, and has a proud culture of many

ethnicities. As part of the beautiful Pocono Mountains our constituency represents a strong

Democratic base that embraces practical change and respects natural sporting and environmental

renewal. Entire mountains were stripped bare of ecosystems as coal was taken from upper layers

of the crust. As the area, in the long term, has been rebuilt it has been the strong focus on small

business that has sustained a newly fervent economy.

Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania represents a working class of highly patriotic

Americans with strong values and a culture of unity. The local media in the area provides pride

and even handed messages to the constituency that allows for a regional perspective on regional

issues. As regional leaders work to continually invigorate the economy, the innovations that are

needed are recognized and much effort is put forth to support change. The people work together

in a diplomatic but direct form of politics. A strong practical dialogue on the improvement of our

government provides a basis for critical thinking about the solutions that are needed when a

problem arises. Because of this, many strong political leaders have developed their commitments

to public service in our area.

Obama/Biden 08’

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

The time is now for change. With two experienced American statesmen comes a

perspective that takes into account the needs of all regions of our country. It is the worldliness,

intellect, dedication, fair-mindedness, and wisdom that will drive decisions and judgment in this

well-matched leadership team. They have demonstrated innovation leadership theory in their

approach to governing our nation which can provide great benefits to our economy, culture, and

society. They demonstrate a united America.

It is not our cultural or ethnic divisions that make our country strong, is the sharing of

knowledge of these cultures that drives our patriotism. America is the land of opportunity, a

melting pot of all peoples, a place where freedom and the American dream are cherished above

all. To protect a nation, leaders are needed that can develop the best possible future for its people

by creating an interactive dialogue that empowers all citizens to stand up for their rights and a

place for them to pursue their happiness. A nation that celebrates the creativity inherent in its

diversity and uses this creativity to generate innovations will drive its success and progress.

An innovation leader realizes the needs of each person to live their own life, making a

career of their choosing, and to strive against the divisive politics created in a previous

generation. We are now a new generation of Americans, each of us has something in our lives

that we would like to change. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have fought for change throughout

their entire careers because they know American innovations can create a more prosperous and

independent future through unity. As American life changes, Americans adapt. The movement

for change begins when each one of us starts to do something differently.

Chapter 2 Innovation 

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21st Century

People will become intrapreneurs ready to put forth creative

efforts to strengthen the team or organization. However, intrapreneurs

can only be successful in a climate where success is rewarded and are

not punished for their ingenuity. In order to succeed, the intrapreneur

must be encouraged and supported by leaders. The ultimate

motivation of all human behavior is to be and feel more and more of

wisdom, power and value– the essence of the life energies.

Intrapreneurs are driven by the need for personal and

professional satisfaction, an opportunity to contribute to the bottom

line, an opportunity to envision and implement solutions, but most

importantly, to be successful. It is the intrapreneurial spirit that drives

any successful grassroots organization. It is in this success that

intrapreneurs can fully experience the ultimate motivation of all of

us– happiness and joy. It is the intrapreneurial spirit that has moved

Barack Obama to the likelihood of becoming president of the United


“So I know these are difficult days. But here's what I also know. I know we

can steer ourselves out of this crisis. Because that's who we are. Because

that's what we've always done as Americans. Our nation has faced difficult

times before. And at each of those moments, we've risen to meet the

challenge because we've never forgotten that fundamental truth - that here

in America, our destiny is not written for us, but by us.”

~ Senator Barack Obama ● September 24, 2008 ● Dunedin, FL

“For the first time in my life I

feel inspired to become involved

in the political process. This is

due to the honesty, integrity,

judgment, intelligence, and

leadership abilities of the most

inspiring political leader of our

time, Barack Obama.”

~Roberta Kelinson ● Rock Island, IL

“I feel very strongly that our

country needs a sharp and

decisive change in our

government. It must represent

who we are and what America is.

We are diverse in our beliefs. I

see in Barack a chance to have a

leader who is honest, who

believes in himself and this

country. A leader who sees

possibilities and has thought of


~Maggie Walton ● Houston, TX

Chapter 3 Commitment 

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21st Century

Commitment: Once the vision is defined, resiliency is the necessary

ingredient to stay focused on the end result.

“But understand – while the change we seek will require major investments by

a more accountable government, it will not come from government alone.

Washington can't solve all our problems. The statehouse can't solve all our

problems. City Hall can't solve all our problems. It goes back to what I learned

as a community organizer all those years ago – that change in this country

comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom up. Change starts at a

level that's even closer to the people than our mayors – it starts in our homes.

It starts in our families. It starts by raising our children right, by turning off the

TV, and putting away the video games; by going to those parent-teacher

conferences and helping our children with their homework, and setting a good

example. It starts by being good neighbors and good citizens who are willing

to volunteer in our communities – to keep them clean, to keep them safe, and

to serve as mentors and teachers to all of our children. That's where change

begins. That's how we'll bring about change in our neighborhoods. And if

change comes to our neighborhoods, then change will come to our cities. And

if change comes to our cities, then change will come to our regions. And if

change comes to our regions, then I truly believe change will come to every

corner of this country we love. “

~ Senator Barack Obama ● June 21, 2008 ● Miami, FL

“Senator Obama has a tremendous amount of innate leadership talent and charisma. He is a brilliant and well-educated man. The trait I would single out as key is his determination to empower the electorate. He challenges us to become more and through the campaign has provided an education and the tools for all of us to become community organizers. The past years have been demoralizing. We've watched our country be stolen from us by the powerful; election fraud, the Bush Administration, corporate media, and special interests. They have sold us out and left us believing that nothing we can do makes a difference. We've seen our moral standing and leadership role in the world diminish. Our country is in debt to China and tied to the Middle East because we won't put the money into developing alternative energies. Senator Obama has reminded us that we make up this nation and that yes, we can challenge our government. We can become our government. This is exceptional leadership in action.”

~ Jessica Meltzer ● Berlin, MA

Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

When people live in the paradigm or belief that events outside of

them create their happiness, that they are not the creator of their

experience, (and therefore external events are), they will attack

external circumstances with negative energy to change, stop, or destroy

them as the apparent cause of their pain or negative energy. In the

political arena, negative circumstances can be poor poll results, low

donor contribution or perceived negative media coverage. That

negative energy is destructive, both internally to the person and his or

her happiness, and externally to others, the organization, citizens, and

the desired results.

People, as life entities, are either creative (positive energy)

or destructive (negative energy). These are the forces that you must

commit to in yourself and in your teams to make them more alive,

more powerful, and more supportive of the intrapreneurial spirit. Life

works to organize energy into ever more powerful systems. Its

opposite works to disrupt and downgrade energy systems into chaos

and collapse. You can see these forces at work in your home, at work,

in our government, and in our 2008 election cycle. Every organization,

including governments, strives to organize people, energies, and

materials to create positive results. However, within organizations

there are also destructive forces that create disorganization and loss of

“When I first got the word that

he was running for President, I

said "America is not ready for

that and he won't win because

of his color." Well, after

hearing him speak and after he

won Iowa it was all she wrote

and that is all it took for me. I

believe in Barack Obama, I

believe he is a man of his word,

I believe he can bring this

country together and unite all

of us. He is smart and

intelligent and as Oprah said

"He is brilliant!" Barack

Obama is the beginning of a

new United States of America

and a leader for the

generations to come after we

are all gone. He will bring back

pride in our country and

negotiate with other countries

that are on the attack to destroy

us. If anybody can bring real

change to the USA it's Barack

Obama. Michelle Obama is

wonderful too and she will

make a beautiful First Lady. I

have the deepest courage and

passion to fight for Barack and

Michelle to be the next

President of the United States

of America & First Lady. They

have changed my life and given

me new hope and not just me,

but my 81 year old mother and

my 83 year old aunt. We love

Barack ~Emma Carter Brooks ● Leeds, AL

Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

time and energy. As a parent, executive, manager, leader, or elected

official, you are always trying to increase positive energy and decrease

negative energy– or you should be if you desire positive results.

Individuals (human energies), in any organization, when left to

themselves, are naturally positive and full of life spirit. The life force in

organizations– the intelligence, creativity, and abilities of your family,

employees, teams and citizens, are positive energies that work against

the natural tendency to fall into chaos. The success of any organization

depends on how well positive energy wins over negative energy.

Positive energy is what drives commitment. People are very easily

moved to do what brings them satisfaction, and personal satisfaction

and joy is what each of us desires. The leader who is able to create and

maintain a positive organizational energy climate will attract and retain

people who are resilient and committed to goals and objectives.

“I am a French citizen

supporting Barack Obama for

President. Obama talks, acts and

looks like a President. He is

tactful and thoughtful. His

speeches are deep and clear. Full

of good sense, he offers solutions.

He is concerned about the issues

of this 21st century– terrorism,

genocides, diseases, global

warming. Barack Obama does

not change: his campaign (like

his life) has always shown his

ideas, and ideals, he relies on

people, he has rejected the war in

Iraq, he has been there to help

people. k Obama has experience:

he was able to improve his

community. Through dialogue

he makes things change for the

better. He can do the same for the

United States and for the world.

By listening to his conscience, he

won't let any power buy him. I

can't vote, I am not an American

citizen, but I can spread this

message around. Dear American

Friends, do vote for Obama. Only

him can heal the scars of your

country, only him can heal the

wounds of this world. Barack

Obama will be a good President

and a great world moral leader

too.” ~Claire ● Paris, France

Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Authentic Leadership

By Melissa Deputy

Powerful Leadership is important to our future. As individuals and a nation facing many

concerns, we need leaders to provide a vision for our future. We need leadership that we can

trust. We need leaders who can understand our concerns, wants and needs and are committed to

showing us how to achieve that vision. For me that leader is Barack Obama. I feel comfortable

with him and I feel that if I invited him to my home, he would feel as comfortable with me as

with any other foreign head of state.

As a child I saw leadership in many areas of my life. The closest was my father. Like

Barack, he was a charismatic leader. Like Barack, he oozed sincerity from every pore of his

being making him very popular with everyone. Like Barack, he was authentic, a person that you

could trust with the most intimate details of your life. As a skilled laborer from a poor, “wrong

side of the tracks” background, his leadership, authenticity and commitment to the better good,

made him stand out. He became an agent of positive change in our community, working

alongside the privileged, socially acceptable and wealthy, both in our town and our state as well.

Like Barack, my father was a community organizer. While there are some who may scoff

at community organizers and belittle their leadership contribution, I learned from my father that

the ability to relate to and understand the community you serve is half your success. The only

way to be able to really know your community, which can be a school, a neighborhood, a town,

or a state, is by rolling up your sleeves and getting down in the trenches. When others can see

Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

first-hand, your commitment to their success, positive change begins. Once people realize that

you understand their issues, and are committed to showing them what can be done, now they are

ready to listen to you. Now you can involve others, not in achieving your goals, but really in

achieving theirs. I first learned the power of commitment from watching my dad in the

community and now I see Barack Obama leading in the same way.

As an adult, I realize how important it is for our children to be exposed to good

leadership role models. To ensure that we have a new generation of leaders, our children must

learn and be able to observe, leaders that are authentic and committed to helping them reach their

highest ideal. Our children must learn that real strength is not who can scream the loudest, or

who has the most force, but that real strength is having a goal and being committed to the

process until the goal is achieved. Our children, the leaders of tomorrow, must learn that we have

more similarities than we do differences. It is to everyone’s benefit that we focus on the

similarities. In our daily lives, we encounter many styles of leadership. Some leaders believe

that it is sufficient to just tell people what to do and make decisions for them. At one time, I was

such a leader. As I matured in wisdom, my leadership style evolved. As a community leader and

speaker focused on empowering women, I have learned that, “I succeed by helping you


Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Like Barack Obama, I too model my leadership style with Jesus in mind. Jesus showed

us how to lead, by serving others. Like Barack Obama, I bring the women I serve to personal

empowerment and enrichment with, “I lift you up to lead”.

In accepting the responsibility of leadership, an understanding of human nature is necessary.

Authenticity is the key to understanding human nature; and authenticity is the foundation of

leadership. In t he words of the great writer, Henry Miller, “The real leader has no need to lead –

he is content to point the way”. It is only from a state of authenticity and commitment that an

effective leader do this. The ability to share a vision, begin to work to make it a reality, remain

committed to that ideal, and to have others join to help defines effective leadership. As I observe

Barack Obama, I see a catalytic leader, successful at inspiring people from different walks of life

to come together and work towards common problem solving. By involving all and letting them

be heard, he increases the likelihood that the solutions will be acceptable even to those who do

not get the outcome they wanted. They will still be able to take some ownership for solving the

problem. Catalytic leadership is how we will move forward as a nation. Moving forward in

unity will require Barack’s visionary, inspirational, servant and authentic leadership skills

which he will bring to work for all of us. I appreciate and applaud his desire and commitment to

unify our nation again, as “One Nation Under God.”

Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

“The fundamentals we use to measure economic strength are whether we are

living up to that fundamental promise that has made this country great - a

promise that is the only reason I am standing here tonight. Because in the

faces of those young veterans who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan, I

see my grandfather, who signed up after Pearl Harbor, marched in Patton's

Army, and was rewarded by a grateful nation with the chance to go to college

on the GI Bill.

In the face of that young student who sleeps just three hours before working

the night shift, I think about my mom, who raised my sister and me on her own

while she worked and earned her degree; who once turned to food stamps but

was still able to send us to the best schools in the country with the help of

student loans and scholarships. When I listen to another worker tell me

that his factory has shut down, I remember all those men and women on the

South Side of Chicago who I stood by and fought for two decades ago after

the local steel plant closed. And when I hear a woman talk about the difficulties

of starting her own business, I think about my grandmother, who worked her

way up from the secretarial pool to middle-management, despite years of

being passed over for promotions because she was a woman. She's the one

who taught me about hard work. She's the one who put off buying a new car or

a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life. She poured

everything she had into me. And although she can no longer travel, I know that

she's watching tonight, and that tonight is her night as well.”

~ Senator Barack Obama ● August 28, 2008 ● Denver, CO

"Barack Obama, is a true

American hero, icon, and

visionary leader for the United

States of America, and for the

American people, that has

changed the future for the


~David J. Giacomuzzi

Palm Springs, CA.

“I'm a poet and a realist from

Nigeria. I support Barack

Obama because of his political

ideology. Because, he aims not

to unit United States alone, but

focused on the unity of the

whole nations of the world. I

believed he is the only

candidate that can take

Americans to their promised

land. To me, he is indeed a

Symbol of a true democrat!”

~Abubakar Abdulraheem


Chapter 3 Commitment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

A true leader needs to posses the quality to inspire the masses. Barack Obama has what it takes to do this. This is the first time in my life that I have been inspired by a politician, and given hope that things can change. I live in West Virginia and I was so ashamed of the racism here during the primary, but I kept working by talking to people and educating my neighbors. Change truly can happen because I am finally hearing people that said no way will I vote for him telling me yes he has my vote. I have seen my dedication to Senator Obama pay off, and I know he is change we can believe in. I have been so inspired by what Barack Obama has accomplished, and sometimes moved to tears. It is a truly great day in this nation, for today Senator Obama will accept the nomination for President of The United States of America. What a glorious day, and on the forty fifth anniversary of Martin Luther King's deliverance of his I Have Dream speech. On this night I reflect on the many people with whom I have spoken with in West Virginia. How all some knew in March was that Obama was a man of color, and that some of these people could not understand the campaign materials. I reflect on the time I have spent explaining what Obama stands for and that change can happen. I reflect on the people whom after listening to me have decided to vote for Obama, including the ninety year old man who stated he never thought he would vote for a black man, but for the good of his country he will. For Barack Obama has given him hope that things can be better in this country with the right leadership. The United States Of America needs a leader who can inspire the people, give us hope, and make each and every one of us understand our duty to our country and what it means to be an American. We have that in Senator Obama. I am confident that not only will he bring hopes of a better America to the people, he will lead us into a new generation of politics that is not ran by special interest groups or lobbyists. I know so many are tired of this. Last but not least you need to trust a leader and Obama is honest, I believe that he able to reverse some peoples distrust of government that has come about during the Bush era. Hope, Change, Honesty three great traits of a leader and three great things about Barack Obama. I feel so blessed to be able for once to be able to vote for someone so worthy, and someone whom is not named Bush or Clinton. Barack Obama is the leadership and the change we need! I am thankful I have had the opportunity to work on the biggest grass roots effort since JFK. I am truly inspired. Hope is still in my heart, as I see people in West Virginia change their minds, getting over their racial issues for the good of their country. It takes a strong honest leader to reach and change the minds of as many of these racist people that I have been talking to. That is proof enough for me that he is what we need. It is wonderful to be inspired by a politician that I can vote for. Before this the only two I found that were special were JFK and RFK. This is truly a great time in the history of this great nation.

~Stephanie Shank ● Elkins, WV

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Autonomy: The ability to take a lead on a project, working independently if necessary, and allowing others to do the same.

“In the end, that's all most Americans are asking for. It's not a lot. The

people I've met during this campaign in town halls and living rooms; on

farms and front porches - they know that government can't solve all their

problems, and they don't expect it to. They're willing to do their part - to

work harder and study more and replace the remote controls and video

games with books and homework. They believe in personal

responsibility and self-reliance. They don't like seeing their tax dollars


~Senator Barack Obama ● Springfield, MO ● July 20 2008

Any organization is an energy system. Understanding it from

this perspective will unlock for you new levels of power and control.

Energies rarely work alone. A single kind of energy working alone can

produce only very limited results. Energies combine and synergize to

work together in energy systems, which in turn are composed of sub-

systems. “Synergize” means to create synergy. Synergy is the

alignment, cooperation, and synchronization of different energies to

increase power, to produce results that would otherwise be impossible.

Power is the result of the synergy of energies.

Every group of persons is a human energy system, including a

couple, a family, a work group or team, a small business, a huge

corporation, a nonprofit organization, a church, a political party, a

“Barack Obama, in his acceptance speech in Denver asked us– to step away from our complacent acceptance of what is stagnant and linear in government and society, To step up to the challenges at home and abroad, To turn the corner, To come up with new ideas and To restore our old ideals. I renewed my dream that a global Camelot is within reach. I am awed, grateful and reassured to see that the divine gifts of intellect, wisdom, reason, talent, courage, compassion, audacity and inspiration are embodied in one being whose bloodline crosses continents, whose upbringing defies political boundaries and cultural divides. Obama is by far the only person in the world today with both the unique personal quality and leadership skills that can forge a peaceful consensus and build a solid foundation upon which every person is able to reach full potential unfettered by tensions or terror. Everybody can truly live up to our status that we proudly confer upon ourselves– the human civilization.”

~Al Pao ● San Francisco, CA

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

government, a society, or a nation. Human energy systems intake,

transport, use, transform, and output energies of many kinds and forms.

Every such group is an alignment of individual energies toward

common goals and purposes. Group or organizational energy systems

synergize and concentrate energies of all kinds, human and physical, to

create enough power to achieve things far beyond the power of lesser

energy systems or the individual.

Now consider Barack Obama’s grassroots organization. Is it

not the perfect example of the alignment of individual energies

working toward common goals and purposes? Does it not use energies

of all kinds– human, technological, and financial, for example? While

some of these energies are of the physical universe (technology,

money, tools, etc.), the most powerful of these are the nonphysical

human energies such as commitment; decision-making; persistence;

ability to plan, design, communicate and analyze; and your emotional

energies. All of these energies work together to create the human

energy system that is who we are. The individual then, is a subsystem

of a larger, more complex human energy system. Any organization

then, is the collective result of the individual human energy subset.

While there are physical actions that take place within any

campaign such as phone banking, hanging posters, or canvassing, the

meanings, impulses, and motivations behind them are internal,

) y “There is a sense of urgency

within my community and a shift

taking place within my own spirit.

Raised a conservative evangelical

republican, even my parents have

shifted. Almost 70, these wealthy

whites from the burbs, attend a

mostly black church. While I can

assure you, their politics have not

changed, due to pro-life and

owning our own business,

(Democrats are very bad for small

business--have you not heard?)

They see that our country needs

change. I believe they want

Obama to win…. I don't consider

myself either a democrat or a

republican because the labels

simply cannot contain what my

heart knows this country needs.

This country needs a leader who is

larger than him/herself. We need a

leader who is humbled at the

chanting of his name, knowing

that of himself, he is not the

answer; a leader who has

questioned himself, his heritage,

his spirituality, his politics, his

motives, his family, his existence.

..… I want a thinker for my

president. A human being who

thinks about cause and effect, one

who changes his mind given more

information. I want a leader who

does not spout off about the

weaknesses, strengths, or latest

gossip of his opposition, but one

who forges ahead and focuses on

his mission. I want a leader who

will help small business figure out

how I can pay for health

insurance for all of my employees.


Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

nonphysical human energies. Do these energies exist? Are any of these

energies going on inside of you? Do you see these in action in your

spouse, your children, your family, and relatives? Are any of these

energies affecting the teamwork and performance of groups you

participate in at work? Are any of these energies affecting, positively

or negatively, the performance, power, and production of organizations

of which you are a part? Absolutely.

All of these energies occur not only in you, but also in others,

in all groups, and in all organizations. You experience, you perceive

and feel, and you live daily with all of these energies. We all do, and

so does every group and organization composed of people. Are these

energies important in life? Obviously, they are. They control us, and

we control most of the other energy systems. Are they complex? What

happens to the complexity of the organizational energy system when

you have many people involved?

If you consider the quantity and complexity of your own

human energies (mind, thoughts, emotions, feelings, motivations,

behaviors, likes, and dislikes), and that every person has more or less

the same quantity and complexity, then add into the equation all the

possible interactions of all the energies of all people in the

organization, the complexity is vast.

Understanding the importance of energy systems, and of

understanding life and organizations in terms of energy and energy

“I want more for them, and I want

more for me….it is what we're in

business for. I want a president

who works with communities, who

supports grass roots organizations.

The world is listening to this man

because the world sees itself in

him. I need a leader who believes

in the basic goodness of people…

A man who listens, has a diverse

team around him, and sometimes

screws up, always feeling humbled

after knowing his humanity, yet

looking to divinity for assistance. I

want a leader who is willing to

admit mistakes–his own, and a

nation's. I want an America

willing to believe that a powerful

person is patriotic when he can see

the mistakes his country has made–

and confront the mistakes, and to

turn them around. I want an

America that does not demand

perfection from its president. We

need a leader who can shed needed

light on a path–and then we'll work

together. We commit ourselves to

the journey, we won't sit back and

see what you're going to do. This

is our country, and we want it back.

You understand– you were a part

of that in Chicago. You know the

power of church basements, and

you know the danger of lethargy

among people. You know that you

cannot change the state of this

economy, war, or health care

alone. A leader is a humble

servant. Obama is a humble

servant who believes in something

larger than himself. I want Barack

Obama.” ~Cheryl Saluga ● Boardman, OH

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

systems is critical to your success in life. The human being—the being

or spirit part, not the body—is an energy system. This system is not

physical energy; it is nonphysical or human energy, but no less

important or any less powerful—quite the contrary.

The human energy system, the individual person, is the most

powerful energy system that exists. It creates all other man-made

energy systems, and is the basic “chip” or “circuit” that comprises and

operates all other man-made energy systems, including organizations

such as the grassroots organization in support of Barack Obama. Here

individuals are recognized as the basic power that drives the

organization. Understanding that the human energy system (mind,

emotions, and behaviors) is a coherent system is important. It is not just

a collection of unconnected, unrelated, accidental, or randomly

occurring energies. It is a connected group of human energy systems

working toward a common purpose.

“America is the sum of our dreams. And what binds us together, what

makes us one American family, is that we stand up and fight for each

other's dreams, that we reaffirm that fundamental belief - I am my

brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper - through our politics, our

policies, and in our daily lives. It's time to do that once more. It's time to

reclaim the American dream.”

~Senator Barack Obama ● November 7, 2007 ●Bettendorf, IA

“As a republican for Obama I

was drawn to Michelle's

Mom’s message over the

holidays ‘07 about why she

wanted Barack to be the

President for her daughters. I

noticed and listened to him on

the news with new intent. I

started a group New Years

Morning. Then I saw the

young people and their faces

on the web site pictures.

Barack was fighting for the

nomination against Clinton. I

recall the Clinton years when I

was raising two teen girls in

Seattle, the suicide capital

among teens in America. I saw

and heard what happened to

their peers. For all of Barack's

achievements, the biggest one

in my opinion is the HOPE he

has given the young. That's

what all of the smiling faces on

the web site and pictures of the

rallies of the young jumping,

clapping and smiling, with

clear eyes mean to me. It

means....all the world to me

and should be the focus of his

greatest achievement.”

~Verna ● Bellingham, WA

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

With the understanding of how human energy systems operate

you can now see that in an environment of negativity, the

organizational climate is degraded. Amidst the negative climate you

will observe an erosion of trust, performance, commitment and

motivation. Leaders who possess an intrapreneurial mindset are

resilient and free of emotional reactivity. If you watched the first

presidential debate of the 2008 election season, you observed that

Senator Obama remained poised and confident during the event. His

responses were direct and deliberate. He maintained eye contact and

addressed his opponent directly, in stark contrast to Senator McCain’s

demeanor. The leader who can maintain and increase positive energy

can maintain a state of personal power, regardless of the


Your experience of positive or negative internal energy is what

determines your positive or negative thoughts and actions. Your

negative energy (emotional) state, determines at what level ego is

operating in your life. Ego is all efforts and behaviors that try to raise

you up by putting others down and to create the illusion of superiority

by making others inferior. Ego sees life as a teeter totter: I go up by

putting you down.

“Thomas Jefferson stated his belief

in leadership in this manner: "In

matters of style, swim with the

current, in matters of principle,

stand like a rock." By not

responding to the vicious personal

attacks of the GOP machine in like

fashion, Obama is hewing to his oft-

stated principles of civilized

discourse. Nowhere in the Obama

campaign have you seen attack-style

ads on McCain like those that have

been launched against Obama. This

is perhaps the best example of

Obama's leadership ability, and it is

one we have seen before. In the

primary Obama stuck unrelentingly

to the positive in the delivery of his

message. This delivery, received by

so many Americans as manna in the

desert, proved to be more than a

match for the old school, bruising

political machine style of politics.

One thing that many opponents

underestimate is Obama's uncanny

knack for timing. People mistake

Hillary's strong finish as an Obama

weakness. It was not. Obama was

deliberately dialing back so as to

avoid wounding the party for the

November election.”


Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Ego is the intent to compensate one’s negative self belief by

projecting them onto and invalidating others (make them less); thus

trying to assume a positive state of self– a state or experience of more

knowledge, power or esteem. All Ego is projection and polarization, a

faulty attempt to compensate for low self-esteem. Obviously, ego is a

negative energy behavior. It will always provoke resistance, ego, and

sabotage in others as they will often react to negative energy with

negative energy.

What we observe in Barack Obama is a man able to

maintain and create a positive state of self within himself. Leaders

operating in negative energies such as fear, anger, anxiety or sadness

will often choose to invalidate the state of Self of others in order to

elevate themselves. Ego is always negative energy toward others, the

end result being resistance, whether overt (rebellion) or covert

(sabotage). This resistance makes it difficult to achieve personal and

organizational goals and objectives. Expressions of and words related

to ego include: egoism, egotism, arrogance, bragging, lording,

snobbism, flaunting, condescension, and pedantry.

“So, too, is he now holding back,

spending enough money to remain

competitive, but WAITING to

unleash the full power of his

campaign. After the conventions are

done, McCain will largely be

dependent on outside groups for his

advertising. Groups that may or may

not stick to his campaign's message,

no matter how disciplined his

campaign may be. Obama, on the

other hand, will be able to unleash

enormous sums of advertising and

support, all of which will be under

his direct command. It is a vast

strategic gap that the Republicans

will be hard-pressed to even combat,

much less overcome. So they are

resorting to the same card that

Hillary played in the primary,

hoping that the fact that they have

larger resources than Hillary did

will be the difference. As he

displayed so deftly in the primary,

Obama's ability to transcend petty

politics enables him to navigate the

forest without getting lost in the

trees. This vision and leadership will

be the key to an Obama win in

November, and an American win

for generations to come.”

~Rick Beauleri ● Indiana, PA

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Ego doesn’t only show itself in the workplace. Ostentation to

show one’s power, wealth, or success is also a form of ego. In our

society at large, many will pretend to be better than others as they

show off designer clothes and accessories. Much of the advertising

industry lives by selling people expensive things they don’t need so

that they can try to compensate for their negative state of Self as

smart, successful, and worthy as others. We even have names for it:

“conspicuous consumption” and “keeping up with the Joneses.” Ego

demands respect—that it has not earned—and so will often interpret

others’ behavior as impertinence or insolence.

Ego spells the death of autonomy. First of all, in a state of

negative energy you are not operating in Wisdom, Power and

Esteem. Secondly, as a leader, if you are operating in a dictator

mentality you will destroy good relations, cooperation, and support.

Because of the innate desire to experience happiness, people will

seek to preserve and expand their inner state of Self. Therefore, they

will resist the leader’s ego, which tries to reduce their sense of

wisdom, power and esteem. They will resist openly if they can, and

covertly through sabotage if they can’t. Since ego activates ego,

people often get into ego struggles, which often show up as a power

struggle. Ego then, is all forms of intent to elevate a diminished state

“Barack Obama has world-class temperament, uncommon brilliance, a sense of empathy for the underserved, broad levels of experience at five junctures of society: grassroots, state government, academia, federal government and private law practice. He reflects unique sensitivities for the depth of consequences of American policies and how they impact other countries, including citizens and residents in America! He is the only candidate who rose from the ranks of the poor. Then, the middle class and now, one who is comfortable with folks who wield power, folks who can generate grassroots results from all backgrounds. His values and spirit include a faith in the American people, faith in other people. His style is inclusive He takes the high moral road and does not respond to character attacks. This temperament is what we need from our leaders. America is an example of democracy and deserves a spirit-centered and fully conscious person as its next President. One who tells the truth with courage, is self-critical and lives his life aligned with his faith and values! Integrity and Inclusiveness in the White House!

~Prosy Abarquez-Delacruz, J.D Los Angeles, CA

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

of Self, not be ‘polishing’ your inner Self, increasing your personal

excellence or achievement, but by invalidating others. Ego is all

efforts to increase ‘who you are’, not be expressing more Wisdom,

Power or Esteem, but by trying to ‘steal’ these from others.

Your creations of your Self are subtle energies, but they are the

most powerful things in your life. They begin and determine your

thoughts, beliefs, actions, and therefore all other aspects of your life.

Energytic leaders, such as Barack Obama, understand that to the

degree that people are in positive energy, they will happily contribute

their time, energy and other resources to achieve the end result. To the

degree that people are unhappy, they will express that unhappiness in

the form of negative energy, injecting it into the energy system, in this

case our country.

Energytic leaders are those that know that if high levels of

people in your teams are expressing emotions such as hostility, anger,

resentment, spite, jealousy, fear, indifference, apathy, frustration,

impatience, and depression. In other words– happiness, satisfaction

and enthusiasm are the controlling energies in every person. How a

person feels will determine whether they generate positive or negative

energy. To eliminate negative energy, conflicts and problems, and

increase the productivity of your organization, you must understand

“What makes Obama a strong

leader? Wow, that is a really

tough question to answer, as

there are so many things. I

guess for me I would have to

point to the way he has run his

campaign. Senator Obama put

together a true team that is

working together to get him

elected. Although I am sure

each of his senior team

members have been around

longer than Obama has, not one

of them has shown themselves

to be ego driven, or in need of

the spotlight. Instead, they have

worked together to build a

movement from the bottom up,

and it has worked. And unlike

Senator Obama's competitor

Senator McCain, the Obama

campaign has never gone broke

or even come close to it. If

Obama runs our country half as

well as he is running his

campaign, then we have eight

historic years to look forward to

that we can all be proud of!!!”

~Karen Whittle ● Kirkland, WA

“I am 29 years old, a social

worker. I belong to a United

Methodist Church and have a

Bachelors of Social Work.

Barack Obama inspires me to

believe that we can all

individually make a difference.

I know people laugh and make

fun, but if all of his supporters

do the little things, inflate their

tires, donate blood, recycle and

get people registered to vote,

imagine the difference we can

make. Obama tells us change

starts on the ground and goes

up, that is power.”

~Rachel Joslin ● Browns Mills, NJ

Chapter 4 Autonomy 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

how people feel…. and… you must be secure enough within your own

energies to let them BE and fully express themselves as the creative

spirits that they are. This is the hallmark of Barack Obama. He speaks

to our inner Self, he speaks to our creative spirit.

“To me he is the new

foundation we need to rebuild

this country. Last week I read a

republican statement saying he

was like Jimmy Carter too soft,

and we needed some one heard,

well I disagree we need some

one a little soft a little heard

and a little open minded. Not

heard and not all mouth and

not closed mined. We need

Senator Obama because he

would first try to understand

what the problem is and not

jump the gun and start a war

based on one or two peoples

words, he would look at both

sides. I never met the man, but

in his speech he reach out and

say I'm here to lesson I'm not

here just to talk. And I believe

he will do his best to do all he

can to rebuild this country.”

~Gloretha Gray Port Saint Lucie, FL

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Risk: The Energytic Leaders is comfortable taking risks and accepts all possible

outcomes understanding that falling down isn’t failure, but staying down is a show-stopper.

“We can choose to do nothing about disappearing jobs and shuttered factories for another four 

years, or we can encourage job creation in the United States of America. We can end tax breaks 

for corporations that ship jobs overseas and give them to companies that create jobs here in this 

country. We can make sure that our trade agreements work for both Wall Street and Main 

Street. And we can create nearly two million jobs by investing in our crumbling infrastructure and 

building new schools, roads, and bridges. 

And if anybody tells you we can't afford to make these investments, you just tell them that if we 

can spend $10 billion a month in Iraq, we can invest some of that money right here in the United 

States of America. That's what we can do in this election. The choice is ours. 

We can go another four years without truly solving our energy crisis; we can choose my 

opponent's plan to give $4 billion in tax breaks to oil companies at a time when they're making 

record profits, or we can finally make America energy independent so that we're less vulnerable 

to oil price shocks and $4 a gallon gas. We can invest in renewable energies like wind power, 

solar power, and the next generation biofuels. And we can create up to five million new, green 

jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. That's what we can choose to do in this election. 

We can choose to stay mired in the same education debate that's consumed Washington for 

decades, or we can provide every child with a world‐class education so they have the skills to 

compete and succeed in our global economy. We can invest in early childhood education, recruit 

an army of qualified teachers with better pay and more support, and finally make college 

affordable by offering an annual $4,000 tax credit in exchange for community or national 





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“These are the choices we face in November. We can choose to remain on the path that's gotten 

our economy into so much trouble, or we can reclaim the idea that in this country, opportunity is 

open to anyone who's willing to work for it. 

In the end, that's all most Americans are asking for. It's not a lot. The people I've met during this 

campaign in town halls and living rooms; on farms and front porches ‐ they know that 

government can't solve all their problems, and they don't expect it to. They're willing to do their 

part ‐ to work harder and study more and replace the remote controls and video games with 

books and homework. They believe in personal responsibility and self‐reliance. They don't like 

seeing their tax dollars wasted.” 

But they also believe in an America where jobs are there for the willing; where hard work is 

rewarded with a decent living; and where you can actually build a better life for your children 

and grandchildren. That's the promise of this country, and I believe we can keep it if we choose a 

new direction for our economy, a different course for our country, and get to work in the months 

and years ahead. “ 

Senator Barack Obama ● July 30, 2008 ● Springfield, MO

Energytic leaders must be comfortable with risk. Leaders who understand human energy

and how it works will act to create an environment and circumstances that are safe for others to

take calculated risks based on analysis and sound judgment. All new thoughts, growth, and ideas

can only originate within the context of risk. Leaders must help everyone in the organization

understand and accept ‘Responsibility for Experience”, that they are the initiators of their

energies – positive and negative. Leaders can direct circumstances, but ultimately each

individual is responsible for their own experience. Attacking and trying to change others to

change events and emotions makes no sense and is counterproductive. That does not mean that

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you do not work to change events to how you want them to be, only

that you stop attacking what is already packed with negative energy.

The first step in removing negative energy from your organization is

to take a look at your own energies. In the same way that you are not

responsible for the happiness of others, the organization are not

responsible for your happiness. They do not cause your emotions,

your anger, your frustration, or your happiness—on or off the job. To

be happy, you must take control of your emotions and create your

own happiness no matter the events around you. Life will always be a

parade of events. If your happiness depends on only positive events,

or on you controlling those events, your happiness, or that of any

person, has no hope. Fortunately, happiness does not work that way.

Your control of your inner energies (emotions, and thoughts) is

the only way you can ever achieve and maintain true happiness. And

only you can do it; only you can take control of your emotions. Nor

can you control the emotions or happiness of others. For success,

reducing the negative energy in your organization is essential. You

can’t control the energies of others, but you can begin to take control

of your energies and provide others with a valuable learning

opportunity. Only when every person takes responsibility for his or

her energies can each begin to control them. And only when

“What sets Barack Obama apart

is the respect he shows to every

single one of us regardless of

affiliations and the willingness to

know that not one person has all

the answers and we all can learn

a great deal from each other if we

just listen without preconditions.

Many refuse to listen and learn

because we are first convinced

that if the other does not share

our view, they are not worth

listening to. Barack Obama

makes us realize that we all are

important and we all have

something meaningful to say if

only we could get someone to

listen. Barack Obama is


~ Ron Manns ● Rockford, IL

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everyone begins to control their own negative energies will the

negative human energy in the organization be reduced. This will

make life much easier and more productive for everyone. With this

reduction in negative energy, individuals, businesses, teams and

organizations achieve true power to accomplish their goals and


This principle becomes particularly critical to the leader’s ability

to effectively deal with the negative energy of failure. Failure

generates within the individual the negative energy of “I couldn’t do

it”– an internal experience of powerlessness. How well anyone deals

with failure is directly related to their ability to control, understand

and direct their internal energies. When faced with failure, often

people will remove themselves from the event, seeking something or

someone to place blame. This reaction is typical of someone in low

self esteem. The person in high esteem, who knows him or herself to

be a person of power will reframe the failure as opportunity. Again,

we can look to Barack Obama for an example of a leader operating in

high personal power. During the primary election season, with each

‘failure’ he gathered his team to evaluate the results achieved,

determine what could have been done better, and determine how

“I have 31 yrs State Government

experience. I am a Union Local

President, moderate Christian

and a Republican turned

Democrat. Let's bare the skin on

this situation. It may give you a

chill to receive this shovelful of

ice hard Maine thinking, but

Barack Obama would have no

chance of becoming President if

it weren't for the reduction of the

Republican "Brand" due to eight

years of the "Decision Maker"!

Crawford sent their "Joe Six

Pack" or as called here in

Maine, “Bubba” to become the

worst President in American

History. "Mission

Accomplished". America is

ready to have an intelligent,

academically honored and yes, a

black president. This was the

time to offer and accept someone

for President who has the

capability to be the "Chair of the

Board" of America. The future is

history soon enough. And it will

be a history for all of us to be

proud of.“

~Lloyd Roberts ● Dexter, ME

“After hearing Senator Obama

speak at the Town Hall Meeting,

everyone walked away with the

sense that here was a once in a

lifetime leader. His confidence,

dignity and charm won the

audience from the start. I had the

honor of introducing him that

day. He met with me for a few

minutes just before we started. I

almost fainted, but he

immediately put me at ease. He

spoke as if we were old friends. I

have every confidence that here is

the next great leader of America!

And, I will do what I can to see

that he is elected. I am Lutheran

and believe that God wants us to

help our fellow man and all

creatures great and small. I

firmly believe that this is the year

for change for our country. We

must change the way our

government works and become a

good neighbor to the world

community again. The person to

bring that about is Senator

Obama. I am proud to have had a

small part in his campaign! “

~Denise Cyr ● Medford, OR

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these valuable lessons can be applied to future situations. There was no hand-wringing, finger-

pointing or lamenting over past events but a structured analysis of the situation and development

of proactive strategies for implementation. A tolerance for risk is a precursor to intrapreneurial,

original, out-of-the box thinking. New ideas and new strategies to address new events and

circumstances are the natural result of creativity that is allowed to thrive– and that can only exist

within the context of risk.

Many leaders (and followers) place a high value on experience. While past experience can

contribute to future success, it can also be a predictor for future failure. When an organization is

fearful of risk, the ability to respond to new and changing situations is reduced. Interestingly, the

perception of experience has become a major issue in the 2008 presidential election. Many voters

are drawn to Senator John McCain because of his many years of service in the Senate. However,

the value of experience must be considered in terms of results. What is the result of this

experience? Do the results indicate a tolerance of risk, intrapreneurship, new strategies and

creativity? Ask yourself, are the current results acceptable?

On the other hand, Barack Obama has been criticized because of his lack of experience. No

one can argue that his opponents for the Democratic nomination were certainly experienced in

the political

arena. Clearly years of experience on the Washington scene did not bring about the successful

result that the many Democratic nominee hopefuls would have liked. While Obama may have

lacked experience as a known Washington insider, his ‘experience’ as an Energytic Leader

allowed him to create the successful result he desired. With a lack of adherence and allegiance to

how things should be, Obama headed a campaign strategy that reflected changes in attitudes,

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technologies and cultural demographics. Forward thinking (the

natural result of risk) must be carefully balanced with experience.

Yes, experience is key to success, however, it doesn’t necessarily

have to be yours and yours alone. The Energytic Leader, high in

personal empowerment, will acknowledge situations where more

information is needed– and get it. No one is an expert in all areas,

particularly in the third millennium. There is just to much

information in ever-changing environments. That is why the

successful leader is one who can surround themselves with a

knowledgeable circle of advisors, mentors and administrators. The

most significant experience that a leader must have is the experience

of understanding how human energy systems operate.

So, the most powerful thing you can do as leader is to learn how

to control your own feelings and, in turn, teach others how to control

their own feelings. By doing so, everyone becomes responsible

creators of their own energies. When you understand this, you will

understand what others need to know to achieve the same power.

Therefore, you are well served to understand the nature of feeling and

happiness– the origin of personal empowerment and high self esteem.

John R. Wilson of Raleigh, North Carolina, who describes himself as

the “Typical White Person”, offers this essay on Barack Obama and

his ability to ‘think outside the box’.

“From my studies on leadership,

it seems that Barack exhibits a

transformational leadership

style. In "Organizational

Behavior" (9th ed,

Schermerhorn), this is the type of

style displayed when leaders

"broaden and elevate their

followers' interests" and

"generate awareness and

acceptance of the group's

purposes and mission", stirring

them to "look beyond their own

self-interests to the good of

others". The time has come in

which we need this type of

leadership in the White House

and many levels of political


~Rolonda Goodwin ● Lawrenceville, GA

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It’s Not About Obama; It’s About Me!

Typical White Person

I freely admit to being a "typical white person." I grew up in the 50s in the South with parents

who had grown up in the deepest South. Black people lived in an area of town known as "Nigger

town." A black person on a bicycle was assumed to be a thief. The home of a black family was

stereotyped as rundown, except for the TV antenna and the Cadillac with a coon-tail in the yard.

The only black people I knew in my life were the cook at my day care and the maid who came to

clean our house. There were no minorities in my school, but the band from the "colored" high

school was always in the town parade every year. I remember how demonstrative they were,

marching energetically with knees high and with great zeal as they passed by, denoting the end

of the parade. My education about black people consisted of what I was told by white friends and


Up to the Present

I was born in Fort Myers, Florida and now live in Raleigh, North Carolina. Adopted at the age of

two, I was presented with parents who were Southern to the core. I was brought up in a Southern

Baptist Church, but I must add this disclaimer: My home church was actually “Baptist.” That is,

we had no “Statement of Faith” to sign and we lived out the Baptist traditions of local church

autonomy, priesthood of the believer, authority of personal Biblical interpretation and freedom of

the individual in opposition to hierarchy and moral authoritarianism. Our church members

played cards, danced, went to movies, and balanced the spiritual realm with the material world

without any contradiction. The church was an integral part of my life from preschool to college. I

was so involved in church activities that people commented that I was there “every time the

doors opened.” I enjoyed the youth group, the choirs, and the classes and services. I learned to

say a prayer that could impress God and congregants and I dedicated my life to “The Lord” more

than once. Indeed, I ended up at a church sponsored college, studying for the Mission field or at

least some “church-related vocation.” I always desired to be a part of the church. That is my

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historical essence; rooted in church, but sold on personal faith, personal authority, and personal


Political Independence

My parents were “vote for the man” Democrats, the kind that elected both Dwight Eisenhower

and Jimmy Carter. I joined the Republican Party when my parents were supporting Richard

Nixon. I think we were all in the process of getting the USA out of Viet Nam, realizing that a

foreign war abroad requires the unequivocal support of the people back home. Like Iraq, Viet

Nam had become unpopular because the mission expanded, the years of involvement increased,

the killing/maiming accumulated and the cost in lives and resources climbed. In both of these

conflicts, America involved itself without a clear way to win, became mired in a civil war and

perceived no end in sight.

The Watergate scandal and the subsequent Nixon resignation brought my interest in the GOP to

a quick and decisive close. I dropped out and vowed never to be involved with the Republican

Party again. That choice has served me well over the years and is a source of extreme pride this

year as the Republican brand has lost nearly all its luster. Membership in the Democratic Party

fared no better, though. I voted for Jimmy Carter, only to be embarrassed by failure in Iran, the

boycott of the Olympics and the fiscal policies that produced high interest and high inflation at

the same time.

After all of this, I remained uncommitted and Independent. Nevertheless, I voted for Gore, the

experienced and rightful heir to the throne, only to see his effort fall short, likely because of the

Clinton scandal, the lackluster of his first decision (Joe Lieberman), and the Bush “victory” in

Florida. I voted for John Kerry, only to watch his candidacy go down in flames, likely because

the Democratic Party played defense in the face of an aggressive incumbent party. Democrats

seemed like perpetual losers, Republicans seemed like a covey of con men, so I vowed to stay

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Independent! As an Independent in North Carolina and still not happy with the Bush

administration, I became deeply involved in the Democratic primary race. At first, I supported

Hillary Clinton. I sincerely wanted her to be the “first woman president,” I contributed to her

campaign and I rooted for her in the debates, even though she herself admitted that everyone “on

stage” was equally qualified to be president and that there was not that much difference between


Soon, though, the issue of “experience” came up and I had second thoughts. Governor Bill

Richardson was, without a doubt, the most qualified of them all! As a Congressman, Secretary of

Energy, proven diplomat and state Governor, this bi-lingual, bi-partisan statesman with four or

five Nobel Prize nominations had more background, experience and demonstrated ability to

create change than any other candidate! On that basis, I switched my support to him, believing

that the election was mostly about experience. I was mistaken. Experience counted for little in

Iowa and New Hampshire and Richardson had to drop out.

All Are Americans

Following the World Trade Center attacks, all Americans and most other countries were of the

same mind and heart. We recognized that Terrorism had made a quantum leap in its exercise of

senseless violence. However, unlike America, with its moral justification (Self Defense), the Al

Qaeda attacks had no apparent moral underpinning and the entire world came together in support

of the United States of America.

I remember being very angry with Osama Bin Laden, the ultimate terrorist. I had always

considered myself a very peaceful person, a lover of community and harmony. Indeed, many

friends have reported to me that I had a “calming” influence on them. Yet, I recall being so

infuriated that I often verbalized, “If I had a chance I would kill Bin Laden myself!” I meant it! I

was given an opportunity to join with some other spiritually minded people to “pray” for Bin

Laden and I flatly turned the offer down, saying, “I can not pray for such a person.” I deeply and

painfully felt the injustice, the cruelty and the arrogance of the murderers who piloted planeloads

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of men, women and children to their untimely deaths and who incinerated and buried 3000 more

in the rubble of the Twin Towers.

I wanted revenge, so when the time came to take our anger out on an Arab country, I was all for

it. I supported the liberation of Afghanistan from its Taliban oppressors, disgusted with their

treatment of women, their destruction of the Buddhist shrines and their stranglehold on human

rights and freedoms. Like many others, I even became impatient with the military, wondering

why it was taking so long to get the job done. I rejoiced when the Northern rebels rolled into the

Capital and handed the country over to a new, democratic government. I watched with

anticipation as the US forces tracked Bin Laden and cornered him in the mountains. I sighed in

disbelief when it became apparent that he had escaped our grasp.

No problem. The dictator of Iraq had been rattling our cage as well. He appeared (at the time) to

be a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler and all of the atrocities that such an image represents. News

reports on the World Trade Center, combined with Saddam Hussein’s history of chemical attacks

on the Kurds and his defiance of International sanctions against developing nuclear weapons,

made Iraq a logical choice to be the next domino to fall. I even wrote President Bush,

encouraging him to take action against Iraq. I drank the Administration’s Kool-aid, tuned into

FOX news and watched intently the bombing, the invasion, the fall of the statue and the

declaration of “Mission Accomplished.” I was, after all, an Independent.

Deception and Disillusionment

Following a rather uneventful Republican primary, the choice offered by the GOP was presented

as a “Maverick,” a moderate candidate who “reaches across the aisle” in the spirit of non-

partisan cooperation. He was said to be a war-hero who served as a Navy pilot, who was shot

down over Viet Nam and incarcerated in a POW camp in Hanoi for five years. Who could not

believe that such a man deserves to be president? In fact, I was among those who threatened that

if my Democratic preference did not become the nominee of the Party, that I would “vote for

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John McCain.” I, like many others, thought that even a Republican would be better than “Him”

or “Her.”

I do not know what had come over me. McCain is the nominee of the Party that has been in the

White House for the past 8 years! McCain is the representative of those who brought us tax cuts

for the wealthy, two rounds of record deficits, the erosion of civil liberties, expansion of

presidential powers, the “victory” in Florida, the stacking of the deck on the Supreme court, the

scheme for war in Iraq, efforts to alter the constitution (rather than uphold it), “Bomb, bomb

Iran,” negligence of the resurgence of Al Qaeda, ignorance of the Hezbollah in Lebanon, laxity

on 9/11 and more. Certain Republicans are also champions of the politics of derision, ridicule,

denigration, discrimination and “big business.” In other words, once born, a “person” seems of

little use, unless they ascribe to the Party’s worldview, economic theory, religion, ideology or

“value.” Like the Star Trek BORG, “Resistance is futile . . . you will be assimilated!”

If that were not enough, McCain bowed to the low-road architects of “politics of the past.” This

candidate, who covets our respect for his demonstrated military service and courage, squandered

this reverence by selling his honor and integrity for the services of men without principle. These

unscrupulous servants of John McCain stoop to any level to tear down their opponent in an effort

to “win at all costs.” Lies, deception, distortion, mistruth, half-truth, innuendo, manipulation,

denial, rumor, accusation, bearing false witness, ridicule, demonizing, dehumanizing and a

thousand other sleazy tools of the trade are their stock-in-trade. McCain has no excuse. Every ad

that ends with, “I am John McCain and I approve this message,” is a testament to the shady side

John McCain.

Democratic Primary

Once the primary elections in Iowa and New Hampshire had narrowed the options to what I liked

to refer to as “the three Senators,” I focused on South Carolina. The debates and the result of

voting in South Carolina would determine the candidate I would support for the rest of the state

contests. I was nearly won over by Hillary Clinton’s last town meeting in New Hampshire. She

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said that she had “found her voice” and I certainly could not argue with her on that point. Her

style and presentation of information was appealing and effective. I thought to myself that I

could very well choose to support Clinton again. Then came the debates.

All of the candidates were informed, articulate and poised. As Clinton herself had noted before,

there was not much difference between the three of them. Then it appeared: personal attacks in

the form of guilt by association. Obama was accused of dealing with unscrupulous characters

and berated for voting “present” in the Illinois legislature. I witnessed two candidates,

essentially, debating against one. To me, that meant only one thing: Clinton and Edwards viewed

Obama as the one to beat. By their focus on him and by his ability to withstand attack, explain

himself and stand firm on his convictions, the remainder of the debate helped me to choose my

candidate. But could he win the primary? The results were astounding. The “black vote”

notwithstanding, Obama received more votes that the other two combined; over 50 % in a three-

way race! I knew that I would support Obama from that moment on. Such a thoughtful decision

offers little in the way of feeling, though. Such a choice is mental exercise, dealing with facts and

figures, impressions and insights, evaluations and judgments, criteria, data, and formulas. The

same result could as well be accomplished by a toss of a coin. If

I had “flipped for it” I may have came up with the same candidate. From where was I to obtain

the passion necessary to support my chosen candidate? The candidate himself soon provided that

passion. I actually listened to a speech, given by Obama at a rally. I could not believe the

intelligence, insight, and eloquence exhibited by this man. I was literally “blown away.” Feelings

that I rarely experience emerged and unfolded before me like morning sunlight. I felt, for the first

time in a long time, a yearning for something long lost, my dream for America!

Toward a Dream

Because of my personal vision, at least one "typical white person" believes in CHANGE and

HOPE. It is my dream that America will continue to form "a more perfect union." The divisions

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of the past several decades must give way to a common cause: "One nation, under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The extremists (Left and Right) who would destroy

the very fabric of the country to have their way must be marginalized. Ideology has its place in

defining the limits of our tolerance, but it is common interests, common goals, and common

efforts that must drive the country. A coalition for Change is exactly what America needs to

focus on “the people” once again.

As Obama has stated, the days of special interests are numbered, when he becomes the next

President of the United States of America. Obama, in his eloquence, is not speaking for himself;

he is speaking for all of us "hope mongers" who want America to be the best it can be. It has

been said that without vision, the people perish. I believe that this is the truth; America could

literally destroy itself if it continues down the road of division over race, gender, politics, and

religion. In the 2008 General Election, we have come down to two candidates. McCain asserts

that his campaign is about neither race nor gender, yet the attacks on Obama, his choice of a

female running mate and his recurring appeals to people "like me" (himself) have escalated

beyond a reasonable doubt. Obama, on the other hand, even distanced himself from his own

minister, virtually bending over backwards to avoid making the election about race, gender, or

religious labels.

As a "typical white person," I acknowledge my past, but I look to the future. I support Barack

Obama because he represents the future. We seek to become Americans, rather than "Whites,"

"Blacks," Asians," or "Latinos." I, for one, am tired of "politics as usual." I am ready for

something new. I am ready for change. I am "fired up and ready to go." I am supporting Barack

Obama, contributing funds to the campaign and volunteering in my state. I encourage every

"typical white person" to do the same.

Obama - Ready to Lead

What is it about “ready” that John McCain does not understand? Was it not enough that the

venerable Senator Ted Kennedy affirmed that Barack Obama is “ready on day one?” Was it not

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sufficient that former, two-term President Bill Clinton asserted that Obama is indeed “ready” to

lead? Was it not a contradiction for McCain to name, as his VP nominee, a woman with a fewer

years in elected office than Obama, no post-graduate education, no Constitutional expertise, no

Washington associations, no national legislative accomplishments and no presidential primary

experience? Is it beyond McCain’s grasp that the woman he quoted in his ads and the woman his

VP choice praised for the “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” was the most successful non-

traditional presidential candidate in history, except for one, Barack Obama! Apparently, it went

over McCain’s head that the winner of a national presidential primary and the nominee of a

major national political party has already been deemed “ready to lead.”

What is it about being a self-made-man that McCain does not recognize in Obama? What clouds

his perception so that he refuses to acknowledge the ascendancy of a man from disadvantage to

the highest levels of government? Could it be McCain’s own life of privilege as the son and

grandson of Navy admirals? Could it be his friends in high places, political connections and

lavish financial resources? Could it be McCain’s deference to infidelity (he wanted to be 25

again, according to his ex-wife)? Could it be because his “POW” experience evolved into a

powerful political asset and provided McCain with both leverage and immunity in the public

arena? Could it be the Keating investigation, which documented McCain’s “poor judgment” and

“conflicts of interest”? [“CNN Presents: McCain Revealed”] Could it be his lackluster academic

performance, his conservative/non-conservative dichotomy or his tendency toward “I was for it

before I was against it?” Which of these personal characteristics or advantages interferes with his

recognition that Barack Obama is as capable of serving as President as anyone? One or all of

these factors must be in play for McCain to direct his campaign directly at his opponent’s


Obama enjoyed no privileges in his way up from a broken home to winning the nomination of

the Democratic Party for President in 2008. There were no high-level officials smoothing the

way or giving Obama a “leg up” in any of his endeavors. His father did not “know people” and

was in fact an absentee parent. Obama never abandoned his family responsibilities in an effort to

Chapter 5 Risk 

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21st Century 

make up for lost time. Even though the costs of higher education put him and his family in debt,

he still found a way to pay his own way, utilizing his own talents and efforts. Obama assumed

full responsibility for his life and blamed no one else for his lot, even though the cultural

experience of a mixed-race person had to be challenging. Barack excelled in his studies,

achieved academic honors, completed law school and served as a professor of Constitutional

Law. Obama served the under-privileged in south Chicago, successfully ran for the State Senate

of Illinois and became a United States Senator in Washington. After making it this far in life,

mostly on his own merits, what could Barack Obama not possibly be “ready” for?

Finally, what is it about Obama’s taking on the Clinton “machine,” starting from scratch (with a

deficit in the delegate projections and the Super delegate count), attempting the impossible and

inspiring a movement for Change that does not qualify as “leadership?” Building a grass roots

organization, raising record amounts of money, defying the long odds and defeating several

highly qualified candidates in Iowa was certainly a prime example of leadership. Rebounding

from a narrow loss in New Hampshire, facing two formidable debate opponents, opposing a

popular former U.S. president (and others: the current president, a former president and a number

of presidential candidates, all from the opposition party), Obama further demonstrated leadership

and convincingly won the South Carolina primary. Further, Obama held his own on Super

Tuesday, won the next twelve states in a row, held off fierce challenges from a veteran

campaigner, overcame racial and gender bias and won the Democratic primary election by nearly

10% (300+ delegates). If this does not demonstrate leadership, what does?

Man of Substance

Barack Obama earned a degree in Law from Harvard and served as editor of the Harvard Law

Review. He chose to assist people in need, rather than pursue a lucrative career as an attorney. In

that capacity, he orchestrated the most successful voter registration drive in Chicago history. He

entered the aggressive world of Chicago politics and competed successfully against political

veterans. Obama endured racial attacks that on one hand accused him of being “too black” while

Chapter 5 Risk 

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on the other, charged him with being “not black enough.” He also experienced defeat at the polls

and accepted the humility of loss. He learned from his mistakes and began to develop the

relationships necessary for further success in politics. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate

and spent 8 years serving the people of Illinois in that capacity. He delivered the keynote speech

to the 2004 Democratic National Convention, received stellar reviews for his performance, ran

for the U.S. Senate and was elected to that position as well. In the U.S. Senate, Obama

introduced legislation regarding Ethics reform, led the enactment of international Nuclear

weapons controls and supported the drafting of immigration reform. Obama personally authored

two autobiographical books, both of which have been published successfully. These are not the

accomplishments of an “empty suit,” a “celebrity” or “just a speech.” This is the track record of a

young, but successful man of substance. Obama’s eloquence, popularity and political rise are not

accidental twists of fate, but the results produced by a talented, hard working, tested and “vetted”

public servant. Did I mention the Democratic primary campaign?

Not only a man with the “right stuff,” Obama is also a man of character. Obama is solid in his

ethical outlook, exhibiting higher principles, such as judgment, wisdom and fairness. He seems

quite Solomon-like, with insights that are both prophetic and sympathetic. The clearest example

of this may be his courageous stance on Iraq. While other, more entrenched politicians believed

the lies and distortions about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and an “immanent threat” in

Iraq, Obama warned of impending woes. He predicted the enormous cost in life and finances, the

protracted length of the commitment, the negative reaction of the Arab peoples, the loss of

respect among our friends and allies and the potential benefit to terrorists in their recruiting

efforts. Obama has the uncanny ability to see beyond immediate circumstances, present

conditions and limited content of a situation. He has the unique ability to see the “big picture” as

well as the “details.” He is a man wise beyond his years, like an Alexander, a King

Tutankhamen, or a JFK. Indeed, Caroline Kennedy stated that no one has inspired her “like her

father,” except Barack Obama.

As if inspiration and prophetic insight were not enough, the character of Obama includes the

loftiest of ideals. His foundational ethic of Unity and Equity reinforces his resulting beliefs and

Chapter 5 Risk 

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21st Century 

actions. Obama’s thinking is “out of the box” in this respect. While rules and laws are important,

more significant principles demand that the rules and laws are just and fair. While power,

aggression, and coercion (i.e., force) may be necessary at times, only the most grievous actions

call for such a response and civilized people use extreme measures only in response to verifiable

evil (e.g., the Holocaust) and not, for example, as a modus operandi in the world community.

Likewise, manipulation (use of fear and guilt as motivators), character assassination, and

misrepresentation are elements of anti-social behavior that should be avoided and are not, for

example, to be adopted as a prime directive of a political campaign. While proponents of

“political correctness” do cultural battle with advocates of “free enterprise,” only the most

extreme issues call for such dogged defiance; true patriots create such divisions only when the

very survival of our Constitution is at stake. Responsible citizens believe that collaborating,

cooperating and compromising allow most Americans to pursue “happiness” without interfering

with the lives, freedoms or lifestyles of others. Obama seeks to coalesce the “live and let live”

of the Libertarians, the “America first” of the Republicans and the “human rights – civil rights”

of the Democrats. His vision is of a United States of America - neither “red” nor “blue” - but red,

white, and blue!

All about me

Despite the entire “Obama” advocacy of the preceding comments, the 2008 election is not even

about Barack Obama; it’s about me! This election is about one citizen, one man and one vote.

This contest is about the future that I, John, envision for our country. Obama is simply the

presidential candidate I have chosen to herald my cause. He, as he noted, is a “symbol” for the

America that I see possible. I do not view Obama as a cartoon character, a publicity aficionado,

or even Moses or Jesus, as opponents have insinuated. Obama is not my idol, my hero or my

savior. Obama is merely my personal representative on the national stage. Obama, in his

eloquence, speaks for me. Obama, in his ethical makeup, acts on my behalf. Obama, in his

leadership capacity, inspires me and offers me “hope” that America can indeed fulfill its

promise. I have personally “vetted” the man and no other, not even Bill Richardson with all his

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experience nor Hillary Clinton with all of her connections represent my heartfelt desires for the


I envision a “United” States of America, “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and

justice for all.” To be united, we need to heal the terrific rift that has developed between the

“Left” and the “Right,” To become “one nation” we must find the common ground that unites us

and give up our extreme ideological dogmas in favor of practical solutions that benefit the vast

majority of us. To live “under God,” we need to overcome the horrific religious divides that have

plagued our country in recent times. While our country has “Christian” roots, it also insured no

“establishment” of religion; it must also be inclusive of world faiths, diverse Christian traditions

and even non-theist expressions of reality. To be “indivisible,” we must all unite behind the

common cause of Unity. Just as we were “one” following the tragedy of 9/11, we must be united

in a “new direction” for our government. This election is not about two political parties that are

diametrically opposed, but about Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who share common

values, common philosophies and common goals.

To have “liberty,” we must protect the civil rights of our citizens, the political rights of other

countries, and the human rights of members of the world community. We do not, however, need

to grant license to those who would interfere with or seek to destroy the principle of freedom at

home or abroad. This is what it means to have “justice.” As the adage suggests, “my rights end at

the point where yours begin.” An American with one white parent and one black parent, Obama

knows first-hand about justice. His participation in the world of advantage, combined with his

participation in the world of overcoming, has given him a unique perspective. Obama

understands that “Liberty and Justice for all” requires “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible.”

No matter how often or how strongly the opposition tries to paint it, the election is not a

referendum on Barack Obama. The opponent’s campaign obviously recognized Obama’s

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exemplary ability and character and initiated a massive effort to discredit him. However, The

primary issue is this, “What kind of America do you wish for, in your heart of hearts?” Is it a

nation of division, cultural wars, foreign wars, “trickle down (or voodoo) economics,” social

injustice, ideological extremes, inequitable taxation, religious discrimination or international

imperialism that you want? Not me. I yearn for a united country where I am “my brothers

keeper,” a land of tolerance, a respected member of the world community, a nation that promotes

peace and harmony in international relations, an economic system that rewards investment and

guards against abuse, a society of opportunity and “neighbor helping neighbor,” a political

environment of mutual understanding and creativity, a simple and fair tax code, a respectful view

of religious expression and a foreign policy with emphasis on “loving our enemies” enough to

talk to them. In summary, I want the same America that Barack Obama, the insightful prophet,

sees. It is the “more perfect union” of the founding fathers. It is the kind of nation that will

“stand” according to Abraham Lincoln. It is the “dream” of Martin Luther King. It is the

“Utopia” that we all envision. Is it a perfectionist dream? No. Is it a dream of good, better, or

best? Yes! I live in a good America. If America takes a new path, it can be better. However, my

dream, the desire of my heart, is America at its “best,” a dream that Barack Obama and I share.

So, the 2008 election is not really about him, it’s about me!

~ John R. Wilson ● Raleigh, NC

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Situational Analysis: The ability to analyze and evaluate data

independently in order to make effective and accurate decisions.

From analysis comes the knowledge and confidence to devise

and implement effective strategies to manage and locate available

resources. Positive emotional energy is what grows organizations while

negative emotional energy is what harms the organization. A person’s

experience of positive energy is what motivates them to perform well

and contribute their best. Negative energy motivates people to

resistance, conflicts, and sabotage. The positive energy of enthusiasm,

passion, interest, commitment, determination, initiative, and

resourcefulness in your teams is the energy that grows human energy

systems. The negative energies of anger, fear, resentment, hate,

indifference, apathy, etc., do the most harm to organizations. So what

causes and controls these internal, nonphysical energies? The answer

lies in the Causal Sequence:

Your life functions according to a Causal Sequence whether

you know it or not, and whether you want it to or not. You cannot

escape the Causal Sequence; it controls your existence. You can only

“Barack Obama believes in us

(the people) and our ability to

bring about positive change.

This is shown in the line, "We

are the ones we've been waiting

for. We are the change we

seek." Obama's background as

a community organizer shows

us that we, individually, can

lead and organize for positive

important results. Most

positive change starts from the

bottom and then flows up.

Look at the causes for the

American Revolution and the

American civil rights

movement, etc.” ~Thomas Brooks ● Houston, TX

“Barack Obama exhibits

leadership qualities such as

character and integrity. He also

demonstrates the ability to

remain poised and emotionally

unaffected by his critics. All of

which are qualities needed for

a superior leader. Obama

understands the power of

influence and subsequently is

using it in the most positive and

effective ways to create change

within individuals, thereby

creating change in our

communities and beyond.

Barack Obama brings to life

the truth "give of yourself and

it shall be given". ~Bridgit White ● Baytown, TX

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

learn how the sequence works and harness it to your benefit. Doing so

will give you great power over life.

The Causal Sequence works like this:

Who I AM, My Energies (BE) determines

↓ What I FEEL (positive or negative emotion) which determines

↓ How I THINK (my positive/negative thoughts) then determines

↓ How I RELATE: How I communicate & treat others and

↓ How I ACT, BEHAVE. My ACTIONS determine

↓ My Results = My HAVE in life.

Leaders are always working to achieving goals and objectives.

Doing so successfully depends on positive actions, habits and

behaviors. Your positive actions include how you perform your work

or business activities. It includes your driving ability, your ability to

use a computer, your hobbies, and anything else you do in life. Our

actions in life are either positive or negative. Positive actions that

leaders can take include keeping your word, being on time, listening

attentively, working with quality and diligence, acting with response-

“…… it's only because of

Senator Obama that my

husband has his VA benefits

back, and I'm not even in the

same state as him. He made a

phone call on my husband's

behalf and a month later my

husband had his NSC benefits

back– he's a Vietnam Veteran.

We also lost our house this past

year, and didn't get in on the

deal from Congress, but once

Obama is our President I

believe I will have a house

again and the American

Dream . I have gone from a

Precinct Captain in my

community to being City

Organizer for Nation for

Change for Clearlake, CA to

being elected to District 2, City

of Clearlake, Lake County

Democratic Committee. One

man has started all this in my

life– that man is Senator

Barack Obama, our next

President of the United States.

~Michele Hopkins ● Clearlake, CA

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

ability and accountability. Negative actions include behaviors such as

criticizing, arguing, blaming, laziness, ineffective communications,

and complaining. As positive actions always originate in positive

thoughts, your positive thoughts originate from your positive internal

energies. If you wish to prove it for yourself, look at anything you do,

or have ever done, from your point of view of what you were thinking

at the moment of action. Compare who you thought you would be and

feel if you did not do that action with who you wanted to be and how

you thought you would feel by doing that action. You will find that

you always acted according to what you thought would best define

who you are.

As you can see, the state of your mind, positive or negative, is

the seat of your actions and therefore your results in life. You use your

mind to create thoughts, ideas, hypotheses, solutions to problems, art,

designs, planes, machines, etc. When these are accurate reflections of

reality, of events, our mind creations are useful to create and control

resources. That creation and control is power. Thus, the mind is our

source of power over both the external and our internal world. But the

mind creates. And, if you don’t understand it and control it, it will

create false realities. Most people think that what is in their mind, what

they think is the truth. This is very seldom true. Often, much of what

we think is a distortion of reality. Many people live far too much in

“Senator Obama's Third

Millennium leadership is in

some respects a return to the

past when leaders asked, in fact

demanded, that their followers

take action for change. The

movement for change was not

about the individual leader, but

about those who chose to make

a difference in not only their

personal lives, but the lives of

others. The distinction of

Senator Obama's leadership

and call for change, is that he

is asking people worldwide to

commit to change and a better

life.” ~Eugene Lillge ● Appleton, WI

On August 4th ,2008 I had the

privilege of going to a Barack

Obama Speech in Lansing. I

have to say, as an 18 Year old

College Student, and in the

words of an ole sang: "from a

state that get pneumonia, when

America gets a cold." Barack

Obama inspired me that things

can get here in Michigan and

America, and that American

Dream, can be renewed once

again. ~Derrick Chamberlain ● Midland, MI

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

their head, in a fantasy world of their own making. The failure to

understand the difference between facts, and these created distortions

causes an infinity of problems and conflicts.

An example: Barack Obama makes a statement– "You can put lipstick

on a pig, but it's still a pig", making a reference that his opponent is

trying to camouflage something. His opponent creates an

interpretation and assigns a meaning to this event to others. He

demands an apology based on his interpretation, his created meaning,

to the event without consideration of the originator’s intent. You can

see this often in relationships, personally and professionally, where

someone interprets the other’s behavior, usually negatively. For

example, when a person is jealous (which is always caused by negative

energy such as low self-esteem or fear of loss), interpretations of even

minuscule events can serve as triggers for the jealousy and the

resulting fights and conflicts. Your emotions (your energies), show

you– and everybody around you– who you are Being, your current

experience of Self.

Energytic leaders, such as Senator Obama, know that the only

reason anyone takes anything personally is because of their own

diminished sense of Self. Here is a secret: Nothing other people do or

say is ever about you. Nothing. Even when others attack with anger

and venom; they are acting at the effect of their negative energy,

projecting their negative Self on you (to try to escape them) and

“I am a multiracial American

woman (First Nations, Irish,

and Italian) married to a

Nigerian-born man, with four

beautiful, spirited children. I

work in hospital administrative

management in the area of

trauma. I am currently in the

process of completing my

Masters in Healthcare

Administration. I do not follow

any particular faith or church,

but believe in a higher power,

as well as participate in

occasional traditional

indigenous religious

ceremonies. I believe a true

leader trusts those he or she

leads to be the best that they

can be, without the need for an

autocratic micromanaging

authority style…..


Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

venting their own negative energy. External events never cause your

experience. Nothing that anybody ever says or how they treat you has

any effect on you unless you give it that power, unless you import it

into your world and believe in it.

That is what we see in Barack Obama. In his elevated sense of

Self. He does not import into his world the low self-esteem and

emotional garbage of others. He does not need assurance of self-worth

from outside sources and can remain impervious to the detractions of

others. Senator Obama is at Cause in generating positive energy, and is

able to hold his experience of Self in the face of all counter-opinions.

A key component of Energytic Leadership includes the ability to vary

actions and responses until you achieve the desired result, as opposed

to repeating over and over an ingrained habit of behavioral rut.

Energytic Leaders like Barack Obama understand that

sometimes you will take a hit. Tough decisions have to be made that

will bring out both the positive and negative energies of people.

Superior leadership understands how to deal with both. Energytic

leaders will learn and evaluate the current environment and will act

accordingly (with deliberation and immediacy) in response to the new

situation. Often that change in direction will result in an apparent

contradiction of a prior course of action. In many instances Senator

Obama has been accused of ‘flip-flops’, an apparent reversal of

opinion or action to a previous stance. What we are really observing is

…..A true leader understands

he or she cannot succeed

alone. My family and I look

forward to the possibility of

Senator Obama leading us into

a better way of life. What

inspires me so much about him

is the fact that he knows he

cannot do it alone, and that he

has asked us to step up and be

the change we want to see. His

message of change and hope

resonates with me in a time

where we have moved away

from such ideals in the past

eight years. He truly represents

inclusiveness of all Americans

regardless of race, gender,

socio-economic status, religion,

etc. and as such in my mind

represents a true leader for all

American citizens.”

~Tetana Oguara ● Seattle, WA

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

a leader who is able to analyze and work with a new set of conditions

and has the confidence and wisdom to react proactively to the new


In the absence of wisdom and the experience of positive

internal energies, people will often strike out at what they perceive to

be the obstacle that prevents them from obtaining the desired results.

Consider the proliferation of negative campaign activity that happens

during political seasons. Just thing what our political campaigns would

be like if political television advertising was banned! The majority of

‘attack ads’ are termed negative because, instead of offering proactive

strategies and solutions, the focus is on usually distorted information

meant to ‘smear’ the opponent. The tone and frequency of these ads

will generally increase in intensity as the election day approaches.

Why do some candidates resort so readily to this type of campaigning?

For these reasons:

“Senator Obama has so many

admirable leadership qualities

that it's hard to name just a

few. First, he is so humble,

cheerful, open, honest and

inclusive. He calls on all of us

to show our better selves in all

that we do. He never deals in

personal attacks on his

opponents, and never where

credit is due. The way he

everybody who wants to be

involved in creating the

required change to make their

lives better is admirable. His

love for his family is obvious,

and he doesn't mind letting

everyone know how important

they are to his success--how

they figure in everything he

does. He is one of the greatest

role models I have ever seen for

people of all races, creeds, and

color. He's a genuine human

being, so it's easy to believe that

under his Presidency, things

will definitely be better for all of

us, and he will do everything in

his power to get people

everywhere to respect America

again.” ~ Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.

Washington, DC

1. A candidate has no viable platform or offers nothing

substantially different from another candidate and therefore

seeks distraction from his or her own weakness.

2. A candidate, operating in the negative energy of low Cause,

feels his or her candidacy is threatened. Nothing like a nice drop

in the polls to see the attack ads jump right to the networks–

through television certainly isn’t the only medium used for such


3. It works. Simply put, Like Energy attracts Like Energy. When a

segment of the population is entrenched in negative energy, they

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

One of the most blatant examples of negative campaigning is

Senator McCain’s and Governor Sarah Palin’s distortion on Senator

Obama’s plans to increase taxes. For weeks the Republican party has

bombarded the airwaves with the claim that Obama will raise taxes,

carefully neglecting that only 5% will be affected. This deliberate

distortion creates fear, anxiety and mistrust. Those with a chronic level

of negative energy (fear, anxiety, mistrust) will gravitate to the

message and create even greater amounts of negative energy within

themselves. In the short-term, this tactic may create the illusion of

positive results. It worked in 2004 when George Bush had the public

convinced that there was a terrorist lurking in every backyard in

America. He effectively used fear to convince a nation that to stray

from the status quo was surefire disaster and he alone could keep the

country safe. The short-term reward– he was elected– and now we are

living with the long-term results of that negative energy reaction.

Overall positive, long-term results are those that originate in

positive energy. Those with a chronic level of positive energy (hope,

compassion, response-ability) will be repelled by the message. In fact,

it will trigger within them a stronger sense of empowerment; these

persons will become even more resourceful and will be driven to

counteract these negative actions in the form of additional donations,

“I am a 44 yr old American of

Irish descent, a Roman

Catholic, husband & father of 3

children. I worked as a

Sprinkler Fitter for 23yrs. To

answer the question, what

makes Barak a Superior

Leader?, in my opinion Barack

is a Superior Leader because he

is a Great Man & Human

Being. He has worked his entire

adult life to help lift up his

fellow citizens. His vision is one

of equity, tolerance and

cooperation that is shared by a

majority of Americans. I trust

this man whom I have never

met, very rarely have I trusted

any political figure, and that is

why I have faith in him

becoming our next President.”

~Richard McLaughlin, Jr. Warrington, PA

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

phone banks, canvassing or however best serves their individual talents

and creativity.

In response to the attack ads, the media has asked surrogates of

the McCain campaign (and McCain himself) to explain the deliberate

distortions; even these responses are distorted as they attempt to label,

package, and justify misinformation as ‘truth’. And so the tactics

continues. The danger here is that as people learn the reality of the

situation, the tides of mistrust and fear could change. Take a look at

these two simplified examples of how the Causal Sequence works:

Negative Causal Sequence:

1) BE: I am not strong enough to beat my opponent.

2) FEEL: I feel worried and fearful.

3) THINK: I could lose. I must do anything possible to beat my opponent.

4) DO: Negative attack ads, distort the truth, rash decisions, character attacks on the opponent, erratic behavior.

5) HAVE: Minimal success based on negative energy,

mistrust, internal conflicts.

Positive Causal Sequence:

1) BE: I can win.

2) FEEL: I feel confident, in-charge, passionate,


3) THINK: Change is needed for the 21st century.

“I am a 44 yr old American

of Irish descent, a Roman

Catholic, husband & father

of 3 children. I worked as a

Sprinkler Fitter for 23yrs.

To answer the question,

what makes Barak a

Superior Leader?, in my

opinion Barack is a Superior

Leader because he is a Great

Man & Human Being. He

has worked his entire adult

life to help lift up his fellow

citizens. His vision is one of

equity, tolerance and

cooperation that is shared by

a majority of Americans. I

trust this man whom I have

never met, very rarely have I

trusted any political figure,

and that is why I have faith

in him becoming our next


~Richard McLaughlin, Jr Warrington, PA

“I am a registered nurse with

two boys in their twenties from

a previous marriage. I am

currently married to a

wonderful woman who is a

professor and a race scholar. I

was raised Catholic but no

longer have any affiliation with

that church. I am a life long

democrat with strongly left

leaning views. My experiences

with seeing people have limited

access to health care has only

strengthened my position and I

want to work for a more

humane world. I first became

aware of Barack Obama when

I heard him on the Charlie

Rose show a little over a year

ago. At that time I was awed by

his charisma and his wisdom.

He didn't seem to stumble.

Since then my admiration for

the man has only increased and

I have become involved in his

campaign via events and

blogging as well as donations.

He seems to be the only

candidate who represents real

change and I will continue to

support him.” ~Allan Cronin

Santa Barbara, CA

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

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21st Century

4) DO: Build a strategy based on facts and important issues; consistent and reliable temperament.

5) HAVE: Strong, proactive, empowered and passionate supporter base.

In April 2008, in response to a negative ad in support of his

campaign John McCain states, “…I'm making it very clear, as I have

a couple of times in the past, that there's no place for that kind of

campaigning, and the American people don't want it." By October

2008 he seems to have either forgotten the claim or abandoned this

approach. What has happened in a few months to create this change?

You are looking at the impact of a negative Causal Sequence. Negative

campaigning will have a greater impact on persons of low self-esteem,

low levels of response-ability and low power. Negative campaigning

feeds the negative energies of people by arousing the negative energy

of fear– fear that the opponent is different than you, fear that the

opponent will somehow bring you harm, fear that you will not be safe,

fear that the opponent cannot be trusted and the list goes on. It is

especially effective with populations that have lowered educational

levels, which isn’t all that surprising. Higher education generally

indicates a higher level of wisdom, accountability and power. This

demographic can analyze data, make informed decisions and is capable

of seeing through smear tactics.

“I am a single mom with two

kids. I am a Taoist. My

occupation is massage

therapist, and I am going to

school to learn acupuncture.

When Barack Obama said

"Turn off the TV and the video

games and read to your kids", I

knew that Barack Obama gets

it. That's when I decided to get

involved in his campaign.”

~Pamela Smith ● Thornton, CO

“A Christian, I am a United

Nations civil servant, in Public

Administration. I am happily

married with 4 kids and lots of


Over the last 18 months, I have

communicated to people from

11 developing countries who

are all excited that Obama can

help them to bring the change

that our current administration

has been too distracted to assist


~William Tarpai ● Riverside, CA

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

But in the same way that negative energy attracts negative

energy, the same holds true for positive energy. Both energies are

operating within us. We all operate at some chronic energy level and

that can be either positive or negative. Some may label these as the

pessimists and the optimists– some will see that the glass is half full,

some will see that it is half empty. Your long-term effectiveness as a

leader depends on which type of energy you attract– and that

attraction depends on whether or not your own chronic energy state is

positive or negative. When human negative energies are activated,

people will be in rebellion, have negative attitudes, experience anxiety

and conflicts will be plentiful.

Barack Obama has attracted millions of grassroots supporters

because of his message of positive change. As a leader, Barack

Obama speaks to the positive energies that drive us. These are the

energies of enthusiasm, collaboration, satisfaction, hope, self-

motivation, resilience, flexibility and passion. That does not mean

that you will never see negative campaigning from both sides of a

campaign. There are times when leaders must absolutely correct

misinformation, distortions and untruths. By creating mistrust and

confusion in the minds of people, negative campaigning will produce

results, however there are other distortions of the mind that produce

negative effects as well.

“Our country has fallen into the

pitfall of dualism: “Us versus

Them,” “My Way or No Way.” Or,

as Prez Dubya Bush has said over

and over again, in trying to

browbeat sovereign nations and

peoples worldwide, “You’re either

with us or against us.” This ‘logic’

leads toward brinksmanship –

saber-rattling – and the threat of

worldwide conflagration. Barack

Obama has been sent to us to heal

that dualistic divide. He embodies

within himself the unity of

“opposites”: he is black AND

white; he is national and

international – USA citizen, and

the son of an African immigrant

father…. he is father and husband

– and fighter for responsible

fatherhood. He is a tough-

childhood pragmatist, a fighter for

lofty ideals, and for the

environment. We must not

squander this incarnate and

precious gift of a Healer, a

Teacher, and Leader – all in ONE.

Here in Minnesota, the

indigenous/Native people from the

Lakota/Dakota and related tribal

communities have a prayerful

saying in their own language

which I believe expresses this

UNITY best: “Mitakuye Oyasin” –

All My Relatives – meaning what

the Obama’s stand for- “WE



Alice Winfree Bowron

St. Louis Park, MN

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Energytic leaders understand the mind creations of stories and

histories. These mind creations work like this: An event occurs. The

facts are usually simple and direct. However, some people take the

event and spin a long story around it. Usually they are both the

innocent victim and the hero/heroine, making the other person the bad

guy, the wrong or stupid one.

You will find the best examples of “Stories and Histories” in

your own life. Who delights in telling you long stories about

something that happened in the past—sometimes years ago? They will

also tell the story in present tense, present verb time, and blow-by-

blow. Furthermore, they will tell you the same story over and over

again, at intervals of days or weeks or months, as if you had never

heard it before. The same thing happens in organizations. Turn on the

TV and you will see it in many of our political leaders. Many

enterprises go out of business as they glorify days gone by when they

were “the best game in town.” While the leadership and ranks bask in

the glories of days long gone, the rest of the world moves on. Some

people become adept at basing their entire reputation and career on a

single event. If the event had a particular emotional aspect it can

become a crutch that can always be dragged out of the closet to parade

in front of the world in the absence of a present positive experience of


“When I became interested in the

Obama campaign I began by

making phone calls, starting a blog,

joining groups, and making friends,

all across this Nation. I went to

Austin TX to work the Texas

Primary. I helped to open an Office

in Bozeman for the Primary and

then a new Office for our General

election. I was chosen to get one of

those coveted tickets, to attend

Barack Obama’s acceptance

speech, in Denver at “Invesco

Field!” I couldn't afford the travel

expenses, but compliments of my

Mother (84) and her husband, the

original "Obamacin!" (A life long

Republican, now an Obama

supporter, he is 88!) It was spell-

binding, exciting, thought

provoking, moving! It made you

weep, and laugh, and feel an

overwhelming sense of gratitude &

pride! I am grateful that this man,

with a much more unlikely journey

than I, came along at this time, with

all the right qualities. He has the

vision, the courage, and will turn

the nation around, renew our

World-Wide respect, heal our

economy, and create a fair

healthcare system. He will end our

dependency on foreign oil, and

carefully end the war in Iraq. As I

un-pack, and try to rest, after my

most recent, unlikely journey, to

“Invesco Field” I find myself in

awe. Sometimes the stars line up

just right, and then……it is magic.

~Nancy McCampbell ● Bozeman, MT

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

……..But, Kenya must do its part. It cannot wait for other nations to act first. The hard

truth is that nations, by and large, will act in their self-interest and if Kenya does not

act, it will fall behind. It's more than just history and outside influences that explain

why Kenya lags behind. Like many nations across this continent, where Kenya is

failing is in its ability to create a government that is transparent and accountable. One

that serves its people and is free from corruption. There is no doubt that what

Kenyans have accomplished with this independence is both impressive and inspiring.

Among African nations, Kenya remains a model for representative democracy - a

place where many different ethnic factions have found a way to live and work

together in peace and stability. You enjoy a robust civil society; a press that's free,

fair, and honest; and a strong partnership with my own country that has resulted in

critical cooperation on terrorist issues, real strides in fighting disease and poverty,

and an important alliance on fostering regional stability. And yet, the reason I speak

of the freedom that you fought so hard to win is because today that freedom is in

jeopardy. It is being threatened by corruption.

Corruption is not a new problem. ..It's a human problem, and it has existed in some

form in almost every society. My own city of Chicago has been the home of some of

the most corrupt local politics in American history, from patronage machines to

questionable elections. ….But while corruption is a problem we all share, here in

Kenya it is a crisis - a crisis that's robbing an honest people of the opportunities they

have fought for - the opportunity they deserve. I know that while recent reports have

pointed to strong economic growth in this country, 56% of Kenyans still live in

poverty. And I know that the vast majority of people in this country desperately want

to change this. It is painfully obvious that corruption stifles development - it siphons

off scarce resources that could improve infrastructure, bolster education systems,

and strengthen public health. It stacks the deck so high against entrepreneurs that

they cannot get their job-creating ideas off the ground. … And corruption also erodes

the state from the inside out, sickening the justice system until there is no justice to

be found, poisoning the police forces until their presence becomes a source of

insecurity rather than comfort. Corruption has a way of magnifying the very worst

twists of fate. It makes it impossible to respond effectively to crises…What's worse -

corruption can also provide opportunities for those who would harness the fear and

hatred of others to their agenda and ambitions……Endemic corruption opens the

door to this kind of movement, and in its wake comes a new set of distortions and

betrayals of public trust. In the end, if the people cannot trust their government to do

“I want a leader who is

straightforward with the

American people. Things that I

have observed so far in Barack

Obama: He is very forthcoming

with the American people; for

example, McCain was willing to

impose a short term plan to ease

gas prices, but his plan barely

made a difference. McCain was

willing to say whatever he

thought the American people

wanted to hear. However,

Barack Obama saw right

through the façade and was very

direct with everyone by

informing us that it would not

help anyone in the long run. It

was just a quick fix during

Memorial Day. I did not care

for any quick fixes, so I was

glad when Obama spoke out

against McCain's plan. I respect

the fact that Obama refuses to

engage in negative

campaigning. He seems to have

a message for the American

people, and I would rather hear

Obama's message than hear

some mindless snip-it about

John McCain. I want to hear

where each of the candidates

stands. I do not care for the

"Kitchen Sink" type of politics.”

~Adrianna Riley-Roach

Wheatley Heights, NY

Chapter 6 Situational Analysis 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all

else is lost. And this is why the struggle against corruption is one of the great

struggles of our time.

“…….. Clarifying these rules and focusing resources on building a judicial system

that can enforce them and resolve disputes should be a primary goal of any

government suffering from corruption. An accountable, transparent government can

break this cycle. When people are judged by merit, not connections, then the best

and brightest can lead the country, people will work hard, and the entire economy will

grow - everyone will benefit and more resources will be available for all, not just

select groups. Of course, in the end, one of the strongest weapons your country has

against corruption is the ability of you, the people, to stand up and speak out about

the injustices you see. The Kenyan people are the ultimate guardians against

abuses…… By rejecting the insulting idea that corruption is somehow a part of

Kenyan culture, these heroes reveal the very opposite - they reveal a strength and

integrity of character that can build a great country, a great future. By focusing on

building strong, independent institutions - like an anti-corruption commission with real

authority - rather than cults of personality, they make a contribution to their country

that will last longer than their own lives. They fight the fight of our time. Looking out at

this crowd of young people, I have faith that you will fight this fight too. You will

decide if your leaders will be held accountable, or if you will look the other way. You

will decide if the standards and the rules will be the same for everyone - regardless of

ethnicity or of wealth. And you will determine the direction of this country in the 21st

century - whether the hard work of the many is lost to the selfish desires of a few, or

whether you build an open, honest, stronger Kenya where everyone rises together.

This is the Kenya that so many who came before you envisioned - all those men and

women who struggled and sacrificed and fought for the freedom you enjoy today.

~Senator Barack Obama ● Nairobi, Kenya ● April 28, 2006

“I am convinced that the world

today is in a middle of a shift in

paradigm, and that we need new

leaders with the perspective of

the new society. Obama is one of

the few who has this perspective.

He is already inspiring not only

people living in America but in

the whole world. This was shown

on his trip to Europe where

200.000 people turned up to see

him, and the enthusiasm he met

there. For me as a European I

would be glad to see Obama

elected president in USA . But

for me it is much more than this.

It is the election of a world-

leader. So many people around

the world want change, from the

poor people in Africa who need

food, schools and healthcare, to

disillusioned people in the west

who want a new direction in life.

Deep in their hearts these people

understand the change that

Obama is talking about. And

many leaders in the world want

change but don’t really know in

what direction. Several leaders

have spoken well of Obama, and

are inspired by him. The French

president Sarkozy, the

conservative leader in England

David Cameron and many

others. This is a historic election,

it can be compared to the French

Revolution and what changes it

brought to the world.” ~Torgny Jansson

Gothenburg, Sweden

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Empowerment: As leader, the ability to instill the vision in all

members of the organization. Managers prioritize; supervisors direct;

successful leaders will call forth the positive internal energies/passions to

move the organization to the fulfillment of the vision.

Every one of us is the creator of our experience; we are at Cause

for our emotions. We may or may not be responsible for the events and

situations that we encounter, but we are always at Cause for how we

respond. In any situation, you are either Cause (creator) or Effect (victim).

Cause is the ability to produce the desired results; it is your ability to

manifest and create what you want in life– your vision, and the vision of

the organization. Leaders who act at Cause, are those who take response-

ability for their internal experience of Self. Response-ability, you will

recall, is your ability to respond to any given situation. This is the origin

of personal power. As creator of your experience, you are no longer the

victim of events as you move to Cause. The basic problem of negative

energy in life, whether internally, within the family, or the nation is that

most people think that they are Effect. They believe that external events

cause their emotions. When operating in a condition of no power, no

control, of being affected by some external cause or agent, individuals

descend into a state of “victim”. Clearly we see in Barack Obama from his

personal story, that he is not a victim of life’s circumstances or the

expectations of others.

“My parents divorced at two

as well so I relate to his

experience…I am 44

looking forward to a

completely new fresh

America by my 45th

birthday on the New Year!

For the FIRST time in my

44 years of life I am inspired

by and excited about a

politician and desperately

hope he wins!!! Truly for

the first time in a long time

since RFK, "a real person"

with a heart and a "real

unified vision" is running

for President. Obama is the

answer!!!...kept going thru

my head all the way to him

synching the nomination!!!!

and continues to play in my

head. Barack Obama

continually shows himself to

be someone who definitely

understands the corruption

of America by way of the

Bushists and McCaineites

and that McCain has drunk

the Kool-Aid... Yes Obama

IS just the very human to

save our country from the

corrupt road it has been

going down!! Not since

either of the Kennedy's has

any candidate been so

pleasant and awe inspiring

to watch and listen to and

read about!


Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Many leaders stand in the way of their own success in this regard.

Intrapreneurship is natural to most people. Intrapreneurs (the entrepreneurs

at work within any organization) are born with the innate characteristics of

sovereignty, curiosity, ambition and creativity. These are the organizations

that are led by persons who are ahead of events, who can foresee

consequences and events and takes action in time to prevent undesired

outcomes and create the ones they want. Failure to understand the

impact of human negative energy assures a cycle of inefficiency, lack of

cooperation and reduced response-ability. Energytic leaders and

organizations are defined by high levels of proactivity, creativity, dynamic

activity, optimism, initiative, accountability, and empowerment.

Leaders and organizations at effect are characterized by

procrastination, blame, complaints, conformity, reactivity, pessimism,

irresponsibility, dependence, and mediocrity. Leaders at effect of

circumstances operate behind events and fail to see things coming or fail

to take action in time to prevent the undesired outcomes. These

organizations will have low levels of response-ability and ingenuity and

will fall back on past strategies, regardless of effectiveness. Here you will

find frequent distortions, low morale, high degrees of error, and conflicts

at all levels.

“I love how young he is,

that to me, spells volumes

of his brilliance & ability to

get this far at such a young

age and to see what change

was so apparent he has

such a clear seeing

mind...plus having been

brought up in mixed race

family he naturally grew up

in diversity integrated from

birth! Obama is the

personified American

Symbol... For MANY

elections & presidencies,

men have seriously failed

America,.. we need the

right man to FINALLY do

it right with heart and

conviction for the right

reasons...Before this

campaign I didn't think it

was possible! But now I see

that Barack Obama is that


~ Tryntje Rapalje San Francisco, CA

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Leaders at the effect of circumstances will also find the standard

behaviors of the victim mentality– instead of taking action, there will be

complaints about the ‘bad’ things to anyone who will listen. Victims will

assign cause to others for the ‘bad’ things in their own life. They will

make others ‘bad’ and wrong for anything that they see as bad in their

lives and in their results. The victim, often by his own actions, will often

irritate and provoke others, be that provocation deliberate or unconscious.

Easily and constantly provoked, the victim is emotionally reactive, easily

triggered and activated by others. The victim is an expert at pointing

blame to circumstances and others for their own failed performance.

Organizations where most of the participants operate in victim

mentality will possess low initiative and originality. Some strategies for

victims include a state of waiting and hoping that things will get better. A

common technique of victims is to try to get others to take action to

remedy the things they don’t like; they will use violations of integrity such

as lying or cheating to manipulate people and situations to get what they

want. Victims will also wave the flag of incapacity and helplessness to

attract and justify getting energy from others to help them through. Where

they can, victims will claim duty, obligation, and debt to get energy from

others: “Look at what I have done for you, how much I sacrificed. You

owe me!”

“I am a 28-year-old author.

I am currently working on

my Bachelor's Degree in

Education from the

University of South Florida.

I am agnostic, and I

politically identify myself as

an Independent. Senator

Barack Obama embodies

the spirit of positive and

productive compromise; he

has an understanding, rare

among politicians, that we

must truly work together as

a nation to accomplish our

shared goals in the new

millennium. Senator

Obama understands that

the more that we– the

people– do for our nation

and our communities, the

better our nation will be

and the stronger our

communities will become.

Senator Obama inspires us

to stand up and take steps to

improve our world for

ourselves, our children, and

all future generations.”

~Matt Murchison ● Tampa, FL

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

As you can see, you will get very low positive Cause and lots of

negative energy or negative Cause from victims. Victims possess very

little power, except in generating negative energy that not only damages

group energy systems but ruins their personal lives as well.

Now, look around at the groups of which you are a member. Look at your

spouse, family, departments, community, your business—are there any

victims running around? Now pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, tune

in to the TV news. Are there any victims running around Washington?

Energytic Leadership demands accountability. Response-ability,

therefore, is the ability and the duty to respond for our actions, including

the restoration of any damage that we cause. Accountability is justice; it is

the equalization of energy, the restoration of energy loss due to failed

actions and behaviors. Accountability has two sides. The first is the

positive side: positive results are rewarded. The second side is the

negative side: whoever produces negative results is response-able (at

Cause) for restoring the energy lost or damaged. Without such

accountability, without the restoration of energy, response-ability does not

exist. The violation of this fundamental principle of accountability

destroys any system, organization or government.

However, accountability is not punishment. The restoration of

energy should not be confused with punishment. Punishment is negative

energy designed to make bad-and-wrong and to hurt, to Cause pain to the

“I am a retired civil

servant. I worked as an

accountant with the

Defense Department for 30

years. I am now the

business manager for a

virtual public school. My

oldest son is in college, my

second son is a senior in

High School, my daughter

is in 8th grade, and my wife

is an RN. I have been

blessed in every way, but I

fear for my children's

future. I have watched

Barack Obama on TV and

listened to him in person….

he is sincere and honest

about his message of hope.

I had these feelings in my

youth, but the assassination

of JFK and RFK destroyed

my faith in the future. The

hypocrisy of the Republican

Party has robbed my

generation of hope. We

must change course now or

be lost forever.“

~Allen Wenger Mountain Home, ID

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

offender, either as vengeance or so that the behavior is not repeated. Restoration is the

production of positive energy by the response-able subject to restore damage done. In this

instance we have accountability, a key ingredient in empowerment. The current economic crisis

in the United States is an example of an energy system doomed to collapse as a result of a lack of

accountability. Read these words from Senator Obama, delivered on September 17, 2007, almost

a year to the day before this current Wall Street crisis:

“We meet at a time when much of Wall Street is holding its collective breath. Here at the NASDAQ and all

across America, the tickers are being watched with heightened anxiety and considerable uncertainty. There

is much anticipation about tomorrow's meeting of the Fed, and with each new day, there is hope that the

headlines will bring better news than the last. It is a hope shared by millions of Americans, men and women,

who have experienced this kind of anxiety and uncertainty long before it arrived on Wall Street…. Americans

and many others were already struggling before the problems on Wall Street arose. Now they are looking at

their homes and wondering if their greatest source of wealth will still have the same value in another year, or

even another month. So we know there is a need right now to restore confidence in our markets. We know

there is a need to renew public trust in our markets… But…..this is another moment that requires, in FDR's

words, a re-appraisal of our values as a nation. I believe that America's free market has been the engine of

America's great progress. It's created a prosperity that is the envy of the world. It's led to a standard of living

unmatched in history. And it has provided great rewards to the innovators and risk-takers who have made

America a beacon for science, and technology, and discovery. But I also know that in this country, our grand

experiment has only worked because we have guided the market's invisible hand with a higher principle.

It's the idea that we are all in this together. From CEOs to shareholders, from financiers to factory workers,

we all have a stake in each other's success because the more Americans prosper, the more America

prospers.. ….We have not come this far because we practice survival of the fittest. America is America

because we believe in creating a framework in which all can succeed. Our free market was never

meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it. And so from time to time,

we have put in place certain rules of the road to make competition fair, and open, and honest. We

have done this not to stifle prosperity or liberty, but to foster those things and ensure that they are shared

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

and spread as widely as possible. In recent years, we have seen a dangerous erosion of the rules and

principles that have allowed our market to work and our economy to thrive. Instead of thinking about

what's good for America or what's good for business, a mentality has crept into certain corners of

Washington and the business world that says, "what's good for me is good enough." In our

government, we see campaign contributions and lobbyists used to cut corners and win favors that stack the

deck against businesses and consumers who play by the rules. Massive tax cuts are shoved outside the

budget window and accounting shenanigans are used to hide the full cost of this war. In the business world,

it's a mentality that sees conflicts of interest as opportunities for profit. The quick kill is prized without regard

to long-term consequences for the financial system and the economy. And while this may benefit the few

who push the envelope as far as it will go, it's doesn't benefit America and it doesn't benefit the market. Just

because it makes money doesn't mean it's good for business. It's bad for business when boards allow their

executives to set the price of their stock options to guarantee that they'll get rich regardless of how they

perform. It's bad for the bottom line when CEOs receive massive severance packages after letting down

shareholders, firing workers and dumping their pensions….It's bad for competition when you have an

Administration that's willing to approve merger after merger with barely any scrutiny. Such an

approach stifles innovation, it robs consumers of choice, it means higher prices, and we have to guard

against it. And it's bad for the market when there are over $1 trillion worth of loopholes in the corporate tax

code, or when some companies get to set up a mailbox in a foreign country to avoid paying any taxes at all.

This means a greater share of taxes for Americans and small businesses that are trying to compete but can't

afford to lobby their way to more loopholes. It also means that investment goes to the companies that are

best connected instead of the ones that are most productive. Economics 101 tells us special interest politics

distorts the free market. After all, why would an oil company invest in research for alternative fuels that could

save our environment when they can get billions of dollars in subsidies to keep drilling for oil and gas?

These anti-market, anti-business practices are wasteful, unproductive, and antithetical to the very spirit of

capitalism. They benefit the undeserving few at the expense of hardworking Americans and entrepreneurs

who play by the rules. In fact, the danger with this mentality isn't just that it offends our morals, it's that it

endangers our markets. Markets can't thrive without the trust of investors and the public. At a most basic

level, capital markets work by steering capital to the place where it is most productive. Without

transparency, that cannot happen. If the information is flawed, if there is fraud, or if the risks facing

financial institutions are not fully disclosed, people stop investing because they fear they're being

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

had. When the public trust is abused badly enough, it can bring financial markets to their knees. We

all suffer when we do not ensure that markets are transparent, open and honest. We saw this during

the dotcom boom of the 90s when conflicts of interest between securities analysts, whose research was

supposed to guide investors, and the banks they worked for led investors to doubt the markets in general.

We saw it during the Enron and WorldCom scandals when major public companies artificially pumped up

their earnings, disguised their losses and otherwise engaged in accounting fraud to make their profits look

better - a practice that ultimately led investors to question the balance sheets of all companies.

And we cannot help but see some reflections of these practices when we look at the subprime mortgage

fiasco today. Subprime lending started off as a good idea - helping Americans buy homes who couldn't

previously afford to. Financial institutions created new financial instruments that could securitize these loans,

slice them into finer and finer risk categories and spread them out among investors around the country and

around the world. In theory, this should have allowed mortgage lending to be less risky and more diversified.

But as certain lenders and brokers began to see how much money could be made, they began to lower their

standards. Some appraisers began inflating their estimates to get the deals done. Some borrowers started

claiming income they didn't have just to qualify for the loans, and some were engaging in irresponsible

speculation. But many borrowers were tricked into glossing over the fine print. And ratings agencies began

rating bundles of different kinds of these loans as low-risk even though they were very high-risk.

Most everyone knew that some of these deals were just too good to be true, but all that money

flowing in made it tempting to look the other way and ignore the unscrupulous practice of some bad

actors and yet, time and again we were warned this could happen. Ned Gramlich, the former Fed governor

who sadly passed away two weeks ago, wrote an entire book predicting this very situation. Repeated calls

for better disclosure and stronger oversight were met with millions in mortgage industry lobbying. Far too

many continued to put their own short-term gain ahead of what they knew the long-term consequences

would be when those rates exploded. Those consequences are now clear: nearly 2.5 million homeowners

could lose their homes. Millions more who had nothing to do with this could see the value of their own home

decline - with some estimates projecting a cost of nearly $164 billion, primarily in lost home equity. The

projected cost to investors is nearly $150 billion worldwide. And the impact on the housing market and wider

economy has been so great that some economists are now predicting a possible recession - a prediction all

of us hope does not come to pass. There are a number of lessons that we must learn from this going

forward. We know that much of this could have been avoided if the market operated with more

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

honesty and accountability. We also know we would have been far better off if there were greater

transparency and more information had been available to the American people. To that extent, I

believe there are a few steps we should take to prevent future crises of this kind and restore some measure

of public trust in the market: First, we need more disclosure and accountability in the housing market.

To ensure that potential homeowners aren't tricked into purchasing loans they can't afford, I've proposed

updating the current mortgage rules to establish a federal definition of mortgage fraud and enact tough

penalties against lenders who knowingly act in bad faith. I've also proposed a Home Score system that

would create a simplified, standardized metric for home mortgages, sort of like the APR. This would

empower Americans to make smart decisions by allowing prospective buyers to easily compare various

mortgage products so they can find out whether they can afford the payments. And I believe we should

finally enact the meaningful mortgage disclosure laws that the mortgage industry has been lobbying against

for far too long.

“Second, I believe that if we hope to restore trust in the markets, we must be able to trust the judgment of

our rating agencies. The failure of government to exercise adequate oversight over the rating

agencies will cost investors and public pension funds billions of dollars - losses we have not yet

fully recognized. We cannot let the public trust be lost by a conflict of interest between the rating

agencies and the people they're rating. As Arthur Levitt recently reminded us, this happened when rating

agencies continued to give a rosy outlook for Enron despite its impending bankruptcy. And of course we saw

it this year when subprime mortgage loans continued to receive strong ratings despite repeated warnings of

the instability of the mortgages and the impending slowdown of the housing market. Here's the real danger -

if the public comes to view this like the accounting analyses of Enron, the markets will be ravished by a crisis

in confidence. We must take steps to avoid that at all costs, and that is why I believe there should be an

immediate investigation of the relationship and business practices of rating agencies and their clients.

The third thing we need to do is look at other areas in the market where a lack of transparency could

lead to similar problems. Many of the people who hold these subprime mortgages are now shifting their

debt to credit cards, and if they do not understand the commitments they're taking on, or are subjected to

predatory practices, this could fester into a second crisis down the road. That's why I'm proposing a five-

star credit card rating system to inform consumers about the level of risk involved in every credit card they

sign up for, including how easily the company can change the interest rate. If more Americans were armed

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

with this kind of information before they purchased risky mortgage loans, the current crisis might not have

happened. Now that so many are in debt, we shouldn't let the same lax standards create another.

Finally, while it's not my place to comment on the actions of the Fed, I have heard many of you say that you

hope for a sizable rate cut tomorrow to soothe the market turmoil. But I also know that there are nearly 2.5

million Americans who may lose their homes no matter what happens tomorrow. And so for those

institutions that are holding these mortgages, I ask them to show some flexibility to folks trying to sell or

refinance their houses. They are in the same liquidity pinch as companies are, but they don't have the same

resources available to protect themselves. Now, in addition to these immediate steps, I also believe there

is a larger lesson to be learned from the subprime crisis. In this modern, interconnected economy, there

is no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street. The decisions that are made in New York's high-

rises and hedge funds matter and have consequences for millions of Americans across the country. And

whether those Americans keep their homes or their jobs; whether they can spend with confidence and avoid

falling into debt - that matters and has consequences for the entire market.

We all have a stake in each other's success. We all have a stake in ensuring that the market is

efficient and transparent; that it inspires trust and confidence; that it rewards those who are truly

successful instead of those who are just successful at gaming the system. Because if the last few months

have taught us anything, it's that we can all suffer from the excesses of a few. Turning a blind eye to

the cronyism in our midst can put us all in jeopardy. And we cannot accept that in the United States of

America. So I promise you this. I will be a President who believes in your success. I will value your

contribution to this country and I will do what I can to encourage it, because I understand that how well you

do is inextricably linked to how well America does. And I will always be a strong advocate for a market that is

free and open. But today I am asking you to join me in saying that in this country, we will not tolerate

a market that is fixed. We will not tolerate a market that is rigged by lobbyists who don't represent

the interests of real Americans or most businesses. And we will not tolerate "what's good for me is

good enough" any longer - because the only thing that's good enough is what's best for America.

I am also asking you to join me in doing something else today. I am asking you to remind yourselves that in

this country, we rise or fall as one people. And I am asking you to join me in ushering in a new era of

mutual responsibility in America.”

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Wisdom and accountability are reciprocal factors. Wisdom is the ability to predict the

consequences of your actions. To be response-able, to operate in positive Cause, requires the

ability to foresee the consequences of actions– which is wisdom. On the other side,

accountability develops wisdom. When you must respond for the consequences of your actions,

you are maximally motivated to learn to predict and control those results in order to maximize

positive results and the rewards, and to reduce damages. To do so makes you a wiser and more

powerful person.

To the degree that leaders ignore response-ability and accountability, their teams, acting in

negative energy, will lack wisdom (the ability to foresee the consequences of actions) and

discipline and personal power. Accountability is a great teacher of wisdom and a great trainer

and motivator of discipline. Without accountability, responsability does not exist. Without

response-ability, any energy system will collapse. Where there is no response-ability there is no

Cause or personal power. Below, Senator Obama’s speech to NASDAQ in September 2007

continues. Make careful note of the verbiage. You will find numerous examples of

accountability, innovation and the need for a 21st century mindset in our economy, foreign

relationships, technology and education.

“Right now there are millions of hardworking Americans who have been struggling to get by for quite some

time. They have watched their wages stagnate and their health costs rise and their pensions disappear.

Some have seen jobs shipped overseas and others have found new ones that pay much less. Some tell

their children they won't be able to afford college this year, others send their youngest to a school that is

crumbling around them. I meet these Americans every single day … They understand that revolutions in

technology and communication have torn borders and opened up new markets and new opportunities. They

know we can't go back to yesterday or wall off our economy from everyone else. Their problem is not that

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

our world is flat. It's that our playing field isn't level. It's that opportunity is no longer equal. And that's

something we cannot accept anymore…..And if we are honest, I think we must admit that those who have

benefited from the new global marketplace … have not always concerned themselves with the losers in this

new economy. There has been a tendency, during the boom times, to consider the casualties of a changing

economy to be inevitable, and to justify outsized paydays or lower tax rates on Wall Street earnings as part

of the natural order of things. …..It may be true, as some have argued, that larger forces are at work here -

that technological advance and globalization have triggered a fundamental change in the economy. It is true

as well that we cannot simply look backwards for solutions - to try to fence off the world beyond our

borders…… we are going to have to adapt our institutions to a new world as we always have. And in doing

so, we have to remind ourselves that we rise and fall as one nation that a country in which only a few

prosper is antithetical to our ideals and our democracy…..

And so, in the coming weeks, I will be laying out a 21st century economic agenda for America. It's an

agenda that will level the playing field for more Americans to ensure that America can compete and thrive in

a global economy. It will focus on three broad areas.

First part of my agenda - a plan to modernize and simplify our tax code so that it provides greater

opportunity and more relief to more Americans. For far too long, our tax code has been so riddled with

special-interest loopholes and giveaways that it's shifted the tax burden to small businesses and middle-

class Americans. At a time when most Americans are facing stagnant wages and rising costs, that's not fair

and it doesn't benefit our economy. My plan will give a break to middle-class Americans, seniors, and the

homeowners who are feeling today's anxiety and uncertainty, because I believe that we all have a stake in

restoring their confidence and investing in their prosperity.

The second part of my agenda will be to ensure America's competitive edge in the 21st century. This

starts with providing every American with a world-class education from cradle to adulthood. We know that in

this economy, countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. …We can't allow ourselves

to fall behind. That means investing in early child education…… Tony Blair once said that "Talent is the 21st

century wealth," and I believe we all have a stake in nurturing that talent if we hope to prosper in this

century. Ensuring our competitive edge also means investing more in the science and technology

that has fueled so much of our nation's economic growth. And one place where that investment would make

an enormous difference to the future of this country is in a renewable energy policy that ends our addiction

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

on foreign oil. We know this addiction isn't sustainable for our security.

Finally, the third part of my agenda will be to modernize and strengthen America's

safety net for working Americans. …..I also realize that there are some who will say that

achieving all of this is far too difficult. That it is too hard to build consensus. That we are

too divided and self-interested to think about the responsibilities we have to each other

and to our country. That the times are simply too tough. But then I am reminded that we

have been in tougher times and we have faced far more difficult challenges. And each

time we have emerged stronger, more united, and more prosperous than the last. It is

faith in the American ideal that carries us through, as well as the belief that was voiced

by Franklin Roosevelt all those years ago this week: "Failure is not an American habit;

and in the strength of great hope we must all shoulder our common load." That is the

strength and the hope we seek both today - and in all the days and months to come.”

~Senator Barack Obama● September 17, 2007 ● New York, NY

Energytic Leadership recognizes that intrapreneurship is a

counterpart of ingenuity. Creativity is limited when organizational

control impinges on another’s ability to act. The success of Obama’s

grassroots campaign is its ability to pass the baton to the state, local and

individual levels. The 2008 Obama campaign invites individuals to take

response-ability for the outcome of the election. How to do that lies with

each participant. The result– millions of people of all backgrounds, with

a variety of talents have emerged, all working toward the same end. The

organization includes musicians, artists, politicians, teachers, retirees,

students, union workers and far too many to list here. Everyone

“Although the media has

already set into their mind's,

that this country is not ready

for a Black person to become

President, I beg to differ. The

failed policies that have been

drafted during the past eight

years, and the outlook for

another four like the same, is

one that this great country of

ours cannot withstand. We

were lied to when it came to

WMD's in Iraq. We entered a

war and killing zone,

exposing American Soldiers

to what should have never

happened in the first place. I

saw the talks and speeches

before the UN, and ones that

raised the hair's up on the

rest of the world. And when it

all came down to the

truth...There was nothing

!Zero ! Ziltch! We knocked

down a statue of Saddam,

tried him, and hung him! All

in the name of Big Oil and

Halliburton! If he was a

threat, he is no longer, but oil

prices continue to rise. We

are addicted to oil, as a

junkie is to drugs. We have to

stop this now, and if John

McCain gets in, your, my,

and everyone else's family is

done. Forgot... the planet!” ~Tim Reid ● Hanover, PA

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

understands that their individual contribution, whether it is time, finances

or other resources, is empowered to use their talents and creativity to get

the job done.

Self-esteem is your subconscious evaluation, your estimation,

and your good opinion of yourself. Your self-esteem depends on whether

that evaluation is positive or negative. The most powerful factor in your

evaluation of yourself is your perception of your personal power. Your

personal power is your ability as Cause; it is your perception of yourSelf

as able and competent to handle life, as capable of reaching your goals.

As response-ability is Cause, the ability to respond, to be powerful, is an

essential factor in self-esteem. An intrapreneurial mind-set cannot exist

in the absence of response-ability. Denial of response-ability creates a

person as victim; victim is a position of low power and therefore of very

poor self-esteem.

Leaders, such as Obama, who understand the dynamics of

human energy systems, will see morale, motivation, commitment,

accountability and personal satisfaction soar. Obama has succeeded in

establishing a culture of ingenuity, unlocking new levels of power and

control, of ultimately increasing individual participation and

productivity. These are the ingredients of any successful and powerful

grassroots organization. These are the critical success factors for our

country. This is the framework for leadership for the third millennium.

“I was attracted to Barack

Obama over a period of time.

His message was realistic,

consistent and

straightforward. It is

interesting to note that when

the late Tim Russert

interviewed him on 'Meet The

Press', Barack was the only

politician I have ever seen

who answered the question

asked...thoughtfully and

comprehensively. Russert

never had to say what he said

to so many who appeared on

the show..."That is very

interesting, but you did not

answer the question I asked.

Would you please answer the

question." Barack's sincerity

and his concern and caring

for others are apparent and

for real.” ~Lee Fiore ● Worcester, MA

"A leader is someone who helps others to be better leaders at what they do through mutual learning" Senator Barack Obama often talks of bottom-up approach in problem solving and getting the nation back on track. It means empowering everyone to be a leader.”

~Ted Tata ● Stoughton, MA

Chapter 7 Empowerment 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Barack Obama understands that personal empowerment

originates and thrives in positive energy. He understands that there is a

difference between inspiration and motivation. Inspiration awakens

people. Motivation moves people. Barack Obama knows that personal

empowerment (necessary for happiness) is the ultimate motivation of all

our efforts and behaviors. Understanding this difference is what moves

ordinary people from complacency to positive action. In accord with the

Causal Sequence of Life, positive action, originating in positive energy,

is what yields positive results. This is the key to the Obama Grassroots

Organization. This is how his campaign has amassed millions of

financial donors, raising unprecedented campaign donations, in just


What is it that Barack Obama knows, that has escaped other

political and business leaders? Simple. Negative energy in any

organization will eventually sabotage your success. Negative energy will

destroy the vital, "intrapreneurial " spirit of the people you seek to

lead. Barack Obama doesn’t call forth volunteers. He calls forth the

leader that resides in all of us. He demands personal accountability—and

gets it.

“What distinguishes true

leaders from others are their

selflessness, courage, and

grace under difficult and

trying circumstances-

circumstances that would

cause most of us to succumb

to fear and uncertainty, and

ultimately inaction. Barack

Obama has undeniably

demonstrated selflessness by

choosing the path of public

service as opposed to a

lucrative career with a

prestigious law firm, which

would have guaranteed a

secure future for his family.

Does it take courage for a

young politician of mixed

race, with a name like Barack

Hussein Obama, to believe so

strongly in a more inclusive

and just society for all in a

country who's pantheon of

leaders he does not resemble?

Absolutely! Does he handle

extremely vicious,

unfounded, personal attacks

on his core beliefs with

grace? Absolutely!” ~ John Ozanne ● Carmel, CA

“I feel that he’s the stronger

candidate and he would make

a great leader. He will fix the

broken town of West Boylston

and fix our school system so

less jobs will be outsourced. ~Nick Perham ● West Boylston , MA

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

Relational/Communication Skills: An ability to be an effective two-way

communicator of ideas, instructions and enthusiasm.

People are the greatest asset of any organization, group, or team of

any size. People are the source of power of the organization. Success

depends on a leader’s ability to communicate the vision and move

people to act toward achieving established goals. Successful

communications is also required for teams and individuals to collaborate

smoothly. Getting people to work on your behalf depends on your ability

to relate with people. The cooperation necessary to achieve positive

results depends on positive energy. Success also depends on what is

being communicated. People often have a tendency to absorb and adopt

the paradigms in use by others around them. All socialization and

acculturation is a mostly-unconscious process of learning the vision or

perspective of those around you.

When people operate in the paradigm that they are not at Cause,

then those around them will naturally and unconsciously tend to adopt it.

A common barrier to effective communication is

“I first became aware of

Senator Obama, right before

the 2004 Illinois primary.

From the moment I read that

piece of literature, I was

hooked. I knew Illinois was

going to have a great junior

senator to help compliment

our great senior senator, Dick

Durbin. Because I am an

American of African (and

who knows what other ethnic

group) descent, people have

inferred that is the reason

why I support Senator

Obama, well it isn't. I do not

believe a person should just

support someone because of

the color of their skin, but

like Rev. King said,

(paraphrased) " a person

should be judged not by the

color of their skin, but

(supported) due to the content

of their character, (political

beliefs also in this case). I

agree with Reverend King.

Senator Obama has the

ability to look beyond the

present, and make decision

based upon what impact a

decision will have not only on

the present, but the future.


Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

the denial of response-ability. As everyone runs around blaming the

other for being the source of the problem, they deny their participation in

creating the problems and see themselves as the innocent victim. The

common litany that accompanies this is: “I am not the Cause of the

problems; I am not response-able; I am the innocent victim here; None

of our problems are my fault; Someone else is at fault; Someone else is

the bad guy.” When all sides deny response-ability there can be no

change in the energy climate.

Individuals, teams and organizations that operate in negative energy

will experience a high degree of dysfunction in the form of conflict,

anger, jealousy, mediocrity or rebellion. Leaders and organizations that

operate with a high degree of negative energy or a dictator mentality will

see in return, an increase in interpersonal conflicts as people resist and

counterattack negative energy. As you can see negative energy is

damaging to both personal and professional relationships. As low self-

esteem can manifest as attacks, invalidations, anger, resentment or blame

(all forms of negative energy) a sure way to decrease negative energy is

to work on yourself to increase your own esteem. Effective

Communications are natural to Energytic leaders as these individuals are

operating at high levels of personal power.

Senator Obama, because of

the experiences of his life

makes him uniquely suited to

deal with the new world of

the 21st century. All I am

trying to say is Senator

Obama recognizes in order

for America to compete in

today’s markets, we must be

aware of the changes that has

occurred in education,

industry, world politics and

finance. We are no longer the

leader of the free world, we

are lagging behind in my

disciplines and we need to

catch up. Senator Obama

speaks of this often. America

must first heal itself before

we can aid the world. Senator

Obama tells us this all the

time. Senator Obama

understands and knows what

it will take to get us back on

course, and that is us, the

American people,

remembering " we are our

brother's and sister's

keeper". To quote again, "we

are the change we have been

waiting for". We will only

succeed in healing this

country is by coming

together as a people.” ~Betty Norman ● Chicago, IL

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

Power in life comes from the ability to create the desired results; the ability to create the

desired results comes from the ability to enjoy power with, not power over, others. Effective

communicators work to improve relationships by showing a willingness to work together and

support each other. In control of their emotions, Energytic leaders such as Barack Obama, are

calmer, more logical and enjoy more productive communications, resulting in more agreement.

People working in positive energy will naturally seek to serve each other and the organization.

Cooperation, enthusiasm and self-motivation will soar. Not only will people remain true to the

vision, the organization will continue to attract more skilled and productive people. This is the

testament to the success of the Obama Grassroots Organization.

To Senator Obama:

I watched that first debate from the University of Mississippi. I want you to know that I was

enormously proud of you no matter what the pundits or spin doctors may say. I want to explain

why I was proud:

• You refrained from any personal attacks.

• You acknowledged when Sen. McCain was right.

• You clearly stated when he was wrong, and why he was wrong.

• You set forth your own views with clarity.

• You refused to talk down to the American people.

Whatever happens on Nov. 4, I will never regret having worked hard for you as a grassroots

volunteer. You have always conducted yourself with the utmost dignity and grace. You have

displayed integrity and authenticity. You have run a positive campaign. And I know you are

committed to bringing the political parties together in Washington and people from all walks of

life around the country.

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

If you win, you will help to transform this nation at home, and will restore our standing among

nations. I say help, because you have always stressed that change comes from the bottom up,

and that the campaign is not, ultimately, about you; rather, it is about the American people.

Contrary to the lie that has been promulgated, to the effect that you are presumptuous, I feel

that you have your ego under control. You have always made clear that you are not a perfect

person or candidate. I appreciate that enormously.

If you lose, I am convinced that you will continue to have an enormous impact not only within

the United States but abroad as well. But I feel confident that you will win the presidency.

I have been happy to spend hundreds of hours as a grassroots volunteer. Through this effort, I

have met many wonderful people of all races and from all walks of life. Participation in this

campaign has re-energized me. In fact, I am writing a memoir, partly focusing on what it is like

to be a grass-roots volunteer in this campaign. I also have a great impression of your wife,

Michelle, and your kids. What a remarkable family you have!

I know you will be OK, should you win or should you lose. So will I. One of the great things you

have imparted to me is the desire to remain engaged in the effort to change this country for the

better — for the rest of my life. What we see here is more than a campaign; it is a movement for

fundamental change in the way we treat one another in this society, whether we act out of greed

and malice or demonstrate real concern for our fellow citizens, including the poor, the disabled

and the disempowered — and forcefully act on that concern.

I have seen many candidates come and go. You are the most impressive one since JFK, by far.

I participated in the civil rights movement in the South during the 1960s. You have helped to

make the spirit of that movement live again. I have worked with the poor and disabled for many

years as a teacher, counselor and advocate. You have helped to restore my sense of

commitment to such work. Finally, your example of hard work, dedication to the task and

commitment to your role as father and husband has inspired me to persevere in my own attempt

to manifest those character traits. Thank you, Barack Obama, for the person you are. Your

personal traits are as important as the contribution you make as a politician.

~Patrick Frank ● Grassroots Volunteer ● Kingstree, SC

Patrick Frank ● Author, Grassroots volunteer ● Kingstree, S

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

Even more important in your personal and professional relationships than your

communication of words, is your ability to communicate your positive or negative energy. We

express ourselves via words, gestures, actions and our energy. We all have the ability to send and

receive communicative information in the form of either negative or positive energy. In fact,

your energy communicates “Who You Are”, louder than anything you can profess. All of us

have had the experience of meeting someone for the first time and immediately deciding whether

we like them or not. Our nonphysical Selves have the ability to send and receive communications

not always of the conscious realm. In order to communicate positive energy, you must BE of

positive energy.

In the case of John McCain– he can say that he is adverse to negative campaigning and

character assignation repeatedly– but as long as he does nothing to dissuade these activities, a

different message is received. In April when the first attack ads began, after issuing his statement

that negative advertising had no place in American politics, McCain further responded by

explaining that he had no control over what other people choose to do. By creating himself as

victim (I am not to blame, there is nothing I can do) McCain sends a much stronger message

with his negative energy of no-power. His supporters and advisors, also in a state of no-power,

will resonate with this energy and defend his actions as appropriate. Without intending to do so

Senator Mr. McCain is communicating weakness and vulnerability, a devastating message for a


In contrast, Senator Obama communicates with his positive energy, inspiration and hope.

With his message of positive change comes an invitation to everyone who so desires, to be a part

of this change. This invitation creates empowerment, allowing individuals the opportunity to BE

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

and FEEL their natural, innate, spiritual essence of positive energy. People are very easily

motivated to DO what makes them FEEL good. Positive communications originate and result in

a positive Causal Sequence, for everyone. It is a win-win for all– and the solution to positive

long-term positive change. Coming out of the Bush Administration, Americans are in despair

over the financial and housing crisis, foreign unrest, job loss and out-of-control fuel prices. Now

more than ever we want leadership that not only has solutions but will raise the levels of our

nonphysical, innate, spiritual energies of hope, desire, passion and confidence. Blame and

complain have no place in our political landscape at this time.

“One way we could strengthen this relationship is by thinking about the Russians as more of a

partner and less of a subordinate in the Cooperative Threat Reduction effort. This does not mean

that we should ease up one bit on issues affecting our national security. Outstanding career

officials who run the Nunn-Lugar program -- people like Col. Jim Reid and Andy Weber who are

here this morning – will be there every step of the way to ensure that U.S. interests are protected.

Time and time again on the trip, I saw their skill and experience when negotiating with the

Russians. I also saw their ability to ensure that shortcomings were addressed and programs were

implemented correctly.

But thinking of the Russians more as partners does mean being more thoughtful, respectful, and

consistent about what we say and what we do. It means that the Russians can and should do

more to support these programs. And it means more sustained engagement, including more

senior-level visits to Nunn-Lugar program sites.

It's important for senior officials to go and visit these sites, to check their progress and

shortcomings; to see what's working and what's not. But lately we haven't seen many of these

visits. We need to see more.

“…And we need to work together to obtain a bilateral agreement on biological threat reduction. There is no

doubt that there is a tough road ahead. It will be difficult. And it will be dangerous. But, when I think about

what is at stake I am reminded by a quote from the late President Kennedy given in a speech at American

University in 1963 about threats posed by the Soviet Union.

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

"Let us not be blind to our differences--but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the

means by which those differences can be resolved...For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is

that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we

are all mortal. Much of what President Kennedy described in 1963 remains true to this day - and we owe it to

ourselves and our children to get it right.”

~Barack Obama ● November 1, 2005 ● Washington, DC

It's my opinion that words and communication are the most important tools that we

have as humans. The right to express those ideas and thoughts is what makes this

country so incredibly great. With our current administration, on numerous occasions, I

find fault in the way that our government communicates with its citizens, as well as the

outside world. Even if the ideas are noble and good (such as the immigration reform bill

passed by President Bush), the language being used is damaging and polarizing to the

citizens of the US, and to our relationships with others around the planet. After praising

the current immigration bill being passed through Congress, President Bush went on to

call those who did not support the bill unpatriotic and bleeding the soul out of America.

This is just one instance of a major problem, and it's gone on for FAR too long!

Obama's campaign truly is unique. That's why I support Barack Obama for

President. I believe that Senator Obama can truly change our nation and the way that

we conversationalize in politics. Obama truly has the power to do something

revolutionary in this country. Personally, I think it's because of Obama's charisma, and

his ability to connect on a more personal level with the American voter. That's how he

can affect change, and bring about a new era in politics– even through all the

mudslinging of our time. As they said on "Tucker", Obama comes across in a different

way; a way that makes people feel good for voting for him. I just hope that more and

more people will be able to recognize that.

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

Mr. Obama is intelligent, sharp, and articulate. When someone attacks him, he

doesn't make a big political game out of it. He doesn’t start the mudslinging. He

responds to attacks with short, sharp statements that derail the logic of his opponent,

and then gives clarity on what he stands for and what his opinions are. My support for

him has solidified and now I'm a die-hard fan. Even if you don't agree with his policies,

you have to admit that he carries himself very professionally, while still maintaining a

connection with the average American voter. He offers hope and change, and politics

on a more personal level– the level that it should be.

Barack Obama wants to get every American involved in this change, because every

American has a right to this great country. But it is interesting that he's turning people of

all walks of life to him, and giving them hope for the future. With this massive grassroots

effort that Obama has launched, he is guaranteed constant momentum as long as he

continues to be a source of hope and optimism for a very confused and frustrated

America. From Ben Affleck to my friend, Lauren, I hope we can all change this nation for

the better. For far too long, our administrations, both Democratic and Republican, have

ruled in an elitist manner, keeping themselves out of the lives of Americans, and only

letting themselves be influenced by the select. Not since Kennedy and Johnson has the

government really addressed the American people on a personal level. This is what we

have the chance to find again--trust and relationship with the government that affects all

of our daily lives.

~Dalton Hoffine ● Wake Forest University ● Winston-Salem, NC

Chapter 8 Communication and Relationship 

Obama Leadership for

the 21st Century

One thing that resonated at the U. Penn Obama Foreign Policy forum was that keeping

lines of communication open between groups within America and between America and

the rest of the world is KEY for success. That's what Obama stands for and I couldn't

agree more. We need to TALK with our friends and TALK with our enemies and try to

find commonalities. That doesn't mean being a doormat or agreeing to things that

violate human or American principles. It means showing a willingness to negotiate and

solve problems. The Bush "legacy" (a disaster) is one of "We're right, You're wrong" and

"We win, You lose". So ridiculously concrete and arrogant, it's no wonder the rest of the

world is upset with us!!

Obama stands for communication. Obama stands for consensus-building. Obama is a

true statesman and leader.

~Martin Keane ● Voorhees, NJ

Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Able to Embrace Diversity: The Energytic Leader understands that diversity is not to be feared

but to be celebrated. While our common purposes far outnumber our differences, it is through

those differences that we can expand our consciousness and celebrate our common humanity.

"So, let us not be blind to our differences - But let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means

by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the

world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.

We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."

~John F. Kennedy

According to the United States Census Bureau, Latino, Asian and African-American

populations will more than triple by the middle of this century. Combined, ‘persons of color’ will

then outnumber whites. We are a diverse nation. We are a diverse global community. And yet,

the 2008 presidential election shows us that racial prejudice remains a critical issue throughout

the United States as the question has been asked– is the United States ready for a black

president? Prejudice is the attempt to escape the feeling of inferiority (negative energy) by

projecting and polarizing others to the inferior position so that Self will assume the superior

position. Prejudice is ego projected to an entire group or class of persons.

Polarization, a creation of the mind, is the division of anything into two groups, one of which

is the in-crowd, the “good” guys, and the other is the out-crowd, the “bad”guys. According to the

good guys, the bad guys should not Be or Think as they are or Do. Polarization is a unique

human creation, one of the delusions of the uncontrolled mind. Polarization occurs where a

person creates (thereby interpreting and distorting reality) that other people are inferior, less-

Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

than, bad, or wrong. Globally this separation is usually based on

superficial and insignificant differences such as race, ethnicity,

nationality, sexual orientation, economic status, gender, politics, or

religion. By polarizing people on such insignificant things, and often on

things over which the out-crowd has no control (such as gender,

nationality, or race), the in-crowd gets to declare itself superior and more

deserving, without having to compete on ability and merit.

Prejudice and bigotry are just another of the many forms of

projection, polarization, and ego. A person of lowered self-esteem, a

negative energy state, will try to compensate for his decreased sense of

Self by invalidating, polarizing and treating others with negative energy.

Intolerance is based in the delusional justification to invalidate another

for inconsequential or uncontrollable characteristics. Organizations that

embrace diversity are those that have successfully reduced the use of

such negative energy by exposing ego as the effort to compensate

feelings of inferiority.

Polarization even occurs within families. Examine feuds within

families and more often than not you will find family members “taking

sides,” often on issues of little significance. Polarization is sadly

prevalent throughout the history of humankind. Look at our nation and

look at the

“It is my belief that one of the

greatest strengths America

has going for it is ethnic and

cultural diversity. I believe

this because I believe that

with time and exposure to the

way different cultures live

their lives and strive for

freedom, our universals, the

way we are the same, are

more widely recognized. I

believe this gives us more

tolerance for those who are at

first seen as different from us

allowing our various

strengths to be put to work in

society. Long lasting peace

comes to people who feel

included in society. As

societies grow and merge, it is

important that we find ways

to agree rather than try to

exclude fringe groups. One

reason I am supporting

Obama is because I believe

he can help bridge the racial

divide in our country. Beyond

that I believe he can help

restore confidence among

Americans that will be

necessary to re-ignite our

market and help us compete

better globally.


But more than that, I believe

he understands that

competing globally does not

mean pushing other countries

around or down. I believe he

will have a robust foreign

policy that recognizes the

legitimacy of our world

neighbors. It is not us against

them. We are in it together. I

believe in education. I believe

what our young are taught is

of utmost importance. I

believe that religion should be

left in the hands Churches

and parents. I believe respect

for religion is important and

should be shown in schools.

However I believe that

religions must show respect

for the rule of law. Religions

that call for violence should

not be afforded any respect in

our schools or our society.

That is not to say they should

be banned from our country,

but any illegal acts should not

be able to hide behind

religion. To get back on track,

education in America should

teach those skills and that

knowledge that helps us

compete in a global



Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

world. Polarization particularly ignores that we are all nonphysical,

spiritual life entities, with the same desires, needs and ambitions. We

can see that polarization exists in every corner of the world. Humanity is

polarized in nations, races, politics, religions, cultures—name a

difference and you can find polarization. People are the basic chip, the

basic generator of energy and therefore the power of any organization.

Polarization, prejudice, bigotry, and all forms of harassment only serve

to denigrate the integrity and therefore the power of the organization.

“I stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents'

dreams live on in my precious daughters. I stand here knowing that my story is part of

the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and

that, in no other country on earth, is my story even possible. Tonight, we gather to affirm

the greatness of our nation, not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power

of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise,

summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago, "We hold these truths to

he self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator

with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of

happiness." That is the true genius of America, a faith in the simple dreams of its

people, the insistence on small miracles. That we can tuck in our children at night and

know they are fed and clothed and safe from harm. That we can say what we think,

write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door. That we can have an

idea and start our own business without paying a bribe or hiring somebody's son. That

we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution, and that our votes

will he counted - or at least, most of the time. it's not

Among these principle skills

are theoretical and applied

Sciences, Mathematics,

English, Languages, Music

and Arts. We should be

objective in our goal. We

should be flexible and seek

out the best methods to help

our children learn. Public

education should be available

equally to ALL children and

young people!

There is no excuse for

inferior schools!

Diversity is strength. Religion

should never be an excuse for

violence. Education is

necessary for a viable future.

Foreign relations are

becoming more important as

societies merge. (If you don't

believe societies are merging,

look at Chinese, Korean and

Japanese television and

witness the incredibly strong

western ideas in their

entertainment).” ~Jeff Powell ● Kent , WA

Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

enough for just some of us to prosper. For alongside our famous individualism, there's

another ingredient in the American saga. A belief that we are connected as one

people. ……….Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us,

the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes.

Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America -

there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America

and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. The

pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States

for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We

worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking

around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and

have gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and

patriots who supported it. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars

and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America. In the end, that's what

this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?

….. I'm not talking about blind optimism here - the almost willful ignorance that thinks

unemployment will go away if we just don't talk about it, or the health care crisis will

solve itself if we just ignore it. No, I'm talking about something more substantial.

It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; the hope of

immigrants setting out for distant shores; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely

patrolling the Mekong Delta; the hope of a millworker's son who dares to defy the odds;

the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for

him, too. The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock

of this nation; the belief in things not seen; the belief that there are better days ahead. I

believe we can give our middle class relief and provide working families with a road to

opportunity. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and

reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair. I believe that

as we stand on the crossroads of history, we can make the right choices, and meet the

challenges that face us.

“Barack Obama reminds us that

we are citizens first of this great

United States of America. The

motto of Barack Obama is, "I'm

asking you to believe not just in

my ability to bring about real

change in Washington, I'm

asking you to believe in yours."

This is a reminder of what this

nation was founded on, that We

The People have basic rights

and that we have generated a

social contract between our

people and our government, not

just in 2008 but in 1787 when

the United States Constitution

was adopted by the

Constitutional Convention in

Philadelphia. What seems to be

revolutionary in political

mottoes is in fact a return to the

best of the past, but with a

diversity of the present and

future added to it. The draw of

Barack Obama is his sense of

decency, that there are certain

areas that we will not go in

opposing the other party's

opponent. It is this appeal to our

better angels that helps us to see

Obama in the role of an every

person. .


Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

America! Tonight, if you feel the same energy I do, the same urgency I do, the same

passion I do, the same hopefulness I do - if we do what we must do, then I have no

doubt that all across the country, from Florida to Oregon, from Washington to Maine,

the people will rise up in November…. and this country will reclaim its promise, and out

of this long political darkness a brighter day will come. Thank you and God bless you.”

~ Senator Barack Obama ● July 27, 2008 ● Boston, MA

Life is about nonphysical, human energy, about spirit. But energies

do not work alone. To be powerful, to produce many and great results,

many forms of energies must align and cooperate in an energy system.

Every individual is an energy system; a family is an energy system;

every business and organization is an energy system. A nation is an

energy system as is the entire planet. Energy works in synergy, which is

the synchronization of energies so that the power of the entire system is

far beyond that of any element; the system operating in negative energy

or lacking critical elements cannot operate successfully. The energy

climate of any organization is the net combination of all the human

mental, emotional, and behavioral energies, both positive and negative.

The energy climate is felt as the overall morale, motivation, enthusiasm

and individual fulfillment in the organization.

Leaders know that results are the product of how well you fulfill the

primary purpose of increasing the positive human energies of people in

organizations and communities. As an Energytic Leader, Barack

Our thoughts and beliefs seem

to readily translate from us to

Obama as we think of Obama as

one of us. What surprises me is

when I write something in a

weblog that happens to match

what Obama says he believes in.

It is when I match with Obama

that I am more surprised. We

come from different

backgrounds and life

experiences. To the extent that

Obama matches my own

experience, only aids my

idealism that was always there.

What Barack Obama has

provided me in this election is

the ability to no longer hide my

political views. When you are

born and raised in a region

where being a Democrat in not

necessarily a reason to go shout

from the hilltops about it, you

try to see the other political

views and find common ground

with the one party. What Barack

Obama promises is a day where

party labels may not be as

important. In the meantime, it

has become cool to be a

Democrat as the party as a

whole has experienced a

resurgence across the nation

because of and also apart from

Barack Obama. “What

surprises me is when I write

something in a blog that

happens to match what Obama

says he believes in.


Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

Obama understands the human life energies, energy of the spirit, that

underlies “Who We Are”. Senator Obama speaks to our nonphysical,

spiritual life energies or wisdom, power and esteem. He speaks to

people of all ages, professions, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture and

any other demographic you can name. Because Obama has embraced

these leadership principles he has experienced a phenomenal leap in

motivation and energy in his grassroots movement.

“In many ways, Miami stands as a symbol of hope for what's possible in the Americas.

Miami's promise of liberty and opportunity has drawn generations of immigrants to

these shores, sometimes with nothing more than the clothes on their back. It was a

similar hope that drew my own father across an ocean, in search of the same promise

that our dreams need not be deferred because of who we are, what we look like, or

where we come from.

Here, in Miami, that promise can join people together. We take common pride in a

vibrant and diverse democracy, and a hard-earned prosperity. We find common

pleasure in the crack of the bat, in the rhythms of our music, and the ease of voices

shifting from Spanish or Creole or Portuguese to English. These bonds are built on a

foundation of shared history in our hemisphere. Colonized by empires, we share stories

of liberation. Confronted by our own imperfections, we are joined in a desire to build a

more perfect union.”

~Senator Barack Obama ● May 23, 2008 ● Miami, FL

p It is when I match with

Obama that I am more

surprised. We come from

different backgrounds and life

experiences. To the extent that

Obama matches my own

experience, only aids my

idealism that was always

there. What Barack Obama

has provided me in this

election is the ability to no

longer hide my political

views. When you are born

and raised in a region where

being a Democrat is not

necessarily a reason to go

shout from the hilltops about

it, you try to see the other

political views and find

common ground with the

other party. What Barack

Obama promises is a day

where party labels may not be

as important. In the

meanwhile, it has become cool

to be a Democrat as the party

as a whole has experienced a

resurgence across the nation

because of and also apart

from Barack Obama.”

~Glenn Williams ● Lincoln, NE

Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

OBAMA: The Triumph of Unity in Diversity

The USA is a country that typifies the world at large, simply because it is the microcosm of the real world. Obama is the triumph of the beauty and glory of the term “unity in diversity” and furthermore, “strength in diversity”. Owing to the honesty, dexterity, and the absolute desire and commitment to a positive change in the way politics is being run here in the USA, Senator Obama has displayed that, he is capable of leading us to the Promised Land; one which is flowing with justice and peace, love and happiness, honesty, and respect for mankind.

Moreover, most frankly and on a very positive note, Obama is viewed as a unifier, rather than a divider. He has miniaturized the existence of discriminatory factors such as racism. Suffice it to note that many of Senator Obama’s supporters are essentially the majority of the American people and minorities too. The exemplary display of maturity and calmness in the face of unhealthy and deceptive propaganda by special interests and lobbyists, has further endeared him to the generality of the American people. In Obama, diversity has a new meaning;




Each other

Regardless of



Talents and


This is the time for a change that we can believe in. Let us not allow this unique opportunity to pass us by. Obama’s promises are the peoples gain and honest desire and aspiration.

~Peter Odeh ● Baltimore City, MD

Chapter 9 Embracing Diversity 

Obama Leadership for the

21st Century

It is reported that Robert F. Kennedy once predicted that race relations were progressing

so rapidly that within 40 years the county would see a negro president. While there is some doubt

about the actual date of such a prediction, we do know that in 1968, the statement had found its

way into the press. There are many that still question whether or not the United States is ready

for a black president. If the polls are any indication, the majority of Americans have crossed that

threshold. We are a diverse nation. We co-exist in a diverse global community of religions,

cultures, nationalities and ethnicities. The United States has always been a world leader in

freedom and democracy. To remain so demands a complete and celebratory embrace of the

diversity of our country.

“ As being a Swedish citizen I support Obama, for the best of USA but above all for the best of

the world. He is a true world-leader. Not only Americans, but people in Europe, Asia and

Africa are also fascinated by him. He touches the soul of people, speaks to what is best in us,

asks us to look for something greater in life, to look beyond our personal self. This message

and this leadership is what so many people are so eagerly waiting for. He unites the world by

uniting us around the values of compassion, truth and justice.” ~Torgny Jansson

Gothenburg, Sweden

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

Vision: A vision begins with objectives and a plan for accomplishing

them with discipline, organization and prioritization.

Everyone is navigating life; those with a vision know where

they are going. Without a vision you cannot establish priorities,

recognize what is important, and find people who can help you,

identify the resources that are available to you, or focus your time and

energy so you know how to live on purpose. Without a vision you float

through life as driftwood along the sea.

Visions are mental images of something that you wish to create,

manifest, or achieve. Organizations have visions, just as each member

of the organization should as well. A business plan is a physical

recording of a mental vision that is to be created. The archer must have

a target, the artist starts with a sketch, and the architect begins with a

blueprint. You create your life twice: first in your nonphysical, spiritual

universe of Self, and then in the physical universe. The first is the

vision, a vision of what you will create.

Accidents, coincidences, and randomness do not exist in life.

Despite appearances, nothing happens by accident. Organizations and

people are creative. Just as you create everything in your experience,

organizations create their experiences as well, positive and negative.

“I first knew of Barack Obama

when he gave the keynote

address at the 2004 Democratic

Convention. He appealed to

both parties with his message of

universal themes. We are not

just the groups that define us,

we are definitively Americans

first. This was the message that

cut across all of the divisions.

A message that gives this


ancestor of immigrants a

common ground with the

African Americans who wept

when Barack Obama was

nominated by acclamation at

the 2008 Democratic National

Convention. We all have had a

sense of being beat down,

betrayed, and of wishing that a

person like us could rise above

it all and become President.

For African Americans,

perhaps it was only Dr. Martin

Luther King that last brought

that authenticity and hope that

the world could really change.

For most of us, there have been

so few politicians that could

both stir us and communicate

the American dream. Barack

has come further than many

politicians because of this

coming part way to the ideal.”

~Glenn Williams ● Lincoln, NE

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

Your creative power in life comes from understanding the importance

of your vision of what you wish to create. To manifest a vision all you

have to do is energize it. Your attention, your energy, your personal or

collective BE, whether it is positive or negative, creates and attracts.

When you or the organization is in negative emotion, you are

energizing and therefore creating and attracting what you don’t want.

This is how the creative process works. Organizations (human energy

systems) in negative energy will experience increase levels of sabotage,

resentment, rebellion, discontent, negative attitude, and frustration.

The same holds true for individuals. Consider your own life—

what percentage of your time and energy is spent in anxiety, sadness,

guilt, resentment, anger, fear, grief, apathy, depression, or any negative

emotion? Energy is creative regardless of whether it is positive or

negative. Those who do not understand how the creation process works,

will create less of what they do want and a lot more of what they don’t

want. This is not because of an innate lack of power; it is due to

ignorance of how the creative process works, both in organizations and

in their own lives. In order to achieve power in life you must

understand how to control your emotions, how to control your

nonphysical, spiritual energies.

To chart your journey, begin with the knowledge that if you are

to achieve success you must first establish a vision. Without a vision,

“What got me motivated

enough to donate money for

the first time since Bill

Clinton's campaign is Barack

Obama's confidence in

ordinary people. He sent a

message telling us that we do

matter, that our lives matter,

that we're capable of

determining what the

government should be doing.

It's not something we hear

from government very often if

at all. He's the first truly

inclusive politician I can recall

ever. When I read his website I

was convinced to vote for him.

Why? Because for the first

time in my life a leader asked

for my opinion. I believe

Senator Obama to be the last

hope for middle and lower

economic class citizens. I will

always admire him for these


~Deborah Noah ● Carmichael, CA

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

neither you, your family, your business, your community, nor any

organization of which you are a part, will have any idea of which

direction to take. A clear vision provides clarity on where you are to go.

Visions allow you to map out your course with the details of how to get

there. Visions identify goals and objectives, allow you to create a map,

estimate distance, time, and effort, and tell you when you deviate from

the optimum course. Visions allow you to identify possible blocks and

obstacles. And, in the same way that organizations create visions, you

must also establish a vision for you. As parent, leader, manager, spouse,

friend, coworker—you can encourage others to do the same.

When you live the life that you want, when you live your vision,

you will live in enthusiasm, desire, passion, and joy. This is the

outcome of a worthy vision. The manifestation of your vision begins

with your human energies. Through the operation of the Causal

Sequence, your visions have power. They have the power to motivate

and move you to action, they have the power to direct and move events,

people, and resources into your life that you need to manifest your

visions. Others will be attracted to and respond to your passions, the life

energies that fuel your visions.

Your visions are your communications to others of what you

and your organization will create. Your vision communicates to the

world what you intend to manifest around you and others. Now stop

“I am 48, work as a paralegal

and ascribe to no particular

religion, though I deeply

believe in God. A college

graduate, I am a grandmother

of seven who worked my way

off welfare to teach my sons

that there is a better way, and

something out there to still give

us hope. I hope this nation will

back me up on that and elect

Barack Obama. What makes

Obama a superior leader is

moral courage: Obama has

demonstrated his willingness to

stick to his guns no matter

what they do to him. We're

talking about a man who

started his campaign by telling

people to stop being afraid. In

the end, when all is said and

done, people refusing to jump

every time something goes

bump in the night is going to

be all we have left. Obama told

us this from the beginning, he

and Michelle inspired us to

stop being afraid and march on

and laugh at the devil to his

face. I have taken courage in

their strength and I admire any

man who can make me feel

strong and empowered again in

a world that uses fear to make

me feel weak and like a lamb

up for slaughter.”

~Rene Greene ● Atlanta, GA

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

and consider this: Do you have a clear vision of what you wish to

accomplish? Does each member of your organization have a clear

vision, and are they the same vision? Do you have a clear, precise,

specific vision for your life? There are many who are skeptical of the

power (and even of the existence) of the human, nonphysical, spiritual

energies and their ability to fuel your personal and professional visions.

If you doubt that these energies are alive and well and breathing

all around you just take a look at results. Look no further than Barack

Obama and his grassroots movement for change. As you do, consider

these questions:

● Is there a clear vision?

● Has it been effectively communicated to everyone involved?

● Does the organization know, feel and live the vision?

● Does each individual have a stake in the positive outcome of the


● Is each individual empowered to energize the vision with their

creativity, talents and ingenuity?

The previous chapters have provided ample examples to these

questions. The success of the Obama movement originates in a vision

that calls forth positive change in Washington, DC. The vision includes

a return to the ideals of the American dream– a belief that health,

education, prosperity, and success is available to all. This vision of

change invites every American to be an active part of this change. True

“Barack Obama gives my

family and I hope, even when

there seems to be no Light.

He has the strength to mend

the problems that effect every

day Americans. I trust Barack

with changing America for the

better, and I sure trust him

with the Presidency. I fight for

a Change because I love my

grandchildren and want to be

able to have something more

offered to them. A better world

to live in. For them to have a

chance and the young

children in the community

that is trying to find their way.

To give them hope. Right now,

I am trying to find a

permanent job here. I have

not been able to find a

permanent job. But, I still try

to work hard for the Obama's

Campaign here. I know a

change will come.”

~Jacob Duncan ● Ocala, FL

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

to his word, this summer hundreds of platform meetings were held in

homes in all fifty states to discuss and identify those issues that were

most important to Americans. Anyone who chose to participate,

regardless of party affiliation, was welcome to attend. From these

meetings came the framework for the national platform.

Barack Obama has redefined the political landscape in the United

State by using the principles of Energytic Leadership. Yes, these

leadership principles, based on individual and group human energy

systems may appear to be new. The only thing that is new is there

documentation as any leader or individuals that know phenomenal

success, have done so by using these principles– perhaps even doing so

intuitively. The steps that Barack Obama has taken to create this

organizational success include:

● Lead by example.

● Create opportunities to empower others.

● Create a work environment that supports and expects initiative

and innovation.

● Foster an organizational culture where individuals are driven by

passions, dreams and the vision. This begins with the senior leadership

and works it way through the ranks.

●Understand that intrapreneurs are motivated by independence and

the opportunity to contribute to the overall success of the organization

by showcasing their individual talents.

● Create a culture that demands accountability and response-ability.

● Give individuals the resources that they need and let them soar.

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“I believe in Barack Obama’s

leadership style and methods

of delivery because of the

HOPE he generates with a

very positive and inclusive

message. Obama challenges

people to be better and do

more as citizens of America,

to do more for each other and

our communities and to get

involved and stay engaged

with our government. Instead

of sitting on the sidelines, he

DARES "We the People" to

unite and work together in

order to affect change. The

Obama campaign is proof of

what a unifying leadership

style can create. For me,

Barack Obama's most

powerful and inspiring

statement has been - "We are

the ONES we've been waiting

for!" This short statement

was enough to get me up on

my feet and involved in a

historical journey for positive

change to my country’s way

of governing. Barack Obama

and the campaign have

already created this list of

positive changes in America:

Grass roots participation

bringing in over 1 million new



Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

● Create an environment that gives people the personal and

professional satisfaction that comes from a sense of accomplishment.

● Embrace change and the opportunity that it brings to the


● Cultivate a climate that is risk-tolerant, open to new ideas, and

which rewards individual initiative.

● Show people what their role is in the success of the vision—

recognizing their individual impact on organizational outcomes and how

they can positively increase that impact.

Intrapreneurs are motivated by independence and the

opportunity to contribute to the overall success of the organization by

showcasing their individual talents. While all of the above is significant

to the success of Obama’s leadership model, the most powerful action

that he takes is a constant examination of Self. He readily acknowledges

his imperfection without self-recrimination, but in an effort to learn

from them and grow. By doing so, he has increased his own personal

power and created the positive results that he seeks. This increase in

personal power is what fuels his own intrapreneurial spirit, moving him

forward in both his professional and personal success. By inviting us to

do the same, we also increase our personal experience of the positive

human energies of wisdom, power, and passion. Some will be attracted

to this energy; those steeply entrenched in negative energy more than

likely, will not.

“People of all ages, races,

genders, and political

affiliations are freely

volunteering to work together

and change ourselves and our

government; We have forever

changed the face of politics and

the way that campaigns are run

and financed; We have been

inspired and challenged to step

outside of our singularly

focused worlds and to act in a

positive manner by helping each

other and our communities, to

perform acts of kindness, to get

to know our neighbors, to create

conversations with strangers;

We the people are choosing to

create a better future for

ourselves and our children by

refusing to follow the path of

the past. We are running

towards the future with grace,

humility, class, and a winning

spirit that will not be denied.

Barack’s leadership has shown

us how to win by being our

guide and road map. Now is the

time for us to pay it forward and

become tomorrow’s leaders.

~Micki Crowell ● Elk Grove, CA


“People of all ages, races,

genders, and political

affiliations are freely

volunteering to work together

and change ourselves and our

government; We have forever

changed the face of politics

and the way that campaigns

are run and financed; We

have been inspired and

challenged to step outside of

our singularly focused worlds

and to act in a positive

manner by helping each other

and our communities, to

perform acts of kindness, to

get to know our neighbors, to

create conversations with

strangers; We the people are

choosing to create a better

future for ourselves and our

children by refusing to follow

the path of the past. We are

running towards the future

with grace, humility, class,

and a winning spirit that will

not be denied. Barack’s

leadership has shown us how

to win by being our guide and

road map. Now is the time for

us to pay it forward and

become tomorrow’s leaders.”

~Mickie Crowell Elk Grove, CA

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

Barack Obama recognizes that intrapreneurs are driven by the need for satisfaction, an

opportunity to contribute to the vision, an opportunity to create and implement solutions, but

most importantly, to be successful. It is in this success that intrapreneurs can fully experience

the positive, nonphysical, spiritual human energies, and therefore your happiness and joy. Obama

has achieved phenomenal results by understanding that your organization is a powerful, complex

energy system, fueled by the most powerful energies on the planet, the life essence energies of

the human being. Power is the ability to enact your vision. Positive power is the energy that gets

things done and achieves the results that you desire.

“One of the many things I like about Barack Obama is that he pushes us out of our comfort zones. All of my life I have sat on the sidelines waiting for someone else to do it. But, one day earlier this year that changed. I watched an Obama speech in which he said "We are the ones we've been waiting for". We are the change we seek." Words can not express how much that moved me. After that I got on the Obama website and found a group in my area. I sent a mass email telling everybody that "I am fired up and ready to go!" We had a meeting a week later at a Starbuck's. Everyone there said so you're LaShawn. Boy, you really got us fired up! At that moment I realized that I could make a difference and ever since that day I have worked to merge the local groups together, done numerous voter registration drives, come up with ideas. This was never me, this has never been me to be the catalyst for something. I owe it all to Barack Obama's ability to inspire me to believe I could. I did make a difference. We all can make a difference. We just need the leadership that will tell us "Yes We Can"! ~LaShawn Pant ● Pensacola, FL 

Chapter 10 

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Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

”Somewhere along the way, between all the bickering and the influence-peddling and the game-playing of the last

few decades, Washington and Wall Street have lost touch with these values….

Yes, we know what's coming. We've seen it already. The same names and labels they always pin on everyone who

doesn't agree with all their ideas. The same efforts to distract us from the issues that affect our lives by pouncing on

every gaffe and association and fake controversy in the hope that the media will play along. The attempts to play on

our fears and exploit our differences to turn us against each other for pure political gain – to slice and dice this

country into Red States and Blue States; blue-collar and white-collar; white and black, and brown.

This is what they will do – no matter which one of us is the nominee. The question, then, is not what kind of campaign

they'll run, it's what kind of campaign we will run. It's what we will do to make this year different. I didn't get into race

thinking that I could avoid this kind of politics, but I am running for President because this is the time to end it. We will

end it this time not because I'm perfect – I think by now this campaign has reminded all of us of that. We will end it not

by duplicating the same tactics and the same strategies as the other side, because that will just lead us down the

same path of polarization and gridlock.

We will end it by telling the truth – forcefully, repeatedly, confidently – and by trusting that the American people will

embrace the need for change. Because that's how we've always changed this country – not from the top-down, but

from the bottom-up; when you – the American people – decide that the stakes are too high and the challenges are

too great. The other side can label and name-call all they want, but I trust the American people to recognize that it's

not surrender to end the war in Iraq so that we can rebuild our military and go after al Qaeda's leaders. I trust the

American people to understand that it's not weakness, but wisdom to talk not just to our friends, but our enemies –

like Roosevelt did, and Kennedy did, and Truman did.

I trust the American people to realize that while we don't need big government, we do need a government that stands

up for families who are being tricked out of their homes by Wall Street predators; a government that stands up for the

middle-class by giving them a tax break; a government that ensures that no American will ever lose their life savings

just because their child gets sick. Security and opportunity; compassion and prosperity aren't liberal values or

conservative values – they're American values.

Most of all, I trust the American people's desire to no longer be defined by our differences. Because no matter where

I've been in this country – whether it was the corn fields of Iowa or the textile mills of the Carolinas; the streets of San

Antonio or the foothills of Georgia – I've found that while we may have different stories, we hold common hopes. We

may not look the same or come from the same place, but we want to move in the same direction – towards a better

future for our children and our grandchildren. That's why I'm in this race. I love this country too much to see it divided

and distracted at this moment in history. I believe in our ability to perfect this union because it's the only reason I'm

standing here today. And I know the promise of America because I have lived it.

It is the light of opportunity that led my father across an ocean. It is the founding ideals that the flag draped over my

grandfather's coffin stands for – it is life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It's the simple truth I learned all those years ago when I worked in the shadows of a shuttered steel mill on the South

Chapter 10 

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Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

Side of Chicago – that in this country, justice can be won against the greatest of odds; hope can find its way back to

the darkest of corners; and when we are told that we cannot bring about the change that we seek, we answer with

one voice – yes we can.

So don't ever forget that this election is not about me, or any candidate. Don't ever forget that this campaign is about

you – about your hopes, about your dreams, about your struggles, about securing your portion of the American

Dream. Don't ever forget that we have a choice in this country – that we can choose not to be divided; that we can

choose not to be afraid; that we can still choose this moment to finally come together and solve the problems we've

talked about all those other years in all those other elections. This time can be different than all the rest. This time we

can face down those who say our road is too long; that our climb is too steep; that we can no longer achieve the

change that we seek. This is our time to answer the call that so many generations of Americans have answered

before – by insisting that by hard work, and by sacrifice, the American Dream will endure.”

~Senator Barack Obama ● Raleigh, NC May 6 2008

I envision peace and prosperity on Wall Street, Main Street and beyond. I see responsibility and accountability on Capitol Hill, Pennsylvania Blvd, your street and my street. I see new ideas for energy saving and creation coming to be and freedom from the dependence that divides us in this generation. I see open, honest, fruitful communication between the people, the local leaders, the state leaders, the regional leaders, the national leaders & world leaders of all kinds. I see address given to the challenges of our world-Global Warming, Economics-Trade, Civil & Human Rights, Health Care, Education, and Peaceful communication. I see a bright future that begins with us; includes us and is us....we are the change we want to see in the world. I see our children and our children’s children THANKING this great generation for the responsible steps of today.

~Mary Beth Miller ● Northville, MI


Senator Obama is not too full of himself, and I like his self-deprecating humor. This can be

an appealing quality in a politician, but it goes well beyond personal charm. It indicates that

he will be generous about sharing credit when something goes well, and taking

responsibility when things go wrong. That is another aspect of treating people with respect,

and that respect (or if applicable, the lack of respect) will be reciprocated. Consider the

contrast with George W. Bush, whose disastrous war in Iraq is seemingly the fault of

everybody but himself. Mr. Bush is a disgrace to his office for many reasons, but his

refusal to take responsibility when things go wrong is a part of it. ~George Martin ● Wilmette, IL

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

“I am originally from Mobile, AL. I am here in Florida with my kids and grands to help as much as possible

because the economy is too much for my kids to maintain with school age kids and all the expenses. I am

attending Troy State University to gain a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice/Business Adm. I am proof, you are

never too old to get an education!... The country need a change, family values, and family structures reiterated.

Barack/Biden families can bring this. He has inspired many young people to become a part of the voting arena. It

has caused some of the elderly to want to return and vote again, feeling that they are Blessed to witness such an

event. The night that Barack gave his acceptance speech on the 40th anniversary of the never to be forgotten "I

Have A Dream" speech by Dr. MLK, that night, it was the Dream. When he brought people from all over the

United States, no matter of the age, color, religion, gender, financial status, they were there, all 85,000 of them on

one accord as they looked on, some with watery eyes, holding on to those beside them and became one! I know Dr.

King looked down and smiled! That was the Dream!”

~Darlene Gay-Allen ● Fort Walton Beach, FL


I'm a 25 year old Veteran of Operation enduring freedom and Operation Iraqi freedom…... I am going to college

with help using my Veterans benefits from the GI bill. I have never had a passion about politics as I have for the

cause of Senator Obama and the vision he has created here in America and around the world. I am so committed

to ensuring Obama gets elected that I have not even cared about my local elections in my own hometown. 

Freedom is not free, for all that have came before him and now all that will follow; Obama has opened the gates

for us to all follow.

~ Preston Bostick ● Quincy, FL


I was too young to walk with Martin Luther King in Selma Alabama. But while watching the Democratic National

Convention I couldn't help but feel that I had finally joined with those pioneers of civil rights. I have become one

with them. I think many others feel that way too. Senator's Obama's election to office would be, for me, as

important as of the fall of the Soviet Union and something I never thought would happen in my lifetime.

~ Gary Gagne ● Charlotte, NC

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century


My name is Tyler O’Day. I am a 13 year old Middle School student. Over the last 19 months

Barack Obama has changed thousands of lives including mine. I became involved in the Obama

campaign in April of 2007. Barack Obama has showed me that anything is possible. He is a

living example of the American dream. I have gotten the youth in my area more involved than I

could imagine. I have people come up to me everyday asking me, Tyler, “do you have any more

Obama stickers or signs?” Obama makes me think that kids like me will be living in a better

place to live in than my parents.

I went to Philadelphia in April to campaign for Barack. I saw what kind of people were

supporting him. It went from a middle-class middle school teacher to a person living in the

projects struggling to get by. Also, in February, the night before Super Tuesday Obama came to

Boston to speak. You have no idea the excitement I felt when I heard him speak. It was a

magical night. He spoke about getting the youth involved in politics in America. I wanted to do

something so I did. I got in touch with the Obama people from Massachusetts and started passing

out bumper stickers and yard signs. With the recent news of Joe Biden’s nomination to be vice

president I think it shows us Obama knows what a great leader Biden is and how great he is for


I got my best friend Nick Perham to come with me to numerous Obama events and he enjoys

them a great deal. I knew that Obama was the right candidate for America when I started talking

to kids in my school and I saw an outpouring of support for Barack. There was near none for not

just Clinton, but for any other candidate at all, Democrat or Republican. When I went to

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

Philadelphia I knew two people, Margaret Xafarias and my father, but I made many friendships

during my trip. I met an 80 year old woman standing on the corner in front of my hotel with an

Obama yard sign. I stood with her for half an hour talking to her. She had seen the hotel I was

staying in being built and her father saying it would never last. But she thought different. That

moment really spoke to me. That woman had a vision. That woman knew that if people are

doubting things, good may never come.

The same is true of the Obama campaign. When I was in Philadelphia there were spontaneous

standouts in front of city hall. A man who had a bongo sat down next to us and starting playing a

beat and we were creating chants on the beat of his drum. It was fun and energizing, a stark

contrast to the campaigners across the street for the Clinton campaign who got discouraged and

left after our enthusiastic showing of support. In Philadelphia I also met a woman named

Tammy come in and volunteer for the Obama campaign. I learned from her how different it was

living in a city like Philadelphia, instead of the small town I live in.

So this last week I was up every night watching the DNC. It was breath taking, the lion of the

Senate, Teddy Kennedy speaking and giving an amazing speech. After listening to Michelle

Obama I am assured that she would make the best first lady we’ve ever had. After listening to

her I believe fully that Barack has the experience to lead our nation. Michelle and Barack and

their family are very similar to my family and have the same concerns. They understand people

like us and what everyday Americans are like. Bill and Hillary Clinton did a great job of

mending bridges and helped everyone believe that Barack is the right guy for the job. Bill used

Chapter 10 

The Vision 

Obama Leadership for the 21st Century

his southern charm and his sly jokes and was as articulate as you can get.

That same night the attorney general of Delaware, Beau Biden gave I think, the second

best speech of the convention next to Barack. He spoke about how tragedy hit his family but his

father moved on because he knew he could help working families by working in the Senate. I

was really moved by his speech and how willing he was to share this story with all of America.

Then on Thursday night the most historical thing in American politics happened. An African-

American accepted the nomination for president of the United States of America.

He spoke about lowering taxes for the middle class taking and having an energy policy in

America that works for us, the citizens, not for the big oil companies. He spoke about how he

had not grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, but what it was like with his grandparents and

a single mom. His speech spoke to me and it spoke to middle class America. I think it brought

him closer to winning this presidency.

When he does win I think tears will be running down scores of people faces. I want to win

this election not because it will make America better, but because it will make the Whole World

better. I really believe from the bottom of my heart that everyone in this campaign has made a

difference and should take credit for this victory. I just want to say in my closing words that as a

student, democrat and youth leader I want BARACK OBAMA in the White House for the next

eight years. He understands me and he understands us. He is our future. He will bring a better

world for everyone who inhabits it, Yes We Can.

~Tyler O’Day ● West Boylston, MA

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

When I began my research on the Obama Grassroots Movements, in order to reach a national

audience, naturally the tool of choice was the internet. What makes this election more of an

international event than any other prior election is the accessibility of information via the world wide

web. The result of this world wide access to information is that I heard from supporters from all over

the globe. If there was any doubt that the world pays careful attention to the politics of the United

States, it was erased when Barack Obama conducted his world tour in the summer of 2008. As a

result of technology, in the 21st century, international communication knows no boundaries. The

United States does not exist in a vacuum. We are a global community. The results of our

governmental, economic and defense policies have a direct impact on the rest of the world. Following

is a commentary on this presidential election from an international perspective. Victoria C. DePaul

Obama ~ An International Perspective

One evening in 2006 I was resting at a motel in North Carolina, and watched the

various channels on TV. By accident I tuned in to “Meet the press” with Tim Russet

and I could hardly believe what appeared in front of me. I saw an interview with a man

that I had never heard of before. This man had some very unusual insights about life,

he was warm and friendly with a sharp intellect. But what amazed me most was that he

was a senator in USA! I could hardly believe it. This nice man was a politician. It was

my first contact with Barack Obama, and I have followed him ever since.

I am a Swedish citizen, and as many foreigners I am very attracted to Obama. In the

election campaign 2008 I have been very active on the Internet, doing what I can to

make him president in the USA. I have done this because I think he would be best for

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

the USA, but above all I think that he would be best for humanity. What is it about

Obama that attracts me? First of all it is I sense that he is a genuinely good person. He

is one who wants the best for all people. This he has proven by his own good example;

his life has largely been of service to other people, and of service to society. After his

studies at the University he could have chosen between a lot of jobs that were well

paid, and have a great career. Instead, he applied for a work as a community organizer,

a job that did not pay well, and did not have a great reputation. Besides being a good

person, he is also very intelligent; he can grasp and understand the essence of any

problem he is confronted with, whether it is all the way from the conflict in Burma to

the daily struggle for those who live on minimum wage and the problems their family

faces. He has a profound knowledge about a lot of subjects, and knows by example

very well the difference between the various culture, religious and ethnic groups. He is

therefore a man who understands the world, both with his mind and his heart.

But above all is a visionary. While most leaders looks upon the world as it is today,

and endeavor to repair the system, he has a vision of a new perspective upon life. It is

a spiritual vision, where love, cooperation and caring for others is the foundation. He

has often spoken of the importance of “being our brother’s keeper.” If we care about

others, and learn to walk a mile in their shoes, everything will change. This comes

from the people we meet in our daily lives, family, friends, and neighbors; to for

example, those less fortunate children in Africa who lack the basic needs of food,

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

education, and therefore lack hope in their lives. I am convinced that the world today

is in a middle of a paradigm shift. We need new leaders with the perspective of this

new society.

For me as a European, I would be glad to see Obama elected president in USA. But it

is much more than that. This is the election of a world-leader. So many people around

the world want change, from the poor people in Africa who need food, schools and

healthcare, to disillusioned people in the Western world who want a new direction in

life. Deep in their hearts people are longing for something new, a new society and a

new perspective on life. And when they hear Obama speak, they are touched by

something, he put into words what they already knew unconsciously. Many political

leaders in the world want change but don’t really know in what direction. When they

meet Obama they see a person who speaks about something that they also want to

implement in their countries. What is most fascinating is that it looks like it does not

matter if people are liberals, conservatives, socialists or any other political creed.

People from all backgrounds are attracted to him.

Many leaders have spoken well of Obama, and are inspired by him. In the election

campaign 2008,conservative leaders abroad should normally endorse the conservative

candidate. But the French president Sarkozy has spoken well about Obama, and only

speaks positively about him, short of officially endorsing him. The conservative leader

in England, David Cameron has refused to take sides, but the Swedish Prime Minister

from the Conservative Party has openly declared that he prefers Obama.

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

Obama’s popularity in other nations

Obama’s popularity in the world is amazing. In a poll that was done in June 2008, in

16 nations all around the world by Reader’s Digest, he would win a landslide in all of

these nations, if these people could vote. In Netherlands 92% would vote for him, in

Taiwan 81% have his support.1 It is most remarkable is that he is so popular in all parts

of the world. He would win in Europe, in Africa, in Asia and in Latin America. In all

these different cultures, people are attracted by Obama in great numbers. “It's Obama

by a landslide—except in the country in which he's actually running for president,"

says John Fredricks, director of polling and research for Reader's Digest. "What is

most striking is the margin of his support." And what is it that attracts people all

around the world? Reader’s Digest interviewed Klas Bergman, director of

communications for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and

Cooperation in Europe who said; "Obama represents something different… He seems

ready to listen rather than dictate.”

For many people abroad, Obama represents a part of USA that they did not know

existed before. Their experience of the USA is arrogance, selfishness and aggression. I

have traveled much in the USA and have been met with so much compassion where I

felt that people genuinely cared about me, my problems and who I am. I have been

met with enthusiasm when I offer some new ideas. It is the USA of compassion, of

visions and of genuine kindness. But many people abroad have not seen this other

1 http://www.rd.com/your-america-inspiring-people-and-stories/presidential-election-08-global-poll/article102098.html

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

USA, the USA of idealism. However, today people all around the world see it in

Obama. There is no politician in the world today that is met with so much enthusiasm,

so much hope and so much expectation. Barack Obama represents the best of the USA,

the spirit of compassion. The two sides of the USA is also described in the following

article from AP:

“It's not only Obama’s youth, eloquence and energy that have stolen

hearts across the Atlantic. For Europeans, there have always been two Americas: one

of cynicism, big business and bullying aggression, another of freedom, fairness and

nothing-is-impossible dynamism. If President Bush has been seen as the embodiment

of that first America, Obama has raised expectations of a chance for the nation to

redeem itself in the role that — at various times through history — Europe has loved,

respected and relied upon.”2

When Obama made his trip to Europe and Middle East in summer 2008 he met

enthusiasm everywhere that must have exceeded even his own wildest expectations.

He made only one public speech, in Berlin in Germany. And what a response. Can you

imagine, 200,000 people came to listen to him, a foreign politician who is not even a

president. A German friend of mine said that the political leaders in Germany could

hardly have attracted such a crowd even if they had rallied people all over the country

for a meeting. And what a speech Obama gave. He presented himself as “a citizen of

the world” and told the crowds that we had to “start building bridges and start to break

down the walls” between all people. We must break down the walls between

Christians, Jews and Muslims. And break down the walls of fear that separates us. The 2 http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-07-22-obamamania-europe_N.htm

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

response from the public in Germany, politicians and media was overwhelming. Many

people asked themselves, when will we have our Obama in Germany? In Germany we

are full of Obamamania, he has since been called “a black Kennedy.” Many people in

Germany see him as a mixture between John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. The

German Magazine “Der Spiegel” wrote; “Norbert Röttgen, chief whip for the Christian

Democrats (Conservative Party; my remark) in parliament, sees Obama as the

messenger of a new wave of politics that could also provide a model for Germany…

‘Germany is Obamaland,’ says Karsten Voigt, the German government's coordinator

for trans-Atlantic relations… People are projecting their hopes and dreams on Obama,

adds Constanze Stelzenmüller… He's perceived here as peace-loving and


Obama’s speech in Berlin was truly a message of what he wants to do as a president.

He wants to build bridges and to break down walls. It is the walls of fear, walls of

mistrust and walls of and attitude of separatism.

Germany is a Western nation. But how is the reaction among people with a

background from a different culture? We hardly discuss anything else except Obama’s

rise, his stance on foreign policy, his life story, what it says about American culture

and what impact it may have on how the world sees America. I have to say, that

personally I’m simply overwhelmed about the impact of Obama! We are reviewing

our prejudices against America and are now at least able to differentiate between

American politics and Americans. The day before yesterday, one of my friends

summed it up very well: “Well, I guess if Americans vote for someone like him… they 3 http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,555437,00.html

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

can’t be all that bad!” For him, this is a radical turn of 180 degrees!!!… So you see,

it’s amazing, the excitement that Obama’s run for the presidency has created over

here: Lots of people in my neighborhood, who until now, simply believed what the

propagandists told them about American politics, are active and looking up in-depth

information about the US primaries and about Obama…”4

The Emergence of a World-leader

It is my conviction that Obama will become a world-leader. He will inspire and give

hope to people from all around the world. He has a vision that attracts people no

matter of race, creed, sex or other background. He points out a new way, a new

perspective to life. It will start a change that can only be compared to the French

Revolution, the American Revolution and other great events in the history of man.

This is truly a historic moment, the emergence of a world-leader that transforms the

lives of people from all over the world.

Obama truly has a vision. I would like to call this vision the idea of international

cooperation based on compassion. There are so many groups in the world, and each

may have a different life-style. But beyond this is the common values that we all have

together; the need for love, the need for justice, the need for food, education and the

need that they can perceive that somebody cares in their lives. And there are of course

also the issues that divide us. During the last century we have had many wars and

other conflicts because we have been so focused on what divides us. But if we look

upon humanity as a big family of nations, somehow we have to learn to live together

in peace and love to each other. And this is done when we understand the needs of 4 http://www.theworldwantsobama.org/2008/04/obamas-candidacy-reverses-anti.html

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

ourselves and out neighbors, and when we endeavor to solve the conflicts that may

occur in a spirit of love and understanding.

Is this possible? Obama has showed by his own example that he can bring people

together and solve their problems. This is in the same tradition as for example John F.

Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and others. These people

were very successful, and Obama who uses this same method of cooperation will

surely be successful in his work as a president. Obama has a message that appeals to

people all over the world. All the way from the business man in New York, to the

farmers in Indonesia. All over the world people, and especially young people, are

longing for a change in their lives. When they hear Obama they perceive someone who

speaks to their desire for change. And the more people get to know him, the more they

are attracted to him.

This is a great and profound revolution. Problems in the world can and will be solved

through cooperation, through love and through collaborative relationship. By building

relations between people from various backgrounds we will create peace, and learn to

live together in harmony. It is though relations based on love that problems will be

solved and wounds will be healed. Some people may think this is naïve, well then

Christ, Buddha, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa were naïve too.

This is a new and revolutionarily message from Obama, and it will take time before it

is digested. It is a great shift in our paradigms. Some (or many) will be skeptical

because it is a new way or doing things, and some people will be insecure about it.

That is why Obama is so careful to walking slowly so that we can have the time to

Obama ~ An International Perspective  

Obama Leadership in

the 21st Century

adjust to the new. If he moves too fast, many people will become frightened, and go

back to the old ways.

Some conservatives may be afraid because this is not the old path of politics of what is

familiar and well-known. Some liberals may be skeptical because he does not fight

attack the Republicans, and instead tries to win them over by listening to them and

seeing that they also have some good points. That is why he speaks to both

Republicans and Democrats alike, people from all backgrounds share the same longing

for love, justice, truth and peace. This is truly a great age, as great as if not greater than

the Industrial revolution when the Middle Ages shifted into the Renaissance.



Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century 

The leadership principles documented in this book are not new. As

you move back into history you will find many leaders who employed

these very same leadership strategies. One such leader who personified

these leadership characteristics emerged from our own political

landscape. You can see these very principles at work in the

administration of John F. Kennedy. Since his noted arrival on the

Washington scene at the Democratic National Convention in 2004,

Barack Obama has been likened to John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy

and Martin Luther King.

There are those who will dismiss this comparison, noting that

the likeness comes from the fact that all of these men knew how to

deliver a great inspirational speech. Those of us fortunate enough to have

been alive and witness the power of all of these men, however, know that

there is something more. Many are unable to describe it, but understand it

nonetheless. While inspiration can provide an emotional lift, it never lasts

longs. No, there is something more. What these men did was to provide a

framework of personal accountability and empowerment, designed to

make changes in the way we think, feel, treat and react towards each

other, our government, and our world.

So just what is it about Barack Obama that draws this comparison to

the greatest of leaders of the last 40 years? It is Energytic Leadership–

“Obama has already

Changed the World. He will

remain My Personal

Hero...He inspired my 87

Year Old Father to get up off

his Death Bed 9 months ago!

Consequently, Dad Voted for

Obama Standing up in the

PA Primary Voting Booth

Voting for the first time since

JFK. He is a Healthy Obama

Man NOW...Amazing!”

Angelique Wallace ● Haverford, PA

"As I canvassed for him in

the poor section of our

county my school children

were running up to me

hugging me. Little did they

know that I was

campaigning for a man that

would give hope to their


~Lynn Morris ● Rivesville, WV

"To the politically ignorant,

sometimes leaders are not

elected/chosen because of

their experience and/or long

standing in politics but

chosen because the populous

is frustrated at the status


~Okela King ● Brooklyn, NY



Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century 

the fundamental ability to communicate to our nonphysical, spiritual, life

energies. In doing so, these leaders spoke to the Godness and the

goodness that resides in all of us. These leaders have called forth the

leader that resides in all of us. These leaders have issued both the

invitation and the invocation for all of us to reach to our inner selves,

where our true power in life resides. They have succeeded in

communicating far more than mere words. What we have heard, and now

hear from Barack Obama is an ideal that we can BE better, that we ARE

better, that we can DO better. It is from these core ideals that peace and

prosperity will come.

As business and political leaders center themselves on these

principles you will see a quantum leap in motivation and energy of

individuals that will result in notable increases in the quantity and quality

of organizational and national results. In the global market and

information sphere of today, competitive advantages from purely physical

advances are fleeting. Information, technologies, and products travel too

fast. The next frontier of competition is not physical science and

technology; it will be the harnessing of human energy and science. The

next challenge of business is human energy development— the only true

power of any organization. Leaders such as Barack Obama– those who

understand Energytic principles will see the desired results. Leaders that

"Barack Obama and Joe

Biden represent America's

future. Our national has

been so divided in the past.

Now we have a chance to

heal as one nation."

~Ada Orie ● Cockeysville, MD

“ It is time that we elect

someone who is intelligent

and dedicated to the people

of this country instead of the

special interests. Barack

Obama is the right person at

this critical time to lead a

new generation of

Americans into a better

future. We cannot allow our

fears and prejudices to

detract us from working for

the change this country so

sorely needs.”

~Joe Smith ● Lowell, MA

“Senator Barack Obama is a

great leader because he can

relate to the American

people and their issues and

he understands many of the

situations that many people

are going through in this

rough economy. He’s been

there too. Senator Obama’s

campaign is not about race

or color. It is about America

and its future.”

~Anita Stroud ● San Jose, CA



Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century 

understand and are able to unleash human energy, to foster intrapreneurship, rides the wave of

the future into the third millennium.

“He is the epitome of love and devotion."He has accepted he Torch that has been

passed to a new generation if Americans born in this century, tempered by war,

disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, and proud of our ancient Heritage." He has the

spirit of love and devotion. He carries the armor of professionalism and performs with

perfection because he has been called by God to lead the cause of change for the

United States. I believe he follows the disciples of old by being obedient. He has the

ability of being a change agent in a quiet, non-challenging way. He has been

recognized by leaders all over the world. The story goes, that when Jesus was a pre-

teen, he ran away from his frantic parents. When they found him, he was amongst the

leaders, and professors "teaching", He held their attention because they had never

heard of this kind of knowledge. As it goes he hesitated to return back to his parents

saying, "don't you know I must be about my Father's business?" That is our Senator

Barack Obama. He is the unusual, being obedient, and putting use the skills given to

him by a Higher Power.” ~Wynona B. Timmons ● Rio Vista, CA



Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century 

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You

Inauguration Speech Delivered by John F. Kennedy

January 20, 1961

Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President

Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom -

symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning - signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and

Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty

and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue

around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of


We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to

friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century,

tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or

permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are

committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any

hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we

pledge - and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful

friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do - for we

dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control

shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them

supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom - and to remember

that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge

our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the Communists may be

doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,

it cannot save the few who are rich.

To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge - to convert our good words into good deeds - in

a new alliance for progress - to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this



Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century 

peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join

with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this

Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of

war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support - to prevent it from becoming merely

a forum for invective - to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak - and to enlarge the area in which its writ may

run. Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that

both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all

humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms

are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. But neither can two

great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course - both sides overburdened by the cost of

modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain

balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.

So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always

subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what

problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate

serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms - and bring the absolute power to destroy other

nations under the absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its

terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and

encourage the arts and commerce. Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah - to

"undo the heavy burdens -. and to let the oppressed go free."

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new

endeavour, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and

the peace preserved. All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor

in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. In your hands, my

fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded,

each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young

Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though

embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope,

patient in tribulation" - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a

more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? In the long history of the world, only a few

generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this

responsibility - I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other



Obama           Leadership for the 

21st Century 

generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who

serve it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of

man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of

strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge

of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth

God's work must truly be our own.


Contributors to this document:

David G. Gliddon, PhD

John R. Wilson ~ Raleigh, NC

Melissa Deputy ~ Flemington, NJ

Tyler O’Day ~ West Boylston, MA

John W. King ~ Buckeye, AZ

Bernhard Steinbach ~ Charlottesville, WV

Stephanie Fitzharris ~ Austin, TX

Robert Jones ~ Westminster, SC

Sarah L. Gerhardt ~ Portland, OR

Kathy Wilson ~ Bowie, MD

Gary Gagne ~ Charlotte, NC

Jeremy Everett ~ Tripoli, IA

Marla Turner ~ Las Vega, NV

Karen Walton ~ Fort Lee, NJ

Jessica Smith ~ Amesbury, MA

Louis Burwick ~ Worcester, MA

Simone Suter ~ Geneva, Switzerland

David Loewenstein PhD ~ Miami, FL

Joanna Siaw ~ Morrisville, NC

Christina Marlowe ~ Summerland, CA

Charles Christiansen ~ Rockville, MD

Catherine Sebastian ~ Millford, PA

Roberta Kelinson ~ Rock Island, IL

Jessica Meltzer ~ Berlin, MA

Emma Carter Brooks ~ Leeds, AL

Claire ~ Paris, France

David J. Giacomuzzi ~ Palm Springs, CA

Abubakar Abdulraheem ~ Nigeria

Stephanie Shank ~ Elkins, WV

Al Pao ~ San Francisco, CA

Cheryl Saluga ~ Boardman, OH

Verna ~ Bellingham, WA

Rick Beauleri ~ Indiana, PA

Prosy Abarquez-Delacruz, JD ~ Los Angeles, CA

Rachel Joslin ~ Browns Mills, NJ

Gloretha Gray ~ Port Saint Lucie, FL

Ron Manns ~ Rockford, IL

Denise Cyr ~ Medford, OR

Rolonda Goodwin ~ Lawrenceville, GA

John R. Wilson ~ Raleigh, NC

Thomas Brooks ~ Houston, TX

Bridget White ~ Baytown, TX

~Michele Hopkins ~ Clearlake, CA

Eugene Lillge ~ Appleton, WI

Derrick Chamberlain ~ Midland, MI

Tetana Oguara ~ Seattle, WA

Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq ~ Washington, DC

Richard McLaughlin, Jr ~ Warrington, PA

Allan Cronin ~ Santa Barbara, CA

Pamela Smith ~ Thornton, CO

William Tarpai ~ Riverside, CA

Alice Winfree Bowron ~ St. Louis Park, MN

Nancy McCampbell ~ Bozeman, MT

Adrianna Riley-Roach ~ Wheatley Heights, NY

Torgny Jansson ~ Gothenburg, Sweden

Tryntje Rapalje ~ San Francisco, CA

Matt Murchison ~ Tampa, FL

Allen Wenger ~ Mountain Home, ID

Tim Reid ~ Hanover, PA

Lee Fiore ~ Worcester, MA

Ted Tata ~ Stoughton, MA

John Ozanne ~ Carmel, CA

Nick Perham ~ West Boylston, MA

Betty Norman ~ Chicago, IL

Patrick Frank ~ Kingstree, SC

Dalton Hoffine ~ Winston-Salem, NC

Martin Keane Voorhees, NJ

Jeff Powell ~ Kent, WA

Glenn Williams ~ NE

Peter Odeh ~ Baltimore, MD

Deborah Noah ~ Carmichael, CA

Rene Greene ~ Atlanta, GA

Jacob Duncan ~ Ocala, FL

Mickie Crowell ~ Elk Grove, CA

LaShawn Pant ~ Pensacola, FL

Mary Beth Miller ~ Northville, MI

George Martin ~ Wilmette, IL

Darlene Gay-Allen ~ Fort Walton Beach, FL

Preston Bostick ~ Quincy, FL

Angelique Wallace ~ Haverford, PA

Lynn Morris ~ Rivesville, WV

Okela King ~ Brooklyn, NY

Ada Orie ~ Cockeysville, MD

Joe Smith ~ Lowell, MA

Anita Stroud ~ San Jose, CA

Wynona B. Timmons ~ Rio Vista, CA

~Maggie Walton ● Houston, TX