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Mid summer nights dream Shakespeare research assignment

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Mid summer nights dream

Shakespeare research assignment

The play mid summer nights dream is a mainly an external conflict involving Oberon and puck , puck sets out too find Oberon the magical flower to make titania forget about the young Indian boy but when puck finally obtains the flower he uses it on the wrong person (Lysander). Thus creating a bad position for Oberon to be in but this is set right as titania is then targeted correctly and she then falls in love with bottom , Oberon obtains the Indian boy and then spreads more of the potion over Lysander's eyelids and by morning all is well.








The play was believed to be set in the 1590-1596.

It was set in Athens , Greece.

• The main conflict in mid summer nights dream was the on of man vs. supernatural this obvious due to the fact that Oberon faces the magical powers of the magical flower but there is many sub conflicts.

• person vs. person eg. When he tries to get the young Indian boy from Titania.

• Man vs. himself eg. The regret of not doing some things that he was not meant to do eg. Give the potion to Lysander.

Exposition-the play began with Theseus of Athens getting ready to marry Hippolyta with a four day festival of entertainment egeus marches into the church and wants Hermia to marry Demetrious(who actually loves Hermia) but Hermia does not love him she loves Lysander.

The exciting force was when Oberon and Titania where fighting over the young Indian boy this developed into a large driving force of the play but as the argument developed Oberon decided to bring others into it mainly puck he was brought in as Oberon started to develop a plan to get the young boy.

Turning point – the turning point of the play is when Oberon turns to puck for help to find the magical pansy (flower) this is for the love potion to get titania to forget about the young Indian boy .

Falling action – the plot starts to turn when puck gets the flower but gives it to Lynsander and makes him fall in love with a different person this person is Helena but this was not Oberon's plan in the beginning thus disrupting the final outcome.

Untangling- when Oberon finds out about the mistake he starts to stress and then he just keeps his plan going and sorts the drama of Lysander out later thus creating a feel of panic through the audience.


Resolution- the plot is resolved when puck spreads more of the potion on Lysander's eyes and makes everything well again and Oberon then has custody over the young Indian boy and the final well being of all the people in the plot for example Lysander and as well when the fairies briefly appear to say all has been put well.

The dramatic relief is a large player in the plots structure this because as puck say it was all but a dream this puts the whole play into perspective for the audience and puts them into a dream in themselves of what has happened and how it was all but a dream.

Oberon at the beginning of the play was not willing to resort to stupid means like games but then again the plot was changed for the worst when the young Indian boy was argued over by Titania and Oberon .

The motivations that drive Oberon is the one of the young Indian boy and the argument between titania and Oberon this intern drives the play with the love potion and the wrong doing of puck with the love potion.

Oberon is not involved with many people in the play but with titania he is very argumentative but this is toward the person who drives the play but toward puck he is very calm as puck is pretty much a servant.

Oberon influences the play as he is one of the major drivers of the play like when he orders puck to go and get the magical flower to make the love potion and thus influencing him to carry on with the plan quickly but he does the wrong thing when trying to get the Indian boy.

Oberon affect Lysander with the love potion and makes him love the wrong person thus affecting the whole plot in the wrong way and also influences Oberon's final plan.

Oberon affect the conflict as he is one of the major plot drivers by the terms of him and puck not following the plan firstly thought by Oberon.

Oberon has achieved a lot over the course of the play he has gained the young Indian boy and regained the love to Lysander's and Hermana by making all well with the love potion but he has still lost the trust of some.

Oberon is victimised in his own mind when he starts to realise that his plan is quickly unravelling this is noticeable when he say s just leave him we will make him better soon and make all well.

“All will be well” magical fairies.

“It was all but a dream” puck.

“the course of true love never did run smooth” Lysander tells Hermia that they are not the only true lovers who have had troubles.

“Swift as a shadow short as any dream brief as the the lightning how quickly true love can be destroyed”.

“So quick bright things come to confusion “.






Six Shakespeare stories retold by Leon Garfield

A midsummer nights dream ( graphic novel) retold by Hilary Birmingham

A midsummer nights dream by William Shakespeare