objective-type questions: multiple choice … · open-distance learning material on objective type...

Open-Distance Learning Material on Objective Type Question 1 Multiple Choice Questions OPEN DISTANCE LEARNING MATERIAL For OBJECTIVE-TYPE QUESTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS By: Smruti Shah Roll No. 9 Approximate time allotted for this part: 60 Minutes Learning: 40 Minutes Self-Evaluation: 20 Minutes

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Open-Distance Learning Material on Objective Type Question

1 Multiple Choice Questions





By: Smruti Shah

Roll No. 9

Approximate time allotted for this part:

60 Minutes

Learning: 40 Minutes

Self-Evaluation: 20 Minutes

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Open-Distance Learning Material on Objective Type Question

2 Multiple Choice Questions


1. Structure of Section

2. Objectives of this section

3. Introduction to Types of Question

4. Multiple Choice Question

4.1. Meaning

4.2. Purpose

5. Construction of Multiple Choice Questions:

5.1. Rule 1: Grouping of Test Items

5.2. Rule 2: Constructing Stem

5.2.1. Tip 1: Types of Stem

5.2.2. Tip 2: Length of Stem

5.2.3. Tip 3: Framing of Stem (Positive/ Negative)

5.3. Rule 3: Constructing Alternatives

5.3.1. Tip 1: Number of alternatives

5.3.2. Tip 2: Avoid ‘None of the Above” and “All of the Above” as alternatives

5.3.3. Tip 3: Use only plausible answers as alternative.

5.3.4. Tip 4: Key alternative should NOT be predictable or obvious

5.3.5. Tip 5: Avoid giving clues in alternatives

6. Summary

7. Self-Evaluation for Multiple Choice Questions.

8. Bibliography and Webography

OBJECTIVES After going through this section you will be able:

1. To define multiple choice questions. 2. To differentiate between Key and Distractor.

3. To follow rules to develop good stem and alternatives.

4. To develop Multiple Choice question for different cognitive levels.

INTRODUCTION An achievement test consist of different types of question which can measure student’s knowledge, skills and understanding of content which you have taught them and they have studied. Most of the semester exam (conducted every six months) is prime example of an achievement tests. While setting paper for testing student’s learning in semester exams, you add several questions. Every question added in these exams/tests are called TEST ITEMS. These test items have some format, and these formats of test items can be categorized into three types:

Objective-Type Questions,

Short Answer type Questions,

Essay Type Questions First let us focus on Objective-Type Questions. In objective type of questions, students have to CHOOSE correct answer to question. Only one answer can be considered as best/ correct for a given question. Following type of questions can be considered as objective type questions:

1. Multiple Choice Questions,

2. Match the Columns,

3. True or False

4. Choose from Brackets,

5. Sequencing,

6. Find Odd man out.

We begin our unit of Types of Question with focus on Multiple Choice Questions.

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Open-Distance Learning Material on Objective Type Question

3 Multiple Choice Questions



You can define multiple choice question as “a very flexible assessment format that can

be used to measure knowledge, skills, abilities, values, thinking skills of learner.” It

consists of a statement which poses as a question, with limited and fixed list of plausible

answers to that question. What student will be doing in this type of question is read the

question and look for best possible answer, which can answer the question. There will be

only one correct answer to this question. It is abbreviated mostly as MCQs.

Understanding this meaning of multiple choice questions, we can see 4 basic parts of

these type of questions. Multiple choice questions will be incomplete, if any of these part

is missing. They include:

1. Stem: A statement which pose as question is called stem, it is first thing student

will read while answering this type of question.

2. Alternatives: List of plausible answers is termed as alternatives. Therefore while

giving/ printing instructions for question, we often write “Choose the correct


3. Key: Correct alternative/ correct answer to the question is called key. You will be

developing the key for this type of questions. Keys are not made available to

students before or during the test; however, depending on objective of test (why

were students tested) and requirements, students maybe/ may not be provided

with list of keys, once they complete the test.

4. Distractors: All the other alternatives, except key/ correct answer are called

distractors. These alternatives, tend to distract student from correct answer,

however students confident about answers won’t be distracted with use of these


Check Your Understanding 1:

Following is a given item of multiple choice Question. Correct answer is highlighted.

In the above Question, which terminology would you give to:

A: ___________________

B: ___________________

C: ___________________

D: ___________________

Answers: (For viewing Answers, Select Highlighted area below, Go on text colour and

chose black font.)

A- Stem, B- Alternatives, C- Key, D- Distractors.

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4 Multiple Choice Questions

Purpose of MCQs:

Multiple choice questions may appear to be simple, however they are not. When these

type of questions are well developed (will discuss some tips for developing good MCQs,

in later part of this section), they can be of great help to know whether most of the

learning objectives are achieved or not. This is sole reason, why most of external exams/

tests/ evaluation use this method of testing. Most of the entrance exams, including,

MBA, medical, engineering or even GRE evaluates student only on basis of MCQs. Just

imagine importance of these type of questions in evaluation. There are several reasons

for this:

1. Since Multiple choice question, has one and only one KEY (correct response), this

way of testing can be considered reliable. This type of question is precise, and

students can solve them quickly as compared to essay type questions, which are

subjective and elaborated, and students require time to solve them.

2. You can use multiple choice questions to assess various levels of learning

outcomes, right from knowledge level to evaluate knowledge. Try the following


Check Your Understanding 2:

Identify the Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy which is being tested by following question:

1. On his birthday, Jitu carried 200 chocolates; however on that day only 40 students were

present. How many chocolates would each student get?

a. 240 c. 5

b. 160 d. 8000

ANS: ___________________________ LEVEL OF OBJECTIVE

2. In which year did World War 1 Begun?

a. 1914 c. 1939

b. 1918 d. 1945

ANS: ___________________________ LEVEL OF OBJECTIVE.

3. Which of the animal from following list can be called Domestic Animal?

a. Tiger c. Elephant

b. Cow d. Giraffee

ANS: ___________________________ LEVEL OF OBJECTIVE

Answers and Explanation:

1. Application Level: Student has to read the question, identify which operation

needs to be used while solving the given problem (addition, subtraction,

multiplication or division). Once they chose the operation, students will have to

apply the division and get the final answer.

2. Knowledge Level: It is simple fact, that student should remember, as to when did

World War 1 exactly occur. This is based on their power to remember.

3. Comprehension Level: Understanding meaning of domestic animal, they would be

able to identify which of the animal mentioned is domestic animal.

In similar way, multiple choice question can evaluate higher cognitive level. Have you

ever wondered while setting papers, how much marks would you allot to MCQs? Most of

the time, it is 1 mark per test item, suppose out of 50 marks, even if you allot 10 marks

for this type of question, you can actually cover all the lessons in your textbook and get

better idea about learning taken place among students for each lesson. However in order

to achieve this goal you will have to construct effective. Let us discuss this in next part.

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5 Multiple Choice Questions


Now, we have to focus on constructing several aspects of multiple choice questions, two

being major: Stem and Alternatives. Let’s begin with some rules and tips of creating

them effectively while developing a test.

Rule 1: Grouping of Test Items.

In any achievement test, you can add several types of questions, however, you should

make sure that you group all similar kinds of question together. I mean, in any particular

test, you would not just ask one Multiple choice question, and then jump on to ask one

true or false followed by some essay type question, and other multiple choice question.

No! This should NEVER be the case. Always group same kinds of questions together in

any test, i.e. All True or False together, MCQs together or essay types.

Check Your Understanding 3:

Chose which one is correct way of ordering questions:


Ans. ___

Correct Answer: A, as the test is well organized with similar questions in one group.

Rule 2: Constructing Stem

Write the stem as a clearly described question, problem, or task as possible. Stem, i.e.

question, for multiple choice questions can be constructed in several ways.

1. Fill in the Blank Type: Where alternative focuses on choosing correct word/

statement to complete sentence.

For example:

Waves are a means by which _________ travels.

a. Energy b. Ocean

c. Pressure d. Force

2. Simple Question Type: A question is asked, where students will have to choose

correct answers from the given from the given alternatives.

For example:

What travels through waves as medium?

a. Energy b. Ocean c. Pressure d. Force

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3. Multiple Answers Type: You may have several answers for any particular

question, and you will have to construct stem of 2 levels.

For example:

Which of the following are functions explain movement of waves?

i. Electromagnetic

ii. Reflection

iii. Physically

iv. Diffraction

v. Refraction

Choose the correct combinations of answer:

a. i, ii, iii, iv, v b. ii, v

c. ii, iv, v d. i, iii

Tip 1: Type of Stem

It is suggested that while constructing multiple choice questions, include minimum

number of “Multiple Answers Type” of question, as students will be going through several

levels of processing before answering. First they will read question and understand it.

Next they will go through options and recall their meaning, identify the correct

responses, go through the MCQ list to search for the combinations of responses which

they have identified. It mostly requires slightly more time than other type of multiple

choice questions.

In addition to it, research has also shown that simple questions type of Multiple

Questions is best way for constructing the stem.

Tip 2: Length of Stem

Always use same type of question while constructing multiple choice question for same

test. All test items in same test should appear similar with respect to size of question

and placement of blanks. Mostly blanks at the end of sentences should be preferred.

It is suggested that you create stem which is neither too small to be considered as vague

nor too long to be considered as wordy. Stem should be precise.


Poor Example, Good Example

California: a. Contains the tallest mountain in the United States. b. Has an eagle on its state flag. c. Is the second largest state in terms of area. d. Was the location of the Gold Rush of 1849.

What is the main reason so many people moved

to California in 1849?

a. California land was fertile, plentiful, and


b. Gold was discovered in central California.

c. The east was preparing for a civil war.

d. They wanted to establish religious settlements.

Suppose you are a mathematics professor who wants to determine whether or not your teaching of a unit on probability has had a significant effect on your students. You decide to analyze their scores from a test they took before the instruction and their scores from another exam taken after the instruction. Which of the following t-tests is appropriate to use in this situation? a. Dependent samples. b. Heterogenous samples. c. Homogenous samples. d. Independent samples.

When analyzing your students’ pretest and post test scores to determine if your teaching has had a significant effect, an appropriate statistic to use is the t-test for: a. Dependent samples. b. Heterogeneous samples. c. Homogenous samples. d. Independent samples

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Tip 3: Framing of Stem (Positive/ Negative)

Stem can be framed in two ways positive and negative. When stem uses any negative

phrasing then the it is framed negatively:

For example,

Which of the following is not the planet?

Whereas if it does not contain any negative phrasing then it is positive framing:

For example,

Which of the following is the planet?

Most of the time, while framing multiple choice questions we frame positive questions,

which is better than framing negative questions. Students often have difficulty in

understanding negatively framed sentences. Hence as far as possible you should avoid

negative framing of the stem.

However, there are times, when framing of negative sentences is MUST, in order to test

the learning objective. In such cases, highlight the negative element to make sure

student reading would not miss seeing the term.

For example,

Which of the following is NOT be added to milk?

a. Sugar b. Bournvita c. Lemon d. Rose Syrup

Do It Yourself 1:

Read following passage and construct 2 Stems for alternative, and write them in your


The lotus grows in fresh water ponds and lakes and in semitropical climates. It blossoms

gradually and magnificently – one petal at a time and reaches full bloom when the rays

of the sun kiss the flower. There are innumerable poems praising the love between the

sun and the flower in literature in general and Indian literature in particular. Toru Dutt in

her sonnet “The Lotus” addresses the flower as the “queenliest flower that blows.” To the

Indian psyche, the lotus is more than a flower – it represents both beauty and non-

attachment. There is a saying that although it grows in mud, it smells of myrrh. The

lotus is found in different colours, namely, white, red, blue, pink, and purple and is found

in many Asian countries.


Several Questions for MCQs can be formed on the given content, make sure that correct

answer can be found in the above content, and it has been apt. according to the tips of

given in rule 2. For Example, Which flower is considered as queenliest flower by Toru

Dutt? / How do Lotus blossom? / According to Indians what does lotus represent?

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Rule 2: Constructing Alternatives

Alternative is extremely important part of multiple choice questions, as it consists of two

other elements called key and distractors. Therefore this section of multiple choice

questions need to be developed smartly. Alternatives seems to be just a list of choice

from where students will have to choose, but a well-developed multiple choice question

will have alternatives which would have capacity to check student’s learning and

confidence about their understanding. At times students may know the answer, and may

not require these alternatives; however there could also be rare possibility where

student may start giving second thought after going through list of alternatives.

Let’s begin with basics of numbering the alternatives.

As per the rule, numbering/ format of numbering in alternatives should be different from

question numbering way for test items.

In the image on left, we can

see that question No. 3 has

been numbered as “3”, and at

the same time, alternatives have numbering system which is same as test item number.

Such formation leads to confusion among students and also examiners.

Correct way of numbering can include:

Here we can see that the formed

question is question No. 1 and has been

numbered as “1”; whereas alternatives

are in form of letters (a., b., c., d.). This

makes it look organized and simpler for students to understand the questions and

alternatives while writing and for examiners while checking.

Do NOT use more than one way for numbering alternatives, especially in same test. Each

MCQ in test item should have similar numbering pattern.

Check Your Understanding 4:

Which of the following way is the correct way of writing alternatives?


Answer: Image B depicts correct way of depicting alternatives, as all the test items have

same way of numbering, i.e., in form of small roman numerals.

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Let us now look at following tips for constructing effective alternatives for multiple choice


Tip 1: Number of alternatives

Give Your Opinion 1:

According to you how many alternative should any good multiple choice question have?

Ans. ______

Answer: Any number more than 2 could be considered correct answer.

There is no hard and fixed rule as to how many alternatives are should make multiple

choice question, as long as it’s 2 or more. However, guessing that most of you might

have written 4 as an answer to Option question above. What made you give that

number? Most of the test which has multiple choice questions have 4 alternatives, hence

this number might have been most striking. Even Kaun Banega Crorepati has 4

alternatives to all questions asked in the show. Hence most of the time 4 alternatives or

say 3 distractors are used while creating multiple choice question.

Tip 2: All alternatives should be plausible response to stem

None of the alternative should sound obviously incorrect or distractors. You can use

terms and words from textbook, which are around

correct answer, but make sure that all other

alternatives are obviously wrong.

If you have asked question, where answer will be

name of animal, make sure all your alternatives

are names of animal, and not any other object.


do not waste opportunity of testing by letting any

of alternative be obviously incorrect.

Have a look at following MCQ:

In which year did World War 1 Begun?

a. 1914 c. 1939

b. 1918 d. 1945

Observe two things in above MCQ: 1. All numerical years are in order. 2. All the years

mentioned are related to World War. World War 1 had begun in 1914, ended in 1918,

whereas World War 2, had its root beginning in 1939 and it continued till 1945.

In this way even you can chose a key word from stem and find related responses to the

word while developing alternatives.

Tip 3: Avoid Alternative options such as “None of the Above” or “All of the Above”.

When “all of the above” is used as an alternative, students who can identify more than

one alternative as correct can select the “All of the Above”, even if they are not sure

about other alternative(s). When “none of the above” is used as an alternative, students

who can eliminate a single option can thereby eliminate a second option. In either case,

students can use partial knowledge to arrive at a key, hence wasting an alternative.

Tip 4: Key alternative should NOT be predictable or obvious.

One of the most important thing to remember while constructing multiple choice

questions is that these questions are developed to assess higher level of thinking. Hence

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if the responses to questions are in anyway predictable, then it fails to serve the purpose

of assessment. One way you can do this is by avoiding to make obvious patterns of

correct responses while developing test items.

Check Your Understanding 5:

Look at following images, and state your point of view, weather given formation of

multiple choice question is correct or incorrect.

IMAGE Answer Explanation

Incorrect The given image depicts a pattern of replies. If 1 is b, 2 is c, 3 is d, then it could be possible for students to observe this pattern and answer accordingly.

Correct No patterns are formed here, every answer is independent. You can also add repeated response for consecutive

number, like 1 can be b, 2 - b, 3- a, and so on.

Incorrect While setting test, we can see that teacher has marked

all letters of with Key response.

Tip 5: Avoid giving out any sort of clues in alternatives.

Mostly students try to find out correct responses on basis of framed question and

responses, trying to match language, logic, grammar, lengths of alternatives, etc.

It’s therefore important that alternatives

have grammar consistent with the stem.

are parallel in form, i.e, similar among themselves.

are similar in length.

use similar language (e.g., all unlike textbook language or all like textbook


Wrong: An________ a day keeps the doctor away. a. chickoo b. mango c. bananas d. apple

Right: An ________ a day keeps the doctor away a. orange b. eggplant c. apple d. onion

Article “an” used in stem makes it obvious correct response starts with vowel.

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11 Multiple Choice Questions

Do It Yourself 2:

Form effective alternatives for Stem Questions, on basis of the passage:

The lotus grows in fresh water ponds and lakes and in semitropical climates. It blossoms

gradually and magnificently – one petal at a time and reaches full bloom when the rays

of the sun kiss the flower. There are innumerable poems praising the love between the

sun and the flower in literature in general and Indian literature in particular. Toru Dutt in

her sonnet “The Lotus” addresses the flower as the “queenliest flower that blows.” To the

Indian psyche, the lotus is more than a flower – it represents both beauty and non-

attachment. There is a saying that although it grows in mud, it smells of myrrh. The

lotus is found in different colours, namely, white, red, blue, pink, and purple and is found

in many Asian countries.

1. What do lotus represent according to Indians?

2. How do Toru Dutt describe Lotus in her Sonnet?

3. What do lotus require for its growth?

Answers: Your answer is correct as long as it follows the given tips and rules of

constructing alternatives.

However following are sample answers for questions:

1. a. queenliest flowers b. non-attachment c. colourful d. love

2. a. queenliest flowers b. beautiful c. colourful d. symbol of love

3. a. love from sun b. praise from poets c. mud d. semitropical climate


In this part we learned:

1. Multiple choice question is an objective type of question.

2. Multiple choice questions have 4 basic parts: stem, alternatives, key, distractors.

3. Multiple choice questions when developed well are effective to not only test lower

level learning outcomes but also higher level of cognitive processes.

4. There are three ways in which stem of MCQ can be constructed, fill in the blank

type, simple question type, multiple answers type.

5. Stem should not be too wordy not too small in length.

6. Avoid negative framing of stem, and if unavoidable, highlight negative terms like

NOT and EXCEPT, by using all in capital words, italics or bold.

7. While constructing alternatives, you should consider numbering techniques. Make

sure that alternatives and test item numbers numbered in different ways.

8. There is no hard and fast rule as to how many alternatives should be provided to

students, however no. 4 is considered lucky number while constructing them as

most of the time four alternatives are provided.

9. Make sure alternatives are plausible answers to question.

10. Do not use “none of the above” and “all of the above” for alternative options.

11. Do not make key/ correct answers too predictable by using pattern of correct


12. Avoid giving clues through formation of stem and it’s alternative by developing

parallel alternatives, synchronizing with grammar and language in responses and

stem, and developing alternatives of similar lengths.

In this part you have following activities: 5 - Check your Understanding, 2- Do it Yourself

and 1- Give Your Opinion.

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12 Multiple Choice Questions


1. From the given image, write the letters that will match following terminologies:

Stem: ____

Alternatives: ____

Distractors: _____

Key: _____

2. Look at the following image and identify type of multiple choice question being


_______________ Type Multiple Choice Question

3. Convert following multiple choice question into Simple Question type:

Stem: India achieved independence in the year ___________


Identify level of learning outcome the above question is measuring

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4. Frame appropriate stem for following question and alternatives.

Question: Based on examples of “Projected Media”.

Alternatives: charts, digital projectors, dioramas, film strips, PPTs.

Correct answers: Digital Projectors, Filmstrips and PPTs.

You have to construct proper stem, and use ALL the alternatives provided.


5. Identify which of the following images have well-developed multiple choice


A. B.



Important Notes: In Option A and D, look at every test item, consider their ordering and stem. In option B, all the alternatives are name of the philosophical schools.

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6. Subjective Testing: (Exact and Correct answer not provided).

Read the following passage and create two appropriate Multiple choice


The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously

thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday.

Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels

that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, densely-

populated delta regions around the globe.

The study, published in the British journal Nature, adds to a growing scientific chorus of

warnings about the pace and consequences rising oceans. It also serves as a corrective to a

massive report issued last year by the Nobel-winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors.

Rising sea levels are driven by two things: the thermal expansion of sea water, and

additional water from melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused by global warming.

The ice sheet that sits atop Greenland, for example, contains enough water to raise world

ocean levels by seven metres (23 feet), which would bury sea-level cities from Dhaka to


Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is

critically important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature

rises, scientists say. But up to now, there has been a perplexing gap between the projections

of computer-based climate models, and the observations of scientists gathering data from

the oceans. The new study, led by Catia Domingues of the Centre for Australian Weather

and Climate Research, is the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new

techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to

2003, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53 millimetre-per-year rise in sea

levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC.

--------------------------------- End of Self Evaluation Test-------------------------------------------


1. B, C, D, A 4.You will have to form Multiple Answer Question as stem for this type of answer. Stem: Which of the following are examples of projected Media? i) charts ii) digital projectors iii) dioramas iv) film strips v) PPTs Alternatives: a. iii, v b. ii, iv c. i, iii d. ii, iv, v (Any combination of Numerical Roman Numbers, with one combination of answer, preferably one combination of example of non-projected media like distractor c)

2. Fill in The Blank Type MCQ

3. In which Year did India get Independence? Knowledge Level Learning Outcome

5. Correct: A and B, they follow all the

rules and tips of Multiple choice questions. Incorrect C, flintstone, and santaclause are OBVIOUSLY Wrong Alternatives, Incorrect D: It is suggested all MCQs have similar Question formation, either Fill in the Blank or Simple Question, blanks for all MCQs should be in approximately same

place (preferably at the end of stem)

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6. Sample Answers along with different levels:

1) For whom is rise in water level dangerous other than small-island people? (Knowledge level)

a) People living on the beach

b) Citizens of coastal region cities

c) People in suburban areas

d) People in low-lying urban areas

2) What happens to sea level when ocean temperature rises? (Comprehension level)

a) There is no effect of ocean temperature on sea level

b) It causes sea level to rise

c) It makes sure that sea level remains constant

d) It leads to decrease in sea level

3) According to new study, what did new technique do? (Application Level)

a) Assess sea levels

b) Predict danger zone

c) Assess ocean temperature

d) Shows what do thermal warming contribute in sea level

4) How should new studies help scientist? (Evaluation Level)

a) Evacuating areas which are in danger one

b) Predict changes in climate

c) Calculate sea levels in future

d) Conduct more research on global and thermal warming

5) What do you conclude from the above passage? (Analysis Level)

a) Not enough is being done about global warming

b) That ocean waters have warmed faster than scientists had previously thought

c) Warming of the world’s ocean is not really a threat

d) There are plenty of studies on global warming

----THE END----

After completing the part of constructing multiple choice question, we move on to next section of

this unit, where question types of true or false and match the columns will be of main focus.

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Bibliography and Webography

1. Open Distance Learning Material for Developing ODL, Department of Educational

Technology, SNDT Women’s University.

2. Creating Learning Materials For Open and Distance Learning: A handbook for authors

and Instructional Designers, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada.

3. http://www.duq.edu/about/centers-and-institutes/center-for-teaching-


4. http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/writing-good-multiple-choice-test-


5. http://ctl.utexas.edu/teaching/assessment/planning/multiple-choice

6. http://www.flaguide.org/cat/mutiplechoicetest/multiple_choice_test1.php

7. http://www.infosquares.com/readingcomprehension/esl-reading-


8. Google images and search for some part of content which were used as an example

in this part.