obnova vijećnice


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Page 1: obnova Vijećnice
Page 2: obnova Vijećnice
Page 3: obnova Vijećnice

obnova sarajevskeVijećniceThe ReconsTRucTion of The ciTy hall

Page 4: obnova Vijećnice
Page 5: obnova Vijećnice

hisToRijski uVod

aRhiTekTuRa VijeĆnice

deVasTacija objekTa

obnoVa VijeĆnice

isTRaŽni RadoVi

PRVa faZa obnoVe

dRuga faZa obnoVe

glaVni PRojekaT obnoVe

PReliminaRne PRoPoZicijeZa koRiŠTenje objekTa

TReĆa faZa obnoVe

ČeTVRTa faZa i ZaVRŠeTakobnoVe objekTa

hisToRical backgRound

aRchiTecTuRe of ciTy hall


c o n T e n T s


desTRucTion of The building15ReconsTRucTion of ciTy hall19

ReseaRch woRk 19fiRsT sTage of ReconsTRucTion 21

second sTage of ReconsTRucTion 23ReconsTRucTion main PRojecT25

PReliminaRy PRoPosiTionsfoR using The objecT 29

ThiRd sTage of ReconsTRucTion 31fouRTh sTage and

ending of ReconsTRucTion 37

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Page 7: obnova Vijećnice

godine 2012. navršava se stotinu i šesnaest go-dina od izgradnje sarajevske Vijećnice.

barbarskim agresorskim činom zapaljena je i po-tpuno uništena u noći između 25. i 26. augusta1992. godine. stogodišnjica izgradnje ovog ob-jekta obilježena je početkom obnove ovog vri-jednog kulturno-historijskog spomenika.

godine 2007. navršilo se ravno stotinu i četrde-set godina od kada je sarajevo dobilo svoju prvuopćinu i gradsku upravu. kao rezultat velike up-ravne reforme u Turskoj, provedene po uzoru naevropu, 1866. godine sarajevo je dobilo svojeopćinsko poglavarstvo – belediju i Vijeće gradskeuprave. uspostavljanjem austrougarske uprave ubosni i hercegovini, te planskim rastom “zemalj-skog glavnog grada”, javlja se i potreba za sa-vremenom gradskom kućom. na tu potrebuukazuje tadašnji gradonačelinik sarajeva mustaj-beg fadilpašić.

Početkom 90-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, ak-tueliziraju se aktivnosti oko izgradnje gradskekuće. odobrena je lokacija na desnoj obalimiljacke, na istočnom kraju stare sarajevskečaršije.

historijski uvod07

h i s T o R i c a l b a c k g R o u n d

The year 2012 will mark the one hundred and six-teenth anniversary of the construction of the sara-jevo city hall.

in the night between 25th and 26th of august1992, as a result of barbaric act by the aggressor,the city hall was incinerated and completely de-stroyed. The one hundred-year anniversary of thisbuilding was celebrated with the commencementof the restoration of this valuable historical monu-ment.

in 2007, exactly one hundred and forty years hadpassed since sarajevo received its first municipaland city administration. as the result of a great ad-ministrative reform in Turkey, conducted after theeuropean fashion, in 1866 sarajevo received itsown municipal authorities- beledija and the cityadministration council. with the establishment ofthe austro-hungarian administration in bosnia andherzegovina, as well as the planned growth of the“country’s capital city”, there was a growing needfor a modern city hall. The mayor of sarajevo atthat time, mr. mustajbeg fadilpašić pointed out theexistence of such a need.

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jednom od najznačajnijih tadašnjih arhitekatakarlu Paržiku (1857.-1942.) povjerena je izradaprojekta gradske kuće. idejni projekat je završen1891. godine i ponuđen ministru b. kallayu. Premapodacima koje je prikupio naš historičar h. krešev-ljaković, b. kallay je zatražio izmjene projekta. karlParžik nije prihvatio sugestije za izmjenu projekta,pa je ovaj posao ponuđen arhitekti aleksandruwitteku. wittek je preradio idejni projekat, izradioniz izvedbenih nacrta, započeo izgradnju objekta,ali je nakon teške bolesti umro 1894. godine ugracu.

u međuvremenu je daljnja briga o izgradnji ob-jekta i dovršenju izvedbenog projekta 1893. godinepovjerena mladom arhitekti Ćirilu ivekoviću.

Ćiril Metod Iveković (1864.-1933.)

at the beginning of the 1890s, the activities re-garding the construction of the city hall were com-ing into effect. The location on the right bank ofthe river miljacka, in the eastern part of the oldsarajevo bazaar (čaršija) was approved.

one of the most significant architects of that time,mr. karl Pařik (1857-1942) was entrusted with thedevelopment of the city hall project. in 1891, thepreliminary design was completed and put forwardto minister b. kallay. according to data collected byour historian, mr. h. kreševljaković, b. kallay re-quested that modifications be made to the project.when karl Pařik did not accept the suggestions forproject modifications, this task was offered to ar-chitect aleksandar wittek. wittek reworked thepreliminary design, developed a series of executivedrafts, commenced the construction of the build-ing, but died in 1894 in graz after a serious illness.

in the meantime, in 1893 the task of the furtherconstruction and development of executive designwas entrusted to a young architect mr. Ćiriliveković. in the fall of 1894, the main constructionwork was completed and one part of the buildingwas ready for use. The district court was situatedin the eastern part of the building, and the city ad-ministration was situated in the western part. Therooms in the basement facing northeast weregiven to different societies.

on 20th of april 1896, barron i. apel formallyopened the city hall and handed it over to sara-jevo municipality for use.

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u jesen 1894. godine glavni građevinski radovi subili završeni i zgrada djelimično osposobljena zakorištenje. u istočni dio je smješten okružni sud, au zapadni gradsko poglavarstvo. Podrumski pro-stori prema sjeveroistoku ustupljeni su raznim dru-štvima.

na dan 20. aprila 1896. godine barun i. apel sve-čano otvara Vijećnicu i predaje je sarajevskoj op-ćini na korištenje.

arhitektura Vijećnice sadrži sve elemente i oznake“orijentalnog” ili “maurskog” sloga, koji se u bihjavlja u vrijeme nastojanja evropskih arhitekata dastvore nacionalni stil u umjetnosti.

osnova objekta, preuzeta iz idejnog rješenja karlaParžika, je skoro istostranični trokut, sa dužinomjužne i sjeveroistočne strane (fasade) 56 m, a sje-verozapadne 52 m. Prema Paržikovom projektu,objekat je planiran sa suterenom, prizemljem, me-zaninom i jednim spratom. izvedbeni objekat imaetažu više, prema wittekovoj izmjeni, koja je naj-vjerovatnije rezultat težnje za većom monumental-nošću objekta Vijećnice. izmjene su nastale i uobliku osnove ugaonih kula, te postavci centralnogrizalita na sjeverozapadnoj fasadi.

arhitektura Vijećnice


a R c h i T e c T u R e o f c i T y h a l l

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na svim stranama objekta su rizaliti u središnjem dijelu,od kojih je onaj na južnom, glavnom pročelju objekta,naročito naglašen i veoma reprezentativan. Čini ga pri-lazno stepenište sa trijemom, iznad kojeg je lođa. iz tri-jema nad kojim su kupole, ulazi se u prostor kvadratneosnove sa devet potkupolnih polja, visine dvije etaže. iz ovog prostora se ulazi u centralni, prostrani šestou-

gaoni hol koji je konstruktivno razvijen iz trougaoneosnove. ovo je najvrijedniji prostor u objektu, iz kojegse trokrakim stepeništem penje na galeriju, koju nosestubovi sa dekorativno izvedenim kapitelima i lukovima.sa galerije se ulazi u glavne reprezentativne prostoreVijećnice, veliku salu, dvije manje, te nasuprot njima, umanju dvoranu za sjednice.

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of ciTy hall

The architecture of the city hall contains all elementsand traces of “oriental” or “moorish” bond, which ap-peared in bih at the time when the european archi-tects strived to create a national style of art.

The foundation of the building, taken over from karlPařik‘s conceptual design is almost an isosceles trian-gle, with the length of the south and southeasternside (of the façade) being 56 m, and the southeast-ern 52 m. according to Pařik’s design, the buildingwas planned to consist of a basement, ground floor,mezzanine and one floor. due to an alteration madeby wittek, which was probably the result of aspira-tion for greater monumentality of the city hall build-ing, the structure of the final building design has onefloor more. The changes were also made in the formof the base of the corner towers, as well as the set-ting of the central overhung on the southwesternfaçade. on all sides of the building, there are over-hangs in the central part, of which the one on thesouthern main front of the building is especiallyprominent and very representative. it consists of anentrance staircase with a porch, above which there isa loggia. from the porch, above which there aredomes, there is an entrance into a space of squarefoundation, with nine semi-dome bays, two storieshigh. from this space, there is an entrance into acentral, spacious hexagon (honeycomb-shaped)lobby, structurally developed out of a triangle base.This is the most valuable space in the building, out ofwhich two-sided staircase leads to the gallery, sup-ported by pillars with decorative capitals and arches.

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sve sale imaju visinu dvije etaže, a ostali prostorisu razvijeni kroz četiri etaže iznad suterena.

Reprezentativnost, izraženu arhitektonskim rješe-njem Vijećnice, u velikoj mjeri pospješuju stilskeodlike plastike i slikane dekoracije. skulpturalno-slikani elementi enterijera i eksterijera, kao i zidnedekoracije, riješeni u duhu historicizma, odnosnou pseudomaurskom stilu, predstavljaju realizacijekoje dosežu sam vrh pomenutog stila u bosni ihercegovini.

način dekoriranja vanjskog plašta objekta ispo-ljava stilske elemente preuzete iz mamelučkog pe-rioda u kairu (1250.-1517.). ovi elementi suprisutni u stilizaciji potkovičastih lukova, tranzena,na toridiranim polustubovima ugaonih tornjeva,na završnom krovnom vijencu i drugdje.

iz epohe fatimida, sa prostora magreba, preuzetisu neki elementi umjetničkog oblikovanja plastikei slikane dekoracije. Prije svega, to je polihromijafasade sa altemiranim prugama crveno-žute boje,zatim upotreba stalaktitne plastike, ornamentira-nje reljefnom keramikom i sl. keramika na Vjećniciizrađena je u tvornici Žolnaj u ugarskoj.

Refleksije ovog stila prisutne su i na vanjskoj fa-sadi. maštovita arabeskna i maureskna ornamen-tika naslikana je na kupolastim svodovima i naarkadnim lukovima u hodnicima prvog kata, nastropovima lođe na katu, na zidnim površinamaiznad podesta glavnog stepeništa, te na ravnimtavanicama reprezentativnih dvorana Vijećnice.ispod ostakljenog svoda kupole, iznad centralnog

The gallery leads into the most impressive prem-ises in the city hall, the large hall, two smallerones and opposite to them, into a smaller confer-ence hall.

all of the halls are two stories high, while the otherpremises are constructed four stories above thebasement.

The grandeur of the building expressed in the ar-chitectural design of the city hall, is to a great ex-tent emphasized by the stylistic characteristics ofthe plastic art and painted decoration. The sculp-tural-painted elements of the interior and the exte-rior, as well as the wall decorations designed in thespirit of historicism i.e., in the pseudo-moorishstyle, represent the highest achievement of thatstyle in bosnia and herzegovina.

The mode of decoration of the external envelope ofthe building reflects the stylistic elements taken overfrom the mameluc period in cairo (1250-1517). Theseelements are present in the stylization of the horse-shoe arches, transoms, spiral fluted columns of thecorner towers and elsewhere.

certain elements of artistic modeling of plastic artand painted decoration were taken over from thefatimid epoch, from the megreb area. This is re-flected, above all, in the polychrome of the facadewith the alternating red and yellow stripes, then inthe use of stalactite plastic art, the ornamentingwith relief ceramics, etc. The ceramics on the cityhall facade was manufactured by the Zsolnaycompany in hungary.

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hola, izveden je vitraž od arabesknih zvjezdolikihmotiva, koji su povezani u tzv. beskonačnu orna-mentiku, karakterističnu za široke prostore islamskeumjetnosti. iznad podesta glavnog stepeništa smje-šten je drugi vitraž od raznobojnog stakla intenziv-nog kolorita, geometrijskih formi arabesknih motiva,koji ispunjavaju biforu i rozetu iznad njega.

Vijećnica, kaonamjenski izgra-đena građevina,služila je svojojosnovnoj funk-ciji, gradskojupravi, sve do1949. godine. uobjektu je, u jed-nom periodu, biosmješten okružnisud i bosansko-hercegovačkisabor, te privre-meno akademijanauka i umjetno-sti bosne i her-cegovine i muzejgrada.

dugi vremenski period Vijećnica je korištena za po-trebe nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke. u funk-ciji ove, najuzvišenije kulturne namjene, objekat je1992. godine uništen.

This style is reflected in the external facade as well.imaginative arabesque and moresque ornamentationwas painted on the dome ceilings and on the arcadearches in the halls on the first floor, on the ceilings ofthe loggia on the first floor, on the wall surface abovethe landing of the main staircase, as well as on the

flat ceilings of the grand halls ofthe city hall. below the glazedceiling of the dome, above thecentral hall, a glass screen ofarabesque star-like motifs, linkedinto so-called infinite ornamenta-tion, characteristic of the wide re-gions of islamic art, wasconstructed. above the landing ofthe main staircase there is anotherstained glass window made out ofmulti-coloured glass of intensecolour, geometrical shapes ofarabesque motifs, which fill outthe byphore and rosette above it. The city hall, as a purposefullyconstructed building, had servedits main function, as the seat ofcity administration up until 1949.for a period of time, the districtcourt and the Parliament of

bosnia and herzegovina, had been located in the build-ing, as well as the academy of arts and sciences ofbosnia and herzegovina and the city museum.for a long period of time, the city hall had beenused to serve the needs of the national and univer-sity library. it was in this function, as the most im-portant cultural monument, that the building wasdestroyed in 1992.

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Tokom agresije na bosnu i hercegovinu zgradaVijećnice je pretrpjela ogromnu štetu. Požarprouzrokovan direktnim pogocima artiljerijskihgranata u noći između 25. i 26.08.1992. godineprouzrokovao je:

uništenje svih fondova biblioteke u procentu preko 70%, uništene su sve međuspratne drvene krovne konstrukcije, čelična kupola iznad centralnog prostora aule je teško oštećena i deformisana,zidovi prizemlja oštećeni, a zidovi tavana u potpunosti uništeni,aula kao najreprezentativniji dio objekta je teško oštećena sa potpunim uništenjem gipsane bojene dekorativne plastike,sve stolarske pozicije unutrašnje i vanjske (prozori i vrata), koji su bili izvedeni od kvalitetne hrastove građe su izgorjeli,dekorativni elementi enterijerskog uređenja, svi željezni elementi, elementi od gipsa su u potpunosti uništeni, teško oštećenje fasade na objektu.

u plamenu je nestala stara i lijepa Vijećnica sagotovo svim fondovima, koje je godinama bri-žljivo prikupljala, obrađivala i čuvala.

devastacija objekta15

d e s T R u c T i o n o fT h e b u i l d i n g

during the aggression on bosnia and herzegovina,the city hall suffered enormous damage. The firecause by direct artillery shots in the night between25th and 26th of august 1992, caused:

destruction of over 70% of all library funds,destruction of all wooden floor, ceiling and roof constructions;heavy damage and deformation of the steel dome above the center of the assembly hall;damage of the ground floor walls and complete destruction of the attic walls;severe damage of the assembly hall, as the most prominent part of the architecture, with completedestruction of painted plaster decorations;destruction of all doors and windows made of high-quality oak;complete destruction of decorative elements of the interior, all iron and plaster elements;severe damage of the facade that requires urgentintervention on saving the original elements and complete restoration of facade surfaces plastered by mortar.

The old and beautiful city hall disappeared in flameswith almost all the library funds, which had beenpainstakingly collected, processed and preserved.

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u jednom danu uništeno je sve što je na ovim pro-storima stoljećima stvarano. dragocjene zbirke ru-kopisa, starih štampanih knjiga, časopisa, arhivskegrađe i druge vrste dokumentarnog naslijeđa -pamćenje brojnih generacija naroda bosne i herce-govine nestali su u plamenu. izgubljen je centralnikatalog, zajedno sa nenadoknadivim kolekcijama

bosanskohercegovačkih časopisa, koji su publikovaniod sredine 19. stoljeća pa do 1992. godine. naučno,književno i umjetničko naslijeđe, prikupljano deceni-jama sa prostora jugoistočne evrope, djela pisanarukom ili štampana na bosanskom, hrvatskom, sr-pskom i drugim jezicima, muzički zapisi, geografskekarte, pisma, razglednice, također su bili uništeni.

in a single day, everything that had been created inthis region for centuries was destroyed. The valuablecollections of manuscripts, old printed books, maga-zines, archive material, and other types of documen-tary heritage- the remembrance of numerousgenerations of the peoples of bosnia and herzegov-ina disappeared in flames. The central catalogue,along with irreplaceable collections of bosnia andherzegovina magazines, published from the mid 19thcentury up to the year 1992 was lost.The scientific, literary and artistic heritage collectedover the decades on the territory of southeast eu-rope, manuscripts and printed texts in bosnian, croa-tian, serbian and other languages, music sheets,geographic maps, letters, postcards, had also beendestroyed. from the aspect of the department forthe protection of monuments, the department forRare books and manuscripts, which collected the ma-terial documents of the highest historical value: in-cunabulas, old manuscripts written in bosnian cyrillic,a collection of oriental manuscripts with about 400codices, and 700 individual documents, manuscriptsof local authors in oriental languages, the editions ofold printing shops... This is where the lavishly deco-rated manuscript of the kur'an had been kept, thegospel from mrkaš church (1562), the floral triodionfrom skadar (1563), the numerous books from theprinting shop of božidar Vuković in Venice (16th cen-tury) and many other valuable displays. The depart-ment also possessed entire collections of documents:more than 7000 manuscripts, rare books, and 3000rarities. The damages caused to the library fund ofthis department are immeasurable.

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sa aspekta službe zaštite spomenika posebno za-nimljivo je odjeljenje za rijetke knjige i rukopise,koje je prikupljalo građu najviše spomeničke kate-gorije: inkunabule, stare rukopisne knjige pisanebosančicom, zbirku orijentalnih rukopisa sa oko 400kodeksa i 700 pojedinačnih dokumenta, rukopisedomaćih autora na orijentalnim jezicima, izdanjastarih štamparija... Tu se čuvao bogato ukrašen ru-kopis kur’ana, Četverojevanđelje iz mrkšine crkve(1562.g.), cvjetni triod iz skadra (1563.g.),višeknjiga iz štamparije božidara Vukovića u mlecima(16 st.) i mnogi drugi dragocjeni eksponati. odjelje-nje je posjedovalo i cijele zbirke dokumenata: fer-mana, berata i brojne druge raritetne građe; više od7000 rukopisa, rijetkih knjiga i 3000 rariteta. Štetena fondu ovog odjeljenja su neprocjenjive.u plamenu su nestali notni zapisi muzičke zbirke igrafička zbirka, u sklopu koje je čuvana velika ko-lekcija starih razglednica, fotografija i portreta. sa-čuvana je samo kartografska zbirka, ali je i onapretrpjela znatna oštećenja. u velikoj mjeri stra-dale su i biblioteke nacionalnih kulturno-prosvjet-nih društava “Prosvjete”, “napretka” i “gajreta”,koje su se od 1949. godine nalazile u sastavu ovebiblioteke.izgubljen je i najveći dio fonda naučnih radova,magistarskih i doktorskih disertacija, kao i fondstranih publikacija, strane periodike i drugi fondovikoji su služili za obavljanje univerzitetske nastave inaučna istraživanja. kako su nauka i kultura naj-dragocjeniji izvori bogatstva jedne zemlje, a kvali-tet nacionalnih i univerzitetskih biblioteka skalakoja pokazuje kakvi su uslovi za razvoj naučnog istručnog rada, jasno je koliko su teške i dalekose-žne posljedice uništavanja ovakvih razmjera.

music sheets and the collection of graphics, withinwhich a great collection of old postcards, photo-graphs, and portraits had been kept, had disap-peared in the flames. only a cartography collectionhad been preserved, but it had suffered significantdamages as well. To a great extent, the libraries ofthe national cultural-ed-ucational societies“Prosvjeta”, “napredak”and “gajret”, which hadbeen an integral part ofthis library since 1949had also been de-stroyed.The greatest portion ofthe library fund relatedto scientific studies,masters and Phd the-sis, as well as the hold-ings of foreignpublications and period-icals, and other hold-ings used for universitylectures and scientificresearch had been lost.considering that sci-ence and culture arethe country's most valuable sources of wealth, andthat the quality of the national and university librariesis a scale that indicates the conditions for develop-ment of scientific and expert work, it is evident thatthe consequences of destruction of this proportionwill be long-lasting and severe.

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Page 19: obnova Vijećnice

isTRaŽni RadoViu periodu 1995.-2006. izvedeni su brojni istražniradovi na objektu, koji su trebali dati odgovore ostanju konstrukcije Vijećnice nakon požara i uniš-tenja.

godine 1995. firma ser.co.Tec iz Trsta, u sarad-nji sa institutom za materijale i konstrukcijegrađevinskog fakulteta u sarajevu i energoin-vesta sarajevo, izvršila je i izradila “dijagnozu iprijedlog sanacije Vijećnice”. (investitor: kantonsarajevo - Zavod za izgradnju kantona sara-jevo).

institut za materijale i konstrukcije građevinskogfakulteta u sarajevu izradio je “elaborat o preg-ledu i rezultatima stanja čelične konstrukcije Vi-jećnice”, maj 1997. godine (investitor: kantonsarajevo - Zavod za izgradnju kantona sarajevo).

Zavod za geotehniku i fundiranje građevinskogfakulteta u sarajevu izradio je “izvještaj o real-izaciji programa istraživanja u cilju rekonstrukcijeobjekta Vijećnice”, mart 1998. godine (investitor:evropska unija).

obnova Vijećnice19

R e c o n s T R u c T i o no f c i T y h a l l

ReseaRch woRks

in the period 1995-2006, the comprehensive re-search works on the building were performed inorder to check the condition of the structure of thecity hall after it was burnt and devastated.

in 1995, the company ser.co.Tec from Trieste, to-gether with the institute for materials and struc-tures of the faculty of civil-engineering in sarajevoand “energoinvest” from sarajevo, performed andprepared the “diagnosis and Proposal of Rehabili-tation of the city hall”. (investor: canton of sara-jevo – institute for construction of canton ofsarajevo).

The institute for materials and structures of thefaculty of civil-engineering in sarajevo preparedthe “feasibility study on inspection and Results ofthe condition of the steel structure of the cityhall”, may 1997. (investor: canton of sarajevo –institute for construction of canton of sarajevo).

The institute for geo-engineering and founding ofthe faculty of civil-engineering in sarajevo pre-pared the “Report on the implementation of a Re-search Program aimed at the Reconstruction of thecity hall”, march 1998. (investor: european unionthrough the Psu program).

Page 20: obnova Vijećnice

esad Vesković “objekat Vijećnica sarajevo - Restau-racija slikarske dekoracije i dekorativne plastike”,mart 2003. godine (investitor: evropska unija).

winer Project d.o.o.: “izvještaj o geotehničkimistraživanjima objekta Vijećnice u sarajevu”, fe-bruar 2006. godine (investitor: kanton sarajevo– kantonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-histori-jskog i prirodnog naslijeđa).

svi dobiveni rezultati korišteni su kod izradeglavnog projekta obnove.

PRVa faZa obnoVe

(1996.-1997.)Projektant: dd dom studije, projektovanje, inži-njering sarajevoizvođač radova: ŽgP sarajevonadzor: wci austrija i Zavod za izgradnju kan-tona sarajevoizvor finansijskih sredstava: donacija Republikeaustrije u iznosu od 1.500.000 demizvedeni su sljedeći radovi:

stabilizacija konstruktivnog sklopa zidanih nosivih konstrukcija,rekonstrukcija krovišta sa izvedbom gromobranske instalacije,sanacija čelične kupole i spuštenog stropa sa obnovom staklenog pokrova iprihvatanje oštećene konstrukcije aule teškomnosivom skelom.

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mr. esad Vesković: “The city hall – Restoration ofPainted decorations and decorative Plastic”, march2003. (investor: european union through the Psuprogram).winer Project ltd.: “Report on geo-engineeringResearch works on the city hall building in sara-jevo”, february 2006. (investor: canton of sara-jevo – institute for Protection of cultural-historicaland natural heritage).all obtained data were used when preparing themain design of the reconstruction.

fiRsT sTage

of ReconsTRucTion


designer: “dd dom” studies, designing, engineer-ing sarajevo,contractor: “ŽgP” sarajevo,supervision: “wci” austria and institute of con-struction of canton of sarajevo,source of financing: donation of the Republic ofaustria amounting to 1,500.000 demThe following works were executed:

stability improvement of the constructive complex of the brick supporting structures,Reconstruction of the roof including the lightning installations,Rehabilitation of the steel dome and suspended ceiling with reconstruction of the glass cover supporting of the damaged structure of the assembly hall by the heavy supporting scaffolding.


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Završetkom ove faze radova, koji su projektovani iizvedeni u 1996. i 1997. godini, stvorili su se usloviza nastavak daljnjih istražnih radova za izradu pro-jekata i realizaciju druge faze radova.

dRuga faZa obnoVe

(2002.-2004.)Projektant: dd dom studije, projektovanje, inži-njering sarajevoizvođač radova: ŽgP sarajevo i mineral ljubljana(sa kamen dent mostar)nadzor: francuska firma “safege”izvor finansijskih sredstava: evropska unija je 1999.godine iz programa obnoVa i caRds osiguralasredstva u iznosu od 2.208.790 eura

delegacija evropske unije u bosni i hercegovini jeputem tendera provodila proceduru izbora izvo-đača radova i nadzora za ovu fazu radova. izvedeni su sljedeći radovi:

obnova horizontalnih konstrukcija,rekonstrukcija aule objekta,zamjena najvećeg broja stubova u prizemlju i spratu zajedno sa nosećim lukovima u prizemlju.

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upon completion of this stage of works, whichwere designed and executed in 1996 and 1997, the conditions were provided for continuation of further research works needed for the pre-paration of designs and implementation of the second stage of works.

second sTage

of ReconsTRucTion


designer: “dd dom” studies, designing, engineer-ing sarajevo,contractor: “ŽgP” sarajevo and “mineral” ljubljana,supervision: french-belgian company “safege”,source of financing: in 1999, the european unionprovided funds amounting to € 2,208.790 for con-tinuation of the works, out of the ReconsTRuc-Tion and caRds program.

The delegation of the european union in bosniaand herzegovina conducted the procedure of se-lection of the contractor and supervisor for thisstage of works through the bidding procedure.The following works were executed:

Reconstruction of the horizontal structures,Reconstruction of the assembly hall,Replacement of the majority of pillars at the ground floor and the first floor, together with the supporting arches at the ground floor.

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by completion of these works which were executedin the period november 2002 – february 2004, therehabilitation and reconstruction of the supportinghorizontal and vertical structures of the entirebuilding were completed.

The main design

of ReconsTRucTion

in 2004, the cantonal institute for Protection of thecultural-historical and natural heritage preparedthe study of necessary works, i.e. works needed toprotect the building, and the preliminary study withdescription of intended uses of the city hall.

in 2005, the cantonal government decided that thecanton, the city of sarajevo and the old Town mu-nicipality would provide the funds needed for thepreparation of the project documentation.

in 2005, the cantonal institute for Protection of thehistorical and natural heritage, together with theexpert team, prepared the Project Procedures forelaboration of the designs for Reconstruction andRestoration.

in 2006, the cantonal institute for Protection of thecultural-historical and natural heritage conductedthe international bidding procedure for preparationof designs of reconstruction and restoration of thecity hall.

izvođenjem i završetkom ovih radova u perioduod novembra 2002. godine do februara 2004. go-dine, završena je sanacija i obnova nosive hori-zontalne i vertikalne konstrukcije objekta u cjelini.

glaVni PRojekaT

obnoVekantonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog iprirodnog naslijeđa 2004. godine izradio je proje-kat neophodnih radova – nužne zaštite za osigu-ranje objekta i idejno rješenje sa namjenomkorištenja prostora u objektu Vijećnice.

Vlada kantona je 2005. godine donijela zaključakda će sredstva za izradu projektne dokumentacijeobezbijediti kanton, grad sarajevo i općina starigrad.

kantonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog iprirodnog naslijeđa, uz angažovanje ekspertnogtima također u 2005. godini pripremio je Projektnizadatak za izradu projekata obnove i restauracije.

u 2006. godini kantonalni zavod za zaštitu ku-turno-historijskog i prirodnog naslijeđa u imegrada sarajeva proveo je međunarodni tender zaizradu projekata obnove i restauracije objekta Vi-jećnice.

na međunarodnom tenderu izabrana je firma ur-bing studio za projektovanje i consalting d.o.o.sarajevo.

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sva prava i obaveze nosioca aktivnosti na izradi pro-jektne dokumentacije povjereni su gradu sarajevu.

dana 31. januara 2007. godine grad sarajevo je safirmom urbing studio za projektovanje i consaltingd.o.o. sarajevo zaključio ugovor za izradu projekataobnove i restauracije objekta Vijećnice u sarajevu“izrada projekata arhitektonske obnove, faze i i ii”.ukupna vrijednost ugovora iznosila je 668.421,00km. Projekat je završen 30. oktobra 2007. godine.

firma “urbing” izradila je i glavni projekat obnoveslikarskih dekoracija objekta Vijećnice. Vrijednostugovora za izradu ovog projekta iznosila je189.510,75 km. Projekat je završen 15. decembra2008. godine.

odgovorni projektanti su bili: smajo mulaomerović,dipl. arhitekta i ferhad mulabegović, dipl. arhitekta.


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upon the international bidding procedure, thecompany “urbing – agency for designing andconsulting, ltd, sarajevo, was selected.

all rights and obligations of the activities coordi-nator regarding the preparation of the projectdocumentation was allocated to the city of sara-jevo.

on january 31, 2007, the city of sarajevo andthe company urbing – agency for designing andconsulting, ltd., sarajevo, signed the contractfor preparation of the designs on reconstructionand restoration of the city hall in sarajevo –“Preparation of designs for architectural recon-struction, stages i and ii”. The total value of thecontract amounted to 668.421,00 bam. The de-signs were completed on october 30, 2008.

The urbing company developed the main designof the reconstruction of painted decorations onthe building. The value of the contract for devel-opment of this design amounted to 189.510,75bam. The design was completed on december15, 2008.

The responsible designers were: mr. smajomulaomerović, graduate architect and mr. ferhadmulabegović, graduate architect.

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ReViZija PRojekTne


Za obnoVu VijeĆniceu skladu sa zaključkom Vlade kantona sarajevo, kan-tonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog i prirodnognaslijeđa sačinio je prijedlog sastava Programsko-revi-zione komisije za praćenje i reviziju kompletne projek-tne dokumentacije za obnovu objekta Vijećnice, kojučine eksperti iz pojedinih oblasti i to:

Prof. dr. Zlatko langof, dipl. ing. građ. (za konstruktivnu obnovu objekta), haris faginović, dipl. ing. el. (za projekat elektroinstalacija), Prof. dr. nedžad kurto, dipl. ing. arh. (za projekat arhitekture), mr. milovan gutović, dipl. ing. maš. (za projekat termotehničkih instalacija), Prof. dr. Zlatko Đikić, dipl. ing. arh. (za projekat vodovoda i kanalizacije),Prof. dr. ibrahim krzović, historičar umjetnosti (za projekat rekonstrukcije i restauracije fasade).

Prijedlog sastava Programsko-revizione komisijeprihvaćen je od nadležnog ministarstva kantona itom prilikom je sugerisano da se posao izrade Pro-jektnog zadatka i Revizije projektne dokumentacijeodvoji u dvije faze (i faza - izrada Projektnog za-datka, a ii faza - Revizija projektne dokumentacije).

ReVision of PRojecT

documenTaTion foR


of ciTy hall

in accordance with the conclusion of the government ofsarajevo canton, the cantonal institute for Protection ofcultural-historical and natural heritage developed theproposition for the setting up of the design and Revisioncommittee for monitoring and revision of the entire proj-ect documentation of reconstruction of the city hall,which will consist of the experts from different fields:

Zlatko langof, graduated civil engineer (responsi-ble for constructive rehabilitation of the object)haris faginović, graduate electrical engineer (in charge of the design of electrical installations),nedžad kutro, Ph.d., graduate architect (responsible for architectural design),milovan gutović, m.a., graduate mechanical en-gineer (in charge of design of thermotechnical installations),Zlatko Đikić, Ph.d., graduate architect (in charge of water supply and sewage designs)ibrahim krzović, Ph.d., art historian (in charge of design of reconstruction and restoration of the facade).

The proposal of the setting up of the committe fordesign and Revision was accepted by the competentministries of sarajevo canton, and it was suggestedthat the development of design and revision of proj-ect documentation be separated into two stages (istage- development of project procedure, ii stage -revision of project documentation).


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PReliminaRne PRoPoZicije

Za koRiŠTenje VijeĆnicePreliminarne propozicije za korištenje objekta Vi-jećnice definisane su odlukom komisije za očuva-nje nacionalnih spomenika bih o proglašavanjugradske Vijećnice u sarajevu nacionalnim spome-nikom bosne i hercegovine, “službeni glasnikbih″, broj 88/07.

nakon završene rekonstrukcije i restauracije ob-jekta, planirano je da Vijećnica ima brojne funkcije,koje su usklađene sa njenim kulturnim i histori-jskim značajem: sjedište grada sarajeva i na-cionalne biblioteke, muzej razaranja Vijećnice iprostor aule za održavanje kulturnih sadržaja(promocija, izložbi, koncerata i dr.). Vijećnica ćetako biti fabrika nauke, kulture i umjetnosti.

PReliminaRy PRoPosals

foR uses of ciTy hall

Preliminary proposals for the uses of the city hall,were defined by the decision of the committee forProtection of national monuments in bosnia andherzegovina on proclaiming the sarajevo city halla national monument of bosnia and herzegovina“official gazette bih” no. 88/07.

after the completion of the reconstruction andrestoration of the building, according to plan, thecity hall will have various functions, which are inline with its cultural and historical significance:seat of the sarajevo city administration and thenational library, museum of the destruction of

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the city hall, and the assembly hall which will be used for hosting various cultural events (promotions, exhibitions, concerts etc.). Therefore, the city hall will become a factory of science, culture and art.

gRad saRajeVo / ciTy of saRajeVo

nacionalna biblioTeka / naTional libRaRy

cenTRalni hol / cenTRal hall

jaVni kulTuRni sadRŽaji / Public culTuRe aReas

ResToRan, kafe / ResTauRanT, cafe

TehniČki PRosToRi / Technical aReas


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TReĆa faZa obnoVe

(2010.-2012.)Projektant: urbing studio za projektovanje i con-salting d.o.o. sarajevo izvođač radova: gP bosna d.d. sarajevo nadzor: urbing studio za projektovanje i consaltingd.o.o. sarajevo izvor finansijskih sredstava: donatori i domaće in-stitucije u ukupnom iznosu od 4.800.000,00 km

Prije početka radova na fasadi objekta, sa firmomalustil d.o.o. banja luka, izabranom putem ten-dera, zaključen je ugovor za nabavku i montažuskele. Vrijednost ugovora iznosila je 225.641,00 km.

Za izvođenje radova na realizaciji treće faze obnove,po proceduri međunarodnog tendera, kao najpovolj-niji ponuđač izabrana je gP bosna dd sarajevo.grad sarajevo je sa firmom gP bosna dd sarajevo24.09.2009. godine potpisao ugovor o izvođenjugrađevinskih i građevinsko-zanatskih radova – iiifaza obnove Vijećnice u vrijednosti od 4.419.320,64km. Radovi su zvanično počeli 26.08.2010. godinebudući da se čekalo donošenje izmjena Zakona oprostornom planiranju i korištenju zemljišta nanivou federacije bosne i hercegovine.

Također, putem tendera odabran je i najpovoljnijiponuđač za obavljanje usluga stručnog nadzoranad izvođenjem radova. grad sarajevo je sa fir-mom urbing studio za projektovanje i consaltingd.o.o. sarajevo, potpisao ugovor čija je vrijednostiznosila 110.448,00 km.

ThiRd sTage

of ReconTRucTion


designer: urbing agency for designing and con-sulting ltd. sarajevocontractor: gP bosna ltd. sarajevosupervisor: urbing agency for designing and con-sultingsource of financing: donors and local institutionsto the amount of 4.800.000 bamPrior to the beginning of works on the facade ofthe building, a contract on the procurement andassembly of the scaffolding was signed with thealustil company ltd. banja luka to the amount of225.641 bam.

gP bosna was chosen through an international bid-ding procedure, as the most favourable contractorfor the implementation of works in the third stageof reconstruction. The city of sarajevo signed acontract on the execution of construction and con-struction-craft work - iii stage of the reconstruc-tion of the city hall, with the company gP bosnaon september 24, 2009. The contract valueamounted to 4.419.320, 64 bam. The works offi-cially started on 26th of august 2010, because thelaw on Regional Planning and use of land at thelevel of federation of bosnia and herzegovinaneeded to be amended for the works to begin.furthermore, the most favourable contractor forthe expert supervision over the execution of workswas chosen through bidding procedure.


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sredstva u iznosu 44.590,36 km odnose se na ne-predviđene izdatke u realizaciji projekta.u okviru treće faze obnove Vijećnice izvršena je re-konstrukcija i restauracija fasade objekta, koja jeobuhvatala slijedeće radove:

obradu fasadnih elemenata u malteru (izradu plemenitog maltera u žutoj i crvenoj boji, izradu profilacija stalaktinog friza vijenca i pojedinačnihstalaktitnih elemenata, izradu linijskih profilacija-meandri i dekorativni elementi oko prozora, izradu dekorativnih nadprozornika i nadvratnika u fasadnom štuko malteru), obnovu fasadnih elemenata u kamenu (glavnog vijenca i oštećenih dekorativnih elemenata (kamenih cvjetova), kamena rozetna, kamena

The city of sarajevo signed a contract with the com-pany urbing agency for design and consulting ltd.sarajevo to the amount of 110.448,00 bam. funds tothe amount of 44.590,36 bam were used for unex-pected costs durin the realisation of the project.in the third stage of the reconstruction of the cityhall, rehabilitation and restoration of the facade ofthe building was completed, which included the fol-lowing:

Treatment of plaster facade elements (the manu-facturing of high-quality plaster in yellow and red colour, moulding of the stalactite frieze and individ-ual stalactite elements, the manufacturing of linear moulding-meanders and decorative elements around windows, manufacturing of decorative transoms and lintels made of facade stucco plaster),Repairs of facade elements made of stone (main corona and damaged decorative elements (stone flowers), stone rosette, stone arcade of the loggia and entrance porch, stone frieze on the loggia, bases and columns), including rehabilitation and restoration of preserved and partly damaged ele-ments and reconstruction of the missing elements,Reconstruction of facade elements made of faience including repairs and restoration of preserved and partly damaged elements. missing elements made of faience (panels of enamelled ceramics - Zsolnay ceramics) was manufactured by the company Zsolnay Porcelánmanufactúra Zrt. from Pecs (the same company manufactured the faience elements at thetime of the construction of the city hall). faience was manufactured with the financial aid of the company mVm oViT Zrt. from hungary,

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arkada lođe i ulaznog trijema, kameni friz lođe, baze i stubovi) sa sanacijom i restauracijom očuvanih i djelimično oštećenih i rekonstrukcijomnedostajućih elemenata, obnovu fasadnih elemenata u fajansu sa sanaci-jom i restauracijom očuvanih i djelimično ošteće-nih elemenata. nedostajuće elemente u fajansu, (panele gleđosane keramike - žolnaj keramika) proizvela je fabrika Zsolnay Porcelánmanufaktúra Zrt. iz Pečuha (ista fabrika vršila je izradu eleme-nata od fajansa prilikom izgradnje Vijećnice). Proizvodnju fajansa donirala je firma mVm oViT Zrt. iz mađarske,obnovu fasadnih elemenata od terakote sa sana-cijom i restauracijom očuvanih i rekonstrukcijom nedostajućih elemenata,obnovu fasadnih dekorisanih (oslikanih) polja pokonzervatorskom postupku, izradu i ugradnju stolarije prema izvornoj doku-mentaciji, izvođenje pratećih građevinsko-zanatskih radovana krovu koji uključuju i sanacione radove na čeličnoj kupoli, izradu novog vitraža, prema orginalnom uzorku koji je bio sačuvan na objektu, izvođenje grubih građevinskih radova u objektu i dopunu konstruktivnih zahvata koji nisu izvedeni u prethodnim fazama obnove (pripremni, zemljani,betonski i zidarski radovi).

institut za materijale i konstrukcije građevinskogfakulteta u sarajevu obavljao je kontrolna ispitiva-nja svih materijala koji su ugrađeni.

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Repair of facade elements made of terracotta in-cluding the repairs and restoration of preserved elements and reconstruction of the missing elements,Reconstruction of the decorative (painted) surfaces according to art-conservation methods,manufacture and placing of joinery in accordance with the original documentation,execution of accompanying construction-craft works on the roof, including repairs on the steel dome,manufacturing of new stained glass window, ac-cording to the preserved original pattern,execution of rough plastering and additional con-struction works, which had not been performed inthe previous stages of reconstruction (preparatory, earth and concrete works and masonry).

institute for materials and construction at the uni-versity of civil engineering in sarajevo conductedthe testing of all materials used.

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sRedsTVa Za TReĆu faZu obnoVefunds foR The ThiRd sTage of ReconsTRucTion

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Page 37: obnova Vijećnice

fouRTh sTage and

comPleTion of Recon-

sTRucTion (2012-2014)

designer: urbing agency for designing and con-sulting ltd. sarajevocontractor: dd unigradnja sarajevosupervision: french company “sefage”source of financing: european union through theProgram of Pre-accession assistance (iPa 2009and iPa 2010) provided 5 million euRThe delegation of the european union in bosniaand herzegovina elected the most favourable bid-der for the execution of works in the iV stage of re-construction of the city hall through internationalbidding procedure. a representative of the city ofsarajevo participated in the committee for electionof the most favourable bidder. furthermore, thedelegation of the european union in bosnia andherzegovina chose the most favourable bidder forthe expert supervision over the execution of worksthrough international bidding procedure.

The fourth stage of the reconstruction of the cityhall, will include the following works:

installation works (water supply and sewage installations, electrical installations, thermo-elec-trical installations, installations for fire prevention),craft works in the interior of the building (sur-faces of interior walls, domes and ceilings),

ČeTVRTa faZa

i ZaVRŠeTak obnoVe

(2012.-2014.)Projektant: urbing studio za projektovanje i con-salting d.o.o. sarajevoizvođač radova: dd unigradnja sarajevonadzor: francuska firma “safege” izvor finansijskih sredstava: evropska unijaputem Programa Predpristupne Pomoći (iPa2009 i iPa 2010) osigurala 5 milona eura.

delegacija evropske unije u bosni i hercegovinije na osnovu provedenog međunarodnog ten-dera odabrala najpovoljnijeg ponuđača za izvo-đenje radova četvrte faze obnove Vijećnice. ukomisiji za izbor najpovoljnijeg ponuđača uče-stvovao je i predstavnik grada sarajeva. Također,izbor najpovoljnijeg ponuđača za obavljanjestručnog nadzora nad izvođenjem radova izvršilaje delegacija evropske unije u bosni i hercego-vini putem međunarodnog tendera.

Četvrta faza obnove Vijećnice obuhvata izvođe-nje sljedećih radova u objektu:

instalaterski radovi (instalacije vodovoda i kanalizacije, električne instalacije, termotehni-čke instalacije, instalacije za gašenje požara),zanatski radovi na obradi enterijera (površine unutrašnjih zidova, kupola i svodova),


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stolarski radovi (izrada i ugradnja unutrašnje stolarije - vrata i drvenog stepeništa),radovi od kamena i teraca (izrada stepeništa i podova),radovi rekonstrukcije i restauracije gipsane dekoracije,radovi na obnovi slikarskih dekoracija.

Rok za završetak četvrte faze, odnosno potpuneobnove sarajevske Vijećnice je april 2014. godine.

joinery (manufacturing and fitting of the interiorjoinery-doors and wooden staircase),masonry and terrazzo works (manufacturing of staircase and floors) Reconstruction and restoration of gypsum decorationsRestoration of the painted decorations.

The deadline for the completion of the fourthstage, i.e. complete reconstruction of the sarajevocity hall is april 2014.

izdavač / editor: grad sarajevo / city of sarajevo

uredništvo / editorship: dr. sci. denis Zaimović, Vildana jakić

lektura / language-editing: lidija limov

Prevod / Translation: nina lazović

fotografije / Photography: urbing, elvir nišić

oblikovanje / design: faruk Čatal

Produkcija / Production: samas, d.o.o. / samas, ltd., sarajevo, septembar 2012.

Tiraž / edition: 300 primjeraka / copies

gRad saRajeVohamdije kreševljakovića 3, 71000 sarajevo, bosna i hercegovinatel.: 033 208 340, 443 050, fax.: 033 208 341, e-mail: [email protected], www.sarajevo.ba

ciTy of saRajeVohamdije kreševljakovića 3, 71000 sarajevo, bosnia and herzegovinaTel: 033 208 340, 443 050, fax: 033 208 341, e-mail: [email protected], www.sarajevo.ba

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